THE CHARLOTTE NEWS CHARLOTTE, N. C , THUREDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1921 10 SACHETS PERFUMES dav.a Lotion 'FOR CHAPS OR ROUGH SKIN DELIGHTFUL AFTER SHAVING Beatty's Drug Store . .... . 201 North Tryon Street. BLOCKS CANDIES PAGE & SHAWS Watches Come In and select one today. The price Is nominal, considering? the quality of the watches. A most com plete assortment to choose from. B. F. ROARK Diamont Merchant, Jeweler and Silversmith. 10 North Tryon St. "They used to be a bugaboo to wash. Now, they're so easily done up!" Curtains and Drapes Are Easily Washed in the ectric Was her Before the day of the Electric Washing Ma chine, no washing problem was quite as per plexing as getting the lacy curtains done up. Now with the Electric Washer no house wife needs permit curtains to hang after they have become soiled. It is so easy to wash them clean and white, without the. slightest wear on their delicate fabrics, when you have an Electric Washer. Are you enjoying this new, easy washing 2onvenience? You can if you will telephone 2700 and ask for a demonstration. Telephone 2700. Southern Public Utilities Co. UTTER-HUT EHEAD CtNUINE BREAD Is your best food Eat More of it GUnERtiUTEFiZAO R-NUT BR EAD It's the QUALITY AND FULL W IGHT LOAF FRESH AT YOUR GROCERS TWICE DAILY FREE FREE FREE ' A' series of 56 Coin Folders, wrapped with each loaf of "Butter Nut" Bread. Get the entire series a different one each day. Carolina Baking Company Calf CiLTiuJis--y the U : Mew . lot ladies brown calf Ox fords, low heel, welt sole. $7,50 rhese are the style the ladies all want for street wear- : Bring us your feet we'll "Shoe . you. . . Thomp sons PhPB 23. 1 "RICH AS BUTTER" "SWEET AS A NUT" IT 100 True Detective Stories THE BOMB PLOT Copyright, 1921. by The Wheeler Syndicate, Inc. Book Rights Reserreu .Tap-Tap-Zap! ' The knocking at the door of the house occupied by Charles von Kleist. in Brooklyn, was not peremptory nor yet did it savor of stealthiness. During the silence which followed, the two men on the doorstep looked at each other in quiringly. Then Tap-tap-tap, they knocked again, for the old house did not seem to boast of a door-bell. Slowly, silently, the door swung open, and. -from the inner recesses of a pitch black hall, came a voice which inquired in gutteral German: ' - " "Who. are you) and what do you want'?." "We come from the Wolf,", was the reply. "He said that you would know what we wanted." ' "From the Wolf?" echoed the voice from within.-'-'How do I know that you areiot wolves yourselves? How. . ." "This'U prove who we are," inter rupted the man who had previously spoken, producing a card and slipping it past the stout chain which guarded the door. "Read and act," he continued, still in German. A moment later the chain had been removed and the two men. their coat collars turned high, their hats pulled low. entered the darkened hall. Not until the old man had re-fastened the these darned Yankees ever attempt to seize our property. The: moment they start the engines, that "moment they start the bombs! Yes," concluded the old man. "you can tell the Wolf that his plans are being well carried out. Kar bode, Schmidt. Paradis and Praedel are atttending to the ones on the ship; and Scheele and Becker on land." "Splendid: exclaimed Barnitz "The Chief will be delighted to hear this. Why not come with us now and tell him about it?" Thinking, of course, that his visitors referred to Wolf von I gel, .Kleist read ily agreed, and it was not until their taxicab stopped in front- o? Police Headquarters that he sensed anything wrong. Before he knew it he was being walked into the office of - Inspector Thomas J. Tunney with a gun in his ribs. "Chief," cried Barnitz, "that card turned the trick! You'll have to get a pardon for the scra"tcher. Anyone who can forge Von Igle'a writing as clev erly as that, doesn't deserve to be in jail. We not only nailed this old bird, but he's implicated half a dozen others. Sometimes it pays to ' have a German name and be able to speak the lan guage!" But the bomb plot, designed to de stroy half of the shipping in New York door and peceded them into a room ; naroor, man t omcialiy. ena until .Kleist where the tightly closed shutters effec- and bchmidt were sent to Atlanta for tually prevented any spying from tlie j iwo eurs wnue teci-:er, araais. outside, did he again address them. Praedel and Karbode drew six