THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 11, 1921. . : ' CHAftUS F. MARVIN, Chf. WEATHER CONDITIONS. O June 11, 1921. A shallow disturbance that was cen tral yesterday over Iowa has moved northeastward to the upper lake3, the pressure continuing low over southern Texas. These conditions have been attended by showers in most sections of the cotton belt from the Mississippi val ley westward, and in the middle Mis sissippr and Ohio valleys and at scat tered points in the lake region. Heavy local rains ranging from 1 to 2.80 inches in central and western Louis iana and southeastern Texas. There have also been widely scat tered showers in the Carolinas, mostly light except at AsneviHe, where a rainfall of 1.62 inches occurred yester day. , Temperatures have' been mostly near the seasonal average in the cotton belt, and somewhat above nor mal in most northern districts. Partly cloudy and warm weather is indicated for this vicinity tonight and Sunday, with a possibility .of local thunder showers Sunday afternoon. Charlotte Man Has Been Offered Land Appraiser's Job With Land Bank. g ! EDWARD 1VJ. BELL caR MAIYR APPR ATSF.RU j. u. Jvuesier, v. yj- amoici , into court, come into court as you re bound to do this day or the fault will be recorded." Desk Sereeant J. M. McLaughlin sang out this court phrase Saturday I morning when Clarence O- Kuester j failed to answer to the call of ms name when a case was hrougnt up against him of violating the traffic ordi nances. Mr. Kuester was one of a dozen un fortunates nabbed by traffic cops Fri day and summoned to appear before the rer-ordpr. But the familiar face and !vnioe of the local booster were missing when Solicitor Tom Guthrie called out "Issue a capias and fix his bondit $25," ordered Judge Laurence jones Found anythingin our store at wholesale prices Edward M. Bell, prominent Kepubli can of .Charlotte, has been appointed one of the appraisers ot the Federal land bank" at Columbia, S. C, and wiil qualify soon for the place, it is under stood. The appointment is not a poiical one, in the usual meaning of the word, it is understood, but is made in ra wsk nition of Mr. Bell's ntf.cBS for the place. The appointment caie to him un sought. He receive.! a Render of the position about a month asr- He is ex pected to qualify in tne near tuiure WEATHER NEXT WEEK. Washngton. June 11. Weather pre dictions for the week beginning Mon Federal lnd The jurisdiction or the heucr:u i-:mu x . iart;. east fiiilf states Bank at Columbia extends over the ,Tal tl erature and generally fair, states or North ana souin uarouna, that scattered thundershowers YJlre the latter half of the v EXPLrANATORY NOTES.' OtMvrvttlons takea at 8 . a., 75th meridian time. Air pressure reduced to se level. Isobars (continuous lines) ms throtuth points of equal air pressure. Isotherm (dotted lines) put through points of equal temperature. O dear: partly cloudy; O cloudy; (D rain: (D report misslnr. Arrows fly with ine. wind. Shaded areas show precipllation'of 0.01 inch or more in past 24 hours. THE WEATHER Weather Bureau Office. Charlotte, June 11, 191. Sunrise 5:0S Sunset 7:37 Moonrise .. 11:08 a. m. Moonset Midnight j Moon phase, first quarter on 12th. TEMPERATURE. Dry bulb. . . . . 74 80 Noon 8S 8 a. m. 10 a. m. TODAY'S MARKETS COTTON MAKKET CHARLOTTE COTTON. r.ecrts tda5'' 13 bales at He NEW YOHK COTTON. vow York. June 11. There was a m.rate volume of business in the m,0?' market during today's early but most of it was attributed tiii-rritJi .fill. uyuivii."" . . - - iveilnn up of scattering accounts for l,e-nt. week-end. London advices in ,; ,;. prospects for a resumption of W in the coal mines by June 20, ...M.ntiv failed to stimulate any im- WALL STREET CHICAGD GRAIN Wtt Bulb, 8 a. m 67 Noon 71 tpadv nt unchanged prices to an ai ; ln p of 2 points and active months akl " to 4 points higher right after 'rhi call, but this met some Southern ,"ins: and liquidation which was pro-niote-i bv continued favorable weather t .'ie belt. October eased from 13.18 i t 1 1 in consequence with the gen- 1 . 