THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C -FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 11, 19ZI. 12 Childreris Day Saturday and Monday will be chil dren's days 'at our store. 69c. to $3.00 If the "Kiddies" want - Shoes . or Slippers see us we can "fix 'em." Thompson's Phono 23. THE SERVICE STORE The business that is being built by SERVICE- You are invited to become a customer. ASK YOUR DOCTOR (fw) t Walker's Drug Store s'!n Corner Seventh1 and Tryon streets. AUTOMOBILE DELIVERY - Norris Candy Parker Pens Agents f or ; Klim RED STAR LINE NEW RATES NEW SCHEDULE 1 Charlotte to Gastonia, 75c Lv. Central Hotel, Charlotte 7:45, 9:45, 11:45, 1:45, 3:45, 5:45, 7:45, 11:00. Ar. Armington Hotel, Gastonia 8:50,40:50,12:50 2:50, 4:50, 6:50, 8:50. 12:05. RATES Charlotte to Belmont. . . . . . ......... . . .50c Charlotte to McAden. . ...... ........ 50c Charlotte to Lowell. ... . .;. .. ..V. ..... .50c Charlotte to, Gastonia . 75c Lv. Armington Hotel; Gastonia 8:00, 10:10,12:00 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, 8:00. Ar. Central Hotel, Charlotte 9 :05, 11:05, 1:05, 3:05, 5:05, 7:05, 9:05. WATCH FOR THE CAR WITH THE RED STAR IN 1920 WE SOLD MORE K.L. M THAN ANY OTHER DRUG STORE IN THE UNITED STATES ip.---' - i and-' WE ARE STILL . SELLING IT Reatty's Drug Store 201 North Tryon. Telephone 675-676 TEMPLAR WINTON ELGIN MOTOR CARS OF DISTINCTION ' "SERVICE A PLEASURE" " GOSS-HEATH & COMPANY '410 W. Fourth Street. , ....... Phone 4314 Let Us Demonstrate OUR TRUCKS CERTAINLY. ?DO MOVE" Some speed! We " can empty a whole three-story house, move the contents miles away In a few hours, and , the same day have every article in Its proptr room in the new location or in storage. Some care, too! And some moderate rate, considering our complete service. -Furniture Packed for Shipment. Phone 52. COCHRAN & ROSS CO. 215 Weat Fourth St. Plumbing That Pleases Conscientious service, skilled workmanship and satisfactory mate rials these things , we offer to the home owner who expects the best ox o TcLir pnc Estimates gladly given. McAuley, Garrison & Hopkins Co. II. Grady McAuley. T. Roach Garrison. Howard 1. TTnnklna M W1 CONTRACTUS BANK GOES INTO NEW .QUARTERS Independence Trust Now Occupies All ol ttrouna Floor of Realty Building. The banking department of the In dependence Trust Company is in its new quarters, formerly occupied by the Charlotte National Bank, on the ground floor "of the Realty building. Tim now niiartera are considered to be among the handsomest banking quar ters in the state. JJ or many montns me work of remodeling has been under way. A marble stairway said to be oiie of the most beautiful bits of work of its kind in the state, leads from the old quarters of the bank to the new. The new quarters will be devoted to th6 banking operations entirely, while the insurance department of the trust company will remain in the old quar ters Entrance to the bank will be from the Tryon and Trade street stides, with the entrance to the insurance de partment on Tryon street. The office of the president, cashier and assistant cashier of the bank will be to the right of the Trade street entrance. To the left will be the woman's department, with writing tables and telephone con nection, and other features of conven ience for the woman patrons of the bank. The directors room Is . on the mez zanine floor of the bank, as is also the office of the president's secretary. The bank is equipped with a pneuma tic sjitem for conveying checks from one department to another. The bank has also its own telephone switchboard on the first floor. "HOME BUILDING" TO BE TOPIC FOR CLUB "Home Building" will be the subject for discussion at the meeting of the home economics section of the Wo man's Club -at the clubhouse at S o'clock Friday night. E. ; Xr. Keesler of the Mutual Building ' &" Loan Asso ciation, and J. P. Quarles of the Metro politan Life Insurance Company, and C. C. Hook, architect,, will, be the speakers. Mr. Keesler will tell of methods by which people with small incomes may acquire a home of their own through the building and loan associations. Mr. Quarles will tell of methods of buying and maintaining homes through the medium of life insurance. Mr. Hoolc will point out things that a woman wants in her home in the way of home conveniences and will direct the at' tention of his . hearers to how impor tant it is to have definite plans to work to in arranging a home. An invitation has been extended to all prospective home owners who are interested in the topics to be discussed to attend the meeting. ANOTHER BREATH OF AIR. v "Washington, Feb. 11. The Fdrdney emergency tariff bill got ?fviother breath of air in the senate Thursday after having besn shoved forward and pulled back almost daily fcr a week without having been .the subject of deliate. At the close of Thursday's considera tion of the measure, however, it was agreed to let it lie over until Satur To Cure a Cold in One Day Take GROVE'S Laxative BROMO QUININE tablets. . The genuine bears the signature, of E. W. Grove. (Be sure you get BROMO.) 