11 rOY scouts are MUTT AND JEFF By BUD fcTSHER JEFF EVIDENTLY FIGURES THAT EITHER JACK But "too can't vjaufy WHY, You fcou'T eueM rX AtM'T so suae v-n Tn Canoes Presented toJ MUTT,MTT NVfc! I'M ALTERNATE fcGFCfcee OO'Re.TAUONJG r KMew Hou'D Be ) JAtouv vwH0 i All TU PAPeFiS AV fcCFeRee. vaud iftAnfe AMCe kWOM TH FVT hat: BuT x cam coomT T6 TCN, ANJl THAT'S A FtGVVT S Add to Fun: Ae 60NNA AMNOONCS r THe MNNTwpo. noes have been presented to Tvo ca TOMOteteOvO. -tV river during their camping trips by ING UJlTH 'CARP' 'frank scout commissioner of THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 9, 1921. n ity- .-. Ol'O I I VI I I I I t-H 1 I 11 I ll)lin:Tl tins i. , iiy mk is r- - .- with blue trimmings. They are FreL in length. One is named for . vv ntves, a.uu me ".inn tor James I-T. ot,'f!p 'clfputv national field executive. 'w.iv launched in the Catawba Th m, niav at Camp McDonald. !':f; ' K'.;W arc proving great enjoy t, t'-.e scouts, declared John P. i;t ext'iuine. iuuii ahu. o. t went out to the camp "Tuesday v'" 1V, h:ivc found them to be of I'" tuii than the two big naval cut rl0ie...rtv used by the scouts. Tne ue 'Hiving a great time diving Ky,h boats into the river. Troop No. 1 " remain at the camp for ten days. 3 w!''.v.tVvt buys are now at the camp. John I' Jackson, scoutmaster, is upon the return of .. tilt' " , , ,1 atelv T!" camp. This will In turn Hl-w.-d h' others until each troop if. hail its outing. Kach boy is ,ij.,r"tl ?1 a for nis 00 while ''".tn 'scout s attending camp must have , r;.aiinatiun by their family physi n't'i'aWertain their fitness for camp ft Tho ar" also required to sign a to cbey the scout oath and i',v -i" '. live up to the camp rules while 223 i ml ae fMMrt S'IMATTER POP? OR GEORGES WILL KISS THE CANVAS. BY C. M. PAYNE ''I'a'fh ?nU is requested to brii ,,li iy ('li lit l l if c v nv-UJ ''.'."ixftV. one change of underwear, cn'im "1.1 suit, change of stock- l , s.vks. heavy shirt or pajamas, . i? i . ..... f .ii'o c t'j u u iir ivi rv vi r.i r 1 cV''r!)'iinS PHIL aim ti itnuioi licu od.-.v. "j, sucsested that they also bring Lvii"- taeklc. musical instruments, ko jji.'j. 3 1H,;e books; ' pencils, diaries, wtU". i:iekets. bugles; field glasses. boxVp cloves butterfly nets and other !,t? a?' fu! for the pleasure of cam;) "Any sen:t found .with firearms in "i-c.on wrll De" expelled from m'tii ami will alsr'O forfeit his scout .jge, iieeiareu .mi. r vj u. MILLET ENTERED THE v CHAMBER OF PISTOL M nticflio. Ga.. Jim e9. In a pistol due! in t!.i- Ja?ner County court house iLf Frank Wilson, a negro, was'khl-u and Tcliccman Cal Price was wiri in the hand. The negro was cau;ht in a round up of alleged va c:iV aiKi officers who searched him cvoiiooke.l a blue steel pistcl. The ? taken to iail attnciied to the courthouse, when he drew his piste! end opened fire at close range. The rfT.eer knocked the pistol to one ide receiving 'a bullet in his band and drawing his ow n pistol shot five times, one cf t!v bullets entering, the cham ber of t!;? nerro's weapon, preventing the latter from firing again. 1- CopyrtKht l:i. by The Bell Syndicau Inc. I - "l ' T""" - ... t i "White owl? are belnj raised in the White House grounds under care of the ganlner for the purpose of protect ing the premises from rats and other pests. An owl will capture and des troy a lt.vge rat with ease. 100 True Detective Stories THE BOGUS BARONET Copyright, iS2i by The Wheeler Syndicate, Inc. Book Bights Reserveu 1 I T 1,1 1310 ft ALL XPECTAi MOTHER! For Three Generatiorva. Have Made Child-Birth. Easier By Using wm (sua c:au tin fen booklii on mothiuhooo and tmi Biv. fe BA0FItLBRE4ULATOBCO..DEPT.9-D.ATLAHTA.CA. T7 ...1, . . . ? . . with him admitted that Sir Henry Mer cer was a most engaging person. Suave, educated, tne essence or courtesy, tn British baronet, made a distinct im pression upon society in Boston, espe cially as he was a partner in the firm of JLaught .