THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. 0, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 11, 1921. 13 $E AT EES t The Broadway. , . . a,'ipearanc of Conway Tearle Plznick star was the feature at 6 ..., thpater yesterday, where (f Road "to Ambition" began a two- f Jfrfoad to Ambition" is an ideal i for Mr. Tearle, as it gives him nrtuitny to display his taletns 'e that has great latitude in a . v,o P-rpat latitude in the en- f ,pnt and development of the (Me1"' zja i first seen aa "Rill a husky young foreman in 1 mil'- ISlli ttniuiiiuua, aim kthews ee to use his brain as we1! "U'f, b,awn, although he is sadly I" .1 v,ir 1trk nf pflnr.atlrin. iTo , a a method of using waste ma 'i i and turning it into a valuable 'la Jrt and thus takes his first Proa '., "tliP. road of ambition. ' .rSninpr. by dint of study and ap- 1 L . . : .,ronin hA than (inn niS IBI1UI lie ""Til B00"' -f,,l fnptnr in his fiM .-f fiver There is a pretty loo ;3ea .',r,infr throughout the storv. a is a colorful one, with plenty cf n virile -vjp. j v. L so enjoy. - . Bl,UUrVS nf.he oWett TraU" ' bec0lnS unusually popular for their TTSL-?- TU Which openel I ality of .tone and popular orchestra Thursday a three-day run at the Broad-1 tions. -way theater, is pne of the most beau-i s - . . 225 ,dramas ,of theH. No,tn Presented Handpainted Gowns in "My Golden here in several months. This program, GM " including aleo "One A. M." a two-reel r,tnr ttJ ' ' ' ' -. - . comedy extraordinary with CharlLi 1 ,JkAct or !?era &reatest musical unapun in the featujed role, was re-' 'T, Tvr , "-J BUCCss, iy ceived by the Broadway's patrons yt4 ldeAn wlU be the attraction at terday with marked interest and en- Auditorium theatre Saturday. If thusiasm. Despite the inclement XSwLr!?e?r 18 th same weather, the value from an entertain- 5? 4 , Crfitte such a sensatin in ment standpoint of the program was NeT 7rk' with its wonderful Herbert evidenced by the large attendanc-i ! ieiuuies,iJ "? ciever story, and the gor- gowns, throughout the afternoon and ing. - "The Golden Trail"' is a picture which will be received by every ona with keen relish. It ia of the virile, fast moving, romantic type of photo- arama. une rugged meetings of th cv,- Teach one a creation in itself. First you will see a richly colored dress built on the slender lines 'one sees on Egyptian statues a dress all spark ling gold an dred. and sashed with bril- jliant gold woven stuff, then you have Lraver s ROADWAY Today. Tomorrow i Dramatic triumph With With Alaskan Settings V. mm 1 A spectacular play of notable beauty of settings unfolding a delightful romance. Aiided" Attraction CHARLIE CHAPLIN In a Great Comedy "ONE A. M." THE BROADWAY A Charlotte Institution Klondyke rgion, the atmosphere of ! anot0er or white satin, pearl-sequined, strength, action and hardship whleh ! f.lsht, hung evening dress, . sashed pervades th9 picture, and the remark ably pleasing portrayal of the leading parts by Jane Novak and Jack Liv ingston, each of whom have, very dif ficult roles, combine to make up a film of great interest. This play, ui deed, may readily be described as one which will leave a lasting impression of pleasure, and satisfaction upoa those who see it, and its many un usual features lift it far above the usual standard of dramas of the froz en north. Jane Novak, with her cameo-like beauty, never appeared to better aJ vantage than she does in this photo play. She first is seen as the most popular girl in the college town and later as a faro dealer in a gambling hall in frozen Alaska. She has added to the records of filmdom another, re markable accomplishment, for the two roles she plays run parallel, and her transition from one to the other is a most interesting, and pleasing drama tic characterization. She is ably sup ported by Jack Livingston whose part also requires him to appear at differ ent times as a manof vastly different station in life. ' The comedy added attraction, "One A. M." brings Charlie Chaplin back to the Broadway in a comedy which U "the real goods." With palest lilac and silver wbven rih bons, another design of silver apples, : the leaves and branches glitter, against ; cobalt blue of a brocade,, frock; at the back swings a gay panel of