THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 1, 1,921. 13 r CABBAGES AND KINGS By O. HENRY Copyright, 1921, by Dftubleday, Pa 4 Co.; Published fey PeUl arrangement with the Wheeler Syndicate, Inc. ROUGE ET NOIR. Continued from yesterday. It ha? been indicated that disaffection oli0wTil the elevation of Losada to the This leeung continued to J,r0,v. Throughout the entire repub'ie fhfre spen'ed to be a spirit of silent, iin i MSCOntclii. uvcii uib uiu ju:u- rti n-iitv to which Goodwin, Zaval'a rj (i( HOI jJdmi'La iiau icui iiiix Fresh taxi s. tling airs from Verdi's operas. Senor Espirition of the office of the Minis ter of Finance, attempted the sandbasc ging in behalf of Anchuria.'' The' meet ing took place in the cabin of the "Sal vador," of the Vesuvius line. Senor Espirition opened negotiations by announcing that the government contemplated the building of a railroad to skirt the alluvial coast lands. &.ft-.r touching upon the benefits such a road would confer upon the interests of thi Vesuvius, he reached the definite sug gestion that a contribution to the pc-i - -, ... j ,. ch inipdri aunts ttnu, mure man ail, n c ..;i; Yw this mlHtJrv Vi-i1 i sion 'road's exnensps rf sav flftv thrtnnnn:i H ' 0 ! 1 lUll! U1C 1 1 IV'" L UUUUAIUUO 111 ."i- " ' ' , -.1 ijfiit sim-e .l,ie despicable Airoran. The oinritv iu nis vwu v;a.imiev were out 1WJ .1... IV, tv TV. CVTlllUll T 1 L 1 1 Jlllll. ClllltV, n-hich lie I'iiu luuucu ujr fcimife it n- pcf to tyrannize, had been his main, lmi thus far adequate support. a Bui the most impolitic of the admin- Jstration s moves na.ii uevn wrien n in- . ...pnized tne- Vesuvius rruit uom- pr Villi n -u...v.,,..u.v , rCcr than Anchuria s surplus and jfbt combined. ijkp thf Vesuvius would become irri ,,p,i having a small, retail republic w-itVi no rating- at all attempt to squeeze go when me govei nmeiu proxies ap- L'te refusal. The president at once his train. Of course, there was nothing menacing about its arrival a business firm does not go. to war with a nation but it reminded Senor Espirition and others in those carriages that -ihe'Ves-! uvius Fruit Company Was undoubtedly carrying something up its sleeve for, them. By the time the. van of the pro cession had reached the government building. Captain Cronin,' of the "Val halla", and Mr. Vincenti, member of the Vesuvius Company, had landed and were pushing their way, bluff, hearty and nonchalant, throwgh the crowd on the narrow sidewalk- Clad in white linen big, debonair, with an air of (jood-hu mored authority, they made conspicu ous figures among the dark mass of unimposinC Anchurians, as they pene trated to within a few yards of the steps' of the Casa Morena. Looking easily above the heads of the crowd, they perceived another that towered above the understzed natives. It was the fiery poll of Dicky Maloney against the wall close by the lower step; And his broad, seductive grin showed that he recognized their presence. Dicky had attired himself becoming ly for the festive occasion in a well-fit- Jting black suit. Pasa was close by his -i . . . V - . . t. W 4., l J siae. ner neaa covered wun me udi- at her atten- pesos would not be more than an equiv alent to benefits received. Air. i ranzoni denied that his com-, pany would' receive any benefits fromtuitous black mantilla a contemplated road. As its represen- Jar. vincenu iooKea tative hf must 1tHno in rttrihiii I tively. fifty thousand pesos.- But he would as- "Botticelli's Madonna," he remarked, surae the responsibility of lofferins 'trayely. "I wonder when she got into twenty-five. 1 I the game. I don't like his getting Did Senor Espirition understand Se- tangled with the women. I hoped he nor Francini to mean twentv-flvi 5 would keep away from them." thousand neoAc? Cantftin Cronin's laue-h almost drew attention from the parade pes s. wtiiilated by clapping an export duty "w 1 sV. - C 1 X (f rnO veai ptl uuiitii ui nana ma a. 'ping unprceaentea in iruu-growing Countries. The Vesuvius Company hai isteu large sums in wnarves ana along the Anchuria. coast, invest . ...fiAna an 1 rno thPli ilKIllo ii.-4 mis uuinca III ,(.e towns where they had their heacl-.-'rt rs. and heretofore had worked jUh the republic in good-will and with advantage to both. It would los n imniense um if compelled to move PUt The selling price of bananas f0,n !-a Cruz to Trinidad was three rfaic per bunch. This new duty of one rfal would have ruined the fruit grow ,r5 in Anchuria and have seriously incommoded the Vesuvius- Company it declined to pay' it. But for some feasnn. the Vesuvius continued to buy Anchuria fruit, paying 'four reals for it: 'and not suffering the growers to jipar the loss. This apparent victory deceived His Excellency and he began to hunger for prr of it. He sent an emissary to r qipst a confertnee with a representu ilve of the fruit company. The Vesu vius sent Mr. Franzoni, a little, stout. ,-Wiful man. always cool, and Avh5.?