THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THUREDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 24, 1921 to U. S. Deptrlment at Agriculture, Weather Bureau. CHARLES F. MARVIN. Chief. daily weather ma. S9 ill M i - v v i-.. I if r "X. -..,k. 4 a l - i i ii Otjf n ations uke.i at 8 a. m.. 75tb nmlditn time. Air pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars (continuous lines) pass ttuoueb points 0f fqul air pressure. Isotherms (dotted lines) pass taroqfh points of equal temperature. O dw. partly cloudy; Q cloudy; rain: snow; (p) teport missing. Arrows fly with tat wind. Shaded areas show precipitationof 0.01 inch or more in past 24 hours. HOOVER DICKERS SYRI SSSLl APPOINTMENT i Raeisfe' Feb. 24. Ellis Nassar, one x" of the ten merchants comprising tin - first group of 60 defendants on trial TTi Plltlir Servir Tff in in federal court here on. charges of; HardinSfJ ManV Changes fraudulent purposes, testified on the GROCERIES I TKEHEA'XHER. r 41 -ne northeastern low-pressure aroa continued lis yam auusa maritime provinces, having been tended by liht rains in the easht r if ami south Atlantic states and in -ain or snow in the middle At- tic and portions 01 . ine norm ai- jtlC states, ii w iwiivTu-v u. - moderate- sirengin, wmtn was uceu toropanied by colder weather extend t fro.n the lake district sou "' the east Gulf, zero temperatures . .. . -J f . . a... V. ichigan. 1 The northwestern "low" has , moved id!v southeastwaru to Missouri, -out far has caused but little precipita- n. It is attended by rising tempera- res in nearly a.u uistriuu ueiwum e Mississippi river and the Rocky niiitains. High pressure and lair father prevail in the plateau and Pa ATTORNEY SUED SWGmm FOR DAMAGES New York,-Feb. 24. (By the Associat ed Press.)-Herbert Hoover declared in a statement that he had left it to Pres ident-elect Harding to decide whether he could be of more service as Secre tary of Commrce or as director of Eu ropean relief. In a statement dictated to The Asso ciated Press, Mr. Hoover said: "I left it to Mr. Harding to determine whether he considered I can be of more service to the public as Secretary of Commerce or carrying out the public trust already entrusted to me as a pri vate citizen." Mr. - Hoover's statement was dictated after he had announced that, upon in vitation to become a member of the next cabinet, he had put up to Mr. Harding a , proposal for general recon struction of the department of Com merce. The statement was issued af ter Mr. Hoover had been asked by newspaper men if his announcement meant that he would enter the cabinet if his views were met. Other considerations entering int6 the matter, Mr. Hoover continued, cencern ed the European relief administration. He declared he had undertaken th re sponsibility of directing the expenditure of thirty or forty millions of dollars inJ Europe-r-money contributed by people of America and he must continue to have general direction over that expen. diture. ' As the Department of Commerce worth -of merchandise was secured by him from Northern business houses a-s a part of an alleged fraudulent scheme. Nassar was" the first of the defendants to go on' the stand," and GRAHAM FLOUR makes wholesome, nutritious bread and is recommended by physicians. All the bran is left in Graham Flour and the whole-wheat flavor is very palatable. MQst of the food we eat is entirely tod rich and fine,. There fore, the coarse Graham Flour bal ances up the proportions. MILLER VAN NESS CO. March Pictorial Review on Sale. , TODAY! Fresh shelled black waJnutss, fresh I Pamfimhert cheese in -wood, plenty when court adjourned for the day, gveen vegetables, large fat ' hens. cross-examinauon 01 me wune&s , Some more of that tine country sau-i gun. Nassar testified that he started a merchandise business in Goldsboro in March of 1919 known as the leader and agreed with Neil Jostph, another merchant, to establish credit wi'.h Northern merchandise, houses,- secure a large stock of goods, cause the busi ness to fail and then divide the mer chandise. sage tomorrow. Leave- your orders now. - . S, It, LKNTZ N. Tryon Bt. Phones 1W & 102 W. M. Sigmon. Manager. chocolate. CD. KETMNT 0. Teas, Coffees, Sugars, Grits, Rice, Etc. 3 Tryon St. Phone 155H552 H. F. Cooms Asks $20,000 For Injuries Received in Personal