THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE llf 1921. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON MAKING THE WORLD CHRISTION (May be used in Missionary Applica tions.) Golden Text The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. Isa. 11: 9. Lesson Text Isa. 11: 1-10; Act. 1: 6-9. (Read Esth. 4: 13-16; Ps. 32:12; Prov. 14: 34). (1) And, there shall come forth a rod (shoot) out of the stem (stock) of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his fruit): (2) And the spirit (Spirit) of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord: (3) And shall make him of quick un derstanding (and his delight shall bat In the fear of the Lord: and he shall not Judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears: (4) But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the i rod of his mouth, and with the breath : of his lips shall he slay the wicked. (5) And righteousness shall be the gir . die of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. (6) The (And the) wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion with the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. (7) And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. (8) And the suckling child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice' (basil isk's) den. (9) They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (10) And in that day there shall be a (it shall come to pass in that day, that the) root of Jesse, which shall stand (standeth) for an ensign of the people; to it (peoples, unto him) shall the Gentiles (nations) seek: and his rest (resting place) shall be glorious. (6) When they therefore (They therefore, when they) were come to gether, they asked of him, saying. Lord wolt (dost) thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? (7) And ne said, unto them. It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in (set within) his own Dower (authority). (8) But ye snail re ceive power, after that (when) the Holy -Ghost is come up on you: ana ye snail foe (mv) witness unto me both in roots: (branch out his roots shall bear Jerusalem, and m all Judaea, and m It Can't for Weather Be Beat Hot Comfort I li.i I-.. I- ... r i. . sary to heat ' a whole rangeandthekitchento boil onepanfulof water. Use one bumcrVoc two; ; or three; or four, just as you ; need. Have th heat right X mder the utensils and high I tor low. for, each as r needed. Install Nesco Perfect Oil Cook Stovo o Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (9) And when he had spoken (said) these things, while (as) they be held (were looking), he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. Time 713 B. C. and A. D. 30. Place. The whole earth. Exposition I. The complete triumph of Righteousness when God's King Comes, Isa. 11: 1-10. Probably those who assigned the title of this lesson meant by it "Making the "World Christian" in the present dis pensation, and took the passage from Isaiah as referring to the triumphs of the gospel- However, if anyone will study the passage carefully and com pare it with other passages of Scripture along the same line, he will see that it describes the earth as it shall be after the second coming of Christ in connection with His reign here upon earth. Our Lord Jesus was the "rod" or rather "shoot" "out of the stock of Jesse." The figure is of a tree cut down and a new sprout coming out of it, which shall become a tree. Jesse was the father of David, and the family as far as its outward manifestations is concerned, was cut' down and was no longer a stately tree; but by the birth of Jesus of Nazareth of the virgin Mary, who was a lineal descendant of David, a new "shoot" sprang out of this trunk and thus "a Branch" came "out of his roots," and this "Branch out of his roots shall bear fruit," when our Lord comes back. In verses 2-5 we have a wonderful description of this coming King, the Messiah our -Lord Jesus. The "Spirit of the Lord" shall rest upon Him. The Spirit of the Lord' came upon Hin at His baptism (Mat. 3: 16, 17), and He was thus "anointed" "with the Holy Spirit and with power," and thus obtained power for the work which He was e&.lled upon to do (Ac. 10: 38, cf. Jno. 1:33;. The phrases "The SDirit of Wisdom and Understandine." "the Snirit