THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. (X, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1921 FOUND LOS WANTED FOR SALE The Pullin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try -E m ONE- CENTRA - WORD FOR RENT CLASSIFIED -ADVERTISING RATES STYLK "A" Set this style and type. one cent per word each insertion. STYLE "B'VSIST THIS STYLE ANP TYPR. TWO CENTS PER. WQRIj EACH INSERTION. STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. Any style "slugged" either top or bot torn. -or between lines, at double the LjroR RENT-One lai -ge furnished or tom, or be ?bove rates; nAxrvi-i isiiifr is sold rash with order butf or convenience of Charlotte patrons, who are listed in the telephone directors, or known in the newspaper office, a memorandum .chars will he made with the. expectation that the bill be mm promptly. D....I.. r'UoKiruflnn nf mis I'flllliot be suarantetd after t2 o'clock for Daily Edition or after 10 p. m. Saturday lor Sunday Kdition MINIMtiM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTEDHELP WANTED Energetic-y.oun$ man with CLERKS, (men. women) over 17, for postal mail service. $123. month. Lx perience unnecessary. For free par ticulars of examination, write R. Terry, (former civil service examin er) 224 Continental Bldg., Wash ington. rye. 24-5t WAVTKI) Good cook with references ACt Pai-L- 4 vp. Phone 747. 24-2t i vi v. . ..-. - W ANTED Carpenter for small repair jobs. Call 1457-W after 6 o'clock. WANTED Experienc-d sewing ma chine hands. Charlotte Duck Cloth ing Co. 22-2t-eod WANTED A No. 1 seamstress to sew in the home. Phone 1S74-J. 23-2t WANTED Insurance representative Mecklenburg and Gaston counties. Address Insurance, care News. 23-2t WANTED Good reliable cook. None other need apply. 402 East Boule vard. - 21-tf PRICE A HOME or vacant lot in the built-up section of Dil worth, then you'll say ye have the best investment in Charlotte. Progressive Realty Company, 214 East Trade St., T. T. Cole, President, Phones 4550-4572. 194f A' ANTED Linotype operator for after noon newspaper. Apply to Foreman News. Charlotte. N. C. S-tf MISCELLANEOUS SMITH CANCER CORP. Established in 1S95; cancers on exhibition. Write for book of information. Average cancer permanently cured from ten to thirty days. BristQl, Tenn. 24-7t IATERNITY Sanitarium: Private, re fined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. M. T. Mitchell, 22 Windsor. Atlanta. Ga. 2-23-26t-rto-sun WALL PAPER A. J. DUNN CO. 10 East Fourth St. Phone 2264. 22-10t MATERNITY sanitarium Private, re fined, home-like. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. Mitchell, 32 Wind sor. Atlanta. Ga. l-22-26t-no-sun BUILDING AND LOAN . . 'THRIFT is not stinginess.: !lt is merely common sense in the man agement of money. Get as much as you can of the good of life out of your money, but don't spend it all keep an eye to the future, that's the thrifty person s motto. ?HE PURPOSE for which the build ing and loan is operated is to en able wage earners to buy or build a home and to save' a part of them earnings. JON'T BELIEVE that you cannot bo come a home owner. Many, others not so welt ; off financially have paid for a home on the buildin and loan plan. .'OU SAT the small amount you' can save each week is so insignificant it is not worth . the . effort yet, $2.50 paid into the building and loan each week in little over 6 years aviII net you $1000. : - HE MECKLENBURG Building and Loan '. Association opens ' Its spring series Saturday, March 5th." 7 You can take stock any time now and start saving or paying for a home. A. G. Craig, Secretary, '210 South Tryon St. 20-l4t NOTHING BUT DLL WORTH-. Progressive Realty Company, 214 East Trade St., T. T. Cole, President. Phones 4572-4550. 