months When he did sneak, it was merely , to ana a SoOU tine. inquire their names. "Barnitz." replied one of the men the one who had carried on the conver sation from the outside. Barth," said the other. "Barnitz." the old man repeated rumlnatively. "That is a name of the Fatherland, a good name: But Barth?. I know it not. Is it not English?" , , . . "American." corrected -the first of kBarnard B. Evans Held by the strangers. "It would not do to use AUl., 4- too many of our citizens in this plan. I vicnciai inSBCiuuij iui ixv It would cause suspicion. We must I use all kinds of people that's how we; fool these Yankees! Besides, should you f LAWYER LOCKED UP FOR ASSAULT v . tack on Rep. Sppp. HOEY UPHOLDING RIGHT OF STATE lays Whiskey Decision Long Ago Gave State Precedent in Rail Rate Issue. 1 BY PARKER ANDERSON. : Staff Correspondent of The News. , .Washington, Feb. 24. The decision of the United . States Supreme court sus taining "the North Carolina state law with reference to the shipment of liquor into dry territory may be made a basis for the state's contention and the Su preme court's decision in the all-important passenger and freight rate de-. cision of the Interstate Commerce . Com mission, which virtually says to ,thq state that it has no -power to regulate intrastate commerce. . ' . . . ' ' The dry law which is, known,, as the "quart law" which prevented .any one having more 'than a quart of whiskey in his or her possession at one time. was upheld by the- Supreme court on the ' ground that a sovereign state has a right to say wnetner its territory should be wet or dry and forbade other states from violating that law by ship ping whiskey into North Carolina s dry territory. In' the opinion of many, prominent statesmen here in Washington, includ ing Congressman Clyde Iloey. of Shel by, the case of the Interstate Commerce Commission ordering North Carolina to raise its intrastate passenger rates is similar to the whiskey decision and it is believed that the highest tribunal of the land wll decide that North Carolina has the right to make laws which pro vide for the control of its intrastate traf fic, both in passenger and freight rates. In an exclsuive interview given the correspondent of The News today. Con gressman Hoey said: "The decision of the United States Supreme Court in sustaining the state law with reference to the shipment of whiskey in interstate commerce would tend to establish the claim that she has a right to fix intrastate passenger and freight rates. "In the liquor decision It was held that -where a state was dry whiskey could not be shipped into such state ex cept in conformity with the law of that state. This same principle should ap ply in the fixing of passenger and freight rates when a shipment is wholly within a state. This Is a contention which North Carolina and 19 other states are making in an effort to have the decision of the Interstate Commerce Commission reversed: - "But should the Supreme Court sus- l tain the Commission's decision that a sovereign state has no right to regulate rates on purely intrastate shipments then the last' vestige of the right of a state- to control and regulate its inter nal affairs has been swept aside. Here tofore the only claim has been that a state could not fix a rate that would be confiscatory of property and this con tention cannot be made in the present case- for the reason that the difference between the interstate rates and those fixed by the state for intrastate traffic is too small for it to be maintained that the rate proposed by the Interstate Com merce Commission would be remunera tive and that the rate fixed by the state would he confiscatory. "In the present case, in my opinion, it is stripped of all questions except the sole question of the right of a sov ereign state to determine and fix what is a fair rate on intrastate shipments and this right has never been question ed or denied heretofore.' His First Long Trousers Suit! Suits for the most imp,,,, ant milestone that he pass as. he travels along iife.. highway the event of all the years to himhis fw long trousers suit! Remember in you exnerW.., when .you .made the chan shorts" to "longs?" from Mannish looking but not as to take away the v. boyish smartness outhful that fw long-trousers suits shoulfl show the lines are slender and becoming, the materials and workmanship superior. Let us show you the Spring Models $271 