THE CHARLOTTE NEWS;' CHARLQTOE, N." C V THUKEDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2i, 1921 I 1 4 -ft " - - . 1 lg" ' " : i ,.,.- 5s cgjd that character can be read . hi the profile more easily than from h full face because while the eyes 1 ifv a prominent part in the expression T the fH face and can be deceptive ' , confusing, the profile shows . only "i" features and the features are formed a great extent by one's character, so 'fat whatever is read fronv. the profile t"ai. . . -4tfiii. ' in tlvs shmall space, it - is only pos- fnr me to generalize. The pic- f'01 . gi cjVir-c n faco that to vPrw I tellient from the forehead to the 1 of the nose, uui me mourn nangs nPn Willi n r' ' ti, lino orp short anI full :th hin conrtrms the weakness, of -the nuth tlu cnin llne is ' snort a"d fat. tw. whole lower part of the face too " e tnis. the girl has pulled some quite nneeiarv hangs down over bed fore ,r thereby hiding and spoiling one to. larly ,r.i bvtho forehead and. chin, particu: (IV I lit: vuiu. ' Aiiiiiigrno 13 henvn hv the lorenead as wen -as tne dnoe ami expression of the eye. Cul- trre arid reitliciuc iu cuu mi uy mc " J avtin-. U3,jt1. lFii.tllnu ard vices are shown by the mouth. But in spite of this, it is possible to modify to an enormous extent the char acter f the profile. You cannot alter oTcpnt to a verv slie'ht rle- crffe tU l J OU eitii w:iui j uui iid.ii xuu. you ' ean dress so as to modify the profile, if you are not pleased with the me you possess. I- have a 'theory that' the profile shows one's inherited char acter, rather than one's developed char acter! There is sometimes, but not al H,v' a difference between these. High School Girl Tou can get the ingredients of the blackhead cleans ing powder and mix the powder your f'e;f Rub it into the skin after you jave washed your face with hot water, then rinse out with hot water and cold. Jazz Develop the arms and chest liy taking deep-breathing exercises everv day. - Almost Blonde Do not use peroxide Tcljl I J-" ';'"" 1 l . j . i i i . " - .SS$SS: valuable amount of 'sulphuf:" :" This' egg- 18 frequently complicated by the addition to tincture of benzoin, alum and ot,her astringents. KeI?n B- If yob, are weil-dveloped" except from the knees - down; I would advise you to join !aigymnasium class and get as much exercise as possible. 1 he best way to develops the legs op the arms is by exercising. ' . T. If you b.ave had fever, it is natural for the hair to come out. If your hair is dry and stif, you should use a. great deal nf nil nn -tVa'sfloiw t you wish I will send you the formula for an excellent hair tonic, on receipt of a letter with a self-addressed stamp ed envelope enclosed. I would advise a massage with hot crude oil the night before -the shampoo, which, in your case should be about once every three weeks. MOTHER! 'California Syrup of Figs Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California ' on the package, then you are sure your child is having the. best and mst larmiers physic for the little- stonlaci. liver and bowels.. Children love .its 'fruity' taste. "Full clirectibns 'on "each bottle. You must cay "California." You can- -tell character from your pro file. to bleach your hair, unless you use only a few tablespoonfuls in the, rinse water. Give your hair egg shampoos and sun baths to keep it light. I receive so many;letters from girls who complain about complexions, that I frequently want to . sign myself "dis couraged" in my answers, as they do in their letters.; The basis of a good complexion is good health. .The skin cannot remain clear, colorful, and fine grained, unless the health and the digestion. are in good condition. The first thing to do, if your skin is bad, is to change your diet. And the next thing to do is to make sure that there ;fs not the slight est constipation. After that, see that you get eight or nine hours sleep and a certain amount of exercise out-of-doors every day. I feel sure that if you fol low these directions you will have no further trouble. There are, of course, a great many external helps. There tre washes, and lotions and beauty masks, but all .these things are to stimulate t-he skin and to make it clean , and antiseptic. The beauty masks are much advertised and there are hundreds of varieties. Some times the mask consists of a plain clay, tn which antiseptics - and stimulants have been mixed. This is spread over the face, and as it drys, it draws up the skin and shrinks the pores. At the same time it brings the blood to the skin and is cleansing. One of the best facial astringents or masks consists of nothing more com plicated than. the white of an egg. This is 'beaten up very slightly and painted over the skin -with..a fine-haired - paint brush, and allowed to dry on. In cases of skin eruptions, the. yolk of the egg is used a&-well, because it contains a Miss U. S. See answer above. S &Iiss Lillian Take two tablespoonfuls of -ohve, oil with your -meals to gain weight. -t .