, 8 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, . C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 1, 1921. WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT The Pallin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convinced, Try' 9E m--ONE - CJ?r.i4:;-W'OJZ)' S . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type one cent per word each Insertion. STYLE "B" SET THIS STYLE AND TYPE, TWO CENTS PER WORp EACH INSERTION. ' ' STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. a .... ..i tir...r.A" oWViAf tnn fir btt- torn, or between lines, at double tne pbove rates. " CJrn wined advertising is sold cstl with ordi.T butf or convenience? of Charlotte rflitrons, who are listed jn the telephone direitory, or known In the newspaper office, a memorandum charge vrill & made with the expectation that the Bill . ii . . n pain prnmony Regular Classification of ads rannjt fce guaranteed after 12 o'clock for Dally Edition or after 10 p. m. Saturday for Sunday Edition. . MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP "WANTED A colored man to lay a walk and do some rough brick work. Applv 709 North Tryon St. tt HUSTLING MAN for Charlotte terri tory, who can furnish outfit for trav eling. Salary and commission. Good position for right man. Call 223 South Tryon St., or write Box 997. Oiarlntto "Y C. 1-lt WANT TWO young men to work in Charlotte a clean proposition. Hust lers can make good. If you can't noduce don't answer. Call at 214 East Trade at 9 A. M. 1-lt WANTED Men suffering from private diseases, not able to employ a phy sician, will be given advice and treatment free at the City Health Department clinic, 237 N. Tryon St.. every afternoon except Sunday. Brine this notice. 12-tf-eod WANTED The North Carolina Ortho paedic Hospital, to be opened in June, wishes to secure four to six bright young ladies, over 18 years old, who love the crippled, children, as pupil nurses, to begin a three years' training in orthopaedics, a well as general hospital work. A ' fine opening to those who desire en tering this field in the interest of - humanity. The usual salary, room, board and laundry allowed. Please write R. B. Babington, president, Gaston ia. N. C. ll-7t-wed-sun WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Good demand and wages. Busiest season at hand. Catalog free. Molar Barber College, Atlanta, Ga. 31-30t SPECIAL NOTICES WANTED Shirts to make. Work guar anteed.. Prices reasonable. Phone 'v County 4905. lot SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 50c CLUB RATES $1.50 Per Month. 6 Suits Quick Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phone 4402 NORTH GRAHAM PRESSING CLUB 717 N. Graham St. - YOU CAN EXCHANGE your old graphanola records for new ones at 214 E. Trade St., at a small cost, compared to the price of new ones. l-4t WEAR DR. LEVY'S Eyeglasses the best the world . affords. Made to fit the eyes and face. 7 East Trade St. - - 9-22-tf-wed sun WAR'S OVER REDUCED PRICES Plain one piece wool dresses dry -. cleaned ... . $1.50 Plain two piece wool dresses dry cleaned $2.00 Plain silk, satin or georgette crepe dresses dry cleaned $2.00 Plain two piece silk, satin or georgette crepe dresses dry cleaned .$2.50 Plain wool cloth coat suits' dry cleaned . . . . .- $2.00 Plain wool cloth skirts dry oleaned $1.00 Sport coats unlined dry cleaned. .$1.50 Sport coats lined dry cleaned. .$2.00 RALPH ROSENBERG 319 E, Trade. Phone 3921. Charlotte, N. C. 35 years experience Ladies garment dyed, dry-cleaned, al tered, relined. 1-tf-mon-wed-sun A 2V2-ton Indiana Truck, al i most new will be sold at Court House Saturday, June 4th. 30-5t j Local and Long Distance ! MOVING and , HAULING Bonded Warehouse, Storage Packing ,Bradfield , Moving Service Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts Phone 980 28-tf COTTON MATTRESSES renovated made mto new ticks. Phon 1588-J 'v or write Box 403. Charlotte. 3-tf WALL PAPER, PAINTS Whitlow Paint & Paper Co. o bouth Poplar. r Phone 3634. 10-tf HEMSTITCHING and peeoting attach ment works on any sewing machine, $2.50. Self-threading needles, 25c package. Mutual SSles Co., Box 934. j Charlotte, N. C. '? 