n new 7 doubt, there is the card from the Wolf. That bears both names." "That is so," agreed the German, "and Von Igel is not one to take any chances. He is too close to Von Papen. For what were you sent here?" "The Wolf wishes to be assured that everything is going smoothly. Also he does not care to pay which Is not being done.. The Father lands' resources are great, but they are not unlimited and we must' therefore be careful that the money is being well spent." Then, after - a - moment's hesitation during which he studied Von Kleist's face very carefully: "Have you complet ed the bombs?" - "A few only." It will be simple to make the others. Come. I will show you.". Through the winding, labyrinthine passage of the old house the German led them, and then out into the back yard a tiny plot of ground barely a feew feet square. "As, you will note," he said, "we con not be overlooked from any of the sur rounding houses. There are no windows through which they can spy on us." The man called Barth. glancing up, saw that the German .was right. Only the bare walls of warehouses frowned down upon them. As he looked, how ever, he seemed to catch a queer glint from one of the nearby roofs a glint as of sunlight refracted from a binocular-glass. Barth said nothing, but bent forward to watch the. old man as dug around in the loose earth. - After he had removed three tulip bulbs, planted in a straight line as if to mark a certain spot, Von Kleist pro duced a small oblong box, black and ominous. - .. - ................. "This," he said, motioning them back Into the house, "is the only one L have ready for use. The ones I shall show you in the cellar in order1 that you may tell the Wolf just how his plans are being carried out are merely the cases. But this one Dr. Scheele turned over to me as a sample.' Careful! Don't drop it! . - "There were several of these on the Lusitania. and when the news of her destruction first-arrived, t thought that my handiwork was responsible. But the honor was not mine unfortunately. There ; are also similar1 bombs planted on .the Friedrich der. Grbsse, in case Columbia, S. .C, Feb. 24. Barnard B. Evans. Columbia lawyer, was Wed nesday night placed in custody by the house of representatives of the South Carolina general assembly and, upon the order of the house, taken to the police station, to be held pending fur ther action by the house in connection llC I mi.l. 11 .J ,j. -r-. for any work i tuiegeu assduu oy ivir. jcvansi uii iicpi caciuauve v.,. A. Oitpp, UI J"4icn- land county, in the lobby of the house. The house took the question j up in committee of the whole. Mr. Sapp. according to his statement in the house In explanation of the in cident, had staHed out of the hall of the house oL.tipresentatives into the lobby on hi'Qvay to the senate cham ber and had "not seen or spoken to Mr. Evans. Just as he reached the doo". Mr. Sapp said Mr. Evans called out to him saying "if you come out of the door. I'll kill you." Mr. Sapp proceed ed on his way. he said, and, according to his statement was assaulted by Mr. Evans, all of the buttons on his "waist-coat being torn off. Rep resentative Sapp said he then knocked Mr. Evans down. Mr. Eva his feet, Mr. Sapp stated, and, calling the Richland representative a liar uraa again knocked down by Mr. Sapp, who .a,m max ne neia on to Mr. Evans with one hand while hitting the lawyer with the other. The combatants were sep arated by members of the house. HURT Best Quality Madras Special PURE SILK v CHARGES ARE : UNJUSTIFIED. Washington. FebV 24. -Charges that congress has failed to. provide adequate hospital facilities for-wounded and sick war veterans are unjustified,' Chairman Good, of the appropriations committee, declared Wednesday on the -floor of the house.- . :Vi To Stop A Cough Quick! Use a'Double Treatment Take HAYES HEALING HONEY to heal and soothe the tore and tender tissues and lining' membranes inside the throat. . Apply GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE to chest and throat to allay fever, reduce inflam mation and . relieve ; conge tlon. The healing effect of HAYES HEALING HONEY inside the throat combined with the action of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE ., through the pores of the skin soon opens the air passages, heals all inflam mation and stops the cough. Just ask your druggist for a bot tle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY and you will hd a box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVL enclosed therewith..; The cost of the combined treatment is 35c. : (Give it one trial) LOCAL BOY TAKES 637 MILES ON "HIKE" When the Southern Railway system recently , undertook to re-measure the new double-tracked line between Wash ington and Atlanta, a task requiring five months to complete, a Charlotte hoy, Withers Davis, walked the en tire distance. Mr. Davis, who is a son of the late B. S. Davis, of Char lotte, was a rodman in the surveyine party. ..... , .