. ' -r' THE::CHARmTTE lEW f -i : a 1 1 v ri- I HIGH FIVE PLAYS ASHEVILLE TEAM Mountaineer Here for Game at "Y" at 8 O'clock Friday Night. . Charlotte high school basketball team will clash with the fast Asheville high school quintet Friday night at the "Y '. The game will start at 8 o'clock, The Asheville boys are boasting of the fact that thy licked the - locali once this season, but Charlotte isn't so sure it can be done twice. The game will - be the last to be played before .the state championship contests. . ' The elimination games for the state championship will start in a week or so. . 1 I The Asheville "lirie-up will be Gars field and Florence, forwards;' Estes, center; Hayes and Johnson, guards. Scheadle, ' Greene ' arid "Mobley "will be in reserve as substitutes. Coach Faul will send in the following for ' Chatlotte: Mallory and McMillan, forwards; Yates, center; Milstead and Bierman, guards. As a preliminary- to the main clash, the American Trust Company will tac kle Wyaft's "Y" and Highland Park will play Grinnell in the City League schedule. The first game will be call ed at 7 cfclbck. GRAPPLERS ROW OVER THE 'HEADLOCK HOLD' By HENRY L FARRELTL, ' United Press Staff Correspondent. vNew York, . Feb. . ll.-r-Jack Curley's ban on the "headlock hold" in wrest ling bouts in New York has divided the ranks of the grranplers and mat fans, r Mostly affected by the edict of the promoter who has become practically the' controller of the sport in America, of course, is the heavyweight cham pion, Ed "Strangler" Lewis, who worked his way up and won the title by the "headlock." -. Lewis claims that the prohibition of his pet hold will just about ruin him as the most lucrative matches are staged in New York and as smaller promoters in other states are following) the lead of Curley in outlawing the hold. Many fans claim the head-lock is not more punishing or brutal than the '.'scissors" of the former champion, Joe Stecher, or the toe hold. ; Earl Caddock, judged by many fans the best of all the present crop of mat men is among the grapplers who side with Lewis and claim that the hold is not so dangerous that it should be ruled outi . . Lewis Is highly wrought up over Curley's action claiming that no, com plaint, was made about the hold until he won the title. s Curley bases his action on the grounds that the public and the press demanded a ban on the grip after Lewis had injured several opponents. GIRLS' BASKETBALL TEAM OFF FOR PLAY The girls' basketball team of th Charlotte High School left Friday morning at 10:25 for Greensboro for a game with the hoopsters of that city Friday night. The girls will proceed to Winston Salem Saturday for a contest with tho high school girls there. The party, chaperoned by Mrs. .1.' M. Jamison is composed of Miss Rut ledge Dudley, manager of the team; Miss Mary Keesler, captain; Miss Mil dred Shepard, Miss Virginia Whitlock, Miss Margaret Brown, Miss Louise Gibbon, Miss Wayne Dudley, Mis-3 Marlha Jamison, and Miss - Elizabeth kinvalez. WILSON KAYOED ROSTAN. Kenowsha, Wis., Feb. 11. Johnny Wilson, defending his middleweight " boxing title for the first time since he won tho championship nearly a year ago, Thursday night knocked out Navy Hostan in the second round of a scheduled .10-round fight. LEWIS DEFEATED HASSEN. Columbia,- S C. - Feb; 11. Ed. ("Strangler") Lewis, champion heavy weight wrestler, defeated Baba Haa sen in two straight falls here Thurs day night, the- first in 38 minutes as the result of a flying head-lock and the second in 12 minutes with a hammer-lock. ;. GRANDMOTHER KNEV There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and Colds . as Mustard -: But the old-fashioned tnustard t plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the piaster and without the blister. Musterole does it . It is a clean, white ointment; made with oil of mus. :; tard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet does ',- not blister the tenderest skin. Gently massage Musterole in with the . finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re - et--haw speedily the pain disappears; Use Musterole for sore throat; bron chitis, tonsilitis,' croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges tion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil-.L-ainr, frosted feet, colds of the chest in. uiicu picvcuia pneumonia). 