THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 15, 1921, m t LOST FOR n'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boasi-a Fact. Be Convinced, Try 'E m QNE - CEN 1 - A - WORD The Pulli FOUND WANTE h CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A Set tms siyio . j v imaortinn. - . . . i .J t-trrtA one cent ner -vyum EACH INSERTION STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. eUVipr too or bot any Sly IB biusbto - - , , m, torn, or between lines, at double tne bove rates. r. . jijoj-.j- tx mid rash with ,n:" nZW of Charlotte -""EL."," -Ved to the telephone ZdVth .he Ration th.t th. bill he nald promptly. Regular Classification of ads cannot he " on vH after 12 o clock lor uauj Btf . m V m. Saturday ,or Sunday Edition. MTTMTMTTM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP : :,. -7, j I WANTED Man to ,u"" 7". !"7 1 Starters, ?30 mstauea, "-r-r-" . 1 arv vv est min-i v.c. " 1 nouse j WANTED Servant, general 15-1 1 1 I work. 209 S. Cedar at nrjvTvn Half crown colored girl I for house work. Apply Thursday mornine at No. 4 S Davidson St. I WANTED Colored pipe caulkers n I yarners; out of town work. Apply I 419 Realty Bldg., lioya, nS'"3. Goforth. Inc. w a vted Brieht. ambitious young I men and women ror iau pwhiuh . .tonnoranhprs and bookkeepers. SUf1 tvrewritinff. Twentieth Cen- Knnv-kppnin?. penmanship and English. Enter now, and be ready to accept position in beptemDer. Tuvit ran or telephone for partic ulars. Brown's Business College, 12 sth Trvnn St. Phone 2566. 15-3t-eod WANTED Men suftering from private ' iicMRoa. not able to employ a p'ny- T.H11 v.o ru-pn advica and treatment free at the City Health Twinrtmont elinic. 237 N. Tryon J3r Bvnrv afternoon except Sunday Rrins this notice. 12-tf-eod WANTED City collector, young man preferred. Must be hustler ana come " ' , 1 - r - well recommenuea. . 't' approximate age ana saiary eipea- ed in first letter. S. T. U., care News. I WANTED Young man, 18 to 20, for office work. Reply in own handwrit-1 ing, stating salary considered ana references. "O. W.-14," care News 14-zt .WANTED Experienced stenographer uaine shorthand and dictaphone, .bur nish references and mention salary expected. Replies confidential. "Steno 14." care. News. WANTED Girl between 8 and 13 years or middle aged woman to share home with couple as one oi familv. Write Mrs. J. . Klumple, care Southern Cotton Oil Co., Char lotte. 13-3t x- a v T I.t T" CA-k-, j-.--.j-. i-w dnrn end A A nlain sewine. Phone 3837. - 13-4t I WANTED Men to learn barber trade. I Good demand and wages. Busiest season at hand. Catalog free. Molar Barber College, Atlanta. Ga. 31-30t FOR SALE FOR SALE Flower baskets, 35c to 60c. Smith Novotoy, 24 West Fifth. 15-3t A $12,000 NEWSPAPER and job of fice in the richest town and sec tion of Southwest Virginia for sale. Personal reasons. If you have $6000 cash it will pay you to investigate. Box 54. Marion. Va. 15-2t-wed-sun FOR SALE Ice box in good condi tion. Phone 1290-W. 15-tf FOR SALE One nice grocery., store on the corner for sale. See Joe Hodge. 1101 South Middle St., Char lotte, N. C. 15-lt 38 SHARES First National Bank, Charlotte, N. C, stock and four $1000 third Liberty Loan bonds; will be sold at auction at the court house in Charlotte, Monday, June 20, at 12 o'clock. E. L. Baxter Davidson executor. . 