Encounter. H. F. Combs, architectural engineer, is suing Thaddeus A. Adams, attorney, in superior court for $20,000 personal damages. The case was being' heard Thursday.. The suit resulted from a personal encounter which took place some months ago in tthe Law build ing. The plaintiff Thursday related' the details of the affair, telling that he went up to Mr. Adams' office to see the attorney about some legal matters which the attorney had conducted for Mrs. Combs, now deceased. A dispute WHEN ORDERING COFFEE, SUGAR or tea don't forget to call 1551 or 1552. Mocha and Java 45c Trinity Blend 40c Kpnnv's Sneeial 35c 1 TIT- 1 .. A .iU. aaTaac. -fi-m 1fi tit T ... . - i i V V C IICLV VlkllCt WUtW -t.tW4M ! WW TTnrtisi IhA erf tn-r nnf AiocCQl occflTt. 1 ed. Joseph furnished money to estab- lish credit and advanced Nassar - ex pense money to go to New York, where he said he purchased a large part or the alleged $16,000 stock of goods. Nas sar further testified that about $11, 000 worth Of the gqods was carried to three stores in Goldsboro operated by George Farfour and Brothers, , by Joseph and himself, he stating that Joseph was employed by the Farfoufs as manager. The witness added thot his business was closed out later un der ex3C,ution,.andthat be did not get his share- of the goods remaining as per the agreement between Joseph and himself. Trial of the first group of defendants began Tuesday morning after the era panelling of the jury, several witness es, including Postotfice Inspector L. T. Yarborough, testifying before ' Nassar was introduced as a government wit ness in the afternoon.' CaU 128 for Groceries, Eggs, Chickens, Feed, Etc. S lbs. lard 4 lbs. lard 60 lbs. lard ,5c sections. arose and the two men engaged m a Generally fair weather will continue seuf in the hallwav. The plaintiff this vicinity tonight, with little large m temperature, dui ine eaot ard movement of the Missouri "low" 11 bring unsettled conditions with a ability of light rain or snow on riday. G. S. LINDGKEN, Meteorologist. THE WEATHER. Weather Bureau Office. unrisc .. .. .. o.ou inset 6:1 i oonrise .. .. 9:05 p. ra. loonset 8:10 a. xn. loon phase Last quarter March 1. a. m.. . i a. m. Noon .. a. m. - COB .-. TEMPERATURE. Dry Bulb. Wet Bulbr scuffle in the hallway. The plaintiff said Mr. Adams dragged him by the hair about the hallway, pulling out a quantity of hair and subjecting him to cruel and humiliating treatment. He was no match, he testified, in a physi sal encounter with Mr, Adams, who is six feet tall and muscular, while he is a small and frail of physique. D. E. Henderson, attorney, is coun sel for Mr. Adams and Brevard Nixon attorney, is counsel for Mr. Combs. The trial of the case is expected to consume the larger part of the day, Mr. Adams went on the stand shortly before noon. His testimony up to that time was a review of the legal services he had per formed for Mrs. Combs and did not touch, upon the main points of the fistic bout. . The verdict in the case of Ed. McLain former noliceman and traffic officer at J Independence... -Sauare. ... ..against the 'M KnntliPrYi Public Utilities company: was Three vocal stars will assist Arthur Pryor's: orchestra in making music for the second annual Charlotte Au tomobile Show. They will be Carmella Ponselle, Marian Harris and Barbara Morrell. All three of the singers are widely known in the world of music. The officers of the automobile association are congratulating themselves on be ing able to secure the three stars. Arthur Pryor, who band played here last year at the automobile show, has expressed in a telegram to the officers of" the association his pleas ure at the prospeet of coming back to play in Charlotte this spring. Hie' band will have several new and important features, it is said, that will make its program even more at tractive than last year, when the fa mous band drew crowds to the show every afternoon. The band will have several important, new features this year. Leon Handlitz, violin solo- l-ist. will be here. Also Miss Margaret Travers, one of the foremost soprano solosist before the public at present, will be here, and the famous Lucia Sextette, an organization within the band, will be much in evidence- In Buenos Aires there are nearly nine thousand children under 16 years of age employed at an average wage, of 46 cents a