1 1 ; a fa it- nnlntg hrlnuf New York. June 11. Low records for a year or more were made by leading isues in, the course of today's short but moderately active dealings, on the stock exchange. Further depression seemed to result largely from the more aggressive operations of shorts, but signs of additional liquidation were not lack ing. Oils, including Standard Oil of New Jersey, and Mexican Petroleum, lost 2 to 5 points. Steels and equipments, not ably Crucible, Harvester preferred, iew York Air Brake, and Uenerai ii.ieciric, fell 1 to 3 1-2 and Motors, sugars and Chicago, June 11. Wheat prices were Highest yesterday easier at the opening -of the Chicago Lowest last night Doara or iraae iouhj. hh isatuuiio ni'Hn vesterdav .Tniv startfirt 1 to 2 cents lower at 134 Normal To to 135 1-4. September opened simi-1 Mean same date last year 75 larly down at 117 1-4 to 117 3-4. Deficiency for month 10 In the corn pit July started 1-8 cent j Excess for year 355 onredaL8blto'T-2 cenV lower a? 62 to Hest of record for June, 1914 co i a ' I Lowest of record for June, 4d in 1889. rtota waro casior with other crains. Provisions were auiet. PRECIPITATION, . I Total for 24 hours ending 8 a. m. . .0 CHICAGO GRAI AWB rfuuww. Total for month to 8 a. m 0.26 appraisers to go all over the territory making appraisal or the value or larrn lands on which loans are sought from the land bank. Mr. Bell ' wis born and reared in Mecklenburg county and has for some years been connected with the Pegram Wadsworth Land Company of this rity. He is reckoned an authority on real estate values. The recommendation for his appointment is understood tr have gone to vvasnington irom me u fice of .D. A. Houston, president of the Columbia Land Bank. W. F. Stevens, of Charlotte, is one of the appraisers attached to the Co lumbmia bank, having been with it since its foundation in the capacity of appraiser. The appointment of Mr. Bell will not displace any appraiser now Mervintr. it is understood. The making of the board of appraisal and 83 I the bank itself a non-partisan Institu- 68 tion, free from political influence. Is 74 j understood to be the policy oi me gov ernment. week. GROCERIES BIG LOT LARGE FAT FRIERS and hens, egg plant, bell peppers, let tuce, sugar peas, string beans," Deeis sauash. cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage spring onions, etc. Fine Florida orange3 and grapefruit, blackberries, and peaches, bananas and apples. To make sure of the best the market affords, call 101 or 102 early. 8. R. LENTZ. 215 N. Trvon St. . Phones 101 & 102 W. M. Sigmon. Manager. DExVTHS FUNERALS WHEN CANNING YOUR BERRIES I and fruits remember that we carry a comolete stock of fruit jpars, jar rub bers. jar holders, jellyv glasses, jar f M a. 4- riUSy XTMl tops, etc., in .tact mui evciyumis jw need for your entire pantry. MILLER-VAN NESs CO, We Close Thursdays at 1 O'clock. I?.? nisbt's closing npures. yohk iPit" COTTON. New York. June 11. Spot cotton quiet ; riddling 12.50. U.osfc fcSW YORK FUTfTRES. w York. June 11. The cotton Ta'ket dosed very steady. High Low julv 12.37 n't i 13.18 p6l. 13.68 ja'n 13.75 Mar h 14-03 1 2 "'2 13104 13.53 13.65 13.90 Close 12.31 13.15 13.62 13.70 14.00 xrw nnr.RANi cotton. v.