6 THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE; N. C, FRIDAY AFTERKOON, JUNE 10 192t I ! " K ii 5 SOOEJgf HEWS I Jg MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL, Sodal' Editor, Phone t77 Miss Lois Anderson and ; r T Thomas McPheters Wed. - .' One of the notable weddings of the year was that of Miss" Mary Lois Anderson and Thomas S. McPheters, which was solemnized Thursday night ""in the Second Presbyterian church. Rev. Dr. William McPheeters, of Columbia, S. C, father of the. groom, performing the ceremony, assisted by Rev. Dr. A. A. McGachy, pastor of the Second church. The pulpit was banked with palms a,nd oak foliage in front of which were three sets of cathedral tapers which aaaea to the rich beauty of effect. While the wedding guests were as sembling Dr. J. R. Ninniss, dean of the music- department of Queens Col lege, rendered a pre-nuptial program jrhich was exceptionally beautiful. The , "spacious edifice was thronged with a brilliant assemblage of friends repre senting the highest social life of the city. The Bridal chorus from Lohengrin was played as the bridal party en tered, and Mendelssohn, as they left the church. The ushers entered" singly down the two main aisles in the follow ing order: Thomas Glasgow and Ivey Stewart; Dr. .William Allan and W. H. Martin. Immediately following were the brides maids and groomsmen in the following order: Miss Ella Moseley and Miss Sara Moseley; William M. Wilcox and Charles McPheeters, broth er of the groom; Miss Harriet Orr and Miss Mary Sanders Howell; Claude uocnran and John Anderson, of Schenectady, N. Y.. brother of the bride; Miss Margaret Anderson and John Roddy. The color scheme of the wedding was green and pink, the brides maids wearing gowns of light green organdie with organdie sashes and carrying bi? bunches of pink sweet peas and pink snapdragons. The effect was charming in the extreme and the maids were exceptionally attractive in their wed ding gowning. There were four little flower maids, 11Ui,M vugima. jones, Virginia Peters, Anna Jackson Preston, and Sarah Lane Smith. They were daintily pretty in their little frocks of flesh-colored or gandie. Each carried a basket of pink sweet peas. Two of the flower girls entered just before the dame of honor ivirs. ivey Stewart, and two preceded, the maid of honor, Miss Willie Ander son. Mrs. Stpxvnrt anA ATia aj I . iii3i3 Aiiuei sun wore gowns of pink organdie exquis itely fashioned, and carried shower bouquets of pink sweet peas and pink wiiapui abulia. . Miss Charlotte Parker, the lovely little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D R Parker, of High Point, was ring bearer. She came in just a little ahead of the bride, wearing a cunning little dress of flesh-colored organdie and carrying the ring in a large white rose. The groom and his best man, his brother, Mr. Samuel McPheeters. en tered from the choir room as the bride with her father, Mr.' William Anderl son passed down the north aisle The bride was given in marriage by her father. She was strikingly handsome in an elegant -gown of white satin with court, .train, trimmed in rose point and,; pearls. Her veil was worn coronet effect and was held by a wreath of orange blossoms. She car ried a shower bouquet of bride roses, ewansonia and maiden hair fern. Puring the ceremony, impressively perrormea Dy ur. Mcpneeters, Dr. Ninnis played softly on. the organ, "Poppies, by De Koven. The Bridal party . left the church in the following order: The bride and groom; ring bearer, Miss Charlotte Parker: flower, eirls. Misses Virginia j ones ana Virginia Peters; Miss Willie Anaerson ana Mr. McPheeters; Mrs. Ivey Stewart; Misses