CHARLOTTE NEWS JUNE151921 WEDNESDAY THE EVEN HUNDRED IN COLUMBIA. Columbia, June 15. With the official announcement of the United tSates Weather Bureau of temperature of 100 co-xooa in nninmhla Tuesday, a new record was established for this elate for the 35 years or me existence vt .u fice of the weather bureau here, the previous high record for June 14 being 99 in 1899. HOW TO KEEP THE HAIR BEAUTIFUL AND LUSTROUS The scalp of the head is to the roots of the hair what the soil is to plants, and unless the scalp is proper ly cared for, the hair roots are under nourished, the roots die. the hair be comes lifeless and brittle, then falls UThe best way to have a beautiful suit of hair and make it retain its full lustre and splendor is by frequent ly giving the head a thorough cleans ing and brisk, rubbing with Amproco Medicated Cocoanutr Oil Shampoo, a combination shampoo and hair jtonic. Amproco thoroughly cleanses the scalp, rids the head of dandruff and itching, promotes the growth of hair and brines to it renewed life and lustre. Use Amproco and you won't have to use a tonic afterwards, as Amproco has all the tonic qualities found in any good hair tonic, in cluding quinine. As there are numer ous cocoanut oil shampoos, be sure to get the genuine medicated shampoo and tonic combined by specifying "Amproco" and accept no substitute. Amproco is guaranteed. 50c at best toilet counters. FORT MILL BRIDGE MATTER DISCUSSED Fort Mill, S. C. June 15. The coun ty board of commissioners met in Fort Mill Tuesday with Highway Commis sioners Griffith and Withers, of Meck lenburg county, to make flnaL dispo sition of the matter of the new bridge to the north of Fort Mill to connect the two counties. The meeting was very harmonious and the joint commis sion seems agreed in the matter of lo cation and construction. A matter of satisfaction to the peo ple of Fort Mill township was the as surance of Mr. Griffith, that if Fort Mill township built a standard sand clay road to the North Carolina line through Gold Hill, Mecklenburg county would" match it with a road from Kim brell's store in the southern part of Mecklenburg county to the South, Caro lina line, a distance of about one and one-half miles, and thus provide a splen did highway from Fort Mill to Char lotte. This assurance was given to L. A. Harris, of Fort Mill, appointed by the general assembly to have charge of building permanent highways within the town, who is greatly interested in good roads throughout the township. THOMPSON GETS LIFE TERM. Decatur. Ga., June 15. Homer Thompson was found guilty of murder of Ernest Brown, a young farmer, here Tuesday night with a recommendation to mercy and was sentenced to life im prisonment. His counsel filed a motion for a new trial. Brown was shot to death near here the night of March 18 last, in company with Mrs. Eula Putnam. THE DAVIS WHITE SULPHER SPRINGS Hiddenite, N. C. 100-ROOM HOTEL Open June 1st, 1921. Under the Management of SOUTHERN HOTEL COMPANY J. J. Rogers, President. W. R. Rogers. Sec.-Treas. Who wil give their personal attention and guarantee the best of service in every department. BEST MINERAL WATER AND CLIMATE IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. Fresh vegetables from our gardens and pure milk from our dairy. RATES VERY REASONABLE WRITE NOW for our 12-page illustrated booklet. RATES and RESERVATIONS. Address. DAVIS SPRINGS HOTEL. Hiddenite, N. C. t g - ' ' ' I BANK)! '.,; ROAD CHANGES CAUSEPROTEST Bell Telephone Company and Some Citizens Com plain to Commission. Complaints made by the Bell Tele phone Company that the proposed change of route to be followed by some of the permanent highways which the Mecklenburg County Highway Commission proposes to' build will cause that company much trouble have been received by the Highway Com mission. Citizens of the county have also made similar complaints to the commission. v The Bell company points out that its right of way and its wire lines have been placed