THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 9, 1921t rhen 1 or rcement the V(" distmc- jhiWV'i hem'- ps Comm- ior on 11 " wi n&i ivMiiui c, r c Bluer uuttiib CHARLES F. MARVIN. Chief. 0A1LY WEATHER MA!. y r . r - a V 1 a m. & v m K WW w w -mmm mm I mm EXPLANATORY NOT Ei. pntt'fs ukea at 8 . m.. 75tb meridian lime. Air pressure reduced to se level. Isobars (continuous Hues) pus throngh points cf equal air pressure. Isotherms (dotted lines) pass throuch points of eq.ul temperature. O clear: Q partly cloudy; cloudy; rain: (D snow; R) report mlssinr Arrows fly with the wind. Shaded jes show precipitatlon'of 0 01 Inch or more In past 24 bours. llllHOUjrEHOLDHlNT . WEATHtSK conditions. June 9, 1921. Barometric conditions remain prac tically the same, generally high pres sure prevailing east of the Mississippi river and low thence to the north Pa cific states. Light to moderate rains have fal len in North. Carolina, the mountain section of South Carolina, extreme southwestern Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and eastern Tex as, with heavy rains of 1.00 to 1.80 in. 1' in a few localities near; the Louisiana coast, eastern Texas, and west-central Arkansas. There have also been light to mod erate showers from the lower and middle Ohio vahey westward to west ern Kansas, and at scattered stations in Colorado, the Dakotas, Wyoming and Montana. Temperatures are slightly above nor mal in Tennessee and interior portions of Georgia and Alabama and day tem peratures slightly below normal in Ok lahoma and northwestern Texas; sea sonable weather prevails mostly else where in the cotton belt. No import ant tempe-ature changes have occurred in northern districts. Generally cloudy and unsettled weather is probable for this vicinity tonight and Friday, with occasional showers and little change in tempera ture. THE WEATHER Weatber -Bureau Office. Charlotte, June 9. Sunrise 5:08 Sunset 7.36 Moonrise . . 8.53 a.m. Moonset 10.40 p.m. Moon phase, first quarter on 12th. MEM HINTS Breakfast Halved Grape Fruit. Frizzled Smoked Beef. V', i Joins. -imetr. Luncheon of Face and Bacon. vvVi.l una Butter Sandwiches. l inc..l'l"e oaiau. Dinner ..up Biscuits. Bnnled Lamb Chops. r;:rrots and Teas. Jelly Salad Charlotte Russe. Barley rota toes-recoa. MENU HINT. Breakfast. Grape Fruit. Cereal. Top Milk French Omelet. Buttered Toast. Coffee. Luncheon. Eggs a la Suisse. Nut Bread AVafers. , Salad Delight. Tea. Dinner. Salmagundi with Baked Potatoes. Bread. Beets with Butter. Cream Pie. Coffee. nf flannel snaked in turoentui, then nolish with a dry cloth. The tiles will 8 a. m soon look fresh, and new. TEMPERATURE. Dry Bulb. RECIPES FOR A DAY 10 a. Noon m. Wet Bulb-. Rarlev Gems Beat two eggs ngnt-I s a. m. ly and add two cupfuls of milk. Sift J Noon together one cup or Daney ana nee 69 71 76 67 70 NOT K' t: 01 SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS. No, The County Board of Education of Mf.'iiVil'urs" County will on the 11th oV.1u' 19-L at its office. County V1.;,,.. h,,us. i" City of Charlotte, V'-h Camilla, offer for sale school for tne special ocnuui iisu iti White. Long Creek, to oc ,,Ue.l by the Board or county torn nii' of Mecklenburg County, not x?d'ins Twenty Thousand Dollars ..-ti oon i par. tive hundred to one thou-'-j'nd, purchaser may desire, to Va'-'interest at rate of six per cent, 'tvable s:nii-dnnually i scria'.'