THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 11, 1921. SEASONABLE COSTUMES FOR BEACH AND VERANDA WEAR GROVER WHITE OXFORDS This, is a fine numh,r both in material and work manship. Lace Oxfo-T Ivory welt sole, cotnbina tion last, white rub!,! heel, imitation tip, at SOCIETY NEWS i j uoo niuumuQ rcAAisu tALUncm DOCUU riUliOr, f none Zil Pupils of Mrs. Pritchett Give Recital. The pupils of Mrs. W. A. Pritchett gave a splendid recital Wednesday and Thursday evening in the recital hall of the johbi W. Post Piano company. Prizes to the best performers were presented by Mrs. J. M. Stewart and A. D. Lajoie. Wednesday evenjng, the primary and junior pupols were the performers.. Those participating were Harriet Har- .man, 1 neima vveDD. Virginia uraaiey, Ethel Leaper, Billie Pritchett, Frances Martin, Annie Dean. Lucile Bush, Edith tjocnran. Margie Kobertson. Kuby Kei ly, Virginia Brooks, Edna Hilton, Mary Thursday evpniner the intermediates participated. Among those on the pro gram were Margaret strong, iucne . ana iouise cauaie, tseryi Mcmtosn, Emma Meeker. Lucile -Dean, Alma v in- cratp.. F51anchf C.a1riveU TVrai-e-iipritfv Tfnr. rington, Violet Dunn, Erskine Faines, Edna ATrClannham. Marearet Oashinn. Annie Mae Pritchett, Hannah Levy, Marguerite Bailey, Tvenly Josephs, Alice ceii, Annie x-nue, c;ainerine Whitt. Rev. Conrad and Dr. Ivey gave short addresses both evenings, prior to the ' opening of the program. Birth " Announcements. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Glenn announce the birth of a daughter. Carolvn Eliza beth, on Wednesday, June 8th, at the nome or Air. uienn s parents m Gas- tonia. Mrs. Orr. Improving. The many friends of Mrs. W.'S. Orr, who has been quite sick at the Char lotte sanitorium following the removal of her tonsils, will be glad to learn that she is somewhat improved. O Walter Hook, who attends the Uni versity of North Carolina, has arrived home. Little Girls Celebrate Birthday. Cornelia and Irene, the little daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Davis gave a party Friday afternoon at their home in celebration of their 4th and 3rd birth days, respectively, which are three days apart. Miss Cornelia wore pink organdie, and Miss Irene hand-embroidered ba tiste. Pink and white were the colors used in decoration. Ice-cream and cake were served. About twenty tots were present. . fr- i . Birth Announcement. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. D. Jonea. an nounce the birth of a daughter, Marv Marshall, at St. Peter's hospital, Satur day, June 11. J. Leake Carraway of Norwolk, Va., formerly of Charlotte, is spending a short while in the city. Mrs. Carra way is visiting relatives in Gastonla. Miss Ada Heath Montgomery is visit ing relatives in Lancaster, S. C. COMBINE AGENCIES FOR SOLDIER BOYS Washington, June 11. The house late Friday passed the Sweet bill un der whioh envernment. asrencies dealine with former service men would be con solidated, ine measure now goes to the senate. The bill was passed by the unani mous vote of 335 to 0. The house spent more than a week considering the bill and adopted a few. minor amendments out tne .measure was approved practically as it was Te reported by the house commerce com' mittee. ' Provision is made in the bill for crea tion, of a. veterans' hiirpnii in the. trns. Urv rlenn.rtment in which wnnlrt he placed the war risk insurance bureau, the federal board for vocational edu cation and functions of -the public health service relating to war veterans. Fourteen regional offices would be createa ior expeditious nanannsr or claims of former sprvino men for com pensation, hospital and medical care and vocational training. The director of the new bureau would have power to determine tne extent of authority of re gional branches to make final settle- men t nf r1 n -1r-i a Provision is made for establishment of 140 offices at which war veterans could apply for relief. These would re place 137 soldier relief bureaus main tained by the government throughout the country. The location of the new offices would be determined hv the di rector of the veterans bureau. Amendment wok arMffl tn tl-i! providing that the regional bureau and suo-omees rrearen nv it must a.iirnmnti. cally cease to exist July 1, 192(5. ne nouse also annrov-ed an amend. ment by Representative Elliott, Indi ana, authorizing' navment of envovn . ment insurance to beneficiaries of war veterans who permitted, their policies to lapse while suffering from wounds or disease incurred in line of duty from wnicn they died. fV: Aj: i i '" r " ' m ll ' ' I i!ir IP r T 1 A . 