30c. (1) A Splendid Hair Grower Found at Last Shows Results in Few Days or Nothing to Pay. X '"fw" This Man is Getting Bald. Parisian Sage is Just What is Needed in . All Such Cases. I Here is good news for all men and women whose hair is faded, dry, streak-, ed and scragtfly is falling out badly and whose scalps are covered with dand ruff and itch like road. Your druggist can now supply you with tha genuine Parisian Sage whioh is guaranteed to quickly , and safely banish every sign of disgusting dand ruff,: stop itching scalp and falling hair and stimulate a.-new growth, or' money refunded. Thousands can testify to the excellent results from its use; some who feared baldness now glory in their abundant hair, while others who were annoyea for yearsawith dandruff , and itching; head got' a clean, healthy' scalp 1 after just a few days' use of this simple home treat ment. Parisian Sage is a scientific prepara tion, that supplies hair needs. It's easy to use, perfectly harmless, not sticky or greasy, and even the first application usually makes the hair and scalp look and feel 100 per cent better. ' If you want to save your hair, make it always look its best, nd start a new growth, don't oeiay begin using Paris ian Sage now tonight. A large bottle costs you nothing if it does not give perfect satisfaction. it AEjfftiiiTr DR. L. S. FOX, v Dentist N - Announces the REMOVAL of his offices from the for- mer location to 2114 W. TRADE ST. Over Yorke & -Rogers, just across the street from the old location. (QUOTING THE PUBLIC J People Much The Same World Over. "I have been in' cities in nearly all parts of the world," said George Dawson, graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, officer in the U. S. mer chant marine 'and sojourning in. Char lotte briefly, "and there is not much difference in people, I mean civilized people, wherever you find-them. They have manners and customs a little dif ferent in different places, but, outside of these superficialities, they are pret ty much alike in every clime." . s Band Will Be Biggest in Stale. "The. proposed scdut band," said A. F. Bartlett, instructor and, director, "wfll be the largest band in the state when organized. It will consist of 40 members. "We expect to be able, to have the instruments in Charlotte in a short while." Auto Business in East Better. 'The eastern part of . the state," said Armand Myers, automobile dealer, "is also becoming more favorable for the sale of automobiles. Things are pick ing, up at our concern in Raleigh, and inquiries are increasing." One-Cent Letters Go Unread. "Any man," said A. N. Boger of the Mecklenburg hotel, as he tore two un opened letters into shreds, "who will put a one cent stamp on a letter nesd never , expect to have the thing . read by me. When you get a letter with a. one-cent stamp on it, you might as well make up your mind that there's nothing in it." Movies Draw On The Thin Purses. "Moving pictures," said Bob Master man of a Charlotte exchange, "have certainly shown no effects from the hard times that hit us. According to reports from various parts of the state, "the picture theaters are draw ing the crowds just as they have al ways done." ' WbmM His Ambition For High School. "My ambition is to . make the Char lotte High School so good that the richest man in town will feel that he is giving his child the best educa tional advantages by sending him there," said H. P.. Harding, superin tendent of the city schools. But Walker Says It's All Talk. "This talk of running Jim Walker for mayor is just the thing," said K. B. Crandall. "It suits a lot of Charlotteans to a T, and he ought to be draped for the race- (whether he likes it or not. If we could get him on the job he would do his duty all right never knew him to fail." Amendment Aids Street Paving. "The amendment of the street im provement act permitting the city to levy on property for more than 20 per cent of its value will aid the government very much in getting street improvement work done in sev eral sections of the city," said A. H. Wesm, commissioner of public works. "Heretofore, we have been able to levy only on 20 per cent of the as sessed value of the property. A house and "lot worth $800 could be assessed for street purposes onlv Y. 5. This would not pay for the improve ments in many cases, and thus held up the work." Why Road Shows Are Taken Off. "No wonder some of the road shows traveling through the . South are being taken off this year," said William Elliott, "if the small crowd out ' to ;?ear the New . York English Opera .Associaiirn present 'Faust' at the city auditorium is typical. That was one of the best shows that has, been hero in a long time so far as excellence of voices was concerned, and the crowd was much smaller excellent company deserved, great need of a new theater here. Ore reason people won't . attnd a show here is because the theater is not a good one." 