14 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 9, 1921. inker Bob" ?Storie byCarlysleH. Holcomb DR. COON SE NDS FOR JERRY A King Tinker Bob went to the door In answer to the knock and who should well." said h 'where did vou come from so soon? I just sent Silky, the Monkey, to find where you were. "O King-, I was not far away, just down at the rivpr hi in tine- for orahs. I just got so mad trying to catch a big ienow tnat i tnougni i wouia come up here and get help. I ll nave to get that fellow if it tak.es the help of all the creatures of this great forest." Dr. Coon put his pill bag down and shook his finger vigorously. "Can you help me out, O King?" "Dr. Coon, don't you know I have to stay right here and help Red fox? I sent for you to come but now that you dropped in I will have you look at the poor fellow." Tinker Bob took Dr. Coon to the bed where poor Red Fox lay with his nose and his eyes all bandaged up. "What on earth has this chap been into now?" asked Dr. Coon as he look ed into the bed where Red Fox was tucked so securely. "O nothing' but the Briar Patch," said Jack, the Rabbit, who stood near by.- "He wanted me to come out to see him, but I knew better, so I told him to come into the Briar Patch if he wanted to see me, and here he is with his nose full of prickers." "Well, well, if that dont beat all I ever heard. Now his old father would never have done that. He knew that when a Rabbit went into the Briar Patch the chase was ended. But it seems that Young Red Fox will nev er learn that Briar Patches are for Rabbits not Foxes." Dr. Coon opened his Pill Bag and young Red Fox began to cry. "Now hush- vour noise, von simnlp thing," said Mr. Coon, "don't you know that when Briars go in they must come out. This may be a lesson. I hope you will know better next time. Let me look at your nose. "O, Dr. Coon, don't hurt my nose, don't hurt my nose," i ried Red Fox OFFICE CAT KJ BY JUNIUS COPVRIGMT BY COCA ALLAN MOSS. TAOe MARK REGISTCRCD U. 3. PAT. OfF. Dr. Coon put his pill bag down. as Dr. Coon tonic thft hanflaefi off. "T want the prickers to stay in my nose. I don't want tbem pulled out. I don't want them pulled out." "O yes, I know you. You don't want to ert hurt hut if the. briars are left in your nose it will swell up so Dig tnat you win never De able to see over it. iou noia sim 111 i.see how many there are." Dr. Coon examined Red Fox s nose and found six or seven tiny briars buried deep in his flesh. "I will have to have help. O Kine. Please call for Jerry, the Jay Bird. He has a sharp bill and can soon pick them out. Red Fox set up a cry when he heard tnat Jerry was to be called in to help Dr. Coon, for he never had liked Jerry anyday. Then there came a "Rap, rap, rap," on tne paiace aoor again. MY SALARY! The hours you spend with me, dear "Mon," Are very few. it seems to me: I count yiu, every time apart, My salary: My Salary! Ten cents' a dime, ten dimes a "plunk," 10 earn them is an awful grind; I count each dime unto the end, and there A "Dun" I find. Oh toil, that is so poorly paid! Oh salary, spent before we greet! I kiss each c'ime and try tc find a way To mak ends meet Ye Gods! To make ends meet! THE SKAMOKAWA EAGLE. By S. G. Williams sued every Thursday Entered at the post office at Skamo kawa, Washington, Second class mat ter, May 14th, 1891. R OWN 3ha S A a THE WEDDING. The day of the wedding dawned clear and beautiful. The two girls awoke with laughter on . their lips to greet the first rays of the sun that brought with it a radiant cheerfulness and a realization that this was the aay 01 aays. "Up. lazy bridf nn arc stirrintr " called Gwenda from her room to her oousin. A .protest was the only answer and sho finally ma d A hor . . intrt whom Fern lav 2,lX10ner Hot nillnwc warm onrl lazv. "It's nine o'clock- oii-oa "u u'e "J lose, so get up and nave a cup of coffee with me." said Gwenda, shakitfg Fern by the shoulder. "Dear me. Whpro am T What's ho matter?" OUPStinnorl tha latt&r- nnlrino- up in a bewildered way. Then stretch ing her white arms and remembering she said softly, "My wedding day." "Yes, and VOU havp to he Aresnerl fltiH ready for the ceremony by high noon," answered Gwenda firmly, "so arise, my They both e-ot fast, and after that meal had been dis patched. Gwenda helped her cousin to tret ITltrt Vak J .T 1 .i.ii ll'.