.y. tinal payment twenty -ars. and jnneipul and interest pay ':, at fuoh place as the purchaser ?av design itc. sealed oids will Ve received and ened at twelve o'clock M. at the i Court House of Mecklenburg 'unty on the 11th day of July, 1921. .ich bids to lie secured by accom--.anvire satisfactory cashier check for i-n'pr cent of such bids, e received less than par, -i reject reserved. W. E. FHlUt, Chairman County Board Education Mecklenburg County. Av.esv. J. M- Matthews, Secretary. o-iMt-oatv RECIPES FOR A DAY. Eggs a la Suisse Take a baking dish and put two large tablespoons of butter in a little bit of milk, then lay er of srrated cheese, break a number of eggs and put them in the dish, be-,! ing careful to keep them separate, sea son with salt and pepper, sprinklo cheese on top, put in the oven and soon as the cheese is brown, serv. Salmagundi Cook for 20 minutes in boiling salted water two cups of mac aroni; drain; have ready about half a pound of cold cooked beef cut in cubes. Put into a baking dish a layer of mac aroni, then a layer of meat, a layer of flour and add two ounces of sugar, half Highest yesterday o too.nrwn nf ha.kiner Dowder. iub in lowest wsl msut ! nitth fincror tins four tablesDOons I Mean yesterday I V till I lit- A 1 V . - - I - mm, of butter substitute and add tne eggs iormii .. j sii. x t.m onn hake in nupn i luean saiiie uttLc jaoi ieai u .1 Deficiency for month . . . K ' nr t; anH Ptarnn Frv 1 Excess for year 358 untiiSbrown six large slices of bacor i Highest of record for June, 102 in 1914 and chop coarsely, prepare a cup ... i. i i -..-3 kAtim n ro onn z pun i nis bllT r"Hr; nS PRECIPITATION. the blcor Mx chli saucTand one ta- Total for 24 hours ending 8 a. m. . 0.24 , i j Thic mavlTotal for month to 8 a. in O.ib Diespoon Oi. eaupycu .-" I -N-vv,i r A AR v - 1 iin .r- u mav bfi turned Normal for June 4.4t tato7a greased ' baking dish, the top Deficiency for year covered with dried crusnea crumos niii- ed with grated cheese and Drownea over in a quick oven. WANT A WOMAN (Continued rroin Vt9 One.) surfaced road through the central sec tion of the state, connecting Raleigh, Durham, Burlington, Greensboro, High Point, Salisbury and intermediate points to Charlotte. When completed this will be one of the longest sireicnes of hard surfaced roads in the South, and one that will serve a large portion of the population of the state. This road can be completed in a minimum of time, for there is already a large number of stretches of this highway already paved with concrete or other hard surface material. The road between Durham and Raleigh will follow the Cary route. Wake county already has a hard surfaced road, from Raleigh to Cary, a distance of six miles, and Durham county nas con structed a road about four miles out of Durham. When these two links are connected it will be possible to go from the Johnson county line on the east to the Durham county line on the west, without getting off a good dependable road, one that can be trav eled at all seasons 1nd in all weather. In addition there will be spurs off this road to other important places in the state. One of these will lead from Durham to Chapel Hill. Eight or more miles of this Chapel Hill road has already been completed and the contract has been let for the Or ange county end of this road, so that before the new school year, it will be possible to go from Durham to the University over a hard surfaced road. All of the missing links will be paved before the end of the year, and in addition to the Ralei'-i-Char-lotte road, there wil be a great deal of building in the eastern counties, so that the central highway will be tapped on the east by a number of roads coming from the coastal piam section of North Carolina. Some of the eastern counties are not waiting for the highway commission but have big contracts under way tnemseives. The commission will during this month let additional contracts in the eastern counties, so . that in a comparaitvely short time it will be possible to traverse the whole length of the state on a dependable highway. We Sell Same Goods For Less Money 12 lbs. fine granulated sugar . Fancy new Irish potatoes, peck Our best chicken feed, peck .. Nancy Hall sweet potatoes, peck Pint Wesson oil Quart Wesson oil No. 5 Snowdrift lard Nn. 1 n Snowdrift lard . . ... 