THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 11, 1921. 14 Jl B mm BR OWN fiwenda started to ner foot urilrilv 99 lier train milled Into the station. New York, and she almost nap ping! With frantic ' haste she reached up for her suitcase, then grabbed her coat from the back of her seat, preparatory to following the crowd. A minute more and she was standing on the platform looking about for someone that might possibly be Fern Ellison. i "I know this is Gwenda,' said a soft voice at her elbow, and she turned .to look into the laughing blue eyes of a very pretty girl. "Yes, this is me, and you, why you must be Fern," she said with a happy laugh. "I am so glad to meet you, Cousin Fern, and I'm kind of forlorn and frightened and everything, and I do hope we shall be good friends." Here a tear splashed down on Gwenda's new glove and Fern put her arms around her new cousin and kissed her hearti ly. "Come along. Let's find a taxi and get up to the studio, fast as ever we can, you're all tired out, my dear, and hungry, and maybe a bit homesick. Oh. I know all about it." ? Together they made their way out to the treet and hailed a taxi and before she could open her mouth, so it seemed to Gwenda, still bewildered from her long trip, they were up in Fern's studio, cosily esconsed, she on a long divan and Fern in a most marvelously deep arm chair, with the teapot steaming away under their noses. After the first breathless greeting and entrance, she settled herself back among the cushions just to .let herself "feel" that she was really here at last and in this particular corner of Para dise. "It's most too wonderful to be true, that I am really here at last," she said with a happy sight. "And this place of yours is too beautiful for words, Fern. I never realized that there were such places to live in in the world." "Oh. yes, we live in such places nowa days, "thank goodness," said her cousin with a laugh. "I can imagine what the farm is like, big and cold and full of well, duties, mostly, eh, Cousin Gwen da?" "Yes, mostly," answered Gwenda, "we don't go in for anything like this. Why, mother would think that I was on the road to perdition if she could see me "They WORK while you 6leep" f(w) Do you feel bilious,' constipated4, head achy, upset, full of cold, Take one or two Cascarets tonight for your liver and bowels. Wake up with head - clear, stomach right, breath sweet and feeling No griping, no inconvenience. Cnil dren lova Cascarets, too. 10, 25, 50 cents. a now. with my feet up on. cnmsun tuu this vpilow lamp at my head, and no work jn my hands what soever!" ' Here the two girls broke into peals of laughter. "Poke your . nose about as much as you like, Gwenda," said Fern. "Take a look at your very own bedroom and see what you think of it." and she drew her cousin along after her to inspect her new sleeping quarters. ; Gwenda gave a gasp' of delight as she stood in the room and took in every de tail, from warm, soft rugs to the marvel of a low device done in old blue and gold that Fern assured her was a bed, but a new sort of a bed. There were piles of harmonious colored cushions heaped up on it, and a small, low table, generously laden with books in wonder ful leather covers, at the side. Gwenda felt confused at the very thought that she, plain Gwenda Channing, was ac tually to sleep in such a bed every night and for ever and ever so long. ; There were a few good prints on the wall, and one or two daring paintings, evidently done by Fern, herself, wmcn Gwenda admired extremely without m the least understanding why. In every way it was a dream-room, made to make happy the heart of a girl.; Gwenda hugged herself to think tnat she was to be part of all this gorgeous- The girls made a tour of inspection, ending with a visit to Fern's studio. Here Gwenda saw an amazing array of paintings, in all stages of completion, arid was more than ever impressed with the idea of her cousin's cleverness. "Some of those things are just 'faddy " explained Fern with a laugh, "but we are all more or less 'faddy, down here in Greenwich Village, as you will soon find out, Gwenda, my child, But we are idealists, too, in our way, and we dare to do the things that half the world still only thinks about. "I love it all, I love it all,' said Gwen da, "and, oh, the sunset," she cried as she ran to the window and caught a glimpse of the twilight sky bending amorously over Washington Square and its park. "It's more beautiful than any thing in the world." "Yes it's nretty nice from this win dow," said Fern, '.'but