brocade, and tassels of the tiniest blue china beads sway from the long lithe bodice, and the neck line is demure enough to have pleased the lovely Nicolette, These are only three of the many creations Mr. Jostin brought back trom Paris to be used in "My Golden Girl," and each dress, gown or frock is finish- 4ed in some wonderful hand-nainted design. t The attraction coudd be styled a fashion show de luxe, but when you stop to think of the delightful Her bert melodies, the clever story, ex cellent casti great singing and danc ing, magnificent production, beautiful girls, augmented orchestra, you will agree with The New York Globe, when they classified it as "a golden enter tainment." , Bert Lytell at Imperial. In "The Misleading Lady," which comes as the feature attraction, at the Imperial theatre for a run of two days, beginning today, local motion picture patrons will be treated to a screen ver sion of the notable play by Charles "Song and Dance Revue" Offer Final Musical Comedy Program. "The Song and Dance Vevue" offer their final and closing musical comedy arrangement at the Piedmont theatre f ortoday and. tomorrow. This . funny offering will be called, "Fun in a Turk ish Bath." The first thing to be said for this attraction is that it is clean and wholesome, refined and all that it should MINSTREL REVUE IS TOP-NOTGHER .Laughs Jfreaominate in Keith Academy Bill for Last Half of Week. "The ; Black and White Revue," a tabloid installment of smart minstrelsy featuring La Chesta, a dancing mar vel, with a capable cast of six assist ants, made three audiences at tha Keith theater Thursday wonder why there are not more features like it in vaudeville. "With two original end men, in regulation burnt cork and burlesqu evening clothes, . and an interlocucor; the minstrel feature is presented in regulation style. But, added to this, is the exceptionally clever 'idancing of La Chesta and the pleasing vocal quartette of four young women as a featue. Willie S,olar, an international musi cal comedy star, with a face as mo bile and expressive as was ever own ed by any comedian, adds much merri ment to the program with his several comic songs, and "Slim" Grinnell and Coryl Esther rurnlsh an unusirally good comic feature. Nadolny, most original of jugglers, is as amusing in his line of chatter as fce is skillful as a juggler. Helen Primrose, 'Vaude ville's champion nut comedienne, opens the bill with a very original comedy offering of singing and talking. " The film, program preceding the vaudevilleprogram is also a very en tertaining' part of the program for the last half of the week. FIRST GERMAN WAR BRIDE IS IN CHICAGO Chicago, Feb. 11. -The first German war bride of a Chicago soldier, with the American army of occupation, was at home here today with her husband. lieutenant James Smith of the marine corps. While the army regulations frowned on fraternizing with the en emy on the Rhine, Smith met and be came engaged to Miss Erna Ferstmay- er there. After two years, she obtain ed permission to join him. arrivi: last Monday in New York, where they were married- COPE EXPEDITION SAILS. Valparaiso, Chile, Feb. 11. Command der John Cope of the British imperial expedition, which hopes ultimately to reach the South Pole by airplane, sail ed from Port Stanley, Falkland Is lands, December 20, according to a mes sage received here. YOUTH OF 20 ELECTROCUTED. Ossining, N. Y., Feb. 11. Jesse Walker, 20, of Evansville, Ind., was put to death in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison Thursday night for the murder of Samuel Wolchak, a Brooklyn stationer, whom he tried to rob on November 3, 1919. COLLEGE PRESIDENT CANNOT BE LOCATED Talladega, Ala; Feb. 11. -Mystery surrounds the disappearance; of Presi dent Gerard White, of IsbU College here, who left last week for Birming ham on a short business trip and lias not returned. A A letter sighed "Btenry Hoskins," and stating that Dr. White has been injur ed in an automobile accident in Blxm- -ingham ana that he wa8 being taken to relatives in North Carolina, was re ceived after his departure, but investi gation developed the fact that no suea I accident had occurred and that Henry Hoskins was unknown in iarmingnam. Teachers and students have left