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour l.dU 24 lbs. Sunflower self-rising .. $1.35 3 dozen fresh country eggs, . . . .S1.00 1 dozen 5c laundry sopa osc $1.00 . 60c . 45c . . 50c . 28c . 55c . 60c $1.20 dozen 10c rolls toilet paper . . 89c dozen 10c Octagon soap . . . . 89c dozen 10c Argo starch 89c WHY PAY MORE? S'ir " " " ' Corner Eleventh and Graham. Thono 4090. Found anything in our store at wholesale prices until Thursday. If you want Bargains phone us. We will deliver free of charge. Fite & Harris Phone 2883 16 Who Serves SEED CORN. We are headquarters for first-class seed corn. Boyd's Special, per bu $400 Mikorv Kins, ner bu $2.75 Boon County, per bu. ..$2.75 American Seed Co. Special, per bu $2.75 Improved Golden Dent, per bu .. $3.50 Full line Sudan grass, first class seed free from Johnson grass; only $6.00 per hundred. Peas and Soy beans are high. We suggest using cane aYid Sudan grass for forage. Don't forget our special price on Sparr Brand mule feed. $2.20 per hundred. We appreciate your trade and offer only first class goods. AMERICAN SEED CO. 311 Eat Trade St. Phone 3961. J. R. Faulkner Co. 1420 S. Boulevard HUMIDIT Y. 8 a. m. Noon . 3.49 91 Those have not served who gather alone the gold. Nor have they served whose life is told In selfish battles they have won, Of deeds of skill that have been done. But those who served, who now and then Have helped along his fellowmen. PHONE 18061807. GULP BROS. Home-grown snap beans, sugar peas, beets, squash, lettuce. June appivs. Nancy Hall sweet potatoes. Revere brand succotash, can .. . Large cans pie peaches, can . . . 4 cans 15c Van Camp pork and beans 23 oz. Orington jam 17 oz. jars Monarch brand cherry preserves c Pint bottles apple Juice 15c T;t l-vnttleia sranB iuice 3aC Gold Bar brand asparagus tips .. 25c Country cured hams, shoulders and bacon. 24 lbs. Melrose flour $l.on 24 lbs. Sugar Loaf patent flour $1.30 15c 15c i 25c 35c DELICIOUS PIE RECIPES Lemon Cream Pie Three-quarters nun of white suear and one large spoon ful nf vnttfr hpnten into a cream. Stir in thrpe beaten volks of eggs, add le mon inice and crated peel, one lemon A little almond extract rose water and thrPP tablesnoons of sugar tor a mer ino-ua tf nnvpr thp. nift when done. This snceu onion, men a. mjei w iuiucx,.--, jQr one g00(j.sizeQ pie- G. S. LINDGREN, Meteorologist. (either canned or fresh). Dust over a principal pay- little salt and pepper and dot with but ter. Have a layer oi cracKer cruun's on top. Pour over any gravy you have: if not sufficient use a little milk or water. Bake 45 minutes. COOKING HINTS. No more crushed and misshapen stuff ed eggs at the picnic luncheon if tho. following suggestion is followed. Keep on hand several fresh, clean egg boxes 1 7,i with the usual small compartments in and right Lemon-Aople Pie Take one apple chopped fine, one egg, one lemon chop inside fine, grate the rina; one cup oi sugar, piece of butter size of a walnut. Makes one pie. TRY THESE To Keep Buttons From Being Iron ed Dff Place a pin in button and sew over this. When finished remove the pin, thus leaving the thread loose en ough for buttons to 'play" when push ed by the iron in ironing or tearing off in the wash. It is well to put a tape back of them on very thin mater ial. , Dress Shields Instead of sewing aress CHARLOTTE MEN AT STATESVILLE Local Merchants Guests at Banquet; David Ovens Speaker of the Occasion. What The world needs men today. Red blooded men along life's highway, With cheerful smiles and helping hand, With a faith that understands The beauty of a simple deed Those who serves another's hour of need. 13 lbs. sugar $1.00 25 lbs. sugar .... ". $2.00 100 lbs. sugar . . . .' .... $7.25 Nice rib meat, lb l'C Nice white boiling meat, lb 13c l?v the strin. lb 12ac 8 lbs. compound lard $1.00 4 lbs. compound lard 55c G lbs. nice coffee $1.00 New Irish potatoes, peck 40c Wp ra-.Vv nice fruits, all kinds of green vegetables. 