THE CHARLOTTE - NEWS, CHARLOTTE. - FRIDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 8, : . I i :! V . j 1 i1 i.'. THEATERS Bdbe Daiels in "Oh, Lady Lady." With clever, bubbling fun running throughout the whole piece and play ers of exceptional popularity to inter pret the roles, there is little wonder that "Oh, Lady Lady," which opened at the Imperial this morning, was most vociferously received by an enthusiastic audience. Realart has done a splendid thing In ; transforming to the screen the rich humor of the famous musical , comedy ty Bolton and Wodehouse, which played so successfully a few .years ago. And certainly they picked three ideal fun makers in allotting the main roles to Bebe Daniels, always an appealing lit tle "vamp;" Hiers, cleverest-of fat co medians; and Harrison Ford, the very I opular leading man. Miss Daniels is aitogetnerr aengni ful as the young musical comedy ac tress Avho is accused or "vamping" when she attempts to help out the fat sweetheart of her school days. It is i role entirely different from that of Rowena" in "You Never Can .Tell," but affords Miss Daniels even better op portunities for the clever fun-making which is always a feature cf her ap pearances on the screen. "Oh, Lady Lady" will remain at the Imperial for wto days. FAMOUS SINGER AT AUTO SHOW. Despite the French flavor of her name Barbara Maurel, mezzo-soprano, is essentially American. She was born in Philadelphia of American stock whose name "Maurel" is derived from their Alsatian origin, was educated in American schools, and finally was sent ' to Paris to study under the great Jean De Reszke. On her 'return to America she became a member of the Boston Opera Company and with that organi zation made many a tour thoughout the Middle and Far West. Later, following the disbandment of the Rabinoff version of the Boston company. Miss Maurel entered musical comedy under the name of Barbara Schaefer and appeared with Marguerite Namara througnoui iue is ; " I operetta "Alone at Last." However , the call of serious music was too potent and Miss Maurel . gave up the light opera stage and her fictitious name and returned to give the customary recital in Aeolian Hall, New York.1 - . . - Her further career needs no retelling. It has consisted of two years tours f in recital alone and in joint-recital with Oscar Seagle, baritone. Hers is a steadily mounting career as yet in the daMTss MatireP will : appear in concert at the Auto Show next week. "The . Great . Redeemer" a Superb Fnotoaran. ,.-.. Capacity audiences at the Broadway theatre yesterday derived great enjoy ment from the first showing of the Maurice Tourneur super: production of V T?orimpr." interpreted by a nail-star cast including House Peters and Marjorie Daw. mis puty . -.7 and Saturday also. It is SIiuwn v.7 - - - l a. not stretching the truth to say that the picture registered a pruiuunu it was declared by many to be the best photoplay they have wit nessed this year. n.toinw Maurice Tourneur has out i.?ao1f in thft nutting: on of tills super special. With all the sweep .and power of the ruggea west, n. " 1 tnrv. nlantv of "punch and points a moral lesson that none can disregard. . . .rrv, r.!it neripcmp.r" narrates the high lights in the career of Dan Malloy, a train bandit. - Pursued : by a sheriff s posse, he takes refuge in the mountain v,; t a hpai'itiful voung girl. She comes to love him and he her,-when a pal induces him to have anoiner mj at holding up the mail train- This he does, but is captured and sent to prison. There the work of reform begins by the girl is .completed with a miracle happening in the grim cell and Dan Mal loy finds his soul. House Peters is excellent as Dan, and Miss Daw gives a sweetly sym pathetic impression of the girl in the story. Others in the all-star cast are Jack MacDonald arid Joseph .Singleton. mi i in wiTt 1 CRAVER'S MROADWAY tt'.tt'.v.