THE CHARLOTTE NEWS WEDNESDAY June i, 1921 CLUB SELECTS ITS FIRST BOARD Myers Park Organization Plans to Ask tor unarter and Get Going Soon. Directors of th Myers Park Country Club were elected at a meeting of members-to-be of that organization Tuesday night at the Chamber of Commerce, at which tipie plans were also laid for applying for a charter and otherwise getting the organization Into action. ( Those elected to the directorate were J. P. Quarles, H. C. Sherrill, L,. C. Withers, Paul C. Haddock. John L. Dabbs, J. P. Harris. V. F. McAfee, W. B. Huntington, Brent S. Drane and Ed M. Wallace. Plans are to bring the organization into existence with a membership limit of 300, the yearly dues to be J52. or $1 a week, which will entitle all members of the family to all the privileges of the club. The golf course, laid out three years ago near the former Horner School and meant at that time for early use, ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Beware! Unless you s?e the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Earache, Toothache, Lum bago, and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monocetica cidesteP (ft Salicylicacid. 19 three-fourths complete. Because of thA wnr. th nlans that were under way then were abandoned. One of the old Horner school buildings will be used as a club house, nno of th features of the club grounds will be a swimming pool so graded in depth as to serve ior cnu r)r as well as srrown-ups. It will ho sn hv ion feet. Plans for construe tlon of the pool were presented at the meeting by .Brent . urane, engineer and one of the directors. ORPHANAGE HOLDS CLOSING EXERCISE Closing exercises of the Thompson Orphanage were held at 6 o'clock Tuesday afternoon on the lawn of the institution, where friends of the chil dren an of the institution assembled. The program was arranged by Miss Nalle, kindergarten teacher. Rev. Walter Smith, superintendent of the orphanage, was in charge of the program and Rev. Bruce Owens, pastor of the Church of the Holy Com forter, presented the awards and prizes of distinction. All the prizes, with two exceptions, were provided by the Thompson Orphanage Guild. The win ners follow: High scholarship, senior department, Mary Nichols; Stitt prize, given by Mrs. William Stitt, Hattie Kelly; im provement in penmanship, Roy Byers; high scholarship, primary department, Bernice Stanton and Mildred Wither spoon tied; Stitt primary prize, Cora Lee Cochran; improvement in sewing, Idah Bvver. Prize to the most helpful, Thompson hall, Anna . Atkins, girl, and Don Keever, boy; Brownson hall, Gwendo lyn Witherspoon, girl, and Otey By ers, boy; Federation cottage, Carrie May Cochran. GEORGIANS ARE TO DINE FRIDAY NIGHT Friday night at 7 o'clock "Georgia Crackers" living in Charlotte will hold their monthly meeting at the Chamber of Commerce. Walter Hines, who appears at the Imperial theater the last two days of the week, will be a special guest of the club. He is a Georgian and was invited by Manager Carroll of the theater, who is also a "Cracker," to attend the Georgia dinner. Great preparations are under way to make the event a notable one. An old-time Georgia dinner, with all the concomitants, will be a feature. Chick en a la Southern Georgia will be ' one of the prize tidbits that will stimulate the appetites of the Georgians. BIBLE DECLARED TO BE INSPIRED Princeton Teacher Says God Superintended Writing of All the Scriptures. Declaring that God gave superin tendency to the writers of the scrip tures, Dr. Charles R. Erdman, of Princeton University, delivered the last of four addresses at the First Presby terian church Tuesday night. He emphasized reasons for believing in the Bible lie in the fact that it is a record of credible history recorded by credible witnesses,' contains the revelation of facts that could not oth erwise be revealed to man and brings before mankind cardinal doctrines those of predestination and free-will in such a way that the two can never be reconciled and yet presents the whole plan of salvation in a way that the mind of man never could devise. Other than for the inspired word of God as found in the Bible, there is no reason for the existence of the church, , Dr. Erdman insisted, adding that should the inspiration of the scriptures be set aside the church might as well close her doors and recall her mission aries. He said he could not understand how any man who claims to believe in evo lution can deny the inspiration of the Bible because evolution teaches the world is constantly growing better and yet no man has written a book to take the place of the Bible, although man has had 2,000 years in which to do this. Dr. Erdman's address was filled with argument in support of the Bible as the word of God and "an impregnable rock upan which all faith and hope are founded" and that "faith and hope thus founded cannot fall because builded upon the word of God." A good audience heard Dr. Erdman deliver his third lecture in the Sunday day school room of the First Presby terian church Tuesday afternoon, speaking upon the subject of "The Holy Spirit." The minister left Charlotte following Tuesday night's address for Raleigh, ! where he begins Wednesday a series I of addresses before the Presbyterian young people's conferences of the synod i of North Carolina. Union National Bank CHARLOTTE, N. C, !