THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 2, 1921. 14 Tinker kvCarlvsle R H olcorob J byCarlysleH. Holcornb A BORN FIGHTER. One day Tinker Bob the vonderful King of the Forest, and Silky, the foolish monkey were resting in the shade of a forest tree near the river hen they heard a terrible fuss not far away. Of course Silky could not Vesist, he must be on hand if there was any trouble about. His cur iosity led him into trouble a good many times. As for Tinker Bob he was King of the Forest and had a right to go where there was trouble, for that ,was his business. "I wonder what all this fuss can be about?" he asked as they started off in the direction of the sound. "It seems that all of the feathered crea tures of the forest are there. At least there is noise enough." 1 "When they arrived Tinker was somewhat , surprised to see Mr. Hawk .in trouble. He was flying back and forth above the forest trees greatly disturbed. Some brave fellow was fol lowing him and every now and then he would scream and go close enough to pull a feather or two from Mr. Hawk's back. "I wonder who that fellow can be?" asked Tinker. "He is such a small creature in comparison with Mr. Hawk. . 'Chebec! Chebec! Chebec!" came the familiar cry. "that is myf fighting cou sin." Tinker Bob was surprised to see Mr. and Mrs. Chebec so close. 'Well, he is a Ibrave fellow indeed to follow Mr. Hawk after that manner," said the King. "But I didn't know you had a fighting couin." . "Chebec! Oh, he is the best friend we have in the forest for he is so brave he will fight all of our enemies at Once." : Just then this fighter came soaring down to the old stump by the river to receive congratulations from his forest friends. Then it was that Tinker Bob noticed that he had a black bill with a crook in it, and his head and back were dark also, but his tail was edged jwith pure white. j "So you are a cousin of the Chebecs OFFICE CAT BY JUNIUS COVIGHT 121, V EOGAft ALLAN MOSS. TRADE MARK REGISTERED O. 3. PAT. OFF. Every now and then he would scream and go close enough to pull a feather. are you?" asked the King. "Yes, that's what they say, so I guess it's all right!" "His proper name is Kingbird for he is afraid of nothing," said Chebec. "They call me Scrapper for short. But I can't stand having that Hawk molest everyone in the forest, and that's just the thing he wants to do. He steals eggs and kills the little ones and makes life miserable in general for all of the feathered folks. -He makes me angry and I drive him away every time I see him:" "But you are pretty small to go af ter such a fellow as that," said Tin ker Bob. "He moves out of here just the same," said Mr. Kingbird. Then sud denly he darted out to catch a "fly but it wasn't a fly. What do you think it was? Next The King Meets Beauy. I if, TONE POEMS. Shave and a haircut, ; i - " Bay-Rum?" . :t Match and a gas tank, ' t .V. Boom! 'Boom! Girl and a pale moon, Ker-smack Booze and a dry gent, Ten days! Soup and a fat man s-l-o-o-up! Boy and a small drum, -Goodnight! Leachville, (Ark.) Cresset. The Cresset will not come out week on account of sickness. NOT OUR'N. "If you have any records you are tired of, send them to the Salvation Army," urges The Louisville Hera'd. But, supposin' they belong' to the family next door? The latest decree of fashion lis that the parasol must match the bathing suit. Woe be unto her who loses her para well, anyhow isn't the weather just too lovely? The sixteen-year-old Princess who is having her first love affair doesn't know that it is going to develop into an epidemic. nvi tit-ch V M. M.M. J iJM. B . Dear Roy Do you suppose President Harding is anxious for a settlement of the shipping strike, so we can get back to Normal sea? C. N. B. Xew York bridegroom fainted while on his way to his wedding. What will happen to him when he begins getting the household bills? OH, THE POOR THINGS! , A high school club in Ei'anston had a meeting the other night and debated on the question: "Resolved, That this age is more immoral than any pre vious age." Almost without exception, the sixty-five club members voted in the affirmative and then drew up a list, setting forth the dances, tho short skirts, the low-necked dresses and other self-revelations of the pres ent day as horrible examples of the things to be shunned. Each of the thirty young men of the class pledged himself after the meet ing never, never to speak to or walVc with any girl whose skirt is too short. -. Some of our more blase readers will