THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 1, 1921. 6 SOCIETY MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL, Soda teditor, Phone 77 - Davidson Dances. . Delightful affairs of the week vwitt be the commencement dances .; t6 be given by the Davidson College students Wednesday evening, Thursday , morn ing and Thursday vening in v the .-city auditorium. Music will be furnished by the Weidemeyer Saxaphone ,PC?he tra of Huntington,' W. Va. Scores of attractive girls front-: all over the state will arrive in the city Wednesday to attend the dances, com ing down from Davidson, where they have been attending commencement exercises. A number of Charlotte girk will also be in attendance. . ' V Rivers-Albea ' Invitations. ' , ; The following invitations are issued: "Mr. and Mrs. Manilus BurweU Albea will give in- marriage "their daughter," Grace, to Mr. Thomas Adams Rivers, on Wednesday morning,: the fifteenth of June, at nine o'cloek. Try on Street Methodist church. Charlotte, North Carolina. At Home, 1908 Avon dale avenut." .. . . Woman's Ausiliary ' American Legion. . ' The Woman's Auxiliary of 1 the American Legion xvill meet Thursday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at the Mint building. AH ladies who have applica tion blanks are asked to bring them. Towel Shower . F r Miss Wilson. - Nalle Belliveau entertained the mem bers of his Sunday school class ct the Tryon Street Methodist church, in hon or of their teacher, Miss Ether Wil son, charming bride-elect of the 20th, at the home of his aunt, Mrs.. T. J, Fierson. Tuesday evening. The boys hemmed towels for- the bride-to-be. the prize for the best work going to Reid Sbumaker, and the "booby" t6 ames Nabors. Mrs. Piefson entertained 'for the ycung host, assisted by Mrs. Sherrod King Mrs. G. H. Welcome, Mrs. D. A. McLaughlin. Ice-cream and cake -were served. ..-. The members or Miss wuson i ciaso are Nalle Belliveau. James Nabors, Bobby Barnett. Reid Shumaker, Sher rod King, Ed Dixon Miss Johnston Improving. Miss Mayme jonnsion. one of the Miss Finch Graduates. , . , . -p The following invitations have bejn received, in the city: "The Ursulines of Te'w ; RochellQ request the honor -A your presence at the commencement ex ercises of the Merici School on Tues day, the thirty-first of May at half af ter three o'clock, at .the Castle, Now Rbchellev New York." ; Mies Helen Calvert Finch, only child of the late Captain Kenneth S. Finch and Mrs. Finch, who for a number .f years lived in Charlotte, was a member ofvthe graduating class. War Mothers Musicale. The American War Mothers whl give a musicale at the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday night from 8 till 10 o'clock, for 'the benefit of disabled soldiers. A -most attractive program has been arranged. Mrs. C. B. Fetner, Mr. Bell, Miss Mary Peasley will sing. Miss Mary Peasley will sing,' Miss Dorothv Powell: will give a recitation, .little Misses1 Ball and Roark and Miss Hull will render violin selections. Miss Mar garet Montgomery ,wil dance. Attention is called to the change of place from the Chamber of Commerce to the Y, W. C. A Master Fetner Entertains. ;- Master C. B- Fetner celebrated his sixth birthday on Tuesday with a party at his home avenue, to which he invited 14 of his little frienis. . Mrs. Drafter To Entertain. Mrs. Earle S. Draper, will' give .a bridge-luncheon fit the Charlotte Coun try club Thursday . morning compli menting Miss .TuBtine McKay of. Tyler, Texas the houssj guest of Mr. and Mrs Frank F. Jones on Park drive. ... Ice-Cream ; . Supper. There will be an ice-cream supper given by the Carmel club at the home of Miss Eula Mae. Tucker on the Providence road Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. floreCc,st r i V Annabel" J Wor1hrOtv MISSES' OR SMALL WOMAN'S, DRESS. As this pattern, No. 1011,' is extreme ly simple, there ia no reason why the young- girl" could not make this dress herself. It consists of a slip-on, kimono waist, which extends below the belt in peplum effect, and a two-piece gathered- skirt. The misses' or small woman's dress No, 1011, is cut in sizes 14 to 20 years. Susanna Wesley Class to Meet. Ther Susanna Wesley class of Brevard Street Methodist church will hold a busi ness and social meeting at the' church Thursday evening . at 8 o'clock. The of Confederacy The Julia - Jackson chapter Children of the Confederacy will hold a f lower sale Saturday in front of Ivey's. All J kinds of lovely f lower will be sold for 25 cents a bunch. Menu For Family Dinner , - Family Dinner will be served at the Woman's club' Thursday evening. Hours, . 