of Counsel and Might," and "the Spirit of Knowledge and Fear of the Lord" are three different names of the Holy Spirit, setting forth different phases of the Holy Spirit's work. The Holy Spirit resting upon the Christ makes .Him of quick understanding so that His delight is in the fear of Jehovah. Because of the Spirit of God resting upon Him, the Messiah shall not judge according to outward appearances nor reprove people because of what He nears aoout them: His judg ment will be more just than that vice vv ist-sL aim uest 01 eartniy mon- circns. vvnen Jtie reigns the poor will get their just rights. Poor men stand attie chance today in human courts but then their King and Judge will be their defender. He will "reprove" the oppressor and deliver "the mppk nf me eartn "cf. Mat. 5:5; Jas- 5: 4. 6-81 TRIVIAL CAUSES FOR ENDING LIFE Twelve Thousand, Including TV7 iLJU T7- 1 l t n During Year. New York. June 11. Divorces, con gestea living conditions, and enactment of the Eighteenth Amendment are giv en as probable causes for the alarming increase in the number of suicides in 1920, according to reports received by officers of the Save-a-Life League with offices in this city. Dr. F. L. Hoffman, statistician of the organization, esti mates tne number at not less than 12 - L000. Of thesf. Tiroro children, he said, the boys a'veraginng 15 years, the girls 16. ReM. Harry Warren, president of the league, also declares that restric tions in sale of narcotic drugs helped to swell the total of unfnrti died by their own hands. MANY TRIVIAL. CAUSES. Dr. Warren cites manv trivial mhom as the impelling force for suicide. One man was distressed- because his new suit did not have enough buttons on the sleeves of the coat. Another man rebelled at eatiner a lemon Tlifi Viis wife had constructed out of turnips and glu. cose. A youth killed himself because he was asked to eat ham and eggs for supper. A woman became morbid be cause her husband refused to partake of her clam chowder. A couple dis puted over whether the bedroom win dow should be opened an inch or not less tnan two feet at night. The wife's argument prevailed and the man killed himself. Many of the suicides reported wtre among prosperous individuals, and Dr. Hoffman argues that no one haslz rea son can be assigned for the s.'iciual increase. METHODS OF CURE. Dr. Warren believes it is possible to cut down the growing number of sui cides by making it more dicfifult for adults ana children to obtain firearms and deadly poisons. He urges that chil dren be definitely instructed as to the futility of taking one's own life. The Save-a-Life league was founded a few years ago to cope with the sui cide problem. It offers the chance of! encouragement, Dr. Warren says, to persons in mental anguish who nav be tottering on the brink of seif-destruc tion. Dr. Warren has three methods which he says are of value .a loiching indi vidual cases of world weary persons. One is spiritual counsel, another calm reasoning, and the third time.'y finan cial assistance. The principal thing, he says, is to reach quickly the mentally tortured and advise them to look on the brighter side of life. He says he has found it an eay matter to turn such persons to lives of usefulness and profitable ser- OWN .awr. IN LONDON. A crowd of friends wore at the pier next day to see the trio off on their adventures, and Gwenda felt a wrench at her breast a she saw the kindly faces beaming up at them from below, as the boat slowly 3teamed away from its moorings, hesitated for a moment, then swung far out into the stream. With a little sigh she turned to where Fern stood, mopping her eyes with a wispy 'handkerchief and smiling through her tears. "Good old crowd, isni it, Gwenny? And we'll miss ev ery one of 'em, so we will, won't we?" "Yes, indeed. They're true-blue and I love them all," answered Gwenda. "But come now. let's . eo and have a. peek at our staterooms and get ac quainted twith some of th stewards hfv- fore luncheon." The trio down tht hav vena cl nrinnc The crowd on board was in festive mood and everyone seemed to smile -it everyone else in a wav that dAiie-hted Gwenda, Shipboard did away with a lot of conventional stiffness, it appear ed. No wonder it was an nnnnlar On the eiffhth dflv thev lnnrtw1 in