THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 9, 1921. AVE THOUSAND SUGGESTIONS AS RIDGECREST IS nrrtrnras Tmrir foreign currency I BANNED BY MEXICO Al I II ,l I K.AY s-w mm m a i tr.-i,.. rsir Tuna Q Tmnnrfji tinn South by British ,);n(, p. (By the Associated Ll,pl' L- thousand Polish insur- l orn driven out or trie Uity ; northeast of this city, by - ;;nti last night the Poles ..0,1 to be retreating in a v direction. At that time, .. ...;tl the City of Lublinitz, .s from Rosenberg. The , pi-ow of resistance, but 'i not fire a shot in taking . ropenberg. ' ; British soldiers entered ' Vlos dropped a few poqr . ; s behind them and there -,'ine patter of rifle shots :v,;H:i"popitioi's. The Poles ;:n their machine guns. , , ii UP m a road, and hrinf!1 TO ROADS GIVEN Mecklenburg Highway Com mission Wants Grade Crossings Eliminated; ,v l-.v rpir v-ic n ot "Rosenberg gave the ion. girls trying to kiss ,. r,r: i old women weeping as narched through the xnressed that the British proceed southward and w.t?.. It is expected they 'fly take charge of cities in ' districts of Upper Si- advance into Rosenberg ' a rapidly that the Poles ;,.'y no attempt to carry hveat to burn -and plunder t-i- the British occupied the frktf.chments of French sol 'v1.. and some of these stood ':. i with the British. t READY TO OPEN i Baptist Assembly Opens There Friday and Theo logical School Saturday. EGRESS, AGED 107, DIES A EKi ; C.. June 9. What was oldest person jii v,nester away Wednesday, when a negro, age 107 years. fa '. ...... Rlrw'L-atnnlr in thul Cj-.e?t?r. t r 5v,ar.r.on neignooinuuu. uctue wna ,?r H':"r:1"-- j 12 chilli"' tr to the crave. She was the mother 10 of whom preceded Safe Milk For Infants & Invalids NO COOKINQ The "Focd-Drink" for All Ages. Quick Lunch atHome,Office,an4 Fountains. Ask for HORLICK'S. trAroid Imitations & Substitutes The Mecklenburg County Highway Commission, replying to the North Car oling. Highway Commission for sug gestions about road construction, which the state commission will undertake in thus county with nart of the $50.- uuu.uuu bond issue, asks that all grade crossings of the six highways to be hard-surfaced by the commission be eliminated. The letter of the Mecklenburg com mission to the state commission points out that the Charlotte-Concord road from Charlotte to Concord could be improved by a change df route. The letter suggests "that you change this highway from what is known as the Newell-Harrisburg route (to Concord) to -what is known as the County Home or old Salisbury road. This change will begin at the intersection ofihis highway about six miles north of! Char lotte." The road on the Cabarrus end, con necting with the old Salisbury road, is much better graded and, is a straighter line than the proposed Cabarrus end as shown on the state commission's map, the letter suggests. The letter recommends to the state commission that the Charlotte-David son highway is the first one in the county that the state board ought to improve and thus puts its approval on petitions that have been made by many county organizations and bodies in Ire tdell county that this highway be con structed as early as possible. The suggestion of the Mecklenburg board further is that the Charlotte- Mount Holly road be the' second high way in the county taken up .for perma rent improvement. It asks that all grade crossings be eliminated and curves straightened where feasible. On the Charlotte-Belmont road, the letter suggests, the dangerous Dowd crossing in the city limits of Charlotte should be .leiminated. On the Monroe road, which has recently been improv ed from the Charlotte township line to ! Matthews, the. letter suggests an unaer pass be constructed at Briar Creek, near the city limits, to do away with the grade crossing over the Seaboard Air Line tracks. The state has already made arrange ments to provide $175,000 for work on the Chbrlotte-Davidson highway -n e county and it is expected that the work begin in the not far distant future. EXCUSES OF GERMANS ARE HANDED FRENCH The Southern Baptist Assembly will open at Ridgecrest Friday and the I&dgecrest Summer School of Theology will open on Saturday, according to announcement sent out in reference to the two bodies. Rev. Dr. Luther Little, of Charlotte; Dr. George W. Truett, of Texas; Dr. John Roach Straton, of New York; Dr. A. C. Dixon, of Los Angeles, Calif.; Dr. W. O. Carver, of Louisville, Kyy Dr. W. E. Denham, of New Orleans; Dr. A. T. Robertson, of