' m . - - - - - - THECHARLQTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. O, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1921 01 AND JEFF THESE LAWYERS MIGHT HELP OUT WITlf THE mVESTIGATIOGoTNGN T 6TTlfi6 ALONG FlNfc 110 A CAS "TO AMt E VJNDST"ANt MUTT fee TH DUTCHMAN. I've Fot?6oTTN MOftG- UAW tHAN MV)T T BY BUD FISHER i i m k j i j ii inuir MMiniK i. it iu wbci hii ad 1 1 1 n . . y CAWPRACT.SCi TDKeARTyfc THfe TMTH , Il7 MytUfeMTj IflFlMTe AC V f MOVJJ THAT TH CoiAr I ' - - " 1 S-r' " NTCKKOHlJvy I WITH TH casc! s r . i . ... . , SWATTER POP? : jW '((a" " " ( A WHITE FIB'S JUSTIFIED FOR THE SAKE OF COURTESY BY C. M. PAYNE " 1 " .i ; r ' . " 1 ' - . ' - IICOUUKIT ETUt j !.ToT3 7 G NXcT) CHARLOTTE WINS I BALTIMORE BOY LISTLESS GAME LOOKS THE BEST Huntersville Basket Five Chaney Leads Favorites in Put Out ot Running bVj Mprrv Filit For the' urown oi jonnny jvuoane. 40 to 20 Score. Charlotte high school eot the best of the Huntersville outfit in a listless bas ketball game Wednesday night, mark ig the scheduled elimination game "be tween those two teams. .The - final :ore was 40 to 20. Thp nlavino- nf hnth-fpams wa twinr Yates center for Charlotte, put the only pep in the fray. He passed well and displayed good floor work at all times. He. had eight field goals to his credit ivnen the contest endeu., . .. , . . The locals might have "doubled their wnnad they made the easv shots thev Inexcusably missed. f J. Shields, left forward for the .visi tors, was the only man who scored con sistently for Huntersville. : r . . . Charlotte will scuffe for victory in the second of the elimination series Sat urday night when a game is scheduled with the Dixie hieh school outfit. The game will take place at the Y. M. C. A. ana win ne caned at 7:30 o clock. The winner of this camp will hp nnA of the six teams in the western half cf the state to play the final game for the western championship. manoite huj iluntersvUle (30) McMillan TiV TTn1V.r-noV ai!ory LP. . By JACK VF.IOCK, International News Sporting Editor. New York, Feb. ' 24. Johnny Kil bane's fighting days are nearly over. : The good-natured little boss of the featherweight division is no longer a chicken, and no one realizes it better than himself. Eut even though he doesn't expect to continue his rin? career over a long period, he means to make somebody go the limit to win vthe title unless he de. cides to retire because of a lack of worthy opponents. ; Digging up featherweights to topple Kllbane from his throne has been a favorite pastime of managers and pro moters lor a number of years; But they never got anywhere with it. Toda3r the Situation, insofar as dan ger to Kilbane's skypiece is concerned, has ohanged but little. There is. enough of a change, however, to make it notice able. ; . Four or five featherweights wiio are active in fistic circles today are worthy of tabulation as likely looking aspirants to the Kilbane halo. rrrt hnvs who have attracted auite ' " t cTc?yc a lot of attention lately stand out from ..C. .... .: B. Shields ' ruiv beFoe are SSJ Cht Chfney sTems to have the edge as Al0L?no?i )ynit",or-.B- ?.?leld?-- "If you ask me." said Kilbane dur- int? a recent visit to New York, "I'll tell you that as far as opposition goes I figure this Chaney the best of the lot. But I'll meet anyone the, pror moters and the public want me to meet, BY W. A. PIIELON. HOW DO THEY GET THAT WAY? Physical culture experts. Pinochle players. Band leaders. The new map of Europe. Soviets. Restaurant, prices. y Shoe dealers. Civilized Indians. Pretzels. ,. Storage eggs. . , ,. -an WHO SAID it "fHR PH LAN ? If your car bogs down in a mudhole, it is totally "incorrect ."to say "This is Hell" for hell is Paved! ' - Willie Hestpn, All-American half-back, is a police justice now. If the cops can't keep "order in court, leave it to Willie! Field L'Olx R- fVTll!n t fates, 8; Milatead, 2; Howell, 1; Hol "ook, l; J. Shields, 5; B. Shields, 2. ouls McMillan 1 out of 7; Holbrook, out of 