15-3t-eod RECEIVERS' SALE To high- est bidder for cash, lumber - plant consisting of machin ery, lumber on hand, building and real estate at court house door Monday, June 20 at 12 o clock. For information, ap ply 1. K. leaver, receiver, 'ill 1- M T-Trnvi 04- I xj.7Z ai. xuji ou 193f. Run Worl LTlD RATI' PnKi. .oino 1 ' I VSIJ&1 N. Myers. Phone 898-J. 12-2t-eod COALI ?Ta - rw-inn ir "nT.Tnn ntr"VT I i POCAHONTAS I -s INDEPENDENCE COAL CO. Il21 N. Church St. Phone 4461 lft-tf-fri-sun-mon-wed I C botXTiV;' fm,T. l-,.rQ a -i;t ' - "J,i. v.. well in the purchase and operation of these plants. Sale must be csn-1 nrmea Dy ine court, it you are in. terested in a bargain, let us hear from you at once. Address bouth-1 eastern Business-Adjusting Corpora-1 won, ock vox lie, UDWiorte, w. C I , l-t AUCTION SALE Camp Joseph son, Jacksonville, Fla,, June 28th. if interested, white David B. Traxler, (uo iviunsey uiag., wasningion, jj. u. , lt-3t FOR SALE Electric fans, good used 12-16 oscillating. Smith Novotoy. 24 West Fifth. 14.2t DIL t-UO.t STOVE FOR SALE beverai 3, 4 and 6 burner good as new 7.B0 to $17.50 to cloaa out. Mahogany parlor suit $48.00 regular! iio ao.uu. ew upho stered rock-1 ers $12.50 (half price). Good cooking 1 "f9 $35:?'t Few dining chairs, iron beds, sprinsrs. tmnVa etc., all at close out prices quitting ,Bl" uuHine. drawing's Mattress raccory. zm xv. Jxng St. 12-4t t'OR SALE Cheap. one nftn tnm ??k wal1 case w,th lockers. Phone nr FOR SALE One Hoffman steam press. Price $150. Box 4V8, Belmont, N- c- - . ; . 10-151 .-..- -tto ctvt e AND FOR RENT Desirable furnished bed in value as tne years gQ by. $12,000. STYLE "B sMq.wTVOM rooms and light housekeeping rooms terms. J. A. Brown. Room 5 McKin TYPE, TWO CENTS PER Y Uitu pn 15-2t non Bldfr. Phone 439. 15-lt FOR RENT FOR RENT One furnished bed room to business girl. Phone 1757-J. 15-3t FOR RENT Furnished rooms, good location, clo3e in, board convenient; i business couples or gentlemen pre-1 ferred. Phone 4117. lo-tf FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms! for light housekeeping. Phone 2357-J. I 15-2t FOR RENT 405 South Tryon, lt rooms, 2 baths, the largest and best established boarding house In Char lotte. S200 month. E. C. Griffith Co. Phone 4208. 15-3t FOR RENT One bed-room, also com bination bed room-kitchenette, at- tractive. Trained nurse, business or traveling couple preferred. Phone 2860-X. 15-3t FOR RENT One furnished room. 305 S. Church St. Phone 200S-J. 15-tf FOR RENT Nicely furnished apart- Harry Dickson, 1014 S. Boulevard. 15-2t TWO n "H RXISHED rooms tor rnt. 414 East Oak street. Phone 15,f FOR RENT Two unfurnished con- nectmg rooms, eieciric ngnis, run- nirifr water, use of nhone: suitable f neht housekeeDinsr: counle with- rmt pWHren 7ft? North Caldwell. 15 o FIUE - PROOl' STORAGE. Union ae Co., 205 West Firet St. : Stor- Phqne S5C-: 5-25-tf-wed-sun FOR RENT Four room apartment s E Thir(i st., un stairs. Mrs. H. M. Wilder, 237 S. Tryon. 12-3t-Sun-Wed-Sat. RENT-Offlce or stbre, wnoie or pan, urouna noor, well lighted, steam heat, 30 West Fifth. 1-tf Wed. Fri and Mon. FOR RENT Two rooms and kitchen ette or three rooms unfurnished, lights and water and bath. 1507 Cleveland Ave. Phone 1492-W. 14-3t FOR RENT One large room complete ly furnished for light housekeeping. Connecting bath. 307 N. College St. 14-2t FOR RENT Five rooms, 217 Gam: v. i 14-ft Myers. Phone 1280-W. "w - y wakljio genuemen or - - , a v--r. -i-. . i I "'VaX'" r..v. t irii I ' FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms. Annlv 'Tnrrisnn ViilpaniTrintr fin ai7 l' i' -..' - .-O " " E. Trade. 14-4t FOR RENT One six-room apartment, I downstairs, with bath, $40. Home Real Estate & Guaranty Co. 14-2t FOR RENT Four room unfurnished I apartment with private bath, lights and water furnished, gas for cooking. 414 E. Seventh St. Phone 45S4. ' 13-tf FOR RENT Desirable home for the summer, well located. Phone 2090-J. li-2t iOR RENT To couple without chil dren, two furnished rooms for lihl housekeeping Phone 2806-J. S14 W. Trade St. . 