- TnoTi TT7Tf th orieinal story. XI, tl. vau iucui Tf. . basing part of it on a happening in real life .that transpired m .. prison. -' This program is rounded out by f tne presentation of "The' Skipper's Scheme, another of. the Toonerville Trolley series of unusually interesting comedies. HFRMANY LIKELY TO DISTANCE FKANUJfi Poric AtvHI- r. France will v De iiat-irmd hv Oermartv with a few years if she does not - buckle - down to work the same spirit the Germans are displaying. Francois Aiarsai, ntu. re cently Minister of Finance, told an audience at Strasburg. . . - "We have, known since tne armisiice thot tho sum w will eet from Ger many will, go but a very short dis tance toward relieving the tremendous burdens the. war has imposed upon , us," w Mqi-cqI "W tar count UDOn them neither to restore our devastated districts, to pay pensions nor' to meet other heavy costs or war. mdttora not whether a -nation was defeated or victorious in this War if she does not set to work. It is the people who get to work more quickly, rvn wnrir .with more ardor, whether it k in the. flfld or in the shop, who will establish econon.ic and financial supre macy. By the same means ney win nAlitiMl Rimremacv." COLaUllt xi,w. . 1 - .The former Finance Minister urged that private enterprise be given a iree rinH in h rostoration of France. liOilU - "Tirri-Q Bhmiiri he no further talk ot the state engaging in great industrial .ht th nn'vrfltinn. it is sl well known Ik UUb - ' f -- ---f fact that it wiu cost .raunuwjf uiuto dear if it is undertaken ;by the state instead of being lef to private inter ests and private individuals. If France makes no costly errors in this line and applies herself to the task of recon struction she will have a speedy recov ery n tt pnin r ft VfiKSTTON CRITICAL Mexico City, April 8. Congestion of Mexican railroads has reached a criti cal stage and commercial and indus trial interests of the country have ap noio tn thfi overnment to take ex traordinary steps to relieve , the situa tion. At Vera Cruz, Tampico, Puerto Mexico and in cities along the United States frontier thousands of tons of merchandise has been lying for months, the railroads being unable to move these goods to their destination. WORD. H. WOOD IN FAVOR OE BONDS State Highway Official Says County Can't Attora 10 Defeat Measure. ; One of the - most important things about the $50,000,000 bond" issue for roads in the state, so far as' the people of Charlotte and Mecklenburg county is concerned, according . to Word H. Wood, one. of , the- nine - members of the State Highway Commission appointed to expend the bond money, is to see that the $2,000,000 i-bond issue . propos ed- in Mecklenburg county carries. Mr. Wood has returned from Ra leigh, where he .went . to attend the first meeting, of the: commission, which is to have another meeting "about" April 26. He was impressed by the fact that several of the jnost forward coun ties of the state. -notably Oruiuora. ur- syth and several others are talking im mediate steps to: borrow money to put over big road programs pending tne issuing and selling of bonds in the in dividual counties. If Mecklenburg is not to lag behind and become a back number in the forward stride of for ward counties she must by all means pass the $2,000,000 bond issue, he says. From a. former rosition of primacy in the matter of good roads among all counties of the state and even of the South, Mr. Wood points out Mecklen burg has already fallen behind For syth, Guilford and several other coun ties, many of them .of far less wealth than Mecklenburg. Mi. Wood -reported that Governor Morrison and State Treasurer Ben R. Lacy would leave Raleigh night for New York to see if they can sell some of the North Carolina bonds on a 5 per cent basis. If they - cannot sen the bonds they expect to borrow money on notes secured by the bonds, in or- PRESENTS TODAY AND SATURDAY The Story ol a Convict Who Robbed a Train and Then Painted a Great Picture See MAURICE TOtlETOUR'S SCREEN" MASTERPIECE On the wall of Dan Mal loy's cell was something that brought hope to the doomed murderer across the tier that stilled the curses on his lips as he walked, unafraid, to the waiting gallows. WHAT WAS IT? Featuring House Peters and Marjorie Daw Added Attraction II Adults. "THE SKIPPER'S SCHEME" II ... A Toonerville Trolley Comedy I uuidren.. THE BROADWAY e Charlotte Institution