35c and 65c Jars; hospital sisa 53.00. IgnperiaT FOUR DAYS ' Commencing . Monday. Cecil B. De Mille's Production "F 0 R B I F D R DU EI N T" Vs mm BY V. A. PIIELON. THE TRADING SEASON. . - The merry trading days have come. The gayest of the year When magnates meet, and throw the bull. And figure mthods queer! v '" '' '7 Each magnate tries to rob his pal, To work some flimflam game And when the smoke clears up, the clubs. Remain about the same! Each tries to trade his spained stock, His wheezy, worn-out birds! ' And paints their worth, in . glowing style, ' With brilliant, dazzling words! They talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, An(l then' they talk some more But when they're done, the players stay Just where they were before! A tough job: Jack Kearns. Getting a forfeit out of LIFE'S KNOCKOUTS. Coming softly upstaris at 2 A. M. and then stepping on the cat. Anybody is liable to make mistakes. That's why they put rubbers on pen cils. One of 'the richest things that ever happened in a ballyard came off one afternoon in a game - between the Cin cinnati Reds . ana the Boston Braves. Ed Roush was on third, and the foxy Maranville started a conspiracy. The pitcher was to pitch way wide; Smith, the Braves' third baseman, was to be far off the baser naturally, Roush- would take a big lead; .Maranville was to slip in behind Roush, Tragesser, who was catching, was to make a lightning throw and the unsuspecting nousn wouia be caught a block. Smith walked off third; Roush went halfway down the line; Rudolph pitched wide, and Maran ville ran over to the base. And then Tragesser, holding the ball and corru gating his ptizzled brow, shouted to the Rabbit: "What was I to do next?" - o SOME EPITAPHS. Here lies the body of Burton Code- The rifle had a forgotten load. Hero rests John Greeri; a dry law vic tim He had no booze when a rattler nicked him. " " We morun the virtues of Thomas Rawitt . His rest was red, and an old bull saw it. Jjet's hope, in regard to Jared Trout. That he went above but there is some doubt. . Rocks on the mountain, fish in the sea . ' v Oh where is -the tout who tipped dead ones to me? JOHN FEARS NOTHING. Married, at Newport, Ky.; John R. Davis and Nellie Kayo. Copyright National Newspaper Service. STRICTLY AMATEUR BOUTS ARE CARDED San Francisco, Feb. 11. Boxing shows will be resumed There .tonight af ter a lapse-of several months. ' The city authorities prohibited .boxing shows following - disclosures ' that two of a group of men accused of attack ing " girls were professional - boxers. Later, however, the prohibition was lifted to-permit strictly amateur bouts, and it - is of this class that tonight's card is composed. The. bouts are under the auspices of an American Legion post. All those Who appear are required to prove that boxing is not 'a business with them and that they have regular occupa tions. ' WILSON CHALLENGED FOR BOUT BY GIBBONS St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 11. Mike Gib bons, St.' Paul' middleweight boxer, to day was awaiting a reply to his chal lenge for a bout with Johnny Wilson, champion middleweight, sent to Wilson at Kenosha, 'Wis., last night. Gibbons, ' who announced his retire ment from the Ting a year ago after his defeat at the hands of Mike O'Dowd, former champion, is anxious tor another chance to 'come back." The St. Paul phantom-1 has been gradually getting into flighting trim recently. Today he weighs 10 or 11 pounds over the mid dleweight limit, but hie said he is confi dent he can get down to 156 pounds without weakening himself. - - : - STEPHEN O'BRIEN, 66, HAS ANOTHER MEDAL New York, Feb. 11 Stephen O'Brien, 66, an amateur skating champion of more than 40 years ago, wore another medal on his chest today as a result of a skating feat performed last night. He negotiated 13 miles on a two-mile-lap-to-the-mile track in 58 min utes, 2 minutes less than the record sought. He sprinted the" : last ' two laps, gave an exhibition of fancy skat ing and then engaged in a strenuous game of ice' hockey, substituting for one of his sons. ' WOFFORD NOSED OUT CITADEL. Spartanburg, S. C, Feb. 11--Wofford College defeated the Citadel Thursday night .in. the hardest fought -and fast est game . of basketball of the season, 22 to 21. .- . BOUCHER IS DISMISSED. Washington, Feb. 11. President Wilson Tnursday approved the " dis missal from the navy of Lieutenant Commander Creed H. Boucher,- of Sari Francisco, formerly assistant' to "the naval governor ..of ' Samoa. Boucher was 'charged 'with a variety of of fenses, among which were intoxication on duty, conduct unbecoming ,an offi cer, disrespect . to his superior' officers and falsehood. " . ': .., If HUNT'S 8.W. fcn in th tr.Btment ef ITCH, ECZEMA. RINGWORM, TETTER other Itcblnff skin iiaatm. Try m 73 seat box mi mar ha. tcLpii : iJtf&bwlJp ,s IN L I THREE MAGNATES NOT: Annual Spring Meeting of American - League Held Today in Cleveland. . Cleveland,' Feb. .11. The annual spring meeting of ' the" ' Americaji League, called