THE CHARLOTTE NEWSJCHARDO &ffiTIT u a LuiTI MOVIE FANS K TVTTT'Rtr. ATM TTTT TVfC F mnbc'r of the Alms, displayed at r riv nicture house here are of Am ir-- foftnrp ann. ast rn o-v. on nt 1 1 1 u i--v " " ... ior are 'in English, it is iTeces apa. , ;-t.-rnrct the story as the ric- if? The on who nerforrns r n?ro a young man of French "E nV who was born in the islands, 1 na--:et- of the Tahitian language, 5 f 'endved with the gift of elo- ir.Q 's ...itahb William .Tennino-c . ... CI i-v;in -,,- .i n - 1110 BOUlll oeua. Sta ' 7,.,. in his audience as a. mas. -in- n 11 Si r k k s SEW hi i-'m-m. A c, '.r rrc M.irmoiit ami Virs?!".ia Valli in the cat it On Same Progrgam ( II Mil, IE CHAPLIN In Uis Famous Comedy "HIS NIGHT OUT" I i. NO ADVANCE IN 1 'i .1 k t : ri y?.-,t,,t ( them into despair 'and tears and :n spiring them to ' roof -shaking cheers as the emotions of the pictured actors ebb and flow. . . The moving pictures have had- a great influence in changing the life of the islands. ' They have brought know ledge to the natives of the manners and customs of other lands snd have chnng ed the Tahitian's viewpoint from that of an isolated islander to the broad sapience of one who has travelled in many countries. He has seen pictur ed on the - screen all the achievements of the white man: has viewed his fa mous cities, been instructed in his vanities and therefore no longer con T-ihati. June 3. The irrear. sumers nimseu provincial. It is something of a shock to the'av erage visitor who, believing the hectic tales told in books, expects to find a horde of naked savages, is mez in stead by the spectacle of brown women in Paris gowns,, picture hats and high heeled shoes. , upcn his instrument, . ;n to laughter, plunging CRAVER'S TODAY and SATURDAY ROADWAY m-nrBISKS, SENSATIONS, SMILES. SOBS C R 0V D I N G VuKOiTill EVERY REEL OF THIS DRAMA OF THREE KINDS 1 OF LOVE She looked into her sister's eyes and saw the an guish there. Tl B - JiWM) s. f A.-Ml' A ' It (f 4 i r?V ita-.,..11 Tlie love story of Janis Clayton and the sister of. Janis Clayton, beautiful.' An einouan play of splendid power. Prices 15c, 30c SPECIAL MUSIC THE BROADWAY A'- Charlotte Institution ADVANCE IN PRICES The Coolest Place in Town TODAY AND TOMORROW 1 " 70 KM S i . .. -.7.., , -J V'ii CUi4nJ-rT . tt C-.3'- tfs-gKa- . ji-TJgn T-' " ' 3 Jesse'L. Lasky ETHEL CLAYTON 1 and WALTER HIER5 (2 (paramount Qidure. Society kisses of faise friendship ! Idle show of wealth and culture ! Snobs! Climbers! Toad ies! Such was her world. - A world which she hated for its. hollowness and loved for its ease and luxury. Then came the'erpsti the great awakening -and at last she found her soul. A BEAUTY PICTURE THAT PLAYS ON THE HEART STRINGS OF LIFE Special Added Feature WALTER HIERS Will Appear in Person Afternoon and Evening FRIDAY A Theat.e SATURDAY Saturday Matinee mm m-i Present j: "ANOTHER WAAf'S WIFE" A Quaint Rural Comedy Drama next wbek, next week, next week The Biggest Play of e Season , "TURN TO THE RIGHT ' WITS. 8:30 P. M. - . ... ' . '"-. - r mTINEE, 3 : P. BOX OFFICE OPEN 1 F. M. , furniture used on stage furnished by the Banner Furniture Co., uui ui mo - . , v... , - ! 1 H ' ll ..... Hope Hampton at the Broadway. Hone Hamilton, tone of the loveliest women acting, for the screen, has nev er made a happier choice or. roles tnan that of Janis Clayton in "Love's Pen alty," which . opened this morning at the ' Broadway theater for a' two-day run. It gives her opportunity for ev ery emotion from the sunniest sort of happiness 'to the deepest depths of hatred; and riever.have we seen a dra matic role more snlendidlv done. With Miss Hampton as star the pro duction ranks as one of the most en tertaining, of the present year. The Rtnrv is an psnpc.iallv . dramatic One. but it is doubtful if anyone lacking the histrionic ability of Miss Hampton could have made it give the supreme enter tainment which it offers with this win some girl's personality pervading ev ery scene. . Janis Clayton loses her younger sis ter through the deceitfulness of Steven Saunders. Her mother dies of a brok en heart as a consequence and Janis is fllnnp in thf world, horne down bv the weigh of sadness, and swears to make Saunders suffer some or tne agony her mother and sister have en dured. The revenge she plans is one that will, strip him of everything he holds dear his social position, his sanc timonious reputation, and the love of his wife and son but it will also mean ruin fnr Janis. The. tenseness of the situation when the opportunity arrives for the culmination of her plotting has seldom been exceeded in a motion pic tnrp nrnrhirtinn. Rut fate intervenes and demands the penalty due her for his transgression , and Janis is saved her sacrifice. Later she comes into the happiness of the true love she has forsaken for revenge. Percy Marmont and Virginia Valli give the same splendid support to Miss Hampton they have given in previous productions by the same star. Jack O'Brien, a new leading man 'in 'Miss Hampton's company, is very satisfying. althougn his part is not as prominent as his work in his few scenes- wou'd seem to warrant for. future produc tions. ' . v "His Night Out," a Charlie Chaplin comedy, also will be shown. MILK BEING GIVEN AWAY AT GROCERY , At the Miller-Van Ness grocery store on North Tryon street Friday a booth was arranged, from which was being served free,- to all comers glasses of sweet mJJv and butter milk as part of both the demonstration here in connection with the national observance of Jersey Week. Two little girls from the coun ty, dressed as dairy maids, served the milk. The booth was loaded with pla cards and literature praising milk as the ideal diet and calling attention to the fact that Mecklenburg county is the Jersey center of the Carolinas. More than 500 people were served with free' glasses of milk from the booth that was maintained at Belk Brother's department store Thursday. At Pound & Moore's, on South Tryon street, a window display,, told of the superiority of the Jersey and the value of milk as a -food. . , . The dairy maids connected witn the display served milk at . the Kiwanis luncheon Thursday, serving a glass of Jersey milk to every Kiwanian and guest." Saturday a booth" will be maintained, at the Guthery dining room on North Tryon street and milk given free to patrons. The exhibit which has been stated during the week is under the auspices of the' 'Mecklenburg , County Co-operative Jersey Breeders Associa tion and the farm demonstration of fice. it ATTENDANCE OFFICER WILL TAKE CENSUS ... i - A school census will be taken . by Attendance Officer J. H. Blantcn,- .of the city schools, during the summer months, according to announcement by H. P. Harding, superintendent. Mr. Blanton will begin on. the census at once, listine the names of every persrm in the city between the. ages of 6- and 21 years. The information obtained will be filed for use in the office of Mr. Harding. Before the passage of the Brooks-Joy ner educational bill a census was nec essary to determine the amount of money the schools would receive from fho statu The nlan has heen chansred i . . . . i , i ... and is now oasea on me nunrner vl teachers employed. However, the in formation obtained during a census is valuable and necessary, which is re sponsible for the task assumed, by Mr. Blanton. DAVIS-COZZENS. Salisbury, June 3. R. L.. Davis, of Woodleaf, and Miss Ophelia Cozzens, of Salisbury, were married Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Si. McLean, the latter a sister of the bride. Rev. W. B. Shinn officiat ed and the ceremony was witnessed only by a few friends ana relatives. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Li. Cozzens, of this. city. The of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Davis, of Woodleaf, and is employed at Spencer. The couple will live in Salisbury up on their return from a bridal trip to Washington and other points. . EMPLOYMENT OFFICE OPENS. Greensboro, June 3. The "free em ployment agency opened here by the stat, one of several throughout North Carolina, is being deluged with appli cants for help in getting jobs. In about one hour Thursday over 30 pet sons had applied. In, the same time skiner labor had aske'I the bureau for aid. A surplus of work ers and a scarcity of jobs seems to be indicated by the record mode by the bureau so far, - which was estab lished Wednesday, r FIVE "KIDNAPERS" ARRESTED vow Ynrk. June 3. Five men were arrested early today, in connection with kidnapping last week of uuipseppe ver old son of Valvatore Ver in thf Italian Quarter. UlLa, t xv. , - n-v,. io said thev had obtained con fessions that the prisoners .had 'sought to collect ransom money f rdm the fath er, but the boy had. not been round. ru VrtT. HAVE TO CONSIDER IT Washington, June 3. Tne question of reducing representation of .Soulh ctotoe in floneress because of al leged disfranchisement of negroes does not necessarily nave to De crasnuaeu in connection with le-apportionment, members of the House census commit tee decided at a conference Thursday night. Decides on Best Life 0 , Insurance "Five years agg I was refused life insurance because ' of my heart, symp toms. Doctors said it was caused from a pressure of gas that com e from my stomach, but their medicine did not help me and I was' getting worse all the time. Three years ago my, druggist . recommended Mayr.s Wonderful Remedy. I took a course of it and believe it is the best life insurance anyone can buy. It helped my trouble -at once." It is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucus from J;he intes tinal tract and allays the inflammatiort which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, including appendicitis: One dose will convince or' money refunded. "John S. Blake Drug Co., Charlotte . Drug Co., and druggists everywhere. , ; tl J 13 r - - .