297t YOUR PRICE for a 2i2-ton In diana Truck Court house Sat urday, June 4th. S0-5t ' BIDS INVITED. f' I Sealed bids will be received by the yrndersigned, for 'Cleaning the sand out of approximately 5000 feet of the East Trunk Sewer Line.5 Bids to be , opened Monday, June , 6, 1921,- at ,11 a. m. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. - C. M, CRESWELL, i'3t , City Clerk, FOR RENT FOR RENT One large front room, newly papered, daily bath, plenty of linen, ice water, telephone. Must be seen o be appreciated.. 300 West Fifth St. 1-1 1 FOR RENT 214 West Fourth, $50; eight-room house, Central avenue, $60. M. B. Rose. Phone 796. 1-lt FOR RENT To gentlemen or business ladies, nicely furnished bed room. Phone 1709-W. . 1-lt FOR RENT Neat room to busings couple or gentlemen, desirable locu. tion. Phone 1276-J, 404 North Or-. ham. l-2t FOR RENT Eisht-room suburban home, Ave acre grove and garr1'"- Morris E. Trotter. l-4t FOR .4ENT Storo and mark?t, 6t South Davidson, $25. Morris E Trotter. " l-4t FOR RENT Two unfurnished oonnect- ing rooms, second floor, lights, aw.Ic and ivis, good location, no cluldrer References. 26 West Vance St. l-3t iPOH KENT-r-Two uniurnished rooms for housekeeping. 12 S. Brevard St Apply after 4 p. m. l-2t FOR RENT Upstairs, four-room apart ment. 3 E. Third. Apply H. M Wilder, 237 South Tryon. 29-3t-sun-wed-frl FOR RENT Furnished room, steam heat, convenient to bath. Phone 639-J. l-2t FOR RENT To couple without chil dren, two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 814 West Trade St. Phone 2S06-J. 1-lt FOR RENT Nicely furnished room with all conveniences, $15 per month 920 East Fifth. l-2t FOR RENT TWO CONNECTING DOWNSTAIRS ROOMS. AVITH COUPLE. LIGHTS, WATER, BATH, GARAGE. PREFER COUPLE. 707 N. r,W"IDSON ST. 1-lt FOR RENT One furnished bed room shower and bath. 709 N. College Phone 104-W. 1-tr" FOR RENTNicely furnisned front room, all modern conveniences in cluding porch, in splendid location Phone 3935-W. l-2t NICELY FURNISHED front room in private home, to couple, board. 128 N. McDowell. l-3t FOR RENT To gentleman, furnished front room, modern conveniences. close in, nice location, 408 North Poplar. Phone 1431-J. 31-2t FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, few minutes walk of square. Conven ient to board. 317 West Fifth SI 31-tf FOR RENT A large, beautiful room for one or more. FVshlv nanoreH and painted. Private family. Splendid neighborhood.' Phone 2473-W. 31-tf FOR RENT Three connecting rooms ior ngnt nouBekeeping. Phone 2959-J 31-2t FO RENT Two nicely furnished light housekeeping romos. 307 N. Col lege at. 3i-2t FOR RENT Nicely furnished room lo , gentlemen only. Phone 2614-W. " . - 31-t FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms and bath, second floor. References required, ll West Vance St. 31-3t FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping, one block of car line. Apply 1 West ijoulevard. 31-St FOR RENT Furnished room, close in, newly papered, permanent, to men only, $16. Phone 4394. 31-2t TWO ROOMS for rent, 108 Severs avenue, $10 per month. 31-7t FURNISHED ROOM, private family, Dilworth, $15, near board. Phone 4261-W. 31.2t FOR RENT Partly furnished apart ment for summer months, private family. Phone 2699-J. 29-3tsun-tue-wed FOR RENT Thre connecting light uuuaeAeeping rooms. 604 s. Tryon St. 30-4t FOR RENT Two furnished connect ing rooms for light housekeeping, . connecting bath to couple only, in yrivaxe : name, close in. 522 East Fourth St. Call after 6:30 P. M. 30-tf FOR ; RENT One nicelv furnish h.i room within walking distance of square. 607 S. Tryon. 29-tt FOR -RENT Modern room, close in, gentlemen only, $20 per month. Phone 1393. oot FOR RENT One four-room house on N. Brevard St. C. McNeils. Phone 419. io, FOR RENT Cool quiet room, all con veniences. Phone 1905-J. 27-tf FOR RENT Two store rooms, Nos. 21 and 23 East Third street. Inquire Southern Manufacturing Co., 19 E Third stret. oiw FOR RENT Store room, first block . on South Church St. Apply Merton P Vmn.) no ITT njw, T . p., t.a w. r inn at. o-5-t: FOR RENT Office room, well located. Apply Merton C. Propst, 28 w. Fifth St. X.K.tf FOR RENT To gentlemen only, nice- xy xurnispea room with ' every con venience in private home. Phone 3261. oft FOR RENT Office building. 