der ? that -road - work" in the state may get? under way as soon as possible. The money obtained under the act, TVTr wlmd - sa-tfl will be amjortioned among -the counties of the state, which has' been divided into nine districts for the purpose, on the basis of population or road mileage and area. J. Elwooa Cox, a. member 'of the state highway commission -' and - a representative ox the road buildinsr body of his county, was at Raleigh and told the state high way i? commission his county, OrUiirora, would proceed' at once to borrow money to construct her roads, not wait ing until the road bonds voted by Guilford haye 1 been sold. Rufus A. uousrnton. member oi tne state ws- way commission . for the district, in wmcn orsyin is luuaitsu, oi -x &j would' do the same, in order to com plete a permanent highway of the lat est : hard-surface type between Greens boro and , Winston-Salem. Plans ar3 already'1. on foot to finance another stretch of permanent hard-surface high way from . Greensboro to Reidsville. In other words, they are not waiting in many of the 'counties until the bonds are sold, but are going ahead and bor rowing money to begin work at once. "If Mecklenburg county is not to be altogether outdistanced," Mr. Wood said, "in the good roads building pro gram, she must get busy at once. Five roads leading out of Charlotte are to be built with funds partly derived from the state. It Is essential that the con struction of these roads begin early. If Mecklenburg county votes the $2,000, 000 bond issue, the county will be able to lend the money to the state highway commission the money to begin at once the building of these roads. "Some of the counties of North Caro lina are trying their best to push Meck lenburg out of first place as the banner county of the state in roadbuilding and other ways and if we don't get busy they are going to do it. I hope the people living in the rural parts of Mecklenburg county will realize that the voting of the bonds will benefit them more in proportion to the cost than anyone else. Charlotte property will pay two-thirds of it." THE HEN'S LA1VD3NT. "These modern methods t make me sick." " Thus spake old Biddy Dominick. "We used to please ourselyes, you bet Folks took; what fresh egg3 they could get. . .... But now we stay up half the night And lay our eggs by Mazda light, This culling also I protest, I'm getting old, l want to rei, Yes if in laying I grow lax, I'll be the next to get tne axe. We have read an account of an aero naut dropoing 24,500 feet, but nothing was said about his landing anywhere. As he began his descent on Thursday, it is to be presumed that he has, by this time, reached , the ground. , WE REFUSE TO ANSWER, AS IT MIGHT INCRIMINATE OR DE- . GRADE US. ' The. world often thinks that the wise man is a fool and fool is often taken for a wise man. How about thos . chaps who write the columns in tho newspapers? Are they wise men, or are they fools? - By your answer we will know if you tave any brains. Marcel BtemDrugge. The other day his wif . patties from some mash !? .u son had been left over from Ttat0es th mgnt Deiore. The little tv, I son was offered a. Ti--J'ear. he remarked in firm refusal' want any of those re.kin of V, would you like to be a rT ,' senate bill and h t,iu..,Uec' St. asks the Jewell "Renubli-a .? One newspaper announces i taint m V,o ' .& W gorilla in this country." Or? enough if he ever grets 'es." ever gets loose.' the implication that tw jL force a Puritanical "3i...nieil4 : Wilbur Glenn Voliva has announced that there will be no more short skirts allowed in Zion City. The question is, what is a short skirt? Years ago they were short when they were up to the shoe tops. Now they are long if they reach below the knees. Well, anyhow, it is a question that we do not care to discuss. DIDN'T CARE FOR THE NEAR-NEW A Kansas City man who is mana ger of the used car department In one of the big motor car salesrooms down town has evidently been talking shop at home, says the Kansas City "Star." - . ua.y n ' we are not sroine bhi.v : . i.ier ail. An appropriate spring sonz in local circle would be: "Hpr V!; the. Bribe." ere - What has bscome of the Coh Panama war? "i Have you been Stillmanned enof, ALLEGED MURDERERS ArnnJ Norfolk, Va. April 8.