10. ....... Referee-Caswell, Concord "Y;" urn P're, Carr, Charlotte "Y." THE ONE BIG PARADOX. Spring house-cleaning always gets the house so dirty! providing I get the right sort of a guar. "And right here." he added, "I want to make it Plain that I consider the SITOTTT Tl DFA rTT rpn rr-TTTT' iviujxx X J X.X1.XU to make it piam mat i wiiemn "LtACHERS & STANDS. rTSS wSt Ve luSt in New Boston T-iK -.... i. iJm law RhnnM .c "vrir nr nnv other state. I won the title at 122 and I have a right to say something about the weight at which bleachers and , I will risk it." parks and call to ! In addition to Chaney," who is a sta- blemate of Joe i-yncn, rne Daniam weight champion. DeFoe ranks second Charley Beecher and Sammy Seiger third or fourth take your pick and the others close behind these two. Kilbane, realizing that inaction is any thing but profitable, is anxious to re sume flghtms and willing" to box. but so far he has been too high in his de mands, and this alone nan kept him from the ring. Of course, that is Kil bane's businessyet the public would be better satisfied with him if he would show willingness to take a chance with the promoters and gamble on what he can draw to the gate, 't 24. The arm of the loner ennn?h tn nprmit " reach to the stands at Kocjh ii du ivno net on games, in ne ODinion (,f Jude-e K. M. T.andiK. hi a letter received Weanes nf v I'sentative Hugh .J Lacey, ,!yoke commenting on the lat- s oiii :n the legislature to penalize Wers or others participating in the mi I win er - e . . tltr r.f r . . , . .u sanies, saia ne mougni Offense Should Iip a folnnv nHI-Vi a Penalty nf frnm v4ix inu tu live ca.io imPnsonment. - . - . LEMs BESTED DAVISCOURT. Kochester, N. Y., Feb. 24. Ed. tlmngu'1'' Lewis. heavyweight wres ',,!. champion, defeated . Dick Dav urt 0f Texas h Wednesday "in a , , IIV V VUllVDVItlJ AIM. KM llUi. the headlork. harr Cured His RUPTURE trunwf baflly ruptured while lifting a mv on?evtral yea"8 ago. Doctors said tion hPe of cure was an opera 1 eot rVKSes did rne no good.. Finally and ? of something taht quickly PaL,?n.ip , tely cured me. Years have turnU dr the rupture has never re- a i !lough I am doing hard work on nnVVenter- There was no opera- nr'thinp ' ,l,me' no trouble, i nave uiiug ( well K.'.:11 I ,...- 'nation oV ,Jl- will lull iiuui" Plet." , a ,out how you may find a com writp re without operation, if you Kn l Eugene M. Pullen. Car- luan v V Mareellus Avenue; Manas inr) si,;,;, J.- Better cut out this notice tr, nv Jt to anv others who are ruD- LEONARD MEETS WELLING. St. Louis, Feb. 24. Benny Leonard, the lightweight champion, and Joe -Welling; of Chicago, had rounded Out their training program and were rest ing today for their second meeting an eight-round, no-decision bout here tonight. ' Borrowing ." a book from the public library in one city and returning it to the library in -the next town in. which he makes a stop may be arranged ?or the traveling man. Ad. column in St. Joe, Mich., offers $25 for the return of a-strayed husband, and $100 for the return of a lost dog, Well, the ratio is pretty nearly right, isn't it? Life is like a cafeteria. You may be the first to reach the rich repasts, "but there is an impatient nne Demnd you, you cannot linger long to choose, and when you havefinished with everything there is an accounting to be made. ... ' - - Marriage license issued at Miami, Florida: "VallOf Vives and Marie Del Carmen Graziella Tanez Del Castillo Del Mon terez Comijoy Camalaeys." r V You can't blame the young, lady for her perfect willingness to change that name. 1 Peace Dove is a prominent citizen of Hague, Florida. That bird is off the reservation his place is over in Eu rope. -. - The Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes has a high-sounding name. More letters in the name than there are bath tubs in the whole nation. , v - PACHYDERMS The elephant.' Jack Dempsey. r The rhinoceros. . 