& uo., one or tne oe&z. known commercial houses in the city. After Sir -Henry had concluded the business which had brought him to Boston and just before he was leaving, he was introduced to a most attractive young widow, reputed to be the posses sor of a million . or .more in her own right. After a whirlwind courtship, the day of the wedding was finally ar ranged and the baronet tooK up his residence at the widow's house, in spite of the protests of her friends who main nTmA that bVia knw nothins about the man and that his antecedents ought to be investisraed. tv,0 -juirinw however, amoeared to bo completely infatuated and it was not t Ho mnst nowerful efforts were- o) thnt he would consent even U seem to doubt her fiance by a visit to his bankers. When the baronet heard of this proposition he acceded to i: Specials In Men's I'r.ik Brown Calf Ox for'l. rubber heels, i'mi-Kng'iish last, Jin- in locks and ser- Oxfords This oxford of dark calf, English last, with rubber heels, is neat and dressy and serviceable. Attrac tively priced at '.. r rr A G; ' - Phone 2133 on East Trade St. without the slightest hesitation and cave nis bride-to-be a letter, written on stationery bearing an embossed coat-of-arms. to a financial firm in INew York. Armpd with this reassuring docu ment, the lady proceeded to New York, rmlv in finri thnt "Sir Hpnrv" wji pn. tirely unknown there. Then, alarmed. she returned to yoston ana aiscoverea that the bogus baronet had disappear ed With htrrt had va n .short SlrtOft nf the widow's money, arid every piece of i t i xt- J e i ssiiver in me r.ouse: isui ine lauy, lear ful of the scandal and gossip which would ensue, rerused to report tne matter to the police at the time and Sir Henry Mercer dropped complete ly out of sight. Some four years later, J. M. Ballard, division superintendent of one of tho largest express companies in Chicago, called upon Allan Pinkerton with tne information that $25,000 was missing from the companies' funds. The ilues ton susceeded in tracing the shipment of cash through a number or nanus until he stumbled across the trail of one W. S. G. Mercer, proprietor of a Randolph street saloon the same man who had posed as Sir Henry Mercer in Boston. Mercer, it appeared, had cultivated the acquaintance of an express messen ger named Wilson, playing upon his vanity and ambition until he cause i him to consent to a plot to loot the company and escape, in Mercer's com pany, to Canada, where the laws s t that time did not provide for extradi tinn fnr pmhp7zlpmnt: Pinkerton's in vestigations showed that the plan had gone through, but that neither Wilson nr TVTprcor had fled evidently fearins ! that their disappearance would center suspicion immediately upon tnem. KO'.n of thefy were accordingly shadowed by Pinkerton operatives and the former baronet was overheard making an ap pointment with Wilson at the Sherman House. Two of the detectives followed Mer cer to the hotel, with instructions to arrest him if he showed the slightest sign of altering his plans. Two others were detailed to follow Wilson and Pinkerton sent a message to Superin tendent Ballard to meet him at once in the lobby of the Sherman Hous-. Whenvthe head of the detective organ ization arrived he was told the two men were in Room 86, with the door locked. Silently, Pinkerton tiptoed down the corridor and listened to the conversa tion frnm inside. "Did you get it?" demanded Mercer. "Yes, it's in my pocket but I fuel like the devil about it," replied Wilson, and Pinkerton started, for this indica ted that there would be a second short age reported at headqurters within a few hours. "Forget it!" admonished the former "barnnpt." 