Liverpool, and before nightfall of th same uay uwenaa found herself in ono of the cities of her dreams. A huge, shadowy, vast city, that seemed to swal low one in its maw as easily as breath ing. Gwenda stood on the nlatfnnn watching the British workmen walking stolidly to and fro ahont their wnrt and amusing herself by listening to tne broad cockney accent to be heard on every side. Red-cheeked, stolid men were these. Far more sedate than their American cousins at home. Fedya worried out their luggage, in time, and when they got into a taxi and were whirled to the Cecil hotel. Gwenda adored everything that she saw, and was enchanted by the gayety and crowds that they dashed through from the station. "I can't believe that i we are really here in London, Fern," she gasped to her cousin, who beamed back the same sentiment in turn. "And just to think that this is only one of many wonderful cities that we are going to see before we ire through, dear girl," said Fern. "Oh, I do think that I have the most gen erous and adorable husband in the world." Here she was promptly hug ged by said husband. Arrived at the Cecil, they rested, then dressed for dinner. Fedya took them to the Carlton grill, where they reveled in everything from sparkling wines to the over-pompous waiter who served them. After dinner they went to the theater, and from there to a cosy little supper at Frascati's. It was the most wonderful evening of Gwen da's life, so she repeated over and over again. The newness of everything, the crowds, the music and the dazzling loveliness of the English women's com plexions were a source of amazement to her. "I see types here for a hundred nov els," she breathed ecstatically to her cousin, "and I know that I am goir. to turn out some of my very best work right here in London. Just wait till I send my first stories to The News. That's all I say!" (To be continued) WAREHOUSES For Rent h0,3e ffer f2r lease several desirable buildings suitable for wholesale ousmess, warehousing or storage. One space in the heart of business district, 18x30 feet, two stories 5 o0 per month. 'Large brick building near Southern Station for term of years at moderate rental. Warehouse at Camp Greene with 18,000 square feet floor space and railway siding, very low rental. Your requirements for commercial space can invariably be filled by applying to this office because we specialize in Commercial proper ties of all kinds. . . C. Griffith Company Phones 4208 and 877 lllll Your Floors Can Be Made Beautiful floors It's very simple to clean dirty, oil-soaked "Samoline Clean will neutralize the Oil, Dirt and Grease thi i 111 us leaving the floors in a clean, sanitary condition, really t0 refinished with shellac, varnish and wax. be Millions of feet of hardwood floors are ruined yearly from constant ill use of Oil Mops. Housewives use too much oil and ? think of wiping1 it up dry. "Ur Any oil mop freshens up the appearance of the floor when applied, but in a very short time it begins to look gray and w from the dust which settles into it daily, and in a few months the fl look dark, grimy, oily and greasy. Then, for the first time, the ho? wife is perplexed. She tries to; clean them with soap and' water fails and says, "Those Eeautiful Hardwood Floors are ruined.'' ' Floors cannot be varnished while in this condition, and OS- thorn remain in tidies iiAn w. rH ... 10 Of vunumuu xiuiu vcai lu yea.r unill niiallv J 9 , ... . . J - U. is iouna necessary wnicn is very expensive, obviates the necessity of scraping. Pins SAMOLINE CLKAXEpJ Full information will be cheerfully given you free of char. On display. S8 IS OFF TO LONDON TO PRESENT STATUE Richmond, Va., June 11. Virginia's presentation to Great Britain of a The wicked of the earth shall be smit- bronze copy of Houdon's famous mar ten "with the rod of His mouth" and ble statue of George Washington will "with the breath of His lips shall He be mRe by a commission headed by slay the wicked." This especially re- Dr- HenrT Louis Smith, president o? fers to the destruction of The wicked VaslnSton anj Lee University, which one, the Anti-Christ, who is coming sails from New York today on the We are told distinctly in the Holy steamer Laplant for London. The sta Spirit's interpretation of this prophecv tue' the oriSinal of which stands in in 2 Thes. 2:8 "then shall be revealed fhe rotunda of the state capitol he-.