come and rest again or you'll be too tired for any mortal use this evening1 and some or my friends are going to drop in to meet you." - a (To be continued.) OFFICIMTtEA PARTY HAS JUST BEEN HELD New York, Feb. 11. Uncle Sam's official and annual tea party has just ffnm thp titfprmer tnronffs tnat loll about the peacock alleys of effete hotels and Broadway's daintiest tea rooms each afternoon, seven sturuy ftnnir rf nparlv a thousand cups of tea in the workaday environment of a government warehouse. Scores of samples were offered these rnnnoisseurs. They sniffed, sipped, tasted and then used a gigantic cuspidor for a target, rney aeiermmeu whether each specimen had enough to too much theine, sometimes known as i-; i, rnv c- mroTi nf tViorrt raimnnswl I the United States Board of Tea Ex perts. One member of the boara came from each of the following cit ies: New York, Boston, Charleston, San Francisco, Tacoma, Chicago and St. Paul. ,. V , Each year they choose eight mini mum . standards, and - no tea below the fixed quality, purity or fitness for consumption may be imported. Tea, they exclaimed between tastes, is the superb stimulant. It keys up the brain without causing a remorse ful hang over- Swiss guides favor it, and Peary drank it exclusively in his final das,h for the pole. Furthermore', thev said, tea is iust as cheao now as F25" or 50 years ago. ftmiiUTi In the old days of thed: raft an ex aminer was putting Sambo through the usual course of questions. "Any previous military experience?" "Lord, yes, boss," replied Sambo "Ise an old-timer. Ise been shot at three times befo' they ever was a war." "Arriving at Victoria station the other night," writes a correspondent of the London 3orning. Post,. "I gave my bag to a porter for conveyance to the luggage office. When I offered the customary tip he refused it, "to my amazement. 'No, thank you, sir, ex plained. 'I've never taken . anything from a disabled soldier wnen 1 iuu he has lost an arm or a leg, and ex cuse me, sir I'll be damned before I do'." Life. Home Building We specialize on building Homes of Character, and we would advise build ing your home NOW , We believe fhati it is an opportune time to build. , Comej in to see us and allow us to- assist j you in the selection of your' plans. Our fifteen years experience is at your . service, and we ; shall . be glad to have you consult us. - THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY Real Estate Rents--Insurance Builders of Characteristic Homes In the sere and yellow leaf of his career, Mr. Moneybags began to think about the future, and one day he visited the clerk of the local cemetery . in the hope of striking a bargain. To his dis may, the clerk named a price which the old miser considered out of all urn- portions to the value of the small plot he was after. "Absurd! Ridiculous," fumed Mr. Moneybags. "Can't you reduce it?" "It's the usual fee," replied the clerk politely. "WellI'll not pay it!" exclaimed Mr. Moneybags. "The risk is too great." "What, risk?" asked the clerk. "What risk?" reported Mr. Money bags. "Why the risk of losing it all! I may died at sea!" WAS BURIED ALIVE. ' Clifton Forge, Va., Feb. 11. Walter Taylor was buried alive Thursday af ternoon while engaged at Goshen, near here, in loading slag. A large bank of the slag commenced sliding and Taylor was buried beneath it. RAILROAD CHANGES HANDS. Mobile, Ala., Feb. 11. Louis P. Metz er of Mobile, announced Thursday the purchase of the Ludowici and Collins Railroad in Georgia. The road con nects the Atlantic Coast Line with the Seaboard Air Line, extending a dis tance of 46 miles. Gret Britain has 1,700 cemeteries throughout Europe for her soldiers. ; n L D NOW As. the general opinion is that lumber prices are as low as can be expected at present and lower than they will be later. Let Us Make You An Estimate Onifihop . work, , lumber, shingles, lime, plaster, cement and brick, if you are considering, building. Let Your Contract Now During January .and February while you can get the advantage of the lowest prices on material and bids. J. H. WEARN & CO. IIIPIM ! 