THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 9, 1921. . ..-... GRAIN- ARKET QUOTATIONS; FINANCIAL NEW THE MOST COMPLETE MARKET PAGE PUBLISHED IN THE CAROLINAS. EDITED BY STUART P. WEST For 15 Years Financial Editor of The New York Globe. . CURB COTTON- BONDS LIVESTOCK- TOCKS PRICES HURT BY OIL ttArUIiA 1AA is qieels and Fertilizers Lead in Slump of In dustrials. Rv Tl ART r. WEST L-!"reVtT New York, June 9. The iVaII i"'c .., ini.iirit in the news of In.1 J imPfs beaming upon the stock mar- da!' d.,,0 unexpected announcement the i.t t nai .. . LvfrniP '' - , tax 0n on exports so l .i rai?a .... it i 9Kilv nosslble oKll'.iative AVaU Street overrated :"' ?r?rtamv of this announcement it : f lpl' ,Vrriing that, comins upon a not sufficiently sensitive, it I ...oinl) -, ima hoinc fit SCJ'a ' VlS..v disturbing effect. ;i5t 11 l a'n-ost overnight of 3 to w; ,ip Mexican oils, the resurr .-.. '...,innir in the steels a of esump- . . . . - kJ I 1 1 I l kl 111 V I 1 V- wj.s. and tne acute wetneoo .::a:f! lf . -.tiiir companies, provid ftock? formibale combination for I,, i ri'f .' ... o.nii un against. There & rrMT,..-,,. favorable development I .'.. nne oeii"' . .oclnc of mnnov I"' , , w tne iuiuin roi..a - I .j that wlv i . HiIci ending loans are reduced: He " , , k 1- per cent, as against Li stood at p ' - VTrtTu1flv. I 'lfr Ii'.xinc of the money market, nild by depressing influ- k. ".' .... .i.jv nevertheless set at ,s of t: ..;,.inr which na Viiarent failure of rates to re- al .. ,mn,is trold imports and ovatU of federal reserve ratio to ,,r ' ' to.ul two years usj. . -1 i i v. . - a .-.'t dl iinv vi- - .i the eve of tne mm TAW t'lf'l - ,l '.: ,t for crovernment in f!5"tr- ' f0r the second installment ol ter1 indicated that mere was (J,,rai i, carirms about the recent !'( of the local money supply. "m i now fcPPear. was largely due TS. '"Vnrtrv tie-up. of funds on n tn . unnA svndicate under- h0 inl the release of these sums ....-firs, una lutr.."v , .ai k', prorrptly relieved suuh icna.w.. litre ivas. Paragraphs v WB STUART P. WEST, stall tw. Copyrlirht 1021, by STerrg Pnblishln Co. OIL SHARES. Mexican Pptrnlonm v. ti . --..w.vwui oliau ail- American Petroleum tnoV hmir from four to six points before en countering any resistance at all. This fhnl1.occurred within a half hour 2 efw the Pening and was occasioned y me overnignt announcement of 25 Pr cnt Incrase In the tax nxei by the Mexican government on oil ex- yuris. inere had been a lot of fresh Speculative hnvtno- In f r u oleum yesterday and the day before Li ,a,J"'e oi it came trom a crowd which had been playinR the bear side and picked out Mexican Pe troleum as the logical thtng to buy for a rally. The stock thus purchased was hast ily pitched over this morning and tnere was the usual poor market in u Pan-Americans when a rush of selling came into them. On the other hand the street reasoned, that if ttre Mexican companies are forced to pay tn,i havy extra tax, thev will be at a disadvantage with oil concerns elsewhere. 1 he conclusion was that the news f bullish for the American oils and this was reflected In active buy ing of Pacific Oil and a better market for most of the other groups. The resuiar aiviaend was declared on Cal iu na Petroleum preferred but while me ooara is said to favor the begin us or Dividends on the common it is hardly thought likely that any thing will be done at the meeting mucuuicj jor tomorrow. TRADERS UP IN AIR 0NC0TT0N Uncertain Whether to Buy or Sell in Narrow Market. EXDICOTT-JOIIXSOX downward plunge in Since the middle of May Endicott-John-son sales have been running at a record rate a rate twice as large as production. This his brought about a condition whih has called for heavy drafts on finished Inventories. In 1920 the company expand ed its plant capacity from 80,000 to 100, 500 pairs of shoes daily and will have an ultimate capacity of 125,000. Current operations are at the rate of 95,000 pairs daily, the highest in the history of the company. The supply of hides on hand is report- to oe ma largest on record also, and s been acquired at the lowest prices me oast tweventv veira. The cash nnsi i no reiietnuu , r, I wmiiaiujr a. nine inure 1ua.11 ? cetii..- - j almost wholly balances bank borrowings. The sta.te- ,TiU ,,..-ct-r of funds m connec-1 ment at the close of 1920 showed cash e ;o. V, i p (German indemnity payments ot $5,888,000. Cash and receivables were illiert governments disposed to $16,393,000. compared with total current . ..v -ouences of this fall in, rates liabilities of $13,9o3,000. Inventory was : :' X r iome trade and finance, they J14.60S.000, after write-down of 54,465,000 "u i. .in -rvrrcftion in their own durine the final six, months of the veor huetnemea Net auick assets were over Sl7.oninno rf-5- v.- -..cco i- ivoniri1 he or ts nnn nnn i ' nurchase of dollar exchange stock outstanding. With its low cost sup 1 nnd tlu ir policy SO as i ri i ijij ui nnica, unciuui.v appreuanoii is A:;)!.':n (Achanges contributed to the d of the day. although it Is ha r , erfectlv well recognized that in it oPi"'- ltir.r. imon foreiffll tin L'sinp the PU in rnritn r u i rnviro. r Arcv-icu iia an nil iui lclii l uhi l hi .,.1 U in k O - . . - " . ' . - ' " ,,r s.i 70 s'teriinK i oarnmsrs tor th sprnn hair vnr aa I ( V Li iivt Vv..