for their homes and the college has been closecL. -: . " ROUGHS: Apply over lurosre am -swallow matt pieces of-- V VAPO RUO Owr 17 Million Jot thed Ytmty GOVERNOR OF CANAL ZONE SAILS FOR U. S. , Panama. Feb. 11. Colonel Chester Harding, governor of the Panama car nal zone, sailed for the United Stages yesterday afternoon and will not re turn to the isthmus. His resignation Goddard and Paul Dickey, which enjoy-j an1 departure leaves Colonel Jay J. ed such a triumphant success on the New York stage. More than that, they will see Bert Lytell, that versatile and gifted young actor who has won an undisputed niche in screendom. He has the dashing role of Jack ' Craigen, the confirmed woman hater whose first appearand in effete New York after a stay in South Africa brings with it his . complete surrender to beautiful Helen Steele. Only after he has made his avowal does Craigen ho Afilt TT'mnlrf nrrl's mmnanv nf miiKi. cai comedy and vaudeville entertainers J learn that she made him promise to are proving a very popular attraction at the Piedmont this week and splendid at tendance has been enjoyed regardless of the extremely disagreeable weather. In this closing bill, Emma Wilson, the prove her fitness for a leading part at a millionaire's "little theatre." Infuriated by such treatement, Craigen abducts her to his hunting lodge and proceeds to a brusque ' wooing, which begins Morrow as acting governor Operating mechanics employed on the canal have resigned because- of the withholding of bonus payments and the situation threatens a tie-up of .he canal by the time the .Atlantic and Pacific fleets return here from the joint manoeuvers which " are now in progress off theswest coast of South America. 'gay little soubrette sings and leads wun xne iaay cnamea, ana encw in. a I the chorus in many new and delightful I breathless episode in whicn he wins I i ti ,1 tr 't-rx-.n. I asrainst thfi claims of TTplpn's fianw Bib Wise Guy," and the capable "straight" is always a study in "ginger and pep" and contributes greatly to the i effectiveness of the show. The Piedmont orchestra in its stand ard overtures on the picture programs is a feature within themselves and are AT THE OTTOWAY TODAY Conway Tearle In The Road of.. Ambition' An Inspiring Story of Romance and Determination RHEUMATISM Physician Believe a Heal Remedy For the Disease Has Been Found. Rheuma, the wonderful rheumatism remedy sold by drgglsts everywhere, gives quickev and more lasting relief A than other remedies , costing many times as much. -RhPiima helDa nass the deadly pois- onous secretions intf .h bowels and kidneys, from wnicn tney are quicKiy thrown off in a natural, healthy way. Read what a refutable physician says about Rheuma: "I have made a most careful investigation of the formula employed in the manufacture pf Rheuma, and I heartily recommend it as a remedy for all forms of . rheu matism. -I find Rheuma far in ad vjuu of. the, .methods generally em ployed in the treatment of rheum tiem. and altogether different in com position from the remedies usually prescribed. Dr. M. C. Lyons. This should rive any sufferer from rheumatism confidence to try Rheuma. Jas. P. Stowe & Co. will supply you and guarantee money refunded if Rheuma does not give complete and lasting relief. against the claims of Helen's fiance. ACTING ON A HUNCH, POLICE GET BANDITS EMPLOYES' REQUEST DENIED. Chicago, 111., Feb: 11. The Railroad Labor Board Thursday night refused to grant a motion by employes of the Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railway " that the hearing on the request of that road to reduce wages be thrown out on the ground that it did not legally come under the juris diction of the board. on New York, Feb. 11. Acting "hunch," three members of the police squad today captured three taxicab ! bandits who had held up a downtown t restaurant a few hours earlier mi robbed 15 guests of more than $5,000 in money and jewelry. The policemen were attracted by the suspicious appearance of the taxicab party, followed them for several miles, and arrested them as they left the ma chine. Victims of the restaurant raid identified much of the jewelry found on the trio. 1 EXPLORATION WINE CELLAR PROCEEDING New York, Feb.