- iiriMn. June 11. Week-end renins up occupied the attention of .,:' in the cotton market in the pr!v' traiine today, both sides ap rannsj desirous of lightening com- T'tn-.PHts over the week-end. r rom ret advances of 2 to 5 points there t5 a fnll to net declines nf 4 to 6 rofnts. Juy rose to 11.98 and fell to 'i!5 rnntinueri rains in th central spI n-pstern divisions of the belt gave "c market a steady tone and they iv?vi regarded as unfavorable, together the complaints or noil weevn WHKVT July Sept. . . . CORN July tobacco forfeited 1 to 3 points. Coalers were heaviest of the rails, declining 1 to ' 3 noints but Southern Aailway prererrea ' " j Tho lrvc. I l-r- 5IIOW CU cuuayiv;uvuo o v.i v n o . Sales approximatea ,.1.34 1.38 3,4 1.34 1.38 V .1.174 1.24 1.16 1.23 . 62 64 61 63 Normal for June, ' . . 4.46 Deficiency for year 3.79 ing was heavy. 000 shares. July LARD July Sept. 37 38 9.87 10.20 38 39 9.87 10.20 36 Si 38 9.82 10.15 39 17.60! 9.87 10.20 HUMIDITY. 8 a. m Noon 43 HENRY M. RUTLEDGE. Charleston, S. C, June 11. Henry AT Ttutle-dee. of Hampton plantation, commander of the 2oth North uaroiina regiment in the Civil war, died yestor rtnv mornine at McClellanvnie, nea here. Mr. Rutledge was said to have vn the vouneest colonel in the Con- fortArnte armv. He will be buried Sun- 71 1 day at Flat Rock, N. C. until! Thursday. If you want1 Bargains phone us. We will deliver free of charge. . Fite & Harris Phone 2883 1420 S. Boulevard G. S. L1NDGREN, Meteorologist, MRS. S. E. PUGII. E. Pugh, of Crozet. Va., July y. ept MARSHALL FIELD III BUYS LARGE TRACT Chicago, June 11. Marshall Fie'd III, ha"s purchased an estate on Lcn New York. June 11. The week-end session on the stock marKet opeueu with an extension of the recent gen eral reaction. Steels. oils, equip ments, shippings ana sugar vrc again most susceptbile to pressure. Losses of 1 to. 3 pionts were sustained in. the early iraoms ?, v',Vf'--i Steel Car, Baldwin Locomotive, Mexi can Petroleum, General Asphalt ana American Sugar. Other heavy to weak issues embraced united ruit, Amri" can Can prezerreu. x.i ctir, f thrPP tracts to mous players ana toiumpia io'"u w' - phene preferred. The only -Yailroad talinng 1,630 acres, according to re issue to sTiow marked heaviness was ports printed here today. Northern Pacific which declined 1 3-8 The price was reported as $1,500, points. 000- Mr. Field recently acquired four NEW YORK. STOCK LIST. pieces of property in the Lenox Hill Last sale. district in New York city, but denied Allis-Chalmers Si i, I he intended moving from cnicago. American Beet Sugar .. .. 55 f"J American Can .... -.' A- a m.rino r. par Poundrv .... 1-4 tinon utile T.pather Bid 1-C1. . 1 American international Corp American Locomotive American Smeltinw & Ref. . American Suear- .. American Sumatra Tobacco . American T. & T TVTrs 5? sister of J. J. Thompson, ot tnis city. T.KDRETTER WITH Uied Friday night at her home in . JUJCi lii X AiUiV H11X1J annrdin to a message received lO.i: nTT WOKTH mnr: f:ilJ satnrdav morninsr by Mr. Thompson. 10.40 I " - arrT1srpTripnts were not men J.- UHV-i ---C5 , . H. S. Ledbetter, who has tor some ;r";rnt wouid be in Charlottesville, vears been sales manager of the Marl-1 -vra boro Mills, Marlboro, S. C, and in Mrs. Pugh was born April la, ibb m 5 7-8 81 3-4 56 104 Con e cf ffair. and daily ; the inged rolled jlicin jrship ' ovenv 1 anv thfi ; ithout z, Sen- " ; the recent , loose I ;uts a j Henry j no lit- '-. ttacks I v his i r wan- I id let ' Sharp a baf- ' at v- ; r Con i offen- : rwoo. ; "HitO p fra'-. ; athetx 1 . Henry rythinS I. Irs. ' bal bat' George t ired I .under- j hims'i off I over - nd snaP Jed im R the 74 38 3-S 79 1-4 27 75 3-4 37 1-2 52 1- 110 7-8 3b -S to 1 ar,rt October to 12.57 ClOSL XEW ORI.RANS FUTURES. 