- f and . 217 S. Tryon St. Men's Tan and Black S n i p -t-i i 1- -k - 3 i an rjngnsn jxiorus Tan Brogue Ball Strap and English Oxfords $m Send Us Your Mail Orders thousand pesos? By no means. Twenty-five And In silver; mot in gold. "Your offer insults my government," cried fSenor Espirition, rising with in dignation. "Then," said Mr. - Franzoni. in warn ing tone, "we will change lt." The offer was never changed. Cou.!d Mr. Franzoni have meant the govern ment?. This was the state of affairs in An churia when the winter season open ed at Coralio at the end of the second year : of Losado's administrtaion. so, when the government and society made its annual exodus to the seashoi"3 it? was evident that the presidential advent wild . not be' celebrated by un limited rejoicing. The tenth of No vember was the day set for the sn trance into Coralio of the gay com pany from the capital. A narrow gauge railroad runs twenty miles lnfo the interior from Solitas. The govern ment party travels by carriage from San Mateo to this road's terminal noint. and proceeds by train to Solitas. From here they march in grand pro cession to Coralio where., on the day 0t their coming, festivities and cere- k monies abound. But this season saw an ominous dawning of the tentn ox: November. Although the rainy season was over, the day seemed to hark back to reek ing June. A fine drizzle of rain fe-1 all during the forenoon. The proces sion entered Coralio amid a strange silence. President Losada was an elderly man, grizzly bearded, with a considerable ra tio of IncHan blood revealed, in nis cin namon complexion. His carriage head ed the procession, surrounded and guard ed by Captain Cruz and his faxious troop of one hundred light horse "El Ciento Huilando." Colonel Rocas followed, with a regiment of the regular army. The president's sharp, beady eyes glanced about him for the expected demonstration of welcome; but he fac ed a stolid, indifferent array of citl zens.X Sight-seers the Anchurians are by birth' and ftabit, and they turned out to their last able-bodied unit to witness the scene; but they maintained an ac cusive silence. They crowded the streets to the very wheel ruts, they covered the red tile roofs to the -eaves, but there was never a "viva" for them. No wreaths of palm and lemOn branches or gorgeous strings of paper roses hung from" the' windows and .balconies as was the custom- Thej-e was an apathy, a dull," dissenting disapprobation, -that was the more ominous because it puz zled. No one feared an outburst, a re volt of the discontents, for they had no leader. The president and those loyal to him had never even heard whisper ed a name among them capable of cry stallizing the dissatisfaction into oppos ition. No. there could be no danger. The people always procured a new idol J - before they destroyed an oia one. At length, after a prodigious gallop ing and curveting of reel sas'u-l ma jors, gold-laced colonels and epauletted generals, the procession formed :'or its annual progress down tne L,aue ur uue to the Casa Morena, where the cere mony of welcome to the visiting presi dent always took place. The Swiss band led the line of march After it pranced the local comandante, mountejj. and a detachment of his troops. Next came a carriage with four members among them the Minister of War old of the cabinet conspicuous General Pilar, with his white moustache and his soldierly bearing. Then the president's vehicle, containing also the Ministers of Finance and State;! and surrounded by Captain Cruz's light horse formed in a close double file of fours. Following them, the rest of the officials of state, the judges and dis tinguished military and social ornaments of pubUc and private life. As the banl struck up, and the move ment began,, like a bird of ill-Omen the -Vnlhalla". the swiftest steamship of the Vessuvius line, glided into the har aside, "what do you think of the pros pects? It's a species of. f ilibusterine out of my line." : - Viricenti glanced again at Dicky's head and miled- "Rouge et noir," he said. "There you have it. Make your play, gentle- (To b Continued.) O'BRIEN RESIDENCE ATTACKED. Dublin, June LArmed men made an attack on the residence of Hon. Ed ward Donough O'Brien, at Roselevan, Ennis, yesterday, wounding one person. At tennis game was m progress When forty men suddenly appearey, shouting "Hands up." xney commences firing. wounding W. H. all. A motor car was stolen and anoyier was burned during the raia. several women fainted. . REFUSES TO RESIGN. San Antonio, Tex., June 1. Hugh H. Robertson. United States district attor nev for th western district of Texas. today announced he had refused a re quest of Attorney General Daugherty that he resign. He characterized the Attorney General's request as a "piece of cheap and petty pouues." ARE TO SEARCH FOR LOST