- . " , I - - - ' By STUART P. WEST Staff CurreniiondFiit of Tb Tfevra. CriTTlrbt 1921. by Xew Publishing Co. New York. June 9. The action of to day's cotton market suggested that trad ers were uncertain whether to buy on the probability that British labor troubles would soon be settled, or to sell on the improvement in the crop. The latter fea ture mignt have had more weight had it not been for the crops very poor start, and the fact that an improvement dur ing June is by no means unusual and is frequently followed by severe edterior- atlon during July and A ugust. A rumor that the British coal strike had already been setlled pending official confirmation on the basis of wages 20 per cent higher than the pre-war scale not confirmed or generally credited. It had a tendency to check selling on the weather news and the weakness of foreien exchansre. however, and after opening steady at an advance of five points on July, but generally zto 12 points lower fluctuations were compar atively narrow and irregular. There appeared to be considerable July for sale on the basis of 12.70 and the mar ket met considerable southern selling on bulees to 13.40 or above for October. The price ot 12.70 ror juiy ana it.iv ior October in the market here compares wun middlink Quotations of 11.37 at NorioiK 11 cents at Augusta and down to lo.ou at. Monta:omerv. In such southwestern markets as Dallas middline closed last night at 10.85. The comparisons would succest shiDments of cotton here for de llverv. and a little cotton is arriving from day to day. 1 esteraay, ior in stance, the local bureau inspected 51 J bales and it is only the late month pre miums perhaps, which prevents this iriD ble of catton from the sjuth for break ing the price of July contracts. New Orleans reported that rumors were circulating there late yesterday to the effect that all avialable ocean room had been booked for shipment trom uai veston durine June and July to Ger many and '.hat Savannah was inquiring for rcom to Germany also. ineso te ports were too indefinite to mean any strong impression, uui mej yiuuauij helped check speculative selling. New York. June 9. Stocks of every description were severely depressed at the. opening of today's session. The further collapse of foreien ex change which forced London quotations under $3.70 was one 01 tne disturbing factors. Proposed heavy export tax on Mexican oils was another unfavorable development. Within the flrjt few minutes or tne active trading Mexican Petroleum registered a decline of 4 pionts and Pan-American Petroleum ost 6 points. Other oils as well as iteels. enuiomenta. motors, and ene- cialtles were materially lower. United States Steel fell nearly one point to it 1-4. a new low quotation ior the year. Passing of the dividend on Interna tional Agricultural preferred, was fol lowed by a decline of 5 1-4 points. Mex ican Petroleum extended its loss to 7 4 points and a wide variety of steels, equipments, coppers and miscelhvieous shares added l "to 2 points to their losses of the morning. Th- closing was heavy, sales approxi mately S00.000 shares. NEW VOltK STOCK LIST. Last Sale. Allic-Chalmers 32 1-2 American Beet Sugar 30 1-4 American Can . . 27 7-8 American Car & Foundry.. ..124 Ameifcan Hide & Leather pfd 50 American International uorp . , American Locimotive American Smelting & Fef'g CHARLOTTE COTTON. Receipts today, 10 bales at .11c NEW YOUK COTTON. Vatv vnrv .Time o. The cotton mar ket opened steady at an advance of 5 roint on .Tulv hut generally 2 to 12 nnin louder n'wine to the weakness of foreign exchange which offset higher cables, and reports or generally suu 's S iit c"nt8 on the day and back it now appears quite certain that hide weather in the South. Active i- tood in the early part of prices have definitely hit bottom. They sold 5 to 12 points below last -night s The entire break occurred uhm- aumuceU some 20 per cent since closing after the call. Js ii5 -.(inter ine h., hu?iness Anril 1 people were credited with buying on ifore Wall Street had begun business April J. the decline to 13.38 for October, how- later in me uaj - - ;tc"ivf-r - j;..:AnA on Interna- rsir.: ot i" uihuci - - BIG INTERESTS ACTIVE ever, and orices steadied up on ru mors that there had been a settlement of the British coal strike. uctODe 4al' 'Agricultural Chemical preferred One of the market letters sent out so n advanced to 13.43 or' within a , , u in the alfnCul-I hv a laree. Krnaiiuav wire, hous this I Yi. :-v,t-' lnclnir Tradprs rv( W riiii'""-"- y , t I . f . i V I uuiui Ul last. iie4l- - .nr.,n fs doing DUSl- I mnrn nor hefore the nncmn? of himnpss I . i u n fniu- rrar i t the eXi"-Titrvjcu " . -w ..... . i o , --'o - . 7 I were nut un-uncu lm ' .1, ocrrinltiiral sections, O'' said that bie interests are interested nli?niich uhp i-nmor nendlnar eonfir- t"fi"Tlt ft tne neltBBIlJ ' I lire min tAiwn uii iiuv 1 mallOJl, DUl 11 UUCC&CU scums ou .on. te"l't crt-uiis. riuwcvcii - r tLJC; ic j . j-iiio co.i b me 1 tne niaritei sensitive tv wta.i t sman Duymg oraers. Tnter advices from Liverpool de not obviated the necessity came into the market on Tuesday and I nied that the coal strike had been m 'iMTi prices in the last month has statements which have been made here ianV ibf situation somewhat easier, al- for several days that the buying which r,t ohviated the necessity came into the market on Tuesday and ,7.',,, Hke the fertilizer producers again yesterday in certain issues was of settled but all reports indicated op 01 ... rvaVors conserving I thn vnrv hfst. timism over the orosnect for ai and tie 1 nonital. TSio- l,anl-inir intorocto a r alwai-K ro. learlv azrPMieilt Oil the labor troubles Te b-eak in the cnemicai snmco porieu to nave .torn ineir irie:iua umi " u j me " ii. j ? . n riMiv lows ooin ior now wna thp time to huv chean stocven. I QunnK tiie iniuuie ni tne uaj. v"" v r nd lat and the same was tn referring to the weakness in the steels, siderable July was sold around. 