THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. ; C SUNDAY MORNING, J UNE 5,11; 6 SOCIETY MIS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWEIX, SocW Editor. Phone f 77 - Kappa Alpha June German. - Handsome invitations engraved in red over a background of the coat of arms of the Kappa Alpha fraternity in gold, reading as follows have been is sued: . "To Whom It May Concern : Greetings By these presents, know ye That thou, a Knight of the Crimson ,! Cross, art hereby summonsed and ordered To present thyself before a conclave of thy '. Brother knights and their ladies in Court assembled on the evening of Thursday, ye twenty-third day ' of June, ' Ao. Di. nineteen hundred and twenty 6ne, at Ye Countrye Club, Charlotte, N. C, to Celebrate ye second annual "June German." Signed and sealed Thy Brother Knights Charlotte Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha.'V. - 4 Accompanying card: "This card, will admit Mr. and partner to the Second Annual June German of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity, Country. Club, Charlotte, X. C, June. 23, 1921." Society remembers with, keen pleas ure the elegant German of last June given by the Kappa Alpha fraternity, which was one of the most brilliant and elaborate balls ever seen in Char lotte. It was- attended by hundreds of dancers, &nd was beautiful in every detail. The favors given the ladies were handsome silver lockets bearing the coat of arms of the fraternity. Mu sic was furnished by a double Garber Davis orchestra, and girls from all over North Carolina came to Charlotte for the German. It was an affair long to be remembered in the annals of the "Queen City's ultra society circles. The German of 1921 promises to t eclipse even last year's German in ele gance of detail. One of America's most famed dance orchestras, the orig inal; Smith's Saxophone orchestra of Lexington, Ky.. will furnish their won derful music for the dance. Break fast will be served throughout the night. Elaborate favors will again be presented the ladies. Hundreds of charming girls from both the Caro linas, Virginia, Tennessee and other nearby states will come to Charlotte for the German, and invitations to brother out the South. It is the aim of the Charlotte alumni of the fraternity to make their annual June German one of the most notable sooial affairs in the entire South, and they have succeeded in doing this. Hosts of Charlotte's prominent cou ples will act as patrons for the dance, the list to be published later. Admission to the German is by card only. . Jefferson Davis' Birthday Anniversary Observed. Stonewall Jackson chapter United Daughters of the Confederacy was en tertained very delightfully by Mrs. Charles E. Plattlast Friday, aftter noon at the Woman's Club, in celebra tion of 'Jefferson Davis' birthday anni versary. V The beautiful assembly room of the Woman's club was thrown open and ar- J Last Of Mrs. Harding's Parties Proves Great Social Success BY BETTY BAXTER,. Staff Correspondent of The Nw. Copyright 1021. by News Pcblishjiiff Co. Washington, June 4. All good things come to an end and the per fectly charming garden parties whieii Mrs. Harding gave and which society, anticipated wih so much pleasure, ire a thing of the past. The last one of the series of three was given Wednes day and was just like the other two; was just as beautiful and enjoyable a party, ur. course, all of the dinlcrma tic corps, all of the cabinet officers, i ana a number of close friends of President and Mrs. Harding were ask ed to this party too, just as they were to the others. t Though the late spring has been marked by numerous rainy and cloud v days, and garden party after garden party has been all spoiled by the hor rid old weather man, it has been clear and lovely for every one of Mrs Harding's parties. Last Wednesday clouds began to gather before the party was half over and scared some f ttm guests