- & Ten men were engaged in re-measur-mg the line, but only two walked the entire distance, Davis and A. V. Shel don son of the general superintendent of the northern division of the South ern . The new survey of the line cut 'the mileage between Washington and At lanta from 648.5 to 637.6. or a saving Sfr-'1?-,9 milea- Passengers between Washington and Atlanta and interme diate points are given the benefit- of re duced, fares corresponding to the de creased distance. , CURED in S to Days AH druggists are authorized to refund the money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to Cure any case of or PROTRUDING PILES. Cures ordinary cases in 6 days, the worst cases in 14 days. PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re lieves ITCHING PILES and you can get restful sleep after the first application. It is guaranteed by Paris Med icine Co., St, Louis, Mo., Manu facturers of the world-famous Grave's Laxative Bromo Quinine tabietc This signature is on every box of PAZO OINTMENT. 60c. RECORD GOLD CLAIM IN HEART OF DENVER Denver, Feb. 24. Peter Noonan and William Wickersham Wednesday re corded a gold claim in the heart of the city of , Denver. . In; the ground beneath the territory containing, the city hall, the Union station and a great-' part of the business district, the men allege they have struck a rich find of gold. The two men, - who . looked like, typi cal old-time prospectors, appeared at a window. . in . .tlie . recorder's Office and dumped the contents of two canvas sacks, xxn -the counter. .v.. - - "We dug these out of lots in the heart -of Denver," they explained.; "and claim the ore bodies from which they came by right of discovery. We want the ore and our claims recorded." : Later they presented the proper Da pers. . . KRAMER DID IT! Greenville, S. C, Feb. 24. John F. Kramer,, .federal prohibition commis sioner, was "the man with the hoe" in this county. Wednesday, - person ally, breaking up a 25-gallon moon shine still with the- implement used ' to stir, the "mash." DENY RIGHT TO ALJEXS kittle ; Rock," Ark..- Feb.,: 24. A bill which .would prohibit the owning of land in Arkansas by non-resident aliens was passed by the house and sent to the sen ate Wednesday; Odd PAINTING That's , our work, and we work so Carefully our work pleases. We are pre pared to handle any job of outside painting, interior, finishing; floor wax ing. If pays to spend money when you spend it for painting. . THos. F. Rogers PAINTING CONTRACTOR 227 N. College St. Phone 3800 3 yj immh ' UMal aiMiaMS DR. L. S. FOX, Dentist Announces the REMOVAL of his offices from the for ; mer location to 21 W. TRADE ST. Over Yorke & Rogers, just across the street from - the old location. Special 95c The Arrival is Announced of .Distinctive and Practical SPRING STYLES of refinement and modest price. NATHAN'S . 38 East Trade Street Phone 123 For Fussing Up" Your Floors Perhaps nothing so adds to the looks of a room gives greater tone than clean and shining floors. Wherefore, we pleas urably mention the following requisites: . Old English Wax, Waxers and Polishers and 10, 15 and 25-pouhd Weighted Brushes O'Cedar Polish and Dry Mops and O-Ce-dar Polish Wizard Chemically : Treated Mops and Dusters; and Wizard Waxers and Polish ers. , .., ; Bissell's Carpet Sweepers. T':C Perfection Wool Wall Brushes. Wet Mops Scrub Brushes. Hardware Company The Quality Hardware Store" 29 E. Trade St. Phones 64-6o SINCE 1868 THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES A Gracefully Modeled , , . STREET OXFORD Adhering closely to the adopted by Dame Fashion, w pretty Brown Kid Oxford " its sturdy Cuban heel and F tical welt ,. soles and the u touch of "differentness' m perforated cap toe meets ev requirement for a smart w shoe $10.00 THE PAIR Gilmer-Moore Company Shoes tintiw Luggt

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