- S Tour banlring '-business Invited. We offe every courtesy and - accommodation consistent with Safe Banking. ' Kr ' v Safety Deposit Boxes for rent $1.50 ner annum and up according to size $1.00 will start a savings account. 4 per cent compounded every three months. f H. M. Victor, Presf. D. P. Tffieti, Cashier F. D. Alexander V. Pt A. G. Trotter, Asst. CasH FOR RENT 12,000 feet of warehouse space wit in two blocks of the. r . e Center ftf Sprinkler system In building, giving tenant benefit of i0 surance. SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, LOAN & TRUST CAPITAL, $75,009 4 South Tryon St SCRPUs. , none 2Si FORT MILL BANK BUYS STREET BONDS R easona Isn't It? That the jobber can sell you merchandise for less money than the small commission broker so it is with us in real estate. We are investing hun dreds of thousands of dollars in order that we may make more sales and small profits, but eventually we will provide for Charlotte in homes and investments. Dilworth Building Company T. T. COLE, President. No. 216 East Trade. Phones 4572-4550 Fort Mill, S. C, June 1. At a recent meeting of town council, bids were con sidered for the purchase of the recent ly authorized issue of $30,000 coupon bonds for permanent street improve ment, and the bid of Col. Thomas B. Spratt, president of the First National Bank of Fort Mill, of 95 was accepted. Agreement is contained in the bid to deposit the proceeds of the sale to the credit of the board of street commis sioners immediately upon the approval of the form of the bonds by the bank's attorney. These bonds bear date Janu ary 1, 1921. and interest at the rate of 6 per cent, maturing serially at the rate of $1,000 annually for the first ten years, and $2,000 annually for the second ten years. The proceeds will be used to construct permanent highways through the two main channels of travel within the corporate limits of the town. CHURCH-GOING IS TOPIC OF SERMON "Smith Going to Church" was the subject of a sermon delivered Tuesday night by Rev. Dr. Lee McB. White, of Kinston, at the Ninth Avenue Bap tist church. Mr. White said "Smith" should go to church for his soul's sake, for his mind's sake, for the safe of his family and for the preservation of the Sabbath. E. L. Wolslagle, gospel singer, sang "Serving the Lord in My Weak Way." The singing is Drovinsr a. fpatnro of the services. SELF MASTERS The only way to get along with yourself agreeably Is to be the Master of Yourself. Self Masters are contented, hap py, forceful and independent. Those that are slaves to them selves are always miserable. Thrift is a habit of Self Masters. It means mastering yourself a lit tle every day. Be a Self Master and take some portion of your earnings whenever they come to you and put them in the bank. Security Savings Bank No. 4 South Tryon St. Ice cream promptly deliv- ered in quantities of one pint or more - Walker's; Drug Store Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets, AUTOMOBILE DELIVERY Norris Candy Parker Pens Agents for Klim THE GREAT VALUE OF THE NASH IS EVIDENT 4n v THE NASH SIX SEDAN, handsome an3 powerful, with its Nash Perfected Valvein Head Motor is built to combine marked economy in operation with fine appearance, comfor tand durability, and, for a car of this type, is an exceptional value. Carolinas Nash Motors Co, Distributers CHARLOTTE. N. C. ASK NASH OWNERS OF NASH SERVICE -jjjju jiuiijM mil ill I l.i I .jiiHi mil I uiuwt ii inn m ,1',U": iiiiiIwwwwiwhi. u I lilim . . ,H,ltni,mmmr mm in r i i in .ii i - Here And Hereafter Thrift is the most important word in the sav ings program. Through thrift you accumulate the property which you leave to your heirs. They should prac tice thrift in its management. Have you named an executor of your estate who will encourage thrift on the part of your , heirs? Many prominent business men of Charlotte have named this company executor of their es tates. We feel this to be a tribute to our record of thrift in money management. The subject is ' worthy of consideration on your part. We would like to discuss it with you. Americam Trust Company ' CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital arid Surplus and Profits, $1,850,000 3M YOUR TEETH Does it pay to neglect or put off having your dental needs attended to? Risking severe pains, abscesses, etc. Simple fillings are not expensive Consider. Dc you get as much reai beneht ior the money as that spent on your teeth. Don't delay. Do it now. Terms cash. DR. L. S. FOX DENTIST. im W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Sogers Next to Woolworth's Dr. H. O. Henderson. Dr. tt r ' HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Offlce, Hunt Bldg., 2z 1-2 N. Tryon Sft, Fhont 318 How Is It With You? Are you prepared for opportunities? Or, when they come to you, do you have to let them slip by to be seized by others. Opportunities call for ready cash, or the good sense and energy which comes from acquiring ready cash by saving regularly from income. lli I i iMWli.ill,'tii)1ifiinii E. O. Anderson, Vice President V. A. Watson, Vice President W. M. Dong, Vice President .dependence Trust C ompany Capital and Surplus Over $1,600,000.00 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. C. OFFICERS- i M. Wearn, Chairman of Board J H Little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Thos. P. Moore, Asst. Cashier A. R. Surrati, Assistant Cashier Southern Railway System . . ener Train Schedules. ,rrlv and departure of Fasseneei trains. Charlotte. N. C. SH Lv. 3:45a 12:35a 7:25p 7:30a No. Between 29Atlanta-B,gbam 30Wash.