at much cost and where they will be of the greatest service to the public and that the proposal of the high commission to re route some of the highways will cause confusion and exoense. Tfc Highway Commission recently indicated to the State Highway Com mission certain changes of routes of highways in this county to avoid rail way grade crossings and otherwise improve roads that are to be made permanent. The state law laid down for the commission to follow is that where a survey for a change of the direction of a highway is made it shall be followed. What redress tha complainants may have is a matter foreign to the com mission, which leaves matters of that kind to be settled by legal processes already established. The provisions of the new read law give 60 days in which property owners along newly surveyed routes may enter protest. YOUNG PEOPLE WILL HOLD A CONVENTION Chester, S. C, June 15. One of the important gatherings of the month of June to the Christian people of counties of York, Lancaster and Chester, is the convention of the York District Chris tian Endeavor Union, which will ba in session two days next week in the Pres byterian church in Lovryville. The convention dates are June 21 and 22.. This convention will represent the young people chiefly of the Presbyter ian church, but also some young people of other denominations, who compose the membership of forty to fifty Chris tian Endeavor societies, having a mem bership of more than fifteen hundred. The president of the York Christian Endeavor Union. J. A. Flanagan of Bowling Green, York county, has made announcement of plans for this conven tion, which indicate that the pro.: i'.m will be one of great interest and inspira tion for all who gather in the ronvyr tion. There wil be three sessions of the convention the first day and two sessions the second day. Should you reach the end of your rope would you have to let go? Many men have reached the end of their, rope, and, due to the lack of ability to save their money in prosper ous times, had to let go when the crisis came. Benefit by the experience of men of this type. If you haven't a bank account al ready, start one now. Be prepared ' for the uncertain tomorrow. "Life is what you make it" make yours one of prosper ity and success. The first dollar saved is the cornerstone of future success. Lay your cornerstone today at Am encan HI rest CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital and Surplus and Profits, $1,850,000 W. II. WOOD, President. T. E. IIEMBY, Vice President GEORGE STEPHENS, W. S. LEE. Vice President. JOHN G. NICHOLS, Vice President .1. E. Davis, Sec. & Treas. II. L. DAVENPORT. Asst. Sec. & Treas. R. D. HAWKINS, Asst. Sec. & Treas. P. C. WHITLOCK, Trust Officer. JOHN FOX, Assist. Trust Officer,tt L,AMKjyrn & kko. Managers Insurance Dept BYRNES IS SPEAKER. Chester, S. C. June 15. Post 1, Travelers' Protective Association, of Chester is iroine- to 'iarc its rrp"t -- nual celebration and barbecue Friday in Solicitor J. K. Henry's grove. orator of the occasion will be Congress man James Francis Byrnes of the sec ond Congressional district of South Carolina. Stolen Reward Stolen from my office May 25th, gold solder "Nelms" stamped on it, Partial plate, two gold teeth, one full, set with 3 gold fillings and one gold crown. One S. & TV. blue barrel ham merless9 pistol .3 short with "Fox" carved on end of handle. Reward for any of above,' if re turned to me. DR. L. g. FOX DENTIST. Z1H . Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Rogers Next to Woolworth's Dr. H. O. HfEdenen. Dr. II. B. Gadtly HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Ot&ct, Hunt Bids., 22 I Z N. Tryon St, Fhn SIS Southern Railway System Passenger Train Schedules. Arrival and departure of Passenger trains, Charlotte. N. C. Lv. No. Between 3:45a 29 Atlanta-B 12:36a 30Wash.