a THE CHARLOTTE NEWS SATURDAY JUNE 11, i92lt BUSINESS CLUB HAS IMPORTANT MEETING Organization of the Young Men's Business club was perfected Friday night at a meeting at the Y. M. C. A. Matters of importance to the organi zation were also discussed. The new members received were: J. R. "Rip" Major, of the Nash Motor company; W. P. Kendrick, of the Chemical Construction company; Clarence King, of Murray's tailoring establishment; R. B. Scott, of Scott Charnley; F. C. Bradshaw, farm im plements; T. A. Peck, of F. C. Abcott company; Dr. Schumucker, dentist. Much enthusiasm was shown over the program of the club Friday night. The club expects to enter a campaign for the betterment of Charlotte along commercial, civic and social lines. It is the plan of the club to meet in weeklv luncheons, the first beginning next Friday at 1 o'clock. No meeting place has been yet decided upon 1 Practical and Personal . ' Taking a genuine interest in the progress of firms and individuals carrying accounts here, this . bank, through its officers, keeps in close personal touch with all customers. "V. It studies their requirements and applies its intimate knowledge of Charlotte and of the gen eral industrial and financial situation in render ing to depositors a practical service a banking service that builds business. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK T South Tryon and Fourth Streets. f U. S. Depository. STATE COLLEGE SUMMERSCHOOL Being Provided for by Get ting Dormitories in Good Shape. n.-aiiiff.nit in miHmnij.Mi Oceanic Hotel Wrightsville Beach, N. C. VINING & RUSSELL, Props. Music and dancing during the bathing hour will be a new feature at the OCEANIC. FRITZ HANSON life guard. Rates reduced. Write or wire for reservations. Raleieh. Junfi 11. Sinofi the close of the spring term at State College on jviay 6i, worKmen nave been ousy pre paring the dormitories and buildings for the reception of the great throng of teachers exDected to sween down unon Raleigh for the opening of the Summer session next Tuesday. Each dormi tory has been thoroughly cleaned and renovated and in a number of cases newly painted. The number of teachers registered is the largest in the history of the Summer School which dates back to 1903. According to Dr. W. A. With ers, director, ,an attendance of more than one thousand is expected. The faculty this, vear. which numhfra fifty-five, has been drawn from thp. Col lege teachine staff and the leaders in j the education field in ' North Carolina ana this section of the country. The lecture staff, headed bv Dr. CI. Alphonso Smith, professor of English in the U. S. Naval Academy, is un usually strong, including the following prominent speakers: Governor Cameron Morrison, Thomas W. Bickett, Dr. John J. Blair, Dr. E. C. Brooks, Dr. Delia Dixon Carroll, Dr. Harry W. Chase, Josephus Daniels, Prof. Chas. M- Heck, Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon, Dr. "William J. Martin, Prof. Z. P. Metcalf, Dr. Clarence Poe. Dr. William L.. Poteat. Dr. W. S. Rankin, and Dr. Oeore-e A. Works. Dr Smith will deliver a. series of lectures during- the .week bpeinninE: june The dates for the other speak ers will be announced later. 14. I ! A 1 n . Ainiuugn me summer school is a place, for serious work for those Who wish to better nrpnarp themselves for their professions, ample provision has been made for recreation vui. rreu A. ijiris will pnnriimt o-v. peditions every Saturday afternoon to the many T)OintS of interest in nn -nam- w. I,U1 Raleigh. On certain afternoons of each wee there will- be plays, games, and folk dances on the campus. Motion pictures will be shown frequently at the Y. M. C. A. Interesting and instruc tive entertainments will be given July 4th and at the close of th sp inn prooaDiy in the form of a pageant The Raleigh Community Flavors win give a play in the College auditorium auring the session with other by the pupils of the Methodist Orphanage and tne inmates or the Central Hnsnitai for the Insane. There will be "Hav rides" and variniio receptions and social events to be an nounced later. Miss Emilie Rose Knox will give a vio lm recital on the evening of Saturday, June 18, with Miss Sue Kyle South- wick an accompaniest. Miss Southwiclo win De in charge 'of the music