Sara Lane Smith and Anna Jackson Preston, flower girls; Miss Anderson and Mr. Roddy; miss Mary Sanders Howell and Mr. Cochran; Miss Harriet Orr and Mr. Anderson; Miss Sara Moseley and Mr. McPheeters; Miss Ella Moseley and Mr, Wilcox; Dr. Allan and Messrs. Glas gow, Martin and Stewart. A brilliant reception followed at the handsome home of Mr. and Mrs. An- aerson on Queens Road, Myers Park, several hundred guests being present. Receiving with Mr. and Mrs. Ander son were the bridal party; Dr. and Mrs. McPheeters, of Columbia, SV"C.; Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Parker, of High Point; Misses Lina and Laura Worth of Guilford College, aunts of the bride,' and Miss Elizabeth Butner, of Winston-Salem. The bride is the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, the former a prominent and l Charlotte, the latter of the Worth family, which is famed in" the history of the Old North State. rMs. McPheeters was frariuotni Queens College with high honors. She is one of Charlotte's most cultured young women, being noted for her brilliant intellect and compelling per sonality. She is admired by a wide circle of friends throughout the slate Her popularity was attested by a number of pre-nuptial hospiltalities given in her honor. Mr. McPheetars i a r.onr t . I0n. Va-' his fahy belonging to that charming and distinctive set of people that are famous in song, and story. He came to r-ha,-wt years ago to become assistant cashier in the Commercial National Bank which position- he still holds Few young men in the business world of Charlotte command more prestige or more friends. s or Mr. and Mrs. McPheeters left Thurs- 2m I' g Jr a brMal trip north- They will be absent about a fortnight. IV Annabel LADIES' TWO-PIECE SKIRT. The simplicity of this style, No. 1034, makes it especially good looking in sport materials" to wear with the new sweaters and blouses. A plait at each side of the front and back gives a straight panel effect. The ladies' two-nieca skirt No. 1ft34 is cut in sizes 26 to 34 waist meas ure. Size 26 requires 2 1-2 yards 36 inch or 2 1-8 yards 44-inch material. Price 15 cents. - JiUrv 10341 Everv woman who wants ta rtrM9 stylishly and economically should- order at once the spring issue of our new FASHION QUARTERLY, which is three times as large as the fashion monthly we formerly tamiari tains over 300 styles, dressmaking les sons, etc. Price 10i. Postage prepaid and safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25c for a na'.tern and Fashion Quarterly. Taylor-Bost. "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Double Guarantee. free Tunhv and Liberal Selling Plan. Write for Catalogue. Prices and Terms mi. "The vorld's Best Piano" . And Other Standard Makes, and tne Incomparable AMPICO JOHN W. POST Jfc CO 2o ,Trade St- Charlotte, N. c. Coral Baker Music Studios Here Mrs. Hood and Mrs. landle Entertain. vJU H- B-uHo and Mrs. L. H. Yandle were hostesses at' a delightful informal party on Wednesday frfm T) v 3 5 p; m- at tne home of MrS Yandle in Matthews, complimenting ' ThTth6r' MrS- C" A- FunderburK. rioil me was arranged with potted plants and garden flowers vULL- rt feature of the entertain ment was the comparison of the guests ages, ranging from 70 to 85 years -n- uengnilUl. O d-fnsh mnofl ed by a bell which has been in the Funderburk family over 50 years iier " a"ernoon, light refresh- j Those present were Mesdames C. I Sf At p T J- Renfrow- B. M. Barl P C Sni F"son. P- A. Klutr. J Biack. Yandle' Rachael Reid, M. E. ! After spending a v the f guests returned to hoSR ; SS!S2E,.M partins sifts "5 'Apron Party. 