6:30 to ..8. The following deli cious menu has en planned: fruit cock tail, fried chiclccn. new potatoes, Eng lish peas, hot i rolls, lettuce heart with Inquois dressing, home-made cake and peace ice-cream, coffee. most pofreriar graduate nurses of the ; ia(jies of the class will serve ice-cream Presbyterian hospital is recuvenns find cake after the business sessions nicely from an operation- at the .. hos- i . - pital Monday morning. v Flower Sale for Children In Honor of Miss Anderson. Miss Ivy Stewart will give a sewing 'party at her home on North Caldwell street ' Thursday morning at 10:30 o'clock in honor of Miss Lois Ander son, whose marriage to Thomas S. Mc Pheeters will be. a brilliant social event of June. Miss Harrison Entertains. -, Miss Ina K. Harrison entertained at her home on East Ninth street Monday . evening in honor of Miss Grace Albea, bride-elect of next week. She was as sisted n entertaining by Misses Bertie Brown and Irene Cooper. After the supper the party attended a local theater. ' Those in the party were Miss Albea, Misses Harrison, Brown, Cooper, Miss Minnie Cochrane and her sister. Mra. Adams, Mips Pat Alexander, Claude Williams and Mr. Iyton. '' ' . Mr. Beach to Second Church. v ' W. D. Beach, who has been the tenor soloist in the choir of Westminster Presbyterian church, has resigned ftjs position to accept a similar"' place in the choir of the Seeond Presbyterian church. Mr. Beach has been at West minster for more than a year. To Move To Charlotte. , ' ' R. L. Gcddy and family of GafTney, . S. C... will move to Charlotte the lat ter part of the week', and will maUe 'their home here in future. Size 16 requires 3 1-4 yards 36-inch material ing Every woman who wants to dress stylishly and economically should order at once the Summer issue of our Fashion Quarterly, which, contains1 over 300 -styles, dressmaking lessons. &c. Prico 10 cents. Primage prepaid 'and safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25 cents for a pattern and .Fashion Quarterly. LEADER BACKS CAPITAL British Parliamentarian Jumps- On Lenine In " Defending Capital. . - ' ' By KARLE C. REEVES, -"International News- Service-Staff . ""7" Correspondent; "London,.: June d. Austin Hopkinson, M. P., ex-coal - mirier and' maker of coal cutting machinery, who has re verted to simple life in a cottage. be cause he believes' it is -the only way (to avert revolution has taken sharp issue - with- British Socialistic - leaders who announce they are "out to destroy capitalism.""' The charge that the unemployment crisi3 has been provoked by business men for their own purposes he brands as a "cold and calculated Mb." He de fend capitalism,, and as .a man who within a f w years has seen labor problenis from both the workers and employers' ide, analyzes the present crisis as follows: "If there wejje no capitalism we should eat up, all the corn produced in the world each year and save none for gfeed corn for the next harvest. This is exactly -what Lenine has done in' Russia, with the result that now, in "order to avoid starvation of a largo section of the pppulation he' is striving frantically to reintroduce capitalism on any termss even going so far as to- offer -.concessions to foreign cap italists which would involve the prac tical slavery of a large section of his fellow, countrymen." "The unemployment "crisis is . due entirely to the attempt with govern ment assistance to maintain the aver age standard of