12.60 of a "nurPber of the steel stocks, the same letter quoted above said. 'Un- or about - 3 points net - lower, .bnt i ' ,X -h'tern was again a ca of 'he fortunately, because of the popularity of was taken partly against sales oi - j t .Dnnnm to thlS ih,. ,i,ol-r,0c! In h& itls -urViinVi nnminv De.S.B W8S qUIl. ivrv TTlfltiel ULC l ill'.. ntnuv0o ill w 3vwij . a... vc'-' " . j:.. s.tlmllSII .1.. M , j V., . or.iv a Kvere drop in X- intiAM 4 Ar a1 din'inOT in etlmates .u s v l .,in., I O nesxi tca.tuico " 'UF'u me conuitiun ie tuictiunt wi. tne Uca.i iwiau vc i the early afternoon and general bus utuiuiau- lnoo5 rtmO ln6rt nillpf with iiftoner rill ' . n . .Itw-.. J - - . I W - 1I1K Al UUI1U 1 tl.TV V I Lll'U U L L 1. r m thf nortivvvesi uuuseu . I . I noints net lower. tm The government figures luriiisueu ALLIS-CHALMERS. l,0K xrjW VOPK FUTURES. ttxt tor soiling vne ""' i i jew Yoric. June xne cotton marKet Wall Street Grain Market Hi Live Stock Curb Market 1 30 82 1-8 37 3-4 77 3-8 0 1 3-8 CoBTTlirh 1921.brXcw Pnhllitlilnir Co. CoDSTlcrht 1021.brfew PuhHKfctn Co. By STUART I. WEST. I Staff C'orrexBondent of The Sfcw. OVl ifl u-n TunA fl Tl ...nn -n vi-ll 1 1 1 1 t ,,( . a 4 . . . la-. f Atf. ' Y . vuiv&hui wuiiD i'. 1 - v . a wn .wun I i ninn isrnpir varni. t nipaern .inrm '. - I 1.1111 I ik hi iii-ji. ,1 .irii 3 uiiiixtiinK market In wheat after the firBt hour In " nmlrr.itB,t fir.t of .win New T"ork, June 8. Business In the T of trntHnsr todav. ThP w mnrh whoat iMreass accumulated, receipts of swine m.fW t tiif- .opmHii.. t.v'1 t-oia on me eariy ouigd on resting or-i"11" ia.u, ween icu uyun iw ;vrrtu as sman. Alter a oriel penoa or ders but housee with eastern connec- days to break the market finally forced steadiness In the early dealings, the tions continued to pick up the wheat in the turn today, though the market show-(list generally developed heaviness.! an unostentatious wav and at the end ed great activity at the decline. indl-Jln the. Industrial eront) Union Carbide-. of the hrst hcur the market developed eating a broad outlet for. the product, was aVain under presure, selling oft i 1 Jill . . M i I I Pnnbafa - ilr9 .f.vB f infn.. HinQla, I .ViAllf o On T f I. f ix (JVllgeoteU CUllUltlOn ttlltl tXllo lurccu i o-i-ido iiuu viucib vn a 111 v.ip, i Aivut i iwiiit. vii lauij uuciai vnci- manv ahnrfa to nnwr r-oiininp- a fsham I without makintr & serious attemnt to fol- ings. Inter-contlnental rubber reco-ied bulge. September was under preptmro low up the initial decline-with a further fractionally. British-American Tobac-; early out that delivery loiiowed wneu I aiiacn upon prices. . i - nu acuw uiuvcb ruiwi aooui. July advanced. The crop figures were Receipts were 8,000 cattle, 6,000 calves, steady. Glen Alden Coal Delaware, regarded as sensationally bullish and they 37,000 hogs, and 14,000 heep. Lackawana and Western rights and, v, ni yv,,.v. n rv.a Vmvinir a KattoY- tona win nnnrunt in tha pni. I (leading rights were tractlcallv lie-- The east was forwarded many market tie market at the outset of the session Eleta- TFttet 8,tateB Steamship and. items, most of which were disregarded, uue to ngnt receipts mrougnoui ine coun i i .u..wuniiS - c umct auu Among the principal of these was the re- try. Local arrivals of 8,000 were 4.000 un?,a?' ,, j ....i.. i. T-)nti. i yv.iv. I citYif aa Thu.iiiUv'c v., v. u iYita witn lew exceptions oils eener&llv liurieu settienieiit ui tne iii uisu wai mini- onvi i "i. max i. imi ouaj i un -v -w 1,,, . ; ... , u " trs etrike and a threatened strike aa higher prices, Mixed yearlings weighing Jy VrSfY. ni?f 2L,,iv?ui i?ifc,'i, the resulc of the reduction of wages which 755 pounds topped at $9, while cattle SK:,'Vnv lViVL e-oaa into ffprt nevrt month. Foreitm ex- weienmg over 1.300 pounds snowing ex- i .nx. "-.- '"" changehowed further decline which han cciltnt finish brought $8.80. within narrow limits. Zapata perfer-: -i i 1 red was rather activelv Vione-hf- Kfmma dicapped exporters. Clash permiums were uuns were m goou request ai nrra p.aroleum after parlv iin3inH Vi a unchanged. Continued wet weather in prices and the big run of vealers met Ie gymoathv with f he remain the southwest is causing some apprehen- with a ready response from practically of the list rcmam ; 5 ... all of tho lfillara Vrinaa wr main. " i, "l ,H1C i!?u . . - - Biuii. I - " - 1 jvierriTT 1 11 1 anrt n-1 lj- Kaoin am- corn was inclined, to drag most of the tained at steady levels and good vealers 8tfe2dy and about unchanged In tha 1 ion, although the bulge in wneat save sow generally at .ov to iu. 1 standard Oil group. Anisrlo-American market a little rally later. Hedging ! In addition to a. fresh run of 37.000 a&ain attracteci cVnsiderable mentloS liberal recemts and a Slow cas:i nogs mere was a siaie buijiuv ui neai iy 1 with ulitrhtlv lnwar sessiei the nressu re. demand aro depressing tactors. mere is a.vku. jr-ac.ters receivea ..suu lroiu um-1 frice movements In the mining, little incentive to buy and tne principal siue. sources dui were in a i.osiiiau w 1 snares were Irregular, with r, fair. support is in the way or snort covering continue iuu operation 01 tneir yuuim. 