Louisville, Ky.; and numbers of other notables and leaders of the Baptist church, will be present to take part in the assembly and to conduct the summer school of theology. " Music for the summer will be in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Charles But ler, of New York, noted musical direc tors. Miss Mary Ward, of New York, will conduct the pageants and social entertainments. A large tent is being erected to en tertain all who cannot find accommoda tions elsewhere. The announcement says thousands are expected to attend the two events during their progress For several vears past Ridgecrest h-is been the mecca for religious workers and students from all over the Soufci; who sro to attend the special events Several hundred people from Charlotte are expected to attend during the sum mer. Jbive oi Inem iestiiy to His cePt goid, or the circulation of any Qti' Micra Dm TIC RpfnvA nnrl such currency, in this country, is pro &trHlgeiOingl5eiOreana hibited after July l by a decree is A tjter IVllling l nOmaS. sed last night by President ooregon. 7 The decree asserts that foreign bank -Fiv- nhvsicians bills' or' in Seneral- any foreign money use, and tne meney useir win oe con- WORLD WAR INJURED WHITE HOUSE GUESTS Washington. June 9. America's wounded of the World war from hos pitala iear the capital were entertained Wednesday by President and Mrs. Harding at a garden party upon the eouth lawn of the White House. , Thev came in hundreds by automo bile and army truck and to the music of airs nlaved bv the Marine band, were pushed in chairs or led in single file past tne i-resiaeni ana Mrs. nxumug who stood to greet each one. Evergreen ho?pital, Baltimore, sent its detachment of blind and practically' all patients bedridden at Fort McHen-i ry ana .Ferryvine in iviaryiana . ajia wa-i. ter Reed hospital here were present I There were "eats" in abundance. When the long line of almost tw b thousand had filed by, the Presides (I and Mrs. Harding mingled with tip crowd, stopping at random to speak a word to whomever they encountered. T J A TiiA O all of them testifying that Dr. J. W. ?If T Peacocfi , of Thom&sville, being tried Violation of this decree is punishable, here fftor killing Chief of Police Taylor, 1 by a fine double the value of the for i' rriooTriiio -araa ra,n,i. eign monev the violator attemps to ble menitally at the time of the killing, (fixated furnislaed the feature testimony of the proceedings Wednesday. The medical SlXTY-SIX FOUND GUILTY. . n .. . . men Mere- bujcv.u "6uluua i New Orleans June 9. Sixty-six ma- examioation but stooa it wen. I rine strikers charged with violating a Probably the best card for the de-1 Federal injunction enjoining interfer- fense 'was Dr. Albert Anderson, super- erence wim snips ana ineir nun . A . . . . .. , . . . crews were found guilty late Wed- mtemlent of the State Hospital for the nesday by a jury in the United States insanp at Raleigh. Drl Anderson, an- district court, Judge Rugus E. Foster sweriftig a hypotheMcal question, de- presiding. The wholesale eonviction clare ft that he thought Dr. Peacock. " -tnt",?r eS ; - . - . , I tUUl L 111 LilC . kJVJ Ulll 0.11V4 XlCkO O-V. VT had t'een a paranoiac ror consiaeraDie paraiieis in the country, time before he shot Chief Thomas. The physjeian also stated that he considers jir. .reacuCK lu ub hicopuubiuk; iii-ch- talljf now. In the hypothetical ques tion was the statement that insanity wast prevalent in the Peacock fam ily. : The other doctors who supported tha t view are Dr. E. F. L,ong, Wake covjnty superintendent of health; Dr. J. J-V. McNally, of High. Point; Dr. H. W.( McCain, of High Point, and Dr. J. T. 'Burrus, head of a. High Point hos pitail. They, as did Dr. Anderson, bajs.ed their conclusion to some extent urjon the schemes of Dr. Peacock to grain great wealth. His alleged pro- j ection with a perpetual motion scheme s ind with other inventions were etied a is examples of an unsound mind. Dr. lturrus told of a visit to Dr. Peacock, shortly after the latter was jailed, stat in ig that he considers him insane. Dr. I? urrus admitted on cross examination t.iat he does not think Peacock insane B ow, but he does not think him. nor arnal. Dr. McCain testified that he would jpronounce Peacock insane if he had 'net killed Tavlor. He told of Pea cock's suffering from tubercu'osis and The Millions Use "Gets-It" For Corns Stops' Pain Instantly Removes Corns Completely. Everybody, everywhere needs to know what millions of folks have already learned about "Gets-It," the Paris, June 9. (By -the Associated Press.) Dr.