mK ctiAKLunt; KHVS, CHARLOTTE, N. C FRIDAY AFTERNOON, FEBRUARY 11, 192L . 15 OTTON M A P.l;I?.;iT :j!fWTfM:Wmm : ' Situ' a K tt a t fetfc-w ' : : stocks 1VXX vijl-, i vy w i i xi mo; r II 1 ul w o ; a ; j bonds r I . . - " ' '" - in - . i .. : - -.. . . . . . '. " 1 I J ' ' """ ' ' 1 " " "" ' 1 " " 1 V I II H I STERLING ALONE fASOrlNibKtSl -r .J- L J O tail nS m ronas ana oe the Restraint Imposed. pv STUART P. WEST. . i'Drrespoiident of The ews. M". .,.,, i,.. Publishing Co. ( u- 1 Street, New York, Feb. 11. I yAU. .irtn rf n. further fldvantifl L.-itVi the W'tn L -wimne-e. there was verV 'l incident in the market today. Deal ' in bonds and investment securities v-eneii . nrmOUS output of new itil issues and by the discovery that f . . " - 1 " I I. Paragraphs : i "e ... .,a mlsrht be inferred from the i.,.-. n;ir 1 rt wis another dull session in stocks, more so because the market was n.,rent over-subscription. . L.nrp of liquidation, in fact of any ; Lire to sell for either long or short ' m,mt. was ;i-1 too, notieeable. Again, thp siiure list utuiuiiDnwttu il uto- ""f 'fuller consideration of yesterday's "ion 0f the railroad labor board -did , , , ii-nu tvill Via nhl tn nnn- thp ran f.wunn-o ..... Lim that the present wage agree- nt AVnlCn were sun -v iuuc ui ;T1 1 1 1 l , -a v.iw v.. uiness prosperity uu moit vn'-a -'" m tn nrosent louuuiuus umi mcsc hould be nbrograted. Still, it was quite ilain that tins coiucnuuu uau uj tunu '.arn-ins at any early date and that, thp meantime, holders of the railway thares would have to face a succession if very oaa mummy ciiiiuiiga Lnt without any definite assurance of , a a . c . r 1 elief. It was a nam it-si ui tne iuhiivbi ,nitinn in the rails and the fact that tutside of a very little selling in the .I two of tnese issues mere were no ov Hn"s to ppeaK or eitner yesieruay or iav was more significant. In the same way, xne sieei snares ne a remarkable exhibition of stead nmt in face of the renewal of the- price rutting campaign and the description nf conditions in tne industry . as a vir- Mini trade war. There was practically ( liauidation in the stocks ot private ,teet corporations like Miavaie, ljacKa wanna, Republic and Bethlehem, and xtpel common, after easing orr a trine t the start, quicKiy rainea. un snares i i i ? XI u1 X i..4t. wore tne leauers ul iiio iummji, -witii oecial strength in the Mexican Oils on talk of a dividend increase at next week's meeting. The market for raw sugar gave fur her proof that the real turn for the letter has come. The quotation had jrisen yesterday to four cents a -pound nd today it got up to 4 1-4 cents, a re covery of nearly a cent from the recent lottom. All the sugar stocks were strong as they naturally would be on this development. It has been pointed out for a week or more past that the Reading plan jwould in all probability follow the lines f the Southern Pacific plan that hold r of Reading would not receive stock n the new company as a gift but would ave to pay for it. The heavy selling of Reading today, if it reflected disappoint ent at this prospect, was a rather bs ited response. Other railway snare ::.der scattered selling due to the wage ecision went a half point or so lower i the early part of the day and did ot regain the loss later. Profit-taking :ade itself felt in California Jetroleun liich had been yesterday's leader, but :io strength of the Mexican oils was hell sustained. No further effort was ade in the copper group to anticipate r,e benefits which are expected from .e $40,000,000 financing of the copper xport association. The official rates for money were un hanged. The call loan renewal re nalned at 7 per cent. But again offer ii".zs of call funds outside the stock ex fhange were made at 6 per cent anci his probably represented the more na ural market of the two. It will be hatter of surprise if the week-end bank statements do not record further lm rovement in the money situation, es ecially in the New York district. Ti kill be brought about by further shut of discounts from the federal re erve bank here to banks in other 10 'alities. At the same time- the 8 per wnt bifi in the early part of the week atl tho effect of re-attracting funds awn out last month when the money :ate was unwisely lowered to 6 BY STUART P. WEST. V. Copyrlarht 1821, By Xew Publishing Co. THE MEXICAN OILS. The Pan-American dividend is to