living at a height which the economic situation of Eu rope dpes not justify. CONSUMPTION TOO GREAT. "Men are out of work because we cannot sell our products. We vcannot sell our products because bur prices are higher than people can ' pay be cause our costs are so high. Our costs are exeessive because men's washes are too high or in other words men are consuming more ,than they pro ducing. -. - . "The average ' standard .of , livirg in. this and every - other country in, -the world is going, to come down per haps even to the 1914 standard. "The number of people in the wcrjd is about the same as in 1914, and the amount of stuff is very much less.-So a reduced ' standard of i. living is inev itable, and 'cannot , be dodged y. any device of any kind. The vast bulk Af Can-IIiYou? I terial, vith 5-8 yard 36-inch contrast-! he working class of this country know . Price. 15 cents. . . &nmt expen-nco with . . . , I them, both in peace and m war I am convinces that they will face the position like men, if only they know that no one else is benefiting by their sufferings. - "Hence, though the ultimate general prosperity will be greater if great ac cumulations of capital continue to be made, yet the situation is such today that, what ' is economically sound may not be immediately expedient. i "Therefore, in my opinion,' we, whtj TO CVT''C"T TTTCTXT1?CJC! are m a Position to accumulate capital iINlii UoirNHiOO should refrain from' doins so. at anv rate fpr a period." ' , - Hopkinson is refraining from .'accu mulating capital by giving up his country mansion and servants, living HUGH MURRILL, JR. IS Hugh Murrill, Jr., whose resignation as superintendent of parks and recrea tion became effective Wednesday, has ' accepted the position of sales and , pro- in a cottage by the canal-side and giv duction manager of V the Queen City ' ing his workers a profit-sharing; plan .printing Company. A block of stock I under which, when profits reach a cer- Personals J Mr, arid Mrs. Ralph "Van , Ianding ham. -rnd; daughter. Miss" Dearie, will leave Friday- for a week-end trip to ' jumviiie. Mass van Landingham re cently retired 'f rom Xew York, where, during the past winter, she has been a student at Miss Hopkins' ' French school; Ralph Van Lindingham, Jr., whe attends the University , of North Carolina, will arrives home on the 16th. frleaners'' Wesley Bible Class. . The Gleaners' Wesley Bible claSs of . Tryon Street Methodist church - will , hold its regular monthly meeting at .. th home of Misses Ruthie Mae Horn-j and Mary Smith, 213 South Myrts " ttreet, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. District 1 T. D. C. Meeting .. At CleTcland Snrings. . Mrs.- Henry E. Thomas, president of the Stonewajl Jackson- Chapter, V. IX C.,j aoconipanied by Mrs. Charles I J. Piatt, Mrs. E. C. Register and Mrs. J. It. Snyder, motored to Shelby Tuea - day to attend tha district U. T. C. meeting which was held at Cleveland , Sprips near Shejby. This district -9 composed of the U. D, C. Chapters ,"f Shelby, Rutherfordton. ' Lincolriton, Mooresville and Charlotte.:! A V , Upon their arrival in Shelby the ladies were met by the Cleveland Guards' Chapter It Shelby, who actcJ A f , . ' a uenciuus picnic luncn- .was aervi at the new. Cleveland Springs hotel, -which is nearing ' completion. . ' After the lunch, Mrs. O. Max Gard ner, as president ot the CleVel-tft-1 Guards' Chapter, .extended a cord.I ' welcome to the visitors. The-.-sta'-e president of the tTnited Daughters if the Confedprahv. Mw. TTSnman .W- sxrii. . son of Gastonia, made a shor address.. It waji voted to hold the meeting at Cleveland Springs again next year. The Charlotte ladies returned home luesaay evening. - r v. Mr. and Mrs. Voeler ? ' Entertain. : Mr. and Mrs. James B.