dur ing the Summer School. NEW KIND OF SALOON. Boston. Max Steigman, of the West End is the owner of a double-bottom pushcart and a suitcase capable of hold mg five gallons of moonshine, the po lice declare, and they produced twenty four gallons of alcohol in Municipal Court. Steigman was fined $100 for keeping: and exposing liquor for sale. The Union National Bank Charlotte, N. C. MEN ARE FOUR "He who knows not, and knows not he knows not c he is a fool; shun him. He who knows not, and knows he Jtnows not he is simple, teach him. He who knows, and knows not he knows he is asleep ; wake him. He who knows, and knows he knows he is wise; follow him." Arab Proverb. We know we know that the Union National is strong conservative and thrifty and we believe it will be safe and profitable to follow us and deal, with us. We. invite your business. . v' H. M. Victor, Pres. D. P. Tillett, Cashier F. D. Alexander, V. Pres. A. G. Trotter, Asst Cashier Fine Suburban Home Site Short distance outside City limits on State highway from Char Concord. Ten or fifteen minutes walk from street-car linp -u- 9 . :. .,- ,- ana Deauuiuny snaaea. dimensions ouxouu leet. For price office. apply SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, LOAN & TRUST CO CAPITAL, $75,000 m, i South Tiyon SL , ' ' - Phone 23 Stolen Reward Stolen from my office May 25th, gold solder "Nelms" stamped on it, Partial plate, two gold teeth, one full set with 3 gold fillings and one gold crown. One S. & W. blue barrel ham merless pistol .3 shcp-t with "Fox" carved on end of handle. Reward for any of above, if re turned to me. DR. L. S. FOX DENTIST. tVA W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Rogers Next to Woolworth's SELF MASTERS Hi I The only way to get along with yourself agreeably is to be the Master of Yourself. Self Masters are contented, hap py, forceful and independent. Those that are slaves to them selves are always miserable. v Thrift is a habit of Self Masters, t means mastering yourself a lit tle every day. Be a Self Master and take some portion of your earnings whenever they come to you and put them in the bank; Security Savings Bank No. 4 South Tryon St. TIME IS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE when you are waiting for a prescription. Our delivery service will save, time for you. We ask the opportu nity of showing you. ASK YOUR DOCTOR Walker's Drug Store Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets, 1 AUTOMOBILE DELIVERY Norris Candy Parker Pens Agents for Klim j 9 Added Beauty ttnncno vAivi-m-HtAt mam The beauty of the Nash Six is not alone in its appearanceanl appointnients, but also , in the smoothness of its performance, the symmetry of body line, and the impression of sturdiness it gives. All serve to emphasize Nash desirability from the standpoint of beauty. CAROLINAS NASH MOTORS CO. 500 N. Tryon St. Distributers Phone 3201 Mil r i How long have You j Studied Plans for T 1. V V A Home of Your Own t and how often have you put aside those plans waiting for a more prosperous day, feel ing that the home you wanted at the time was bey ond. your means. - That' more prosperous . day will never come, and your desire for a home will fade into mem ory unless you build the foundation for that home with a savings account. Open your savings account today. From week to week and from: month to month, add to that account until you have saved the re quired amount to start the home you have planned. American Trust Go. Capital ,Surplus and Profit, $1,800,000.00 Dr. H. O. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Gaddj HENDERSON & GADDY DENTIST Office, Hunt fcldg., z x,j s. Tryon SI, Southern Railway System . , Passenjer Train Schedules. v4 A. V. ' ' j'ru. 1 1 1 I, E. O. Anderson, Vice President V. A. Watson, Vice President YV. ftL Long, Vice President How Is It With You? Are you prepared for opportunities? Or, when they come to you, do you have to let them slip by to be seized by others. Opportunities call for ready cash, or the good sense and energy which comes from acquiring ready cash by saving regularly from income. Independence Trust Company Capital and Surplus Over $1,600,000.00 7 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM charlotte; n. c. OFFICERS-- i JI. Wearn, Chairman of Board J H Little, President K. E. Jones, Cashier R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Thos. P. Moore, Asst. Cashier A. B. Surrati, Assistant Cashier - - I No. Between 3:45a 29 Atla.ntn.'R'B-hom 12:36a 30Wash.