1 1 llll limn mil DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 1 Doctor's Offices Splendid suite of 2 v rooms and tiled bath, steam heat w Seventh .nd North Tryon. -. . - ' 0011,1 Alan rvna lorora frnnt WiniTI JTV1 SL Sllltp Clf tVifoa 322 North Trvon street. ' ' oecna floo Commercial Space Store room Latta Arcade, 900 square feet with basement 406 South Tryon Street, 6,000 square feet, steam heat. ' m hat. 1500 South Boulevard, 3,500 square feet. Warehouse, Railway siding, 7,500 square feet. C. Griffith Company PHONES 877 AND 4208 WEALTH depends quite as much on conservation as on production. TIMELY use of paint and varnish in .1921 will prevent enormous waste of property due to deterioration. To postpone painting is false economy. It costs more not to paint than to paint. Save the surface and you save all. Every time you save a surface you help reduce the cost of living. EZELL-PRITCHARD CO. Phone 765 1S-14 W. Fifth Strel THIS IS A STORE OF SERVICE" Wholesale mud Retail Paint and Glass BRICK BUILDING FOR SALE $17,500 Have a beautiful pressed brick front brick building 50 feet wide, 99 feet deep part of it two stories cement floor offices built in front. (Not on rail; road out not far from railroad) for a manufacturing plant or wholesale ware house ' that does not have to be on railroad it's the nicest thing in Charlotte for anything like the money 517,500.. (Am offered $165.00 per month for it on long lease). You can't build the building for $25,000. (Go get estimates.) Also a bunch of colored tenant houses including a store right in the very t best . kind of close-in colored settlement. I understand that the income from this property is $100 per month. You can buy it so as to pay you about 15 to 18 ner cent on investment. It's property that will enhance in value on account of the business property adjacent. Office 200 Realty Bid JONES, the Real Estate Man Phone 2772 (FRANK F. JONES) IF you are ill you go straight to a physician. You are confronted with a legal question naturally you consult a law yer. .' ... You want to buy a suit of clothes the . tailor or clothier is your man. THEN - - If you want to buy or sell real estate is it not the reasonable thing to do to go to -a realestate dealer. . . Our 20 years' experience in the real estate business in Charlotte is at your disposal. ; ; If in the market either to buy or sell a home, yacant lot or farm see us. , , " CRAIG-LITTLE REALTY AND INSURANCE CO. Phone 1436. A. G. CRAIG, Sec. & Treas. 210 S. ryon St. LOOK HERE Now is the time to place your order for a monument or coping. Before buying see us. We will save you money Special prices for February. PIEDMONT MARBLE CO. Phone 694 301 East Second Stre II . i C& A few cents buys "Danofeyii.."" After a few applications you cannot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every nair shows new life, vigor, bright ness, more color and abundance. Southern Raflway System Pnaan70i Train Snlialnl.. Arrival "aula, VIiailOlLe, XN. tj. L.V. No Between INo. Ar.. . B. F. ROARK ,A Diamond Merchant, Jeweler, Silversmith 10 ISorth; Tryon Street. . Phone 1251 3:45a! 29 Atlanta-BVham 12:35a 30Wash.-New York.' 7:25p 32!Wash-New York. v:3"a 3!Atlanta ......... 5:45a 35jColumbia ., , x2:00p 24 Taylorsville '. 9 :00p!138 Wash-New York. . 9 : 4 5p 38 Wash'New York . , 6 : 3 Op 12 Richmond-Norfolk S:40p 35 B'ham-N. Orleans. 11:00a 113 Columbia-ChTston 5:20a 26 Winston-Salem . . 4:25p 45,G'ville-Wminster 3:00p 46Gboro-Danville ., ll:30p 43Atlanta 7 :35a 31!Columbia-Augrusta , 8:20a 16iTavlorsvillfl j.u:oa 6 4:55p 27 9:55a 137 10:30a 37 4:25a 44 11:30a 14 10:00a 136 New York-Wa sh Columbia .......... Atlanta 'L Atlanta-N. Orleans . G boro-Danviile . . . balisbury, Winston,- ville Danville-Richmond 30 29 31 136 36 23 137 37 11 36 114 25 46 45 12 32 15 35 28 138 38 43 13 11 12:25a 3 :35a 7:25a :25a :10a 9 9 x8:00a 9:45a 10:20a 10:50a 10:35a 12:35d 12:45p x:45p 4:10p 5:50p 7:15p 9:10p 8:30p 8:30p 8:50p 9:40n ll:20p 5:10n 10:50a Through Pullman sleeping car service to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta, Birmingham, Mobile, Now Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient schedules and direct connections to all points. Schedules published as information ahd are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE . 207 West Trade St. Phone 20. ' J PASSENGER STATION West Trade Street. Phone 417. . ' R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent Phone 88C0, Branch 7. Seaboard Airline Railway Passengrer Train Schedules. Arrival and departure of: passenger trains, Charlotte. N. C. EARLY SPRING'S MOST DESIRABLE Brope Oxfords For Women Brown Calf and Brown Kid. Made on the new low heel and medium toe last. A WONDERFUL VALUE - - AT DeLane Shoe 36 East Trade St. Comp any Phone 1233 L.v. INo.l Between I No. 5:00a 9:06a 9:55a 5:00p 3:45p 8:20p 14 15 34 20 Charlotte-Wil. and Hamlet connections. Monroe-Ruth'ton - Ruther-ton - Wil mington and Hal-eiarh Charlotte-Wil. . . : ana namiet con nections. 