45 North Col5ege. Red Front Phone 695. We Deliver All Over the City. GULP BROS. Phones 18061807. 225 East Trade. Our f buys a brand I new Corona - portable type writer. Other makes at attractive prices. See us before you buy. THONTV 4542 POUND & MOORE CO. wiTii-b -"rs are delivered. .acn sub division will be found just the right place to keep a stuffed egg in perfect n indition durinsr the trip. Roll each egg in waxed paper, twisting the en.l , shields in waigt on with ver small hooks so that it shall project as a handle by , n ia L having the hooks on the which to pull the egg irom ixs cuou.v- h, M - the ln the vaist, Be sure NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS. The County Board of Education of MeckiPnl.urg County will on the 11th 'lay of .luly. 1321, at its office. County Cour. Huuse, in City of Charlotte, North Carolina, offers for sale school bonds for the Special School District No. :'k White, Crab Orchard, to be issued Vy the Board of County Com rr.issii inert of Mecklenburg County, not exceeding Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ?25.00O par. five hundred to one thou--ir.d, a purchaser may desire, to :?ar irTest at rate of six per cent, iayabL sc mi-annually, principal pay sV.e serially, final payment twenty 'ars, and principal and interest pay at such place as the purchaaer rc-iy d?siE;nute. Sealed bids will be received and rper.ed at twelve o'clock M. at the County Court House of Mecklenburg County on the llth day of July, 1921, such bids to be secured by accom- tanying satisfactory cashier check for en per cent nf such bids. No bid to rectived less than par, 'and right reject reserved. W. E. PRICE, ra-.rman Countv Board Education Mecklenburg County. A: J. M. Matthews, Secretary. L5-4t-oaw hole. Stand each egg on ena in us own compartment, close the box and dismiss all care from your mind as to the packing of that particular item cf the luncheon. Fresh cracker dust makes a delicious thickening for milk soup. Simply ?tir in until of the right consistency just before serving. SUGGESTIONS. Tn nlare of shelf paper for the china closet cut oUt pieces about six inches wide from some remnants of curta'n net. After hemming them on the ma chine crochet a simple pattern into the edge and they are very pretty. For cleaning the grater on which chocolate, lemon or in fact anything has been grated, use a small brus,h with stiff bristles, which can be pur chased for five or ten cents. The ordi nary dishcloth is sure to become fas tnoH on the rough surface and al&o -r,riu nnt ripan the holes properly. From cheap, unbleached cloth, also old sheets and night dresses one cn-: make quite serviceable chemises and corset covers to wear about the, mornings. Save pretty pictures from old calen dars or magazines and when a new '.a. endar comes with just advertising upon it paste on a picture. Often the tiles in the hearth becomes so stained that water will not clean them. Try rubbing mem mi to get the washable kind. You will find this very convenient indeea. Stocking to keep black stockings from turning brown use plenty of blu ing water. KITCHEN HINTS When making mashed potatoes into cakes, rub the hands with flour to r-'e vent potato sticking to them. When scourine pans use an inexpen sive nana Drusn wnicu uis.nuuicv cleanser mCh better and seems to lighten this task considerably, to say nothing of saving the discloths. In making salads calling for celery when it is impossible to get celery, take cabbage stalk, cut it up fine and sprinkle with celery seed and let stand a while, then just before using, mash it up. To nrevent whipped cream rrom gei- I ting watery after standing a short time, i dissolve a little gelatine in two tea spoons of water and whip in tne cream. You can let it stand ior nours aim it will be as firm as at nrst. LOST RIVER BED