THE CHARLOTTE NEWS THURSDAY JUNE 9, SUFFICIENT CONTRIBUTIONS. New York, June 9. Thomas V. La mont, ihairman of the American Com mittee for China Famipe Fund, Wed nesday night telegraphed all local committees in this country to stop tak ing subscriptions as sufficient funds had been raised to meet the most press ing needs. This action was prompted by a cablegram from Peking, confirm ed by the American minister, that abundant rains in the famine-stricken areas had insured harvests where none had been thought possible. CANNOT GRANT REDUCTION, "Washington, June 9. Railroads of the United States under present con ditions are not in position to put in to effect a general reduction in freight rates on building materials such as was requested at the recent conference between representatives of the car riers ana building trades in Washing ton, according to a formal statement issued Wednesday night by the Asso ciation of Railway Executives. o peeiaJi Sa DURING JUNE OF Pi "0) JL1I We Offer During June HANES FABRIC TIRES We have only a few tires of each size. The early bird gets the worm. Guaranteed 6,000 Miles at the Following Prices: 28x3 Tlain $ 8.20 30x3 Plain 9.45 30x3 Non-Skid 10.25 30x32 NonSkid 12.45 31x4 Plain . . . 15.85 31x4 Non-Skid 17.65 32x3 Plain 13.25 32x3 Non-Skid 14.75 32x4 Plain 17.90 32x4 Non-Skid 19.90 32x4 Non-Skid 26.25 34x4 Plain 18.70 34x4 Non-Skid 20.75 34x4 J Plain 25.55 35x4 Plain 26.20 35x4 Non-Skid 29.10 35x5 Plain 30.50 35x5 Non-Skid , 33.90 36x4 Plain 26.75 36x4 Non-Skid 29.75 37x5 Plain 31.35 37x5 Non-Skid . 34.85 anes lire Service C j. calx) well Mcdonald, Mgr. C14 South Tryon Street. Phone 4450 HANES TIKES MILLER TIKES ACCESSORIES WASH AND POLISH FREE SERVICE CAR "HURRY-UP", HANES "A Service Station That Serves." Reasonable- Isn't It? That the jobber caijj&ll you merchandise for less money than the small commission broker so it is with us in real estate. We are investing hun dreds of thousands of dollars in order that we may make more sales and small profits, but eventually we will provide for Charlotte in homes and investments. Dilworth Building Company T. T. COLE, President. No. 216 East Trade. Phones 4572-4550 I,, w m TS How long have You Studied Plans for A Home of Your Own II Will i.i.i t those '$$ j and TlOW nffpn VlOtra imii -,, J- ... , . juu iut ucsiue nlans waitinc frw a r,v j ing that the home you wanted at the time was beyond your means. That more prosperous day will never come, and your desire for a home. will fade into mem ory, unless you build, the foundation for that home with a savings account. Open your savings account today. From week to week and from month to month, add to that account until you have saved the re- 2ranned.amUnt t0 8tart the home you ha American Trust Co. Capital .Surplus and Profit, $1,800,000,00 TY A TT V T A TTTVTOT REVISITS T 0 W N Boy Who Was at Camp Greene 11 Months Here on Mobile-Boston Trip. Harry Louder with his famou3 zig zag stick, , his Scotch dialect and bis sense of humop-appeared at the Ivey dining room Wednesday and gave an impromptu entertainment. Just a mo ment! It was not actually Harry Lauder, of course, but it was Bruce Chapman, the cleverest impersonator who ever came to Charlotte and. who re turned to Charlotte with a feeling of coming back home. For he spent eleven months in the 39th infantry, Fourth Division. Mr. Chapman is singing1 and im personating his way across country from Mobile, Ala., to his home in Bos ton. He is so clever at impersonating the famous Scotch comedian that the closest observers wonder how he does it. AVith his costume and crooked stick he is almost a replica of the fa mous comedian. Mr. Chapman was all excitement when he arrived in Charlotte Tuesday night from Spartanburg, S. C. He . had not seen the place since he left I here in the spring of 1918 for Camp Merritt, X. J., while he was in mili tary service. He instantly recogniz ed Tuesday night and Wednesday a number of people and spoke to them. Because of the fame he has gained in recent months as an impersonator of Harry Lauder and his own ability as a singer, Mr. Chapman was engaged Wednesday morning to sing Jiere next week for a big organization at a luncheon and has been engaged for the Imperial theater the balance