away earlier than thev might have gone otherwise, but the Harding Muck" prevailed to the end and it did not rain at all. A THOUSAND MOKE. The guests at all of the parties seem ed to be torn between the desire co roam around the beautiful lawn or to "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Double Guarantee. Free Tuning . . and Liberal Selling Plan. Write for Catalogue. Prices ay.d Terms "The World's Best" Piano" -And Other Standard Makes, and the Incomparable AMPICO. JOHN VV. POST & CO. 209 West Trade St, Charlotte, K C Coral Baker Music Studios Here. t J I 8 Hf I 5 US. U Name . Addressv NEWS , tisUcally decorated with roses from the club, gardens. Mrse. Henry E. Thomas, president of the chapter, hesided, and a brief busi ness session preceeded the program. Mrs. Ellis W. Henderson leader- of the Children of the Confederacy, an nounced that the Julia Jackson chap ter would be hostess to the Mecklen burg camp of Confederate Veterans on Saturday after their regular meeting entertaining: them with a picnic dinner at Lakewood park. Mrs. Qharles E. Piatt gave a brief report of the district meeting held at Cleveland: Springs on May 31st. Miss' Malvena.. Alexander, a pupil of the Alexander, Graham High school, was awarded the U. D. C. medal for the best essay written of the Ku-Klux Klan. The judges announced that it was very, difficult to decide on the winner as so many excellent essays were . submitted. .A secial program in celebration of Jefferson : Davis' birthday anniversary was prepare by the historical commit tee. ;v. Mrs. James A. Fore read Senator L. Q. C. Lanier's dramatic speech on the proposed amendment to the. Mexican war Dension bill by which it was sought to exclude Jefferson Davis from the benefits of that legislation. t Next on the program was the singing of "Old Southern Songs," by girls in lovely old-time costumes. Miss Rachael Summerow sang "Home Spun: Dress, and "Silver Threads Among the Gold.1 Miss Mary Allison sang "Maryland, My Maryland," and the "Bonnie Blue Flag." Miss Mary Peasley sang "Annie Laurie, and "Ben Bolt." , Mrs. Frank S. Neal. Jr.. sang. "Old Kentucky Home,", and "Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground." The songsetrs were accomartied by Mrs. Alexander Stephens ; and Mrs. Gooding. " ' Each old' song was preceded by its history written by Mrs. Thomas W. Wilson of Gastonia. state , president of the U.- D. 'C.. .and charmingly read by Mrs. B. D. : Heath, Sr. An interesting historical sketch of Mrs.: Jefferson Davis was read by Mrs. Charles Piatt, and pictures of the Davis home, Bouvoir, in Mississippi, find a picture of Mrs. Davis were displayed. This concluded an exceedingly delight ful program after which the. chapter invited the guests into the solarium, where delicious ices were served by Miss Mabel Piatt of Aiken. S. C, guest f Mrs. Piatt, Miss Mary Peasley Miss Mary Allison, iss Rachael Summerow, rs. F S. Neal, Jr. The table in. the solarium was elab orately decorated with shasta, daisies and ferns. ' ' ... . ATS Gillis to Entertain. - Miss Mildred Gillis -will entertain at a large morning cubical heart party Wednesday at 10:30 o'clock at her home on the Pla.7a, Chatham Estates, in hon or of her house-guest. Miss Erma Mc Cord of Roswell, N. Mex. Mif-s Jamison to Entertain. Miss Sara Jamison will entertain at her home in Mlers Park Tuesday morn ing: ct 11 o clock in honor of Miss Jane man, Douglas, McMillan and Shelton. dance in the East room, where th. navy yard band played most dance able, jazzy music, the kind that just won't let your feef. behave. This last party was larger than the others, fully a thousnd more, as so many peo ple, realizing it was last of the series, Ptrove to get cards for it until 'Miss Laura Hardian, Mrs. Harding's soc'al secretary, had to put her foot down and say no more could be invited,, though I did notice, one or two people thera wnom-l Knew must have received