THE CHARLOTTE NEWS: SUNDAY MORNING. JUNE 5. 1921 1 . , , ' in f : lnA Ain 'rf lt J 4 . Vii - y5Jj5 CL-r- " ' tsar ' jj??!,j-' V) J I , w Vi. v - " t i jil rV -v'Ttf,i iv 1" v I lite''' ' 1-4 ; ijv i , o S 'Fli ill -::::.::-::-:: 'Anr: R IM I . - 77- the: frock at the: left flowered orgmidy THE OME. ACT THE.. RIGHT OFLWHlTEJ-WiDKERCHl Lr LWN . TOAST TINTED Organdy Frocks In Exquisite Colors Ripple With Little Ruffles Toast Brown Shades Have Special Favor -Huge Sashes -Add Crispness All the Mid summer Frocks Have Short Sleeves. OOOl- LITTLE FROCK ?S? HAVY BLUE DOTTED; WHITE LINEN t ROCK Or LVLnut.K nAnutUv.rm-i LAWN .WITH VANDYKE POINTS QfLW-HjTE HE airy frocks for mid-summer wear are so fascinating in fabric, color and style that it is hard tv choose between them. One locgs to buy half a dozen or tnore, so dainty and alluring are the models ready now for selection. Some have rurTleii skirts; some have tucks; some have tunics; some have square necks, others rounded-out necks; but almost ali have short sleeves ami sashes. The mid-summer dresses are very youthful and there is an irresistible charm about this youthf ulness. The favored materials for these pretty frocks are organdy and jts slightly more patrician cousin, hand kerchief lawn. The effect is much the same, sheer and airy and crisp; but the linen lawn is slightly softer and falls into more graceful lines. It is usually more becoming to the aver age woman than organdy which takes rigid lines and stiff angles. But this ORGANDY WITH LITTLE FRILLS ECRU LM3E very crispness makes organdy ador able on youth. , Toast Brown Is Popular Brown seems to have come into its own in sheer fabrics. It is one of the fashionable shades of the season and the toast browns are the favorites, from the pale biscuit tint to deep brown of well toasted muffins. Lav eniar is another favored shade and even the debutantes are taking to lav-' endars and violets this season. Sev-' eral charming summer frocks have teen noted in hydrangea blue, that lovely blue that is so cool on a hot toy. There are pink dresses of course pinks we have always with us but somehow a pink frock is' not so smart, just now, as one in 'brown or hy tfrangea blue or yellow. White is used ?er.erously with tinted organdies and linens to give an effect of contrast and sometimes sheer tinted stuff is dropped ov" a skirt of white fabric. This effect is noticeable in the lavendar and white frock of handkerchief lawn, an exceedingly simple but extremely modish littR summer afternoon dress or a youthful wearer. Lavendar handkerchief lawn forms XaH waist, sleeve and gathered tunic; 'bite handkerchief lawn the under- rt ind the vandyke trimming points tht are so effective. The tunic is birred in several rows below the belt, a? Sood idea since the shirrings keep ie crisp fabric from flaring too sharp y at the hip. The deep hem of this nlc is turned up on the outside and a Jme of white vandyke points springs UP from the top of the hem. The vandyke trimming runs down the hashed sides of the tunic and makes a border at neckline and sleeve-edge. neckline being piped with the lav- laoric at the edge. A narrow -nn of viojet grosgrain ribbon ties at Je back, with long ends that hang ver the tunic, and strips of the violet ribbon are sewed under the vandyke rnts on the sleeve. As a master- S rke of finlnr, n floon nnrrife STane falls carelessly from one side of the sash. The hat worn with this costume 18 c lavender leghorn with a crown of draped organdy, and the parasol is of wfrte silk. Dotted Linens Delightfully Cool LOoking kimono fashion and the tucks in front are set in; the section of tucking stitched Vnto the bodice under a flat seam. The skirt has straight panels at front and back, with tucked side panels gathered into the belt. Try this little frock in your home sewing room and when it is all made, add the picot edge with a very fine crochet hook and fast color cotton'. ? Thet other dotted model pictured is decidedly more elaborate and is in deed a rather formal affair of .black organdy with bodice and- overskirt of black organdy pin-dotted in white. The