-New York 3 2 1 Wash-New York 39Atlanta-Danvllle X2:00p 24lTaylorsville 8:55n 9:45d :30p 9:10p 11:00a 6:20a 4:30p 138 38 12 35 113 26 45G'Ville-W'mlnster No 30 29 31 4$ At. 12:25a 3:35a 7:2Sa ll:20n 61 9 inn Z3x8:00a Washineton.M Tr"'iioJi Wash-N ew York. " 87 lo-SOi Richmond-Norf oik . ' 11 YlO -iol 3 : 0 0pl 4 6 IG'boro-Danrllle I Aiiania 7:3Saf 31 IPnlvmKSo 1' 8:26a lSITavlorsvlllA 6 V 10:15a36N. Y.-WashinsW .'.I 2K 12:46p i:4&p 4:10p 5:50p 7:20p 9:10p '9:30a137! AtlanVa ,qri il8 dl?i? 10:40a 517 4:25a 44 11 :30a 14 iAtlanta-Nl'brYeanVrMV-MoS Saliebury, Winston- jaaroer, inoorea (Norfolk-Richmond II 11 6:10n 110:50a f l ' m.. 1 " in i i s . r . Through Pullman sleeping: ear eervic RiehmondL Norfolk. Atlanta. Blrmlnehanv Mobile. Nw Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient schedules and direct connections to all points Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. "a CITY TICKET OFFICB 207 Wt Trade St. Pknna n PASSENGER STATION West Trade Street. -; Phone 417. B. H. GRAHAM, -Division Passenger Ag-eat Phone 388Q. Rrmil, FOR SALE Splendid six-room bungalow in Fourth "Ward. Furnace heat, hardwood floors, house in practically new condition $6,750 Six room house 1000 West First Street, close in, good street and well located for increase in value.. $3,850 Five-room house 1415 East Fifth street, good neighborhood. Attractive terms can be arranged on this place with about $500 cash $3,750 iFve-room house West First street, splendid location for enhancement fronts on paved tsreet, $400 . cash payment $3,000 Several four and five room houses well located in different parts of the city from $1,850 up. Can arrange good terms with small cash payments from $300 up. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company Cash Capital $70,000.00. A. I. HENDERSON, Manager Real Estate Department. 219 North Tryon St. 'Phone 589 12 NO USE TAIKING, MATILDA. we have, a machine in the Mutual Billy Malone. Commonly known as "The Poor Man's: Friend," which has no superior and but few equals on this sphere. That's talking some, but u s the result of 40 years of study, inves tigation, ; comparison, improvement, devotion. These elements produce, and, tneir creature is nere presented. MANY THROUGHOUT THE UNION Imitate, but to equal the Mutual in service and accomplishment the mld- nignt on must De Durnea, intelligent application must De given, devotion and enthusiasm must be lavishly expended, the vision of bigger and bright ' er things must be constantly in mind. JUST FROM NEW ORLEANS where were assembled the biggest and best B. & L. men in the world, and . believe me, fair one, none shone fairer and truer to form than the Mutual of Carolina. THE APRIL, SERIES, MY DEAR, didn't sleep while this bird was away. The dear people kept coming in un til it numbers a goodly host, and still they come. Every day adds more and more for when you mention Saving or Thrift or Homes to a Carolinian native or adopted, his thoughts turn to the Mutual as naturally as a duck takes to water. OUR THREE CHARMERS are Running Shares, 6 1-4 per cent, free of taxes and the maker of ; independence, freedom and self-respect. Prepaid Shares, lump sum investment where you don't need the inter est until maturity of shares. Matured-Shares where you get your interest twice a year, not disturb ing one's principal. You can't i beat 'em, old girl, and you. may as well join hands with , Keesler and make it unanimous. We're driving for $10,000,000.00 of assets, so keep your eye on the red front and see , us discount all others. See Keesler before you sleep. E. L. KEESLER, Secretary and Treasurer riione - JLSouth Tryon SWI A Startling Truth Although you may not always be able to earn money; yet you wiJ need money as long as you live. This startling truth should con vince everyone of v the importance of having a Savings Account, We pay 4 per cent Interest on Savings Accounts, and this interest la compounded quarterly, ; j The Merchants and Farmers National Bank W&-f$inr" 5 WEST TRADE STREET. CAPITAL. $200,000.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $400,000.0 BEFORE JUNE 1st WE WILL SELL AT SPECIAL PRICES THE FOLLOWING LOTS: 3 Plaza Lots 1 Elizabeth Lot 1 Circle Avenue 1 Vail Avenue, corner 3 Selwyn Avenue 10 South Mint St. 1 7nfnnf Inf. Piedmont ... 1 100-foot corner Myers W 2 60-foot lots Colonial jl corner uecuo -'r l. 4 South Tryon Street Lots. 10 West Park Avenue Low If interested in lots in any of these locations, we wlIe to show them to you and give you our special prices an the tprma tn sni'f tmn F. C. ABBOTT & COMPANY, Aen . Everything in Real Estate J T r TIT 1 . t t- m i t - - - ... rw nr.. JVom CinyZS CO, 3

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