ii- vitatk)ns at the very last minute he- cause theyhad only just reached this cuy arter landing from abroad. SKINNERS ENTERTAINED. I was interested to see Robert Skin - ner, consul general to London 'and Mrs. Skinner, who had only been in town about 24 hours. Mr. Skinner, who stands very high, in the service and is an intensely interesting man, is in this country on two months' leave of absence which he, with Mrs. Skinner, plan to spend at their home in Ohio visiting his relatives in Virgina and hers in Maine. She is a very hand some, cnarmmg person, a striking blonde with a most agreeable person- '.jr. j-u cj were emertainea every minute of the few days they were in town. The first of June is usually markej by a general exodus of Washington society for their various summer homes, for Europe or the rnanv rH , ent resorts. But nothing of the sort vvasnmgion is as gay as in mid-winter and gayer than durin stme winters. Few are going away yet and the majority are not even making any definite plans, because things are so pleasant here and give promise of being interesting for weeks to come. MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER Water Water For Your Stomach's -Sake STIEFF PIANO For Threa Quartern of a Century A LEADER I 1 1 v,u or pnone tor prices or fill following blank and send u: out Cham. M. Stieff, Inc., Charlotte, N. C. ' pianos86 Mnd,catalSu and prices of Molest Annabel WortMngton LADIES' AND MISSES' BLOUSE. One of the new cotton voiles in a pretty allover design would be inex pensive and quite the proper thing for a cool, slip-over blouse for summer, wear. The ladies and misses' blouse No. 1015, is cut in sizes 34 to 44 inches bust measure. Size 36 requires 2 1-2 yards 36-inch materal, with 5-8 yard 27 inch contrasting.. Price 15 cents. Every woman who wants to dress stylishly and economically, should order at once the Summer issue' of our Fash ion Quarterly, which contains over 300 styles, dressmaking lessons, &c. Price 10 cents. Postage prepaid and safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25 cents for a pattern "and Fashion Quarterly.- Mower Show Tuesday, i A flower show will be given at the Park Road community house Tuesday between the hours of 4 p. m. nnd 10 p. m. A small admission will be charg ed for the benefit of the community house building fund. Refreshments will be served. - A variety . of lovely flowers will be on display until 6:30, after which the flowers will ba sold, and the proceeds will go to the building fund.. A musical program will be a feature of the show. Mrs. A. L. Parker is chairman of the house committee, and Mrs. George Marsh will be in charge of the refresh ments, v . Interesting Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. T. Q-. Bauersfeld, of Hamlet, announce the engagement of their daughter, .Mildred Harding, to Dr. Bias Wingate Williamson, the mar riage to take place on June twenty second at the Presbyterian church in Hamlet. . ; - The bride-to-be is one of Hamlet's most charming girls, and is widely known in Charlotte. She was a stu dent' at Queen's college for several years and was one of the prettiest, most poular girls at the college. She iJ a petite blonde, and is widy ad mired. .' Cranford Book CSub Holds Last Meeting of Season. The Cranford Book club held its last meeting- of the season Friday afternoon with Mrs. Hamilton C. . Jones, at her home in Myers Park. It'was decided to study miscellaneous topics during the coming year, Miss Eva Liddell is chairman of the book committee. Mrs. Hamilton C. Jones, Sr., Mrs. William White Johnson and Mrs. C. L. Hunter arrange the pro grams. The officers of the club are Mrs.. J. P. Durant, president and Miss Lily Long, vice-president. , Mrs. A.. P. Gra ham was elected secretary at the meet ing Friday. The Cranford club does not elect a new president 'and vice president every year. The club now has eighteen members, two new members. Mrs. A. H. Wasn burn and Mrs. J. P. Little. Sr., having been elected at the meeting. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson was, during her life time, an honorary member of the club. Mrs. W. A. Allen. Sr.. is at present the only honorary member. The meeting was splendidly 'attend ed and most enthusiastic. Mrs. Jones served delightful refreshments. Cranford is Charlotte's second Old est book club, the Grace King club navmg been formed a ..short white le fore the founding of Cranford. The club was organized by a group of school teachen-s, -the charter members being miss iuiiy Jong, Mrs. Walter R. Talia ferro, Sr., Miss Julia Young,' Miss Sal lie Bethune. Mrs. C. L. Hunter j-nd Mrs. J. P. Durant. The Cranford Book club is one of the city's most delightful literary organiza tions, and recently celebrated its twen- n.y-iu.iii aniuversiiy D. A. R. Meetine. The various A. R. chapters of the city, will meet Thursday afternon as toiiows Battle of Charlotte chapter, at the Woman's club at 3:30 o'clock, Mrs. Paul Matheaon hostess. Last meeting of the season. Signers', with Miss Florence Jamison at her home, 904 West Fourth street s.if 4 o'clock. Last meeting of tho season. v Mecklenburg, with Mrs. B. D. Heath, Sr., at her home on Central avenue. riedmont Park, at 4 o'clock. Last meet ing of the season The Liberty Hall chapter postpones its meeting until Tuesday, June 14th, when a Flag Dav celebttioi will bo Fiver, at the home of Mrs. Isaac C. liar deman m Myers Park. An interesting program for the occa.sio.v is "oeing plan led, the committee in charge being composed or Mrs. t c. Roberts, Mrs P. L. Groome and Mrs.. John Paul Lj cas. Mrs. Hardeman will trive hsr an- i nuai nistory report at this time, and the meeting will also be Cf a social nature. : University Women To Meet. The Charlotte Branch of the Amer ican Association of University Womei, which oreanization is thp amalgamation of the Southern As-.. ciauon or college Women, and th jAmerican Collegiate Alumnae, will meet witn Mrs. J. p. Lucas, 1701 East Seventh street, on June. 15 instead of J une T. A full t attendance is urged on that date as it will be the last meeting before fall. - . The following officers have just been elected for the ensuing year: Mrs B. T. Groome, president; Mrs. C. W. Tillett, Jr., Miss Florence Terry, and Miss Julia Hagood, vice-chairmen, Mrs. J. D. Sandridge, secretary, and Miss Ruth Crowell, treasurer. Dance Imitations Issued. Invitations been issued in Char lotte to a dance to be given in Lancas tf S. C., on Thursday evening. Music will be furnished by the Serenade or chestra, of Lancaster, Pa., and Char lotte. It is expected that a number of Charlotte dancers will be in attend ance. I Pi Kappa Alpha , June German, Tha alumnus Uptfon.ehapter of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity will iv its- June German at the Charlotte Coiin try .Club Tuesday evening. Society is anticipating with eageF interest the German, which will be one of the most brilliant dances ever given in the pity, Elaborate plans eonqernina- every detail have been mad, and the affair will be very hand? some, An interior 'decorator "will have ehrge of the ball-room decorations. A. famous orchestra, Xhe Dixieland Roam ers, . will furnish ijheir excellent music foe the dance, and refreshments will be served throughout the evening. Dancers will be in attendance from all over the state and several neighbor ing states. Some of North Carolina's most attractive society girls will, come to Charlotte to attend the dance. Representatives of the following chapters of the f raternify will be in at' tendance; Alpha Alpha chapter, Trin ity college; Alpha Delta chapter, Geor gia Tech.; Beta chapter, Davidson col lege; Gamma chapter, William and Mary college; Alpa chapter, University of Virginia; Alpha Epsilon ehapter.iN. C. State college; Zeta chapter, Univer sity of Tennessee. Among the Pi Kappa