14TTeJ?pworth 'ague of Tryon Stteet oartv" FriCr!hUrCh sive an "apron foom ,1 l$ay ,eveni.nr in the junior , , ? -tne church and have sent 2," viations reading as follows THE EPWORTH LEAGUE OF TRY ON STREET . ?vS yoV fnPron new and neat With pocket in it,-all completed Measure your waist-line inch by inch And see that men an n.oa For every inch that you measure roiin In the Docket nut t.. . 'JSr f?h eight. uon t rorget the The marriage of Miss Eva Bost, daughter of Mr., and Mrs. J. E. Bost, of Matthews, and W. R. Taylor, of .iNorin uaKota, was solemnized Tuesday evening at tne Onae's home at Mat thews, Rev. S. N. Needham officiating. lvirs. j. t. tsost. of Charlotte render ed the bridal music. Prior to the cere.. mony, Miss Mabel Helms of Monroe, sang, "Because." To the strains of Mendelssohn's wedjling march, little Aiiss vuginia, usi ot unariotie, niece of the bride, entered, daintily dressed in wnne organdie, with pink sash and hair ribbon, carrying a basket of pink sweet peas. The bride and groom Entered tosreth er the former wearins a tailored suit of navy blue Poiret twill with srrav ac cessories. Her corsage was of Bride's roses. After the ceremonv. the e-uesta were invited into tne dmme-room. where tcfi- cream and cake were served. . The bride and groom left for Char lotte, where they caught train for Washington, New York, Chicago and other points of interest en rounte to isisniarck, North Dakota. Mrs. Taylor is an exceptionally pret. ty and attractive brunette. She was educated at-Queen's college, and at the Southern Conservatory of Music, Dur ham. For the past year she has had charge of the music department of the Matthews High school. Mr. Taylor is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Taylor of Carydon, Ind., but has resided-in Bismarck for the past four years. He commands a wide circle of friends both in Indiana and North Da- Kota. He was educated at the Univer sity of Indiana, ann is now sales man ager of the Chicago Portrait company in tne state of North Dakota. Miss Kuhn 'v' Entertains Miss Eleanor Ttthn entertained char mlngly at cubical hearts Thursday morn ing at tne Charlotte Country club, in honor Of Mica A Itn. fillov nf Hipknrv ""J All VJ. 11. J v.' .and Miss Adelaide Douglas of Winston- iaaiem, guests or Miss Jane liiimer, ana Miss Peggy Coleman of Asheville and miss jiiiizaoeth Shelton of Winston Salem, guests of Miss Jane Taliaferro. The club-rooms where the game was in progress were decorated with a pro fusion of bright-colored garden folwers. After the game, Miss Kuhn served a adia.u course with accessories, r Those eninvinor tm loHfhtfnl hosni tality were Miss Gilmer, Miss Cilley, Miss Douglas, Miss Taliaferro, Miss Coleman, Miss Shelton, Miss Alice Gib bon, Miss Sarah Jamison, Miss Julia Wilkes, Miss Marion Wads worth, Miss Fay Dwelle, Miss Mary Bagley B,oss, ixiuss noriense Cobb of Lancaster, S. C, Miss Mary Mills Ham, Miss Mildred Cave, Miss Grace Montgomery, Miss DOriS Howell Mies FllnhuiVi ATathor Miss Helen Hardie, Miss Martha Davis', Miss Elizabeth Hanes of Winston-Salem, apss .naze! .Hunter, Miss Mary Spier. In Honor of . Mrs. Kerr. Mr.s C. E. Bloom, Jr., will give a luncheon at the Woman's club Satur day at 1 o'clock complimenting Mrs. Thomas Franklin Kerr, who was for merly Miss leeka Ritch. Mrs. Kerr has recently returned from a wedding trin to the West The invited guests are Mesdames xverr, vv . a. uraham, Donald Stilwell, u. a. ts&ss, w. F. Sibley, of Richmond, Va.; and 'Misses Laura Torrence and Minnie Reed. ' - . - Smith- Ljles. Mr. and Mrs. John Masren Lyles an nounce the marriage of their daughter, Bessie Virginia, to Julian Calvin Smith, on Monday, the sixth of, June, nineteen hundred and