1 amounr or business being transacted for tirofits. Exnorters refused to bid for Opening trade set the pace for the day especially In the low nrteed i.n ' corn today and The domestic aemana was ?na prices were 11 to au cents lower 01. auroKa vroesus was In suply anl1 slow. Cash basis was 1-4 cent mgner. tne ranic ana me, wim toypy .-igni. outca 1 uiuKe snarpiy. iioston ana MMontana-- Oats were easier. Fressure irom casn ers at .2t ana tne general nunc or continued steady. .Lnere was very little business in uonas- wun irregular price changes. American - Sugar A mord-an Knniatra Tobacf-n American T. & T. 104 3-3 ! Interests was a factor. There was some stuff at $7.65 to 08.15. Pigs were in American . Woolen .. ..... .. 73 1-4 buving later In sympathy with the wheat good call at slightly lower prices. Anaconda Copper 37 3-8 1 imlere. The crou renort was regarded Lack of outside competition, consign Atchison 79 d-4 1 as snowing a bigger vield than anticipat-1 ment ot s,oo lambs direct to Killers Atl., Gulf & W. Indies .. .. 82 1-2 ed. Cash oats basis was unchanged. and general slackening of consumptive Baldwin Locimotive Baltimore & Ohio .. .... Bethlehem Steel "B" . . Canadian Pacific Central Leather Chandler Motors Chesapeake & Ohio . . . . .-1 .1 L' 1 Tl .. . . 1 i-llicago, mil, anil si. ruui Chicago, H. I. & Pac. . . Chino Copper Colorado Fuel & Iron . . Corn Products . . .... Crucible Steel, . . .... . . cuga cane sugar . . . . Erie General Electric . . .... Genreal Motors Goodrich Co. Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore Ctfs Illinois Central Inspiration Copper . . int. Mer. Marine ptd International Paper Kennecott Copper Louisville & Nashville . . Maxwell Motors Mexican Pearoleum . . . . Miami Copper Middle States Oil Midvale Missouri Pacific New York Central N. Y. N. H. and Hartford . . Norfolk & Western Northern Pacific Invincible Oil . r Oklahoma Prod & Ref Pan American Petroleum . . Pennsylvania Peoples Gas Pittsburgh and West Va. . . . Ray Consolidated Copper . . . Reading 76 I Prnvisiona wrf easier early with higs I demand for mutton forced further re- 37 3-4 I and on Rfllinsr bv cash interests. On cessions in sheep an d lamb values. Good 52 1-8 J tne break there v. as some buying of July lambs were otf 50 cents and some grades 11 Iiar-d iv Miiiwa.ukaa. nac.kers while longs I suffered only a 25 cent cut. Native . - . . . . j : v. ... 1 . : . u CIO -T n . . 1 : . . . 1 1 -,-r SOld It. lne iXiarKei railieu w itn giam. I iijunscis uiuugui i'.m ouu t-nuvcu ovuvo. i. 2d. Aged muttons were generally CONDOLENCE TO MRS. GALBRAtTH . 36 . 59 1-8 . 53 3-4 2(5 1-3 . 31. . 24 . b26 1-2 . 61 1-2 6 1-2 . 12 . 13 . . 128 1-2 9 7-8 . . 34 1-8 . . 66 3-4 . . 27 1-2 . . 89 3-4 . . 32 1-2 . . 19 1-4 . . 57 1-4 . . 19 .bl03 seinng at Hornets Nest Post of Amer ican Legion Wires Mrs. Galbraith Its Sympathy. T,iT q tvhdQt tnnif a I Quarter lower. California ewes ,iiiir.mw9rH cwnne in value today .o to n wnue natives couiu ue uau v.v-v. -f. e I nt.A1n..i fi or S a lrJSUlt Ol tne DUlln aspect ui nuiuiu Vi.i.u. the government crop report. Weak- I - ness of foreign exchange, however, and CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. declines in the stock market tendeu Chicago, June 9. Beef steers and o check buying, rraae was active anu iat sne siock strong - to 10 cents Members Of Hornets IMft Pnt "NTo flToY4na r-oriid HnnnTir 'iripas VH- I hie-her- ton t-anrlino-a Qrtft- inn nnHvi. . ilJIIloei S Ol nOmeiS IeSt I OSt INO. yidiI fpnni 1 1 9 to 3 1-2 cents hizher. steors 'ss.v huiir 7 Rd 'to' RRi- hniu or the American Legion learned with Corn oDened unchanged to t-s cents butcher cows and heifers 5.00 to 7.00: 1 regret Anursaay morning Ol tne aeatn higher. ' j bulls and veal calves steady; bologna I of Col. F. W. Galbraith, national com- oats prices started i- cent on to i ouns largely 4.00 to; Dutcners 0.00 1 manfler of the American Legion in the 1-2 cent up. . . , , to 6.50; bulk veal calves 9.26 to 9.75; automobile accident at Tndiannnolia Lower quotations on nogs acted as a canners and cutters, stockers and reed- Pnt r:alhraltn h. tv,a i.' ers auii. 1 r "-j Hoes: Active and 10 to 20 cent auditorium February 24 under the aus- lower than yesterday's average; heavy I pices of Hornets Nest, Post No. 9 in m i Y f 1 off Inn C t ton S ' t - Kullr 7 11 1 I nnnnAAtlnn ii-.f Vi n nmAl. v..n 1 U....nU welcht on orovisions Wheat ciosea unsettiea x- to cents net higher. cent net decline. 139 1-1 21 11 1- 24 3-4 20 68 1-S 68 3-4 14 1 7 52 34 3-8 28 3-8 28 3-8 12 5- 67 1-4 Corn closed nervous at 5-8a3-4 to 1 j mixed off least; top 8.25; bulk 7.95 J connection with a week.s trip through to o.iv. pigs sieauy iu cents lower. I North and South Carolina. He was Soft's SwTrf sfJr lo ? fav.or of hospitalization and top native springs 12.75; . bulk 12.00 I "'"i"""" i1 miwrcu cuiuicib ji to 12.50; chioce dry fed 96-pound I the Great War and presented the cause lambs 11.25; California ewes 4.75 to 1 so ably that he probably won most r Aft. Lull. w..v:.y. a ,.y n r i a in- I m . ., um& native ewes o.ou to ioi nis nearers to nis view. The following telegram of conddl- ence was sent by A. J. Beall, command- er of Hornets Nest Post No. 9, of the legion, to Mrs. Galbraith at her home in Cincinnati, Ohio, on behalf of the J members of the local post: Charlotte, N. C.. June 9, 1921. Mrs. F. W. Galbraith. Cincinnati, Ohio: Members of Hornets Nest Post No. 9 of the American Legion, here, wish to CHICAGO CASK GRAW- x Chicago, June 9. Wheat, No. 2 red 158 to 161 1-4 ; No. hard 164 1-4. Corn, No. 2 mixed 61 to 62 ; No. & yel low 61 to 61 1-2. Oats. No. 2 white 37 1-4 to 38; Iso. 3 17 1-4 white 36 1-4 to 37. 