20 offices. wen located. J. H, McAden. Phone 860, . FOR RENT A large hall about 40x80 feet on third floor in Robinson build ing at 300 N. Tryon St. G. A. Smith, phone 1130 or 469-J. 16-tf WANTED POSITION YOUNG LADY desires -position as cashier. Best of references. Phone 2975. -,.At WANTED Work by youne nW Night or day work will do. Am willing to learn. Address "Anxious." care News. WANTED Position in grocery store wjr jruuu man witn two years ex perience, good references. Address irpcery-is, care News. i- 5t rviii i if i j .- . VANTED Automobile mechanic wants ubiiiuji j une i. Address M, care News. -ji WANTED Work by boy, some auto - A. Biuen experience. Phone 871 or write cnjy-i.g, care rsiews. 31. 2t YOUNG LADY wants position as typj 1st. assistant Wlr1rn.. . f - "vvnaccjioi ui general office work. Three yearl experience. Best references. Address J. D.. care News. - 17. HOTELS AND RESORTS IDLEWHILE COTTAGE, 28th St. sta- vjiguna, rseacn, va. Directly on the ocean front, near country club, and casino; aolld comfort and all the enjoyment of the seashore -open June 1st. Reservations for the season and week-ends should be made arly. Miss.L. T. Rowland, manager - 20-Xi: FOR-SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Beautiful seven-room bun galow, located on Avqndale avenue, Dilworth, has hot , water heat, hard "vood floors, lot-60x300. Good garage. Partv lpavinp tnwn T at t?i a shnw vnn this before it's too late- C. B. Porter, 02 Trust Bldg. Phone 4562 FOR SALE Five-room house, North Brevard St., $200d. If interested call c. 13. Porter, 202 Trust Bldg. FOR SALE Near car line, Elizabeth section, five-room bungalow, garage on lot,. Price only $4750, 1-2 cash, balance B. & L. Phone 4562. C. B Portjr, 202 Trust Bldg. FOR SALE Seven-room brick home Elizabeth pines. Has hardwood floors, "furnace heat, tile porches etc. , A ready built home at an hon est price. Sse this before buying C. B. Porter, 202 Trust Bldg. Phone 4a62. FOR SATrc Tv nwiipr hpanti ful 6-room cottage, shady corner lot 66x193. Furnace, fruit, flowers, garden, near car, school, churches and parks, Elizabeth. Phone 349. l-6t No Sun. HERE IT IS, out on Avondale ave nue, JJilworth, lot 60x200, six-room bunsralow. steam hpt. earner, sharlv side street, owner leaving city. One e . i i i , - , . me uesi oargains ever onereo on Charlotte market if you act quick. Queen. City Realty Co., Inc., 36 West Fifth. Phone 535. l-5t The price is right. The material is right. The cost is right. The design is right. Thp RITA is riarYtt If VOll are I'lP'hf nro ran Vn ' vwii jruu luai Myers Park home right now. Myers X a.1 ft. J1UIUK5 lU. 1-lt FOR SALE Vacant lots, 438 of them. F. C. Abbott & Co.. J. C. Harley, salesman. Phone S022. 31-2t FOUND Sixteen more vacant lots to add to qur list of 438. F. C. Abbott. & Co., J. C. Harley, salesman. Phone . 3022,. 3i.2t VACANT LOTS. Shadv. sunn v. inHtv smooth, all kinds of shapes, all parts or the city, at low pricesi : on Abbott & Co., J. C. Harie salesman. Phone 2022. . 31-2t r'OR SALE 262 houses and buuga.nv- All kinds of terms. F. C. Alihntt i. Co., J. C. Harley, salesman. Phone 022. 31-l!t FOR SALE! Awav hplnnr valna mi-wl ern house on largo plot in Dilworth; perfect condition; 10 rooms, 2 baths; terms n aesired. jonn w. i'ost & Co., 209 W. Trade St. 28-tl D1STINTICTIVE LINES, that's what we claim. Wake up, Mr. Rent Man, get in, one of our bungalows. Queen uy Keaity uo., 36 West Fifth fhone 53o. 2R.Sf BRAND NEW STORE, rents $25 per montn. nsnt In heart nf ht ml. ored section. Queen City Realty Co., 36 W- Fifth. Phone 535. 28-5t FOR SALE Eight colored houses just jh xasi avenue, nve diocks trom sqiiare. .Rents $90 per month. Price at omce. yueen uity Realty Co hone 53o. 28-5 1 POR SALE Two beautfiul lots. We are owners. Crescent avenue. Price at. office. Queen City Realty Co Phone 53o. 2X-5t iyu"e, i,ouu. wueen uity Kealty k... tnune odo. 28-Ot FOR SALE Five-room house, North Davidson, $3000. Queen City Realty Co. Phone 535. 