- THE CHARLOTTE 1 NEWS; CHARLOTTE, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE r 5, 1921. ; .i 1 :1 I i n j ' ( 5 r J : 1 1 .! EWSOTK-MOYIELANDrf Colleen Moore, pretty, chic and color, ful, has been analyzing her friends, the public, 'lately. Miss Moore, who is t appearing in Marshall Neilan productions, is at pres ent in New York in the leading femi nine role of "The Lotus Eaters," star ring John Barrymore. While there she says she has discovered: "The G. O. P. (meaning Good ' Old Public and not Grand Old Party) likea beauty on the screen. It may be very appreciative of ,good acting, but that there must be one or two beautiful girls in the picture to really please the .fans. "The G. O. P. likes the close-up and that it sighs deep, adoring, heart-felt sighs when the heroine or hero appears in a close-up with a good strong back light for a halo. -While it may criti cize too many close-ups, a picture with out one or two is as much of a -failure as'a Sunday breakfast without coffee. "The story oh, my goodness, here the dear public doesn't seem to know what it wants at all. It likes . this and doesn't like that and is bored to tears with the other; but one tiling it must have, and that is a love story. "The public must be in love all the time for it just pines for sentiment and romance. It seems to be always wanting more and more of the iOve theme and a play without it semply lan guishes anj dies." Miss Moore declares she has, made the above observations from a chair in a picture show and that she knows what she knows, absolutely. I PID YOU KNOW THAT William and Xeal Hart are no rela tion whatever? It is rather a coinci dence that these two players of the same name should, both win fame in the movies through their portrayal of western and comboy parts and still more unusual is the fact that both of them were born Th New York state. Bill was born in Newburg, X. Y., and Xeal in Richmond. Theodore Roberts' has undergone a serious operation in a Los Angeles hos pital.' He has been playing a promi nent part in ' "Hail the Woman" in the Ince studio. , V J. Stuart Blackton has been delayed by the British coal strike in his first production starring. Lady Diana Man ners. "- ' Maurice Tourneur has bought "Coals of Fire," an original by Malcolm Mol lan, which will produce following "Lor na Doone." Alice Calhoun is filming rural scenes for "Peggy Puts It Over." . Eileen Percy - has bought a motor boat. . , I 'v v . avJWv,..u:i: i The new German photoplays which are being exhibited in this country are rth a trip to any picture house. The actors are all new to American audi ences, but they may well be termed alj star 'casts. In both . "Passion" and "De ception" there is not we amateurish actor and that is more than could be said of many of our American pictures. Passion" is the greater of the two in my opinion, because of the beautiful and talented Pola Negri, who plays the part of the famous Madame Du Barry "Deception," deals with the story of Henry VIII and his ingenious manner of changing wives every once in a while. Emil Jennings plays the part of . Henry '.VIII, who, it will be remembered, took upon himself, the worries of eight wives, much against the will of the powers at Rome. Of course being- a wise monarch, he did not take them all at once, but one at a time. As fast "as a new ' beauty ap peared on the scene a wife, was cast off and a new one taken. The settings and mob scenes in both of these pictures are as notable as the acting- and the story material is, of course, excellent. One wonders, how- s or 1 4i .V . A.. . 