- .. ... i Miss Blanche .L. Eating butter snould not cause pimples, unless it is only part of a diet which is already too rich for you to digest. L'.ME. W. The - peroxide-ammonia miX;ure ,.1S yery sooa to. bleach hairs on the hp. it can be, applied every day . unless it makes the skin too dry. All inquiries addressed to Miss Forbes in care of the "Beauty Chats" department will be answered in these columns in their turn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great number, received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stampec ; and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. The Editor.- WRIGHT-THOMPSON. Salisbury, Feb.- 24. A marriage of state-wide interest was quietly observed Wednesday evening at 9:15 o'clock when Mrs. Johnsye A. Thompson became the bride of George W. Wrght, the wed ding being witnessed only by the re quired number of witnesses. Officiating ministers were Rev. Edward Fulenwider the brjde's pastor, and Dr. Lemons, pas tor of the groom. The wedding was celebrated at the home of the bride on West Council .street. The. couple left later in the evening for points in Flor ida, where they will spend a couple of week and will then be at home" at Mr. Wright's residence,' 415 South Fulton street. Mrs. Wright is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Sloop, of Mooresville, a most excellent young- woman with lova. We traits of .character and - popular in this city, where she has lived for a num-. ber of years. Mr. Wright is one of the best-known merchants of 'Salisbury where he has been in business for many years. Both he and Mrs. Wright have friends throughout this and other states who will be interested in the announce ment of their marriage. trnev hair grwer Sworn proof of hair growth after bald ness. Amazing reports of legions of users of Kobilko, in stopping loss of hair, over coming dandruff, conquering baldness. Here's the fairest offer in the world use Kotalko. If it doesn't do all too expect, get your money-back! Forget past bad luck with 'your hair.' Tbis is! something different. Get a small box of r KOTALKO at any busy druggist's. Guarantee and directions with the box. Show your friends this advtrtuimeiU. ! ' ' ' " ' L f .The desire-to please others ' , : &J ; ' . mere than ourselves gives rise , ' , -. f to fashions." Montesquieu '' AUR ctief aim is to send all of our -C ' W ( Ay . customers away supremely nappy pver their selections. However back of $p our eflForts there is always tte desire to ; M see that each chooses the fashion best . 'iff! - suited to her personality and her purse. , ' . ' v ." -;V'r -'rr.yy. :;:: ,,.v.':.' . .. WOMEN TAKE NO AC TION AS TO CHARTER ; The members of the citizenship class of the Woman's Club did not take ac tion favoring a change of the' city char ter at the present time Slz the "after meetinar" of the class Tuesday night at the club house in connection with Washington's birthday celebration.,- It had been expected that the class would express itself as either for or against a change and campaign for change. John A. McRae of the Charlotte bar was "the speaker before the class. Mr. McRae dwelt upon the events that have been most outstanding in American his tory in making it the nation it has be come. ' " ' Mrs. Hugh M.urrill was leader of the class and made introductory remarks about: the plaoe of Washington in the history of the country and the. char acteristics that made him great. A feature of the evening was the. sing jng of . a . number .of . patriotic airs and old love songs by. Miss ..Bennie ..Withers, who was dressed in coiomal costume and who was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Frank Dowd. . . Mrs. W.T. Shore, chairman of the civics department of the club, present ed at the after meeting the overtures from the Chamber of Commerce, asking endorsement for the movement to change ,the charter of the city. National legislation" will "be the sub ject of the next meeting, with Mrs. Lu ther Little as the leader. GOVERNMENT SUES FOR SPITE. New York, Feb. 24. The . govern ment's suit , against.. the Postal Tele graph and Cable Company "to recover $2,400,000 of the earnings of that com pany during the period of government control" was instituted "merely out of spite and vindictiveness," William J. Deegan, secretary of the company, de clared in a statement issued Tiere Wed nesday. - - - NOW THEY AVILL GO WEST. Charlottesville, Va., Feb. 24. Paul Flagg and John Walton, two Charlottes ville youths, who told the police they were on their way west to become cow boys, 'were arrested in Staunton Wed nesday, charged with breaking .into a safe in a local drug store Tuesday night and stealing $450, ' i9 'Wssmiss GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC restores Energy and Vi tality by Purifying and Enrich ing the Blood. ' When you 'feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings color to the cheeks and how it im proves the appetite, you will then" appreciate its true tonic value. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it The blood needs Quinine to Purify it. and Iron to Enrich it.? Destroys! Malarial germs . and Grip germs by Its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect. 60c Healthy Blood and a Healthy System is Humanity's best protection against Colds, Grip and Influenza. ' RELIEPF UND FOR IRISH IS SOUGHT. Southern Organizes is in f Charlotte to Explain Needs of People. Dr. Maurice J. McCarthy, a lawyer of ' New York, who was one of the visitors presented at the Good Fellows Club luncheon Wednesday, is here to organize relief measures for upwards of 200,000 persons in'. '".Ireland, who are said to," be in dire jqirumstances be cause of the revolutionary conditions. He has been deputized to organize, the South under the auspices of the Amer ican Committee' for Relief in Ireland and is making first stop in North1 Carolina in Charlotte. He delivered an address at 4 o'clock at the Knights of Columbus club house on East First street before the Benevolent . Associa tion of the Woman's League for Char itable Wdrk; a non-sectarian body. He will seek an opportunity.' to lay the cause before -other bodies " in "Charlotte and throughout the state. A state chair man also ' Will " be appointed as well as chairmen for- the . several counties, somewhat along, the lines following in raising funds' for the : starving Ar menians and others in Europe. Dr. McCarthy explained that The movement had no1 connection with the "Friends of Irish Freedom" and was a purely humanitarian,- non-sectarian movement for the relief of people throughout Ireland who need help. The American Red Cross is not per mitted by' the British;.Red Cross, he said, to extend aid in" Ireland. There fore, some other means must be found to aid the sufferers. This considera tion has prompted the formation of the American Committe for Relief in Ire land, he explained. - Dr. McCarthy mentioned that tne Celtic White Cross is being organized for relief work in Ireland and has sug gested the formation of a chapter here. The plan of organization for relief in Ireland, Dr. McCarthy explained, is modeled somewhat after the plans 'fol lowed in the Red Cross, Liberty Loan and others "drives" during the war, and it is planned to form, an organiza tion that will work in American cities after that manner, with state, county and other chairmen. Announcements aa to personnel of working teams here are expected soon. Dr. v McCarthy took part in Red Cross,' Salvation Arms, Liberty and Victory loans, Memorial hos pital and other drives in New York during the war period, be said. The national organization is plan ning a nation-wide drive for the suf ferers in Ireland, Dr. McCarthy said, from -March 15 to April 1, to raise $500, 000 for the people of Ireland whose condition is pictured as critical. Among the men of : national note who are sponsoring the movement fxc, George M. Cohan, the actor and play wright; a vice-president of the Dupont Powder Company, David M. Walsh and many others. Mayor Ainslee of Rich mond, Va., is one of the men in the South active in the cause, having pre sided over a meeting at Richmond a few days ago in behalf of the move ment there. It is probable Dr. Mc Carthy will .be heref or several davs before proceeding- on a journey that will take him as far South as Miami, as far West as Houston, Texas and into ; Oklahoma,' Arkansas' and otlv-r Southern territory. . ' - Pa YKY V "Carolinas Greatest furniture House" ale Wearing the Close v HALF PRICE o A v Stock n Every Pfcee of Fur niture ' In Our Half million dollar stock to select from the finest mer chandise in America your choice of Dining-room; Living- foom, Bedroom in fact, every article of furniture in our - , .... store is not HALF PRICE! This sale will only be for a few more days and should you need good furniture this is the greatest opportunity ever offered. urms F earooin now At HALF-PRICE lust think of buying a fine bedroom suite at only half price. You'll miss the greatest opportunity to buy a fine suite ever presented if you miss this sale tn furnish your bedronm. ; READ THE LIST AND THE PRICES BEPK OOM FURNI31JRE walnut bed 4-6 walnut vanity, "walnut" bureau walnut chiffonier walnut dressing table walnut rocker walnut chair walnut bench ........ mnhoeanv beds . 