19-tf LOST OR FOUND OUND That Warren and Service mean the same thing for- Warren Gives the 'best service for the-least money. Warren's Barber Shop, 9 W, Fourth St. 5J4-2 .ObT Male bull pup, white, with br6wn spot over one eye. Three months old. Reward. Lee A. Folger, phone 511-J. 24-lt OST-Late Tuesday afternoon, bunch or four keys, . one large. Probably on .Boulevard, or center of city Return to The News. 24-2t u n ArSLE REWARD if returned immediately, child's . bicycle taken from my premises last week. H. B rowier. us w. Trade St. 23-2t wnjte ana macic spotted pointer dog; strayed from home-near the county home Sunday afternoon supposed to have : followed . automo bile. Reward for information, lead lng to his recovery. E, D. Puett AO. 31 n. Tryon St. 22-tf war iriaay aiternoon, pair of child's dark, rimmed . glasses near square. Reward. 22-3t JOLEN 1920 model Ford touring car. Serial No. .,4327042. Self-starter. State license No. 55422. Notify Chief or Police, Raleigh, - or w.- R. Fer rell, Knightsdale, NV C, for re ward. 19-14t fjuisu a piace to recover your Ford top and paint your car for $35.00; 15 days only. Klutz Auto Paint Shop, I20S W. Trade St. 15-15t FARM PRODUCTS OR SALE Early harvest seed corn for early roasting cars. Seed $1.25 per gallon postpaid. , Address A. G Vatson, Jr., Yuma, N- C. 22-3t FOR RENT FOR , RENT Front bed room, fur nace heat. Convenient to Southern station.' Phone. 2573-J. 24-tf FOR RENT Front office. Reason able rent. Close in. P. O. Box 143. - 24-7t FOR RENT Two rooms furnished or unfurnished, for light, housekeeiv ing on second floor. Phone 4014-W. 24-tf UIl l Ul IIUIICU I will, ..-- sfinfi.T . 24-tf TYPEWRITERS TO RENT- Satis faction guaranteed. Remingtons, Smith Premiers and Monarchs. Cor responding machines $4 to $3 a month for self-starter correspondence models. Smith Premier and Mon- "ach correspondence' models the same. Prompt deliveries. Reming ton Typewriter Co, 24-7t FOR RENT One furnished room with lishts, water, and use of telephone. . Phone 2139. 24-tf TWO FURNISHED ROOMS lor light housekeeping for rent, three and- a half blocks from the city hall. Phone J139-W. 22-tf FOR RENT -Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Modern con- veniences. Close in. Rent reasonable. 'Apply 310 E. Sixth. 24-lt FOR RENT One room for two gen tlemen. 708 N. Smith St.. 24-3t FOR RENT Seven -room furnished house. 205 S. Mint St., $130 per month. Phone 589. Home Real Es state and Guaranty Co. 24-3t FOR RENT Three unfurnished eon nectinz rooms, first, floor, . modern. conveniences, 1008 West Second St References exchanged. 24-2t FOR RENT Nice bed room, modern conveniences- Including heat. very reasonable. Call at 405 West Ninth St., or phone 114-L3 after 5 p. m. . 24-3 FOR RENT Offices Nos. 6 and 7 East Third St. Apply to Mrs. H. M. Wil der. 20-4t-eoJ FOR RENT New moving picture the ater, N. Charlotte. Well located. Big money maker. Home- Real Estate & Guaranty Co. Phone 589. 23-St TWO NICELY furnished bed .rooms in quiet home. Near good boarding house. Close in. Rent reasonable Gentlemen preferred. Phone 114-L3 23-2t TWO UPSTAIRS bed rooms. Phone 201 S-W or apply 301 N. College. 23-3t FOR RENT Two private unfurnished connecting downstairs rooms. No children. 309 E. Vance St. 23-2t FOR RENT One neatly furnished bed rooi to one or two gentlemen. Good board near. 504 N. Graham. Telephone 3411. 23-2t FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekepeing. 509 W. 9th St. 23-3t TWO., UNFURNISHED ROOMS, close in, adjoining bath. Phone 2381. 23-3t FOR RENT Furnished bedroom; 916 E. Ave. Phone 1186. 23-3t FOR RENT On furnished bed room, 6 blocks from square, modern con veniences. Call at 316 N. Brevard. i. . 23-2t FOR RENT Real nice bungalow in Thomasboro. Phone 3800. 