be acted upon next week and there isj much interest taken in the possibility of an increase. An advance in the rate from $6 to $8 had been looked for at the November meeting but did not pome. While nobody is willing to go very strong with predictions it was stated , today in a quarter which is apt to have good information that it looked as if the increases , were coming this time. If it does not come now it will simply be because of h3 uncertainties of the general . busi ness situation and the less . profitable conditions in the oil trade. It will be regarded merely as postponing for awhile longer something that is looked upon as almost certain eventually. Thy idea is to get in the remaining Mexi can Petroleum shares and the only way this can be done is by making tne orrer of exchange of Mexican Pe roieum icr .fan Jr'etroieum B more attractive than it is at present. If tho Pan-Petroleum dividend were raised to $S and the rate on Mexican Petroleum were kept at $12 the propo sition to exchange on a basis of two for one would, it is figured, be sufficiently taking to bring in the rest of the Mexican Btroleunx. outstanding. TRADERS FOUND NO FRESH NEWS Grain Market Wall Street New York, Feb. -if. kails were Copyright 1921, by News Publishing Co today. The , technical position of the !sm5tea om.wr pressure at ine open: T7i.. j, j . ioaay. 1 ne . xecnnicai position or the w- rlUCtUatlOnS in LOttOn Mai- market had been -weakened by the f lr.g ; Of today's stock market. Read- KPt SlltrcypctpH T?ui1iitiAn enormous snort coverlnS of the past ing common made an initial decline ivct OUggC&ieu XVeUUCUOIl few days and .when recent buyers at- L -, i rB fWa n4-.L Ji a -j i I tc tA r,r. v, -r, ' I of 1 1-4 points and this was soon vuiaiauumg .iVCCUIUllS. XT m T increased by an addition oint. Sev- foiiowed thT, selling sidT dlhTi!2v5Lwt? buying: to cover short gales for prof-1 ftJTt V t,' CdPyritht 1021. by New. FubUsh Co. Save th market occasional ral- troleum, yesterday's strongest feature, New York, Feb. 11. Fluctuations in the cotton market today ' suggested lies. . . t Armour - was a buyer n the break little more than a further reduction of RePrts from the seaboard that Ger outstanding accounts for over the two day adjournment as - the market Was closed from tonight until next Monday morning. Traders found .little if any fresh feature in the news of suffi cient interest to inspire fresh ven Curb Market 3 BY STUART P. WEST. Copyright 1921, by Xcwi Publishing Co. New York. Feb. 11. Weather condi ditions caused a still further reduction Bond Market - i steady. Commission houses bad only a cancelled part - of its gain and other oils reflected the readjustments now many was willing to cancel 800.000 stt bushels they had bought for February Famous Players represented, the many traders remaining indoors. Mara- xt. i f,,m iVtmh n faQtufA ntAM,ihn, ciuuu uunimuea ine leaiure ui Liie 111- By STUART P. WEST. Copyright 1821, by News Publishing Co. New York, Feb. ll Continued heav iness In some of the newlv floated hb. in the volume of business on the curbiri"""- w mciaem in tne . bona market today, tt bore fresh wit. market today and nrice movements ne88 t0 th6 congeystionl JJw wevainng generally were narrow,, being confined , consequence of the too-rapid or n? mainly to fractions. Although: there lnff out of these offerings of new were some irregularity, the undertone Both pennJjrlvSla ' 6 l3 could reasonably be called about xrwt ro 21 i.VV DlXMJbll U1UC1Q tlLCktllLlJf WHIP UUJ 4" cause they could replace and 7?JA?$n hlpmtntv: be strength was Manati Sugar, which rose dependent oil list, there being good they could replace it much che?- U 9 buyinsr orders which caused an ad- cause they er with Argentine wneat had a uc 4 r.nlnt ouying orders whicn caused an aa The extreme dullness of the noon Vttnce 01 more jnan a pomi 10 anotner ..w "i" u,afuB iicaii veil- 1 -, ,. , j uc cjitiiiie uuuiiraa in. tne nuuu i , , r- . , 1 , tures and entirely aside from holldav PresspS. effect. Some talk also was fc relieved hv oofasionai rteni, new high record for the present move conditions there has been a teWhc 31 " obscure specialties and-utili- ent im JMtorMva iu reauce committments pending a V ta oTA 1 - 1 tles at gains of 1 to Z points Bosch t " 1U1" f-1- " ",cvl"uo subscriotions but which had turned change of some sort in general market hTe9t reported