day. stands today," Mr. Hoover said, "it ' consists lare-elv of a erroun of KHentifie 1,1 lljAJi ALI iiJ SHwYY bureaus which have only a -emote, con neuiiun wiin commerce ilscii. He added that, if he should accept the position, he saw a way to make changes which would make of It a "real Department of Commerce." The foreign commerce of the United States, he said, particularly in the next four or five years, is closely bound up with the prosperity and development pf this country. He said he believed many important changes could be made without add-. rjrUg Store Blake's Drug Store, tional legislation, through re-allocation i . of bureaus. He added that he expect-; Hunter-House Cigar Store aiyl In fart Va-ii. TXJl 1 1 rs r ssi-t va 1 i-v . w Get tickets today Lieutenant jMaynard lecture.. See Beatty's Si '19. 2C 32 . ... iighest yesterday lowest last night .. . . .. ean yesterday forma! . . . . . lean same date last year . . icess for month tjcess for year U 21 . 40 4ii 49 bo 112 fehest of record fcr Feb., 79 in 1S90 pwest of record for Feb., 5 in 1C99 PRECIPITATION. lotal (or 24 hours ending 8 a. m. u otal for month to 8 a. m 4.58 formal for February . . .. 4.39 -ss for year .. .. ..Lb a' victory for the defendant, the . jury disallowing any damages for the plain tiff. , --. ; - " - Th . plaintiff had alleged negligence on the fcart of the defendant's employes when one of the city street cars- ran into him while on duty .at the Square. His allegation was that he was so badly injured -bv -the impact of tha car. which hit him in the back, that he will never be entirely well again. . BILLS SENT TO - WILSON. NORTH CHARLOTTE STORE NOT IN SALE. organization of the government with the advent of the -Harding administra tion." Mr. Hoover said he had not only tak en the responsibility of expending mil lions in European relief "upon which 3.500,000 children are depending," but also held the regency of eight or ten public institutions "posts which I could not readily relinquish." Jack McGee's, 50c. 20-5t Fite 9 s PLAN REAL SEND-OFF FOR NEXT PRESIDENT . Contradictory wording in a news story which appeared in this paper Wednesday left the impression on some that' the Hand Drug store, which has changed ownership, involv ed the store of J. K. Hand, in North Charlotte. The Hand Drug store in volved is situated at East Trade and College streets. The North Charlotte store lias jio connection with the Hand Drug store, located within one blockV of Independence- square. J, K. Hand has been the proprietor of the North Charlotte store for fourteen years and said Thursday he had no plans for chang ing his business. . ' Marion, Ohio, Feb. 24.--Elaborate preparations are being made by home folks' here to give an old-fashioned fare well reception to Presidentelect Hard ing on March 2. two days before he is to be Inaugurated at Washington. Practically every man, woman and child in the president-eject's home town is planning to take part in the farewell celebration, which will be held at the ramous front porch from- which Mr. Harding made most Of his campaign speeches. Announcement was made today that Mr. Harding ana his party will "-arrive in Marion at noon March 1 from St. Augustine. The farewell' reception will be held at 11 a. m., the following day, Mr. ana Mrs. Harding leaving for Wash ington that evening. A solid, silver, plaeque. bearing a tes timonial of love from his fellow towns men, will be presented to the president elect by Dr. T. H. '"McAfee; pastor of the Trinity Baptist church, of which the Hardings ;are members. ecia a IS ....... ?149 59c .?7.50 White bacon, lb. ... . .. ......... . .15c Seed potatoes, peck - 60c All kinds chicUen feed, grit, oyster shells, corn, wheat, oats, etc, , W. G. Shumaker 201 N. College St. Ilil I . . i .i ii. i. I . . . 1 ' .. 1 FOR SALE ORANGES, APPLES and GRAPE? FRUIT Extra Fine Fruit Oranges Pfok 65c Bushel .- $2.50 Grapefruit Dozen '. . .75c Bushel ......$3.00 Apples. Peck 60c Bushel ... ?0 Car at ' Mint and First Streots. EXTRA SFEGIAI Neckwear Sale Never were such values in high grade Silk Neckwear offered High Grade Silk Ties for 75c One Special Lot of Shirts A REAL LARD SALE MOTHER OF NINE SEEKING A DIVORCE. HUMID ITT. Washington, Feb.. 24. Two more ol the regular appropriation bills, the first deficiency " measure, carrying ormmrt S27R.O0O.000. and the Indian hill, carrvinj? $13,00.000 were com- and. five pleted by congress today to be for warded to President Wilson for his ap proval. ' i . 