93 3-4 Rye, No. 2, 141. Barley 5 to 67. Timothyseed, 4.50 to 6.00. Cloverseed, 13.00 to 18.00. Pork, nominal. Lard, 9.60. Ribs, 9.50 to 10.50. ,1 Bond Market pfd Rep. Iron & Steel 48 3-8 WHEAT Royal Dutch, N. Y. .. Shell Trans & Trad .. Sinclair Con. Oil .... Southern Pacific ... Southern Railway . . . . Standard Oil of N. J., Studebaker Corporation Tennessee Copper . . Texas Co. . . ...... Texas & Pacific . . . . Tobacco Products .. .. Transcontinental Oil . . . Union Pacific IT. S. Food Products . . U. S. Retail Stores . . U. S. Ind. Alcohol . . . United States Rubber , United States Steel Utah Copper Westinbhouse Electric . . Willv's Overland . . Pure Oil 29 3-8 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROUXJCE. ji ...... 1 ...... . 1 ri n A V p 311 iilgu i.u wvav By STUART P. WEST. -Staff Correspondent of Tn Nem. Copyright 1921, by News Publishing Co 56 July. 43- Sept. 20 7-8 COUN 72 5-8 July' 1 f 7-8 1 Sept. i or a.s I OATf 70 Juiy o epi. 23 2-4 r-UtV 21 1-2 55 1-4 8 116 12 5 8 55 1-2 60 5 7 1-4 76 3-4 48 3-8 45 7 1-2 July LARD ..ily-. Sept. , niBs July Sept. . 134 140 133V2 124 118 122 116 i 117V4 . 63 63 61 ff2 64 64 . 62 63 . 38 38 37 3J . 39 40 38 39 17.50 17.60 17.50 17.50 9.75 9.77 9.65 9.75 10.05 10.10 9.97 l'J.07 10!l5 10.25 10.40 10.20 10.40 New York. June 9. At the onenlng I express to you their deep sympathy 01 tne dooks ror tne new $41, 800,000 1 irr this hour of your bereavement. (Signed) A. J. BEALL, Post Com- receipt of a sinsrle syndicate did for the entire issue at 100.26. Stipulation was made in this case, as well aa in. the other bids, which included the MOTION FOR CHANGE rnation of the legality of the bonus ! Florence, Ala., June 9. A motion n On the second day of the offering I for a chanee of venue was denied F. 9.4 of $500,000,000 United States treasury ru o , ,v!L7 twf Jo ,.1,1 on l'J.07 notes and certificates the reports still hlt ,when he ,waS P1,' ?n KNOW WHEREABOUTS LORD MAYOR OF CORK som- i-ret The Allis-Chalmers report for the I closed steady: .... .... 11- ..-OC .kTltt H HCLCAk. l,iit;cs uui. it .. aViftvii I niiio-vuaiHivi q i vu iwi niv v . , , . -;r.itui1 narVPSL WCll Avfll ai.-y.Yay nhmirnH yi&Y nfffls ftfta i Ull all roi.iliicvi.s.1 - -threat l"101- 4UH1 vi onwn vu 11c t iiviiLO aiisi 1 lis iveiace tnere is no i"""" " r taxes 01 iri.isa wnicn was equal to juiy . 1 ..iiu'ov tnnnase. A ti 00 n nu v. u. oc Tsn rr I .k- : x R.a:tr of tact, the railroads, along 1 eommon stock outstanding. This com-I December with nil other business interea.t in pared witn earnings or ?b7,2i4 in the January rrh-d r rt sine "statf-f, are mui 1 same quarter last year, 01 u 1 Marcn 0-ort 13.70v 13.45 13.92 14.00 13.34 F'srh 12.70 13.47 13.92 14.01 14.35 Lov 12.55 13.3$ 13.85 13.93 14.28 12.5 13.36 13.96 13.9B 14.29 ,...,! m.. nrorYress maeu towaiu iiyi 1 share on tne common. The total ot un- ww ypuk pur i inTON. fn-ic.s thyn thtv are by the 51,000.- I filled orders showed a decrease of I New York. June 9. Spot cotton quiet, "'iel reduction in the crop slightly more than $6,000,000. It stoo-l middling 1270. Ci'Ti rrnn- th month ot .May. - at i3,j,uuu against over i,uuu,uou ruder' the test afforded by the great in the same quarter in 1920. However in a few sroups of stocks and I the sales billed in the first quarter . - - - - . t 0 at 1 -m 1 (i n , lly unfavorame c"" y- " Atlantic Coast Line Coca Cola Gulf States Steel Seaboard Air Line . . . . ss. Shef. Steel & Iron I ted Fruit . . ;inia faro. Chem. . American Tobacco . . An sir lean Zinc General Asphalt . . . . by the generally EV ORLEANS COTTON. New Orleans. Jbne 9. Reports that the British coal strike had been set tled caused a rise of 2 to 5 points in the early trading in cotton toaay hut moderately heavy offerings came on the r.irket at this slight advance, especially in July, and values receded new were in excess of those billed the Ja. t'-.ere were part 01 me .4'"" y B"SUUJ'. ucu':' list which save a very goou account . Mt Un,i th entire group ut . 1 ... , . . rnlilinn - I Y Y W -YV - "W T , . "W " isvm Pnr-ifie Oil was ummi-"- rvifi 111 1X1 f ' H : W IVIVWIKIWV ..'.f" -ilo .tnnrl lin Well. deS- AVf UUXUiJU X1X1.UXJUXOX pntcu .-miii 1ca.11 uu o"" - "',. 1, ;. .,n,.m.rt or anotnei v;u- imc un; iiiwuiitviii.ui 1 m m 11 1 nrinrri 1 ni nn ::iu. c o iY,ta sasnlino nricfxi -w i active uiuutns vveie i " f"'"" Amrriean wiinl Central Leather. Cor;; under the close of yesterday. July Bine.rAcan . ? rS"l roY.H studebaker T , : traded un to 12.25 and fell off to 12.15. 7h t i how strong resistance , aavannan, a., JUn ,.