23-3t P'OR RENT Heated furnished room to gentleman, close in, private fam ily. Phone 222-W. 22-tf WANTED Couple for room and board in private home. Phone 568-J. 22-tf FOR RENT Bed room to gentlemen or congenial couple.. Phone 3425. , '22-tf FOR RENT One furnished room, pri vate family, close in, couple only Phone 4578. 22-3t FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room with private bath for light housekeeping. 30 N. Tryon St. - 22-tf FURNISHED ROOM, one or two gen tlemen, five blocks from square. 515 N. Church St. " i 22-4t. FURNISHED ROOM, close in, private family, young couple preferred. 515 N. Church St. - 22-4t FOR RENT Large unfurnished room with- large closet; close in. Phone 4560. - 21tf FOR RENT Well, furnished front room. 11 w.- Sixth. 15-tf IT . PAYS' TO RENT a Remington from us. V e make them and guar aniee iaera. iour satisfaction is our main business asset. Terms $4 to $a a month for selvstarter corre spondence models. . Smith Premier and Monarch corespondence models the same. . Prompt deliveries. Rem ington Typewriter Co. Telephone Za3. 18-7 FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms and Bleeping porch. Hot and cold .water for baths. Screened, electricitv and sas- Fifteen minutes walk from square. Adults only. Phone 220S-J after 6 p. m. ii-tf FOR RENT Store room. 23 E. Third street, 15x90 .feet. Vacant February i. see ' southern Mfg. Comnan Phon 146. 1 East Third St., Char IQtte. N. C. ' " 26-tf FOR ItENT Office . buf.dins. 2u amo.. Well located. . J. U. McAden. Phon WANTED-i-MlSCELLANEOUS Asia.u iou to store your car with us. Open day and night. Five aouar month. Phone 4175, 9 N tsrevard. - 24-7t WANTED Several well located dope In vacant lots within eight blocks of square. Home Real Estate & Guar- anty co. Phone 589. 24-2t WANTED To do your hemstitching and pecoting. 301 N. Poplar, -Phone 798-W. ?4-7t I HAVE purchasers for several close m vacant iqis. Must .oe in good neighborhood. Home Real Estate & LHiaranty CO. Phone 589. 24-2 WANTED Yur etoves, chairs, porch swin$ and furniture to repair. Work called for and tfelivered: Phnn 1643. i 23-6t WANTED -Contractors and builders to come to our shop . and see the Wallace Portable Electric Saws and Jointers in operation. W. G. Jar rell Machine Co., 20-26 West Fourth St.. Charlotte. K.'C 2-24-tf-eod WANTED To list your property for sale. J. E. Murphy & Co. 20-3t-eod WANTED General upholstering and lurnuuie repairing or all kinds Work guaranteed. Phone 2438. ... . . . - 22-2t-eod ?OR EVERY CONVENIENCE and the ideal location, ask the good folks in Dilworth. Pro gressive. Realty Comoanv. 214 East Trade St., T. T. Cole, President, Phones 4550-4572. '...' v.. ..'. 19-tC FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED To , exchange . improved farm land for unimproved city prop erty. P. J., care News. 24-10t FOR SALE- Fine corner lot. Piedmont, shady side. Bargain, $1500. If you want one . of the best home sites this money will buy. see us quick. F. S. Conrad. Phone S682. 24-it 'OR SALE Nice 5-ro'm bm"ik": ' heart of Elizabeth. Possession soon. Sacrifice price. F. S. c-oii.v.. i . . 3682. . - 24-lt OK SALE Bungalow, Colonial Heights, 6 rooms, furnace heat. Immediate possession, $7850. F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. - 24-lt FOR SALE Eight-room residence, Piedmont. Has reception room, liv ing romo, dining room, butler's pah try, kitchen, toilet and lavatory and servant's toilet on first floor. Four bed rooms and tcomplete bath on second, floor. Furnace heat. Price 59500. F. S. Conrad. Phone 36S. 24-lt FOR SALE If you want a one, two or three acre lot in .one x)f the prettiest suburb sections of Char lotte,, just a short distance from the end of car line. We have about twenty -five of' these beautiful . lots to select . from. Water and lights available. The prices are reasonable and can be bought on ,torms. - We will arrange to build your huse if desired. Better see us before the best ones are sold. MeConnell-John-son Co., 209 Piedmont Bldg. Phone 4507. 