1 j . I rutUs&ijLi s wemen s ijarmenis or quality rURCELL'S Knit wear is certainly having its innings this season. Time was when sweaters and hose were the only knit things to be worn in summer weather. Now, however, bathing suits, capes and wholj dresses have been added to the sweaters, Here at ;he right is pne of the new knit' dresses. It is made in an apricot shade with a drop-stitch blouse nd a fancy weave employing; black wool forming a yoke trimming on the skirt. In the center is one of the comfortable one-piece bathing suits for slim misses and chil dren. This one Is made of blue and white wool. At the left is shown one of the new silk bath ing suits for the girl who must have a frook for beach wear. It .is made of white rajah silk and black satin. The satin skirt ties on like an apron. . Annabel y Worthmotan Mrs WAGN ER Of PALM BEACH Tells Girls How She Found Relief From Pain ADVERTISING CLUBS TO MEET IN ATLANTA Atlanta. fa.. June 11. Delecntes in the annual convention of the Associated Advertising Ulubs of the World, to be V. 1 J l i ; . tiKiu nere oeginning next ivionaay, were arrivine in numbers tnrlsv tho firt one, A. H. Young, of Honolulu, having i Deen on tne grouna several days. While the convention will not for mally ODen until Monriav. various nnir- iliary organizations are holding meet ings or directors. .books were opened today for delegates to register and the iiibl amusement planned tor visitors was a nail game this afternoon, sched uled between the Miami Ad Club and tne Atlanta Ad Club. GIRLS' DRESSES. The TJetal idea. sr nnnnlnv 4t 4.vbm for grownups, was borrowed for the lumc oi mis nttie girls' dress, No. 1033. The waist is kimnnn stvlo nnrl buttons at the back. The girls' dress No. 1033 is put in sizes 6 to 14 years. Size 8 requires 2 7-8 yards 32 or 36-inch material, with West Palm Beach, Fla. "When I was 19 years old I was irregular and I "''AlAAilTymin had feuch terrihle mr a?S?Pitfeltlik6a ft Mr i knife eoincr throiierh me. ItookLydiaE. i 4 Hmlrhom'o vie ompouna ana l AovS-i in I mJA cured: ,A,fter I V i waa curea. Alter l 4'Mwas married I had .mithe same trouble H5?i'i31causecl oy the added : , work of farming and heavy washings so I told my husband to tret S1Y Kt1eo rt vecretable Comnound nnd hxr t-aHno- n- regularly my troubles ceased and now t never nave a pain or ache, and am regu lar. I recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and think every : young girl should take it. You can pub sh this letter and it may be the means of helping some other girl or woman. " -Mrs. Mary M. Wagner, Box 759, West Palm Beach, Florida. While no woman is entirely free from periodic suffering it does not seem to be the plan of nature that woman should suffer so severely and when pain exists something is wrong which should be set right. Every girl who suffers from monthly cramps should give Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair tnal. TOTAL OF 95 DEAD IS PUEBLO FLOOD TOLL Denver, Colo., June 11. Incomplete lepons irom voioraao nooded areas, in response to inauiries from Tho Assn. ciated Press, directed to mayors, shows me xouowing loss or lire: city Pueblo, Known dead: 49. St. Charles Mesa 10. La Junta, 18. Ster ling. 4. Union, 1. Denver 1. Man zanola, 8. Las Animas. 4. Total AS. Prooertv damaee at Pnehlo is vari. ously estimated at from S10.000.nnn to $20,000,000. Damage to crops in the nuuaea area is put at ?o00,000. ORGANDIE AGAIN HEADS LIST OF SUMMER FABRICS "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Double Guarantee. Free Tunlns and Liberal Selling Plan. Write for Catalogue. Prices and Terms . "Teu World's Best Piano" And Other.- Standard Make, and tne Incomparable AMPICO. f0IIN W OST & CO. 209 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C Coral Baker Music Studios Here. i. : :-: V : v j 'Willi A-- 11. nrri mm I yards ribbon. 7 yards ruffling ann . rrice ia r.pnta Every woman who wants to dress stv- ii&uiy ana economically should order at once the latest issue of our new Fash ion Quarterly, which is three times as large as the fashion monthly we for merly issued and contains over 300 styles,-dressmaking lessons, etc. Price 10 cents. Postage prepaid and safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25 cents for a pattern and Fashion Quarterly. GREEKS BOMBARDING TURKISH FRONTIER Constantinople, June 11. (By the Associated Press.) Greek destroyers have bombarded Karamursal, a village on the southern shore of Gulf of Is mad, and there have been several skir mishes along the Turkish front in Asia Minor, coast towns along the Black Sea, the sea of Marmora, and the Aeg ean are filled with refugees who have fled from the interior because of the imminence of the Greek offensive against the Turkish natlnnaliatc The Turkish nationalists government uas requested tne Italians not to evac uate Adalia on the southern coast of Asia Minor, expressing fear that tUe British may use the new docks there a base