2S-5t FOR SALE Thoueh not rallv a large house, it has the wide effect, and space so well utilized that it would be -hard to design a mOre beautiful home. "On Worthington avenue." Queen City Realty Co. Phone 535. 28-rt RARELY does a home so, successfully i;umume tne general lines of the true bungalow, but out in Myers Park we have two that are simply . beautiful. Queen City Realty Co. Phone 535. 28-5t IF YOU CAN USE five-room bunga- iuw, we nave listed one of the best buys, in city, $5250. Queen City Real ty Co. 28-5 1 HOME PLANS a.F6 Til hfRt nlana trn " - -' f J V tJ nave ior tne future. See us, maybe we can help you. Queen City Realty Co. Phone 535. 28-3t MR. RENT MAN. a nlan in timJ saves ninety-nine regrets. Plan now to own your own home. Queen City Realty Co. vs.zt FOR QUICK SALE No use to wait if you want a real home at a bargain. See tlfis six room bungalow, 305 Worth ington avenue. Practically new, t all conveniences, block from car line, lot 50x50. This one goes quick at the price ana terms offered. Phone 4524. 26-tf FOR SALE Mori low, West Trade street, hardwood floors, heating plant, garage, large lot fruit, , etc, good neighborhood and close in, quick possession. Phone FOR SALE 1 2 -acre farm inside of cziy limits, beautifully located, level land. Phone '952. FARM PRODUCTS FOR SALE All leading varieties frost jjiuui. caoDage plants, $1.10 per thou sand by express collect. Dixie Tri umph and Stoney Get-There-First Cotton Seed screened 90 cents per bushel. Rembert Plant Co., Rembert, S. C. 27-IRt-wcrt.smri POTATO PLANTS it 5ft u -. 1 ' J..," kllVU- "ut iw.vuu up, is. jvi. uarber, Baxley, Ga. - - -J7-7t POTATO PLANTS $1.50 thousand- in uow up, 91.49. ueorgia Plant Farm, Baxley, Ga. - - 27-Tt IMPROVED Porto Rico and Nancy Hall t)Otato nlants. milHnri!. - $1.65 per thousand; ovr 10,000 at i.o. casn witn orders. B. J. Head, Alma, G. 5-13-lt LOST OR FOUND FOUND Best place to repair your nroKen Dicycie or get a new one. Carolina Sporting Goods Co., 5 West Fourth St. -i.2t LOST Some time Mwhday, gold Wal mam wrist watch. Monogram S. M. W. Return for reward, 921 South iryon St. 1.1 FOUND Coin purse on East Avenue cv4Ci.j tf f nunc 0IOO. LOST Cameo pin Saturday afternoon u.l iiahewooa mK. cameo surround ed by circle of pearls, gold mount ,g; e11 reward for return tr clerk Central Hotel, 30.G FOR SALE FOR SALE Kinsran'it breakfast baacn at less than 21 cents per pound. A ia:pound can for $2.50. Roast beef, 15 cents per pound; a 2-pound can for thirty cents. AT en's sox at 5. 10 and 25 cents per pair. Boys caps, dollar value, at 25 cents. House paint at z.z& and $2.95 per gallon. The Army Salvaeft fV Kn. S -N. Trvnn St., upstairs over. Liggett's Drug atore. 1.7 1 FOR SALE Laree typewriter desk flat top fold, six drawers, also . one large stationary case. Phone 2980. l-2t FOR SALE Bathing suits for , irxm wuiiien arm cniidren. caronna sport ing Goods Co., 5 AVest Fourth St 1 FOR SALE For pure Jersey Milk phone County 4811. Mrs. Harvey B. Hunter, 1-lt FOR SALE Flower plants, 15c per aozen. sweet peas, 75c per hundred Phone 3010-W. l-3t FOR rjfcVLE Twenty shares Mechanics T" - 1 JI ' n -a- xsuiiaing is iioan, nas run two years, paid to date. M. L. W., care News 1-lt FOR SALE Hanging baskets, ferns, geraniums, colens, begonias, sultanii. Phone 661-W, 407 W. "Tenth St. 31-2t FOR JALE Antique chest of drawers, -a.uu. I'none 1792-J. 31-3 FOR SALE A small stock of crrocer. ies, good location, doing good busi ness, stock and fixtures $1500. Good reason for selling. Address ' Grocery, care News. 30-3 1 COTTONSEED MEAL and hulls. Wire or write for. prices. Taylor Commis sion Co., Healey Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 27-7t NEW TYPEWRITERS, $3 month. This is lower than rent. Write for partic ulars. Cray ton Company, 29 South Tryon St. 'Phone 304. 29-10t NEW ADDING MACHINES and nash registers can be bought for $5.00 mpntniy. Crayton Company, 29 South Tryon St. Phone 304. 29-10t ADDING MACHINES and cash rtei ters as low as $5 month. Write for particulars, urayton Company, 29 . rryon St. Phone 304. . 