twenty-one, Hamlet, North Carolina At hnmo nftor- the twenty-fifth of June New Central hotel Charlotte, North Carolina. JLne bride is verv rieliffbtfullv known to Charlotte snolotv"ns the hoiise-s-nest of her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Love, in Myers Park. She is a pretty, charming brunette, and will receive a cordial welcome to Charlotte. Mr. Smith has been liviner in Monroe, being engaged in business there. He will enter business in Charlotte. Men's Brotherhood Organized At a get tosether meetine held in the Sunday School rooms of the Villa Heights A. R. P. Church Thursday ev ening a "Men's Brotherhood" was or. ganized- Refreshments were served by" the ladies of the church, after which the xoiiowmg officers were elected: President, Herbert Grier. Vice-President, N. W. Hopkins. Secretary, J. W. Bennick. Treasurer, Geo. L. Bickett. A feature of the evening was a hum ororus address bv Rev. E. d. Carson of North .Charlotte. wi . . i .J Se;ls- fair- must admit, . lou waist" your money we pocket it; out STIEFF PIANO For Three Quarters of a Century A LEADER or pnone for prices or fill following blank and send us: Chas. M. Stieff, Inc., Charlotte; N. C. pifnos86 Sftnd CataloSu and prices of Name Address Converse Club of Alumnae Meet A delightful social event nf the week was the meeting on Wednesday aiternoon of the Converse club, con sistins- of the local alumnae nf Con verse College, Mrs. C. G. McManaway was hostess. A letter from Miss Annie vT,p nf Monroe, was hi ard with interest, es pecially so because she is one of the three women recently elected as on advisory cornmittep to th narrf r,r Trustees. Mrs.s McManaway announc- ea tne gut or ?100,000 to the endow-? ment fund during the month of May. $75,000 is th eift of a nrivatf r'twen whose name is withheld, and $25 000 is from the Carnegie Foundation fund. Reports of tha annual commencement exercises were made by 4vuss Margaret Stevens and Mary Alex anaer. A prize winning poem, '"Gray Days," written by Miss Lara Liston, was read by Mrs. J. P. Quarles. "Some echoes of the Past" were given by Miss Louis Williamson and Mrs. Pierce W. Fyche. A ETOllD of SOnes bv Miss Tnnio Withers was greatly enjoyed :in1 lnt-r f-he assisted the hostess in serving -"O punch ana cake: , . Besides the members of the losl club there were present two visitors Masses Halrriett Means and Nancy Montgomery Moore, of Snartanhnrtr Mrs. A. R. Craig is president 'and sec retary. - $1 0M0 IN PRIZES THOMAS 4. BMaifflSB,? A PHRASE TVTv T? I i i , uWi4 wants a prirase which will emphasize that the New Edison is an in strument by wheih the true beauties and the full benefits of music can be brought into every home. The phrase must clearly distinguish the New Edison from all other sound-producing devices. ' will For the phrases which most aptly and most comDletelv aywoco ijI J .xnwii ux me juages, Mr. Edison voon puses as ioiiows: FIRST PRIZE 5 0ft0 SECOND PRIZE . . . . . . $2 000 THIRD PRIZE ... ; ' ' iroo& -v ui rnrases $100 Each. THIS CONTEST IS OPEM Trt ivn... : 1 HAVR Vnii n. "" STRICWON OPNyS nD UT ""ON OR ' RE HAVE YOU RECEIVED YOUR ANSWER Kks: IF NOT CALIj AT Office Supply Co. and Brovn & Page Co. Inc. 231 South Tpn Street 0 "uwu PHONOGRAPH STORE. Phones 1537-3767 Personals Attending: the dance in n raster vi C., Thursday night from Charlotti were Miss Elizabeth Dowd urtsn T.n. lian Floyd, Miss Adelaide Caldwell ani Miss Rosella Driscoll. who recently moved here from Wilmington, anil Messrs. LeConte M.irlrov Sirlnov rtmi-.-l Thomas Henderson, Lloyd Good,' xommy stoKes, rank Yorke, Qild-r Craver, Charles Skinner "and Carlisle Thomas. MiSS Julia T5a-vtr Snntt anrt -Mtcd -wbW uiivt ATA A orinne Uibbon left Thursday night for Cambridge. Md.. to visit Mr nnri !Mrs. f Richard Austin Snrins-s. th f. mer Miss Scott's uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Llovd "Ross and Hoiio-l,. ter, of Lawton, Okla., will arrive in the city in a day or so to visit Mrs. C. B. Ross at her home on East Trade street. They expect to spend two or three months in North Carolina. Miss Elizabeth Dowd, who has been attending Hollins College, has arrived home. She is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. WFrank Dowd. bcidl CdlendriTi FRIDAY. 4 p m. Charlotte chapter of the Due West Alumnae ' Association - win meet with Miss "vMola home in the county. 8 p. m. Apron party to be given by the Epworth League of Tryon Street Methodist ehnrfh at trio rhm-r.v. ; -w - Mm u. VA SATURDAY. 11:30 a. m. The .Tulin Jsolrsnn rT - " -SAIQ-J. ter. Children Of th Cnnfor1ra.v will entertain the Vptprana with a dinner at Lakownnd Part fniinwi..,. the regular monthly meeting of the Vet- 6:30 D. m. Dinner sorvcrl .1 v,, Charlotte Country Pini -. 9 p. m. Dance at the Charlotte BOOK SHOWERS For June Brides Should Include BIBLE BOSTON COOK BOOK; $50 By Fannie Merrit Farmer ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ETIQUETTE By9 Emily Holt DESK STANDARD DICTIONARY, Funk & Wagnalls THE SOCIAL LETTER, $1 J5 By Elizabeth Myers COOKING FOR TWO, ?2.55 By Janet M. Hill CHAFING DISH POSSIBILITIES, By Fannie Merrit Farmer TABLE SERVICE, $1.60 By Lucv Allen . .. THE COMPLETE GARDEN, $6.00 joy fLioeri 1 1. Tavior. m. s a nutsKKEEPING CASH AND KITCHEN DAY BOOK, $Uft MODERN ATLAS, $3.00 ADDRESS BOOK, DIARY BRIDES RECORD BOOK i Mail- Orders a Specialty A Book Store of. Rare Excellence. Office Suplies arid Furnishers. J -HAELOTrCS SHOPPING CENTER" IMS A BON MARCHB STOBE dfaUractive xJismmeii presses m a Special Selling at and A selling well timed for these ' days when the assembling of . warm weather wardrobe is a matter of immediate concern. Charming models are of w- -v w w y i Organdie and Voiles The very sort that women will wish for afternoon and even ing wear. They are of sheer voiles in neat figure effects, or Or gandies in all the pretty colorings featuring ruffles and other dainty trimmings. v . T louses SPECIALLY PRICED FOR SATURDAY SELLING. THE MATERIALS are Crepe de Chine and Georgette. THE STYLES are tucked, embroidered and lace trimmed. THE SLEEVES are long or short. THE COLLARS are Tuxedo,-Buster Brown or Shawl. THE COLORS are White, Flesh, Navy, Brown or Black. THE SIZES 43, 45, 47, 49. THE PRICE $7M THE PRICE Kin.oo Lr3? were for those that were $8.95 to $10.00 $12.95 and $15. Jhe Wew gromley Suit It's th new Sports Suit, one of the fetching jumper models " women are wearing. This particular model is made of all wool Jersey the jacket a loose-fittins slip-over style with white Buster Brown collar and cuffs. This with a full pleat- ed skirt makes a very smart, novel and inexpensive sport suit. Colors: Brown and Navy. JBags omen s 0and OF GENUINE LEATHER POUCH SHAPE $m ' splendid opportunity to secure a smart looking bag for the holiday week-end trip at a moderate price. Browns, tans J)Peckwear Just the latest creations in Organdie Laces an4 .Nets ready made-xin shape . to make-rin styles to suit milady's fancy. Separate Collars, Sets, Fischus, Vesta, Bandings, Yestings, Ruffling, white and colors. - ,, . . CHAMOISETTE GLOVES 16-BUTT0N LENGTH White, Mastiii or Black. A new shipment came Saturday Kayser make the sam3 glove we havie sold until now for $2.00. KAVSER SILK GLOVES 16-BUTT0N LENGTH $2M AVhite, Black and Beaver and Gray. ''4

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