Alpha's to be present are William Egerton, of Hen dersonville, t. W. Kendricks, R, H. Lafferty, W. H. Parsons, J. J. Miseh heimer, V. J. McDaniels, of Charlotte; Tom Lee, Judy Chamberlain, James McNair, Ed Pate, Nat Pearson, Thom as Ray, of State college; Woodward J W. Williams, Lenox Cooper, Houston Everett, W. G. Maupin, Jr., of Univer sity of North Carolina; W. I. Knox, W. C. Gaither, Harold Covington, Bob McLeod, A. L: Baker, E. M. Hines, of Davidson college; Thomas Neal, Julius Lewis, Edward Cute, James .Simp son, Erskine Smith, of Trinity college; John Walker, Bob Goodman, Stanley Black, Henry Herndon, of Georgia Tech.; John Stewman, of Lancaster, S. C; Bill Overton, of Salisbury; Paul Webb, of Shelby ;Julius Suttle, Shelby; Henry Rhyne, Mt. Holly. . The following young ladies with their escorts, will attend: Miss Delight Thompson with Dan F. Mallory 5 Miss Hortense Cobb,- of Lancaster, S. C, with Robert Dye; Miss Sara Wilkins with William Laslie; 'Miss Louise Gib bon with Robert Dixon; Miss Virginia Whitlock with . George E. Lowe, Miss Lucq Holmes Carson with Jack Lon don; Miss Roberta Walker with Hut chison Ham; Miss Sarah Keesler with Alex McMillan; Miss Alice Buchanan with Thomas Clarkson; Miss Margaret Anderson "with Wesley Heath; Miss -Elizabeth Brown with Maurice Reilley; Miss Lois 'Rogers with Sam Smith; Miss Catherine Morehead with John Mellon; Miss Alice Walker with Lloyd Go'ode; Miss Sara Mellon With John G. Nichols; Miss Augusta Cannon with Morris Stedman; Miss Fannie Furlow with""'vv'illiam' Black; Mass Catherine Hargrave with Rhyne Cannon; Miss Catherine Johnson with Walter Hook; Miss Elizabeth Miller with Armand Myers; Miss Mary Stuart Alexander with E. B. Shelby; Miss Hamlin Landis with Edward Dowd; Miss Catherine Gil mer With Phil Woolcott; Miss Corinne Gibson with John Huske; Miss Helen Lethco with Frk R, Yorke; Miss Rogers Gibbon with Frank Dowd; Miss Adelaide Caldwell with Gus Travis; Miss Julia Baxter Scott -with. Joe Fitz simmons; Miss Virginia Scott with Ed win Clarkson: Miss Margaret Maxwell with Thomas A. Stokes; Miss Mildred Barbour with Cecil Gilchrist; Miss Vir ginia Staten with George Adams; Miss Lillian Floyd Agh Randolph - Scot Miss Virginia Coving with Bobby Long; Miss Nancy Shelton with Fred Wilson; Miss Mary Brevard Alexander with Oliver Shaw; Miss Laura Tillett with Forrest J. Wright, . of Winston Salem; Miss Martha Lee with Sam McDonald; Miss Faith Price with John C. Michie; Miss Margaret Mellon with Al ' Orr; Miss Caroline Brevard Moore with Alex Walker; Miss Calvine Scott with Herndon Alexander. Stags invited: Anthony Eddy, An thony Morehead, Douglas Shiltz, Bob by Walker, Richard Littlejohn, Hal Davis, Hampton Brown, Byrd Cray ton, John Yarbrough, Paul Whitlock, Bill SummerviHe, Taliaferro Simpson, Char lie Duls, Sidney Lowe, Dave Lowe,' Duncan McDonald, Bob Peasly, Bob Griffith, Don Harris, Tom Northrop, Harvey Orr, Billie Shaw Howell. Billy Osborne, Sidney Dowd, Tom Little,,' Tom Henderson, Warren Brice, Dent Turner, Robert Wearn, Louie M. Lat timore. Dr. Heath Nisbet, Joe Crayton, Bobo Tanner, J. H. Carson, Tom Haw kens, Todd Misenheimer, Johnny John son, John Adams. S. Mt Carson, Bobby Nutt, Raymond Thompson, John Petter hins, Alstan Green, John Durham, Bill Brice, Stancil Page, James Gibbon. The following prominent society folks will act as chaperones: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bryant, Mr. and Mrs. John L. Morehead,. Mr. and Mrs. Morehead Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Cald well McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Bryon C. Scott, Jr., and Mrs. Blackburn Moore, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Ivey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Nuchols, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Barringer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Whitlock, Mr. arid Mrs. W. S. Lee, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Buchanan, Dr. I and Mrs. B. J. Witherspocn, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Beall, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Hill, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Merryman R. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. John Bradfield, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Ryan, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hoit, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Boyce, of Durham; Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rankin, of Gastonia. Invited to attend from Gastonia: Theodore Rankin, Jr., Caldwell Ragan, A. C. Jones, L. W. Kelner; from Winston-Salem: W. F. Ferrell, Jr., G. L. Hooper, H. Patton, Hip Martin: from Monroe- John Vann, Frank. Redfern, R. E. Lee Eugene Lee, G. S. Lee, Jr., T. N. Lee, Allen Lee, C. H. Lee, S. H. Lee. For Miss Taliaferro's House Party. A ' delightful inspiration for several lovely parties -is the house party beina; entertained by Miss Jane Taliaferro. composed of Miss Peggy -Colemart of-M Asheville, Miss - Margaret McMillan of and Miss F,lizabth Shelton Of Winston-Salem. ; In honor of the house party, Ml-ss Elizabeth Mather gave a tea at th home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H S. Mather in Myers Park, Friday af ternoon. . Miss Marion "YVadsworth gave u. luncheon at the Charlotte Country Club Friday : for Miss Taliaferro's guests. Saturday morning, Miss Ada Heath Montgomery entertained with a swim ming party at the Country Club for the house-party and her own house guest, Miss Alice Cilley, of Hickory. Miss Sara Jamison will entertain at her home in Myers Park Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock in honor of Misa Taliaferro's house party . A number of, other - entertainments are being planned for the house party. Circles of - X Knox Church. The circles of Knox church will meet Monday afternoon at O'clock a fal lows: Circle 1 Mrs. D. F. . Hunter, chair man, with Mrs. G. F. Bell, 10 Travis avenue. Mrs. Bell will be assisted by Mlss Rose Thompson and Mrs. B. D. Hulick. . ; Circle 2 Mrs. G. A. Puckett, chair man, with Mrs. O. J. Thles in Mvera Park. v - r Circle 3 Mrs. H. O. Murdock, chair man, with Mrs. A. W. Burch, 2100 East Seventh street. Mrs. H. C. Doteer will assist Mrs. Burch. ' Circle 4Mrs C. E. Harrison, chair. man, with Mrs.; J.: D. Seav: 2117 Vail Miss Taliaferro Entertains Mlas Jane TaUaferrd was graeiou young hostess at a delightful dance at the Woman's Club Friday evening from 8:30 till 12 o'clock, in compliment to her house-party .which she is. enter taining; at the home vof "her jrrandpar enta, Mr. and Mr, Walter R. Talia ferro on Park avenue, PUworth- The member$ of the house party ar Miss Peggy Coleman-of Asheville, Miss Adelaide Douglas and Miss Elizabeth Shelton of Winston-Salem, and Mi Margaret McMillan of Wilmington, all school chums of Miss Taliaferro at thfe Fasaifern school at Henderson vjlie. Miss Taliaferro received her1 guests in a frock of yellow chiffon, Miaa Coje man wore' pink georgette, " Miss Shel ton white organdie, Mia? McMillan pink satin, and Miae Douglas white satin. 'Assisting Miss Taliaferro in .enter taining were her aunt. Mis Anna Tal iaferro, gowned in yellow- taffeta, and her cousin, .Miss Rosalie Burbank oC Wilmington, in blue organdie. The club house was decorated, with u profusion of daisies. Punch were serv? ed throughout the evening, and . music was furnished by Shadd's orcheetra. A hundred or so guests enjoyed th3 charming hospitality, And Girls! Mrs. Thomas W. Lingle, of David son, will be, in the city Tuesday and J invites all mothers and all girls inter ested in a vacation at camp to meet her at the Woman's Club Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, at which fire ,xhe attractions and advantages of i "Camp Ivy Hill" at Pisgah Forest will be discussed. The tutoring opportunities