FOUND. Caribou, Cal. A lost river bed was Sixteen officers and members of the Charlotte Merchants' Association re turned from Statesville Thursday morning at 1 a. m., after attending by invitation the annual meeting and din ner of the Statesville Merchants' As sociation. About 115 merchants and visitors were at the banqueting table, including visiting merchants from other r-itis f the Western part or tne state The Pharlotteans reoorted a splendid nfd anDreciation for th nrrtial hosnitality of the States ville organization. David Ovens, of the J B. Ivey department store here, was principal speaker of the evening. The Charlotte party made the trip to and from Statesville by automobile. Atr Ovens, in his atldress, the prm- oinal on of the evening, adverted to the cordial relations that have always o-irietd botween Mecklenburg ana ire Hon counties and referred to the fact that the two counties were one in me;i efforts to insure the building of the first hartf-surface highway in the West nart of the state that between rviariottn and Statesville. Pavinsr tribute to the Statesville Merchants' Association and J. Pau T.eonard. its secretary who is also sec i-otarv of the State Association, M". Ovens said the Statesville organization cot tbo nac-e for merchants' organiza tions in the state and was copied by the other locals. There are few new principles to D-3 learned in merchandising, Mr. Ovens said, that were not in effect when mer chandising began back near creation s dawn. In selling a pair of shoes the modern merchant employs about the same methods that were employed by Strong men must stand beside the weak. Kind men to hear what others speak. True men to keep our country's laws, To guard its honor and its cause. Men who can bravely play lire s gamt, AVho ask not rewards of gold or fame. Duty Teaches us to do the best we can To help cheer our fellowman, To lose all seinsn neeas, And delight in the larger deeds. Which smoothes the' road and lights the day For those who pass along our way. A. U. WE SELL QUALITY GROCERIES. John Allen Taylor Cash Grocery. Corner Church and Fourth Sts. 2016 PHONES 1768 Economy Grocery encountered in drilling a power tunnel hrf rpcentlv. It was at a depth of 400 feet and the log oi a tree was found in a perfect state of preserva tion, the wood pruning freely. 37 W. 4th. Phone 4380 Your "Eats" best hot-weather -Sandwiches JUS TAR RIVED A NEW CAR OF SELECTED Oranges and Grapefruit ALSO, A NEW LOT OF Tomatoes Watermelons Roasting Ears WE KEEP A REGULAR SUPPLY OF All Vegetables Coulbourn's Market Cars Most Economical" East Fifth St, at Seaboard Tracks. the morrhant along the river Nile in i power tunnei - - th SDeaker said, a- It was at a depth oc j -,,Y differences in some details of the transaction. We have learned a tew new trie?, however." Mr. uvens saia, speiuin itvi nnrtioiilar reference to mercan tile P-jmerience in unanone anu tne tonrienrv tnwards closer co-operation ia v.v.on nf ffiriencv and consideration for employes. "When it was suggesicu a few years ago tnat stores ciose at -j r. m. manv thought it would not doat all. But we have been closing now for i vooro at tnat nour ana uwu the ten commandments and the law ol r-avitn firm are still in effect." "The most important factor in suc cessful merchandising perhaps," said vt- rWria "is the selling force, thac rQrt of vmir store that comes in closest contact with the public. While mer chandising, like otner tnings, pra, on age-old principles, we may learn oy experience that certain ideas such :s making the public feel cordial to youv store by a cultivated, considerate salea force and attention to other details . on th difference in the world between successful and unsuccessful merchandising." ' x. Among the guests at the rneetmg wee all the ministers of otatesvnla. a t ifi officers and members of i, r-v,o,-ir,ttP association were also D was