-V6gler-en-tertalr. Tuesday evening 'at their . home on Eeigle avenue for the John and Grace Wesley Bible classes of Bre vard Street M-thodist church, of whicU they are members. ' , The house was informally arranged ,. with vasss of poppies, ,sweet peas. ' larkspur--and nasturtium. A large bas ket of pink andv whits sweet . peas - formed the centerpiece of the dining room table. - a- - (y. Games and contests were enjoyed, after, vich ice-ceam and cake, were served. , . - ; Forty-five or fifty .guests enjoyed the hospitality. -; V Three charming visitors arriving in . the city on Monday were Misses Min nie and Martha Hayes and Miss Erma McCord, all Stf "Roswell, New Mexico. The Misses -.Hayes are. 'guests of Mr. and W. P. Smith, and Miss McCord isjhe guest of her cousin, Miss Mil dred Gillis on the Plaza. Miss Mc Cord and Miss Gillis will leave later in the summer for visits to friends in At lanta and Dpuglasville, Ga.- Miss. Lucy Griswold. and ' Miss Jean Erickson. of New York, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George U Sibley, at their home cut. Lamar avenue. : D?, -and Mrs. Addison G. Brentzer will 'leave Thursday for Boston, where Dr..Brenizer will read a paner before the American Medical association. En route home. Dr. and Mis. Brenizer will stop in New York for a visit. .: - - .. . Miss Elizabeth Brown, who has ben attending Converse College, Spartanburg,.- S. C, has arrived home. Miss Brown is a dau-rhter of Mr. an A TVTr Hampton S. Brown. . ' iiiiss.. Lor'eita Nicholson.'of Anderson, S. . C,,is spendinar a few davs in tna crtty with Miss Mildred Cassel at :ier nomeen; North Church street.. M'ss .Nicholson- comes especially to attend the Davidson dances here Wednesday and Thursday. ; .v- . . . , Mrs Kope Ella and daughter. Miss Edna, of Bryson City, and Mr. and Mrs. Luther-Kilgo and son, Luther, Jr., of Greenville, N. C, are visiting Bishop John C Kilgo and Mrs. Kilgo- at their home on the Plaza, Chatham Estates. Mrs. Elias and Mr. Kilgo are daugh ters and son of Bishop and Mrs. Kilgo. " ' Miss Hamlin Landis will arrive home Thursday from Raleigh B where she re mained arier,thfi cbmmenfcemeat at St Mary',-to-; attend the dances at the North .Carolina- State college, -Accompanying her home will be ivjiss Vir ginia HybbartT Wilson of Rock Hill, s. C.. and Miss, .Ella Crawfod Heath of Winnsboro, S. who come to Char lotte, to attend, the .Davidson dances Thursday. ' Miss Landis will accomoany Alias Heath' home to Winnsboro Saturday- Later in thev month, Misses Lan dis and Heath" will attend the dances at the state university. - . .Mrs.'H. CTrwin leaves Thursday for Wrightsvflle . Beach, .where she will spend the summer. '.' ' Mrs.-Ralph-Miller is visiting her sis ter in Haddoftfleid, ju.-A She will return home in ten day., in the printing company has been ac quired by Mr. Murrill. His resignation was submitted to .he "ri r"C"ation commission abo'.'.t the time of the referendum of a few weeks ago on the proposed, .tax" levy tor the maintenance of parks and play grounds but he was prevailed upon t j continue with the ..commission until June 1. Owing to the failure vpf 'the tax levy to pass, no funds are' available foi carrying on recreational work. For that reason all equipmenht. - exceptin that, at juana ana. inaepenaence Jfarx, nas been taken down and stored at the city ha'1. No . supervise recreational, pro gram is. being .carried on now at any oi the play centers. - Should funds become available i.i the future, the equipment can be put back on short notice, it was explained. Danerer of children being hurt and pos sibilities of the equipment being dam aged ' caused the decision of the com mission to take it down after the de feat of the, tax levy. ' A Negro scientist. Qf Tuskegee, Ala-J uama, nas discovered iu i uses for the i sweet potato. They range from mock oysters to -cereal coffee. He is still experimenting. ' tain height, he draws no income at all from his plant. The mayor of Noeux Les Mines, France, has ordered the . absolute sup pression of -music in bars and, public places, asserting that "piusic is the worst breeder of immorality t' . This order includes the banishment of me chanical pianos. 'and talking ; machiries. Great Storiespfthe West By ZANE GREY BLACK PA ULETTE MAKES THIS FROCK FOR MATINEE WEAR . , " "V i ;r- I - V' STIEFF PIANO Thre (uart'f, of Century A LEADER 0 . 