and that they will cut off commu nications between A - a " ihe Angora government has replied iu u joriiisn noTfi rp at va tn vo. - - - - " . v r .va cation Of Mustanha Sahir anil Tni.n British subjects, declaring h , . vuui l mariiai ana convicted of plot ting the assassination of Mustapha Ke mal Pasha, head, of the nationalist flox eminent. POLICE RECOVER VALUABLE SILKS Two White Men Arrested for Alleged Theft from Dry Goods Company. Thirty bolts of silk valued at be tween $1,000 and $1,500, stolen from, the wholesale dry goods firm of Williams and Shelton company, have been re covered by the police i and two white men arrested on charges of store-break. wg ana larceny. ' The robberv occurred last Tnesdav night. Chief W. B. Orr and Detentivea D. B, Bradley and G. N. Riley cleared up the case Saturday morning and re turned the silks to the dry goods com pany. George Keller and W. P. McMichael, white men, are in the city jail await ing trial for the alleged -entry into the store Tuesday night between 9 o'clock and daybreak and the theft of the silk. Entrance into the store was effected through a back door which the police say was not locked on the evening Drior to the rohherv. In gahering up the stolen goods, De tectives Bradlev and RIIpv fnnn1 narV. ages of silk in various business places in the city, the thieves having left the packages with the announced in tention of returning at a later date for them. This plan was recognized by the police as a shrewd scheme to beat the officers as difficulty would be experi enced in finding the stolen goods. Packages containing silks Were left among other places at the Y. M. C. A, Atlantic Lunch, Arcade Pharmacy, and Caton's Drug store. According to per sons in these places, a man called and asked permission to leave the package for a few days, writing the name J. D. Wells upon it. Despite the manner in which the packages were scattered the officers succeeded in collecting all of the bolts so that the loss to the dry C3""' vw"'l1,,y T C4. 111. lf.KSd IVJi iteiier was said by the police a local boy who has served four years In the maring corps. Prior to leaving he city for marine corps duty he was said to have given police considerable trouble McMichael is a northern man whose past is unknown to officers. Both men were planning to leave the city with the silk when apprehended it was said. C. A. Williams, president of the Williams- and Shelton company, highly nraisfvi tho noJiVo. ilonartmpnt esnefifM. ly the detective division, in talking to a reporter Saturday morning. "They went to work on the case at 8 O'clock on tho -nn orn ine- after the r?h. berv without a single rlne to work on." LMr. Williams said. "I want the citizens io Know -mat we nave men on tne po lice force who are rm the inh. T couldn't speak too highly in praise of the detec tive department." ROUGH HANDLING IN IRISH SQUABBLE HIRED ASSASSINS TO STAB HIM, ALLEGED Cleveland, O-, June 11. With the ar rival from New York of Mrs. Eva Cath erine Kaber, widow of Daniel B. Ka ber, wealthy Lakewood citizen, "and her daughter, Miss Marian McArdle. under indictment for the first decree murder of Kabrr. a woman arrested several clays ago was identified early today as beins connected with the mm-. der plot, according to the police. The two prisoners vere confront. r1 by the woman, through whom Mrs. Ka ber is alleged to have hired the assassins to stab her husband to death two years ago, and who is alleged to have fur nished poison which was administered to Kaber in his food. Both Mrs. Kaber and Miss McArdle identified the woman who, police say. admitted that she had supplied "medi cine',' for Kaber and that it wu at her home in Cleveland, shortly hef fire th murder, that Mrs. Kaber 'met a ma:i to whom she promised $3,000 for "do ing awsy with her husband." Mrs. Kaber denied every accusation made agrainst her bv the ing to threats on her husband's , lie County Prosecutor Edward C. Stan ton declared that he would ask for a trial of Mrs. Kaber on the indictment at this term of court, which has twanhr days to run. On the journey from the east Mrs. Ka ber told the party that she would com mit suicide before she would stanc trial. "I never will be tried on this charge,' she said. She will be kept under constant surveillance. $8 36 East Trade St. Phone 2133 Comfort Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap And Fragrant Talcum For eampJeCutlcnra Talirara, t ascinating fragrance. Addrets Gstlrar Lfcortorl,Dpt.I,lfiliB.,MM. Organdie ahrayai makes up moat aUunnnly U summer frocks, and this costume is lust more proof. Tna embroidery in no set design, scattered tyerywhere. and the etl ecteed panels, all aid in making tbfa Tiolet colored frock the delicWul I . - ' t - STIEFF PIANO For Three Quarters of a Century