by; President, B.;;B. John son, was . scheduled to 1 open here , at noon today". ;-- - " " " Advices - from .New ,York last .night were to the effect that Colonel' Jacob Ruppert and T. L. Huston, 'owners ;:of the New York club, would nbti.be rep resented. According. - to V the same - ad vices, Harry. Frazee, owner of the Bos ton Red Sox, and Charles Comiskey of the Chicago White Sox,- also would be absent. . - . - " '. : . . ' These owners, have been opposed to the policies of President Johnson for some time. With . the acceptance by Judge Laridis as baseball "commissioner, it was generally ' understood that: . all factional troubles in the American League had been! amicably ..adjusted; , Five clubs, which have been loyal to President Johnson Cleveland, . De troit, St. Louis, Washington and Phil adelhia were expected to be represent ed. .:- v'''' : - " v " The meeting was to consider an in crease of the interleague' waiver, price between the "two major leagues from $2,500 to .$4,000 on the suggestion lot the baseball advisory council. Changes in the " world's series and - American League, rules, .as . approved by the ad visory council, also were to be discuss ed and the 1921 playing schedule was to be submitted for adoption.- BRIDGE GIVES WAY AND CAR IS CAUGHT A largge touring car, .driven by Wayne Spoon,, of .the J3erita road, went upon the bridge spanning Sugar creek, between DUworth and Myers Park, Thursday night after the. abutment had been washed away. Spoon was nt driv ing fast anj was able, to keep the rear part of his car on the roadway. The bridge is at the bottom of a long grade leading from Myers Park.. Spoon slackened his speed materially before starting to. cross the bridge. The front wheels dropped down onto the structure, which had fallen about four feet below, the level of the highway, the-car bal ancing between the bridge and thhe road. . ' Neither Spoon nor his car wai hurt. It was necessary, however, to call police headauarters for assistance in gettihgg the car back to the road. Thomas Grif fith, township trustee, went out, and, after examing theb ridge, requested that the road be closed until the structure could be repaired. , . JONES TAKES IT BACK. Washington. Feb. 11. Senator. Jones, of New Mexico, democratic national committeeman from that state,, has asked that his name be stricken, oil the recent petition sent by 56 mem bers of the national democratic com mittee to Chairman .White . and mem bers of the executive committee urging that a meeting of the full 1 committer be called for . March 1. - : I? I TOO Men's and ':' Young Men's UNCALLED FOR mm?. PAHTS 1C00 PAIRS SACRIFICED SB.CO Pants tt 52.S5 S7.00P2nUat$3.S5 S8.Q0 Pants it S4.S5 $9.00 Pants at $5.95 AT MEETING SUITS $1,50 Nothings Reserved BANKS !ESGAPEBM!E .... . . j - , None is Affected by - Lej?al Procedure ito; Offset f Move oi Federal ; Reserve.; , V. Charlotte .banks" wUL not ibe -affected by the . temporary - in junction signed ? by Judge W- F." Harding Tafter .argument by ; John : J. Parker ."of the slaw; ftrm V of Stack '& Parker of Monrderrepreserit- ine . 20 -or mori. small Jianks of tho state who .seek, to -restrain . the jfedxal reserve oank :at . Richmond' -. from, fe its threat to force them to': clear v checks at par. - . '. ' - ; - '':v "" . The , North Carolina ; general asseni- J viy iiaa .. vuiea an ; ravor-..or smaii -. oanKs by ;a law permitting them -.to continue the charge of exchange - rates Xin i the matter - of checks. The ' reserve 5: batik has sent a letter to North, Carolina banks not members of the "federal -'reserve, system, '-threatening .toserid .'ah agent to . North . Carolina. . to r . collect checks, on .the. .smaller, banks1 and a terward .forcing them - to adhere: strict ly r. to. the par 'clearance practice. .Thq reserve, system holds that - the. ! North' Carolina, law is unconstitutional ' and that the , courts 'are bound' to so hold. Immediately on-receipt 'of - the letter from. Richmond . small, banks .in -North Carolina who are - not members of the reserve system , and whose credit iwilt be' menaced, according! to their rofflcers'i! if the , Richmond bank -".'should vdishoh-. or ' their W checlcs,;-. ' took;, ' steps' 4ip have .the .reserve hank Testrained. from its intention' to carry out its ; nurDose. The temporary in Junction; sought .1 for ana signed " by Judge ;Hardiijg is re- turnaDie oetore Judge J. .Bis Ray 'of Monroe March 1. . . ' ' " V " All Charlotte banks doing, a .'checking business, with one exception;- are riiem bers of the federal reserve . system, all national banks being a 'member of the system according rto . legal requirement; and the two trust companies, the Amer ican and the - Independence,'.