--xnw i "weakness in the stock market held to he 0t5eHiY.J eSwhere Ihe rate in longer any mystery about the ''serpent ices down in lhe face of continued ru- pk rail fnlnf ot down to 6 per cent in tomb," in Colonial cemetery, that has mors of the settlement of the coal strike, r.w can loans got nowii t , . i .. j tu -nr riu i cot in nrl ii.. i... i . j . . iAnY thic nnane buiiivj i nuuieti in irKcuua aiiti tctio ui cai i. r out i iiirf.ii cx iu . i :. k i i::!i. J.ur .. " . ctnrk mar.l Sovann-ih iifB fnr mnrB than a pptitiin-. I at 11 o'clock the trading months were H which had an irregular recovery. The mystery has been solved by the 2 to 3 points under Jhe last quotations of cutting into the marble the name of the rs Vefv stlady on Reports from fei- person in wnose memory n was ereci- that in many sections of that state ea. it rests over me lenictiuo ui the boll weevil was present in great num kinsman of Theodore Roosevelt. Ihra. The insrrintion iust nlaced on the 'i he afternoon trading brought only mnm.ment ovs- "At-phihald Rnllnch. I narrow nuctuations. lowara tne cio&e .n.....-...v ovj. . 1 ,e first president of Georgia. 177M777. P J';.; ' Born in South Carolina. 1730, died in iW ORtBAWS FUTURES. Savannah 1777. Patriot, soldier, states N Orleans. June 9. The cotton man. Georgians let the memory cf I market closed steady at net declines Archibald Bulloch live In your breasts. I or 8 to id points: . . 1.1UHAH r V.lvv nmrl I . 1 I 11UCII JX1I1 I Jl I Y V1VM ien your muxi, " J.ilv. . ..1.24 12.25 12.15 12.15 others tell anoiner generation. ot" 1307 13.08 12.90 12.90 Until this inscription was cut, tno 1 monument consisted of an obelisk 5 2 iw . . . 13.48 13.43 1334 v i yyVi with a annU-o m r.ircii;n.r .Tan '13.68 13. 6J ISbb lo&O "".. . r t in-? 1000 -loon i9ca v., n ,.!, cido h.nrn Riiaiffi was aiarcu .. .. 10.00 to.ow i.ov u" v" .m : I " iV new Orleans spot cotton in tne act ot swaiiuwiuB hku. x Orleans. June 9. Snot cotton i r steady and unchanged; sales on the spot ATA THINE GUNS USED M60 bales, to arrive 80. lU-tt-VXXir Hi vlUlP KJ kjxj 1 rv,i,-irtiinrY inn middling 1150 : eood CUlCAUt rOTATOBS. ChWpn. June 9. Potatoes, easier ; oil firm. Northern write 80 to 90 cwt. Virginia. f..00 barrel. North Carolina 4.50 barrel. SILVER. York, June 9. Par silver, mystic 'j'.i 1-4; foreign 57 3-8. Mexican dollars 43 7-8. do rnirtr:n PROVISIONS. Chifaeo. .l.ine 9. Butter easier; "wtniery firsts 25 to 30. E22-8 imnl.'i n trail . Pouitrv. alivf. hi'eher: fOWlS 23 1-2', oilers to 45. (1 i:in Mtllk'P.T. Kew York, June 9. Raw sugar weak " 'iual to i?. dntv nald. ...f.Orintd vnarjir nnrhan seed at from b-!' to 830 for fine granulated. . XEW YORK inoVISIONS. York. June. 9. Butter easier; famery. firsts 28 t-2a31 1-2. IN BARRICADE FIGHT m5J2gtslS4 322 ; stock 456,198. Toledo, Ohio, June 9. Thomas Kel- 1.IVERPOOL COTTON. .a -vi-l v.nvv.n Yi.aa 1lllnfl n-v I ' I T TntiA Q Snot rftttntl. lim- p insio i--dvi m. . I IPV 18. VL KlCtllVJllJX, tlBU i.... UIUUJIU"'! v...v y f - ----- 5 W '"esular; fresh gathered firsts morninK following a battle Red demand; prices steady; good m d- "ais, bre: -a27 1:2. " "u- ul two hours and In dllng 8.78; fully middling 8.38; mid- steady; state, whole milk, which had lted two hemrs an cl 1. n low middling 6.73; good average riin 14 l-2al5 1-4. which machine guns and hand gren- ordlnary 5-48; ordinary 4.73. ' Donitrv stadv hmilers 32a50. odea had been used to dislodge him sales 3.000 bales, including 2,600 sse'l iiuiet. fowls 24a35. I from his harricaded room in the attic I American; receipts 1,000 bales, no from his barricaded room in the attic j American; receipts of his boarding house at tn wainui American. June 8.18; rDtmr n . rY-r-i-n 01 1UB Futures closed steady. vnaw K)t bUU-UHAOrilt setr- . - trnBOu wflfl vnied KelW J'y 8-35- October 8.73; January 8.93; ROTTPtt urrmTT ATvTmTTTo Before : her. himsell f was ked Keiiey March 902. May 9-09 vjh niin Aiiuiiupiv , Miami, Fla.. June 9. Sub-chaser No - 0. r I . . . 1 . . 1 . r 83 B 27 31 5 7-8B 36 106 1-2 Washington. June 9. Definite infor mation regarding the whereabouts ani plans of Donal O'Callaghan, lord may- v hao noon nirnisnwi Tn Tne Ul Ul lint. .1 "r.T . - TA., 11V.Y,. v, 1 j 1 1 Kv. V.-.T n'f'o OO'iari'c I J 0 "ooiuu, xtrun-v IIUC1 IV Ylt.- aeya.1 tment ui j ZZr a torys were steady and very little were that these were going very well trial here today on -a cnarge or murner and. what was esneeiallv imnortant tne aeuianu lavureu tne tnree years 1 bride on May 10. 5 3-4 per cent notes rather than the judge Almon, after overruling the , mdebtedness V certmcates ot moti0ri announced that nobody would It is too early to argue from this admitted to trie courtroom uunng me . the complete success of the govern- trial except court attaches, witnesses meat's plan for meeting the short term and newspaper men. obligation. But the results so far are tv,,, mntiiotori hn of Tra Renv was " X i'V' 1X1 UVlttLVU w'viijr ui ' ' - J found on thei ' niitRkirts of Florence at ine new nnancmg appeared to have I ,1 . r. 1 i i, v. i expended its effect upon the market midnight, six hours after she left the for government war bonds in yester- home of her father to take a walk with her husband. ' When arraigned on May 25, attor- ! 28 3- attorneys, ', tt v cnanged. Much interest was taken in ont.rori 1a "not e-nil- I w 1 . : 121 1-4 ning said today, but "in the interest of the movement of Mexican lsues in view 8 1-4 MiiFtice the department is pouna 10 or. tneannouncement by tne Mexican " 1 . . 1 . . . j . 1 presiuent mat ine yroieeus 01 tne extra zo per cent tax on oil shipments ty by reason of insanity. 