increased offerings fjm Mazn otrORibelr n.uretar. Pa- low point. Marland Oil of Delaware "P L- JS".5!2 , . . . I Tho -n- tV1r ann r n CT0 TxO ts tnllr Irt I . - be dealt in freely at 99 1,8, which was 1-5 of a point under the subscription price. The Belgian 8s brought out Rt 1 100 were readily obtainable at. 99 1-8. wormwestern Bell Telephones were heavy and down as 'low as 9S 1-4. All these were issues introduced to trad ing in the course of the last few weeks. They represented what pur ported to be at the time heavy over- conditions. There are several direc tions in which fresh incentives may soon develop. " One of the things looked forward to as a possible source the country and there was talk of in- Me-ihone Mid Teletfranh ardt also was in supply and reacted a sub-j lZL rr, 'x creased receipts in -the northwest. xltcitfS Santt Se th6 demand Minn0Qnnii0 rash wheat ma . v9hr. i in uxy Kapia i ransu weie amoiit. oi,n ,-i came from dealers. Minneapolis cash wheat was weaker Premiums in the local market was fo inspiration is the approaching uninanff. BOSCH MAGNETO. Bosch Magneto was run up sharply on the statement by the president of the. company that sales in 1 920 were $8,800,000 as against a little less than $6,000,000 in 1919, and only $3, 600,000 in 1918. There was no dispo sition, of course, to question the accuracy of these' figures, but the remark was made by certain ones in touch with the Inside that the pres ent business-condition of the company was a very different story. There has in, fact, according to this source of information been such a change that maintenance of the present dividend of $10 a share is doubtful. The meeting to act upon the dividend will be held next week. I Livestock London conference at which the ques tion of war indemnities may be set tied. Another is the change of ad ministrations in Washington as cal- Corn nrices eased off moderatelv in sympathy with wheat. Good commis sion house buying Was noted on the breaks and shorts were less disposed the prominent features-. The closing was heavy. Sales ap proximated 375,000 shares. NEW YORK STOCK LIST. (Last Sale:) Ailis-Chalmers Qlro.l"?-ir Oil Txroc frtivttr AAtitfa Vvt4- moved within narrow limits, and there Tf ' 1 X were fair dealings in Elk Basin, Met-! "!?f ,lotes T? Cooper Export Asso- ritt and Producers . and Refiners with 1 ZT t -i "T only small price changes. A steady I SSJtJS. tone was displayed in International irw - culated to prepare the way. for con- ,u?ress the 8.6llin ; because of : the American Beet Sugar . structive legislation". Reports of a steady increase in do mestic mill activity have also had a some comment today on the reported sales of izo.000 pieces of goods m the. Fall River market for the week compared with 90,000- for the week pre ceding. 34 3-4 1 Petroleum, Simms Petroleum, Carib "1 . JZtZ 0' . -if ' 4 Syndicate and several others. The y t?1?? Jlar "a16? OA r o I IStanOrrl fill onnm iro a ,1,,11 O ,1 v.l I "ClC UUUICU JJ X-i, Ultl, offered at ................ v-u i ' ' ; i tr i n .. .-1,11.. v. American Car & Foundry 123 1-2 Oil of Indiana, however, was traded x:'' :t" 0 3X XI , u, is tending Amionn hm T-itw.TiM.'. 4i 1.8 within a ranee of. about a noint Offered, at 99 to the public were 98 3-4 I . 1 - lvlrl nffovorl ot Q(J T1 nnteo ttrora ;i m.n4nnv, TnrantUnni r-, i; 10 l innnvMr pnmmAri wag under nraa. i ".wv.v. - .. light movement. Weather continues I American Gan unsettled and couniry roaas passable condition, which e r-i 1 a . -., in euro tne muvemciit. r,A uuriers wen Z,rr bidding U cents over May track Bal- r0eomoVivT . . ! 3 3-1 sure and reacted " a Mini eU, ut not timore ior ko. a mixea corn ior m- mran spirin Ttof. ai i. mediate shipment ano tney DooKea 1 American SiiE-ar - 92 some at tnis ngure. ot. wjuis report- American Sumatra Tobacco . . 80 ea Ka.uuu Dusneis worKea. uomesuc a,ao 'p j. t mrt This suggested that the recent "man? was slow, casn oasis was i-i American Tobacco Sec. steadier ruling of raw material had ce"L , ... . , . American Woolen b7 1 rinto f rATOfl1 t no Trorifi r rT n .1 ' 1 - . - . ii"" 1 Anaconaa 'jopper air 1- grains. Pit trade was without much I ijnViionn .. si 1-2 feature, uasn oais .oasis was steaay. iAtl miif & w Tnflia . . 