of this week. He will, also accompany a group of Charlotte merchants to States ville Wednesday night to sing before the annual meeting of the Statesville Merchants association. Mr. Chapman was formerly on the stage and is a born actor and imitator. ms singing or me oia scotch song, "Dcch and Doris," made famous by Harry Lauder, is said to be as good as the comedian himself could do, even including "the burr" of the Scotch dia lect. He always goes to a store car rying Victor talking machines and went to Ivey's music .department, where he was "discovered" and signed up for the several events here. He has ac quired a healthy tan from hiking un- I aer tne boutnern sun but says it's fine. Charlotte locks very much as it did when he arrived here with the 39th in fantry for Camp Greene, Mr. Chapman said, except that he saw many new buildings. He seemed immensely pleased to be back in Charlotte and said there were lots of folks here he ! wants to look up. Union Mational Bank CHARLOTTE, N. Cf Tour banking business Invited. We ' offe every courtesy and , accommodation consistent with Safe Banking. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent $1.50 per annum and up according to size. r $1.00 will start a savings account. 4 per cent compounded every three months. H. Victor, Prest. D. P. Tfflelt, Cashfef F. D. Alexander V. Pt A. G. Trotter, Asst. Cash Fine Suburban Home Sit Short distance outside City limits on State highway f10m Concord. Ten or fifteen minutes walk from street-car line. Vy-ei'1''0 ' and beautifully shaded. Dimensions 350x500 feet, elevats office. price, aPpIy GOT TTTTP1RN "RF. A T ', "ESTATF. TO A"M jp. rrm,, v irvuSTrn Riont 2si CAPITAL, $75,009 4 South Tryon St. SELF MASTERS Guticura Soap Is Ideal fop The Complexion So3p.Ointment,Ta!cnm.2oc.everywhere. Forsamcles address: Catjcort Lab.raterle(Jt. X. Kiidsn.Maoi. r Stolen Reward Stolen from my office May 25th, gold solder "Nelms" stamped on it, Partial plate, two gold teeth, one full set with 3 gold fillings and one gold crown. One S. & W. blue barrel ham merless pistol .3 short with "Fox" carved on end of handle. Reward for any of above, if re turned to me. DR. L. S. FOX DENTIST. IIV YV. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Rogers Next to Woolworth's ;'l The only way to get along with yourself agreeably is to be the Blaster of Yourself. Self Masters are contented, hap py, forceful and independent. Those that are slaves to them selves are always miserable. Thrift is a habit of Self Masters, t means mastering yourself a lit tle every day. Be a- Self Master and take some portion of your earnings whenever they come to you and put them in the . bank. . No. 4 South Tryon St. ;V am We co-operate with your doc tor by having three registered druggists so that we may give you immediate attention in our prescription department. "Ask Your Doctor" ' Walker's Drus Stc? 1 'S'v.SS. Corner Seventlr. and Tryon Streets, ? 'b?; A UrO MOBILE DELIVERY Norris Candy Parker Pens Agents for Mm All-Round Quality The undeniable power of the Nash Four !s due solely to the Xash Perfec ted-Val vein Head motor. The comfort, ooriveuence and beauty is the accomplishment of the master builder. The famed economy and endurance is pos sible because of its design and construction developed through years of experience. Carolinas Nash Motors Co. Distributers 500 N.' Tryon St. ... Phone 3201 iyi?'l??li5if'im!niifiteiM Dr. H. O. Hrniron. Dr. R. B. Gaddi HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Oflce, Hunt Bide., 22 i-z N. Tryon St. Phn Sit Southern Railway System Passenger Train Schedules. Lv. 3:45a 12:35a 7:25p 7:30a No. Between oJ 29AtIanta-Bgham . 30Wash.-New York. 3 21 Wash-NT aw Tort 39Atlanta-Danville' . (Columbia X2:00p 24Taylorsvill 8:55d 9:45p 6:30p 9:10p 11:00a 6:20a 4:30d 3:00p 7:35a 8:20a 10:15a 4:55p 9:30a 10:40a 4:25a 11 :30a 138 38 12 35 113 26 45 Washins-tnn-v' " v" Wash-N ew York". rticnmona-ri orrolk 30 29 31 43 36 Ar. 12:25a 3:35a 7:25a ll:20p 23fxR -nna U37I 9:20a .I 37 1 n.ario i" iViT. -:;01 I tf lIIBLUil-OMlPm G'Ville-W'mins o 4bHJDoro-Danvill9 Atlanta 31l,CplumbiaAugusta ', lfi TavlorsvlilA 137. Atlanta " 7Atlanta-N. Orleans f 5 o V?