24-2t MYERS PARK HOMES I want to get in touch with some . real high class families wanting homes in Myers Park who can pay from $15, 000 to $45,000 for home. I have eleven (11) of the most desirable homes in Myers Park for sale Every one of them built by owners as their homes (not stock houses). I have among these one orr "Mil lionaires Road" for a family who would appreciate the best in Myers Park. Jones the Real Estate Man. (Frank F. Jones.) 24-2t-thur-sun FOR SALE A LARGE WELL BUILT BRICK BUILDTNG, TWO STORIES AND CONCRETE BASE MENT. EQUAL TO THREE STORIES. " WITH SEVENTEEN THOUSAND OR MORE SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR SPACE, SUIT ABLE FOR A MANUFACTURING PLANT. STORAGE WAREHOUSE OR WHOLESALE BUSINESS, LO CATED ON SOUTHERN R. R. ABOUT FIVE AND ONE-HALF BLOCKS FROM CENTER OF TOWN, ONE-HALF BLOCK FROM SOUTHERN R. R. STATION. AP PLY TO CHASE BRENIZER. Ill 115 KINNEY BUILDING, PHONE 338. . 24-3t I HAVE CUSTOMER who has $4000 in cash to invest as first payment on modern six to eight room house in good residential section. Phone 2980. 24-4t FOR SALE Five-room bungalow, Eliz abeth section, at bargain if taken up ' with me immediately, ' Phone 2980. ' 24-4t FOR SALE Business . property, front ing on Southern railroad. Close in. One brick warehouse and two vacant lots. For information call J. C. Har- ley, F. C. AVoott & Co. Phones 3022 and 242. 24-2t 'OK SALE-rSix-room house, North Brevard St. Lot 60x150., Price $4750 F. C. Abbott & Co., J. C. Harley, salesman. Phones 3022 and 242. 24-2t FOR SALE Nine-room house, North Mcuoweu St. Beautiful and modern Steam heat. Hardwood floors. Two baths. -Lot 60xJ.98. Price and terms at office. F. c. Abbott & Co., J. . C Harley, salesman. Phones 3022 and 4Z. 24-2 FOR SALE Attractive four six-room bncK apartment, house.. Stays routed. iays 10 per cent. Direct from own er. Address P. O. Box 258, Charlotte 24-3t-thUr-fri-sun .rvArv oauq ur rem, moaern 6-room 1TAD Oil T.. a. , cottage in Dilworth, immediate po session. , "Mayhew," Box 454, city. 22-St-eod, FOR' SALE Splendid building, lots , wirn sewerage, water, lights, paved waiK to pusmess section, hard sur lace street, priced from $650 to iuoo with terms. J. E. Murphy, & 20-3t-eod i'OK SALE Well located business property, good investment, on good street, splendid buildings. J. E Murphy & Co. 20-3t-eod FOR SALE Several well located fac tOry sites with good railroad Iroit age. We will be glad to show them to you. J. E. Murphy & Co. . 20-3t-eod FOR SALE? In fine location, modern . . residence, 12 rooms, two baths, ga rage, rerms if desired. Telephone , , - 23-7t OR SALE One of the -most nttraf. uve, low priced 5-room bunfralow we have had for feome time; Located in Piedmont section. One block ffrnm .car line., near . churches, school and -pant, price $4250. First payment .$1000. F.s C. Abbott & Co. Robert atreet, salesman. Phones 3022 ana . itiy. 23-2t WHEN you LIVE in kilworth you are glad to say so. Pro gressive Realty Company, 214 Jast 'rraae T. T. Co e President. Phones 4550-4572 " 19-tf VOtt'LL NOT HiSitATfi when aked where you live, if it's' Dilworth. Progressive Realty company, zi4 liast Trade St., T. T. Cole; President. Phones 45q0-4572. . 10-tf WANTED POSITION CASHIER in railroad, .office wants position in Charlotte will consider anything in gen "era! L office work- Apply Cash ier, care Nevvs 24-3t WANTED By young married ladv position as typist or office work. Phone 1905-.I. 23-2t WANTED Job Phone 30&1-J. of night watching, 99. 9f WANTED Position as traveline sale man by a married man. age 24, to travel N. C. or three adjoining states. Can furnish reference to honesty. P. O. Box 283, Salisbury, - .' c- ' ' ' --. 