29-101 FOR SAT,R OnnH rroel- aa-nrt fnr. ment and concrete work. A.lso nice ior cmidrens play yard. Phone 2035-J. 12 EASY TERMS Cash registers, adding macmnes. new and second hand, $5 per montn. urayton company, 29 . xryon st. fhone 304. 29-10t NEW TYPEWRITERS oh your own terms. Why pay $5 per month rent when you can own a machine at $3 month? Crayton Company, 29 S. lryon st. inone 34. 29-10t FOR SALE Large porcelain lined re frigerator. Phone 358. 29-10t FOR SALE One pair platform scales. Phone 855-J. 31-2t SPECIAL NOTICES WANTED All rabbit raisers to meet with Charlotte Rabbit Association Thursday v night 8 P. M., 902 Pine St. i.3t FOR PURE JERSEY MILK phone county 4811. Mrs. Harvey B. Hunter. 1-1 MATTRESSES rpnnvatPrt for- the ,r 11c at reasonable prices. Our line of new mattresses win be found with me iurniture dealers, vve do not re tail mattresses. Pall fnr tvo "tj- gienic" line. Buy Charlotte-niade mat tress from your furniture dealer. Every mattress is guaranteed high grace material, ana workmanship. Lawing's Mattress Factory, J. T. A. Lawing, Prop. 1.141 FIREPROOF STORAGE. Union Stor- age Co., 205 West First St. Phone 3595. n-25-tf-WirI-iin DO YOU NEED A TRUCl A JV2-Ton Indiana will be sold Court House Saturday, June 4th. 30-5t MOVING, PACKING AND STORING WARREN TRANSFER CO. 1102 N. Caldwell St. PHONE 1166 WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE the fol lowing new prices: Men's hair cuts, 3oc; children's hair cuts, 25c; shaves, 20c. Open from 7:00 A. M. to 7:30 P. M. Austell Barber Shop, 201 W. Trade. f ss.inf MOVING AND MAT n.TXfl nf All j. 1. ana R. l. Thompson. Phone 1565-J. "c.r flANO TUNER J. F. Oallery, .un rfwuaraner ko. rnone 3490. . nuuu j' f uuuv, ironi oj. " ry nour 10 b p. m. m-TM PIANO TUNING and repairing, piano ase rennisning. Expert work done at reasonable charges. Phone 198. Stieff Piano Co. 28-tf WALL PAPER . The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 10 East Fourth St. Phone 2264. 21-tf FOR SALE LIVE STOCK AIREDALES AT . STU D Goldsmith, tne Aew xork winner, fee $20. Pups for sale, males $20 to $25; females $10 to $1$. Fox terriers, males $15; females $7:50. Carolina Kennels, R"tdsville, N. C. 27-7t FOR - SALE Milch cow. Apply 1118 ft: Tryon or phone 3630-W. ' 25-tf POULTRY AND EGGS HEAVY PRODUCING Silver Wyan dotte eggs $1.50; chicks 15c each. Mrs. A. R. Barlow. Lenoir, N. C. 1" " " 31-7t EGGS FOR HATCHING Half-price, balance of. season, $2.50 per 15. Bel mont Poultry Yards, 408 W. Fifth St.. Charlotte. !N. C. Phone 25$5-J. ... 10-tf WANTEDREAL ESTATE WE ARE HAVING CALLS every hour in the day for homes.- List them with us. That's all we ask. Queen Citv Realt" Co., S6- W' Fifth. St. Phone 5S5. 2851 AUTOMOBILES BUICK, new paint, thoroughly over hauled, new tires, circumstances ' force sale. Sacrifice for cash. Phon 2364-W. l-3t FORD "TOURING CAR, ELECTRIC STARTER, SPLENDID CONDI TION, UNUSUAL BARGAIN, TERMS. BURWELL WALKER CO. , l-2t-eod FOR SALE Ford coupe,, practically brand new. Phone 1609. ,l-2t FOR SALE Light Ford Truck good as new, $325. Phone 855-J: l-2t POR SALE Ford truck, good con dition, $190. Phone 4204-W. l-3t B"OR SALE Ford roadster, will sell lor $135, 1918 model. Apply 920 N. Davidson St. . l-3t FOR SALE Ford cut down, good con dition, $165 cah. Phone 938. 1-lt INDIANA TRUCK, almost new, for sale at court house Sat urday, June 4th.' 30-5t b OR SALE Cadillac "8," overhauled and painted, $800. Phone 654-J. 31-3t FOR SALE Harlev-Davidson twin-cvl 'inden 1917 model mntnrnvrslpi. ctt for cash. 325 E. Liberty St. Phone MS4-vv. 3i.t TRUCK ALE Court Hous Saturday, June 4th, 212-ton maiana. 30-5t REAL BARGAINS Bulcif R fivp-naa senger, 17 model, $440. -Chevrolet 490, nionei. ?3zu. Champion five-passen ger, 20 model, $360. Buick 6, nve-pasenger, .late 17 model. $460 All cars in A-l condition. V. M stine, 29 S .Tryon. 26-tf FOR SALE Chandler aeven-passenger, good condition. Phone 875. 29-4 1 FOR SALE Maxwell touring car. See ijunn at jno. 4 North Brevard St ior price. Bargain for quick sale. - 28-6t SEE V.?d. STINE. He will pay you cash for your automobiles. 