53 eastern demand improved sugnxiy. Baldwin Locomotive 89 5-8 brought in some buying of goods and that the continued volume of retail business throughout the coun try was making itself felt to some extent. Private cables from Liver pool, however, reported conditions mere worse tnan ever so tar as opening, while the preferred establish- ! id 83 s.ome tht J:her recent blts ed a loss of three points within ai of financing. Liberty .bonds were very latter rally of-about a point. Heyden - -.ic u"""" Chemical was active and after an f strong around their high of 83, but easier tendency in the earlier dealings jMxlcan 5JV-f? were on a met with support and railed fraction-. a 46 5"; . , r . w ally. Durant Motors was steady. Re- Ane ose m us u ivmunattau tail candy was again under pressure incomes above 30 proved to have dis- nrt trlirhorl lf-Q 7.or,ont 1vnr TTrltal ' c un lu tile rCOtllil LltlWll . 1 llicci cot. Manchester is concerned and . after tms Pressure provisions were nigner eany wmi i.,,itimnP(1 a. nhin 23 1- hogs but tne easier gram marKets in-1 gethlehem Steel "B" ..... 57 duced selling and prices broke under I Canadian Pacfiic " 117 States Steamship was active . and steady. Farfell Coal was easier and de clined fractionally .Profit-sharing and Kaaio were slightly lower. British- opening, 10 pionts higher to 3 points lower, the local market soon showed net losses of 7 to 12 points. May O-ntrpl leather .19 s.t American Tobacco snares were steady. Chandler Motors 70 1-2 1 Mining issues were fairly, active! payments with an initial distribution of two pef cent. This had been fully expected and was, of course, the ob jective of the pool operations which put the bonds up from around 20. Hudson and Manhattan 5s made a Chicago, Feb. 11. Predictions of an Chesapeake & Ohio 59 1-8 with some, firm features. Eureka Croe- rw high of 65. Rail bonds for the increased movement of .grain from vhicago, Mil. & St. Paul r-iti UA9 n , JNortn uaKOta naa a. ueansn uumemw chicae-o. R. .I. & Pac. ,.. ;r,"V,rixJ: today on the wheat market. Opening Chino- omer 23 1-8 was considerably higher. Considerable 26 7-8 I sus was strong and advanced sharply. 2(5 1-2 I Alaska British Columbia metals also covering; encouraged by statements- in New Orleans and the late rally in Liverpool, but the advance was not fully sustained, HESTER INSISTS THAT .SMITH MAKE APOLOGY Copyright 1921, by News Publishing Co Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Feb. 11, The week's total supply, of cattle fell about 10,000 short of the number re ceived during the corresponding period last week, and just to show that sup ply and demand still has something to do witn tne market, values show a small gain over the levels noted at the close of last week. One lot of strictly prime steers sold to shippers at $10.25 early in the week, while choice year lings made $10.00 yesterday. In view of the fact that weather conditions have been unfavorable for the handling of ready produce, gives the small advance in values a little encouragement to sell ers for the future of the trade. On ac count of the fact that many farmers and tenants will move or quit during the next month or so, sellers are look ing for a large proportion of plain cat tle from now on. Receipts of livestock today were esti mated at 5,000 cattle, 29,000 hogs, 11,000 sheep and 1,000 calves. Cattle trade was generally steady compared with yesterday's deals. Some spots showed more action, but there was no change in quotations. Some choice steers sold at $9.50, while good yearlings went at $9.00. Cows and heif ers were in fair demand. Canners were quoted at $3.00. Bulls were lower, with good bologans at $4.75. Veal calves made $11.00, while shippers paid $12.00 on a steady market. Hogs sold fairly . well. Values were up 15 to 25 cents for the best light grades with .the best at $10.0Q. Heavy sorts did not show as much gain as the light stuff,, but even the rough packing found a fair outlet at $7.50 to $8.00. Best pigs made $9.75 to $9.90. Lambs were mostly 50 cents lower. Choice lots sold at $8.75 to $8.85, while tops were quotable at $9.00 to $9.25. The market is $1.00 lower for the week. Aged muttons were weak to 25 cents lower, with good "ewes $4.25 to $4.50. Receipts of livestock for the week thus far stand: 43,732 cattle, 197.987 hogs, 73,589 sheep, against 53,925 cattle, 232,242 hogs, 75,815 sheep the same period last week, and 58,622 cattle, 136, 555 hogs, 65,589 sheep the corresponding week last year. rr tt rnrwrtp nnivrnxr Receipts today, 15 bales at 14c KrZl quotations varied irom uie same as Colorado Fuel & Iron ....... b27 1-2 yesterdays nnisn 10 t cents lower. 