ask: "How can any girl's skirt be too short?" and who is to decide when it is? The Pilgrim fathers missed a lot by r t A Well Cared for Lawn Adds Beauty and Attractiveness to the Entire House You can keep your la-n fresh .and green and you can sprinkle it- in double quick time if you have1 our gar den hose and one of our effi cient sprinklers. It's a pleas ure to own and use the gar den hose we sell you'll find here also the best of hose reels, sprinklers, nozzles, lawn mowers and other lawn tools that will enable you to have a perfectly kept lawn we can surely please you both in quality and price, Charlotte Hardware -1 Company 30 East Trade St Phones 1505-1506 living too soon. How old Cotton Math- er would enjoy himself in America now. , .. Carpentier brought a private chef over with him, and the chef has pa?d for himself already by receiving a col umn in every paper in the count ry. with picture. Two or three days ago we asked a series of test questions stating Jthat any one who answered all of them cor rectly would be considered intelligent enough to hold a $130 a month job. Nobody has qualified, but J. A. S. has sent some answers that seem worth while: Q. What is punk made of? A. Some vaudeville we have seen. . Q- Was Napolepn named after a piece of French pastry? A. No. Neith er was the secretary of the United States treasury named after a fruit. Q- Can you name ten living ex presidents of the United States? A. No, but I can name the ex-president of a certain bank. Q- Which is the correct side to milk a cow on? A The lower right hand corner. Q. Why did Grover Cleveland wear rea suspenders? A. None of you business. English thotoerarjhers asked Cnlnne- Harvey, the new American amhasja. dor, to remove his glasses. It was a wrench, but he did it, and nobody will ever recognize tne photographs. The colonel was' the first man in the world to wear the large, bone-rimmed spec tacles now so common in literary and clous ana suit circles.; ." A man who stole $3,500 worth of radium and returned it. savinEr Via iri not realize its value, is being praised J.01- ms nonesiy, out probably he didn t Know wnat to do with it. The dollar is. climbing, in value so idsi we win soon oe able to buy some thing with it. , According to a fashion journal, si'K stockings are here to stay, but we have ' had some silk socks that didn't siay very long. u wonder why they call mem amusement parks. Some crabby old cynics claim that women are heartless. But he's ail wrong. The way most of them dress now you can see their hearts beat ing. - OPTIMISTIC POME. For My Blessings 1 am Thankful. Thankful And, if I had a bankful Of coin I'd buy a turkey But I haven't got the means; So I guess that I'll eschew Let the wealthy guys 'go to it. And I'll be almighty grateful For my plate of pork and beans. THE PRINCELY EDITORIAL SALARY. 1 The fact that President Wilson, who has had no special experience in this noble profession, was offered $150,000 for one newspaper article may give the public some idea of what we regu lar editors get. (NOTE) The above item was handed the foreman of this colyum by the edi tor of this paper. CONSIDERABLE INC03IPETENCY. Washinp-tnn Tim.-, o t s a- of conditions in the Air Mail Service max at ijnecKerDoard fly ing field, Chicago, there has "been con Nlnrnh o innnmnn. - -.iT X. ""-"'"iJciciiuy ui connection with the service, and drunkenness and uioS1ai.c.iui cunauct on and off field," the Postoffice Department nounced Wednesday night. ONLY $5 FIRE LOSS. wwi let., JUIie 5. A lOW record for fir-o 1ar-Qo-a. .ui:t. vtfe ao caLd.uilsnt.u here m May, the loss amounting to five dollars. Last month's fire losses the an Seaboard Air Line Railway . . Paasenser Train - Schedules. Arrival and departure of passenger n o-iua, nariOlie, in. i;. Liy- No. Between INo.I Ar 6:00a 14ICharntt-Wil nui -ah" - - i Auui.iuu ana uamiet con- I 15radonroe-Ruth'ton .1 lol 9.06a dinner-ton - Wil-I I iiuiigion ana Kal- I leigh 31 Q40a 9:06a 9:55a 5:00p 3:45p 8:20p 34 20 31 16 . ' iCharlotte-WiL ... ana namiet con nentifins Wilmington - Ral- esn ana ttutner forrJfrtn - ... - ... Monroe - .Ruth.., Ifordton, Monroe tunneciiong for Norfolk, Rich mond and points ' All t r n ir-To -I ; 1 K'Sgftfftfa,28. " inforaMon and 19 31 16 12:25p 3:35p 8:12p " r.. . E. W. LONG, Dirlalon Passenger Agent, m- , ilone ISO. 7yw1C.,O0L6 Finger Station 207 W. Trade St. N. Tryon Street Phone 30. Phnn. i Reaaini promptly don. All wrtr trlctfy guaranteed, QUEEN CITY CYCLB Oa "THE RiB rkoNt 42 N. Collece. . , phono 