6-tf VULCANIZING, repairing and retread mg. ures, tutres and accessories Morrison Vulcanizing Co.. 317 E Trade. Phone 671. 5-20-301 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR ANYTHING in Real Estate see us!- We have it; we'll get it; or it's not , 10 De nad. ti. ts. street, sales man, F. C. Abbott & Co. Phones 2022 and 1449. 31-2t FOR SALE Two lots on lover end of Crescent avenue, near Mvsrs P.iT-k. 65x195. Price and terms vy reason able. Good discount for cJ5h. F. C Abbott & Co., J. M. Boyea, sales man. Phone 3022. . 31-2t FOR SALE Corner lot on Vnil av. nue. Close in, .78x160. F. C. Abbott & CO., J. M. Boyce, saleeman. Phone 3022. 31-2t VACANT LOTS in Wilmoore the fast est .growing section in Charlotte good investment. I . C. Abbott & Co. J. M. Boyce, salesman. Phono 3022. n-2t BEAUTIFUL 6-room bmiRlow. harrt wood floors, garaee. best bareain in Charlotte; party leaving; take about soou to transfer deed from owner. Address Transfer. cai News. 30-3t FOR ' SALE Two beautiful lots Mv era iark. We are owners. Price at office. Queen City Realty Co. 28- FOR SALE Store building - in 200 block -West Trade. -See us. Queen. city Keaity - Cd., 36 West Fifth. :' . . 28-5t FOR SALE Six room house, 800 block Louise avenue, lot 215 feet dor $4750. Queen City Realty Co. Phone i6o. - . 28-5t FOR' SALE-'-Six room house and good store, rents $60 per month, lot 189 feet; deep. e Price $6000. Queen City Realty Co. Phone 535. 28-St TWO BEAUTIFUL bunsralows in Pirt. mont, well built and the price is certainly attractive for three 'days only. Now it just up to you to be judge; Queen City Realty Co. Phone odo. 28-5f EVERY MAN that buvs his. own hnm nems to make the world hp.ttr nur company is at your service. Queen City Realty .Co. Phone 535. 28-5t FOR SALE We have a home that is m every -way desirable. Now jusc watcn us nnd a ready buyer, because the price is right. Queen City Real ty Co. Phone 535. 28-5t FOR SALE 3 -acre farm, six-room nouse, two barns. Queen City Realty Co. 'Phone .535. 28-3C NINE-ROOM HOME, Central avenue, 200 block, less than- $10,000. Queen City Realty- Co. Phone. 535. 28-5t IF YOU HAVE property to sell or rent, , nst it witn C. B. Porter, '202 Trust Bldg. "Phone 4562. 5-19-30t MISCELLANEOUS FOR PURE Jersey Milk Phone County 4811, Mrs. Harvey B. Hun ter. 1-lt BRING your old graphanola records and get new ones by paying a small exchange fee. We exchange for all makes of records providing they are not, scratched or broken, at 214 E. Trade, u-jstairs. tut THE NORTH CAROLINA OR THOPAEDIC HOSPITAL will open its doors to the , crippled, deformed child of Nortfc Carolina in June The management of the institu tion wishes to help every child of sound mind, under 14 years old, in the State all it can, , quickly, especially the poor, needy and orphaned child. If you know of such a child in your county or neighborhood, write to R. B. Babington, President, North Carolina Orthopaedic Hos pital, Gastonia, N. C, for an application blank at once. H 5-18-8t Wed Sun MATERNITY sanitarium, private, re- nned, nomelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. Mitchell, 22 Windsor, Atlanta, Ga. 5-30-26t-no-sun LEVY'S EYEGLASSES fit all eye; none Deiter. 7 East Trade St., up stairs. ' la.lf FOR QUICK and up-to-date kodak A M tmm. M J iiuiauuig, sena or Dnng your mm9 to the Piedmont Studio, 29 1-2. W. Trade St. a tlANU 'Aji.vG w. .. . w lone, N.'C. Phone 2333. L-3. IT MATTERS NOT ' . , Where the prices of shoes may go we are alwav on the Job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Dpllars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and others can if tKey will. Will TBIJE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St Charlotte, N. c. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To repair your broken bi cycle or sen you a new w sctuim hand bicycle. Carolina Spirting riAoda'Co.. 5 West Fourth St. l-2t WANTED A one-h6rse hack in good conaiLion. reasonable jugB' J. H.. care News. l-3t WANTED Your automobile and- truck painting. Best nunlit.v work at lowest nrices. Fords and other small cars, $15.00 up. City Faint Shop, Alley Opp. Postoffice. 