-DanvllIe 14JSalisbury, Winston Barber, Moo'res I vlllo Norfolk-Richmond I 25 46 45 12 32 U1 35 35n 12:45p J.:45p 4:10p 5 :50p 7:20p 9:10p :oop ow Is It 9 With Yon? o Are you prepared for opportunities? Or, when they cotne to you, do have to let them slip by to be seized by others. Opportunities call for ready cash, or the good sense and energy which comes from acquiring ready cash by saving regularly from income. . .dependence Trust Company E. O. Anderson, Vice President W. A. Watson. Vice President W. M. Lang, .Vice President 3 .H. Wearn, Chairman of Board J H little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier Capital and Surplus Over $1,600,000.00 p MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. CI R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Thos. P. Moore, Asst. Cashier A. K. Surratt, Assistant Cashier FOR SALE 1381 R-4S I- 13 11 5:1 fin 10:50a X. DallV eTnCTt- Simrtav tnTJlnmPb service Mobile: Naw Orieant & 1TmmS.m. ruinJiit1e1 servife' convenient schedules cf c j '-"""-'-' io an poults. Schedules nilhliaheri a a 5t..77 ire not m,or.;V ".wuauuu ana CITY TICKKT OFFICB 207 West Trade St. . Phone 80. PASSENGER STATION West Trade Street. Phone 417. B. H. GRAHAM, , Dltlon Pastenrer A rent Phone 3860. Branch 7. MrfeSfy Duarantaarf. 43 W. Coilac. Splendid six-room bungalow in Fourth Ward. Furnace heat, hardwood floors, house in practically new condition $6,750 Six room house 1000 West First Street, close in, , good street and well located for increase in value $3,850 Five-room house 1415 East Fifth street, good neighborhood. Attractive terms can be arranged on this place with about $500 cash $3,750 iFve-room house West . First street, splendid location for enhancement fronts on paved tsreet, $400 cash payment ..... $3,000 Several four and five rOom houses well located in different parts of the city from $1,850 up. Can arrange good terms with -small cash payments irom fjuu up. Home Real Estateand Guaranty Company Cash Capital $70,000.00. r A. I. HENDERSON, JManager Real Estate Department. 219 North Tryon St. 'Phone 689 A DISTINGUISHED PREACHER of the Methodist Church, a. teacher of my early . years, told me "to aim high if I shot low." This; strengthened me many times when obstacles swrnpfl in surmountable. I haven't reached many of the rungs of the ladder I should have, but they CAN and SHOULD be mounted by you. Your opportunities today are far greater than;were ours in the long ago. THE MUTUAL B. & L. is a potent means to success and honorable manhood, and with all my mind and heart I urge you to use it, for, as the clouds gather and you dispel them, as troubles come and you overcome them, I know from long observation and experience that then you will appreciate the advice here given in simple truth and -in all sincerity. BY THIS SIMPLE SYSTEM many a -home has been saved, manv tra -.- . use many are educated, manw isonnsniato n. . ... Aor' majlY are Aii fc -. -."7 :w.w. U1 n0pe ana faith and determinatinn- Allthese are worth while, so let;s make it shine and shine and shiTe! SHAREHOLDERS' ANNUAL MEETING will be held in office of Association at 4 p. m. Julv 14th 1001 . . . , . ... . - - --"i vAiiue ana near the Auditor's fine report. , . . ar ; - E. L. KEESLER. Secretarv anfl nv.!-, jyaR. PHARR,, President. i'v-- ---- 9. YOUR BONUS The world, pays you a "bonus" on your health and youth, whi!a you have the ability to earn more than you actually need to live happily. . You owe it to yourself to save part of this "bonus" for the day when the world pays it to others, more vigowus, who will wka your place eventually, , What are you doing with your "bonus"? We sugest that you de posit part of it regularly every pay-day on a Savings Account in this Bank. It is the wise way. ' j . - The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 VEST TRAD 15 STREET. CAPITAL ?2 00,000.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $400,000.00 rffAiJk The Pleasantest Path in World Is the One Tnai Leads to Your Own Home the 1 - 0 TrflVAl the. noVi n vftiir OWI1 hoEC Via. tViia root sofoto offioo Tf YOU ca nav rnn i imn V.n-y vAiir nffll IlO"" 1 .wu. -VU VUJ JVM - T : , u.1a is tD' j-icl us snow you now m. - how' i" 4.1. , . hfi W iuiituiy payments aecreac against you. ES3

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