31 Wilmington - Ral- eigh and' Kuther ford ton 16 Monroe - Ruther- fordton, Monroe connections ..... for Norfolk. Rich mono and points fjNortn. 13 15 Ar. I. I. ll:35p 9.06a 341 9.40a 19J12:25p FOR SALE Homes On Easy Terms 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, furnace heat in Eliz- , abeth $7,500 6 rooms two-story double house on Cedar street, a bargain at . . . . . . . i . . .... . . .T. ... . .... . . ..... $6,000 6 rooms, all conveniences, Belmont $3,000 5 rooms, all conveniences, Belmont . ... . . . . ......... $2,500 5 rooms, all conveniences, near in $2,800 5 rooms, all conveniences, Parkwood $3,750 6 rooms, all conveniences, West Fourth .......... $4,800 We will be glad to show you any of these houses. McCONNELL - JOHNSON GO. 209 Piedmont Building. Phone 4507 "The Quality Printers" . News Printing House Charlotte, N. C. "Service Unexcelled" Catalogs, Booklets, Ruled Forms Office Stationery, Etc: Repairs promptly den. AH wjfi incur nuiiranieea. OUCN CITY CYCLE CI Phwi t 42 N. Cotlee. r OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND v SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLY CO. Printing Rubber Stamw S West Fourth St In Step With the Times The White House Cafe Announces a general reduction "in prices. Waffles, with maple syrup. .... .25c Hot Cakes, with maple syrup. . . ,15c Glass Pure Milk. . . . . .05c Regular Supper, 6 to 8. . ... . . ,50c The best food properly served at popular prices. " White House Cafe Too Many Irons in the Fire prevents concentration on any particular "Iron." 207 NORTH TRYON ST. stands for jist one thing Building 4 Loan pure and simple. We have no side lines no rents to collect, no ( Real Estate, no Fire Insurance to write. Local Fire Insurance Agents will understand that their policies filed with us are "safe." ALMQST 60,000 SHARES IN FORCE $2,000,000.00 IN LOANS Spring series .opens j on first Saturday in March, but applica tions for loans may be filed any "time during this month in advance. MECHANICS PERPETUAL BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION J. II. WEARN, President 207 N. Tryon St. E. J. CAFFRET,. Secy, and Trcasi YOUNG MAN OR YOUNG WOMAN BE PREPARED ( There comes to every young person an opportunity to step into a well-par iner Dosition if h' ia nnlv mmUfioi - fin a- ro-n' m.nvi. -r-v. .mm fntum Make success sure by taking a practical business or stenographic cora wijr Lime, xcusuiictuic rates oi tuition, va10 snt on request. CHARLOTTE, N. C. 'An Accredited School" RALEIGH, N.t A BROKEN DOWN TRUCK no matter where the break i! can be brought back to v strength and daily useful by our welding work. As 1ft as it is steel or hard metalj have to deal with, our wete will do the. job and do it to than any other methoa. Charlotte Welding C 510 West 4th St. Phone 401 31 16 3:35p 8:12p All trains rlailv. Schedules published as information ani are not guaranteed. E. W. LONG, DIvlition Passenger Agent. Phone 180. City Ticket Offlc Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St. N. Tryon Street. Phone 20.. Phone 1 . GARRY W TODD Expert Electrical Repairing I rewind anything except your clock.' Auto ignition, lights, starter generator and small motors made new. 1208 W. Trade St. Phone 3731 pray ' BBBBBVSSBSt it rait Ji rees nowh : Kill the insects which kill the fruit. We have a full stock ' of SPRAYING MIXTURES : Made by Sherwin-Williams Co. USE THEM! IT IS ECONOMY! Dry Lime Sulfur, 1 lb. pkg .................... . . 35c Arsenate of Lead, 1 lb pkg.. ........ , ......... ... 85c Fungo-Bondo, 1 lb pkg . . ...... . . . . ... 85c All other sizes up to 50 pounds. . SPRAYS hand to barrel sizes .. $1.50 to $22.50 harlotte Hardware Co. 80 East Trade Street. J Phone 1505 HOMES FOR SALE! Easy Terms Immediate Possession 7 rooms and bath, 220 South Cedar St., new modern hou. paved street 8 rooms and bath 219 South Cedar St. $1O'00) 6 rooms with modern conveniences, 203 Parkwood Avenu8 at . . . . . . . .... . . ................. , ' ' . 5 rooms 1802 N. McDowell St. I. $2'5f 7 rooms and bath 1008 West; Second street, large lot M roomy house . . ................ . . , ' . ' ................ , ,Q 4 rooms and bath, 904 West Second Street 0 6-room house, 803 West Second Street 'v B rooms, two baths, 803 West Fourth' St., new moderj I house, paved street 51 ' 5 rooms, 1407 Seigle St.. $2'8.0 4 rooms, 150i Seigle St 5 rooms, modern conveniences, splendid condition. - j Pa-rjcwood Avenue. .x. ,A . ,i .... .. J. Ho MicAden . . . .. . I'd 200 South fVdar SfL Phone

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