1 ( Everett. Wash., Marie Elseth, moth er of nine" children, has entered suit for divorce here against her husband, An ton Alseth. She alleges extreme cruelty, non-support and intemperance, and asks custody of all nine children. .The children are aged eighteen, sixteen, fif teen fourteen, eleven, .ten, nine, seven The. first hospital in America was in Pennsylvania 1751. I a. m 69 fm .. 54 I H I SWIFT nrrj 8 Set-Pure -CleP . SWIFT f7f3 SWiffS 1 ' RP1 1- refrigerator T Suiffe Premium w . refrigerator t I fmiufl z . I j Qi 1 THE meat peddUr of th old day who killed bis own live stock and then told th meat from the uil of cart, is jone from our larger towns and cities. He was a piottsa and did good 8e but he couldn't keep p with Ms job. Cfude methods bed to give way to Mw ideas in sanita tion end distribution. Concentration of population drove the peddler ndhis wtron out and brought the modern pacK ing industry and the neighbof hood retailer in his place. And the modern packing bcslatel mean this: The near the (arm and ranches, th of live stock production, ara packing plants that assemble and manufacture the meet products you ase. ' then and now That swift and sanitary refrigerator cars carry your meat from these packing plants to every part of the country. ' ; ! Dealers in towns and villages axe' supplied directly and regularly from thess refrigerator cars. And in cities the refrigerator car is unleaded into branch houses, chilled and sanitary, from which deliveries are made to your meat shop. And ail the time the meat is kept so chilled that deterioration is prevented. Swift A Company's' plsnts and branches are co-ordinated, interchanging supply and support ing each other, when necessary, so that no section of the country may sver lack its daily meat. STOMACH TROUBLE AFFECTED HIS HEART ....$1.20 .60c a 4 5 $2Xo ....$1.10 .....60c 33c ....$1.00 . . . .$2.75 10c . :$i.oo ; 8 lbs. compound lard 4 lbs. compound lafd 45 lb. can lard 10 lbs. Kiftgan pure lard 5 lbs. JCingan pure lard... Quart can wesson on ..... Pint can Wesson oil 25 lbs. pearl grits 100 lb. bags Head rice, lb. ........... 12 lbs. for -....". A good coffee from 18c to 50c Fresh roasted and ground when1 we sell - it. ;Try one J pound. - Save the - price of the, can.'. " We bate a large stock of groceries at close- prices. . . CraigFite The Cut-Priee Cash Grocer. 39 South College; 1875:1876 " 45 Nerth College; 695 Red Fronts.' We Deliver All Over the City. A. B. HATTAWAY FECIALS Golden Bantam sweet corn, can.... 28c Delmonte No. 2 cans sliced pineapple, .3 cans for $1.00 Armour's Very Best syrup peaches, 3 cans for .$L0d White House coffee, 3 lbs. . . . .$1.19 If you like real good coffee, try our MOCHA & JAVA coffee . .45c 6 lbs. best head rice ....50c 3 evaporated milk 50c The Men's Store. 34 S. 4 tall czyiz Could hardly breathe. Eats "anything now, and daoj ale farm vor kill - : - - IV "For years I suffered with indiges tion,. constipation and accumulation of ga which affected my heart at times so I could hardly get my breath. I liv ed On, raw eggs, toasted bread fnd hot water, and still suffered. I trd sevv eral doctors for three years, Lut since taking Milks Emulsion I have improv ed so that I can do my own farm and store work. Can eat Adst anything; have gainad 10 pounds and everybody speaks of how it has helped roe.'VAi Henley, Rio Vista, Va.. R I., Box 157, Indigestion is seldom cured by diges tive tablets assisting the stomach di gest food. -They, like physics, pills, etc, make slaves of the stomach. Milks Emulsion Is a pleasant, nutri tive food and a corrective medicine. It restores healthy, naturaj howel action, doing away with all' need of pills and physics. , It promotes appetite and quickly puts the digestive organs in shape to assimilate food. As a build er of flesh and strength, Milks' Emul sion is strongly recommended to those whom sickness has weakened, and is a powerful aid to resisting and repairing the effects Of wasting diseases. Chron ic stomach trouble and constipation are promptly relieved. It produces re markable results in colds, coughs and bronchial asthma. This is the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten, with