pleated ruffles, the sash, the col lar and the ve.stee are of plain black organdy, a section of ddted organdy finished with a frill turning down over the vestee. The skirt has the usual deep hem and the overskirt panels are not hemmed at all, but are finished with narrow pleated ruffles. A cluster of cerise flowers is caught against the sash and the hat is of cerise straw with white straw brim and appliqred ribbon. The feature of sm-h a frock is its crispness. Limp black Is not fashionable this season. Afternoon frocks of black are airy and crisp and the moment the crispness departs the costume has lost its usefulness. Do not forget to add a little gum arabic to your summer supplies. These aeli- cate organdies may not be starched for the starch thickens the texture of the material and destroys the airiness, but jiist enough crispness may be added with gum arabic water. Black Lace On Yellow Organdy Suggestively Spanish is the golden hued organdy frock with frills of black lace .nd red roses in a garland, and it is a formal frock in spite of its tub fabric. The term tub fabric, however, means little these days, when one must be careful about tubbing some cottons yet crepe de chine and .Georgette may be plunged into hot soapsuds. The frock pictured is a bridesmaid affair as you have probably guessed, but it will be a practical costume for all summer wear at formal afternoon gatherings. The organdy is not clear yellow, but in that lovely apricot tone that verges on the pink and narrow black Chantilly lacev-edges all the lit tle nanels that make up the skirt flnwer-Detal fashion. The vestee and front panel of the skirt make one con tinuous line, emphasized by the row of tiny black velvet buttons. . A garland of flams, flowers with black leaves and ctTn runs down one side of the skirt ..... iss&sil : ' : . - ' ... S' " I - ggrlfX' J J $i flip Ifegefe. 1 OW comes the tussle with com plexions. For the next three months complexions have to hold their own against the devastating attacks of sun, wind, dust, the glare on sea and la-ke water, and perhaps the paucity of warm water for bath ing purposes. It is one thing to turn on the faucet in yotir luxurious bath room at home and draw hot or tepid water when you want it; it is another thing to have to heat water on an alcohol stove in your hotel room, or run down the corridor with a pitcher to fetch it from' the hotel bath room. And eternal cold water, combined, with dust, wind and sunburn can make your hice'complexfon a sad thing indeed by September. Nobody want to look blowsy andj rough. From time immemorial an. ex quisite skin a "lovely complexion" has been the ideal; and this means a soft, fine-grained skin showing the flush that comes and goes, not a ruddy, tough, weather-proof skin, ine heroine of the novel is always ethereal, alwavs spirituelle. No author ever speaks of her ruddy, weather:tough- ened complexion can you rememuer any such instance? Brown as a berry she may be. with "the flush of vigorous health" under her western sombrero or her yachting cap; but m a cnapter or two she is sure to appear in full evening dress with alabaster neck and slim, wreathing arms of milky white- ness. Every gin longs ior mat ap- The latter is an ungent, an ointment, I ing deep lines : on the neck, back o, curative in its properties and is also a I the ears and an unbeautiful redness; t wnereas tne nne-grainea skiu mxy n-u its delicate texture even to old age Coat after coat of heavy tan througc succeeding summers also produces S , sallow look after awhile. So take care of your good com plexion this summer. It is an asset iC r your appearance that you cannot af ford to lose. The long-sleeved dresses with neat little turned back cuffs ar a good investment and you can hivfr the dainty short sleeves on porch and J indoor frocks. A broad-brimmed sporl .NiSH .MnnriOF APRICOT ORGANDY WITH FRILLS OF BLACK LACE otJTR AILING POPPltS er, swerter nttle frock for a mid-sum- ay than the model of dotted linen trier cl lawn !1 th which has rows, of picot edging e effect of tucks. This is not a "wal frock, of course, but it is de Sntfui f0r summer afternoons on the wrch or for wear at a summer resort nr'r? people don simple costumes for upper berause the after-supper hour sPnt m a troll. The material of 'ms little frock is handkerchief lawn 'Wll'P wifK . !