- Mayer, the German am bassador here, called at the foreign of fice this morning and presented the ex cuses of the German government for an attack upon the French troops in Si lesia yesterday by the forces of Gen eral von Hoefer, head of the German defense forces in the district. Dr. Mayer said the attack was an error, the French having been mistaken for Polish insurgents. Oceanic Hotel Wrightsville Beach, N C. VINING & RUSSELL, Props. Music and dancing during the bathing hour will be a new feature at the OCEANIC. FRITZ HANSON life guard. Rates reduced. Write or wire for reservations. BATES IS SENTENCED TO 5 YEARS IN JAL Charleston. S. C June 9. W. T.. C Bates. Jr., former assistant cashier ot the Liberty National Bank, Colurjbia, S. C, Wednesday pleaded guilty in TTnited States district court here t o the charge of embezzling $150,000 of the institution's funds ana was senipncea to a fine of $5,000 and five years' im prisonment in the Federal penitentiary at Atlanta, ua. un request oi uie w fendant's attorneys, sentence w:bs sus pended for 30 days, during whkh ap TiliMtion for pardon, it is said, -will be filed with the Department of Justice in Washineton. Bates, who is Z?. year old, was released from custody tfor this period under bond of $20,uuu. kidney trouble. Dr. Long thought that Peacock could rot distinguish rignt from wrong at the time of the kill ing. . Clvde Hoey, A. JK. loiten ana A. ti. Price subjected the doctors to grilling Quizzes. The doctors were cautious with their answers but stuck io the es- sentiaj points. Character witnesses and a couple or men, J. VV. Moore ana joe j-iong, oi Thomapsville, who had told Peacock of the things! they thought Taylor had said about him or done to him were the other witneshses of the day. Crowds flocked to the courtroom to day, although not as many persons as on Monday. - ':;Mfi'-. CF& lC- End Your Cora With " GcU-It. guaranteed painless corn and callus remover. Any corn, no matter how deep rooted, departs quickly when "Gets-It" arrives. Wonderfully sim ple, yet simply wonderful, because all soreness stops witn me nrsi appli cation. Get rid of your corn and wear shoes that fit. Big jhoes simpl rhor alienists were eicnected to be I make corns arrow bigger. Your, mon ... . , . I ... Vo,.V I "na e-Tt" foilo Tna at nn the genuine. Costs but a trifle every wnere. juia. Dy Lawrence cz. Chicago. nut on the stand today by the defense. Irvin S. Cobb, tne notea numorist, sent a Peacock a telegram of sympathy and good wishes yesterday, hoping for a prompt acquittal. CONTINUE DRIVE FOR EDUCATION Campaign for Christian Ed ucation Funds Goes Well in South Carolina. iff? 'BAfHIMO fl L. S. DARBY SURRENDERS. Gainesville. Fla., June 9. L. 6 Darby, station agent for thei Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, at Balc'Iwin, who last night shot and kiiiea jwrsnan Ij. S. Thomas at that place, s arrendered to the police here today. Jtoeports re ceived here from Baldwin "were that Thomas attempted to arrest, Darby for disorderly conduct. , Help Mother Nature --m "WW uean House I immiiia I A Strai ght Line- Chester, S. C, June 9. The Christian Education movement of the Methodist church has extended the time for the every member canvass another week ac cording to a statement made nere to day by the Rev. John C. Roper, secre tary of education. He also said the movement was taking on renewed vigor'; in some quarters in South Carolina. The decided gains in the Columbia district was cited as a case in point. This district has six charges that have met their entire allotments, six that have made no report at all. the aggregate amount being more than a $100,000. The charges that have met their allot ments are .Washington btreet, ureen Street, Sandon, Waverly, Batesburg, a itan r,r,ri wiiiistnn. Columbia district Constipation leads to, biliousness, ... t- Rev j R- T- Major as pre- headaches, sluggish feeling, oao. giding elder is probably leading the con breath, yellow complexi pn, piles and fp-,-,,- with Greenville, presided over many other ailments. If constipated b Rey j M steadman, coming next. you should try Liv-u-iias. j.ney neip Mr Roper stated that with the ac- Mother Nature by cleaning the system tivity now being put forth and which of all body poisons. They are safe, woui(j i3e extended through Sunday and gentle and pleasant, and do not pro- Deyon(3 if