- ; . . v IVEY'S . IVEY'S Summer and Vacation Apparel A t- tractively Priced for Today and Saturday Shopping in Ivey's today and tomorrow is bound to prove gratifying, for we are offering these, groups of Summer and vacation apparel at such low: prices that the quality will surprise you. If you are finishing up yonr Summer wardrobe, you will find buying here most advantageous. ; SPECIAL LADY RUTH FRONT--LACE CORSETS These Corsets are regularly $3.00 and S3.50, and we are offering them for the week-end, in all sizes and both flesh and white, at only $1.95 DISTINCTIVE SUITS AT A MID SUMMER FRICE $49.49 If you are planning to travel this Summer, you'll find a suit a necessity you'll want one anyway, of course and these models in tricotine, piquetine, poiret twill and tweed, are so attractive that you'll want one . immediately when you see how low they're priced. ' . SMART NEW TUB FROCKS A group of lovely new Tub Frocks linens, ; voiles, dotted . Swisses, or- . gandies and ginghams in such smart styles .that you'll want half a dozen. And you'll especially like the at tractive price. Summer footwear Brown Calfskin-Walking Oxfords . White Buckskin Walking Oxfords. Black Satin Opera Pumps, $8.00 and i : lj l . - - - , . - - l- -j IVEY'S Mid-Summer Millinery A Thousand Mid-Summer Hats Are a Pretty Sight to See A colorful display from which a selection is made a pleasure. The Summer mode, ever mindful of the sun bright ray s has chosen. the picturesque wide Hat whereon to, lavish her rich embroideries, brilliant flowers and sweeping feathers.' Transparent Hats that cast alluring shadows. Taffeta hats that are soft of contour and smartly becoming. . Sport Hats that are comfortable and so beau: tifully appropriate for outdoors. Prices: , $52 40 $im None Higher. The Millinery Department is now equipped with Electric Fans and is place to v shop in town. SUMMER FROCKS FOR THE LIT. TLE TOT , $2 A special group of vvoile and or gandie Frocks, selling regularly at $5.00, and offered, in dainty colors and new and attractive . styles, at only . . V.. . . . $2.25 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S GING HAM FROCKS 95c Children's plaid and plain Ging-, ham Frocks, in smafrt styles for Summer wear. These sell regularly at $2.50 and are very special values for the week end.. - SPECIALS-WHITE FROCKS FOR THE YOUNG MISS $31 These dainty Summer Frocks are made in three very charming styles, ' . and sell regularly up to $10.00. Sizes are 12 and 14 years. W offer them for two days'at the , Very special price of ' . ;. ..... ... $3.75 in Smart Styles Women who buy Ivey's foot wear realize that they, are buy ing quality second to none t style that will' be the 'finishing touch to the smartest costume. ' We . offer four groups" below, at prices that will be pleasantly surprising:- . 'j ... .T. 10.00 . . ... . ' v r JJf' IVEY'S Smart Bathing Suits ' $2.00t6$16.50 For sunning on the beach and playing in the water, you'll find that these bathing suits , of jersey, surf satin, taffeta and satin, taffeta and sateen, fit vacation needs precisely. - , You will find, too,, that the pricing is; exceeding ly interesting. BIG SPECIAL LOT OF WHITE ORGANDIE, 75c VALUE AT 49c. We were able to purchase this organdie by a lucky chance, and are offering the entire four hundred yards of it for today's and Saturday selling. - You will finS that it is a very, fine' quality and the kind which is selling regularly at 75c and we; offer it . for as long as it lasts, at only yard 49c thoroughly the coolest TUB SKIRTS, SMARTLY STYLED Some of these Skirts are tailored ' along simple lines; others are a bit more elaborate. All are smart in style, and the materials are gabar dine, surf satin and tricotine. They are in white only. . ; SMART TAILORED BLOUSES - These Blouses are a new style, just in from New York. They are made of dainty dimities, linens and such fabrics, and the clever Peter Pan col lars, and smart sleeves, make them unusually pretty. . y . ; Luscious Wool Sweaters $3. 95 You aren't incorrect this summer if you wear a Sweater from dawn until sunset in fact, you'U look-em phatically smart. T . ,; VN ; ; These pretty wool ones are in tux- oh! so smart. They are marked very . reasonauit;, tuy. . , - .- J Tinted i