-.. vll., Ant art tVlA v. '. a. Lilly ituu uul j'c ed3e trimming is blue. Five Jc on either side of the skirt, picot ored in blue; four tucks at the front saVv, bodice and three tucks on each Jffiend. The sash, the neckline and .eeve are also flnished with the dmty picot edge. The bodice is cut and the apricot organay nat nas flame and black flower ornament to match. The parasol, is of flame Milk in tiny frills. Slippers and stockings are black. Straight Lines And Sashes Again the simpler type of summer day frock, pictured m the model of toast brown organdy, with little frills of ecru lace and buttons on the vestee. Don't overlook the fact tnai Dutions are shown on the vestees of two sheer frocks today it is quite the latest no tion. The toast brown organdy model also hashe exaggerated hem; you see -kirt is nearly air hem, and this double layer of material up to the hip gives a depth of color that makes a trimming feature, as well as prevent ing too sheer a suggestion over a pet ticoat. The Tuxedo collar extends in tans below the sash and this frock is really quite straight and loose in its lines the sash drawing it in to trinv ness'after it is on.' A sreat many of these thin dresses are built without .t.fh.n(l3 and slip over the head like a nightgown-eliminating the bother of a front fastening. When the . ia mi a. wide sasn is straigiit - - . j . tied Bra cpiuuy arouuu as low as the waistline can De maae. One picture today shows two sum side by side,, one of' flow ered and plain organdy, the other of vanrtkerchief linen; . and it . is rhnose between these enchant- .i,a Of course, the model at the right, with surplice bodice, is'a better style for the average woman than the frock with pleating around vandyke scallops and a . wide collar over the shoulder.' The organdy frock has pals pink flower clusters on a white ground and pink velvet ribbon is made into a" looped bow that falls over one side of the organdy sash. The hat and parasol "are pink also. The handkerchief --linen frocit nas a great deal :of hand "work, with hand hemstitched pleatings on surplice col lar, sleeve and tunic and flowers fash ioned of. the material - appliqued for collar and tunic. ' Like all the linen frocks it is simple but exquisitely made and in perfect taste. - THE FUNNIEST NUTCRACKER YET Ever so much more amusing than the conventional metal nutcracker is one of wood which comes from Switz erland and looks like a quaint little omnrten mnn with a jolly grin. When vou senarate thejxandles of the nut cracker, the jolly chap opens .his smiling mouth, receives the nut in his laws and crunches the shell for you. v 4 "VJ- 3 hi .1 - v i f k-' 4 v , '4'-' I'-K ' r'S . wf-Ji " I I ' - 0 - 1 cleansing preparation. .vanishing cream is merely a coating' that goes over the skin and into the pores. It does not show; there is no shine totit; but it helps the dusting of-alcum or of face powder to stay on. and thus protected the skin does not suffer so much from sun, wind or flying dust particles. Vanishing cream and tal cum may be applied to the neck and arms too; and should be applied if the neck and arms are to be exposed to strong sunshine or Wind or dust? for any length of time. It is always wise to use the vanishing cream and talcum when you don your bathing suit and fare forth for a morning on the sun-lit sands. Much better to take such pre caution and then have milk white arms to go with one's dance frock; than to let gun and wind do their worst and rely on cream and powder to give the arms whiteness with the evening costume. For one thing, it is annoyr ing to masculine escorts to get their dress coats covered with powder though dear knows they are very pa tient about it! , The precautions against sun jand wind ward off freckles too; and freckles are a much more serious men ace than either sunburn or windburn, or than the roughening and coarsening of the