117 Germany seems tjo be doing every thing to please the Allies except the right thing. BED-TIME CONFIDENCES. Gwenda spent the evening quietly with Fern,' She prepared -a nice little supper for them, then completely ex hausted from the exciting" events of the day, she snuggled on to, the foot of her cousin's bed for U ' gobd-hTght chat. "You were 'simply wonderful, Gwen ny, dear," said Fern, admiringly, locking at ' Gwenda with shining' eyes. "You really, saved" rhe frbjn being dragged through 'all this, mess, and being in every paper tomorrow night. How can I ever thank you. enough?" "By resting all day tomorrow, and not thinking about the shooting - any more Above all, don't mention . to anybody v that you were there at the time it occurred, for you know as well as I do just how quickly the little old village gossips. Hear me?" "Indeed I do, and I'll not mention a . word to anyone. Poor, poor Fedya, how dreadful he must feel now. I am so glad that he is not fatally hurt, Gwenny. He deserves better luck than he has had all these years, after ail. We must go and see him in a day or two, it will cheer Uim up a lot, I know. Half of Fedya's troubles come from his awful loneliness. I've had several talks with him lately, and I know. He has been awfully sweet to me, and seems to understand just how I feel about life. He never , did before, never had the time to give butterfly. Fern mpre than a passing though or a shrug." "Oh, Fedya's all right, if he would only give himself half a chance. And if fate had- only given him half a chance," answered Gwend. "He is not by any means as black as the world tries to paint him, no, not even about women. And I think, he has improved vastly of late." "At least he did stick to his wife, bad as she was. That speaks well for his loyalty," said Fern, with a bitter look. "Especially when . you think of the disloyalty of other men. ' Here Gwenda promptly changed . the subject, for she felt that they were on dangerous ground, and Fern, had been through enough that afternoon without working herself up to a point of hysterics on account of her' past. ' uwenda stretched her tired arms and smiled cheerily at her cousin, then got up- and announced that it was high time for a cup of good cocoa and bed. "Don't have to work in the morn ing, nor all day, Fern-o, so we'll have a real holiday, you and I, a real old fashioned one. We'll eleep till noon, then go to a matinee, and then have dinner somewhere it's quiet. ' Then , go to the theater again in the evening. Won't that be fine?" . . "You darling," said Fern, giggling merrily at the very thought of such bliss. "You dear, .wonderful girl. How could I ever have run away and left you?" And she. hugged Gwenda heart ily. . - -a.. . .x - "Back to bed, Miss,'-' commanded Gwenda, imperatively. "And now for the all-satisfying beverage. I'll be with you in ten minutes." (To be continued.) EVANGELIST URGES CONTROL rOI? ONESELF i i "Not only . know thyself , but control thyself," was the warning in the ser mon of Dr. Lee McB.; White, pastor of the Kinston First ' Baptist church, Wednesday night at Ninth' Avenue Bap tist church. "Christ's Secret 'of Life Success" was his subject. To be thorougniy acquainted with one's self is the first requisite of life, declared the speaker. "Know thyself (and control thyself avail not unless the real secret of Christ is learned when he said deny thyself," said Dr. White. "We must deny Ourselves of intellectual precon ceptions, pride in bur own thinking. Again we must deny ourselves certain worldly pleasures that degrade instead of enobling our- lives."' ; Special music featured the service, a i duet - by Earl Wolslagel, of Asheville, ; and John D. Carroll, being especially good. ' Dr. White will select as his subject Thursday night, "The Complete Man in Christ." The service starts at 7:45 o'clock. Ipr Sale Myers Park Horn 8 room brick veneer Home hot water heat t n i j. j . nr. 4V4. -aiK Daseraeiib aim sei vaiio, ivvui, lu-iyut iol on Rewlv street: A real up-to-date value for $10,850 Paved On Best of Terms, v c. McCoy Moretz. Griffith J-ot Us Show Yoj Co Phones 877 and 4208 uny W' G- Conraj w CITY HAS LISTED 378 TUBERCULOSIS CASES In the monthly report made .by .Miss Norma P. Leitch, supervising nurse of the Charlotte Co-operative Nurses' As sociation, it . was shown that '378 tu berculosis 'cases were on the list for May, 20 of which were new cases. Sev enteen cases were withdrawn either by cure or death of the patient or with drawal from treatment. Ninety-two cases were cared for by white "nurses of the general, industrial and. infant hygiene division, while 18 new cases of negro patients were treated by negro nurses. The final report of white and negro nurses showed that 86 schools were visited ' during the month of May and 438 defects, in the health or treatment of patients made and elevent corrected. While the venereal clinic does not come directly under the nursing asso ciation's supervision, the monthly re port of that branch of the public health office, was included in Miss Leitch's report. It showed 255 treat ments for venereal disease were given in the clinic. 