'It. means nothine to the company. They've got plenty of mon ey and we'll be out of the country be fore they discover that it's goe. We'll slip out into the countrv. catch the Michigan Central and be in Can ada in a few hours. They'll pro'.ta v have some of the Pinkerton men watch ing the railroad stations, but w3 can hire a team and show those fool detec tives a trick or two. Pinkerton. with a smile, stepped vacn in the center of the corridor and then. with his revolver In hi left hand. launched himself shoulder-first Against the rather flimsy door. To wo-jcI tnat tprpd under the inrnact and an instant later the detective stood inside the room, covering the two men with his ,gun. Mercer, amazed, sank into i chair with the single ejaculation: "My God Allan Pinkerton," wmit wnson, white as a ghost, looked from the de tective to the superintendent and then threw himself upon the bed, sobbing. After Mercer had been lodged in thu county ail, Pinkerton had a long talK with young Wilson and, through hi? confession, recovered an DUt a rew hundred dollars which Mercer htl spent. As a result of this and because of Wilson's evident repentance, th messenger was given a light sentence, hut the PY-ftir Henrv drew ten years at Joliet and a certain widow in Bos ton heaved a sigh of relief. PINEVILLE ITEMS Pineville, June 9. Rev. T. J. Taylor, of Warrenton, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Edward3 of T,nwpr Steel Creek, and filled the pul- r.it t rink Grove BaDtist church last Sundav. Rev. Mr. Taylor returns to the Viiiiisre last Monday, and is at present the guest of Mrs. A.. L. Stough Ull 1'J.UIU kj Miss Eilleen Johnston of Charlotte, is visiting Miss Bessie Davenport, on Polk street. . Miss Bernice Bassett, of Columbia, whn ha. ci been the truest of Misses Ada and Janett Buice, on Dover street, left Tuesday for Ridgeway, Va to spend sometime with relatives. Rev. J. E. M. Davenport, lett last ATnndav for Greensboro, to attend the commencement exercises of the Wo man's College at Greensboro, wnere rus daughter Miss Marie Davenport is a student. Mr- and Mrs. Davenport, ex pect to return next Friday. Sam Hoover, who has been a stu dent at' the Fishburn Military school, Waynesboro, Va., arrived at home last Friday to spend the summer holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.; L. Hoover .on Gay street. Miss Minnie Garrison, of" Fort Mill, is visiting Mrs." A. L. Stough this week and expects : to go from here to Steel Creek to spend several days witn re latives, and friends. Rev. and Mrs- J. M. Bennett, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, of Lower Steel Creek the latter their daughter Tr;a Winio "MAisrm. of Rideeway. S C, is visiting Messrs Emma Garrison, and Minnie, Parks, of this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard, of Gaffney, S. C, spent the. week-end with" Mr. and Mrs. J- H. Howard, on Gay street. TWra .Tnsnpr Griffin was taken to the Charlotte Sanatorium Tuesday for me rlicul treatment. Johnnie Johnston who has been em ployed at Haines City, Fla., since last fall, returned last Friday "and expects to spend the summer with his father, Mr. W. G. Johnston, on Polk street. Miss Annie Earnhardt, was taken to the Presbyterian hospital, Charlotte last Fridav. where she underwent an opjera- tion for appendicitis. She is much im proved and expects to oe aoie vo re turn to her home here, soon. Mr. J- E. Stowers, of Charlotte, was the guest of Misses Mamie Btoadwater, and Mary Johnston, on .Folic street, last Friday. Mr. M. G. Hair, is auite sick witn an attack of influenza at his home on Gay street. 1 Willtom Barnett. who has been a stu dent at the Georgia Tech, returned Wed riesday,- to spend the summer with nomc folks. ..." ' Mr. nnrl Mrs. Charlton Parks, and Mr. John Park.3, of Charlotte, were guests of their uncle Mr. vv. J. iiarneii, on Main street, last Sunday Mr- and Mrs. Charlton Parks, are spending the sum mer with the former's mother Mrs, Ella Parks, in Charlotte, and expect to return to their home in Florida, at the approach of cool weather. i ivirs. J. JVl. iMven, vno lias ukcii visa ing her parents Rev. and Mrs. Green, at Augusta, Ga., returned Wednesday. Miss Nannie Jordan, who has been spending some time with relatives at Gaffney and other points in South Car olina, has returned and is at present the guest of her cousin Mrs. A. L. Stough. Miss Kate