-n trembling finders KWr. p-ot into the filmy garments prepaded by her own hands, and then, with a sigh of perfect bliss She Stood anr allrtworl Vioraolf to be fastened into the bridal gown. "Lovely, lovely:" Gwenda exclaimed as she turned hpr r-misin ahont to aeK. mire her in the shimmering attire. "And the orange blossoms look so beau tiful, darling. There never was a pret- 4- J M 1- till! n 1MT11' tici U11UC, lie vex. -fr UaVuI n tisrealf an4 Kills riOO with joy at her own reflection J in the) ' . j i , ' i-i Tr, j . t-111 ' mirror, uo you ininn max r euja. vvi . Kim w.' 4 this 4roca door?" eho in- I 111 UUO vii gao, uw-. quired. "Like you?" snorted Gwenda. "Well, if he doesn,'t adore you when he catches sight of you now. I give up ever try ing to understand ' any man, that's all. You are ravissant, fresh as the - day." An hour later the guests began ' to arrive, and the. flower-decked studio was a-hum with merriment. Roses and lilies-of-the-valley were banked against the walls, as the girls had planned, and the sunlight streaming in at the win dows turned the scene into a veritable tairy bower. uwenda, in paiest corai pink, flitted here and there, attending to last details, like- a dewey-eyed angel, herself, and happily humming a little tune that John had loved. Fedya arrived and crushed his bride to him oHnrinerlv aa hia evtm toolr in ------ - - - - , WW .7 ' - - J everv detail of her loveliness, andi brought to him a realization of all his dreams. "My beautiful darling, I can . never tell you how happy you have made me," he whispered to her, while they were waiting for the minister to arrive. "Fern, my sweet, I am on my knees be fore your loveliness. I shall always re member you asyou are now always." To the happy accompaniment of half -. . . t i a aozen UKeieies tne coupie wamea . . . - . j. ii i i a aais or iiiies-ortne-vaiiey naa Deen erected by loving hands. jer amia an impressive silence, Fedya and Fern became man and wife. (To be continued.) Next Oh, My Nose! The above masthead appeared at the top of the editorials in the weekly journal published at Skamokava, Wash. We don't know Brother Wil liams, but he must be the kind of edi tor you rerd ab'ut. .Ods, horsewhips and pistol smoke! a libel action every week continuous performance. i nr uemtrvilun t i rrt ir FTs. '1 i 4 Now that the court has rnlpo" has a right to search her husband's trouser pockets, the quest will be use less. He'll find some safer place to hide his odd change. A BLUE-XOSE WARNING. You fools who drink black coffee, As you gallivant about, The caffeine's gonna getcher If yuh don't watch out. And mortals who smoke blade spe-nrs And send smoke through the snout The nicotine'll getcher If yuh don't watch out. I also warn the simple folk, So ruddy-faced find stout Blood pressure gonna etcher If yuh don't watch out. And you who've reached a ripe- old age, 10 you i loudly shout: "The undertaker'll getcher If you don't watch out. Lester Lamb. 1 office you ought to introduce to the weather n an. He alwavs knows when to carry his raincoat jmd mnVirplia nnH when to lea.ve 'em home. If it looks cloudy in the morninsr and T tak mv rain protectors with me. it sure enough clears up by the time I get to the "of fice. Then said goof gives mo thu merry ha. ha. The next dav it looks pretty bright and I don my stra'v lid and glal rags, only to be drenched when I go to lunch. Said goof, how ever, has brought his rain togs with him. Car.'t you do something about it. J. JAY. A BALD TRUTH. They say that faith is dying out, And vet we have hf--pn tolii There's little change in the amount jl nair restorer sola. AVE ARE STUCK. A local real estate ae-ent was offorojl fifty dollars, less two and a half cent discount for cash, for an option on a piece i roperty. Being a poor mathematician and wishing to conceal his ignorance of arithmetic from his customer, he excused himself for a minute and sought his new stenogra pher. "Good mornii g. Miss Brown," he said in his most expansive smile. "Dpiip-ht. ful weather we're havin?. ain't it? Now, tell me, if I were to give you fifty dollars, less two and half per cent for cash, how much would you take off. Instead of figuring it out.Mhe young lady promptly nut on her hat a no" rnat and went home, saying she had been msuuea. jjarnea, it we can see what mere was to get insulted over. If she couldn't figure it out why didn't she siy so and let it go at that. Desirable Lots- IN IRWIN PARK three minutes' walk of Southern Station, seven minutes walk of Independence Square, we offer three choice lots improved with" all utilities, just off West Trade Street car line: 1 lot on Irwin Ave nue 60x153, fronting Irwin Park, $1,150; one corner lot Sycamore