Frank Morrison, of Winston-Salem, former president of the ir.x.UnM4 A icAniOTiAn North Carolina jvieruuiut aoW.uiuv, ; i,n of the Winston-Salem local Mr. Ovens rallied the Twin City visitors rir iofArrine to Winston-Salem as the great Afro-American center of the Southeast and the most populous city in North Carolina. LOOK OUT RICH MAN. Washington. The wealthy clubman and sportsman with his private hunt- insr preserves siocnea wim tuvM 6cwio may soon lose much of the exclusive of ur.h nrivileges. He may hnd some day that these acquisitions of his wealth are open to the plain, everday 1-4n This' is possible through a resolution -Hir. in the House by Represen- tatlvo Anthony, ot ivansaa, wmui would enable the Government to ac quire and maintain public shooting -...o in various parts of the coun try where every American who could I afford $1 for a license would be al- J lowed to hunt. I Natural gas and coal gas are both combustible gases, but are not identical. Finest quality 60c butter, lb. .. 43c wvra fanrv sliced breakfast bacon. m 43c Root p-rade. 4-Th. strins bacon, only O - - no. oov aHf'c nnrt Armour s best nams. TTonrv No. 1 Dotatoes, peck . . . . 50c Fancy large smooth tomatoes, lb. 20c Tall cans Sockeye salmons . . 33c Triat cans medium red salmons .. xac Gorten's new pack fish roe and ready to fry. . Dessert peaches, best duality, cheap. ir rhs. susrar i PICNIC TIME We have the goods for it. Pimentoes, craft cheese, pickles, niivps. nimento cheese, boiled ham, vot- tA Via mavonnaise and salad dress ings of all kinds,- relish, cakes and crackers a full assortment, Easy-TVTake-Puddinff. Jello, all flavors. Swans Down cake flour, fresh blackberries all kinds of fruits, full line fresh cgetables, your chickens, eggs ana but- ter. Phone us your uiu. Watts Grocery Co. In the good old summer time, your body needs food that liaht-but highly nutritious, of course. Sandwiches are tteSlSuiLrve sandwiches-with a fruit ade or ices There you have refreshment to the queens taste and at the same time you're certain of honest-to-goodness food! If you wish them to be specially dainty for the picnic or porch party, remove the crusts neatly with a sharp knife. Here are a few that will appeal for deliciousness: Strawberry Sandwiches Bread should be cut thin and buttered lightly. Slice large firm strawberries and spread over slice Sprinkle' with blended powdered sugar and cinnamon and cover with second slice. should be maae jusi uews ""' 813 East Seventh St. Phone 4431. Fite's peciais These serve. Chicken and Olive Sand wiches Butter the desired number of slices of Bread, and on half of these lay thinly sliced pieces of chicken. Over the chicken spread a mixture of minced olives moistened with mayonnaise. Cover with second slice. These should be made just before time to serve. Watercress Sandwiches Spread between thin slices of Bread a filling made as follows: One-half cup of butter, six ta blespoonfuls of minced water cress, one teaspoonful of lemon juice. These ingredients should be thoroughly creamed. Slices need not be buttered. $7.25 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 100 lbs. sugar v 25 lbs. sugar 13 lbs. sugar . . . . 6 lbs. nice coffee oc rKo russirl BrritS . . . 15 lb head rice M;"" New Irish potatoes, peck; .. .. Kingan's Sliced bacon, lh. .. .. 4oc Fresh sandled country eggs, ' doben c The bet hams, lb ..c Nice rib meat, lb Nice white boiling meat, lb. . . .. 1,C 8 lbs. compound lara k 4 lbs. compound lard 55c Craig Fite - Th Tnt-Price Cash Grocer. ka Front 39 S. College St. 1875 PHONES 18 6 We Deliver All Over the City. For the Bread-goodness that is the foundation of sandwich-goodness, insi3t on the loaf fullest of Bread-flavor and deliciousness BUTTER-NUT BREAD 1 Carolina Baking Company YS alvmaior ltefn$erates Without Ice, See It in Operation at 301 North Tryon St. E. GUGGENHEIM, Distributer