-New York.. 7:25p 32Wash-New York.. 7:30a 39Atlanta-Danville i o umn i x2:00p 24Taylorsville Seaboard Air Line Railway W ANNOUNCES eek- Tni H in Old L xcursion Fares to Wilmington And Return, as Follows: From Rutherfordton, N. C BosticN. C Shelby. N. C. ... Lincolnton, N. C. Charlotte, N; C. Monroe, N. C. Fare -.$ 8.06 7.87 7.27 . ... 6.62 6.02 . . . . 5.00 Total . $ 8.70 8.50 7.85 7.15 6.50 5.40 Children five years of age and under twelve will be charged one-half of the fares shown above, sufficient to be. added when necessary to make fares end in "0" or "5." elusive3 Sld eah Saturday June' 11th "to September 3rd, in- SSfV'S1 b-f lired -t0 each orteinal starting point prior to mid night of Monday following date of sale. Tax & .64 .63 .58 .53 .48 .40 E. W. LONG, Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte, N. C. - W. L. McMORRIS, General Passenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. 8:55d 9:45p 6:30p 9:10d 11:00a 6:20a 4:30d 3 :00p 7:35a 8:20a 10:15a 4:55p 9:30a 10:40a 4:25a 11 :30a 30 29 31 43 36 Ar. 12:25a 3:35a 7:25a ll:20p 23x8:00a 138Washington-N. Y. vS5wasn-xs ew York 12 Ric'hmond-'NnrfnIlr I linn.'cA. '. .11371 n-sn c..J 3710:30a 113 Columbia-ChTston 2jWinston-Salem .. 45G'Ville-W'minster 4 6 G'boro-Danville .. Atlanta 31 IColumbiaAugusta HITavloravlllA 36N. Y.-Washington. I 2 7 (Columbia. i6 1 .Atlanta 371 44 14 114 25 46 45 12 32 16 35 12:35n 12:46p i:4tp 4:10p 5:50p 7:20p 9:10p 9:00p !Atlanta-N. Orleans.! 38i 9i40b 0'h.-rr-rTnMll Salisbury. Winston- jsarDer, jvioores-vil1 Norfolk-Richmond 13 I 11 .1- 5:10p 10:50a X. Tiatlv T(nt RuTiclnv- Through Pullman sleeping car service to Washington, Philadelphia, New York. Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta, Birmingham, Mobile, N aw Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient schedules and tiirect connections to all points. Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 207 Went Trade St. Phone 20. PASSENGER STATION West Trade Street. Phone 417. R. II. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent Pheno 3860. Braach 7. f Repairs promptly don. AU'wftrk trletly guaranteed.' QUECN CITY cyc'L4 a& THE RED FRONT, 42 N. CoMeg. Phono t17 Union National Bank Charlotte, N. C. MEN ARE FOUR "He who knows not, and knows not he knows not he is a fool; shun him. He who knows not, and knows he knows not he is simple, teach him. He who knows, and knows -not he knows he is asleep; wake him. He who knows, and knows he knows he is wise ; follow him." v Arab Proverb. We know we know that the Union National is strong conservative and thrifty and we believe it will be safe and profitable to follow us and deal with us. We invite your business. H. M. Victor, Pres. D. P. Tillett, Cashier F. D. Alexander, V. Pres. A. G. Trotter, Asst Cashier Fine Suburban Home Site Short distance outside City limits on State highway from Ch i rr n- Aftosn minutes walk from strppt.oa Ult i anfl beautifully shaded. Dimensions 350x500 feet. For nri i-iTrmTTT?TT DPAT 17CTATP TAATVT o r CAPITAL, $75,000 SCRPU's, p, i South Tryon St. Fhone SELF MASTERS The only way to get along with yourself agreeably is to be the Master of Yourself. Self Masters are contented, hap py, forceful and independent. Those that are slaves to them selves are always miserable. Thrift is a habit of Self Masters, t means mastering yourself a lit tle every day. Be a Self Master and take some portion of your earnings whenever they come to you and put them in the bank. Security Savin Bank No. 4 South Tryon St. WE ARE PROUD OF OUR DELIVERY SERVICE . We ask that you give us the opportunity of demonstrating to you that it is really a "QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE." ' ASK YOUR DOCTOR Walker's Drug S Corner Seventh and Tryon Street, AUTOMOBILE DELIVERY Norris Candy Parker Pfsis Agents for Klim RE N0JM Added Beautv i The beauty of the Nash Six is not alone in its appearance ar.i appointments, but also in' the smoothness of its performance, the symmetry of body line, and the impression of sturdiness it gives. A!! serve to emphasize Nash desirability from the standpoint of beauty, CAROLINAS NASH MOTORS CO. 500 N. Tryon St. Distributers Phone 3391 22 IS ow Is It With Yob? 9 Are you prepared for opportunities? Or, when they come to you, do you have to let them slip by to be seized by others. Opportunities call for ready cash, or the good sense and energy which comes from acquiring ready cash by saving regularly from income. 