1 corn Products 71 Com opened uncnanged 10 x-& cent Cruoihl Steel nigner. . . Cuba Can? Sugar Oats started uncnanged to - 3-8 cent I Erie r Generla Electric were stronger . in, line NEW YORK COTTON New York, Feb. 11. The cotton market opened steady at an advance of 15 points to. a decline of 3 points, yesterday'S flnish to 1-4 cent higher, VTX L11C. CLUUYt IliUlItilO iacrillllK Provisions with hogs. Wheat closed unsettled 1 1-4 cent to 2 1-4 cents net lower. Corn closed steady at the same as S3 7-3 22 3-4 13 1-4 12S 3-N 14 1-4 interest was shown in Atlas Gold, some or the buying orders sai dto be com ing from Canada. Bonds were comparatively auiet al though quite some interest was dis played in the new Copper Export As sociation 8s. the various maturities selling & tabout the public offering prices. New Orleans. "Feb. 11. Col. Henrv G. pester, secretary of the New Orleans fotton exchange and internationally jpown as a cotton statistician, today 'graphed Senator Smith, of South arolina, vigorously protesting state ments made on the floor of the senate esterday that misleading cotton statis ts were issued here. Colonel Hester said his teleeram de pended that Senator Smith retract his Elements, particularly so far as the ecretarv Of tbf Wm rirloana r-rtttnn . hange was concerned. Failure to make traction, aonnrdino' in tho Ip'sirram ,Anresult in court action. senator Smith, in hb speech yester- :l Urged nf1nrfirtn rf o i-ocnlnHort 'hlCh WOlllfl nrnvirla fny inuooHfutVin '" the COmmitfpo nn no-rffMiltur, nf tatistics issued by Liverpool and New Cleans exchanges. about 3 to 5 points higher on future covering. Offerings were very light at the start, but from Liverpool were easier and the market here soon worked off . with May reacting fiom 13.98 and July from 14.36 to 14.20 or about 7 to 12 points net lower. Wall Street and New Orleans were moderate buyers at the start, but there was some scattered Southern selling and local " pressure promoted by the continued unfavorable character of British trade advices, According to private advices the steadier ruling of New - Orleans wan due to a better spot demand for low grades from American mills and the market here steadied up during the mic'cJing of the morning on covering. Aay advanced to 14.02 and July to 14.40 with; active months generally showing net' advances of 8 to 10 points toward midday. some realizing by recent bi reaction at these figures and prices eagged off a few points from the best but held steady in a quiet noon hour market. Trading remained quiet during' the early afternoon with prices holding steady around 13.98 for May or about 4 1 points net higher. The market wil; be closed, from today until next Moft day morning. Close New York Futures. New York, Feb. 11. The cotton market closed steady. High 13.63 .:. 14.06 14.40 14.90 15.05 43 3-4; WOULD CENSOR MOVIES. Halpifh l'.i. 11 ii,- n i.i3 fi ' c". 11. oiiis luuviuuij; ' Mate-wide censorship of motion i ""res and the regulation of charges rnnniu . i,ii . iMt, 1vja. ' ami mtais uy llUtriB 111 Hlin I uie were introduced in the house of lilv , h Carolina' general assem- Tnflj.- ri,,. , . ... Wng censortmip measure is aieriui l . and ,he hoteI bill by com- "i travelers of the state. COTTONSEED OIL. ew York. Foh 11 TT,a ttnneetft i"ii!nilrt closed firm. Prime summer Pehr bid; prime crude 5.60. P'av , 'ou' March 7.80; April s.oa; lm -"-' ,Iunc 8-40: July 8-65' Au" Tnd ' at'Ptember 8.86. iotal gaips 21. 600. LIBERTY BONDS. o'sV Y,ork- Feb 11. Liberty bonds 'conri a 3r1'2s 9L24: first 4s 87.30; nd 86.30; first 4 l-4s 87.10; sec- .'4 v: 1-43 87-00; victory 3 . 3-4s ' Xl(-tory 4 3-4s 97.18. firm; N'KW YORK PROVISIONS. eamVr.Jk! Feb- 11. Butter nery firsts 39 to 43 to 40 flrmer: csh gathered firsts n, 5 je20SG regular; average run 24 to' rlfL,?ouLtry- flmi; chickens 32 to "-"IS JK. sed Poultry quiet and unchang- Ch. tine --6", ireb ?'ery extras 44 powtp,. gl?.er; firs 36. to 36 1-2. . ir. ahve lower; fowls 31; springs 11. Butter higher; Chicago, Feb. 11. Cattle: Beef steers and she stock steady; top steers 9.50; bulk beef steers 7.50 to 8.75; bulk butcher cows and heifers 5.00 to 6.50; canners and cutters mostly 2.75 to 3.75; bulk butcher cows and heifei'd C.C0 to 6.50; canners and cutters most ly 2.75 to 3.73: bulls weak to 25 cents lower;' bulk bolognas 4.50 to 5.00; veal calves strong fo 25 cents higher; bulk veal calves 10.50 to 11.50; stocker,s and feeders steady. Hogs: 15 to -25 cents higher than yesterday's average; lights active, oth ers' slow; top 10.00; bulk 200 pounds down 9.50 to 9.90; bulk 220 pounds up 8.85 to 9.20; pigs-15 to 25 cents higher; bulk desirable 90 to 125 pound pigs 9.50 to 9.90. Sheep: Lamb3 very slow, no choice nandyweights sold , early; bidding 50 to 75 cents lower; bulk medium weight 8 00 to 8.50; sheep weak to lower; bulk fat ewes early 3.o0 to 4.50.. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. New York, Feb. 11. Prime mercan tile paper 7 3-4. Exchange firm; sterling 60 day bills and commercial 60 day bills on banks 3.84; commercial 60 day bills 3.83 3-4; demand 3.88 1-2; cables 3.89 1-4. Francs, demand 7.22; cables 7.24. Belgian francs, 'demand 7.56; cables 7 58. "Guilders, demand 34.30; cables 34.40 Lire; demand 3.66: cables 3.68. Marks, demand 1.71; cables 1.72. Lire, demand 3.66; cables 3.68. Marks, demand 1.71; cables 1.72. Greece, demand 7.22. Argentine, demand 35.62. Brazilian, demand 15.12. Montreal 11 15-18 ner cent discount Government bonds irregular; railroad bonds irregular. . j Time loans firm; CO days, 90 days, 8 months 7 per cent. Call money steady; ruling rate 7; bank acceptances 6 1-8. Chicago Cash Grain. the later cables hard 1.75.' No. 3 dark northern 1.56. Corn. No. 3 mixed 59 to 60; No. 3 yellow 62 1-2 to 62 3-4. Oats, No. 2 white 43 to No. 3 white 41 1-2 to 42 3-4. Rye, No. 2 none. Barley 63 to 74. Timothyseed" 4.50 to 5.75. Cloverseed 13.00 to 18.00. Pork nominal. ' Lard 11.45. . Ribs 10.50 to 11.50. WAS FISH STORY DAY FOR TARIFF WORKMEN General Motors Goodrich Co SB 3-8 Great Northern pfd 75 3-8 Great Northern Ore- etfs 29 1-2 Illinois Central S8 3-4 Inspiration Copper 3t 1-2 Int. Mer. Marine pfd 52 3-4 International Paper FS 1 Kennecott Copper 19 1-2 Washington, Feb.. 11. This was fish i-ouisvnie s ivasnvine .uiuu story day for house tariff architect: Maxwell Motors 5 3-S As to be expected with fish tales, thori Mexican Petroleum 158 3-4 was disagreementbut not as to size. Miami Copper IS 1-2 weight or fighting qualities. It had to Middle states Oil , ., 13 l-r do with rates of dutr soueht bv Amer Midvale Steel 311-41 ican fish dealers on certain kinds of Missouri Pacific 18 1-4 fish' now on the free list, or whether New York Central 70 o-S there should be any duty at all. Chicago Grain and Produce. Open., High. Low. Cldsft WHEAT- March 1.65 1.66 l.g3 1.65 May ........ 1.55 1.55 1.52 1.54 CORN May 67 68 67 67 July ..ii 69 ;69-,. 69.' 6&& OATS May 44 44 43 44 July 45 45 44 44 PORK May -...21.00 21.00 20.75 20.75 LARD May ..12.21 12.30 12.07 12.10 JUly 12.55 12.57 12.37 12.40 RIBS May 11.35 11.35 11.12 11.16 N. Y., N. H. and Hartford .. 20 1-2' Norfolk & Western 99 Northern Pacific 83 1-S Oklahoma Prod. & Ref. . . . . 3 3 8 Pan-Amerfean Petroleum . . . . 75 3-4 1 Pennsylvania , . .......... 40 1-8 39 1-4 Pittsburg and W. Va. .. .. .. 29 Ray Consolidated Copper .. .. 13 Reading .. .. 78 3 8 Rep. Iron & Steel .......... 65 5 8 It was the first round of the ways most part were a shade easier, but with no important changes. Demand continued fairly active for American Telephone and subsidiary issues. Steel sinking fund 5s for the first time in quite a while got below 95. 20 PER CENT; WAGE REDUCTION. Youngstown, O., Feb. 11 A 20 per cent reduction in wages for idependent steel plants of the Mahoning valley, Ohio, and the Shenango valley, Pennsyl vania, was announced today effective Feburuary 16. The reduction affects more than 40,000 men. . . 1 ABBEVILLE BOYS IffiRE". Members of the Asheviile basketball team have arrived in Charlotte for ' the Same with Charlotte high school Friday night, and are . stopping at . the Mecklenburg hotel. , IThey registered are: Jim Estes, Harry Johnson, Har old -Cheale-, Gordon Mobiey, Herbert Hays, Dix Sansfleld, Duke ' Florence, Charlie Brandell, Guy Green, . A. J. Hutchins and E. W. Smith. 