'than the Tnere :s English Not So Stolid, After All. "Don't believe anybodysthat tells you the average English audience is stolid' said Charles Kublick, musician at a local theater the first half of the Week, who has played all; over the 'wbrld. "An English audience knows - what it likes and will let you know in a minute whether you are furnishing what it wants or not. Particularly is this true with the 'gallery crowd.' If it likes you, your act goes great with the whole house. If it' doesn't like yo$i, your act will not go at all." French Won't Descend to English. "In Vienna, Austria, there . was a strong prejudice in favor of Ameri cans when I was there with Ban mm & Bailey's circus some years - before the war," said Joe Hudson, famous cyclist. "They are eager . there to learn the English language and in nearly every restaurant the waiters speak English. Jn France, if you do not speak French there is little further to interest you, because a Frenchman, thinks if you cannot speak French you surely cannot "am ount to much." . WELFARE COUNCIL PROPOSED FOR CITY Directors of the Associated Charities are proposing the formation of a central welfare council for the city to aid in the co-ordination- of the work of the various welfare and -charitable organi zations and to prevent overlapping of work. The proposal would bring into an organization officials of the city health department, Charlotte Co-opera-tive Nursing association,'. Associated Charities,; Ministerial association, Red Cross relief section and other bodies. , Steps towards the formation of the council are expected to betaken soon when a meeting of representatives of the different associations wil be held. WON COMMANDING VICTORY. Capetown, Union of South Africa, Feb. 11. (By . the Associated Press.) The South African party, headed by General Smuts, has won a commanding vistory over the Secesionists and other parties in the general elections through out South Africa. FOUR DAYS Commencing Monday Cecil B. De MiUe's Production O R B ' I F D R D U E I N.f "Oh, Doctor!" wailed old Jerry Jones with morbid anguish in his tones, "I realize that -I'm 94 but still I want to live some more! Tell me something I can do to last till 1992!" K Old Jerry has the average fears. We want . to live a thousand "years. -We'd like our lives to ooze as far as that of old Methuselah. Suppose it did? Well, this is how a life like that would change us now . - When we had some work to do we probably never would get thr6ugh, for we'd say, "I'll let it go for 97 years or so!" Friends would meet upon the street and say, "By George, old top, it's sweet to see you after that wild throw we had six "hundred years ago!". Imagine what a funny thrill we'd have to get a grocery bill which read, "A thousand years have passed since you settled with us last!" Wouldn't it make) you smile aloud to hear some fellow in a crowd say, -"So long! I must catch the car to dine with great-great-great grandma!" Ajid heavens, if you killed your wife and had to go to jail for life it would take the whole darn mint to pay your board and Sing-Sing, rent! The life term law would be refuted. -We'd have to be electrocuted! And even then at all the trials no person now could make denials that the news would reach our ears, "The jury stayed out twenty years!!" Our daily life would be so slow because we had so long to grow that all the folks would get so lazy our poor coun try would go crazy. Why when some thief held up a bank he'd bring a chair to rest his shank and cry, "I'll give you ninety years no more to throw the cash out on the floor!" '. My friends, to live a thousand years would cause us countless lakes of ters. We'd find ten thousand faults with life, and finally get a butcher knife and stab the beef saw in our chest and slide into the land of rest. Let old Jerry Jones rave on! In sixty years we'll all be gone! Copyright 1931, by News Publishing Co. tt Pape's Gold Compound" Breaks any Gold in Few Hours Instant Relief! Don't stay stuff ed-up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of ".Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up any cold. : The very first dose opens clogged nos trils and the air passages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the head ache, dullness, feverishness. "Pape's Cold Compound" acts quick, sure, and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains- no quinine Insist upon Pape's! For Girls and . . r Boys We are closing: . Out a few Specials at Factory Cost If , you want, to pick up a Real Bargain don't pass this chance by TT i maineson & Paint Hardware Everything in 'Goody Hardware, Paints and Wall Paper. 30 W. ;iVade ;SL Phone 175. - SINCE 1868 THE HOME" OF GOOD SHOES FbrB usiness Wear A man's shoe for business wear must combine comfort and utility with neat and stylish appearance. It must be a "friendly" shoe good for all kinds of weather, Happily i our business men's shoes enjoy all these attributes as well as the other Important - one of being moderately priced.' . i , i .5 Gilmer-Moore Company Shoes Hosiery Luggage it Knox "Naylor" -a soft felt hat favored by a lot of men. -it is built along the lines most popular this Spring. -It is sbtfwn in enough colors to give every man a chance to pick his favorite. -it is as fine in every way as a hat can be made, -it is fully, guaranteed by the Knox Trademark. O El 1 11' El AFTER-INVENTORY SALE OF ' Every Shoe in our stock is offerd at : OST We must clean -put our shelves ' to make room for our spring k styles. '. ATHENS 38 East Trade Street Phone 122 Bit Sets Various sizes, furnished in a case that pro tects the cutting edges and makes it easy to find the desired size when wanted. A complete set of bits like these will be a great addition' to your outfit of tools. Naturally, the place to get them is at SMITH-WADS WORTH Hardware Company "The Quality Hardware Store" 29 E. Trade St Phones 64-65 r n i r it s i r 9!

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