at thi.s camp are verv exceptional, and any girl whb needs an additional unit fc college entrance in the fall will nrss a big opportunity if she fails to com- bine her summer work and play at ! camp Ivy Hill, here m our own home state, near Asheville. The Woman's Club is the place, o'clock the hour, t McPheeterrAndersen Wedning.;- Of notable brilliance in the social world, will I be the marriage of Miss Lois Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson., and Thomas S. McPheeters, which will take place at the Second Presbyterian 'church Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The groom's father, Rev. W. M McPheet ers, will perform the ceremony. Assist ing him will be the pastor, Rev. A. A. McGeachy. . Dr. J. R. Ninniss. dean of music of Queen's college, will render the bridal music. r . . Mrs. Ivy Stewart will be dame of honr, and Miss Willie Anderson, sister of the bride, maid of honor. The maids will be Misses Sara and Ella Moseley, Miss Harriet Orr. Miss Mary Sanders Howell and Miss Margaret An derson, sister of the bride. The ushrers will be Charless ' Mc Pheeters, brother of the groom, John Anderson, .brother of the bride. .John Roddey,- Claude Cochran, Hazel Mayer. Mr. McPheeters will be attsndo bv best man. " ' ; The flower girls will be Miss Virginia Jones, Miss Virginia Peters, Miss Court land Preston and Miss Sarah .ane Smith. Miss Charlotte Parker, little daugh of High Point, niece of the bride, will be ring-bearer. A reception will follow .he ceremony, ' at the home of the bride's parents on Queen's road, Myers Far'. ' The wedding reheaisil will tak? place Wednesday evening at t:15 o'clock at the church. j After tne renearsal, Mrs. Charles P.1 Moody will entertain for Miss Ander son and Mr. McPheeters and their Lrid al party at her home in idycrs Park. Purcell's -Women's Garments of Quality W ool Jersey SportS Suits you cannot choose .but like smartest of sport styles in blu brown and greenjieather mixtures. For traveling, for businew for everV day wear these Surts are all but indispensable At W5 we consider No Woman With the Slimmest of Suit Needs Should Neglect Such an Opportunity For Seashore or Pool Irresistible little one-piece garments of fine Wool Jersey in beautiful color combi nations and a wide variety of fascinating stylesv Prices on ije womefi's Bathing Suits range from $5.95 to $12.50, while those for the kiddies may be had at $3.50, $3.98 and $5.00. ' Mrs. Watkins Jto MMp' Hatcher Watkins will xjve . -Cabaret party" at the Mm Garden tea room Tuesday evening, in honor of Mias Alice Cilley, of Hickory, and Miss Adelaide Douglas, of Winaton Salem, guests of Mies Jane GUmer. Mrs, Baker to Second Church. ' s Mrs- Coral Hayner-Baker has resign er her position as organist at Haw thorne Lane Methodist church, and will September first become organist and choir director of the Second Pres byterian church. The choir will con sist 'of an artist quartette, with chorus ct 16 or 20 voices. Mr a. Baker is a noted organist, pian ist and director, and the Second church choir under ner able direction will be come one of the very best choirs in he South. Recital of SJh- Overca$h's Pupils, The piano pupils of W. Harvey Over cash will give their annual recital in Hanna hall at the Y. M. C. A. on the I4th and 16th of the month. Picnic at Sharon Presbyterian Church. The Sunday school class Of J. Parks Caldwell entertained in honor of the class of T. F. Black, Friday evening at the Sharon community house. Both classes are composed of fifteen men, of the Sharon Presbyterian church. About seventy-live guests, ladies and gentlemen were present. Excellent talks were made by W. E. Price, Halzel Pharr and JsT. C- White .Singling, ,-led by Mr. White was a feature of the evening which was hear tily entered into by everyone present. Musical Program at North Charlotte. The chorus singers of the Tenth Ave nue Presbyterian church, under the