4-6-tf-wed-stin ... " WANTED If you want motors or gasoline engines ouick, we have them in stock. W. G. Jarrell Ma chine Co., Charlotte. N. C. 2-23-tf-eod WANTED Medium rze tent" complete 203 N. Clarkson St. 29-2t-sun-Ved WANTED Several copies of News of Saturdav. Mav 21, 1921. Bring or mail to Circu lation .Department 01 News. 31-2t WANTED To borrow $3000 and 54000 on gnt edge real estate security roi- twelve months. Attractive interest. Phone 32. 27-ti WANTED Good Ford touring car. 4204-W, roadster or 2-7t WANTED Your upholstering and fur niture repairing. First-class work, prices reasonable. General Repair Co., aiz jn . uaiaweii St. A. E. Cohen, Mgr. Phone 1939. 26-tf WANTED To hiiv slie-titlv n.ri fur. niture and refrigerators. Piedmont urniture Exchange, 24J. East Trade. PhQne 4344. 5-25-15t WANTED To do your hemstitching ana pecoimg. inone ZU2-VV, 407 N. iryon. 5-1 -t WANTED Mattresses to renovate an maKe over. New ticks. Haley-How ard Co.. 237 E. Trade St. Phond 34"46 S446. . . 12-tf WANTED Used furniture. Phone 4438. 505 W. Eleventh St. 18-tf WANTEp- Your curtains to launder! Phone 3725V. -3 4t HOUSESWANTED ROOMS WANTED To rent . desk space in convenient . office buliding. Phone 2980. , lt WANTED Unfurnished house or apartment, 5 rooms or more. Refer ences given. Phone 1777-J. l-3t-eod WANTED A few more furnished houses or apartments to rent during the summer months F. C. Abbott & Co. Phones 3022 and. 4046. J l-2t WANTED By June 14 by young coupie wno can furnish best of ref erences two or mo,re furnished or unfurnished rooms for light house keeping, in replying state location and. price. Address P. O. Box 102, WANTED To rent small furnished1 nouseKeeping apartment. Phone 3352 between 9 and R nVWt i.it WANTED By couple with six -year oia enna, room and board, give loca tion and price.. Address .Gouple-6 care" News. ' 1-1 1 WANTED To make arrangement for qoara ior jcoupie and child . three years old from June 19 .to July 3. eau Mr. EiiiB, phone 2837: 1-lt TRAVELING MAN desires for Wife anq eignteen year old son three or four completely. . furnished light housekeeping rooms and bath; ' or two furnished bed rooms, bath -and board. Private home, - close Jin pre- iicu. Atierences exenanged. r Ad dress, H, ca-e New. 1-lt WANTED Apartment unfurnished or "tiy iumisnea ior coupl Jmme- uiaie possession. Address Box 142 unarigtte. - r r.. ' r f Vl-ti WANTED To buv iiuu. vioi ine casn if it's bargain. Address "Got To Move" care News. " 28 5t XOTIfTP! State f North Carolina, County of Mecklenbur. North Carolina Corporation Commis- oiuu, rmmim, vs. Pmeville Loan and Savings Bank, Defendant. In the Superior Court. ... Whereas, hv vuui i iiLa.UK in me a nntra &nftUi John G. Nichols, v.nn m. v u'i' i-cuporary receiver or Pinevuie Loan and savings Bank, defendant in said cause; Now, therefore, all stockholders de positors and rrcrlitnrtM P ..u t. ville Loan and Savings Bank, and any and All nannns j ' J . , uu corpora- ings Bank, will Uke notice that thev are required to be and appear before His Honor, Wm. F. Harding, Judge of the Superior Court, at chambers, fn the City of Charlotte. N.. C. at 10 L't 0,0n PrIday- 3rd aay of June, idsi an fuA A, show cause, ir any they can, why a permanent receiver should not be an pomted in said ra no tr of and wind up the business and if !,of ,said defenda;nt. Pineviiie Loan and Savings Bank; and they wni fur- ?etr,itke "0tiCe ird, l..JH ' wume-in. ana mako themselves parties to said Proceeding and file their Mim. o riu"i fendant In this cause. . This 30th day of May, liil. -ot Clerk fivirtAi-fni. rA... THURSDAY Phone us voiir 'nrflrs one" o'clock. r e - Boyd-Garner Co. BUSINESSHEAD5 Local Men Say Line si be Built Thr'oS "& Provinces" of West Interest of business mer, nf lotte and this section of the It? th proposed highwav thrnn h "lost provinces" of northwc Carolina and connections with thl by a highway through Tay bemg supplemented by a move tow J ihsuring the construction of a r2 ! through the "provinces" ith tions to this city over the Somi, Railway by Taylorsville. It was recalled by men discw the project Wednesday that the 2 legislature authorized the governor! appoint a commission of five men investigate the feasibility 0f m North . Carolina railroad bonds and h vesting the proceeds in the coni tion of a railway through north ern Carolina and conneS" this state with lines in TenneSS," rding a half-dozen direct vol Zl Ohio River cities. s lt r S1?, PrP9al for Mecklenburg m Iredell counties to advance money Z the construction, of a hard-sura, highway from Charlotte to Tavlor4 thereby making possible connect'.