A LEADER lJir pll0ne t0r Prices or fill 0ut following: blank and send us: Chas. M. Stieff, Inc.. Charlotte, N. C. piSot8 6 end catal0u and prices of Name 55 MILLION DAYS LOST BECAUSE OF STRIKES Rome June 11, Italy lost 55,000.000 days of work last year because of strikes, according to figures just riub lished by the Ministry of Labor- This figure includes labor disorders of evefv kind wage disputes, loss occasioned by the occupation of the factories by work men from last July to September and disorders In the farming districts. Wage disputes caused the major part of the loss, with 16,500,000 days. The Communist agitations of last year when the factories were occupied, are cal culated to have resulted in 10,000,000 lost days. (Political strikes and other suspensions not includ in tho nth classes, are said to have lost 15.000 -000 days. . ' The textile workers engaged in 212 throwing out of work nearly 150.000 strikes, theJargest number in any trade workmen. The most costly dispute was that of the transportation workers, who had . 137 strikes, affecftng 241.359 workmen and losing 2.523,057 days of Belfast. .Tiinp. 11. One nersnn was shot and perhaps fatally wounded and several civilians were so roughly handled that they had to be taken to hospitals' during a melee jn Cupar street last" night. A police lorry was passing the scene of the serious affray which occurred yesterday when it was fired upon. The police returned the fire and a general melee followed. "When the fight was in progress, crowds of unionists gathered along Shankhill street-, and cheered e-jroitertlv LThe night was a sleepless one for the aiis district, where the incident oc curred, and many Sinn Feiners living there changed their quarters. AAl roads leading from the city were unde close guard by crown forces, and every automobile- passing along them was challenged. During the night a saloon owned by a Sinn Feiner was riddled by ; uuueis. FOR YOUR STOMACH'S SAKE 7 We Deliver Phone 4157 10 S. Chureh I UIVI HEALTHFUL DELICIOUS NEW SHIMMY. j( Paris, June 11. A new worm of "shimmyless shimmy" has been ap proved by the Association of Par's Dancinar Mast erst who inplnrlA Viallaf Instructors at tha nnurs A ft or- ftyi condemning the shimmy altogether, the v"k iuwcu ll puoiic upMiiuii ana put their O. K. on a dance in which only the fett movements, the hip and shoulder wig. sie Deing eliminated. Tt7wv.ncui.nsis. u DO Vfll VOnt rynrf iVtot tntA.n..' losis can be healed m any climate, by the "INHALANT METHOD? It wili OS sent urtnn TA-f ii f Pa0,.n. x$i?1";w,de- Address THE INHAL ANT MRTHnn rn n BOOK SHOWERS Fo June Brides Should Include BIBLE BOSTON COOK BOOK, $2.50 By Fannie Merrit Farmer - ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ETIQUETTE By Emily Holt DESK STANDARD DICTIONARY. A raw Funk & Wagnalls THE SOCIAL LETTER, $1.25 By Elizabeth , Myers COOKING FOR TWO, $2.23 By Janet M. Hill . CHAFING DISH POSSIBILITIES, By Fannie Merrit Farmer TABLE SERVICE, $L60 By Lucy Allen ; Pt&.WEg&E GARDEN, $6.00 jr Aiucri xj. Aayior, AI. S. A. HOUSEKEEPING CASH ANT K-XPKNSE RECORD, S2 00 KITCHEN DAY BOOK, S1JS0 aiODERN ATLAS, ?3.00 ADDRESS BOOK, -DIARY BRIDES RECORD BOOK Mail Orders a Specialty ' A Book Store of Rare Excellence. wmce isupiies and Furnishers. aturday -Hosiery o pecia. The Finest of Silk-Lisle Stockings for The same pattern in Silk would cost you $5 Today, Saturday, we offer a perfectly beauti ful quality Silk Lisle Hose, the best, for only $2, giving choice of brown, Russian calf, gray and white. Several fine boot-lace patterns for your choosing-very smart , and dressy and sheer and cool. Such a stocking, same high-class patterns, etc., in silk would cost you a good five dollars. How about it? k . -1 ' I. I OJLB RAN S EN TEACHES YOU TO PLAY WELL ' THE OULBRA N SEN is designed for complete musical expression; its wonderful instruction rolls teach you how to play artistically. .Thousands of plain business men have become accomplished performers to their own great satisfaction and the enjoyment of family and friends. ( NATIONALLY PRICED $495 Andrews Music Store Inc. Phone 3626 oI3 y jrvon Street Miss Helen Marie Day, Teacher of Voice, Phone ' 2024 W. The Quarters If you save one quarter of every dollar you earn, then four of the saved quarters will make another dollar and before you know it you will have money making money with surprising quick Go forth and save that fourth young man. Go now today. Sow as you go and reap the rich reward of saving that quarter from every dollar you earn; Commercial National Bank Corner Tryon and Fourth Streets. n xx Presldnt A. T. SU3IMEY, Cashier r 'w mv?llN' V PreSt' J W. STEWART, Asst. Casing C. . JOHNSTON, V. Pres't. T. S. McPHEETERS, Asst. Cash

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