leadership of the pastor, Rev. Dantel Iverson, will render a musical program at the North Charlotte Community house Sunday afternoon at 4 ocloclc. This program was lo have been given several weeks ago, but had to be postponed. Red Cross Conservation Work. The weekly sew and report of the Ladies' Benevolent league for Red Cross work will be held Wednesday af ternQOn at 4 o'clock at the Knights of Colum bus hall on East tlst street. Mrs. War ren V. Hall, chairman. Birthday Party. Betty Ruth Robinson; the pretty little daughter of Mr. and lln. C. F. Robinson entertained fifteen of her friends at a birthday party 'ast Thurs day afternoon at her home on Cleve land avenue. K Ice-cream, cake and candy were served, and the little folks received cal loons as favors. The guests were Matilda Helms, Cor nelia Gray, Helen Rotis, Sarah Frances Erwin, Florence Holmes. Nelv TUrbe ville, Margaret Robinson, Elizabeth Henderson, Louise Erwin, Brand Robin son. Tlr., Jack Henderson, James Erwin, Virginia Robinson. .For The Season of WEDDINGS uhs, $1 Vacation Frocks- Particnlnrlv din useful-ann w7cflin3 ' "f uingnara jf'rock is so parucuiv nWsTs. i"iSaLrr5o.G,n8ham Dresses' the Lucette Frock !n fil. tvlltlon we shwing perfectly bewitching styles and colors Nation oTJrd?.and D0" Swiss Dresses for all manner of upfromlrrO and general dress-up 'needs. Prices range Move to Charlotte. Mr Ellis Madison nUncan aausnusis nave arrived in ti, ,I(J ht. Birmingham to join n,-. ftj The family will make its W uumc ax. vj.o eoutn Eoulm worth. -"ard, ' Dr. Clifford , ' To Europe. Dr.. John S. CliffoM -m lotte on the 15th of th 1 e . XNew iorK, anci will sail a Vi n 'or later lor jmjrope on the 0r ameronia. ne goes to attri in Edinburgh, Leeds, Lonrt .d K London 53 an, jvith a group of x cians. He will return in OctotL ph "-"Jotrmjf, Airs Pi; baby daughter, Jean, and ,frj ford's sister, Miss Kepk ,..t n- Cin. her home with the CliffArri i'ho the summer in New Zealand s win Monthly Sew for Mercy Hospital. The regular monthly sew Of Mercy hospital will he heh t beginning at 1 o'clock. j .. intendine to assist are aked t ct Mrs. Stfuthworth. chairman n0"10"' The sisters of the Hospital J?1 extend their thanks to those !o ly contributed to the success t for recent nnen snower for the i,0 . l" thfi hospital. nefit of Stirewalt-Cline Marriage. Miss Cora C. Cline. of r... Harold Stlrewalt. of Charlott-. rJ auietly married Saturdav .f.. ' 'J 4 o'clock at the First vT ' church, the nastor. Upv ri, "Wi er, performing the ceremony nf a few relatives and intimate" 4- ) were present. , 'le' Mr. and Mrs. Stirewalt left after n ceremonv for Wrir-htei-sii 5" where they will spend a week's hrf Epworth League to Entertain. Th Epworth League of Trvon W Methodist church will give 'an am party at the church at S o'clock Aii the young people of the church areT dially invited to attend. An excePen program, consisting of muric 'J stunts has been arranged. Rtf.J mentis will be served. 5 Birth Announcement. ' .Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Payne, of jj Louise avenue, announce the birth o' a daughter on June 3rd. It's successful treatment without the use or me Knue. Jriimcireds of safe tied patients testify to this metiw Write for free book. Teils how to ca'i j i : . ac p L- iur ptiiieuis suuenng irom cancer. Ad dress. DR. W. O. BYE, Kansas City, Mo. Gifts of artistic anj real value for the bride and the sweet girl graduate are displayed here in profusion. B. F. R0ARK Jeweler, Silversmith, Diamond Merchant 10 N. Tryon Street Purcell's 0.95 Vacation Sports Togs CANCER SKIRTS of Lustrous . Silk Pussywillow, Whipporwiil, Tal-ly-ho and Crepe de chine in bright and delicate shades plaid and striped. Mighty fine values at $17-50. SWEATERS of Silk and Fibre striped and plaidl fancy weaves in Tuxedo styles all colors $12.50, $15.00 and $17.50. avenue.

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