5 Trust C ompany ; Capital and Surplus Over $1,600,000.00 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. C. OFFICERS-- E. 0. Anderson, Vice President IV. A. Watson, Vice President VV. M. Lonff, Vice President i .11. Wearn, Chairman of Boar J H Little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Tlios. P. Moore, Asst. Cashier A. B. Surrati, Assistant Cashier FOR SALE Splendid six-room bungalow in Fourth Ward. Furnace heat, hardwood floors, house in practically new condition $6,750 Six room house 1000 West First Street, close in, good street and well located for increase in value $3,850 Five-room house 1415 Fast Fifth street, good neighborhood. Attractive terms . can be arranged on this place with about $500 cash $3,750 iFve-room house West First street, splendid location for enhancement fronts on paved tsreet, . $40C cash payment $3,000 Several four and-five room houses well located in different parts of the city -from $1,850 up. Can arrange gool terms with small cash payments from $300 up. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company Cash Capital $70,000.00. A. I. HENDERSON, Manager Real Estate Department. , 219 North Tryon St. . 'Phone S89 A DISTINGUISHED PREACHER of the Methodist .Church, a teacher of my early years, told me "to aim high if I shot low." : This strengthened me many times when obstacles seemed in surmountable. I haven't reached many of the rungs of the ladder I should have, but they. CAN and SHOULD be .mounted by you. Your opportunities today are far greater than were ours in the long ago. THE MUTUAL B. & L. is a potent means to success and honorable manhood, and with all ray mind and heart I urge you to use it, for, a the clouds gather and you dispel them, as troubles come and you overcome - them, I know from long observation and experience that , then you will appreciate the advice here given in simple truth and in all sincerity. ' L; BY THIS SIMPLE SYSTEM many a home has ; been saved, ; many - tears dried, many sorrows soothed. By its use many roofless are sheltered, many unfortunates cared for, many are educated, man w; disconsolate . renewed in hope and faith and determination. Air these are worth while, so let's make It shine and .shine and shine. i '.. SHAREHOLDERS' ANNUAL MEETING ' will be held in office of Association at 4 p. m. July 14th, 1921. Come and hear the Auditor's fine report. . ' - . - : YOUR BONUS The world pays you a "bonus" on your health and youth. wjM you have the ability to earn more than you actually need to m happily. You owe it to yourself to save tfart of this "bonus" for the day when the world pays it to others, more vigorous, who will your place eventually. What are you doing with your "bonus"? We sugest that you de posit part of it regularly every pay-day on a Savings Account a this Bank. It is the wise way. The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 WEST TRADE STREET. CAPITAL $200,000.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $400,000.00 THE RUDISILL MINE JNO. R. PHARR, President. '-'.-'''-''' -, . E. Li. KEESLUR, Secretary and Treasurer. Located at the Foot of Mint Street FOR SALE We purchased this DroDertv for thf nnrnose Mint street into the heart of our Wilmoore property. This has now been done, and as we are not in the m j business we will resell this famous old mine with abui;L)! in1" : of extend ovxco ui liiiiu isnrrounumg me mine snait, togeiner -rights under about twenty acres of surrounding propenJ $5,000 CASH ith ir. ftf South Tryon St. Suburban Realty Company ; , F. C. Abbott & Company, Agents Telephones 238-3022

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