4-6 . mahogany mahogany- mahogany mahogany mahogany mahogany , ruafcogany . mahogany mahogany mhegany mahogany mahogany mahogany . mahogany mahogany mahogany ' William bedr. . . William Eureaus William chiffonier William 4-6 beds 3-6 vanities bureaus dressing, tables mahogany bed chifforette mahogany beds mafcogand mahogany four-piece t suites mahoganybeds mahogany bureau . . mahogany chiffoniers mahogany beds mahogany ' bureau .. mahogany dressing bed 3-3 bureau - vanities ......... chest ....' beds 3-3 beds 4-6 desk tables vanities ......... beds 3-3 ......... bureaus ....... chiffoniers chiff orettes ..... .beds 4-6 ......... bed . . . . bureau dressing tables and Mary mahogany . . 135.00 and Mary, mahogany ................. 150.00 .and Mary, mahogany ................... 140.00 and Mary mahogany Regular Price ; $215.00 . . 315.00 , 300.00 . 255.00 . 160.00 1 . 42.00 . 40.00 . 35.00 . 225.00 225.00 . 275.00 . 325.00 . 300.00 . . 105.00 . 105.00 .110.00 . 240.00 . 100.00 .135.00 . 115.00 .150.00 100.00 175.00 185.00 90.00 . mahegany mahogany mahogany mahogany mahogany mahogany mahogany mahogany mahogany mahogany mahogany mirror . . mahegany mirror mahogany tables .... chiff orettes ........ beds . t. . . .' bureaus chiffoniers .......... post beds 4-6 ....;.'. post beds ,3-3 ...... vanities . . bureaus, ' large size bureaus medium size . dressing tables .... chiffoniers with .160.00 ... 125.00 ... 125.00 ... 240.00 ... 200.00 ... 150.00 room . .. 595.00 85.00 100.00 90.00 110.00 120.00 100.00 110.00 100.00 115.00 115.0d" 100.00 100,00 260.00 200.00 150.00 ., 135.00 Sale Price S107.5O 157.50 150.00 127.50 80.00 21.00 20.00 17.50 1120 112.50 187.50 162.50 150.00 52.50 520 55.00 120.00 50.00 67.50 57.50 75.00 50.00 87 .50 92.50 45.00 62 M 75.00 70.00 80.00 62.50 62.50 120.0J) 100.00 75.00 297.50 42.50 50.00 45.00 55.00 60.00 50.00 55.00 50.00 57.50 57.50 .50.00 50.00 130.00 100.00 4 75.00 67.50 I 1 chiffoniers without chifforettes , . 150.00 75.00 135.00 150.00 670 75.00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 .1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 : 2 ,-Sheraton mahogany .bureau, twin , beds to match v...U ...,.'t. 90Q, mahogany bed . . . : j ;'; .. . M 200, 'mahogany bureau 275 mahogany chiffonier 240 mahogany dressing table V; . . . 210 mahogany bed 175 mahogany vanity .... . . . ; .- 250, mahogany chiffonier .......... 200. mahogany; night table .'..... 40, mahogany twin beds ' i-180. mahogany dressing table 165, mahogany bureau ............ A235 mahogany Sheraton bed . 200 mahogany Sheraton bureau 315, mahogany chiffonier 260, mahogany dressing table ....... 245, j mahogany night table ........ 80. ......... J.9U. ........ 150, 165, :. 2oo. 160, .00 .00; .00? .DO : 450.00 100.00 187.50 120.00 00 105.00 1 2 ' 3 1 4 1 6 3 2 2 5 2 1 .' 1 5 12 3 6 3 8 5 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 2 walnut beds 4-6 walnut twin beds :.. walnut chiffonjers walnut bureau urn irut desk tables bow foct ivory beds 4-6.'... ..... 150 bow foot ivory beas ; aow ivory vanities ... 265 ivory chiffoniers, without ; .. ' .' i mirror . ....' ,150 ' ivory bureaus ..... ; 200 ivory, chiffoniers ;with mirror; .150. ivoi'y rockers, cane ( seat i . . . 32, ivorj" chairs cane seats .. . ; .. 30. ivory benches ivoo' dresser I 70; jvory beds with cane insets .. 230, ivory chiffoniers .............. 200, ivor.- dressing tables 7 210 ivory vanity-."..'.... 300, ivory room tables ivory bench ivory chairs ivory night tables t . ivorv dressers, large size .... 275 ivory , beds 4-6 110 ivory twin beds .. 105 ivnnr 'her! 4-fi ..... ' ....... . . 100. ivory 'dresser, large size .;:.,.'...'.' 165 ivory dressers, medium size 135 ivory dressing taoies ........ no ivory vanities .... .... 40 ivory chiffoniers without mirrors 90 ivorv . chiff orettes ' 130 ivory night tables ............. 33 ivory dressing . table benches . . 30 ivorv post bed 95 ivory bed 4-6 100 ivory beds 4-6 ivory chiffonier ivorv twin . beds ivory dressing table . ivory dressing table ivory dressers ...... ivory chiffoniers . . . 65 200 .... 180 ......... 95 100 100 90 .00 .00 . ,00- ,00 ' ,00 .00 00 .00 ,00 . ,00 00 00 00 00 ,00 ,00 00 . oot 00 00 . . 00 00 00 00 00 00 eo. 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ,00 00 v 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ,00 ,00 ,00 .00 .00 87.50 125.00 100.00 20.00 90.00 82.Ff 117ii0 100.00 157.50 130.00 122.50 40.00 75.00 75.00 82.50 100.00 80.00 75.00 75.00 .132.50 75.00 100.00 75.00 16.00 15.00 15.00 35.00 115.00 100.00 105.00 150.00 420 20.00 20.00 27.50 20.00 137.50 55.00 , 52.50 50.00 82.50 67.50 55.00 120.00 45.00 65.00 16.50 15.00 42.50 50.00 32.50 100.00 90.00 47.50 50.00 50.00 45.00 THIS SALE IS LIMITED BUY NOW. 7TT atdner C6 at net . : f- ;.. -.. ..-; .;., . ,. -,. . . ,.. : ...-. ...": --; "Carolinas Greatest Furniture House" A

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