1 WILL AMERICA HAVE TO PAT? Paris, June 2 (By the Associated rress.) ihe delicate question as to ' whether the Umted Slates ought to nay -.he Reoarati the 300,000 "torts of German shipping seizea at me outDreak of the war is i likely to come up soon in connection I wim me settlement witn Germany for all payments in kind she has made to the Allies. "Your Own Vine And Fig Tree" Carry out the BiblicaJ injunction and enjoy the fruits of your toil. Live in your own home it beats somebody else's home every time. You and your wife yes, and the kiddies too -come and see the homes we caii offer you on easy terms. :a jS-SiYliiii REALTY COMPANY ' Real Estate Rents Insurance Builders of Characteristic Homes Paints & Oils You will find in our large stock Paints suited to both inside and outside work. And we will be glad to give you the benefit of our ! experience in choos ing the best paints for your require ments. " . f vptxsre all Wa3& Ezell-Pritchard Company "THIS IS A STORE OP SERVICE" Wholesale and Retail Paint and Glass Phone 765 1214 W. Fifth Street ML i kim 2n Mill' Mm - imM -$7800 BUYS IT- 7 rooms 2 stories with heating plant hardwood finish lir-o bed room on first floor 3 bed rooms on second floor Kliz ii -i T"" section. au;in"t'It-iao Another 6 rooms with heatine dant ona of thf n; t. Worthinsrton avenue in swell neighborhood a. danriv in, LU"ca.ovs 9 rooms 2 baths heating nlant larere lot saras-A tv..- i '; J cant owner left Charlotte and says "SELL IT" 1404 South PrJ7 V4 mighty nice place pri at my office. uiaeari-j And the nicest home in Myers Park for anything lik0 filf, elegant neighborhood a swell home 5 e Ule Pr'rHs Large corner lot Myers Partt on car line Best lot on Louise avenue I" . p"; (: Phone 2772 JONES . THE REAL ESTATE MANOffice 200 alty Buildin; Commercial Printini Better Printing Real Service Right Prices Send Us Your Orders or Call 1530 No order too large or too small to receive our careful attention. News Printing House S. 0. RUSH, Manager TELEPHONE 1530 Bflworth Home FOR i We are offering for sale a modern home on Worthington Avenue at a bargain and on terms to suit the purchaser, and can give immediate possession. This is an opportunity to apply rent on the purchase of a home. It will be our pleas ure to show this property to anyone interested in the purchase of a home. The Carolina Company 328-30-32 South Tryon St. Phones 609 and 1430 New Modern Seven-Room House A reliable man, with assured salary, may secure this home without a cdsh payment and arrange to carry entire amount on monthly payments. A MONTH REQUIRED Home is located on paved street, in good section, and close in. Act quick if interested in good proposition. J H MM 200 South Cedar St r A ' . A 1 jaen Phone "HOW TO SUCCEED"? Is the question of the hour. The short route to success is a thorough, . prac tical business course. TVe are constantly having calls for our graduates. This is a good time to start training for a higher position. No summer va cation; individual instruction. Call, - write or telephone for a catalog. CHARLOTTE, N. C. 'An Accredited - School" RALEIGH, N. C. " ' Mechanics Perpetual Building & Loan Association ' 207 North Tryon St. . A SAVEGS INSTITUTION OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE A series of 'shares parried through this Association will et: you , six and a quarter per cent. Our long period of successful service, thirty-eight years, and our low expense rate, merit your consideration. , J. H. WEARN, President E. J. CAFFREY, Sec'y and.Treas. Order four Fan Mow The hot days of summer are ,here. Are you ready for them? Be prepared. Order your electric fan now arid have it for quick relief from the: first hot spell. ' Let the refreshing breeze of an electric fan make your forenoon work lighter and glad den your afternoon hours of rest and leisure. Electric Fans, $ll;00 to $60.00 PUBLIC vf'v '.COMPANY