'Victor Berger. The hippopotamus. Senator La Follette, Sunday School teachers and Bible Students Mn general are invited to attend the courses of study in the New Testament by Prof. A. T. Robertson, of Louis ville, at Y. M. C. A. besrinninir ! itAtm 4 lr-vinvm oLoa I O . A A' ton 7Tyou maV save a life or at least MUlUAl 1JCAA, OJOU aim OiUU kv iJnlPTy of rupture and tha 0ciock daily . FREEi 24-5t una danser of an oneration. w wV- -,f Golf Balls pnulops--$8o:d? :.v1 jv Every golfer knows the superiority of th Dunlop ball. iWe have "mited .price which we can sell at this price. . r Carolina Sporting Goods Co. . I a W. Fourth St. (Just off Tryon) 'Phone 3248 ' UNSOLVED MYSTERIES- The Man in the Iron Mask. Most wrestling matches. Edwin Drood. Jack Dempsey's war-record. . " The sea serpent. The' League of Nations. " The cancellation of all debts, has been urged by several nations. All right- we'll begin with our tailor right away! '.'Opportunity seeks the man." So do brickbats, , lemons and the, resounding raspberry. ' ' ; . f .. . V ; When you see a. man in a hurry, it isrift so much where he's going, to, as where he's coming from. ';'-. t Copyright National Newspaper Service. CANNOT COME TO .TERMS. J: Philadelphia, Pa,, Feb. 24. R. B. Ben jamin, manager of Willie Hoppe, bil liard champion, announced here Wed nesday night that he had withdrawn the forfeit of $2,500 which he recently ! posted in Chicago for a match with Edouard Horemans, Belgian expert, and jthat the match would-not be held aa the principals couia noi come 10 terms. : BROKE WORLD'S RECORD. r 'Miami, Fla., Feb. 24.Percy C. Law rence of San Francisco, broke the world's 30-mile bicycle record ho.e Wednesday, his time being 40 minut s, 24 3-5 seconds. The previous record was 41 minutes and 3-5 seconds. H , STUDES STRONG FOR NICK-NAMES But Few Southern College s Teams Lack Endowment of Ferocious Name. Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 24. Students of Southern univerties and colleges de light in attaching to their football and baseball- teams some picturesque, nick, names. The reason for some of these names is easily fathemable but for oth ers, cannot be determined, except that thev have been used for years. - The list of nick-names and some of the reasons for them, include: The Pray in' Colonels, Centre College, Danville, Ky., . because they pray be. fore entering 'contests'''' and because they come from Kentucky where colonels abound. ' , - The Flying Cadets, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, Va., beeause they are military, cadets,' ,and have a fast team. - : The Generals, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., because their uniersity was named for Generals Washington and Lee. . The Fighting 'Volunteers, universuy of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn., because of the title of . the Volunteer State earn-1 ed bv Tennessee in the Mexilcan war. The Commodores, Vanderbilt Uxiiver-; sity, Nashville. Tenn., lecause their in- s'titution was named after Commodore J Vanderbilt. . The Hatchetites, -George Washington i University, Washington, D. C, because of the little episode George Washington had with a hatchet and a cherry tree, according to nopular story.. The Indians, William and Mary Col-, lege, Williamsburg, Va... because the in stitution was founded back in Indian times. ' ''. . The Plainsmen, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn,. Ala., because the in stitute is situated on the, plans of Ala bama. The Hilltoppers, Georgetown Univer sity, Washington, D. C, because the university stands on the top of a hill. The Golden Tornado, Georgia Poly technic Institute Atlanta, Ga.. because of the . swiftness of its team and its school's colors. .