Street, 70x150, fronting Irwin Park, $1,350; 1 lot Sycamore street, just off West Trade, 70x215, $1,500. Terms to suit purchaser. IN MYERS PARK 1 lot Amherst .Place, 50x227, paved street,- gas and other utilities, large oak trees, 200 feet from car line, $1,300. Two lots on Dartmouth Place, 55x170, high unobstructed view of city $1 250 each, ' ' ' . E. C. Griffith Company McCoy Moretz Phones 877-4208 W. G. Conrad Your Floors Can Be Made Beautiful It's - very simple to clean dirty, oil-soaked i3 floors "Samoline Cleaner" will neutralize the Oil," Dirt and Grease tin, i l Lilt ir pi , the floors in a clean, sanitary condition, read- rpfinished -with shellac, varnish anri J t0 TWillions of feet of hardwood floors ar rninori . '-dny trnm ti, constant ill use of Oil Mops. Housewives use too much oil 9 u never "n first think of wiping it up dry. Any oil mop freshens up the appearance of the floor arrHfl huf in a. verv. short ttmo it hrina - inni. , . iwuft. gray and u- from the dust which settles into it daily, and in a few months r ni look dark,' grimy, oily and. greasy. Then, for the first 'time, the" 3 wife is - perplexed. She tries to clean them with soap and' war USe fails and says, "Those Beautiful Hardwood Floors are ruined ' . . -" Floors cannot be varnished while in . this condition, and them remain in this condition from year to year until finally c . f is found necessary which is very expensive. "SAMOLINE C EayPI"S obviates the necessity of scraping. ' Full information will be cheerfully given ywn free of rW On display. .' arse Ezell-Pritcha Ffl tomnanv , Exclusive Distributors for Samoline. 12 and 14 West Fifth Street. Charlotte, . ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAINS 6- room bungalow a beauty best part of Louise Avenue beautiful house built 2 years ago Deam'ful shaft h 7- rooms, 2 stories, with heating plant, corner lot house built' ahmu i'c aeo Piedmont.-TCliza.hoth ADOUt IS monti,. 6 rooms with heating plant in 700 Block Worthington ' Avenue f'S"9 5 rooms and bath, very large lot, best part of Jackson Avenue f',m 9 rooms, slate roof, 2 baths, heating plant. South Boulevard Want i ?3 Vacant lot on T.onisA Avomio i ccn. ttj. o . . ?ul ofter? Park $2,000; Clement enj Gonial-HTtehS, $lST' 52'00i " -y"" wdiiL iu ouy or sen property, list it with me Phone aB. THE ! BEAt, ESTATE .MAN-omce 200 Rea Mfc v u(ik& mail I " " ' The commission annnintprt a nwinia of years ago to investigate profiteering nas aireaay louna out that there has been some profiteering. Chicago wants a mint hut what M -3 .-.111 j.1 , t i;uuu wiu mat De witnout Tr.e julep? i-ersonaiiy this column would not give a plugged nickel to see the Demn- sey-Carpentler fight. If it were Bat tling Levmsky "vs. Kid Norfolk YES. WHY PICK OV TTS? Dear Roy There's a goof in our Commercial Printini Better Printing Real Service Right Prices Send Us Your Orders or Call 1530 No order too large or too small to receive our careful attention. News Printing House S. O. RUSH. Manager TELEPHONE 1530 MARCEL'S STATISTICS. Ninety per cent of the landlords will raise the rent if thev can sret it. The lenses used in th pvpa-lasups in New York alone would make enough seidels for the pnti rA nnniilatinn tn drirk 9,865,654 gallons of real beer. unly seven per cent, of thp nponiA who want to parade in the "home- 1 ,, 1 -r . . uievv Daraoe on ju v 4. win ho in line. . Forty ner cent of the nonnio hiva no what Silesia means. Miinv nf thum think that it is some kind of salts. Eighty per cent of th WOmpn ltnrlftv. stand baseball and are worth takinsr to a game. The rest use their intuition and get away with it. If the writers don't r-odrUo to death before the fieht hp : j -w 7 utg a chance. Speaking of o)d times do you remem ber May 18 th, 1917, when Congress passed the Selective Service Act? One trouble with the home-distilled product is that too often a mtio on. cial i:arty is followed by a free-for-all lunerai. Standard fiction: "Which you have, Scotch or rye?" ' EH? The world is full of pesky birds, But none so fills us with distress Ae h who can not speak six words Without including "More or Less." DEATH BY STRANGULATION. Greenville, S. C, June 9. That Charles M. Shipman, 65, whose lifelis body was found hanging from a tre Wednesday morning near the home of his son-in-law, W. N. Taylor, near Chick Springs, came to his death by strangulation, was the declaration of physicians who made a post-mortsni examination. ' Joined Together in their desire to own a home, vonnsr couples can attain