-e. the Lawless One. whom the T.nrvi .toc is to be presented by the state as an shall slay with the breath of his month ' expression of its friendly sentiment for .This wonderful stove tnat burns kerosene produces a very hot blue flame separately at each bur nerone or all at a time. With its sepa rate; removable ovm it furnishes all a family needs for preparing any meal and keeps the latchea cool and dean as can be. COME SEE IT (The Hebrew and the Greek word for SDirit." and " u ",,u l" oreatn or Jrlis lips" in the pas- 7C wc " si.uo.ying is oeyond question me sjctine as ine "snirit nf Wie y A 1 1UUUU1 oi j ines. 2: 8). Th "Tawioo n 8 is caiipd "tvat Tt-iLr, in the A. V. and the "man ,. ?Ah A' Y- and R- V. in the third c'oc tne cnapter. Jesus tne country whose natives were the first settlers of the Commonwealth. From June 25 until Julv 4. the com- mission will be the guests of ih Krit ish government, which has selected Trafalgar Square as tho .site for the statue. S King George will receive h com. mission, which, in addition to Dr. oiiulii, is composed or iioutenanl -iov Joined Together in their desire to own a home, young coupies can attain their hearts' desire witnout years of weary waiting. Our aeierrea payment plan makes home oujing an easy proposition. If you are interested in home ownership come and let. us explain how a small amount of casn win put you an possession of a nome at once. .Phones 3278 and 4415 iiULJj,S:SlViilii REALTY COMPANY Real Estate Rents Insurance Builders of Characteristic Homes zell- Pritchard 'Company Exclusive Distributors for Samoline. 12 and 14 West Fifth Street. Charlotte, X. c. ATTRACTIVE HOME BARGAINS 6- room bungalow a. beauty best part of Louise Avenue, beautiful si house built 2 years ago -najy jot 7- rooms, 2 stories, with heating plant, corner lot house built' about " 'ic" '00!l ago Piedmont-Elizabeth ut 1S months 6 rooms with . heating plant in 700 Block Worthington Avenue e' n 5 rooms and bath, very large lot. best part of Jackson Avenue f-? 9 rooms, slate roof, 2 baths, heating plant. South Boulevard Want '1, 9 Vacant lot on Louise Avenue, $1,650; East Seventh Street s-oon- m Park. $2,000; Clement Avenue, $1,750; Colonial Heights, $1 750 ' ye" If you want to buy or sell property, list it with me. Phone 2772-JOES, THE REAL ESTATE MAN Office 200 Realty BuMn (Jno. T. Smith, Salesman.) s vi. mo simpler, oesus reiern i tn I t u "u uirnaui be characterized by "righteousness' nnrt rnor R F' Bun Spo-iker R. L, tw u ranmumess" means , Can- absolutely depended .Brewer, and Clerk John W. Wiliiam, of the House of Deleerates. on Juno 27. The Prince of Wales will receive fhem a native upon to do right. Verse? fis i. Jrixi,ue i waies win reoe: the change even in iS Llm.fS? the folliwing day. Lady Astor. Alany take these vpp fi-,, Yrginian, win entertain the rommis but we are distinctly taught that in n tne week-end of July 2.' Charlotte ardware Company . 30 East Trade St. Phones 1505-1506 Commercial " Printing Better Printing Real Service Right Prices Send Us Your Orders or Call 1530 No order too large or too small to receive our careful attention. News Printing House S. O. RUSH, Manager , , TELEPHONE 1530 rhnr?Ct With he Second Comng of Christ "the creation itself shall be de- n?rd,JLr?ltl!e bo?iage of corruption i..,. "ueiLy or tne glorv of thp S5. 13, 65: 25; 32: 15; 35: 1; 2 Pet 3- 12 J-"c Ud-y t nrist's com SCHOOLS TO BORROW. The Charlotte school board will bor- row $23,000 from the sttae for the lo cal school fund. SuDerintendpnt Vf v Harding announced. This monev will ing again and V"' "s ? l obligations resulting Age of which social nhnZk uu'Qen rom x"e aenciency of $28,000 caused drlamed a, W.SE1181?,. ,by A shorta?e. of schol appropriations nage will be an ZZZ- c3r" ial.Zer' ine money wiU be borrow- jvill ho ooVr I ,eu "nufr new law made effective SLe'y "haU not hurt The whnV -"fu y mountain.' th "i VlTu sna" be full of (Dlnf ? -d -t untiTThen S ', ' ?6-..!t.Y--A J? that day" the ml mZ,.?"1 ? Jesse " the pro- shall attract L . tn. Jews unto Him shan tC"v nself: His ri r," "tr sees - and it Th. ;8 y B snau be glorious." ii. I he True nnnon- in ChriKt Tin xr -rr."" 1 VL. enevers u: r u,ue8i Ac. i: 6-9. Seaboard Air Line Railway Arrival and deDartura nt trains. Charlotte. N. 67 INo.j Between 5:00a 14ICharlotte-Wil. No. dOm is Bnrn-tWrC- lne KS rael tot tV: , - -e .stored to Is- - - . , OCX. O. h . ;:B 24-2; hos. Heam t7;r. "'ac"ver "mes and them m. vf "UBcame "Pon Power until then. Th""1 33: 15-26; Ezk 3: 4, 5; Joel 3 9:06a 9:55a 5:00p 3:45p 8:20p They would not have When Wt'n they ' when the UnW o.h c'y. I 1311 20 31 16 9.06a 19ll2:25p 1 511 1 -A A Inoctlons. 