'i,.-- , - -.uw-Lr(rv- .r . .r Pone for prices or fill 0wt J ' following blank and -send liar " - r ; Chas. .M. Stielf. Inc.. Nam Address 4 "! S V 1 . I Z ? i , 3 . '- t :. , ; ,x5" - - . - . MARK PLEATS ON SKIRT. - A pleated skirt of wash material will iron much more" easily if in finishing ther skirt 'the -bids of each pleat are marked by a knotted - thread in the hem. The knot 'will not be notice able if the thread corresponds in color with the material.- i ' . .., MRS J. C. STOCKDALE- " TO WHITEN CLOTHES. To whiten clothe's that have become yellow Awash in usual way, soak over night in clear 'water into which a teaspoon of cream of tartar to one quart of water is used. - MRS. FRANK HALLMAN. HAM HINT. Take slices of fresh ham and place in a dish and cover with milk. Let stand for an, hour or more. Most of the salt will fall to the bottom and leave- the ham sweet, with just the amount of salt .to make it delicious. ' MRS- HARRY MYERS. ON BAKING DAY. Here is a great help to mothers on baking dav if out .of bread and near meal time. Take a piece of bread dough, roll and cut - in squares and fry in hot grease. -Will take place of bread and will ' be quite a change for th 'children. MRS. EARL HUTCHISON. WHEN SEWING. Make a paper . cornucopia, hang : it on your chair when sewing. . Roll the paper up from one corner and pin up the tip-.' Drop into it all your loose .threads. When through "feewing throw the whole thing into the fire. This; will save rnuch tire and keep your carpets and floors clean. ' . - Have any ' of you tried putting oranges and lemons in boiling water before- peeding? Try it and see how easily they peel, . MRS. T. C MITNER. CLEANING UP EASILY. Whfen making pies or cookies I spread a clean sheet of wrapping paper on the dough board to roll the pastry out on. When I get through I take the paper off and burn it. This saves the time ana labor, of scvubbing grease and flour from the-dough board, ( ; - r DOSHIA GATES. - CITY EMPLOYES TO PICNIC ON CATAWBA The eighth annual picnic of all city employes will take - place at the Ca tawba river July 4, Chief 'Amos Cook', of tha sxnltary department, announced Wednesday. Mr. Cook already has be gun preparations for the event which usually is attended by all employes of the city from the mayor1 down.. The feature of., the picnic' will be the bar becue. The several score of city employes, excluding those of course whose posi tions require them to'remaih on duty, will spend the entire day on the rlvert making the trip in automobiles whi-.h are furnished by friends bf the city departments. There are three degrees of Knights Templars; the. Red Cross, Knights Tem plars and Knights of Malta. MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER Deliver 'Ammm Water . -r ' uater For Your Stomach's. Sake .JMf frock made of black pau lette ia a new model designed foY matine weatr. It 1b of straight ; lines with a short, plinkirt and an overblouse which forms a tunic : eacmnjf half way to the knees. , The fringe is hand-embroider?d on on and edges the blouse and lone ' sash ends which fall fat below mf. lady'a skirt. . - The Zane Grey Stories of the West. Handsomely bound and, illustrated with wrap per in color. Price $1.00 per volume. The U. P. Trail The Desert of Wheat Betty Zane The Border Legion Desert Gold ' The Heritage of the Desert The Last of the Plainsmen The Light of Western Stars The Lone Star Ranger The Rainbow Trail The Riders of the Purple Sage . - Wildfire' THE MYSTERIOUS RIDER America's Best Selling Novel Illustrated, $2.00 THE MAN OF THE FOREST 1920's best seller. Illustrated ZANE GREY'S BOOKS FOR BOYS Each book complete, Hand somely; bound and illustrated with, wrapper in color.. Price 51.00 each. . -The Young Forester .