- The Purple Hurricane, Furman Uni versity, Greenville, S. C, because of its university eolers and its fast team. The Crimson Tide, University of Ala bama, Tuscaloosa, Ala., because of its colors and tho faith in its teams strength. Also called the Thin Red Line in ether years when, its team was not so strong. The Maroons, Mississippi A. & M. Col lege, Agricultural College Miss., because of its colors. Ferocious and other animals 'are fa vorite nicknames as will be seen from the following list: : The Tigers, Clemson College, Clem son, S. C. 1 The Wildcats, Davidson College. Dav idson, N. C. i " ' The Alligators, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.', because Florida is noted for its alligators. " The Gamecocks, University of South Carolina,- Columbia, S. C.' The Horned Frogs, Texas Christian University.' ' v. The -Bulldogs,' University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. The Spiders, University of Richmond, Richmond, Va. " The Gobblers, Virginia Polytechnic- In stitute, Blacksburg, Va. .The Jackrabbits, Emory- and Henry College, Emory, Va. - ' . i ': -.The Stormy - Petrels, Oglethorpe Uni versity, Atlanta, Ga - The Tigers, University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. The Moccasins, University of Chat tanooga, Chattanooga, Tenn. The denominational institutions' teams usually take on tiome of their re ligion. The Presbyterians, Pr-jsbyterian Col lege of South Carolina. Clinton, S. C. The Methodists, Trinity College, Dur ham, N. C. The Baptists Mercer University, Ma con, Ga. The Catholics, Catholic University, Washington, D. C. - . The State Universities without nick names usually -are called by their State names except these two: The Tar Heels, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. C. Ol Miss, University of Mississippi, University, Miss. here Wednesday night piling up a score of 41 to 19. Howard Hanby, right guard or uaronnaj snot xz neia goals and we whole Carolina outnt passed and drib bled in faultless fashion. Trinity play ed consistently and displayed, the best form of any team seen in action hare this year, but with Hanby playing the most stellar game of the season, the Methcdists had no chance, The vic tory evened the series between the two teams. . Po&itfon Trinity LF .... . . Simpson LF . . . . a . Moore . . C . . . . Richardson , , LG .. Hathaway . . . RG i , , . . , Crute CAROLINA BESTED TRINITY'S QUINTET , Chapel .Hill, "Feb? 24 The 'University ' basketball team ran wild over Trinity Carolina Shepard . McDonald Carmichael Erwin . . Hanby . 'Substitutes: Xdipfert" for Erwin,: Er win for Liipfert7Spikea "for Moore, Moore for Sykes. Field goals:. Shepard 1, Carmichael 3, Hanby 12. Liipfert 1, Simpson 2, Moore 1, Hathaway l, Crute 1. i Foul goals: Carmichael 7 out of S, Crute 9 out of 11, ; ; s f I Referee; . Carboy of Elon. Umplr.?, Stuart of Greensboro.- ; ;i Do You Buy a Car Every Year? If you do, you won't need this advice. You know it. But if you ; are buying a car for the first time, your satisfaction of ownership will depend largely on your se lection of a dealer. A good dealer is one who sells a good car to start with, then backs up the sale with ability to provide for the needs the new buyer may not forsee.' ' Don't maks yourself dependent upon an inefficient jdealer. This organization is steadily growing more efficient each year. Some day you'll buy a car -; Come in and see us now- H. L MORROW COMPANY Studebaker Distributors. 514 S. Tryon St. Phone 1262 J';'-: -iiniii urn inr-intir i The: Studebaker Sedan. r JE 11 11 It 11 3C 31 Is Yoiir Business Stationery! Distinctive Does your business stationery say to your customer, "I am sub stuvi and reliable;" or does it give a negative, false impression. -ofjr.u? Every letterhead, envelope, arid billhead does more than carry the nmsage itself it carries . an impression to the one who receives it. M4KE IT DISTINCTIVE. , We are specialists and, qualified to supply the nucleus of favorable impressions excellent and appropriate stationery, properly Printed, i Catalogs, Booklets, Ruled ; Forms, Office Stationery; etc, News Printing House Charlotte, N. C. 1Z 11 BY V EXPRESS FROM , NEW YORK ( $2.50 AND $3.50 "''VALUES ' ONLY" $65, $75 .485, $100 . ickwire AND OvercMls ClWIF6 CLAUDE BROWN J Hi Tnit lirsh TtiTT -;-':. ' ;'. ' w Wi Clopes Slop, 11