25 3-4 30 1-2 23 5-S . m ill 3 4AA in ViA noek market and a favorable weather Urn er can I pbacco bee. forecast led to increased liquidation. "c"" toSper .. .. October sold off to 13.04. making a net 4". pper . . . fcc'.ine of 10 points but later rallied tl Gulf' "& W." Indies on covering. The general market closed Bwin Locomotive . . steady, net 4 points lower to o points g?imore & Ohio .. .. higher. . . a, wau Bethlehem Steel "B" .. . eiiim of July increased and was Canaciian Pacific .. . . '. a'tr'l,i;tfil in snot interests and 11CIU1- .-....i t .fhor datin-i he-wme general in the trading chanjier Motors .. .. 9 7-8 months. More or less selling developed ChesaDCake & Ohio 5? i . .1 ot fresh weaKness in tne siock chjcag0 Mil. & t. Paul Tiavkpt and because of further talk rhicaeo' It I. & Pac. . . "f large tenders against July con- Cnlno copper . . . . ;? , I . Colorado Fuel & Iron Tnward the close the active months Porn prndUcts w:p i to 16 points under tne lasi CtivVMb Steel quotations of yesterday, July sinking I r,,u. rne Susar . . Erie Xpw Orleans. .Tune 11. The COttOU rLr; vi.n.. market closed steady at net declines rJ'ri.-h Co 33 1-8 c :.... i www . . -, cr Great Nortnern pia Great Northern Ore ctfs Illinois Central . . Inspiration Copper . . Int. Mer. Marine prd . . International Paper Kennecott Copper .. .. Louisville & Nashville . . Maxwell Motors MONEY AND EXCHANGE. New York. June 11. Prime mercantile h..ona. A '1-9 tn R 3-4. rline 60 day bills - i and commercial 60 day bills on banks --4 y. an hills 38 3-9: r M t-l II I I I I ltr I L.1A1 M J VI-.T www - w demand 373 1-2 ; cables 374 1-4. Francs, demand caDies Belgian francs, demand 790, cables 792 Guilders, demand TTT.S0, cables 32.90. Lire, demand 489, cables 491. Marks, demand 142, cables 143. Greece, demand 660. Sweden, demand 2215. Norway, demand 1460. Argentine, demand 3000. Brazilian, demand 1225. Montreal 10 7-8 per cent discount Government and railroad bonds easy. 126 9 charge of the New York office of the Steele Creek township She was an , . , , . . i eninusiasLiu mcmoc i company, has come to. Charlotte to as- Creek presbyterian church. She mar-1 sociate himself with the Dilwortn I ried g. e. Pugh, of Crozet, m iJ ana Building Corporation,-successor to the l moVed to that place. ' Progressive Realty Company. He as- ge is survived by .her husband and sumed his duties with the local com- following children: Ji,ioise, vir- pany some days ago. I ginia, ITattie, Dorothy, Margaret, La- Mr. Ledbetter is a native oi kock- i mDnt, Edward ana samuei -ugii, ui intrham but has been associated with I nPnt m addition to her brother SLGAK 8c. Why pav more for coffee elsewhere when we can save ypu 5 to 10 cents on a nound of coffee. - Roasted and ground fresh every day. Mocha and Java ....45c Trinity blend 40c Kenny's high-grade ........ . ... . 35c Santos blend . . . . . .30c Rios 18c Und 23c Good Rice, 4 lbs. for 25c Fancy head rice, 3 lbs. for ...25c Chocolate, cocoa, grits, extracts, bak ing, powder, etc. C. II. REXNT CO. Teas, Coffees, Sugars. Grits, Rice, Ete. 23 S. Tryon St. Phone 1551-1553 PHONE US. For soring chickens, fresh country eggs, jVlooresvine creamery uuuei, country snap beans, peas, beets, let tuce, peaches, blackberries and all kinds groceries and you will get the BEST. - BOYD-GARXER CO. 319 N. Tryon. Phones 11581X53 Spring Chickens ' Swift Premiums hams. Kingan's Reliable and Wilson's Certi- ' fled hams, lb 3c Country cured shoulders, lb. . . .. 