1,-tflFOR SALR-SJ.a ' : cc ul lulm5"B-i splendid location. Phone 3935-W 14-2t t'OK KENT Nice front room, three blocks from square. Phone 225-W. 14-tt FOR RENT Furnished bunealow. five rooms, to responsible parties only. Nice location, suburbs, lawn, flowers, garden and flock of eight laying hens, handy to car line. Will lease until October 1 reasonable. Phone 3525. 14-3t FOE. RENT Desirable room close in to gentlemen or couple. References exchanged. Phone 1920-W. ' 14-tf Jtf'OU rtEiN T Two nice unfurnished I rooms, connecting bath, other con-1 veniences, first floor. Phone .afift.w I 14-2t FOR RENT Three furnihrt TnrZ for light housekeeping. Phone 295U-J. 13-4t FOR RENT Eight-room house, July j. to August 2of water, lights, sleep ing porch, large grounds, cool and airy. References given and required. j. ju. Mcuonnell, Davidson, N. C. Fhone 6. 13-3 FOR RENT One nicely furnished room, 404 East avenue. Phone 499-J. ' 13-tf BOR RENT Two nicely furnished. first floor rooms, private residence, close in, shade and porches. Prefer business couple. Phone 4470-J. " 13-3t FOR RENT Close In Furnished rooms 863 "N. Churoh. FOR RENT Two rooms, newly fur m'cVloil 11 J a tun- vemenc-s,- near good Doard. hone 3073-J. 10-tt sS3r SiU FOR RENT Nicely furnished room to gentlemen only. Phone 2614-W. FOR RENTTwo store rooms, Nos. 21 j and 23 East Third street. Inquire boutnern Manufacturing Co., 19 E. Third stret. 2 1-tf FOR RENT Store room, first block on South Church St. Apply Merton U. fropst, 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located I Apply Merton C. Pronst. 2S w. mtth . 5-5-Vf FOR RENT fifl hnlMl--. on I , . . --?' - "",VV'M 6DU Z-tt I FOR RENT Unfurnished, laree front room with alcove, suitable for bed room and sitting room or two . bed rooms, board also. Phone 4075.. 15 West Seventh. 5-tf I FOR RENT Furnished room to n. tleman. Call 3286.W. r,.ff John-IFhT? PITMT Wmr. i. v - A vu 1 aaJ- m ment, furnished. All modern conveniences. Address P. O. Box 396, Charlotte, N. C. 14-2t FOR SALE COTTONSEED MEAL and hull- ti - or write for prices. Taylor Commia-1 eion co.. Heaiey JSldsr.. Atlanta. Oa I : 10-7t FOR SALE-Grocery store and flat- tures, new stock. Will sell stock or fixtures separately, good location. Phone 1507-W. , 6-tf SALESMEN WANTED WANTED A No. 1 coffee salesman for Columbia, S. C, territory, old .SSLr r," territGry' oal FOR SALE REAL ESTATE I wnrt SALE 45-a.rre tract. 7-room cot-1 taee. 5 miles from sauare. Provi dence road, lies nicely to sub-divide, splendid neighborhood and increasing I SIX - ROOM COTTAGE, East Fourt.1 near Long street, modern conven- iences, lot 70x209, $4700, terms. Six- room cottage, East Fourth exten- sion, all modern conveniences, corier lot, room enough for one or - two I more houses on this lot. Price' $6000,, terms. J. A. Brown, Room 5, Mc Kinnon Bldg. Phone 439. 15-2t FQR QUICK SALE FROM OWNER, j 6-ROOM BUNGALOW IN MYERS PARK, ONE BLOCK FROM CAR LINE. HIGH LOCATION, IN CITY LIMITS, BUNGALOW IN SPLEN DID CONDITION, ALMOST NEW, HAS GOOD HEATNG PLANT AM GOOD FIXTURES. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. ADDRESS MYERS PARK, CARE NEWS. 14-6t THE BUNGALOW we, are . building in I edge Myers .Park is compact ar-1 rangement. Will eliminate many steps I for housewife. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. 15-5t THI-" INTERIOR of the bungalow we are building could not be better . planned. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 15-5t WE WILL HAVE in few days ready to move in, seven-room bungalow and the price will meet your pocketbook. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 15-5t ! "IT'S A GEM of a bungalow." is the way, one of our, friends pronounced it. Want to look it over? Phone 535, Queen City Realty Co., Inc. . 15-5tthe above. FOR SALE Well built home, Myeri Park, hardwood floors, heat, sleep- ing porch. Owner wants to sell quick, Price $9250. Good terms. Queen City 1 Realty Co.. Inc. 15-5t I BEAUTIFUL nine-room home. Eliza- I 1 u -1 m I oetn avenue, snaay 6iae street, nara-1 wood, large corner lot. Price at I VlilVC. WUCrU V1LV JTWCCLI LV ,U.. J.I1U. I . 15.3tjModel N Hupmobile touring cai', $300: bnp Qirr, k,.' T".. 77 ,7r, X T r low; just simply a beauty. Price $7000. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 15-3t MANY PEOPLE long for a home of e?r J n 7" UT 1 8 ' Clt Realty Co.. Inc. lojrt IULJ "L'Ljj De aengntea with our Dungaiows. lou De tne judge. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc. - 15-5t WE HAVE BUNGALOW that is ideal arrangement for small family. Queen City Realty Co.. Inc.. 15-5t FOR SALE Brand new seven-room bungalow, hot air heat, Piedmont. One best bargains on market, $7250; $la00 cash, balance easy. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. iL1 from town, about 1250 feet on P. & L-y. lamitt, guuu, siimuui son, water, i some woods, attractive for a farm F. C. Abbott & Company, Robert rurt ov, a FOR SALE Nice home in Myers , large livine room, nice dining I Park, room, three good bed rooms," walls nicelv flniahed harrlwnnfl fl.,.. pretyt fixtures, located in dity limits! I 13-3t-cod t OK SALE Brand new buneraloxv. moaern, wumore Drive, terms. An swer quick. P. O. Box 1233. city. S3A-"-eauLiiui large Jot, cornt r -rescent avenue and Providence roaq terms, xhone 33o0-W. 14-ff IF YOU WANT a railroad site I have the best in the city for sale at aWE HAVE some bargains in second- very attractive price. Th;s place is not one of the best but as I see it, it is the best in town, so you had better act quick as I expect to sell this soon. John M. Porter, Phone County 4902. ll-10t FOR SALE Away below value, mad. ern house on large plot In Dilworth; J perfect condition; 10 rooms, 2 baths; I terms If desired: John W. Post & Co.. zua vv. Trade St. 38-tl IF YOU HAVR nrnnprtv tr .!! rent, list it with C. B. porter, 203 Trust Bldjf. Phone 4562. 5.19-HOtl FOR SALF Modern five-room bunga- low w.-t T8. ;t k.rET vif -rvwhw iy V S- ISlrX bv by A VV f wi I floors, heating plant, garage, large iul. iruii. etc. coua nme,nnnrnn(wi i ana ciose m, quic possession. Phone I amun jsa-w. ZV-tl I FOR SALE 12-acre farm Inside it 11mitB Ktifttiiv cty limits, beautifully located, level land. Phone 952. 12-tf FOR SALE By owner very de- sirable home, Myers Park, seven rooms, bath, large sleep ing porch, servants' house, garage, attractive grounds, fine vegetable garden. Bargain for quick sale. Phone 2152-W. 15-3t HOUSESWANTED ROOMS WANTED For summer . months. iuna UUngaiQW in 47. . 1 1 - 1 . suburbs. IJ h rm a S-T 18-7t WANTED Steel building . between jSOO ana soo square rt. at ones. Writ full description, stating price F- O, B, Charlotte. Address ''Steel" care ixews. is-ut WANTED Room and board in private family. Couple with baby Prefer I suburbs. References furnished and required. Address J. C. H., care of News. 12-tf. wanted-Apartment of thr. rooms and bath, furnished, partly furnish-1 ed or unfurnished. Man, wife, and baby. Suburbs preferred. References. Address H, J, care of The News. 12-tf. POULTRY AND EGGS VIGOROUS strong hatched baby viucm, Single Comb White Leg- horns (Tmine's utraln Thfliiaana - . ready for shimnent everv Monrlav prepaid 111.00 . per 10Q or 12 cents each, nromnt shinmentt IfiA - n aIuZIJ ''i'r logue tells everything, tenth year. can Giliiland, Siler City, N, C - '; - is-st 1 EGGS FOR HATCHING Half-price. Daiance 01 season, fZ,5Q per 15, Bel- moot Poultry; Yards,. 