a spoon like ice cream. Truly won derful for weak, sickly children. No matter how severe your case, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee-r-Take six bottles home with you, use It according to direc tions and if not satisfied wth the re sults, your money will be promptly re funded. Price '7B6. and $1.50 per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Co., Terre Heute, Ind. Sold by JnO. S. Blake Drug Co. a.nd all first class druggists. . Fit & ' Hiiro Swift & Company, U. S. A. . E. L. Norton, District Mana&er Room 204, Latta Arcade Building CharlottLocal Branch, 301 S. College Street C ue R. W. Smith, Manager Fancy eating apples, peck i65c yo'w sweet potatoes, peck ....50c C V .-n feed, peck 50c Co . - meal, . peck 40ti Pork and Beans, dozen $1.40 Lettuce, cabbage, turnips, onions, cel ery and all kinds of fresh vegetables. PHONE 2883. Earl P. Fite 319 W. Trade. Phone 4509 Dr. H. O. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Gaddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office. Bant Bldg., Z0Z 12 N. Tryon St Phone 210 Phone 3836 nte.&flanis Cash Grocery. 1420 S. Boulevard. Dilworth Meat Market Phone 4197. 1503 s. Tryon St. tuund, tenderloin, - sirloin, tb. . . 30c Pork shoulders, Ib : . . .... .25c Pork ham, lb. ..- .28e Pork sausage, lb. .....30 Veal chops ...23e 2 lbs. for 45e Iamb chops '..S5c Beef r6ast ....-.........-......... .25c Pork chops ........ '300 Swift Premium slicing ham ;.i.40e Nice fat hens, lb. ...... ..........34c Stew veal,. lb lae We also carry a line of groceries at special prices for Friday and Satur day only. No. 5 lard 65c No. 10 lard ..$1.25 Pint Wesson oil 30c Quart Wesson oil 60c 24 lbs. Elizabeth Flour ....... .$1.45 24 lbs- self-rising flour $L!0 No. 1 Irish potatoes, peck 3oc Port6 Rico sweet potatoes, peck -..50c Oup best chickeri feed, peck . . . 50c 3 cans tomatoes (25) .&0c 3 cans sweet corn (25) 50c 3 carts English peas (25) 50c Fresh . country eggs, dozen ..... .50c Qnton sets, lb 12 l-2c A full line of fresh vegetables. The home of good things to eat. Phone os your order. The Cash Grocen Phone 4090. .45c 45c 15c .....25c ...... ttc . 90e .....20c 25c ,...$1.00 50c Pork ribs, tb. ........Sac Mince ham, bologna, weiners. Tb 25C Boneless ham, sliced, lb. 50c Pnrk ham. lb. .30c Pork sausage, country ..;.5ei 40e 12-oz. corned beef ...... I. ..20e 40c 12-oz. roast beef 0c Onions and cabbage, lb. - -5C 12c dried apples. 10 ids. ...... ..i.uu Watersround meal c Coffee 20c to 4c soap, 12 bars . ... ...... Sunbright cleanser, z tor Lux, 2 for Old putch Cleanser No. 3- pie peaches,. 4 cans Large, sour pickles, dozen Dry peas, 2 quarts . . . . . . 10c. lb. beans, 13 lbs. . ... fi rbs. best rice Pipe and tobacco 15c Onion seta, quart Seed Irish potatoes, peck ........ ouc Raw peanuts, quart ............. .10c 3 lbs. cream cheese .i.ou 20c peanut butter, glass ....... rlzc 24 lbs. Sunflower . .'. i.u 8 lb. bucket lard i . .$1.25 C.W. Crowell 312 W. Eland. N ew Crop California Prunes .....Httc ...;22HC 30c e 4 Seed Potatos We have In stock fresh Maine grown Irish Cobbler and Red Bliss potatoes, $6.30 per sack; $2.75 per bushel; 7 Oe per peck. Chicken feed, $3.30 per 100 lbs. Lay mash, $4.65 per 160 lbs. Crushed oyster shells, $1.35 per 100 lbs. Baby chi feed, $3.65 per , 100 lb s. Fresh cabbage plants, $2.50" per 1,000. '. - . - Full line fresh garden Beeds in bulk and complete Hiie pf spraying mate rials and sprayers.' AMERICAN SEED CO. Phone 3961. 311 E. Trada. 60-70 size, lb. 40-50 size, lb. .... Delmonte Prunes in cans Royal family flour-- 24 lb. bags ..................$1.40 48 lb. bags .$2.75 98 lb. bags , . . .$5.25 12 lb. meal ...,. 40c Head rice,- lb. .., 7Hc Nancy Hall sweet potatoes, peck.. 50c No. 1 Irish potatoes.. peck ......35c CULP BROS Phones 18061807. 225 East Trade; On February 15th we received- a shipment of fresh young mules. We have all grades. Prices low, terms reasonable. Wadsworth's .Sons Co. ."In:. the Business 50 "Sears" WHY SHOULDN'T WE BRAG? No reason why a fellow shouldn't brag when he has some ' honest-to- goodness reason for it. Well We have stunning new 1921 models in ' Michaels-Stern Value-First Suits at $25to$50 Something to brag about, eh, man? H. C. LONG CQ. 33 East Trade St. ----- - - Jf The Cash Store

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