18 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C., WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE lrl92ll 4 Tinker B B byCarbsleR Holeomb ANOTHER-FIA'CATCHER. ' When Tinker Bob's attention was called away from Phoebe, he sawi Silky,, the Monkey, talking with someone over on the other side, of the river, Tne King hurried over to see if it might be one of the Forest Dwellers whom he had not yet seen since his return from the South. It might be because his mind had been dwelling on him, . that the first voice Tinker heard when -he crossed the river was that of thebec: Of course the King knew who itwas' for Chebcc was the greatest fellow you ever knew to bs always1 calling1 hi3 own. name. Chebec! Chebec! Chebec; V he repeated over and over, jerking his tail with every note. He too would: now and then dart into the air and snap at something that the King or. Silky could not see, as they looked up from the! ground. J . 'How-do-you-do Chebec?" cried Tin ker Bob. "I am. delighted to see you back again. Are you going to build a nest in the forest this year?" ' ; "To be 'sure I am," replied Chebec, as he darted after another f.y. "Mrs, Chebec has built her nest in about this same place for two or three years.id no one could get her to go-anyvjre else. She is looking for a place noHv that she thinks no one will discover.. I suppose she ought to have some help in locating a good place. But a long time ago, O King, I learned that it was wise not to have an opinion about some things. If she ever finds the place she wants, I suppose I'll help her build a nest. I can tell you we are mighty glad to b back here in the forest again. It seems a long time sine a we were here. We've made a journey from the land farther South than where Silky lived." ' " "I just happened to see Mr. and Mrs.' Phoebe. They belong to your, family also. They already have a nest full of eggs," taid Tinker Bob. "The Phoebes are funny folks," said Chebec, "they are the only members of the family who can stand cold weather. I never could see what OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COPVHiaMT l2t, BY EOISAK ALLAN MOSS. THADE MARK REGISTERED U. 3 lAT. Orr. He darted out after another fly. there was about cold weather to enjoy. Then too, they always hang around bridges, in fact they are the only ones in. the . family who do not build their nests in trees." 'You must be the smallest of them all?" queried the King interestedly. '.'Oh, yes I'm the smallest all right, that's th 3. reason they call me the Least Flycatcher. . But I f.y much farther than Phoebe does. And anoth er thing I want you to know is this, I can 'catch as many bugs as any of them Then he darted out after an other fly. Suddenly the sound of Mrs. ChebBc'3 voice was heard in the forest. "I will have to leave you O King if you will excuse me." And away went Mr. Chebec to find his mate. Next- -A Barn 1 Fighter. 353 Horace vs. Walt Mason We admit the stuff of Horace Was a bit too hefty for us, (Though with his writings we're not finding fault;) But the foreman of this colyum Would much prefer a volume Of the simple, rustic songs by Uncle Walt. That independent looking gink you see, washes and irons his own soft col lars. " Wanted Stenographer to work part time. Apply at orce, etc Classified ad, There are times when even an em ployer loses patience. Judge "Madam, . have you anything to say?" Prisoner's Husband "Now you've done it, my lord." An unfortunate motorist smashed into one of those concrete traffic signs with his car the other day and was removed to the pail. His car, we presume, was removed to the junk heap. Antagonistic Anthem Oh, how I'd love to throttle that guy And wind up his incessant chinning; The reason is this, if you care know Why: Because he says "ending" for "Inning". MARCEL'S CHINESE WISDOM. He who studies ten years in ob scurity, often gets the habit and staya there for the rest of his life. It is too late to pull the rein when the horse has gained the precipice. In moving pictures, a dummy has l)een substituted for the rider by that. Time. The evidence of a single glance should not be relied on as true. Those street car glances to your pretty neighbor don't mean anything,. In every affair retire a step, . and you have an advantage; but come back strong. v : - If the movie reformers had their way, says A. A. Thomas, about the most thrilling thing we could-see, "on the screen