22-3t CAN ANVONE LSL: the services of a stenographer for , half day? Five . years , experience. Phone" 4297. : ' 22-3t YOUNG MAN wishes position with automobile or plumbing shop. Had -experience with both. Will start reasonable.. Apply Henderson, 711 West Third St. 214i SPECIAL NOTICES WANTED The public to know that E. B. Leonard has not sold out his cigar business.. Manufacturer of the Charlotte Smoker Cigar. 2i-7t WILL OPEN my gasoline sta tion, Friday, Feb. 25th , Cor. Trade and N. Graham Sts, Will appreciate your trade. Geo. P. Rives. ' 24-lt MOSTELLBR'S new market, 321 East Trade St., will open Thursday morn ing. Phones 3256 and 3257. 232; MOSTELLER'S new market, 32i East Trade St.. will open Thursday mom- - ing. Phones 3256 and 3257. SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT of the ills or. mankind : are brought pn through wrong thinking. I teach you to think right. To live right. Think constructively. A short dis course every. Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. DK Arnau, 215 Wost Sev enth St. Interview by appointment Plwne 1472-.T. 23-2t NOTICE Get in line. Join the Bachelors' Pressing Club, $1.25 per month. Phone 4197. 22-7t A. J. DUNN CO. Paper Hangers and Decorators Phone 2264 22-10t YOU'VE TRIED THE REST, now try the best. All work guaranteed. Suits pressed 50c Bachelors' Pressing Club, 1503 S. Tryon St. Phone 4197: 20-7t YOU'VE TRIED THHE REST, now try the best. Ladies work a specialty. Prompt delivery. Phone 4197, 1503 S. Tryon bt. Bachelors Pressing Club 20-7t TALK TO the good people of Dilworth, they know about it Progressive Realty Company, 214 East Trade St., T. T. Cole, President. Phones 4550-4572. 19-tf COTTON MATTRESSES renovated made into new ticks. Phone, 1588-J or write Box 463, Charlotte. 3-tf MOVING, PACKING AND STORING "We have just added a new truck and now offer three . large trucks to do your work. Fifteen years experience careful workers, prompt service, and work guaranteed. Long distance movinar a specialty. WARREN TRANSFER CO. 1102 North Caldwell St. i Phone 1166 Day or Night. . i . . ; i- . U-l-tf PIANO TUNING and .repairing, piano case renn ishing. Expert work done at reasonable charges. Phone 196 Stieff Piano Co. - 28-tf WE WORK NIGHT AND DAY Two si if ts. PAVBtL'B SHOE SHOP. 5 : 2H N; , Tryon St. Call 247 before 9 p. m. PIANO TUNER J. P. Gallery, with Parker-Gardner Co. Phone 8460. 8-9-tf PIANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Char lotte. N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-tf W. M. BELI. Notarr Public, front ot- fl" Charlotte News. Can be found most any hour to & p. to. . t-tf AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE' At once. Overland road ster, newly overhauled and repaint ed, new tires all around, spare rim spot light, prest-o-lite starting and lighting system. Perfect running order. Must be sold by, March 10. No reasonable offer refused. Demonstra tion by appointment. Phone 2097-J 45 West Park Ave. W7 A. Wilson - Navy recruiting officer. 24-3t FOR SALE Or trade for smaller car "seven-passenger Wyllis Six, 1919 - model, new paint and top, good run , mng order. -W. S. Greene, 14 N. Tryon St. . 25-3t FOR SALE Dandy Overland roadster for $200. Phone 938. 23-2t FOR SALE Reo truck, Delco light plant and Atlas moving -picture projector. AH slightly Used. Great . bargain, btate Committee Y. il. C 1. 21-tf USED CAR BARGAINS. We have some, of the .best used cars m .town. They include: 1 Ro Roadster. 1 Hudson Super Six Touring. 1 Overland model 50 Tourine. The prides will certainly appeal to you rerms ir aesired. DAIL OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trade, - 22-4t FOR SALE One-ton Ford truck about three months old. complete witl-wind shkid and express body. Pneumatic urea. Will sell cheap to quick buyer Phone 1133. . 