-Now Va,v"" Z.:IJf? Hlwf8h-New York!:: i.ouai oAtianta-iJanville . - (Columbia . X2:00p 241Taylorsville 8:55d 9:45p 8:30p 9:10p 11:00a 6:20a 4:30d 3 :00p 7:35a 8:20a 10:15a 4:BBp 9:30a 10:40a 4:25a 11:30a 138 38 12 35 113 28 Ar. 30 29 31 43 36 23 Wa sh in p-tnn-TNj" -v-" " 11 oJ ttoii-i ew iorK nicnmona-Norfolk 12:25a 3:35a 7:25a ll:20p 9:10a x8:00a 9:20a I I mm "bia'Tton 1114112:35 45G'Ville-W'minster 1 46 460'boro-DanTille ... 45 Atlanta 12 31C0lumbiaAugrusta .1 32 16 Tavloravilla t it 36IN. Y.-Washine-tA;"1! 12:46p i:45p j 4:10p o :sop 7:20n 9:10p :oop j 27IColumhla. I in. Atlanta 11901 o.if. 11 j.- if r - - -. O.HD VJAl&nt&- Orleans. 38 MOp 44 G'boro-Danvllle 1' ?-,ul Barber, Moores- vllle fNorf oik-Richmond FOR SALE Splendid six-room bungalow in Fourth Ward. Furnace , heat, hardwood floors, house in practically new condition $6 750 Six room house 1000 West First Street, close In, good street and well located for increase in value.... $3,850 Five-room house 1415 East Fifth street, good neighborhood. Attractive terms can be arranged on this place with about $500 cash $3.75p iFve-room house West First street, splendid location for enhancement fronts on paved tsreet, $400 cash payment $3,000 Several four and five room houses well located in different parts of the city from $1,850 up. Can arrange good terms with small cash payments from $300 up. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company Cash Capital $70,000.00. ' ia v A. I. HENDERSON, Manager Real Estate Department. 219 North Tryon St. 'Phone 589 is 11 E ?1An 110:50a X. Dailv dTPAnt Sitnlav Throiieh . to mtt"fKuZSiV -PnJffi.TW1?" schedules VJ , , . vu.uicuLmiia io an points. Schedules mihltahrt as in.Tr . m. - r "r -..v.ui.uuu sou CITY TICKET OFFICB 07 West Trade St. . ' Phone 20. PASSENGER STATION Wet Trade Street. Phone 417. R. H. GRAHAM, DlTliUn Pamenrer Agent Phone 380, Branch 7. Rialrt TpromptIy dona. All" WW irioiiy guarantees, v 2UEEN CITV CyCLE QQ, "THE RED rRONt. N. CoJieot. Phon t!7 A DISTINGUISHED PREACHER of the Methodist Church, a teacher of my early years, told me "to aim hlh lr 1 shot low. ' This strengthened me many times when obstacles seemed in surmountable. I haven't reached many of the rungs of the ladder ,1 should have, but they CAN and SHOULD be mounted by you. Your orinortn.H today are far greater than were ours in the long ago. Vs: THE MUTUAL B. & L. o 3S3i!S?a?lS?, is a potent means to success and honorable manhood, and with all my mind and neart I urge you to use it, for, as the clouds gather and you dispel them as troubles come and you overcome them, I know from long observation and experience that then you will appreciate the advice here given, in simple truth and in all sincerity. BY THIS SIMPLE SYSTEM . many a home has been saved, many tears dried, many sorrows soothed uy xCltCiCU, many unrortunates cared for, many arft educated, manw disconsolate renewed in ho on ' . yare AH these are worth white, so !efs make it i TZSiTT' SHAREHOLDERS' ANNUAL MEETING will be held in office of Association at 4 p. m. July 14th, 1921. Come and hear the Auditor's fine report. - YOUR BONUS 2 Zldt??yZu f "bonus" on-your health and youth, while happily y t0 Carn more than yu actually need to liva 3hTho1L,OUrSelLt? save Part f this "bonus" for the day ?ou?pS?e"ventuS! " ther8' mle Vig0rOUS' who iakd Sy.U-d0inS th your "bonus"? We sugest that you ffiVank. iJ fi SFt Pay-day 0n a Sav- AcC0UIlt in The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 WEST TRADE STREET. CAPITAL $200,000.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $400,000.00 SSi Tie a strin t0 the Money you 7 Haul It Back When iou f L . Really Need It. Money invested in the right sort 0 liable t , . 1 1 i - y 1 aw -- VproDertv is tane-ihle and r.ego ..... , i.nxtr a 1ft an times. j.r you want 10 -that, you can't know about the lc8i real .estate ; situation drop in chat for 7 m vy-Gsm E. KEESLER. Secretaiy and Treasurer. ' - 25 South Tryon St. JNO. R. PHARR. President.

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