- 11. Exploration or sub-passages in a wine cellar on the upper east side where police have found 650 barrels containing 33,800 gallons of California claret, was begmr today. The police already have made two trips into the cellar. On their first visit, they discovered 400 barrels; the second revealed 250. others they hal overlooked. v INDIGESTION CANT STAY Stomach Pain , Sourness, Gases, and Acidity, ended with "Pape's Diapepsin" It - ' ' 'iff..-. ''' ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V( TP f L-ll LA .Ed LI IJ LnJ The Mecca of Discriminating Amusement Lovers THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY "SLIM" GRIXDELL & CORYL ESTHER "A HStudy in Thtoology" HELEN PRIMROSE Vaudeville's Nut Comedian THE BLACK AND WHItE REVUE A xModern Minstrel Creation FeaturingV.LA CHESTA Assisted by Capable Cast of Six WILLIE SOLAR The In ternationl Musical Comedy Star B F. KEITH VAUDEVILLE - - - "BEST BY TEST TODAY AND SATURDAY TODAY AND SATURDAY THEATRE TODAY Complete Change of Program MILT FRANKFORD'S THE SONG AND . . DANCE REVUE Tuneful, Musical - - Comedy and Vaudeville Mat.. 3 p. m., Eve. 7 and 8:30 p. m. Out-of-order stomachs feel fine at once! "When mi;als don't fit and you belch gas, acids and .undigested food. "When you feel indigestion pain, lumps of distress in stomach, - heartburn .or headache. Here is instant" relief. Just as soon as you eat a . table or two of Pape's Diapepsin all the dyspep sia, indigestion and stomach distress caused by acidity will end. These pleas ant, harmless tablets of Pape's Diapep sin always put sick, upset, acid stom achs in order at once and they cost so little at drug stores . We have them and they are the drug store, quality. What a Splendid Welcome to bring your guest before the Radiantfire hearth where shafts of glowing warmth bring quick com fort and real congeniality after a tramp through snow and cold. " , ' ,. . The Radiantfire All through the frosted winter months and the chil ly days of spring, this marvelously efficient and de cidedly beautiful Gas Heater holds the seat of honor in the family circle. Is Your Home Equipped? Telephone 2700. Southern Public Utilities Co. 0 carta CAYENNE PEPPER BLACK PEPPER SAGE EXTRACT VANILLA CLOVES MACE GINGER ROOT ' Phone 280 HE rHE STORY OF A CAVE-MAN WHO TAMED A WILD WOMAN Wherein j k chn1vn tUai- enma mAlt are dangerous for women to trifle " Hit, 1&BEB1 I V JUL 'UV The Captivating Stage Success rMETRO CLASSIC 1 FT- "ff-l Aso Comedy "A TRAY FUIA OF TROUBLE" AUDITORIUM Just One Night SATURDAY, FEB. 12 VICTOR HERBERTS GREATEST MUSICAL SUCCESS. SUCCESS ATCASIHO THEATRE.NEWYORK With Virginia Burt, Loretta Sheri Ian, Mildred Goodfellow, H. S. Orr, Russell Lennon. Jack Paulton and etc. assisted by a score of pretty firls and The My Golden. Girl aug nented orchestra. The fastest singing, dancing and most gorgeous musical comedy seen in years. A REAL MUSICAL TREAT. Prices -75 to $2.00 plus tax. Seats on sale now, Beatty Drug Store.. Mail orders to Geo. E. 3 wink. E.F.RIMMER DRUG COMPANY Park Ave., Dilworth CATARRH BLADDER 24 HOURS tatun& S" Btuete cftountvtfeits ipi.-.j m,. i 1 ;ii I'.i'inj Complete Our Service Department has the right mecllanics and proper equipment' to really and intelligently- repair your car ' : " : ' . REPAIR WORK " - is the specialty of this department. Our garage also has the facilities for , ' CLEANING, OILING, WASHING AND STORING - The service we always give wins friends. EVERY Overcoat IN OUR STORE AT EXACTLY 50 REDUCTION ALL RAINCOATS LESS 25r The Men's Shop " 34 S. Tryon ! Dr. U. 0. Hendenon. Dr. R. B, Caddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS OCLf. Hunt Bldg., m 1-Z N. Trjon gi, JPhont Sit Chambers Motor Go 212 South Church St. Phone 1459 I T7TT r5 rVHr"3T FTi FOR COLDS, COUGHS, CROUP, WHOOPWC COUGH - The Livest, Newest, Snappiest Models in Spring Raincoats Snug enough for February snows, proof against March winds, impervious to April showers, the ideal Raincoat up to the last: minute in style a,nd fabric. $30 - ' 4 Other Raincoats ,-. . . . . . ... 10 to $50 The Tate-Brown Co, THREE PAIRS 1 SILK SOCKS $2.00 Choice of black blue, brown, green, purple and other good shades in Ntoa seme, Buster Brown 'and other good makes. H. C. LONG CO. 33 E. Trade SI The Cash Store