skin by exposing it to dust clouds. Freckles, well baked , in, will last a lifetime. Nothing can get them -. ' ' hat is another good investment. Shad helps the complexion, no matter how j nM K w TOarr" 1 iA -'Z. ' v,.v. !SW. " " r ' Mkr , J3 Guard The Anns In This Season Of Short Sleeves, By Keeping Vanlshin" Cream On The Skin When You Are Out In The Sunshine ; Sun Wind And Dust Play Havoc With The Complexion That Is Not Cared &un, wina au . t jn r,.afi m Summer For Ana it Jays xo d-- Divuouj . pealing, spirituelle loveliness of comV plexion and perhaps nature gives it to neria winter. Bt in summer only if she is careful and takes infinite pains. The neck and arms as well as Ihe face must be safeguarded particular- lly the neck. Sunburn seems to ci.ns to the neck longer than it aoes 10 me face and sometimes the ugly wedge of brown or red shows against the throat until midwinter, long after the face has- become white and clear again. One wav to cuard against this defacing wedge of sunburn and weather-burn is. to ' have outdoor frocks ana Diouses higher at the throat and not wear bodices cut out in a deep V ortounded line. If you insist on .the cool, com fortable open-necked costumes, put cold cream on the neck every night, and keep vanishing cream and a dust iae of talcum on, during the day. . Vanishing cream is the mighty weapon with which you may fight sun burn and windburn. Vanishing cream isa greaseless cream and is quite dif ferent from what is called .cold cream. - : ' " 'PI out. And such freckles nave Deen acr quired in a single day at the beach when for hours and hours the sun beat on uncovered arms. These deep freckles are different from gay 'little superficial freckles,, that the , sun sprinkles on cheeks and noses freckles that fade away when; cold weather comes or thatmay; be coaxed away with lotions arid treatments. But if you, have a naturally fair skin, be ware of those burned-in freckles oh arms and on the back of the neck. Guard against them by rubbing van ishing cream and talcum on the "skin before venturing out into strong sun shine, v The girl who tans but never freckles is the envy of everybody at the sum mer resort; bitt she tans because her skin is not so fine-grained and natural ly fair as the freckling person. And the latter will be apt to have .a". finer complexion at forty, for the skin that tans if allowed to acquire plenty of the rather becoming brown coat (with sport clothes) is likely to .grow fur rowed and rough witn middle age, tak. A Wedge Shaped Patch Of Sunburn U ) Never Pretty With Evening Frocks. Keep Your Neck White With A j Good Cream. . . I saucy and becoming a little sport tur j ban may be. : '' j The girl hx. the pictures is taking i splendid care.' of her skin., She is equipped, with cold cream and .with J vanishing cream and has chosen i Marinello cream, which is particularly ;-t pleasant and beneficial for the purpose, j She-Will' go. to her slumbers with the cold cream healing and softening her J skin: and will go outdoors during the; J day with a dusting, of talcum over the j coating, of vanishing Mi earn The cold cream acts as a bleach, out remember that it makes the skin more delicate and more tender; so do not I U3e it at night unless you use the pro tPfiivft vanishine cream by day. And do not use the vanishing cream and cover it with powder unless you use the cold cream at night to cleanse ! the pores thoroughly of day-cream andV powder. The -skin must go to bed fresh and clear and clean,., This means J warm water too. By hook or by crook- " you must procure a basinful of warm i water for the bedtime sponge. Cold; water splashed invgoratingly. over face,- neck- and arms in the morning; and used through the day if necessary; but 5 Ut - .1 warm water at night! If in spite ofj you? efforts you acquire a bad case of j sunburn, bathe the skin first In milk, ; then with this lotioqf j One part of alcohol to three ''parts of l j witch hasel. It will dry off instantly i on the hot and burning .skin, but it - will feel very soothing and-cooling; and the painful sunburn will speedily? depart. - . -. . . "ft