00 1-4 I i-Acn it nrivntp .Y,. nna will flinn 3111.' Mr. He.v NAVAt, STORES. Kavannah. June 9. Turpentine firm I are made known 55 1-4 to 55 1-2; sales jv ; receipts A-rn ohinmpnts 15 : stock 7.29o. Rosin firm ; sales 900 ; receipts 766 ; shipments 35; stock; 76.474 Quote : j. i 37 0: 13 r 3 tv to to, J o w oi " to 90 ; 1 395 to 400; K 425 to 40 : M . 490 ; N 540 ; WG 600 to iu ; w dip ij . " - . ,r. : u vvere to go ning sam, wnen tn ictcto in tne . on ! HOPE TO HAVE FREE CLINIC BY NEXT FALL i OVERSEAS TRADE TO GET CONSIDERATION ?lVrZ th-;' Coerce 11151? 'u5.,r chairman of the local chapter, said t i TT- T-T I iiwuvi. iici-a - - . iUuaJ. xucy nciu nun ttiuuirj tne it i I t)l.i tU.-, nrcro n i 79 1 ion din not realize t VTm.PVNTT RREAK IN Deoartmenfs foreign representatives levei. Other Belgian and French is- that ??"JZ?" ' . . . x WacWnfftnn to di?r-iiRR the sues were miotpd thft same as veSter- a sum suuiucni tu wiaiii FOREIGN EXCHAN 1 tf"?"? Tlfit S.V"""' he,d June 9. Secretary to the interest payments the government loans, It might have seemed that this would have had a stimulating effect upon the Mexican 5s and 4s, but as a matter of fact it did not. The 5s, which closed yesterday at 48 1-2, sold this i-iinrninp- at 48 Th- Rule-inn Ce of 111'); which have been going down with tor wnicn it nas ueen wuinms i the decline in franc exchange, were I about two years. H. P. Harding, j The local chabter of the Junior Red 1 Cross hopes to have sufficient funds by I fall to estabjish the free dental clinic ,i. .. !in- X. Y m'raA into' nort he threatened ' ' W-O ,J T UltV JV"-" ----- - I . ,. 'yesterday, the crew bringing a "2 of an attack at sea during which 5, t which without warning, put a i f across the bow and ordered it to shot and killed Patrolmen Harry Do-v u ond T-rarnid Mossoerger, wnu unu 1 jinVCT fST EXCHANGE. ky, oaiiod tr the house to suoaue nini 1 prime mercantile paper ,t- xo 4. drtr be had refused to pay a board Exchange heavy ; sterling 60 day bills bill and had nourisnea rr.ViM atened his lanaiaay, g' 3.4; caaw 373 1-2. i-'rancs, aemanu is, aioics a-j. Belgian francs, demand 783, cables 788. Guilders, demand 3290, cables 3300. Lire, demand 475. cables 477. Marks, demand 148, cables 14. Irpene. demand 60' : Sweden, il'.mand 2200 .Norway, aemanu xa., .-ustouuc, . ...... . t. ; v. 1 av n n.l ' A A Key, and hereon, Allen. nat?aW WEEK'S CASUALTIES GREATLY INCREASE lhe crew of the Tec was said to 5 Warded the 205, ripped up hatch- , Dublin June 9. (By the Associatad .nand 3112 : Braxiiian, -demand Ii!00 ; Aro. i tors toaay icwtntcv . i. ,i ..... ;;edinff by train from Traiee, county to,?" enneth Brown, Jr., in com- ceding by train from 1 rf ' v." . i Time loans firm: 60 days, 90 fiays, 6 i." " ui the Tpp whinh rnit in hpi-n I ., to if mnrntv. were aniuuBiiw, . -,-t - ... ... T'T AUi ' Viir' l.-lllfld and muutlio . 11 .-v"v. to have stated that and that one soldier was killed anti Call m0ney easier, ru if stolen government three of the attackers were seen to .ai:. bank acceptances 6 1-2. v. "'8nt, is said Wis i . . t.. ' ui sparrn or etn an irrtvprnTtlffm l n vnjPeny when hft halt( fh. 205. Tu.. ffirial weekly review today re- l-j o moritAfi increaee in t vwci ruling rate 6 1.2 : LIBERTY poNns MALLORY WINS IN LADIES' SINGLES p.0,.i.. . th ien,?am. Kent. Eng.. June 9. (By st0,n Related Presal Mrs. Molia Blur- 'UL f.Till . " . - 1 - - ,MniD nn "i" : . " "vw " 5 oi apt cultural u;orparitiuii X7a,bt Tftru jun 9. 'ine ' "-"i. UPICa TCirl Ml ma f I tVl !lnt I T1 M.LiUllO.1 -0 ---rt-- Z J i-Yw j. - r r ' . in k:Tv,u. r i"v; iT mittd its dividend on Preru mirket closed .steady. r v. CasimM .- Tnna o TJhertv bonds clos- tivitv inruuKiiuui. .Hv x-w-.v-- . i t: w iuiv, v..w v.- -v - , mmethe crown forces amounted ed 3 1.2s 88.14 ; first 4s 87.90 ; second record of a week since 1916. -4s 7.o . jory 3 3.4 98.40 . victory 4 I S-S 3v.U. ( P'VIDENP OMITTED. VnrU. June ine Inter in :,Jwth COTTONSEEn Oil cotton seea 011 rime summer , Mi, tne ladies' singles in the day Om"?u. ,.-ci.h re- f?J!f-,2n XimTcrude 560. bid. June nrl YV. . . ,.r.t I BtnoLr In OrUUl : tu.i.v-T-. - - J-"". ! i - c.r.l.n.W mirket closed uivg M1S1E ' I ' . n, .ncI'V-c l'S Mil 1 c- ...1 nu! 71 1 TI ound of the tennis tournarrter.t stock in tne company.. 740 : July -7B0 ; .August ' 750 , nvuwiu" heon ri nnhur 780 : November 1 "V.. .4"6. 6-1. sources. s. according w . rrC ' : n Tnvmhr' 78(1 : Decem- 4 Elizabeth Rvan. of California, Since July, 1918, tM vwe iTirwui 5.700. DEATHS -FI3NERAI.S MILTON SMELLINGS. Denver. Colo.. June 9. Milton Smeli ings, national president of the Steam ' 3 vin- Wne-inpsrs' Union of M rill I iiirfi n.Liiii. -.. -7-- - . Washington, D. C, who was in Denver as a delegate to tne American rtur eration of Labor convention, was found dead in bed at a local notei ims muiu ing. rniiivRii WILLIAM HESTER. New York, June 9. Colonel William Hester, president of The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, died today at his home in Tirontrivn. He was born in Pougn- keepsie 86 years ago and entered Tne Eagle office when he was a boy, serv-itip- under his uncle, Isaac Van An- den, founder of the paper. Nine persons die of accidents in the United States eacn nour. p omnos of the denart- yesterday's final. Cuba cane Sugar prupnaie cm auuiiuniai " -i neauo ui t- yuv. 1 nnn..v.rt;hiAS worn enair T'entral too total Amount Will be Sufficient to in the various countries ; - were In demand at RX. inmin th. olinir for a. vear. It is i t two or three at a time, it was wtinrhiM. i-itrin 7 r-o- o tr-ifio . . .