necessary, together with the duce nausea or gripe. xry mwu city-wide campaigns tnat woum De put vou will be surprisec'l and delighted 1n Columbia and Spartanburg later with the ress., 25c at all druggists. ln the year for the colleges of the denomination situated in tnose cities it was well within the range of pro bability that the entire allotment of $1,060,000 might be realized- After spending yesterday at nome, gei tine in touch witn presiding eiders, pastors, charge directors, and district directors, by. letter ivir. rtoper leit mr Anderson at noon to present the cause of the Christian Education movement I before the conference of Womans Mis sionary society of the upper eouth Carolina Conference, now in session in that city. Adv. Is the shortest distance between two points prroc rvice to be complete, should be dill that (haS' impU ft should be dim and swift. Ooeratinff on the lines of the Southern Railway pubul a direoufih.service to and froni. poxnts in the South. No circuitous routing, no delays or unncjeessary . ?fr hiit a soeedv, safe express service., offered hvna W3t ExpreSSPcompany, biising it. ? "f:? tL merit of the service it renders the . suewcaa w . public. at. J P.. ,outd via Washington, care of Sl utheattorn ORDER .hipment. from .5 .0ted via Cincinnati care of SMithea.tern Exore..: Shipments from Middle we.r . of Southeasti-n Exprew; Shipment, from care of Southeastern Shipment, from Southwest, routed Tia a. EXP For speed, service and satisfaction, use outheastern Express MAN WITH THE CAP IS NOW UNDER ARREST? Cleveland, Ohio., June 9. Arrest of the "man with the cap", a roreigner, last night and an all-night sear for an other foreigner, whom the police ex pect to arrest today, alleged to have assisted in the siaDDing 10 aeaui jj. Daniel F. Kaber, wealthy publisher, in his Lakewood home nearly two years ago, brought1 a declaration today front: lvxia. iucuj,v. . January last sne aim a. v man n;nv received threatening d acn. nana let Mrs. Brickel. mother of Airs. Catherine Kaber, widow of the murder ed nuhlisher. is in jail charged With first degree murder for complicity in the Kaber killing. Mrs. Kaber and her dausher. Marian McArdie, are nem in New York on f irs"t degree murder char ges in the case. In her statement to tne at me time of her arrest, Mrs. Bickel declar ed she believed the actual murder was done bv foreigners, but at that time made no mention of the black hand letters. She said she could ascribe no reason for the letters since tney con tained no red U est for money. Mrs. Brickel disclaimed au Knowledge of the "man with the cap ana a wo man arrested in Sandusky early yes- terdav morning ana said sne aia not know whether Mrs. Kaber was acquain ted with them. The man has a crim inal record. Both prisoners are to be questioned today. Just before he died, jaoer 101a po lice "a man with a cap aid it . ENRICO CARUSO .HAS ARRIVED IN NAPLES -WanlAst. Tune 9 Enrico Caruso ar- rive hprfl todav on the steamship Pres- idente Wilson and was met by throngs fronds and admirers. He said he had come to ltaiy to nave a, rest among his native people. His voyage across the Atlantic fcaa greatly contributed toward recupera 7i nf ni streneth and vigor an.l he "U" w " . . J ti. feels completely ht, ne aeciareu. ia said he hoped -to return to America ready to sing again next autumn.. Charming 1 fl Oxfords 1 ma- mi t 1 m 1-1 mm ?Mim k 1 fi ( I Dark tan, two-strap brogue -'"s J i Oxford, military heel with 1 i rubber attached it's a beauty fl tpu i El 1 y B Wk Jimtary tan lace walking I Wi Oxford, mUitary heel with 2 m rubber attached very attrac- I live. I J $5 ''II 38 East Trade St. f j r j 1 m 1 Children's, Misses and Boys' Suits at 59c, 98c and $1.48 Ladies', at $1.98,$ 2.98 and $3 98 and AUTO OWNERS AND DEALERS YOU wear good clothes. WHY not dnjss up your car? The suits we make for motor cars are of the very best materials. The work is done by skilled workmen. " MR. J. A. WADSWORTH now has charge of our upholstering. He is r,o nf the best in the state in auto top recovering, side-curtain making and seat covering work. Such work can be done weU better or best. We do it BEST. Carolina Auto Paint and Trim Company W. P. Scholh Manager Dowd Building Corner 'Fourth & Poplar Sts. Telephone .4084. Men's and Young Men's, at 8c. S2.98. $3.9: 7 -r $4.98 Caps at 25c and 45c They come in all the most wanted colors with corresponding trimmings. Save by buying your Bathing Suit from CHARLOTTE, N. C. Send Us Y;our Mail Orders