14-10t i'OU NEED a three-quarter ton truck tor jour ci-y quick delivery Service w e nave it at . an attractive price or terms. Box 555. city. 12-tf FOR SALE Cadillac touring cargood conauion. vvouia make good truck . casn. Carolina Cadillac Com pany, 7 ? 23-tf VOU SALE Ford touring and roadster bodies. Payne's Auto Works. 28 East th St. 57-tf ;F0R SALE Ford cars, new and used Term to .suit purchaser. Payne'; AUto Works, 26 E. Sth St. 20-t FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOX TERRIER for sale, months old. Male. Well Phone 1958-W. . FOR SALE Red Belgian brood doe. 5 young rabbits, . old. Ferguson, 102 Severs posite car Switch, Sixteen marked. 23-tf Hsres; 2 months Ave.. op 22 2-3t SALESMEN WANTED EXTRA SHO SALESMEN Ten" experienced . shoe salesmen ' for Saturday afternoon and evenings Apply at once to Newark Shoe Store 27 W. Trade St; - 24-2 FOR SALE , FOR SALE Famous Punlop golf balls at $8.50 a dosen, golf bags ana clubs. Carolina Sporting Goods Co., 5 West Fourth St. Phone 324S. - ... ..... 24-lt FOR SALE Three spring wagon and also two horses, harness, also license for peddling beet and fish until June. No. 3 Winona St., known as South Tryon St. Market. 24-Tt FOR SALE Bicycles oi ail, lunas for the boy. the. girl, the man ana for business. - Save car fare and delivery expenses. Carolina Sporting Goods Co., 5 West Fourth St. pnone 1248. J4-2t FOR SALE Rase burner, A-l condi tion. Bargain quick sale. Phone 1892-W. 24-3t FOR - SALE Skates, velocipedes, wag. ons and all kinds of athletic and sporting goods for boys and girls. Carolina Sporting Goods Co., 5 W. Fourth St. Phone 3248. 24-2t SAND FOR SALE. Thompson Orphan ase. Phone 2769-J. 24-lt FOR SALE One perfectly new guitar and also 1 vest pocket camera in best of condition. List priee of both $25.00, will sell for $15.00.. Phone 938. 24-2t EDISON RECORDS. We have a few records left which we are closing. out at . 60c each. . Second floor, American Trust Building. American Trust Co., Receivers, J. E. Cray ton & Co. 24-tf MODEL F-2 Foot Addressograph, good as new with 1700 name plate holders, 18 drawer filing cabinet and 15 steel trays, for $150.60. P. O. Box 272. 24-2t FOR SALE Good bicycle. Call -1949-J 24-lt DIAMOND BARGAINS. Handsome antique brooch containing 17 dia monds weighing about two carats for $140 per carat. Also bar pin of twenty-three diamonds weighing over 3 carats for $125 per carat Both splendid investment. Box 911, Tarboro, N. . C. 24-3t FOR SALE Antique clock, hall rack and walnut dresser, one Standard sewing machine, one set dining room chairs, . one bed room suit, one lot of iron beds with two-inch posts 732 E. Stonewall. Phone 2438. . 22-2t-eod FURNITURE FOR SALE 5 dining room pieces, 4 bed room pieces refrigerator, wicker chairs. E. , C Stiles, 212 College Apartments. 23-2t FOR SALE Household furniture too numerous to mention,. All first class. At a sacrifice. Call from 3:30 to 8:30, 503 JE. Tenth Slj. ' 23-6t-no-sat FOR SALE 12 volt battery. Phone 2519. 23-2t FOR SALE Saxophone, C Melody with case, $65.00. Phone 938. 23-2t FOR SALE A practically new baby carriage. A genuine bargain. Call L. W. Hill at- 900? between 9 a. m. and 5 p. m. 22-4t FOR SALE White enamel refrigera tor, practically new, price reason able. Phone 1415. . 22-3t FOR SALE Haynes piano. Apply 708 E. Ninth. j : i . ... - 22-3t FOR SALE Office desk. Phone 1289. 21-7t FOR SALE 'Small grocery store on South Tryon Stu New, clean stock good fixtures. Will inventory about 14AA AA T", 4. l -3 px-uu.uu. jrirstiit owner ueen in same stand about 10 years. Well built business. Reason for selling, have other business; cannot manage . ootn. Address Grocery Business, care News. - - 14-10t SAND FOR SALE Good sharp sand for sale. Fine for cement work, etc Call phone 16C6. 