25c Country hams, lb 35c 40c ' Hiddenite watergrpund meal 100 lb. bag Mooresville meal 25 lb. bags Moresville meal 24 lbs. Melrose flour 24 lbs. Patent flour .. Fresh snap beans, tieets, squash, pep per, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes. 100 lbs. granulated sugar . . . . . $2.50 75c $1.50 $1.20 GULP BROS. Phones 18061807. 225 East Trade. 50 buys stmnd new Corona Dortable type writer. Other makes at attractive prices. See us before you buy. PKONTV 4542 POUND ft MOORE CO. the Marlboro Mills for some years. In his connection with the Dilwortn Building Corporation here he will as sist in the plans that company nas for transforming large real estate holdings in East Dilworth into a mod ern residential section. of to S points. Julv 0.-t. Dec. Jan. March EAV ORMIAXS High ll.SS 12.76 13.16 13.22 13.50 Low Close 11.80 11.86 12.57 12.66 13.00 13.08 13 22 13.22 1350 13.50 sroT civrroi Xew Orleans. June 11. Spot cotton Quiet, 12 lower; sales on the spot 241 bales; to arrive 110. Low middling 888 ; middling 11.38; good rr.ldding 12.63. 00 . . .. .. 19 1-4 103 o 2 7-8 Petroleum 130 3-4 ' CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. . Cattle: Receipts 1, ith week aeo. beef steers 7. O O " . WIUF.v- " ------- "-I!.. Oo o-o ghe stOCK ana Duns geneiiuij 57 3-4 spots higher, veal calves 25 cents higher 12 Si dockers and feeders dull 25 cents low Hogs: Receipts 7,000; active, opening steady to 10 cents lower ; mostly 'steady with yesterday's average; fairly good clearance; top 840 for flty hogs -.practical limit 8.35 ; bulk 8.00 to 8.25 ; pigs 10 to 15 cents lower. ' . Sheep : Receipts 6,000 ; receipts today mostly packers direct, compared with week ago aged lambs 75 cents to $1 lower ; sheep steady to 25 cents lower. -8 -4 OFFICERS BELIEVE THEY HAVE TALLEY Frederick. Md., June 11. A man bs lieved to be Carl Talley, but who gave his name as R. A. Smith, said by the rniire in he wanted in Greensboro, N. C., in connection with the killing of a policeman there. May 4, lar.t, was ar rested here today with a companion who gave his name as rea vv. ijiuey, Snrav. N. C. An automobile, alleged to have been stolen by the men m faaiisour, ., loH tn the arrest of the men as it dis. played only one license tag, which, of ficers said, was sioien in vuguua vu their trip north 66 27 3-8 88 33 1-4 50 M-'AV YOIIK pnoYHIONS. New York, June 11. Butter unsettled Creamerv. firsts 'K to 30 1-2. Lszs 'irreeular : fresh gathered firsts Northern Pacific IS l." t.- -7 1 I rr,.;lnlhlo Oil 1-2 to I Oklahoma Prod. & Ref Mexican Miami Copper . . . . Middle States Oil .. Ml' vale Steel Missouri Pacific . . New York central .. . . N Y N. H. & Hartford Norfolk & v estern . . COTTONSEED Oil... New York, June 11. The cottonseed oil market closed easy. Prme umTmer Tin nrime crude 560 to 575 ; June 740 - Julv '740 ; August 750 ; September " - I net . n.tnKir 7fih t ixovemoer ion , uc 15' l-' Lir'U. 7747 January 777. Total sales I -c in ' V - ' 66 1-8 5,400 13 7- 21 11 3-8 24 20 67 1-1. liv and dressed poultry quiet; prices Unchanged. i.Kuir; noisE toxDiTioJf. Nh- Vork. June 11. The actual ' -niition of clearing house banks and l "t Mimpanies for the week shows trut they hold $48,286,420 reserve in ?X'-pss c,f legal requirements. This ,s increase of $23,191,830 from last Work. Ill(A(;t fOTATOKS. ''ii-nR-r,, jnne it. Butter higher. ''ritmesy rriras r.O 1-2 ; standards 30 J-- firsts 25 to 29 1-2. Pan American Petroleum . . Pennsylvania . . People's Gas . . Pittsburg & W- Y,a Ray ConsolidateJ Copper . . Reading . . . . Rep. Iron & Steel Roval Dutch, N. i. Shell Trans. & Trad. .. . Sinclair Con. Oil Southern Pacific Southern Railway ... Standard OH of N. J., pfd Studebaker Corporation . . Tennessee Copper . . Texas Co. . . Texas & Pacific Tobacco Products .. .. 