their hearts' desire witnoui years or weary waiting. Our deferred payment plan makes home buying an easy proposition. If you are interested m nome ownership come and let us explain how a small amount of cash will put you in possession of a nome at once. ' Phones 3278 and 4415 iiUiiS-SMllil REALTY COMPANY Real Estate Rents Insurance Builders of Characteristic Homes will Have you been raided yet? IMPORT DUTY ON LTTAFRFT? Washington. .Tune ft.. A mm,;;.i import duty of 25 per cent on finished limber tlje same as that imposed by Canada with rouerh lumher still v, J! - j. . . " v xi ee iisc, nas oeen fixed by Repblican mviiiveio oi me.nouse ways and means committee in framing the permanent tariff bill, according- to infnrmQtmn ceived Wednesday by members of the iwunnesota aeiegation. WILL ACCOMPLISH NOTHING. Washington. members of the House foreign affairs v-ujimuuee in a minority report Wed nesday On the Pnrtor t-qo - declared it would accomplish nothing . r.r single American institution or citizen and would not restore peace or heln imcior, j with Germany. A British SOlflier in Irhalri British sailor will appear, in' a new stained window to be installed in St. Albans Cathedral. Seaboard Air Line Railway Arrival IW 5. Va cleauie. Arrival and departure of passenger trains, Charlotte, N. gttaaenger L.v. INo.l Between Money back without question nun i s (GUARANTEED SKIN rtTSRASir. oc-njrTTTTTTo (Hunt's Salve aad Soapl.fail in the treatment ofltch, Eczema, wngwona, 1 etter orotnerltcb Ine skin diseases. Try thio treatment at our risk. 9:06a 9:55a &:00a 14Charlotte-Wil. ana namle Inections. lofMonroe-Ruth aiutner-ton - Wil-I Imington and Ral- INo.l Ar. &:00p 3:45p 8:20p. R. R. BEATTY DRUG CO. aoaiiiiBte j1 1 13lll:40p it con-j j h'toJ,., -J 15 9.06a worth Jnlome We are offering for sale a modern home on Worthington Avenue at a bargain and on terms to suit the purchaser, and can give immediate possession. This is an opportunity to apply rent on the purchase of a home. It will be our pleas ure to show this property to anyone interested in the purchase of a home. The Carolina Company -:vX.i"sCi-'..".'.. Nice 9 m Sale For Large new 8-room house, two baths, rnrnpr inf. hi shady yard, small cash payment, balance easy . ' - " $10,750 New bungalow, 6-rooms and bath, nice lot, big big porch, three bed rooms, large living room, a dandy house, desirable neighborhood, .$750 cash, balance easy monthly payment .... ?6,O00 Act quick if you want a bargain. .HI 200 South. Cedar 'St'.HHl Phone 350 20 31 16 341 9.40a iactidall&icJhK Usable gifts are the most acceptable The Tnnp t,m of today thoroughly appreciates receiving a Tgif t of will day need and usefulness a gift that Jill hll Z y years of comfort and convenience--ft fhl i? a S man7 Charlotte Hardware Co: CiTarlotte-Wii;;;; ana iamlet con Inections. vyiiming-ton - Ral- sn4 ana Ruther Monroe - Riithlil fordton, Monroe vuuuecnons .... Uor Norfolk. Rich! ixt"? and Points ixv uri t All trains laiiir 19 31 16 12:25p 3:35p 8:12ir are not guaiant.rt Divialof ' Phone 20. Phone 1 328-30-32 South Tryon St. Phones 609' and 1430 "HOW TO SUCCEED"? Is the question of the hour. The short route to success is a thorough, prac tical business course. We are constantly having calls for our graduates This is a good time to start training for a higher position. No summer va cation; individual instruction. Call, write or telephone for a catalog. I -J Igmmmmm inriiiiii -' ii rir i' ' -"" CHARLOTTE, N. C "An Accredited School" HALEIGH, 30 East Trade St. Phones 1505-1506 22 .. r 0 Si H 0 Mechanics Perpetual uilding & Loan Association 207 North Tryon St. A SAVINGS INSTITUTION OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE A series of shares carried through this Association will net you ' six and a quarter per cent. Our long period of successful seirice thirty-eight years, and our low expense rate, merit your consideration. " J. H. WEARN, President 2 & E, J. CAFFREY, Sec'y and Treas. Appliances AreBuiltforUs . Every Gas Appliance on our showroom floor nas undergone the most exacting tests for economy and working efficiency before being offered to our customers. Each appliance lias been BUILT for 'us con lorms to our exacting requirements for qualitv and service. That is why they utilize, to the best ad vantage, the gas furnished, you through the com pany's mains. . & These safeguards and our guarantee always make it worth while to choose your .purchases from our shOWroom tables. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY : M .a