1. ' - tr-Tiv. ..,. m jr "''""""j:"'-'w"i-,'v m March May July Oct. Dec. Low Close 13.43 13.56 SALARY INCREASE IS VOTED FOR COOLIDGE 13.82 14.20 13.97 14.35 Royal Dutch, N. Y. Sh-ell Trans. & Trad. . Sinclair Con. Oil .... Southern Pacific .. .7 .. Southern Railway . . . . , Standard Oil of N. J. pfd: Tennessee Copper . . Teas Co. Texas . & Pacific; Tobacco Products . . Transcontinental Oil Union Pacific . , . . tt. s. Food , Products IT. S. Retail .... XL S. Ind. Alcohol . . United States Rubber United State Steel Utah Copper Washington, Feb. 11. A salary in crease, of S3.000 a year-HfrOm $12,000 14 65 14 84 I to $15,000 Was voted for Vice-President Westhighouse Electric 14.82 14.98 i -ooiitge today oy tne senate, wnicn, at vvmya-uverwnu- .. w viir Srt rnttnn I the same time. reducecT' his already Atlantic ioast .Lane t j. v m .7 jysM w WVTAAO . - TCew Vnrk- TTfh ii Cnttnir Rnnt I small Patronage roll by striking out a Loca-uoia quiet; middling 13.85. I provision for a private telegraph oper- uir estates oieei v f ator at a year, NEW ORLFAivS COTTON. I Senator Pomerene, democtait, Ohio, . . . I offered an amendment to the .legislative. iew urieans, r eo. xi. caoies i ; ... - ..j.,-i v.s,i r vii-o-iria flam nviorv. frnn, T.ir0rnr.l V.e.T, ovnootorl r.Q,iC,1 I "CtULlVC aiiu puujtBU urn w iuuc ,- a rise of 6 to 8 points around the V1 ' : . , r: : rri7r.- "7l Arv,0o x,. . , warren 01 tne uuuruunauuns cumnui- ""l"'-"" ""v hf,t thf h-Trd W Zft rT ntnHZ tee, Warned that the increase - would American Zinc . I Invincible Oil .. ?:-:Tt?eS thTTrst'haS 'te speakVs salary als6 was in hour business nHees were R to 10 creased to, $15,000. rr,t tvT t ZtA, V Enmination Of the provision for a March traded as high as 13 2g and telegraph" operator Was made at the re as low as 13.12. ' The selling appeared Xllilf sh"' Vx. . vl- rs AVlfoiUnr rt V.rt.1 I 0VA tUO VlWIJICOlUm, A1CA.U AAV.V.1. American consumption figures the first a Private operat or He urged and thing Monday morning. There will the senate, accepted an amendment vT,,vr,a..w- wi. tv,a rttt providing for a private messenger for Sc fei.? affiSr,3 KWS&rT"-ln- Dilworth Registers Fall, While Temperature Takes Seaboard Air Line . . .. Sloss, Ejhef. Steel & Iron United Fruit . . ...... General Asphalt 60 1-2 41 3-1 24 3-4 78 3-4 22 1-S 109 55 3 4 8 1-2 42 a-4 23 53 1-2 9 119 23 3-4 55 5-8 68 1-4 69 82 3-4 56 44 3-4 7 3-4 84 22 35 . b6 1-4 b50 108 1-1 b37 1-4 35 1-2 110 8 1-2 23 1-2 67 1-1 HAIL STORM HITS SECTIONS CITY HE Oakland Sensible Six Sedan links the . homelike comfort of the closed car. with the activ ity and thrift of the open model. No other car, re gardless of size or costv delivers transportation of a more efficient character. Powerful, roomy and reli able, it serves at exceed ingly low cost. You are invited to examine the Oakland, now, at our salesroom, HELD ON LIBEL SUIT Claims of a 35 per cent reduction JAPANESE STEAMER in acreage in Texas strengthened the market appreciably and in the trading up to 11' o clock the active months were sent 7 to 11 points over the ' Houston, Texas, Feb. ll.-The Jap last quotations of yesterday, March I anese steamership Fukuye Maru, from rising to 13.32. I Marseilles. France, was seized, by a The advance continued until it am-1 deputy United States marshal in Gal ounted to 13 to 14 points, carrying yeston . harbor today on a libel suit March up to 13.36. At 1 :30 o'clock f filed by D. E. Simmons, of Houston, the tone was quiet and steady with I United States . district attorney. prices 6 to 10 points up. Immigration officials charge that the .... Close New Orleans Futures ship brought eleven Japanese into port. . New Orleans, Feb. II. The cotton as stowawaya The, Japanese have market closed , at net advances of 2 to I been taken into Custody. 7 points. . I The government is contending for High Low" ClOs I penalties which may be as high as Karch ..'.. 13.38 13.12 13.26 l $1,000 for "each stowaway; May 13.65 13.42 13.55 13.92 I3.72T 1S.80 14.30 1413 11.20 11.3G New Orleans Spot Cotton. New Orleans; Feb. 11. Spot cotton July Oct. Dec. . 4 r f CAPT. CARDi TRINITY, IS STATE CHAIRMAN sugar SUGAR. New York, Feb. 11. Raw quiet, 5.27 for centrifugal. Refined firmer, 7.05 for fine granu lated. . - , . ' NAVAL STORES. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 11. Turpentine quiet, : 92 1-2; no sales; receipts 78; shipments 30; stock 15,272. , Rosin quiet; no sales: receipts II; shipments 1,092; . stock 81,421. Quote: B D E F G II 1 li M N WO. WW 11.00. ' . . Last sale November 12 at 11.00. , SILVER. New York, Feb. 11. Bar silver, do mestic 99 1-2; foreign 62 1-4. Mexican dollars 47 1-4- - - stot ,150 bales; to arrive 1,269. I with th -nrom of nhvsieariieatiOH Low middling .8.75; middling 13.00; I t rr,- Kn v.,, tva good middling. 