-Four 1 charged with murder m connection the killing of two Japanese seamen board the steamship Kaisbo-xian, ,; nhistmas eve were acauittpri k,. . , Thursday night. The jury had U- ON STEERING COMMITTEE. Washington, April 8. Repres tives John I. Nolan, California; sldr." Anderson, Minesota, and Frank Greene, Vermont, Thursday were & ed members of the republican steeri committ of the house by the c mittee on committees. lM4iikMa JIM Today and Tomorrow mm ill mm ill BEBB BANIELa Oil lADY IABY AttArruMTnauMr v GUY OLTOM OWOPDMOUS- T1 til IJL3R1CECAMPEJ.' Knu vr Also "WEDDING . BLUES" A Mile a Minute Comedy i, This ShopmtrV it la. et in every Berkey Gay production. It the customer' protection when buy rag and hit pride em iter. Furniture Of Abiding Charm The Special No. 1 Chamber Suite as illustrated represents but one production out of a vast ar ray of other Berkey & Gay fine furniture now bn display specially priced for April selling.. The distinctive quality that characterizes every Berkey & Gay production-has not been achiev ed by accident. It. has its origin in the laws of grace and proportion which are timeless. The suite may be purchased complete, or any of the various pieces may be bought individual ly and as the price is special for April only, and will positively be withdrawn at the fend of this month, we suggest that you , arrange for an -early inspection. Good furniture must- fulfill its mission, -therefore we recommend a visit to our store. PARKER-GARDNER COMPANY 'Carolina's Greatest Furniture Hous' JLIlU BedtJlt6tln straight end or round end do ifni. SEE OUR WINDOW IS i I. Bureau Top, 50x23: i. Lar( mirrcr H 50 incher bifh: . top. 39x23 r. win jiag mirror. Consider Quali Thai Way Lies Economy ' It is all right to insist on having your clothes cut just so in the smartest of fashion but everything should not be sacrificed to style. Insist on style, coupled with quality then you get what you ought to have in the clothes you wear good looks and ample service allthat you pay for. Where Will You Buy Suits Like These at $40i Others Up to $65.00 Russia Calf Oxfords $11.00 Not a big lot of these Ox fords to sell at this mod erate price, so count your self lucky if you get a pair. New Spring Hats V $5.00' to $8.50 The fact that these hats come 'from the best Amer ican makers, gives assur ance of fine quality. Bt Glo Town For Boys ' There any doubt in th e minds of those parents who come here; for clothes for the little fellows that we measure up to the demands of the most exa cting people, and present a col lectiofc of models and fabrics such as are seen in no other Charlotte establishment. Our second floor is a M for those seeking high class boys' a outfits everything here from tip to toe and everjrthing ' reasonably -priced.- TWQ PANTS, SUITS A ' Boya'M Wpol Two-Pants; Suits, giv ing practidaljy double wear, v made of cHokest J woolens, in smart "models," - in 7 to; 18 year sizes. : ':A A: -: '.. ;. 00 to go r. nn 1R ' A. JUVENILE ?WASH SUITS :S:A maMl1' : THe styles; consist of f clever 1 little ; Qli , verrits; ' Middies Azifa I Junior i Nor - -folks, " with : many.', modifications.; The materials coverVa i widerarige of serv iceable fabrics and the colors' ad'color : coninatiops include : almostCevery ef fect :: i&agiriable.; THerei are"' solid -tans : with .blue collars andi cuff s; reen . trim ; -mings,brown:arid tanntrmgcom : bihatibris, solidsstnpesetc. 'vln all ; there; arehundreds of -these new,- smart ' SDrincr Wash -Suits;-;. : - , - . - BOYS' FURNISHING GOODS Everything the boy needs - Shirts," Blouses, Collars, Neckwear, Gloves, Stockings, Pajamas, Underwear, Hand kerchiefs, Belts. Boys' Blouses, special at . m . Children's Socks, new and exclusive patterns. 35c BOYS' HATS AND CAPS Every kind of a, hat : and cap you ? i.11 for' some for the very lit tle kiddies, and some for high school ana college boys. BOYS' HATS $lit0$4-i BOYS CAPS $isto$2a BOYS SHOP 5 Second Floor 1 1

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