Johnston of Charlotte spent th. v-eek-end with home folks on Polk street. . ' CASHIER KILLS HIMSELF. Sparta, Ga., June 9. J. D. Burnett, cashier of the Bsnk of Sparta, which closed its doors sometime ago, was found dead from a pistol wound in his home here Wednesday. iA coroner's jury decided it v as suicide. Business worries are given as .the cause. INGROWN NAIL Toughen Skin and Toe Nail Turns Out Itself. - A-few" drops of "Outgro" upon the skin surrounding the ingrowing nail reduces inflammation and pain and so toughens the tender, sensitive skin underneath the toe nail, that It can not penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost over night. ' . xi "Outgro" is a harmless antiseptic manufactured for chiropodists. How ever, anyone can buy from the dru,; store a tiny bottle containing direc tions. . ' Superior Straws The man who wants a hat that is better ftan the ordinary a hat superior in sWe and finer in quality, a hat that, tits exactly and becomes him perfectly will Went by our remarkable volume and variety, and by . our character of service ftat considers the customer's satisfac- i on after he has- le'f t the store. . $3;!t0$&i Tate-Brmra Go, D0BBS AND DUNLAP FIFTH AVENUE HATS Ik HUGE TRUCK KNOCKS CAR OFF OF TRACK A westbound Elizabeth street car was knocked completely erf the rails by a collision with a big new ' South eastern Express company truck Wed nesday afternoon at 6:15 o'clock. The street car was turned across both the east and westbound tracks at an angle of about 45 degrees by the heavy im pact, which was heard a olock or so away. No one was hurt among the few pas sengers aboard the car. The frorvt end of the car was badly damaged, and ar -oa hnitpri for about 20 minutes on the double track. The truck was apparently none the worse tor tne ac cident. " ' . Tt wne said that the express truck, going east meeting the street car, started to turn across the tracks in front of the car when the accident oc curred. ' " ... Conductor Oadgett, in cnarge or tne id to have won the VCtji i " l- " v,,Aioi nfFAT-oA i.v the Southern Public Utilities company last spring for the safest man and most cauuons un m force of motormen. OFFICERS CHOSEN BY CHESTER GOLF CLUB rv,.tM sa r June .9. At a meet- i v, r.if isnt.husiaats of Chester Mondav afternoon the Chester Golf club was re-organized. The officers of the club were elected as iouuwb; v-ui. a. iu. Goston, president; Col. L. T. Nichols, v-ioo.nrsirient: W. L. Murphy, treasurer and H. B. Branch, secretary. Committees were appointed as ioi- lows: , Country club and expansion of the grounds: A. L. Gaston, Ed. White, J. H. Glenn, L. Hi. crown, u . . u, McFadden. i Committee on grounds: i. u. r-Der- hardt and A. T. Henry, ; Committee on memDersnip- vv. Murphy, Booker Bagby and H. B. . Branch. STREET FLUSHER FOR CHESTER. Chester, S. C, June The street committee of the Chester council has ordered a splendid street flusher and it is proposed when it arrives here to keep Chester's beautiful new paved streets looking splc and span at all times. ' UP TO THE EMPLOYES. Chicago,' June 9. Warning that the acceptance of wage reductions was in the hands of the rank and file of employes, railroad brotherhood chiefs Wednesday disclaimed responsibility if the men refused to accept a cut and "a stoppage of traffic" resulted. An Opportunity DON'T MISS THIS SPECIAL OFFER WHEREBY YOU GET. A LARGE SIZE GENUINE VICTROLA With a Fine Assortment of Victor Records at the Cash Price on Yevy Small Payments. Special Off er A STYLE XI VICTROLA Red or Brown Mahogany, Walnut, Fumed Oak. ELEVEN VICTOR RECORDS Eight 10-inch Double Face, One 12-inch Double Face, Two 10-inch Red Seal. Your selection v Cash PaymentEleven Dollars Monthly Payment Eleven Dollars Positively No Interest Charged. This is the first time in Charlotte that music lovers can have the world's finest music played on a beauti ful instrument fori such a small investment. .; OFFER LIMITED TO ELEVEN INSTRUMENTS Parker -Gardner . "Quality;' Company V