- , s will na- e ueen laio- ment repor . - i . r- j - . . . i I --"oi""- ---v. .v. . '"e -. exneciea to iunus explained, rts a gene, ai ni.. r acKard Motor s and Jveny, spring- fa1, tr ODen th clinic and give I . mi. - A 14- in nr- I o 1- i .1 x. J U 1L . not planned. . " , n yie,- . treatment to children in ! it is un derstood will take lip with the men sure against some of the motor and tree aentai ireatn the1 Souping of foreign trade activi- tire shares. On the other hand. Wilson the public schools, tne grouping t land -Comoanv first 6s were suolied . ties by basic commodities anu tne iu raher .freely and offered down from f 4V HOLD UP PROSECUTION. of altering the territory coveieu uy tne 94 tQ 93 y mtle change oc. w:rrMntrtm. June 9. Prosecution of i e government's case against the g uu v.iv.v i-ru j ,oii. Cmithcrn pinp Lumoer Associittiuii un- u daries. i o.i. of a noint and Union Pacific J do- the anti-trust laws may await the. " . I .. .. ui 1 t I . . . . c-. - rtA.i.i 1M V. , . I OO U. Udll LYUlIlt. not unknown y While suicide is among uncivilized peoples, it is uncom- JJgpJMENT FAIIS TO rKuSECUTE MEN R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. 7 PER CENT TAX FREE PREFERRED STOCK I Subject to confirmation we offer this High Grade Stock at $101.75 per share flat. If bought before June 15th, the purchaser will be en titled to 'dividend of $1.75 Per Share Payable July 1st next Wachovia Bank and Trust Company Bond Department Winston-Salem, N. . C- , New York, June 9. Samuel Unter myer, counsel, of the legislative commit tee investigating the building trust, an nounced at today's hearing that he . oulj write Attorney General Daugh erty to ask if his department could not spare men and money to prosit. t violators of the anti-trust laws. Mr. Untermyer declared that the com mittee had v" 4"; " co-operation, al ugh it had turned over to the de partment iuiy ..v winter evidence against more than 20 illegal nation wide combinations of manufacturers land dealers in the building trades. He added that he was not criticising ine present Federal authorities. At the same time, Mr. Untermyer re ceived from the committee authority to rouest State Insurance Superintend ent Phillips to make a special investi gation of the Prudential Insurance Company to Dear particularly on pri vate holdings or or est j?. xjryaen, it president, and the "seeming" mutual! zation of the company. Paul Arrington & Co, Manufacturers Cost Accountants Audits Systems Investigations - 217 Piedmont Building Phone 65. Charlotte, N. C. decision Ot tne oupieme vtrtin. iii f hardwood lumber case, it was maicateu todv hv Attorney General Daughertv. - a sum sufficient to establish the clinic j nere some- j of the nroposed re-organization of the sequence m tne rest ot tne weeks ago - tfo , - i---- wT op fnr0,Vn snrt flomestic com- ''VC".L. ' ! t,..v. ---- junior rteu yrusa j v , xt.,t Vnrlr , . ime . Anoiner viurcm uuicnu wtv.0.. - - L iuieu oiaiea i.uuoer uunus weie 1 in,,,0ia tVio octa olisnment or The clinic. v break occurred in the foreign exchange merce, it was said today at tne depart- not affected by the weakness in the 'the state wlu ap. i . . T-1 . . wAv.Y.incr PtTF'P.T 1T1 1 SVH C I IIIt'11 L. I . . . I ; n l.l.'..v.r. I thAtlDQtlri and marKei tin& '"u"i' , i XT. un3ettlement of prices on tne siock ex change and the grain and cotton mar kets Sterling, or British rates, fell six cents to $3.69 3-4 for demand bills. This is the lowest quotation in sev eral months and compares with the $4 rate for this same rerrm.a.n 18 last. . . Demand bills on Paris at .78 show ed an overnight loss of 11 points and Belgian, Italian. Swiss, Duteh, Danish, Norwegian, and- weaisu leuuuaivv. registered declines of 6 to 35 points. According to all accounts, London again was the seat- of selling pressure More extensive offerings of sterling exchange for conversion into American dollars was reported from that center. Bankers with European connections con tinued to attribute the reversal to Ger man reparations payments and the de sire of German financial and commer citl interests to accumlate large re serves in this country. Other well in formed interests ascribed the reaction as being due in part to the refusal of American bankers to renew matur ing European commercial obligations. The break in stock was hastened by reports that the Mexican government purposes imposing a heavy export tax on its nil nroducts. Mexican and Pan-American . Petro leums were particularly weak, losing four and six points in tne eariy, iraa intr iited States Steel, for years the leader of the stock niarket, broke otrer a point during the morning to 76 3-4, the lowest price so iar tnis EVERYTHING In High Quality Building Materials DO you know that to day your dollar will buy twice as much framing, three times as many lath, three times as much flooring as it would a year ago? And that in spite of the fact that last fall freight rates' increased twenty five per cent. 3 CITIZENS Lumber Company South Boulevard Phones 3472-3473 j5 a m 2 S i i t t Misp K. McK&nf. 8-4. 4-6. 6-3.' 1 1-4 per Ctnc quart.

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