would be husband and wife seated at the opposite ends of a sofa, hands neatly folded, and with their framed marriage certificate propped up between them. Doubtless the rules would require the sofa to be not1 less than six feet long, and the marriage certificate would have to be clearly legiwe at a distance of at least -one hundred feet. OR A COUPLE OF LEGS. A man I know had an argument with a taxicab recently and took sec ond prize to the tune of a fractured arm. For this he received one thou sand berries from the company, a.l expenses incidental to his recovery, and a check from each of four acci dent insurance companies. Do you think- I'd take a fractured arm for that? You know darned well I would. Why Not Try the American Mag? Sir: After years of observation, we conclude that there is only he ihiiig werae than the man who won't admit defeat that is the man who will. Sock Ratees Jr. Free Advice to Young Men Don't kiss a girl on .the hand unless she has been eatin' garlic. Louisville girl declares she prefers matrimony to a vocal career. But wnai s tne ainerencev asKs somebody. Never yell "What Hoe?" to a man working in th garden. Five hundred ultimate consumers mareh in parade as protest against high prices. News item. The pageant, no doubt, was much enjoyed by profitters who witnessed it. GWENDA'S SCOOP. In a few words, Gwenda did explain to the men her cousin's accidental presence in the studio, also the rela tionship between herself and Fern, and everything that she knew about Natalie and her life. The largest de tective smiled down at her reassuring ly as she came to the end of her story and said, "Sure, lady, we know all about this one;-we've had her on our hands several times already. She's been getting the dope smuggled in to her, and we ve been la glers. This afternoon we rounded up a gang of 'em, and now, here she is, dead! She's better off, this way, too. The husband's in St. Christopher's hospital on Tenth street, and he'll be well again in a week or so. The shot only went through his left shoulder. Take your cousin away from here and well rectify the story, never -fear." And so, after waiting a few minutos more, to get the rest of the details from one and another of them. Gwenda gathered up her cousin and her note book, and together the two girls hur ried to the waiting taxi, and were driven home. Once home, she saw to it that Fern lay down, and became quiet once more, gave her a dose of spirits of am monia, and soothed her completely, be fore she started down - for the office again. . Tired but satisfied, she then hurried back to her chief, who was in high feather,, when he heard that she had been the first an fi in faft fho nnlir run. j resentative there. He made her 'sit uuwn ana ten mm all about the mur der and seemed a wee bit disappointed to hear that there had been nothing in the other woman's story at all. Merely a young detective's mistake. "Too bad, too bad, from the news point," he said. "Would have made a fine triangle story, you know. Sfcul we've got a 'scoop' now go ahead and write it up for all you're worth and make it as vivid as you know how. Guess we'll have to be raising your salary again, Miss Channing, if you keep on getting us scoops this way. X can just see old 'Beefy' swearing at everyone of his reporters on 'The Star' for letting us beat them to it!" And he roared with laughter as he thought vi mis. Gwenda, still very much shaken, now that everything was over, and her cousin's name saved, dashed out to a private telephone booth and called ud St. Christopher's hospital to inquire for Fedya before she started her story. She was told that he was doing well and would be able to see visitors in a day or so. This cheered her consid erably, and with an easy heart she went back to her desk and started to write her story. " At five-tpn she Inirl it - Davis' desk and noted with an inward f3 satisfaction that he was more than pleased with what she had written. "Great stuff. Miss Channing, gresit stuff. You've got all the facts here and plenty of punch. Now, for good ness sake, take that worried look out of your eyes and go and eat a beef steak. And don't you dare, to show up here at all tomorrow. You need a Vest." (To be continued) ; MOTORCYCLIST WAS HEAVILY ASSESSED Salisbury, June 1. In county court Tuesday Ralph Orr, a Spencer youth, was assessed $100 and costs in a case charging, reckless driving of a motor cycle. . and in a case of running a ma chine without a license tag was let off with the costs., Two months ago a team of horses became frightened when Orr passed thtm on Fulton street, and running away, threw Mrs. Moses Lemly out of the wagon inflicting in juries from which, she is still suffer, ing.