-1 The Young Lion Hunter Ken Ward In the Jungle The Young Pitcher Red Headed Outfield The Shortstop . . $1.00 . We Pay the Postage SPECIAL OFFER This Week Only 5 per cent Discount on 10 Book 10 per cent Discount on 20 Books. -i '. FOR CASH. A Book Store of. Rare Excellence, Office Suplies and Furnishers " "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Double Guarantee. Free Tunlnx' and Liberal Selling Plan. Write for. 1 Catalogue. Prices and Terms . "The World's Best Piano" And Othe? Standard Makes, and ' the Incomp-j-able AMPICO. . ' v JOHN W. POST & CO. 209 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. Coral Baker Music Studios Here. Pnriil wis Louis, heel' d WONDERFUL VALUES Have1 Jusi Arrived in Snappy Summer ; . .. Footwear. ' ' White buck;: sport Ox- "Jrey, .Brown, and Black " fora, patent irmiiwis uuc-anap rumn er Brown caii irmroung, low.; heel. - ' -.; '( '" v. , .VV-r;-f ;' " Black- Kid one-strao White buck ' ; one-strap . Pump, plain toe, Lou;s Pump with brown trim- heel ming, military heel (T Pf QA .90 tPO White $4 White Canvas Kid " one-straps Pump, Baby Louis heel .- 'Spo'tt Pump- with black White Canvas two-strap i trimming - :and baby Pump, ' military heel. xx)uis neei. - . md one-str OA . - nUitary heel md one-strap Pumn $2M Send us your mail orders. MSB 217 SOUTH TRYON STREET THE DAVIS WHITE SULPHER SPRINGS : ; ' ' Hiddenite, N. C. - ' 100-ROOM HOTEL Open June 1st, 1921. ." Under the Management of SOUTHERN HOTEL COMPANY J.' J. Rogers,-President. , ,v W. R. Rogers, Sec. Trets. Who wil ' give . their - personal attention and guarantee the best of service in every- department. BEST MINERAL WATER AND CLIMATE IN WESTERN north : CAROLINA. K1H ' Freeh vegetables from our rgarens and pure milk from our dairy RATES VEflY REASONABLE WRITE NOW for" our 12-page illustrated booklet, RATE"? am RESERVATIONS.- Address.'- ' DAVIS SPRINGS HOTEL, : - . ;' Hiddenite, X. c. 33 East Trade St. OXFORD'S For Spring s :r Our new, SDrins shirjmfints are i a bere, 1 representing the best ... ; ; available in footwear for those I who desire high quality in ma- If . . . . iciwi aiiu wegaiice m styie ar. a price which was unheard of - a few months ago. THE HOME OF :; ! Snappy Oxfords for Sport Wear , Black and tan saddle strap, white ivory welt sole and heel made of finest quality materials at Really Beautiful Pumps at a New Low . Price. ' These pumps are the new one-strap models, and can be had in black kid or, brown calf, Baby Louis or French leather heel, turn sole. Ask us to show than to fttt Only $m if 36 East Trade-St. Va"'''''' in ii ma .in i . - Hi.ii 'JiVg ' w" 111 " i 1 ' "' " ' ' " i CALORIC HEAT CUTS BUILDING COSTS THE CALORIC RETIRES 6tfT0N CHIMNEY- NO EXTRA CHJMNEY5 MANTLES OPl FIXTURES NEEDED ONLY 6 FOOT CELLAR REQUIRED 1 "ftfl.' ntll i"jC - i i- VF F7ff NSW HO. honi iuia Hearing sysiera in yuui that will be an investment that w"l Pa"r dividends in comfort and convenieui that will positively pay its own cost in w saving of fuel. The famous patented . CaloriC installation ueraade from blue prints prepared, by CalonC Engineers who have had years of unequalled experi ence in pipeless heating, .No chargefdrthis vitally important etvice. Send rough sketch of your floor plans today. (fa" bXILO men to save fuel in store or fhu-ch. 1ft ISaeSfMH has a, proven record of saving to h fuel ovef old systems. Heats all the rooms in buildings of 18 rooms or less, through one a ii. j .- in homes xcjisccr. fn unequal if a . . . in every state. . Many in this cornmurutT' r The money 4jack guarantee of the manu facturers, The Monitor Stove Company. Cincinnati, Ohio, and over 125,000 satis fied Users, protect you and bact up ) . judgement in buying a CaloriC Now, before house-cleaning is the best : time to put in a CaloriC. Quick jns tionin old homes or new. No J"1 nor alterations. And remember y .aatisfactioii or money back. uur special demonstration au :4 rooms ar.rle-ht at the i&outn rryon . street, wnere --';r ,,, and sales- .-.iilfP. , r,ntiete:ii. Seating yoJr Horn- CHAS. F. SHUMAN, "DISTRIBUTOR . GEO. K. HUMMEL., Manager t . Phones 1325-611 sale! ,W,IP ffiteL :i: MP' tfciobinuL?tfarS-.i . ' "The If. S. Co. .4' I J

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