9-tf WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Ladies to know they can get hemstitching and pecoting done m the right way.. Also chain stitch ing and button covering, at 307 N, College St. Mail orders given prompt attention. 10-tf BOARDERS WANTED I have, rooms for several- boarders. No children Nice rooms and " good table board. Apply : at No. 2 W. Tenth . St., or phone 2298-W. H. C. Gibson. 23-7t WANTED To buy setter or pointer , pup, Vegistered preferred. Phone 938. " 24-2t CASH PAID for young female, cat Louis K. Liggett Co. . 21-tf WANTED-Mattresses to make over also new mattresses and pads made to oraer. in cotton or silk floss, sat isfaction guaranteed. Charlotte Bed 6ing & Furniture Co Phone 158S-J J. T. A. Lawing, Manaeer. 19-tf WANTED Every boy to get a free hair cut at the Charlotte Barber College. 40 East Trade upstairs. - 26-30 LEVY'S EYEGLASSES fit all eyes. none peuer. uast Trade St., up stairs. 12-1-tf WANTED Used furniture. Phone 4438 505 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf WANTED Your curtains to launder, Work guaranteed. Price reasonable. Phone 3725-W. 4-tf WANTED-t-To do your furniture re pairing. All wprk done at your home. Phone 276. 27-tf POULTRY AND EGGS FOR SALE Pen white wyandottea One cockerel, four hens. Price $15.00 710 East Fifth St., v city. Phone I322-W, FOR SALE Five thorough-bred R. I. , Keel cocisereis, $3.00 each. Mrs. L,. S. Knox, Matthews, N7 C-. R. F. D. 18. . 22-3t BARRiED PLTMOTJTH ROCKS Egg3 for hatching $5.00 for 15; from south's best strain. Prize winners at leading shows. Also : few more fine pullets, hens, cocks and cock erels for" sale, cheap. Belmont Poul try Yards, 403 West Fifth t.r Char- lotte, N. C. Phone 2565-J, 18-tf .WANTED ROOMS ATED At once - by adult three or four furnished xr unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Telephone Miss Garrison, 660-W. . ; . .9s.o- Vv(ANTED to rent by couple, with I two small children house or rooms I 'ft. I - 11 1 r 4.jl iijui , i,uu.cccejjinjj. i-none 368S. i ' 23-tf WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room house by March 1.-Phone 3056-J.' 23-3t WANTED To' rent three or four fur nished rooms for light housekeeping by couple without children. furnislT"- inn. V.i-ie.. t.Af... . .i i .w& icici cutes, Auaress uh - care The -.News; - . . - -; - IT MATTERS NOT Where the' prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Dollars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and others can if they will. Will Vyou? v ' ; TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 3 E. Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. PRETTY SURF SUIT OF BLACK TAFFETA This black taffeta bathing suit is a pretty little ruffled model which is very popular at present on the southern beaches. It comes in jother colors, but black Is always a favored color for beach suits. Even the little knickers have ticy ruffles os the edge. 2016--Phones--1768 24 lbs Va. best patent Flour at .......'..v...,.;.. $1.39 24 lbs Elizabeth Flour? ..." $1.43 24 lbs Sunflower .self-rising at. . . 7v.:7Ji-. . -..$149 8 lb pails best Compound1 Lard at . . . ... . .. .. . ....... $1.23 4 lb pails best Compound Lard at . . . . . . . : ..... ..... . . 63c White House, Maxwell House, Lord Calvert Coffees . . 45c Sweet Potatoes, bushel . . $1.25 Peck . t .. . . . . . .' . . . . . ... 35c No. 1 Irish Potatoes, peck 33c Fresh County Eggs, doz v. 39c Karo Syrup, gallon . 83c PLACE YOUR ORDER EARLY Prompt Deliveries Anywhere in -. . City. . :'' or CASH GROCERY Corner Church and Fourth Sts. . Phones 2016 and 1768. OUR MOTTO: SOMElTmXG GOODtO EAT' t Service First Quality Always. Everything in staple'and fancy grocer-" Jes. fruits and vegetables of all kinds fresh daily, Chickens, eggs .and but ter. - The famous. Corby'V cakes a specialty; Thone us your orders. ' 11 GrocerylCo. 