- f being members by preference.: The '.par clear ance of checks here is a feature that has always . been, in'; effect." at local bdnks and the neither the order of the federal reserve system or ' the temporary restraining order here wul have any effect. ' - ' i ST. JOHNS WAS EASY. ' Charlottesville, Va.,' Feb. " 11-Uni-versity of Virginia's basketball -team had little - trouble Friday, night ; defeat-' ing St, Johns by a, score of 50 to 0. 12 South Tryon St. r YouriCholce of -Any Garment In the House At These Closing-Out Prices IVRY EMPLOYES TO BANQUET SATURDAY ,-. I The annual party, and dinner , of J. B. Ivey ; Company department-store will take place'. Saturday J;iight, beginning ,at '7:45" o'clbck.'C?It will be staged-. In i i - . j - J; ' ; Jl. . ' TCTn rtTir- in,e . uiniigj room : ui.;iue Biure. r uu - ins': the'; dinner,! there will be short r ad dresses - by . member's ; of the 'firm and talks ion ;;yarious phases of : the " store's activities 'J.'-' 4'. i'5 - - - " ' - ' ' "For many--; years ,the ; annual r party and 7 dinneri has 'been',; a feature of . the Ivey ; store.v, ' The" distribution of bonus checks based on the ; period of service of ; the . 'employe,-: has been a feature also f'fqir" ycafs.; The.,1 checks are dis tributed,'at fthe dinner, the plan- being to . have .the " employe - find hls or her check . beside 'the dinner plate. - Approximately -150 people , are . con nected .with the store"and these will be seated- around, the dinner- table, .aiso participatiris - in the business hour and social program j afterward. EDWARD" -BRISBANE IS KILLED FOR MURDER r Chicago, Feb.' ; 11. Edward Brislane, hanged . at ; the county- pail here at 9 o'clock this morning, for the murder .of, William Mills. 'manager of a motion pic ture'- theatre, during - a robbery of the box-office, in' his last hours m the' death cell .'.declared that . capital punishment wa.s wrong and should be abolished. 'News' of Governor: Small's refusal to grant a reprieve was given him shortjy af termianignt and: ror tne nnrst, time he showed; signs of a breakdown," refus ing -to touch an elaborate chicken din-ner;:-Whn avvisit from his sweetheart interrupted his preparation of a long ar ticle ' on capital- punishment, he dried her, tears and assured her he would be reprieved, - hot learning until after she haa gone that his last hope of evading the gallows .w;as already gone. SWIFT. FOUND NOT GUILTY. v ; Macon,' .Ca., . Feb.; 11--rW. O. Swift, former f, city V detective, v; was , found not guilty of 1 the charge of murder b a jury" in '.superior. court : late ; Thursday afternoon. " He had ? been . previously convicted and given - a", life term scn tenco hi - connection .with the double killing of -Abram Kimbrell and - Philip ijamar, but a . new trial was . granted! Two of the four ' lawyers for Swift v ere. women. r , ,V ; , : K A 1 better. Salt-Jack" Frost." your grocer for it. Ask FOR A THOROUGH COURSE AND A GOOD POSITION, J? f o - .La ffflHE WIfJTER STOCK MHSTRFSQLD REGARDLESS OF COST . , . . throughout our entire chain of stores " "" ; INCLUDING t Ijltf s ij yurig Rijen'is SPECIAL! - Men's 57.00 PAKTS 100 Pair Sacrificed $8 Men's & 'i ii MlillliMlMn!.iuiUji.)'''' t vita. Men's PflilTS 3 u ,7V . . o o ' BdyevJ : ;vWarning!; 'Unless -you see the .name "Bayer" 0 tablets, you are r not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by,-physicianS'for-21-yearsvand proved safe by million ' SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken package" of genuine 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper diret. ytibns for Headache ; EaracheTootnachej Neuralgia, Colds, Rh' matism,' Neuntis, Lumbagband pain generally. Strictly American ; ( ; Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost hut a few eents Larger packages. ' Aaplrln ii the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Kenoaceti'cacideter of Sallcyiicj, . Equip yourself the right- way -to work in the "gym." It is our business to ;serve you, and we are ready. Come to see us. Carolma Sporting Goods Co, EVERYTHING FOR THE OUTDOOR MAN 5 W. Fourth St. . (Just off Trydn) Phone 3248 i . - i -' ' v ' . ' : 5 (hti Hlllli AlliBxr For Men and Young MetuP . Well Worth DouIev NOW ..... Younf 200 Fine Blue SUITS Sacrificed, $45 Vlue RAINCOATS , SACRIFICED f BELOW COST ,31 West Opposite on Genuine ATTEND Telephone mm WE ARE FORCED y TO RAISE CASH! OUR GREAT HUNGER FOR READY CASH NEEDS NO. FURTHER EXPLANATION! READ AND 7 nv. CONVINCED ihe Suits Serge NOW..,; v - IT v Silk Trimmed J Fine Suits and Overcoats ;l NOW Trade Street Selwyn Hotel ft. R BIiU.STt XJRIlft Co. u 4

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