- For some weeks she was uncon scoous in a local hospital. Young Orr gave notice of appeal. A civil action is to follow the criminal case. LEOPARD CANNOT CHANGE SPOTS Mr. Dodson, the "Liver Tone" Man, . Tells the Treachery of Calomel. Calomel loses you a day! You know what calomel is. It's misery; quick silver. Calomel, is dangerous. It crashes into sour bile like dynamite, cramping and sickening you. Calomel attacks the bones and should never be put into your system. When you feel bilious, sluggish, con stipated and all knocked out and be lieve you need a dose of dangerous cal omel just remember that your drug gist sells for a few cents a large bot tle of Dodson's Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant to take and is a perfect substitute for cal omel. It is guaranteed to start your liver without stirring you up inside, and can not salivate. ' . Don't take calomel! ' It can not be trusted any more than a leopard or a wild cat Take Dodson's Liver Tone which straightens you right up and makes you feel fine. Give it tn the children because it is perfectly harmless and don't gripe. For Sale Myers Park Home 8 room brick veneer home, hot. water heat Lar basement and servants' room, 75-foot lot on newlv 6 dry street. A real up-to-date value for y Paved $10,850 On Best of Terms. K C. McCoy Moretz. Griffith Let Us Show You Company Phones 877 and 4208 W- G. Conrad Paints & Oils You will find in our large stock Paints suited to both inside and outside work. And we will be glad to give you the benefit of our experience in choos ing the best paints for your requirements.. Ezell-Pritchard Company THIS IS A STORE OF SERVICE" Wholesale and Retail Paint and Glass Phone 764 U-14 W. Fifth Street -$7800 BUYS IT. ' """"" ' "" 7 rooms 2 stories with heating plant hardwood finishiar bed room on first floor 3 bed rooms on second floor Kii,aiTt r71fr b section. "'"-leamom - Another 6 rooms with heating plant on of the nirPf , Worthington avenue in swell neighborhood I dandy homt bunSalows 05 9 rooms 2 baths heating plant large lot garage for 2 VV cant owner left Charlotte and says "SELL IT" 1404 Sm,th ts Tnow v mighty nice place price at my office. coutn Boulevard-j ; And thenicest home in Myers Park for anything lik tha elegant neighborhood a swell home.... .. . -"ytnins mce the price-jj Large corner lot Myers Parte on car line S1.M Best lot on Louise avenue --t3loi Phone 2772JONES THE REAL 'ESTATE MAN Office 20o' foaifrBuife If the bigamists don't quit running up to Greenwich, Conn., they'll have to issue marriage licenses soon with every divorce decree. EJvery, Italian who comes to Inis country ckn speak at least one for eign language and usually it is Italian. A western genius has invented a foolproof ouija board, but that jsn't me Kina people want. When a doctor he expects pay for it. :t ' NICHOLS TO REPORT ON PINE VILLE BANK -Si. '3 Baseball 3'."' Supplies Play ball is the word- baseball players are buy-; ing their gloves, mitts, masks, shoes, bats, and balls here because they know that our baseball goods are right and can be depended upon when the bases are full with no "outs" in the ninth inning. See our window display. Charlotte Hardware ompany 30 East Trade St.' Phones 1505-1506 THE FIRST HUNDRED YEARS ARE THE WORST. Rents are going up again. . A man in Ohio has invented a new income tax. A scientists has just discovered a new form of microbe on the handles of baby cabs. Five apartment house landlords have just won cases against tenants. It is said -a new counterfeit $10 bill is 11 coding the country. Mesopotamia is going to war with .Herzegovina. The pearl button crop of Peru . is going to be 50 per cent short this year. Twenty-five thousand - "great Ameri can novels are now neinsr written. It is estimated by prophets that th wcria will come to an end on June 17, ugust 5 and November 21. . The renort of John fi WiVnio appointed by Judge W. F. Harding as temporary receiver for the bank at Pineville, will be made to Judge Harding Friday morning. For several days an' auditor has been going over the affairs of the bank and it is ex pected a