813 East Seventh St. PHONE 4431. v .f V John Allen layl Watts o r 23-3t'Xi TOU MUST HAVE FISH NET FROCK TO BE IN SWIM Fish net lace is the season's new. sf fad. It is used for. truumine m&'v be nsed f or ?hole frocks. Hen is a pretty frock made of it Ibi lace w heavily embroidered in sea blue with touches of black. Ibi lace is draped over yellow iaua It makes a fetching dinner gown., HEN TALKS BACK TO 0W7NER IX COURT Detrbit. Mich, Angelina Pevulov, who lives near Frank Leonard's home, at No. 411 Clairpointe avenue, charged him with stealing one of her nens. Brougrht Into court, Mr. Leonard told Judge Stein that the fowl was his; that he'd bring her into court and prove that she was his by talking to her. "She'll talk back to me and that Trill prove it," he said. Tjirlo-a Stain xvocs nron to POnVlCUOIt. -Mr. Leonard shortly appeared. He had the chicken -in a basket with w others for company. "Vircr T'll rJfsrrihp her." Said M Leonard:- rbefrtre I lake her. out. She is reddish and is-shot with white un der her wings." TTo tnnl.- tht fhipken OUt. ID' der the examination of the judge. Mrs Hen was inclined to be nervous, w the moment Leonard took her squatted down in his hand. perf W 1.. 1nl,:n oKnut with a PW! cocked eye. She fitted Leonards de scription exactly, . ., . n "Now I'll talk to her," said Leon j aru. j At u omoimmonf or seti AI1U LU LUC oiuai.v".'..'- . : .Dr-tntorS. tflt score ui nechiiaiuuji --i"-' - , ,;.. fowl began to sing a contented u" chicken tune in response to Leonaru low words of endearment. AS : w' f as ne taiKea tne cmchcn r-v ,i4 koL-- nrlion- fTio stnniiprl the Dira""' twTU. IV j If 11 VHV - 1 i- 1 ' - - JUUS Olflll siring . p s- Tni'o vnnM lif Kind. uasu .. U O J V 1.1 , . - ' missed.". SERVICE OF SUMMOXSBV fin cation; -awi. XQTlCfc of TACHME3IT AAU ua' PROCEELiivus. . . rounty. North Carolina, ' Mecklenburg tou Ralph r Moore, PlaintifT, s. Vjant.- The Chicago. Bridge & Iron " re. a N corporation, wm aiw actjon quired to . take notice that an 4 by Ralph Moore against . tnet the VyllltUU I lUf,li ,,,,,,, vfiT LU"" Superior "Court ".of Mecklenbuis a ty, for the purpose of enforcing aiiegeel claim rounaea u l"";Pived w out ot personal injuries reLe tW the said Ralph Moore while ' -0 employment: of tne saia c0unt BriSge. & Iron Works and on m sum, of S3 000.00, and for the n s menfof which the sad act w anj been7 Instituted and ah nvol frarnishment proceed ino(),ngs therein, and tlie sam o0ndeu served unon the btanaai . . tte. the Stanaaiu -. Warehouse -Company. Valso fr X' r:. the- sahl action bein ' 0(js the -purpose, of subjecting a":te ,e-f or choses in action in tins - , anv longing to the deienciunu - sSlfl debts -due the defendant b ' mpanV Standard Bonded XY are. - grate. , ana uy one eiac -" nrope.'" gether with any and all other p j to be found in tlr.s state oe to the .said defendant, to u tff ment of the said claim Vieas (orf; and for which he has -sued as b! said, and the said defendant W 'j th required to take notice oi llce above facts and 'WS,! that it Ur required t0 "ompla1 answer" or demur to .inflPreafter-,t? of - the nlalhtiff filed or herea . . i i jr entire will luriliei' ""- r. or u" i fail to appear and answ er ' a5-e , as aforesaid that the reUei by. the plaintiff will be fir X. C, on- this the 23rd a- lUHS - CL k V LI A . ni ruary; -1921.v rr-SEl'1" t , Assistant Clerk Superj jntil H. I A. Adams, 'Attorney foi 1 oe niea in aue. wuu annVrior -ui of the Clerk of the Superior of Mecklenburg County, befor must answer or demur at J da- o 13- o'clock M. on the -Y defe-2' March. 1921. and the saiJ," if i i iiui . .tr 7

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