40g W, Fifth AUTOMOBILES RENT A NEW -FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO.. 309 NORTH TRYON. PHONE 1270. 15-tf JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAIT ING FOR: 1920 FORD SEDAN. EX CELLENT CONDITION. CORD TIRES. (NEARLY NEW). FIVE WIRE WHEELS, DECKER STEER ING WHEEL AND OTHER ACCES SORIES. A PICK UP FOR $750. CASH OR TERMS. PYRAMID MO TOR CO. 15 -4t WE HAVE SPECIAL PRICE ON A j FEW 30x3 NON SKID FIRE STONE, UNITED STATES, GOOD YEAR AND MILLER TIRES. THESE TIRES WERE REMOVED FROM NEW FORD CARS AND ARE PERFECT IN EVERY RE SPECT: $13.00 EACH OK TWO FOR 125.00. WHERE' PYRAMID MOTOR CO.. '"OP COURSE." I5-4t poRD TON TRUCK USh:itt- II LIRE'S I I OUR CHA N'CU. A FEW 32x4 NON SKID FIRESTONE, GOOD YEAR AND MILLER TIRES. THESE TIRES WERE REMOVED FROM NEW FORD TRUCKS AND REPLACED WITH CORD TIRES; $30.00 EACH. ONLY A FEW LEFT. PYRAMID MOTOR CO. 15-4t SPECIAL ON USED FORD CARS LOOK 'EM OVER. WE NEEP THE ROOM. TOURING 1920 SS $375.00 TOURING 1920 SS 335.00 SEDAN ..230.00 TOURING 200.00 RUNABOUT 1920 220.00 RUNABOUT Ha I CHASSIS 200.00 CASH OR TERMS PYRAMID MOTOR COMPANY, 15-4:! USED CAR VALUES. Hupp Model R. touring Buick Big Six touring Velie Six, touring Chevrolet touring Studebaker, 7 passenger touring Chandler, 7 passenger touring Hupp Model K touring Ford 1920 model touring, starter Hupp model N touring . Overland, model 90 touring Unusually atractrve prices offered on " Call around and look them over. Partial payment plan optional, CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO. 209 S. Church St. - Phone 91 12-2t-Sun-Wed. LSED CARS FOR SALE -. .-v--.s-.1 4- OJ. . 1 1 AAA : 1 1 11 1ICV1IJ1CL wunn xuuu, win,, .en or $550, $150 cash, balance $50 p-r $100 cash, balance monthly We also have several other used cars at real bargains that you can buy and nav as von ride I SOUTHERN OAKLAND CO 14-3t WILL EXCHANGE 7-pawenger C al- mcr . f balld'n lot. W!:;it J.av you to offer. Cir in good con- ration. P. o. Box 12-n, euv. x?r.n sa r.r. iqir wri rn,h,. af lai.o. Can be setn at 141!) Louisa. avenue. 7 to 5. 14-2t FOR SALE OR TRADE One 1920 Cole 8 speed- ster. One-ton Interna- tlOnal tlTlCK. TWO'tOn -r -i i -t - Indiana tHlCK. FlVe-PaS- Senger X1 Om. On6 Slight.- d t ;nooTi Min. nfp Man SlY All AQVC uuc iriail OlA. Xxll Cdl b lorifJ frllpVc in A 1 nnn I1U LI. UCJtVb 111 -M-i CUIX- Hi tlOn DOWLING MOTOR CO. Phone 1586 !3-7t hand trucks. They are all of stand. ard make and m good running shape, If you want a good truck cheap, see us quick. Terms if desired. J. M Clark, Inc, 12 East 7th street. 12-4t BARGAIN IN USED CARS. Buick touring $350 Briscoe touring $300 Maxwell touring : 20 a weniy otner makes from $200 up. SJWOKN & HIPP 211 N' College St. Phone '4050 ' . l2-7t FOR SALE Temnler snortetto. nrar. - ' r Mr -h v new- Phone 323 between 9 7-tf see v. M, STINE. He will pay you cash for vour antAmnhilAs. ( VflTATm ..r ing. uires, tubes and accessories. Morrison .Vulcanizing Co., 317 -E. Trade. Phone 671. 5-20-30t WANTED Your automobile to paint: tops to rebuild; work first class; prices right. Payne's Auto Works, 2 E. Sixth St. 6-3-tf WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J, DUNN CO. 10 East Fourth St. Phone 2264. . 21-tf GOING CHEAP, $4000 car, six cylin uer. seven passenger, Brand new Kelly-Springfield cord tires, $447; 20 model Chevrolet, five passenger, $8S0; w moaej ff-pra, five . passenger, $330 All carsin A-l oohdition. V. . M. WANTED POSITION WANTED Position as meat cutter or Afi.. nr. , TT . A .ii.jr nave naa jive years experience. Know how to handle best -. . . . - traae, Aaaress A. B. C., care News. 15-tf WANTED Position by boy 14 year3 old with bicycle,, willing to work. Phone 817. l6-2t YOUNG MAN desirous of entering eol - lege wants lucrative work until that tune. Anything considered. Answer!1-'" ixtupitztuvL. nouse cleaning, see M. K. J., care News, 15-3t Jno. Henry Galman, fl? s S. Myers BOY with wheel wants to sun for boys during . therl vacation. Apply 113 Latta Arcade, city. , I . .1 I U7 V'TRn rtn-i.i !- 1 1. I u0.uyn Ji v nuu, keener by exnarianoed man. 'Rfv. , Ti - - n . . I 'none so-g-j. . lo-st WANTErRw .,;. nnv,.- T-: stenoeranher. ub work. Phone 1661-J. - 14-2t WANTED Position a stenographer bv voune ladv with v . perience. Prefer Insurance business. Address A.-G. C, care News. 13-3t WANTJ51 Wwk"by"buy'r" some auto SPECIAL NOTICES IMME SHORTER : Designer and maker of artistic, gowns, summer gowns very . reason able. 31 North Tryon Street, Charlotte. N. C. . ' , 12-3t Sun Wed Sun WEAR DR. LEVY'S Eyeglasses the best the world affords. Made to nt the eyes and face. 7 East Trade St- 3-ZZ-tr-wea-sun MOTICE To Ford Owners. I am out of the. high rent sec tion, own my own building- and can save you money on your Ford repair work. W. A. Fry, Phone 855-J. 13-3t Mon Wed and Fri WANTED You to patronize the Dtl worth Barber Shop. Our prices are as follows: Hair cut, 30c; shaves, 15c; children's hair cut, 25c; tonic, 20 and 25c. Open 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. Saturday 11 p. m. J. P Holler. 14-7t WALL PAPER, PAINTS Whitlow Paint & Paper Co. - 5 South Poplar. Phone 3634. 12-tf Sun-Wed. and Fri. PROF .T. A, BOYER Expert piano tuning and repairing, all work guaranteed. Phone Pitt hotel. I will call and estimate your piano free. 13-31 PRESSMAKING, children's preferred. 805 S. A St., between Liberty and FVance. 10-7 1 FURNITURE REPAIRING, REFIN- ISHING AND UPHOLSTERING . SLIP COVERS. We specialize in doing over old furni ture. NESMITH COMPANY. INC. 19 East Fifth St. 10-tf G. H BRA DSHAW Transfer and Moving Long Distance Hauling Phone 99-W Charlotte, N. C. MOVING Cal1 ,s nen Slng to move. Call ana set our prices, .aiore reasonaoio than anyone in town. Call and get our special price on picnic or straw- ride or baseball game. R. T. MARTIN & SON 1208 N. Caldwell St. 1710 PHONES 1861 4-14t Local and Long Distance MOVING and HAULING -Bonded Warehouse,' Storage racKing Bradfield Moving Service Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts Phone 980 28-tf Local and Long Distance Moving Packing and Storing Three Large Trucks WARREN TRANSFER CO. 1102 N, Caldwell St. Phone 1166 tiANO TUNER-J. F. Qallery. fttl 8--tf LEVY'S EYEGLASSES fit all eyes, none better. 7 East Trtde St., up stairs. 12-1-tf MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHINGand picoting attach ment, works on any sewing machine, I $2.50. Slf-threading needles, 25c package. Mutual Sales Co., Box 934, Charlotte, N. C. 13-4t-eod --------------------------M-atMMMMMiMiM-, ?HE NORTH CAROLINA OR- THOPAEDIC HOSPITAL will open its doors to the crippled, deformed child of North Carolina in June. The management of the institu tion wishes to help everv child of sound mind, under 14 years old, m the State all it can, quickly, especially the poor, needy and orphaned child. If you know of such a child in your county or neighborhood, write to R. B. Babin'gton, President, North Carolina Orthopaedic Hos- pital, Gastonia, N. G, for an 1 a -i . application Bianic at once. - 5-18-8t Wed Sun I MOVING AND. HAULING of all kinds! sun. rnone ioookJ. 13-tf-no-sun MATERNITY sanitarium. Drivate. rr. fined, homelike. Homes nmvirfnri rm I infanta, Mrs.' Mitchell, 22 Windsor A I . 1 aam. 1 .tiauta, ua, o-ou-zot-no-sun I mattress work- ar.,rt; : . w m-j r-o-w w w --i, 4,VAvtUlJK IK lilt I in first class style and wnrkmna,m I Phone your orders to 15SS-J. w kn renovate couch swing pada and over- naui tne swings making same like new, Lawing's Mattress Factory. 1 " iaco-J. -iw iNortn Long St. I - : i2-4t I : 12-5t I t-ANU TUNING and repairing, piano reflnlshlng. Expeit work done .1. Eaui,4Hnr- rnone 196. etieff Piano Co. . 28-t I 11 A UA fTITTXTI vin " i..- !! wi,l J -'i J"' vtua I .". J. -none X355-ia. 10-12-tf I v- A1- 15iLL, Notary funllOi front ot- - jrt Lh ,"?, J?: h fl2 m08t wy nour f P- in. f-tj FARM PRODUCTS POTATO plants for T m IT MATTERS NOT Where the prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared, to save our customers from One to Five Dollars a pair. Those who hav tried us Know, ana owners can u tney will, you? TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A second hand tent about eight by ten size, musi De.m guim condition. Call 4224 during day.- 15-2t WANTED To buy second hand kiddie koop, large size on wneejs. rnone 4189-J. 15-5 1 WANTED ONE HUNDRED FEATH- ER BEDS; SPOT CASH fAiu. PHONE 1643 AND OUR BUYER WILL CALL. SOUTHERN FEATH vt? rn 15-5 1 WANTED When jn need of a com petent stenographer or DookKeeper, you to call on us. Brown's Business f!nllee. Phone 2566. 15-3t-eod WANTED Hemstitching to do at 208 S. Church. Phone SoO. ia-ti WANTED To do your carpenter and repair work. .Phone iioagea, iat-j. 15-6t WANTED Room for nice young busi ness lady with ail conveniences. Phone 210 8-J. 15-tf BIDS WANTED - Sealed proposals will be re ceived by the Board of Commis sioners of the City of Charlotte, N. C, up to June 30th, 1921 at 11 o'clock A. M., for (3,000) Three thousand feet of (zVo) Two and one-half inch fire hose. The right is reserved to re ject any and all bids. EDGAR READ, Purchasing Agent. 15-lt. WANTED Your automobile and truck painting. Best quality , work at lowest prices Fords and other small cars, $15.00 up. City Paint Shop, Alley Opp. Postomce. 4-6-tf-wed-sun WANTED Dressing and plain sewing Phone 2042-J. 604 S. Tryon.;. T-7t-eod WANTED Mattresses to renovate and make over. New ticks. Haley -How ard Co., S23 E. . Trade St. Phone 3446. 12-tf WANTED Accounts to collect. Will be glad to make 'special arrange n.ents with professional men and all classes of business concerns. Month ly contract preferred. Standard "com mission charged ; after collection; 3at- lsfactic,n before-pay. Address Siutn eastern Business-Adjusting Corpora tion, Lock Box 1167, Charlotte, N. C 14-17t WANTED To find a buyer for that established business-which-you wish to sell or to find that established business which' you wish to buy. Our field is wide, .nd we shall be -glad to use our facilities for your benefit Southeastern Business-Adjusting Cor. poration, Lock ?Box 1167, Charlotte, N. C. 14-I7t WANTED Some well rotted stable manue. Phone 1250-W. 14-3t WANTED Sleep and eat with our $6.00 electric fan. Smith Novotoy, 24 West Fifth. .. 13-3t WANTED To clean and press your Palm Beach suit. White or- colored, 75c. Dilworth Pressing Club, Phone 815. . 12-5t WANTED Your upholstering and fur mture repairing. First-class work prices reasonable. General Repair Co., 31& n. uaiawen St. A. E. Cohen Mgr. Phone 1988. 26-tf WANTED ... . , More roofs and gutters to repair. Alio ice Boxes , ana Refrigerators, 'STRANGE & BRADY ! ' ' Phone 3149 : a, . ' - . - - 5-tf WANTED To borrow $3000 and $40QQ on gUt; edge .real estate security : for twelve months. Attractive interest; Phone r 32. 27-tf WANTED To do yeur hemstitchim and pecotlng.1 Phone -2027-W, 307 N Tryon. - 8-1-tf WANTED Used furniture, Phone 444$, ova w. -Eleventh gt. . 13-U LOST OR FOUND STRAYED Black pony. Last seen near Seaboard east of city. Finder please phone 1958-W. " 15-it FOUND-Bunch of keys. Owner can get same at News office by paying for ad. - isat FOUND A letter written by Jesus unnst nas been found eighteen miles from "Iconlum at --the foot of the cross under a stone. The letter has been published into a book. This book will be sent to any address for SO cents each or 4 for one dollar. J. D. Dowless. P. O. Box 132. Char. lotte. N. C. . 15-lt LOST A$2000 note made payable to xviio. lvittggie oiKes, Please pnone 2555-W,. ' i5.2t LOST Certificate Deposit No. 3i4f-3. Gaud jan. 3, 1921, $1000, en Com met.c'al National - Bank, i;inrloc;r N. C All banks and -pe ji-ji."! ure warned not to cash o trade fn same. Payment stopped. Phone 1863-W. 14'iX BUSINESS OPORTUNITY OUR SERVICES COVERS the f oUow- mg items: Collection of Accounts and Notes, Sal of EstablUhetf BiraU ness, Ten-Day Special Sales, Nego tiating Loans, .aasisting atrugglina business concerns and "helping them over." If you are interested address Southeastern Business-Adjusting Cor poratioti, Lock 'Box HW, Cha,;otf-. N. C. DANCING MME. CATHREN HARTLEY, Wash ington and New York authority on , modern ballroom dancing, announces ij ine opening of her studio at son North Tryon St. Hall open .10 a. m to 19 p. m. Prices reasonable. , 9-tI Charlotte, N. c. FOR SALE-LIVE STOCK FOR . SALE Nice 510nth.S.0ld'?10 each' CashS.u19 der. Address Pups, car v h r- J FOR SALE Or trade, gooTfT ior iresn miiK cow. Phm,0 " 5611. ' e Qr" 1 t n FOR SALE Pure Jersey milt Cream and Butter fronl x . r.. xl win s i aim on Hand all the time. PhonP 714 and 715. e Myers Park Community Store 13-3t "WHAT" is the price of a golden deed? What price mark shall we put upon te at Of the FIREMAN WHO Sivri' MAN LIVES, or the POLICEMiv SHOT AT HIS POST OF Dlf? There are sentiments before which reason is dumb in human thouVn FOR MORNING GLORY HAHS AM) yUALli'I UKUUtKlKS KALL FOR RESULTS 2016 PHONES 1768 Nwe Irish potatoes, peck 4jc 5 and 10 lb. pails pure lard S04l.;5 1-lb. boxes choice bacon 1-Ib. jars pure strawberry preserve's lie Norway white fat mackerel .. . 25c uommo cane syrup Rangan's Reliable hams .' 3 Fresh creamery butter (pure and sweet) . . .. 43, Fresh waterground meal, Jlelrose, Sun flower and. Eli?abeth flour, fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't forget those good brooms 43c 85c Prompt Delivery. a PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY. PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT WITH QUALITY. JoKh ifiIen Taylor Cash Grocery. Corner Church and Fourth Sts, Phones 2016 and 1768. AN0UNCEMENT We want to thank our many cw tomers for their liberal patronage, a.nj solicit a continuance of same for our successor, R. M. Kidd, who will coa tinue the business on cash basis and handle first-class groceries and ;iv quick delivery. Fite & Harris Phone 2883 1420 S. Boulevard 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar 75c. Monarch brand cocoa, lb ProtV, o-rrmnrl nnffeo th. 20C. 33c 35c xt . oof 3of Herring roe, can 05,. Shrimp can 35c Lobster. -can ., ,jU0c Tuna fish, can - "He Gorton's ready-to-fry cod fish caias 1-lb. can red Alaska salmon .. -n. can red Alaska salmon 24 lbs. Melrose flour 24 n. Silver Leaf flour .. 4 lbs. head rice S1.50 . . '6 lbs. fancy head rice GULP BROS. Phones 18061807 225 East Trade. Extra Fancy Lemons 40c Dozen. 10 lfcsrbest granulated sugar Our-45c coffee Thursday .. 6 lbs. Wilmington fresh grits 3 lbs. fancy head rice .. " " Llbby's 45c sliced pineapple ... 20c medium red salmons lflc 5 30C t n ka .vriin peaches Big bargain in fine . flours. Ecpnomy jjGtfpcery 37 W. 4th. Phne 4380