complete statement as to the condition of the bank will be available. Mr. Nichols Drobahlv. will Vio wiolrt permanent receiver of the bank, with the duty of liquidating its resources. He was formerlv chipf sato Kai- .examiner and now is a vice-president oi me American Trust Company Henrjs C. Dockerv is Nichols and for the Corporation Com mission, which asked Mr. Nichols' ap pointment to the receivership. "Your Own Vine And Fig Tree" Carry out the Biblical injunction arid enjoy the fruits of your toil. Live in your own home it beats somebody else's home every time. You and your wife yes. and the kiddies too--come and see the homes we can offer you on easy terms. :iuiUS-SiVimi REALTY COMPANY. Real Estate Rents Insurance Builders of Characteristic Homes , There is said to be no more automo bile stealing in Detroit. Probably ev- viyvuuy tnere nas one oy this time. 'You still see celluloid collars, but not ; oiien on tne farmers. REALTY TRANSFERS The PVmrlntto PnncAliiotAi . . wiiouiiuaLCU UUOtI Ut tion comnanv tn TZ "Yf n,-otr j. Minnie Graves, for $20,000 and other uuiisiueruuons, a lot so by 200 feet on East Boulevard, Dilworth. C. M. Connors and wife to Pearl and ia. narnson, ior ?z,&uo, a lot on North Graham street. J'.?Readling t0 Mrs- Laura King, foyw a lui m me town ot .Davidson. SHOWS PROFIT OF $11,900 Manila. P. T Tn i nn. . T - v un; x. x ne annual report of the Manila Railroad Company ..a unucu me jrnnippme gov ernment, shows operating revenue for 1920 of $3,983,000 and operating expen ses of $4,933.000.. After deductions for .v,wriees ana taxes, the report www.rs a, iui me year or $11,900. Seaboard Air Line Railway Ar,."; TrItt Schedule.. Arrival ana departure of passenger JL.V. INo.l 5:00a, 9:06a 9:55a 6:00p S:45p 8:20p 14 Between 15 34 20 31 16 lNo. Ar. tte-Wil 131 Jamlet con-j J a-Ruth'ton , l I 13lll:40p 9.06a 341 9.4Aa 19J12:25p ICharlotte-Wil na jtiamie Monrnn. Ruther-tcn - WI1 mington and Ral Charlotte-W1L na Jtiamiet con- inections. Wilmington - Ral eigh and Ruther Afnn rno d.ikZ jfordton, Monroe connections ...... for Norfolk, Rich- liV" ana Points Commercial Printini Better Printing Real Service Right Prices Send Us Your Orders or Call 1530 No order too large or too small to receive our careful attention. News Printing House S. O. RUSH. Manager TELEPHONE 1530 ii worm . riiome We are offering for sale a modern home on ' Worthington Avenue at a bargain and on terms to suit the purchaser, and can give immediate possession. This is an opportunity to apply rent on the purchase of a home. It will be our pleas ure to show this property to anyone interested in the purchase of a home. The Carolina Company 328-30-32 South Tryon St. Phones 609 and 1430 FOR SALE- New Modern Seven-Room House A reliable man, with assured salary, may secure this home without a cash payment and arrange to carry entire amount on monthly payments. $115 - A MONTH REQUIRED Home is located on paved street, in good section, and close in. Act quick if interested m good proposition. j ft McAd '200 South Cedar St,. ;;TplS; en Phone 350 Spring Term Begins June 1st Don't waste the valuable Summer months. If you would like to earn more you should learn more. You may step into a pleasant, well-paying office position next winter by taking a practical business course now. Send for special, Summer circular. Charlotte, X. C "An Accredited School" 31 16 3:35p 8:12p Mechanics Perpetual & Loan Association Building 1 -7 -S? g JPS? Passenger Station pwV ,7 BU AJ7on street. "x.c ov.. FhflTlO 1 Bmfimlrt promptly dMi. AiVtnrU trfetly guaranteed. , QUEEN CITY CYCLE 9a 207 North Tryon St. A SAVINGS INSTITUTION OP AND FOR THE PEOPLE A series of shares carried through" this Association .will net you .six and a quarter per cent. Our long period of successful service, thirty-eight years, and our low expense rate, merit your consideration. J. H. WEARN, President E. J. CAFFREY, Sec'jr and Treas. Iron Where It's Cool - The Electric Iron has shortened and simplified the duties of iroTiincr Hflv finnp fnrpvpr is the drudgery of hot weather ironing on a piping hot stove, with heavy irons to carry back and forth from range to board. v Attach your Electric Iron to the nearest Elec tric light socket and iron in comfort-in the door way on the porch; or wherever it is coolest. Your Electric iron is always hot! Electric Irons $4 to $10 SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY ii C pa Ah