--with the highway into the "ost Pro-' inces," is to be made to the state hh way commission, now in session Raleigh by W. C. Wilkinson, sixth dis trict highway commissioner. AGREEMENT EXPECTED. It is believed that the state both will agree to the proposal of these tr counties, and local citizens are recce nizing as assured a hard-surfaced gnci r,unrting from Charlotte to Tavlorsvft with ultimate connections into tlii "Lost Provinces." No intimation has come fmm p,i eigh as to when Gov "Will appoint the commission to look in to me possibilities of a miirmi through the territory, but. it was .ex pected that he will name five other men soon. The commission is tn . port to the legislature at its next sesson at which time action is expei ed to be taken. It was nointed out that with rail road and highway connections frnn inanotte, Uastonia, Tavlorivilli Statesville and cities! of this swtiti: with the northwestern counties nf in state a vast volume of new trade fa mercnants' would be opened up, an: trade that has been goinfr. into Tennes see by reason of natural barriers is? latmg tne people from Aorth Carolw would be turned eastward. i Th railroad, in udditinn tn nnMin! up North Carolina to the people of th northwestern counties so to sneak. would provide a direct freight roi)'( oetween cities of the central west ana eities of this section. Charlotte an? ttein-hhorinc ritics ra navinp h'ri freight rates now because of the lets nauis necessary from central sxaif points. With a direct haul through the mountains of this state lower raw would be possible. DIRECT ROUTE NEEDED T ABaiir a 1!r fraiVhf rniltft that would be satisfactory through railway service would be necessary, ana m that reason local shiDners interestei Diiities .or a consolidation or ran ment. ; Should a railroad he buu (in Iftf-al ierViAii1e onlv Inral SeTVIC With" through service direct freigjj conhectldns from central states to Charlotte' not only but to Chariest 2tnd Wilmington, seaports or me olinas; as well as cities along route- would be available. . v. n chnrt line . rSi' roads which would afford through ice And local men feel that if the road through the nortnwesreni ties could be procured through sen ice would come soon. , . i But trade boosters are now not only in the highway mto "lost provinces" but also in tltf way. With these two trade-prodawj. factors realized Charlotte ana city in Piedmont North Carolina w enjoy a vast volume 01 ne was declared. SUPERINTENDENT IS RELIEVED FROM . T T. -it- Maiortf vucago, .June i. r. "i3i0n superintendent of the Chicago ai of - the air mail service, was re from duty on orders from Tuesday after a months titfh by postal inspector?. g, . Assistant Superintendents MOOre -and Paul - v. Iie, Manager Paul Dumas also were ed from dntv "nendin further 1" , intj 31 temporary chief of the division m jore's place. . .J4inns J.ne investigation ... a,zw Checkerboard Field followed tne Of Ave pilots in the Chicago du- in. the last few months. Charge- efficiency, negligence and I d"'h9in were made by witnesses durI"(?rnarl?' , j . ni Uii'"' .... qiury. wnicn t " !' e,tor. J uiarahan, a posiai 1"' , ;;,v den of these charges were strong ccn. by the accused officials, wno. duct also was defended by ? Pilots ana mecnamco rra,teT g't board Field sent , to Ppstnw' eral Hays a pretest aga",ai . sion of the officials at the new. j. i,. .a Viafl Deri' M aenica mat tneir h " nart 01 " rilled by inefficiency on the p oRcers. ber plants owned by the i nandiu ifill comoanv at Huttig, a-. ier stored on the yards of tn vert destroyed by fl'e v iriln last Mo isht. 1,vMliJ Is 'estimated at 750,000. 0.