RIVER Lost River Bed in Alaska Believed to Contain Vast Amount Gold With that head of hair! Keep away from the, women! And a Maloney! Hasn't he got a license? But, nonsense FLORESTOrj SHAMPOO Creates & soft ereu&y lather that Cleanses! the hair and Scala. Remove all rtirt. nnAl dandruff, makes tne hair soft, flnrrr r.Hl easy u ao up. ouc. ait druggists, or Dy mall. Hiscox Chemical wores, Ttcno5ue,T. T. Edmonton, Alta., June 1. Search for a lost river a river Of gold will be undertaken this year by several pros pectors, including old-timers from the Yukon and Alaske , who are now here Outfitting for the long journey into the north country. This lost riVer bed, where the Peace River once flowed, is somewhere in the big bend of the Peace, bisected by a line drawn from Fort St. John to the mouth Of the Bat tle River. Some years ago an Indian brought into Ft. St. John a fair sized gold hug get, which, according to the tale told by old timers of the north, he discov ered in a stream in the country to the north-east of the' post. Soon after this an old trapper, a white man, who made Fort St. John his head quarters, came into the Fort with a quantity of coarse gold which he had Washed frOm some tream in a similar direction to tnat trom wmcn tne In dian hailed. . He never Visited his trap, lines after this, living on the fat of the land in carefree idleness at the post. He often disappeared, whenever his supplies of necessaries ran low, and would be away for a few. days, always returning with a fresh supply of gold. . . This aged trapper lived in this man ner for a number of ; years.' . He died, as many trappers and north country men have, on the trail- His body was found frozen. With him went his secret, he never having told to anyone the loca tion of his find. The books of the Hud son's Bay Company still contain a large cerdit account in the name of the nld trapper. Northmen, who tell the story of the mystic El Dorado north of the Peace, declare that the gold was only available after a heavy fall of snnW, With which the old fellow apparently washed his mineral. From an analysis of the cir cumstances generally, it is thought that the place from which the gold was taken was some old river bed where the Peace once flowed, but whether the story is correct or not remains to be proved. Prospectors, however, are putting up good money to test the truth of the theory that he precious metal does ex ist somewnere io me norm or vtear Hills in large quantities. DOBY SENT TO TEN" Sheriff W. O. Cochran returned Mon day night from Raleigh, Where he Went to . take Claude Doby, alias Joe Burke, young' white man convicted at the last criminal court of being a Pullman car thief. He also stopped at Goldsboro to place a patient in the negro . hospital for insane. FOREST EXPERIMENT STATION Asheville, June .1. A forest texpeiri ment station for the South, with head quarters in Asheville, will be establish ed July 1, according to a statement by W. B. Greely, chief forester in wash ington. Tuesday. Four technical for esters workout of the office to be "es tablished here. LABOR SITUATION IS , BECOMINQ CRITICAL Aires .Tim' i ifiv The Asso ciated Press.)-The labor situation In iseunos Aires is growing more cnucai hourly, while the police continued to raid the headquarters of the extreme elemtnes. r Several unions have joined the strike m hi-iinHnir th total num ber of strikers out today to more than thirty thousand. The Maritime eaera- tiorv has decreed a general striae to hpcin tnd v tn tift ud all maritime traf fic under the Argentine flag. . The police raided a joint . meeung Of the Argentine branches of the Am sterdam communist Organization and the Argentine labor federation and ar rested 180 persons. Tha Tahnr PrAtortlvfc Association. assisted by. the. Argentine Patriotic v League, is marsnauing non-union jauui ers to replace the strikers. i i. i KING BORIS TO VISIT US. Sofia. Bulgaria, June I. Premier Stambuliwski, of Bulgaria, declared here yesterday that King Boris would visit the United States during the com ing" autumn arid that he would accom pany BOris. EiuTtfae4alekt R&m CATARRH dlaBder Stfe,MmitAl Eaci Capsule beats name irniililii l TpTa vieTWB theTesVent and Adding Listing TLT .1 1 tlooKKeepmq VlSlblC TAachines SAVE TIME AND ENERGY By their unfailing accuracy much of the worry and drudgery of office Practices and figur es work is eliminated. Let ' ' ' us demonstrate th a''es on your work. If ' C8 H 'fr eknn m Jorth.while buy W9 Hess CXpect your busl THEY ADD . MULTIPLY SUBTRACT DIVIDE r A FAY V ANNOUNCEMENT The Carolinas LaFayette Motors Com pany of 'Five Hundred North Tryon Street, Charlotte, has been appointed Distributors of the LaFayette line of deluxe motor cars for the Carolinas. . . 1.. . LAFAYETTE MOTORS COMPANY ; at Man Hill, Indianapolis ' 0 Sisk & Lambeth, Inc. 3 , Sales Agents 112 Latta Arcade. Charlotte, N. C. A