1 7-8 51 3-4 34 1-8 47 1-2 fists in i Y-.J ri. AliSSOU' ered hij s on I- ! he haPPn ZOdS. hiD is 3elligere"gi but the Past: f kimiis- n the W J ntbef3; in- VJ foft l J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. 7 PER CENT TAX FREE PREFERRED STOCK Subject to confirmation, we offer this High Grade Stock at $101.75 per share flat. If bought before June 15th, the purchaser will be en titled to dividend of $1.75 Per Share Payable July 1st next rachovia Bank and Trust Company Bond Department Winston-Salem, N. C. Union Pacific . . U. P. Food Products U. S. Ketan biui" U. S. Ind. Aiconui . . U. S. Rubber . . U. S. Steel Utah Copper . Westinghouee Electric Willys Overland . Pure on . . ." Atlantic Coast Line .. Coca Cola Gulf States teei . . Seaboard Air i"c0 Sloss, Shef. Steel & Iron Unite.1 jrruii Virginia Caro. Chetn. American Tobacco . . American Zinc . . General Asphalt 27 3-8 12 5-8 66 1-2 48 1-2 56 1-4 42 1-4 21 1-2 1 72 1-4 19 1-2 106 3-4 70 5-8 8 33 7-8 21 54 1-2 115 7-8 la 1-4 55 5-8 59 1-4 56 76 7-8 49 3-4 45 7 1-4 26 3-4 83 3-4 27 30 1-2 6 35 107 3-4 27 3-8 122 8 54 LIBERTY BODS. New York, June 11. Liberty oonas Cl3S6l-2s 88.82; first 4s 87.80 bid; sec ond 4s 86.80 bid: first 4 l-4s 87.9. . ; "Vd 4 l-4s 86.94 ; th rd 4 l-4s 97.54 ; fourth 4 1-48 87.13 : victory 3 3-4S 98.40 ; victory 4 3-4s 98.40. THREE-YEAR-OLD GIRL WATER STAR CHICAGO PROVISIONS. Chfcago, June 11. Potatoes, old firm; orthern white ?! and ibulg 9 I to ino cwt: new we&n . U6i..." rel ; JOorth Carolina 400 to 425 barrel. Poultry, alive lower, fowls 21 1-2 ; broil ers 32 to 40. i EVERYTHING WEEKLY FIXAXCIAL REVIEAV vam, York. June 11. Extensive u different issues railing iv w lowest aiior '..,,w,i,i conditions r Unravorao fln exchange 5?-" !BVZZ. "displaying ' comparative other . ."il i trade nlaving and the state t V"V, of the shorts. dirAeccodlng to rumors current in the Accorains w lare-e snecula- flnancAlL?i rr' c sed out "at the tive n.uu,,"t " " nries as were market." or ---- iven to then ava.t9r. iuh of bank these rumors uj .vp loloney on demand relaxed lo?i ! per. . Basing i"i . Federal continuea iHiy.vy.--j - lncUned nd rcuiDw,"- a tlon SILVER. In High Quality Building Materials Uniformity of qual Mty is what you want. It is of no benefit to you if we send you for your flooring the best money can buy but for your ceiling stock that is orf grade. We try to carry only the best in everything, then we give you uniformity that can not be questioned. I j ": r. , , here she is survived- by two sifters. Miss Jesse Thompson, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Li. B. Freeman, ot uasionia. DISCHARGED SAILOR IS AFTER FOKTUJNU Chicago. .June 11. Elmer Ellsworth Juckett. just Qiscnargea liviu tnnv set about collecting a for tune 'of $500,000 reported left to him i bv an uncle, Harry W. vviison, oi nut Springs, Ark., who died a few weeks ago He quit his job in the stock room of a downtown department store to day. . Three years ago he ran away from home, when he was- 15 years old, to join the navy. ' , "I had-a little dough saved up, le said today, "but it was mighty httlrt and it was darn near gone when l got this 30b. It was labor but I was going to stick to it until I heard this nVlS' haven't got those half million berries yet. I'm going to meet my brother Harold tomorrow to learn the details. I ought to meet him tonight, 'cause I only got 60 cents with me. Juckett said if the report were trua he was going to school. AN EVENDOZENUP FORI TRAFFIC VIOLATION S rrbi draenet of the police depart- roTit' "vigilance committee" dragged into court Saturday morning an even dozen of aiiegea viwaLU" laws. ,. . ... ci.,o-.. A big dav is