6c 2 gg ..v...v:..:v. to.rBuster Keaton. She says the en ga'gement is very much on, andiall sto ries 'to the contrary are untrue. . A little bird whispers Miss Talniadge . will become Mrs. Keaton before . Buster leaves ''New v". York to return to the coast,. arid: if this is true wedding bells will ring next-week or the week after, because , Keaton has decided to make his picture in. California,, and he has told his. friends: he must be in Los An geles 'very shortly. - :1 -.:.juxv.:...: 7 Ave-: -U- j Coneen Moore. ' j ever, why Germany, with her vast wealth of court stories, should nick- on England and France for historical ma terial. Why not picture the life of Kathenne II of Russia, the little Ger man princess. Her story could much better be called "Passion." THE MUSIC THAT MAKES 'EM CRY. Nearly all motion picture actors make use of the studio orchestra to get into the mood of the scene which they are playing. Here are the selections that some of the best-known players call for when they are required to weep or express genuine sorrow: Helene Chadwick. "To a Wild Rose"; Tom Moore, "My Wild Irish Rose"; Will Rogers, "Annie Laurie"; Lon Chaney, "Let the Rest of the Wrorld Go By"; Leatrice Joy, "Scented Violets"; Edytho Chapman. "Old Kentucky Home"; Mary Alden, "Dear Old Pal of Mine"; Cullen Landis,' "Sleep, Baby Sleep"; Molly Ma- lone, "Massenet's 'Elegie'"; John Bow ers, Friml's "Melody"; Irene Ricn, Aria from "Samson and Delila"; Sylvia Breamer, Shubert's "Ave Maria"; House Peters, Bohm's "Cavatinan; Johnny Jones "Little Bunch of Lilacs"; Richard Tucker, Aria from "Madame Butterfly." . XATALIR TALMADGE STILL ENGAGED Natalie Talniadge emphatically de- ; nies she has broken her. engagement Young Master Jack Coogan always thought skipping rope was a girl's sport or game until he ' visited M". Georges Carpntier, the French heavy weight champion. - When Jackie, who is known . as . "The Kid" from his fa mous work in- motion- picture's, met Mr. Carpentier at the latter's training camp in Manhasset, L. I., he . went through the paces with the fighter. He is : shown-here jumping rope with the Champion and, take, it from Jackie, rope jumping a la. M'sieu Carpentier is real .man's .work. Jackie's . scorn for the little g'rls ..has . been a bit lessened since his rope jumping experience. WHAT THEY'RE DOING AnAohio Moreno has begun the production-of "The Secret of the Hills," by the British novelist, William. Gar-rptt.-; .No screen title for it has as yet been selected. . Lillian Hall will play opposite him. She is the exact type of -.petite blonde , required by the story for. the role of the English heroine as she came to America from England only a few years ago. City. Obviously- they are ' dissimilar. The celestial tripping is' incident - to his .latest picture, "A Trip to Pariadise," by; Franz Molirar.' k It is - being" filmed now ih HolJywob'd:, ; His concern is whether or not . he I xyill have completed ' itjn time ;o? make ."the transcontinental hop to . the arenas where Denpsey ; and Carpentier are i scheduled to efiter into a X frenzy of Mutual demolition July, 2. ; ;V " WHAT'S IN A NAME? 1 . Folks down ;! in Fort Worth,, Tex.. wJiere Dorothy Devore-Jwas bom, .will remember her as Ince Williams.' The-'-Pall ; Guy," will" be the title of Latrry Semoh's comedy to follow; "The Bakery:'; "The. Fall , Guy'" giveK a burlesque of the usual . western - drama. Norma 'Nichols, Frank .Alexander arfa Babe Hardy appear in Larrys support, and the Larry Semon ballet will also be seen. . "' . . . ' . ' ; t 1 .EJorehce Lawrence, popular star of the old BiograpH daysi ' is returning to the screen? . -' . 3 Lew Cody is trying hard to live down . nis screen reputation as a: male vam pire and he was born in':l885 in Water vllle, Me.?' ;. -- POLA NEGRI IS 1 AT BROADWAY Bert Lytell is torn between the call of two journeys. The first is a trip to paradise and the second, one to Jersey Famous European Star Appears , in Dramatic Masterpiece of Old ; Spain, . "Gypsy Blood." Based on "Carmen." What may be rightly termed onJ of the most finished and . artistic , produc tions yet. seen on the screen is the for eign film, ."Gypsy Blood," adapted from Prosper ; Merimee's immortal "Cir rnen," which will open a three-day .en gagement at the Broadway theater Monday .morning. .- :, , Pola Negri is seen in the role -of La Carmencita, and this latest vehicle demonstrates that this wonderful ; star from across the ocean is an artist of the first rank. In "Passion," in which .Pola; Negri made her debut, on the American screen, she was a marvel. In ''Gypsy Blood" she portrays . the fiery ,r- little cigarette girl as the role has -never been portrayed before. V Twice before has "Carmen" he-"v filmed, but the eye was not deceived I "drama that deserves to be "called an epic: -of '- the r screen has .foeen accooi plished.' r,Z,.. ' ' I !;'"Poia" Negri is', a. . .great emotional actress.. With fire and temperament the-Polish 8tarvthrpw's herself into, the party soi realistically -that she: actually seems'-to .be liying it. v ;. ' ;' .'?This triumph '; of. the .- motion picture is shared by Ernst Lubitsch, a wizard .of), production - who also directed Poa .Negri in her previous success", and J,by the members of, the cast 1 suppdr t- mg , the ; star. , Harry Liedtke gives i splendid characterization of . the Spa.i ish dragoon who falls a victim to the charms, of the alluring Carmencita. : The photography is magnificent, as is the general technique of the pro duction. ' American : producers can learn a big lesson from it. f - 'Re-edited ; and re-titled ' by Myron . M. Stearns, "Gypsy. Blood" is . released by Associated First National Pictures, Inc. . If First , National has anything more like it, let's have it. - - Variety and added interest is given to. this program by the showing of tw 'ISughter-provoking .. . films, a Mutt . Jeff cartoon and "His Lucky Job," a Sunshine comedy. "The Sky Pilot," a Smashing Drama. ' ;Probablv because of the fact that ia I'.fhorpughly knows the subject where- L of -' he writes, Ralph . Connor's story, ine Sky filot," which King Vidor lias... directed as a motion picture, is pne of the real . gems among current motion picture rel eases Jt -Ralph Connor, whose real name i-s Rev. Charles "W. Gordon, and whosej steady occupation is not writing books at all, but preaching the gospel in his- little Canadian church, is to be .congratulated upon the sincere man ner in. which the Cathrine Curtis. Pro ductions have translated' his story tn the i screen. Few authors, can claim as - interesting a film version of their ,Work as ctn the Rev. Gordon. The story deals with a , young minis ter who ; is sent into the, Canadian ranch .belt to spread the gospel among the cowboys. His trials and . tribuli tions, his fights, his faith, his hope are masterfully interpreted by King Vide r through John Bowers, who plays the title: role. How the pilot, ; unpopular at first, wins a place for himself in tha hearts of the cowboys, who surprise him on Christmas morning by leading him -blind-folded down a snow-covere J trail-; to .--show him the . little frame church they have built without his the story ; which ia smashing dramatic seen. y vk "The 'Skv Pilot- Jr- day engagement will h,.: , Bui a ... theater -next Thursday. Br jaiiy oemon S latest r uiucmaa, aiSO IS On thic. T, me Mgni," a 1'Iav f n , un U ,Interest and Ab Matinees Tuesday, Saturday. oundinjr TIi in c, Beginning Monday Jnr. g X. Lewis Players will -,.-',,. c er what v. the h? and most successful ma, . . 1 fc. been cenceded to be nrnH,,. . years "Turn to the Eight- i, k most beautiful sc.pmv . at.. ing in comedy, and with r,r,D H in - VPflTS. Tn foot . V it plays and entirely different Vr . y fc lotte at a very great .vvJ,Ln Clat- has only recently been sAoc.k- They play had a coniffi? or, in nignts m New v,.,., o;, sw muisi. iJivuiuiiLve prices The iico a. wunumui Slorv try. There is excitemt n at ai Play . of the drama. n nlpntv fnr ir '. '"w anil of a play that you will f ,,j(n: th kli to be successful must v.,.;"' A Play good-in life, have snm,- l"' tl interesting lot, and vnnn I01,1' and conniving to mako if intl Wat, then. This time, however, a , photo- Icnowledge, forms the human note of T 1 j j. i i-cupie witiiL 10 ne armif.c(l anri der to interest and ho,- attemil or play must be snappy, and fun of !V "The very thing which has r, ade "t'0J to -the Right" so succo.sfui Tura changing and shaping of events 1 r lives of humanity. This ls an i k tunity to see a really gmht L one which has been pronoun T critics as a masterpiece of lite,!,; and stage craft. For -Turn tn I Right" the matinees will he rJ Thursday, Saturday. The F0RDS0N3 Knee & Bialock Emil Janines a Renry VI1J id - .. "Deception." Jackie and Georges skipping rope. MONDAY AND TUESDAY Under Northern " " J .f ' - M. L :. . ! "' i&V. j? . . i d Universal Special - With All Star Cast A Story of tHe Northwest ADDED ATTRACTIONS SCREEN MAGAZINE And 2-Reel Western Featuring JACK PERRIN In " f 'Fighiiiigi Bld - . STRAND PICTURES DE LUXE The -Week's Attractions The Coolest Place in Town PRICES: Adults, 30c Till 6 P. M., Then 50c Children, 10c ADMISSION ALL WEEK 15c 30e $ THE BROADWAI M A CHARLOTTE ?ZM IVOTIT T'mtn.. MORE THAN A PH0T0DRAMA As Pola Negri sweeps 'you through the shades of Old Seville you are not just ivatching a mighty photodrania but Liv ing in a realm of ro mance, color and Sypsy love. Three Days Starting Tomorrow ill iki rs.' u awM . IlsjpnB" ..i. 'I" , M, j, j Illlim IIHJ)liplIIH Ijll II Ml . m SCHEDULE V. , CRAVER'S A !N 110 - I I yjgjg. - . 5B VHb f '. P Magnif- , yl """" . JH that. f JJk. 3t' X ; ; must be counted Yj ' j1' ; - w 7 . . Wism mm m screen stoneQfflnrl ihPc: rArA di 11 STUPENDOUS IN SCENE A N D STRENGTH To miss "Gypsy BIoaqT trf mis an achievemeiUwhich niay never be duplicated on '- r " . ; ' ' ' the screen.- "HIS LUCKY JOB: Sunshine Comedy. - v MUTT & JEFF Comedy ADDED FEATURES Miss Helen ri&fc ' ' ' . - ' ' ' ' i ' 1 " ' The Swedish Nightingale With Special Accompanist INTERNATIONAL NEWS TOPICS OF THE DAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY SIR JAMES M. BARRIE'S "sen; And Broncho-bustln' in the ranges" as you've neveir seen ft before is coming to you ': in Ralph Connor's ; . "THE SKY PILOT" : i THURSDAY Y FRIDAY , SATURDAY - , , - ' ' -; -SEE the mpst thrilling. cat ;le, stampede ever' filmed. Fivid pictures of life n the Canadian Rockies, and the love story of a mountain jirl, a sky pilot and a hard ighting ; cowboy. A CATHRIN'E CURTIS PRODUCTION It starts when the .Sky Pilot comes in on a donkey 'and " lasts through' : all ' the stirring reels. "THE SKY PILOT" ;Tm MM fk& MM sag Featuring COLLjEN 9 in! THE BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA IN ENGLAND Man-sized .fights, full . 3f action that htrills you and yet doesn't scare ' you are in Ralph Conner's "THE SKY PILOT" .MOORE, JOHX BOWERS, DAVID BUTLER A FIRST NATIONAL ' ATTRACTION ' ' . Directed by ; KIJNGVIDOR ,' Romance sweet with ; " A1 the'. , tang of the. . aiso t " . .ranges , and with the VLARRY SEIMON en yu ! In- His. New-Comedy ' THE SKY ' 0 : HE , SPORTSMAN' PILOT" t . ; . . ' " ' - --. - . ..... .. . i .... - ........ ... ... .

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