15.75. I American Phvaleal Education Associa: Receipts 5,173; Stock 434,748. tion u Rtnln chairman for North Car- LIVERPOOL COTTON. wm- direct efforts looking to the raising Liverpool, Feb. ,11. Cotton:. Spot 1 of the standard of physical education in moderate demand; prices steady, j among the colleges of the state and Good middling 9.46; fully middling make an annual report to the national 8.98; middling 8.11; low middling $.96; I headquarters of the organization of the good ordinary 5.46; ordinary 4.46. Sales 4,000 bales, including 3,500 American. Receipts 1,100 bales, all American Futures closed steady. February progress made. SENATE APPROVES PURCHASE. Washington, Feb. ll.The anpropri- 8.52: March 8;68; May 8.81; July 9,11; ?rJL "L.";r'"r 000,000 of federal . farm loan bonds to provide credits, for farmers pending decision: hsf the supreme court in the CHICAGO POTATOES, . iCtf X Jfi'. 2Jt hi5 ti liHgatlort Jesting , cowrtltutloriallty of white sacked 1.1' t0 1.26 cwt; bulk 1.2t tu tanl 7AW i wa -n., xn,1fl to 1.30 cwt. EVIDENCE" IS ALL IN. Manasas, Va., Feb. 11. Presentation of testimony was concluded this after noon at the third trial of W. C. Hall, the farm loan law, was adopted today by the? senate. It now awaits approval by the house. ; STORE DAMAGED: BY FIRE. Chesterl S. C . Feb. 11. Robinson's Bargain Store, owned by samuei kob former1: Virginia state prohibition offl-1 nson, was partly damaged by. fire of cer, chaged with murder, In connection t incertain origin last night. , The loss; is with the killinar of Lawrence Hudsor I overerf by insurance. Except for quick: and Raymond Shackleford, alleget j' rcrfc by the fife department,, the entire- whiskey runners, In March, 1919. otore would have been destroyed. Quick Tumble. A section of Dilworth was battered by big particles of hail for about 10 min utes around ,1 o'clock. Apparently the hail Confined itself to' a narrow strip in the neighborhood of Avondale avenue. Charlotte experienced one of its short est cold waves on record shortly-after noon. The temperature dropped eighi degrees between 12:30 o'clock and 1:30 o'clock. The drop Was from 53 de grees to 45 degress. By 2:30 o'clock th' temperature had gone . back , up - to 50 degrees. . . Meteorologist C. S1. LinWgren. ,of th' local weather bureau, had not observed the hail or any weather peculiarities at 2 o'clock, but considered it probably that it should fall, owing to the cold atmos phere high, up in air. Report was made to The Neks office Of the hail. Several homes in Dilworth Wkere called for information. Residents on East Boulevard near South Boule vard obesrved nothing more than rain, but further out on East Boulevard res idents reported hail falling for about 10 miutes, the particles being about the size of marbles. Mr.-Lindgren said hail usually is ac companied by thunder, but none was reported Friday from Dilworth. The uptown section of Charlotte had noth ing more, than a drizzle of rain during the noon hours. Fair weather through Sunday was promised by . Meteorologist Lindgreft; Gradual rising temperatures are' likely to return to summer-like temperatures by Sunday, he said. HAVE TURNED CORNER TOWARDS THE BETTEft Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 11. "We have 'turned the corner from the pe riod of momentary depression and afe;. well on the way towards better condi-. tlons," declared Governor Joseph A McCord of , the , sixth : . federal reserve aistrict, in opening the meeting of di rectors of federal reserveh anks today. 'Things are not half so bad as people fseem to think,",, he continued-. . "la fact, ' r would say timei are good. A L E S I X S ENS I B The greatest vatao obtainable" in nwderat priced SDC CYLINDER CAR. Southern Oakland Co. 507 South Tryon St. DISTRIBUTORS Charlotte; N. C. fhone I5t COTTON DICKINSON & NABORS 1 COTTON BROKERS 301 WEST TRADE ST. ' North Georgia and South Carolina Staples: ' North Georgia Strict and Good Middling 7-8 to inch Reliable shippers. - . , 4 i ' ' 7 -. . - ' - ALSO V7:: "'r7'r. 7;7-7:7 Odd Lots of 10 ' Bales cotton and upward future delivery, Repre sentihg Dougherty and ,Russelli of New York. Members Americas Cotton and Grain Exchange. Phohe 4243. Private Postal Telepgraph wire connections. 1;

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