anticipaxeu ioi ounuaj when the "committee" will give spe cial attention to speeding. Pretty weather is promised by the weather man and while tne ponce Pa.ui.u,v welcomes the opportunity .. ists to enjoy the fine day objections are still in effect to fast driving or noise-making. The dozen summoneu tutu - urday morning were C C. Green Wil is, r,,-,r .1 II. aiOniEOIIiei v , x. iJ. n' o TCnester. John Smith, Sr-TJ;; Xir' .To Smith. Howard Hopkins, negro; Young Belt, negro; . J. Edwards, negro, aim -no.nto xit.. derson, negro. Rhoda CarilU Rhoda x CavflU three-year-old daughter of Richard Cavill. former swimming champion of Australia, recently performed the amazing feat of swimming 440 yards during an exhibition in San rranciscp. Your best hot-weather "Eats" Sandwiches In the p-ood old summer time, your body needs food that J.U Llic guuu ' . - Canilnnhai Am Ho-rit hut hiornlv nutritious, oj. tuuioc. Wouu,-iww S ufi"Tu", fruit ade or Trip lUcixl BUlUliiuu. uv ... , i ices There you have refreshment to the queen's taste and at the same 'time you're certain of honest-to-goodness food! If you wish them to be specially dainty for the picnic or porch party, remove the crusts neatly with a sharp knife. Here are a few that will appeal for deliciousness : Strawberry Sandwiches Bread should be cut thin and buttered lightly. Slice large firm strawberries and spread over slice Sprinkle' with blended powdered sugar and ' cinnamon and .cover with second slice. These should' be made just before time to serve. f PICNIC TIME We have the goods for it. Pimentoes, craft cheese, pickles, olives, pimento cheese, boiled ham, pot ted ham, mayonnaise and salad dress ings of all kinds, relish, cakes and crackers a full assortment, Easy uToiJpiirMinsr. Jello. all flavors. Swans Down cake flour, fresh blackberries and all kinds of fruits, full line fresh egetables, your chickens, eggs and but- ter. Phone us your wu. Watts Grocery Co. 813 East Seventh St. Phone 4431. Chicken and Olive Sjjand Aviches Butter the desired number of slices of Bread, and on half of vliese lay thinly sliced pieces of chicken. Over the chicken spread a mixture of minced olives moistened with mayonnaise. Cover with second slice. 'Jfeese should be made just before UnW to serve. Watercress Sandwiches Spread between thin slices of Bread a filling made as follows: One-half cup of butter, six ta blespoonfuls of minced water cress, one teaspooiif ul of lemon Juice. These ingredients should be thoroughly creamed. Slices need not be buttered. PURINA FEEDS. Purina chicken chowder, per 100 . 1 1 . , - n X3ay nlVr. do-I 1 New YorK, jun Ti"V . I i CITIZENS Lumber Company South Boulevard Phones 3472-3473 Paul Arrington & Co. Manufacturers Cost Accountants Audits Systems Investigations 217 Piedmont Building Phone 653. Charlotte, is. lbs. $4.00 Purina' chick chow, per 100 lbs. $3.X5 Purina baby chick chow, per 100 lbs $3.3o Purina calf chow, per 100 lbs. .. $4. 25 Purina pigeon chow, Rer 100 1 Tbs. $3.50 rtmrinr lavins mash; per 100 lbs. $3.00 1 . 1 1 net. 1 Art I Star brana scrait;u icw, lbs. $2.50 cfon hMnd mule feed, per 100 lbs. $220 Bran and shorts, per 100-Tba. . . $2.-5 Ttto nlants. per 1,000 K. .. .. 53o We are exclusive dealers in the fa mous Purina feeds in checker board toi-o n 'Must an erood" saVKSB. i-'u nut ! - but demand Purina. AMERICAN SEED CO. sii Trade St. Phone 8061. For the Bread-goodness that is the foundation of sandwich-goodness, insj3t on the loaf fullest of Bread-flavor and deliciousness BUTTER-NUT BREAD Carolina Baking Company 7 at o r i .elvin 'Refrigerates WiiKout Ice. See It in Operation at 301 North Tryon St. E. GUGGENHEIM, Distributer I dollars 45 X-4. -