10 MOBroa.RnthHnn I "ii'iuuici -iuu - vy ix-1 zuingion ana Ral- cijcn ..... i j'i n ..vilv-,m1. ....I n n n u.i.i f!iaL con neetlona. Wilmington - Ral- ei&n ana Kuther. fordton IMonroe - Ruther- rordton. Monm tumieciions for Norfolk. Tttoh. f"ona and points 31 16 3:35p 8:12p the Holv Ohn. w?reUi tramaf m" in Jerusalem. Thev w ' v.ea Schedules publish . mediately" surrounding are not "Bt ' trv anr! t.a """"""Qing coun-i Holy SniHt fcw ;.rXlePun of the wide mtam;- """un m-e world- 1 n 155 nroa TJJ , . iruii ills narriMH "lessage to u?. f-ra " ""e hands strptrh "r UP. with His He has bn "Jn.DenedIction and -'s us ever since n,. . E- w. long; City Tick Office PaWr Trade St. N. TrvnA T' Phone 1 207 W. Phone 20. I N S U R A NCE WE HANDLE ALL LINES: Fire Accident and Health Automobile Full Coverage Burglary Employers' Liability Boiler Fly Wheel Plate Glass Bonds Elevator Golf General Liability The Carolina Company 328-30-32 South Tryon St. Phones 609 and 1430 Nice Ho For mes Large new 8-room house, two baths, corner lot, big shady yard, small cash payment, balance easy , .. , $10,750 is:- New bungalow, 6-rooms and bath, nice lot, big big porch,, three bed rooms, large living room, a dandy house, desirable neighborhood, $750 cash, balance easy. monthly payment. .. .$6,000 Bungalow, 5 rooms and bath, large lot, nice garage, fine shade trees.. $4,850 $350 cash, balance $50 per month. . Act quick if you want a bargain. 200 South Cedar St McAdeo Phone 350 A Word To Graduates "Vvw 4 1 X. . ;- r commencement ls over, what next? Your education is not com plete till you can do some definite work and earn a good salary. o-unsiaer a practical business training. Unusual opportunities for our 6io.uuo.ica. oummer terra just starting. Bend for catalog. n S8 2p CUBIC PPCT 0 RALEIGH "An Accredited School" BISHOP REPLIES TO FILIPINOS CHARGES soJ&ePsfvJ"- H-(By The As MS:Bl?hoP' Locke, cf the to the 2r? "r10.". m. Washington aries had American mbslon- told w nLr?' rSl . l n.e . isorrotca Pin. tafependsnw 'm'0US 01 Fl,1;lp The hiolnvrk'o . .Tmu. ;"r ""wment said: so wide of the mark it w5 e vuatcu citner rrom malioA Jumellcan missionaries arc neutral with reference to the whole mS ana an purely political matters Thev -- . oupicme wisn and thit is what is best for the Filipinos' at The mission divided again todav - own uug a. trip tnroueh Laguna province, and Dr. Forbes KUhe Prince of Rial. Both held irublic, meetings and private con ferences at many points, inviting the pus subjects; ' e" views on van" T AT itt v-k v mf m m-m cm m-c m mj' m.T m Mechanics Perpetual uilding & Loan Association 207 North Tryon St. f A SAVINGS INSTITUTION OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE A series of shares carried through this Association will net you six and a quarter per cent. Our long period of successful service, thirty-eight years, and our v" idle, menr your consideration. J. H. WEARN, President. M - I ; ' " ' 1 E. J. CAFFREY, Sec'y and Treas. n tm. - r r . .. i It's Easy to Read the Gas Meter Do it every month. Know how much gas you use! Check up on our Meter Readers! Study this diagram, ignoring the small dial which is used only for tests. From your last gas bill get the date on which your meter was read last month. On the same day of the current month do this: . Look at the dials on the gas meter and reading from left to right, put down the lowest of the two figures between which the hands on the dials stand. On the dials shown KierlAr,h?gure.i0HId be 516. Add to ciphers and you have 5l,b00. From this figure subtract the full meater reading of the previous month, as shown on your last gas bill. The result will be the "number of feet of gas used during the month. SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY