THE CHARLOTTE NEWS JUNE 16, 1921 THURSDAY LOCAL FIRM GOT U. N. C. CONTRACT T. C. Thompson and Com pany Will Do $1,100,000 Worth of Work. Chapel Hill. June 16. Trustees of the University of North Carolina have awarded the contract . for $1,100,000 worth of construction work at the Uni versity to T. C. Thompson & Company, of Charlotte. The understanding hi that members of the firm will reach Stolen Reward Stolen from my office May 25th. gold solder "Nelms" stamped on it. Partial plate, two gold teeth, one full set with 3 gold fillings and one gold crown.' One S. & W. blue barrel ham merless pistol .3 short with "Fox" carved on end of , handle. Reward for any of above, If re turned to me. ' .. DR. L. S. FOX DENTIST. IVA W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Rogers Next to Woolworth's Chapel Hill today for the purpose preparing the organization of workmen. The jjob is to be completed in two year3 and the contractors are determined to lose no time in making a start. The award of the job ends one of the keenest competitions for building work, perhaps, ever witnessed in the State. The size of the contract attracted bid ders from the two Carolinas, Virginia and many Northern cities, more than 30 large construction firms entering bids., While there was some sentiment among the members of the building committee of the board that the huge job should be divided and different con tractors allowed to do different parts of the work, the opinion prevailed that one firm should handle the entire con tract. . ". . According to the terms of the con tract, the Charlotte firm will furnish the organization, look after the supply of labor and materials and become tho agent for the building committee. The undertaking will include the construc tion of a. half dozen large building, together with other subsidiary struc tures of lesser size and importance. WARRANT SERVED ON L. L. FRONNEBERGER Warrent was served on I. L. Fronne berger, of East Boulevard, Wednesday night charging him with passing a bogus check og $10, drawn on the Mer chants and. Farmers National Bank of Charlotte and presented to the J. H. Kennedy Company at Gastonia. Mr. Fronneberger was manager for Com missioner of Public Safety. J. E. Huney cutt in his pre-election campaign and in his campaign of a fey weeks ago to oust Police Chief Walter B. Orr. His bond of $20 was signed by Mr. Huneycutt- Trial, has been set for June 20 in Gastonia. The warrant was served at Mr. Fronneberger's home by Detectives Moser and West and Ser geant Black. Save With a Purpose In saving money, the best way to make sure that your account will not be neglect ed is to have a definite purpose in view. Whether the amount you can lay aside each week or month is large or small, sys tematic depositing will steadily build up a substantial surplus. We cordially invite your Savings Deposits. CHARJXJTTE NATIONAL BANK SOUTH TRYON AND FOURTH STS. 4 on O Savings MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE .SYSTEM United States Depository 'jrAf imisw W (IMP f Should you reach the end of your rope would you have to let go? Many 'men have reached ' the end of their rope, and, due to the lack of ability to save their money in prosper ous times, had to' let . go when the crisis came. Benefit by the experience of men of this type. If you haven't a bank account al ready, start one now. Be prepared for the uncertain tomorrow. "Life is what you make it" make yours; one of prosper ity and success. The first dollar saved is the cornerstone of future success.; Lay your cornerstone today at American Trust Co. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital and Surplus and Profits, $1,850,000 W. II. WOOD, President. OFoiJpSte6-' fi E. Davis, Sec. ft Treas. , w Si?TwPHlN8SJ V H. L. DAVENPORT. w al lliK LAMBETH & BRO. . Managers Insurance Dept. GIRL WAS CAUSE OF CROOK'S FALL Bill Ames, Forger, Risked Everything for the Girl He Loved. Love does other things besides mak ing' the "world go round, according to J. S. Thompson, chief operative of the Bodeker's National Detective Agency, of this city, in relating what he con siders the most interesting case he has been connected with during his 4 years as a detective. . It happened in Birmingham last Sep tember. One of the Birmingham bamks called up a well known business man there by the name of Evans and ad vised him that his account was over drawn. Mr. Evans protested that there was some mistake about the matter, A consultation at the bank followed. It developed that ten perfect forijertes had been passed on Mr. Evans. Mr. Thomp: son and his men took chargo of the case. "They always try the samp trick once again," declared Mr. Thompson. "We knew another check similar to the ten would come in. It did A fel low by the name of Kelly, from iouis ville. Ky., had it. We had previously instructed the bank to pay uny other check that came in. They paid the fellow the money. "When we took him down to the po lice station, we began to question him. We told him that he was the one who had the check and therefore he . would be the one to get the' punishment, un less he told who gave it to him. He finally became frightened and confess ed. A man name Bill Ames, he saVI. gave it to him to cash. We knew Bill Ames well had had some trouble with him before. "But let me tell you, when we tried to catch that fellow, we tackled the hardest job that anybody ever tackled before. Not a clue as to his where abouts could be found. The case looked hopeless from every standpoint. "And then the master of man's fate took a hand. A sweetheart will bring them all into the limelight. We knew Bill had a girl. We located her in a Birmingham hotel, and later arrest ed her on a charge of disorderly con duct. Of course she was not guilty, but we held her just the same. We asked the papers to print stories of her arrest, which they did. Then we held our horses, so to speak. "It happened. A curious looking in dividual sauntered into the police sta tion a day or so later. He had money to furnish bail for the girl. We were waiting, and nabbed him. It turned out that we recognized him as an active forger. We threatened him with all kinds of punishment and so frightened him that he confessed he had been sent by Bill Ames, and was to meet him in a certain park that night with the girl. ''Then the fun began. One of our men took a close look at the girl's clothes and dressed like her as nearly as possible. Several of us got in an automobile and drove out to the park rather early. One man and the 'girl' sat on a bench, while the rest of us hid. It wasn't long before Bill came along. We recognized him from pictures we had of him. The 'girl,' heavily veiled, rushed forward to meet him.- With out t"hed arms , she cried in a hoarse voice: -' oh, Bill, how wonderful to see you again.' - "Bill didn't have to think twice. He knew he was caught. When we took him to the station he declared that his name was not Bill, but when he saw that we were sure of him, he confessed and told us all about the -way he had forged the checks. , He had managed to secure a number of Mr. Evan's can celled checks, and with a certain kind of gum rub out the stamp of the bank, filling in the blank places again. It was slick work, in fact, the best piece of forgery I ever saw. "Bill was game at the station and treated the girl with respect. He never believed that she squealed on him, despite the fact that he does not know how we "managed to catch him. He got - two years. Bring a woman into the case, and you will come near catching them all." Mr. Thompson. was formerly with the Burns detective agency, but has - been with the Bodeker detecive agency for many years. He has had a hand in unique criminal cases of every sort dur ing his long experience. The T.r ektu agency had just opened up in Charlotte, making the city their headquarters for both North and South Caro'ina. They expect to employ 200 men out of the local office. union The National Bank Charlotte, N. G. June 14, 1921, The: Directors of , this Bank have declared a semi-annual divi dend of 6 per cent, payable, out of the profits of the past six months, on June 30, 921. Checks will be mailed. D. P. TILLETT, Cashier. Fine Suburban Home Site Short distance outside City limits on State highway from Concord. Ten or fifteen minutes walk from street-car line. Chariot. Won " an1 npniiTiTUiiv MirLtitfiA. lyuuoiiaivuta uvvauuu lee. . h nv -c price, office. SOUTHERN RE AI ESTATE, LOAN & TRUST CAPITAL, J75.CM 4 South Tryon St. SCRPLls CO, Hit ihone 22 SELF MASTERS The only way to get along with yourself agreeably is to be the Master of Yourself. Self Masters are contented, hap py, forceful and independent. Those that are slaves to them selves are always miserable. Thrift is a habit of Self Masters, t means mastering yourself a lit tle every day. Be a Self Master and take some porti6n of your earnings whenever they come to you and put them in the bank. Security Savings Bank No. 4 South Tryon St. WE ARE PROUD OF OUR DELIVERY SERVICE We ask that you give us the opportunity of demonstrating to you that it is really a "QUICK DELIVERY SERVICE." ASK YOUR DOCTOR Walker's Drug Store Corner Seventh mod Tryen Streets. AUTOMOBILE DELIVERY Norris Candy Parker Pens Agents for Klim inliHii TiiiFiww i Added Beauty tSKfSCna VALVflN-HSAO The beauty of the Xash Six is not alone in its appearance ani appointments.' but also in the smoothness of its performance, the symmetry of body line, and the impression of sturtliness it gives. All serve to emphasize Nash' desirability from the standpoint of beauty. CAROLINAS NASH MOTORS CO. 500 N. Tryon St. Distributers Fhone 3201 il film f--'""i-rra -'"--" 1.,71 Dr. H. O. Henderson. Dr. R. B. G4rty HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Qfflot, Hunt Bids.. 22 I-Z N. Tryon Si. fhone Sit Southern Railway System Passenger Train Schedules. Arrival and departure of Passenger trains, Charlotte. N. C. 3 :45a 12:35a 7:25p 7:30a X2:00p 8:55p 9:4fin 6:30p 9:10d 11:00a 5:20a 4:30p 3 :00p i 7:35a 8:20a 10:15a 4:55p 9:30a 10:40a 4:25a 11:30a No. Between No Ar. 29Atlanta-B,gham .. 30Wash.-New York. . 32Wash-New York.. 39Atlanta-Danville (Columbia ........ 24 Taylorsville . 13SWashington-N. Y. 38wasn-N ew York. 1 2 1 R Ichmon d -Norf n 1 U 35fBlrm'grh'm-N. Orl'iis 113jColumbia-Ch'l'ston I a ts j w m ston- salem . . . 45G,Vllle-W,mlnster . 461G'boro-DanTllie ... Atlanta , . 31ColumbiaAugrusta lTaylor8ville 3.6 IN.: V.-Washingrton.. 161 . Atlanta 30 29 31 43 36 23 .im .) 87 12:25a 3:3aa 7:25a ll:20p 9:10a x8:00a I 9:20a. 87 10-aOa lino 'I 3610:10a 37 44 14 -1- Atlanta-N. Orleans G boro-Danvllle Salisbury, Winston Barber. Moores-villa Norfolk-Richmond 114 25 46 45 12 32 16 35 12:35p 12:45p i:46p 4:10p 6:60p 7:20p 9:10p 9:00p 13SI 8:45n 38 9.40p 18 11 5:10p 10:50a Throuffh Pullman sleeping car service to Washington, Philadelphia, New York Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta. Birmingham, Mobile, Nw Orleans. Unexcelled Bervice, convenient'schedules and direct connections to all points. Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 107 West Trade St. Phone SO. PASSENGER STATION . West Trade Street. Phone 417. R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Ageat Phone 3880. Braneh 7. Repair promptly done. All wrlr trlctly guaranteed. QUEEN CITY Oy CLE QO. "THE RED FRONT 42 W. Collese. Phone t17 i a H ow Is it With You? Are you prepared for opportunities? Or, when they come to you, do you have to let them slip by :to be seized by others. Opportunities call for ready cash, or the -good sense and energy which comes from acquiring ready cash by saving regularly from incone. ndep&idence Trlist Gompa ; Capital and Surplus Over $1,600,000.00 MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM CHARLOTTE, N. C. OFFICERS- E, O. Anderson, Vice President V. A. Watson,' Vice President VV. M. Long, Vice President i Si. Wearn. Chairman of Board J H Little, President E. E. Jones, Cashier K. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Thos. P. Moore, Asst. Cashier A. R. Surrati, Assistant Cashier FOR SALE Splendid six-room bungalow in Fourth Ward. Furnace heat, hardwood , floors, house in practically new condition $6,750 Six room house 1000 West First Street, close In, good street and welf " located for Increase in value...... $3,850 Five-room house 1415 East Fifth street, good neighborhood. Attractive terms can ? be ; arranged on this place with about $500 cash $3,750 lFve-room house West First street, splendid location for enhancement fronts on payed , tsreet, ,$40C cash payment $3,000 Several four ; and five room houses well located in different parts of the city from : $1,850 up. Can arrange good terms with small cash payments from $300 up. . . ; ' Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company Cash Capital $70,000.00. A. I. HENDERSON, Alanager Real Estate Department. 219 North Tryon St. 'Phone 589 A DISTINGUISHED PREACHER of the Methodist .Church, 'a teacher, of my early years, told me. "to aim high if I shot ; low." ' This ; strengthened me many times when obstacles seemed In surmountable. I haven't reached many of the rungs of the ladder I should have, but they CAN and ; SHOULD be - mounted by you. Your opportunities today are far greater-than were ours in the long ago. -V THE MUTUAL B. & L. Is a potent means to success and honorable tnanhood, and with all my mind and heart I urge you to use it. for, as the clouds gather and you dispel them, as troubles come and you overcome them, I know from long observation and experience that then you will appreciate the advice here given in simple truth and ' in ' all sincerity. BY THIS SIMPLE SYSTEM many a ' home has - been .'saved, many tears dried, many sorrows soothed. By its use many; roofless are sheltered, many unfortunates cared for. many are educated, manw ) disconsolate renewed ' in hope and faith and determination. All these are worth ; while, so let's make ' it shine and shine and shine. ; , SHAREHOLDERS' ANNUAL MEETING will be held In office of Association at 4 p. m: July 14th, 1921. Come and hear the Auditor's fine report. .' v i " '-m E. L. KEESLER, Secretary and Treasurer. YOUR BONUS ..' The world pays you a "bonus" on your health and youth, wW! you have the ability to earn more than you actually need to live .happily. ; You owe It to yburself to save part of -this "bonus" for the W when the -world pays it to others, more vigorous, who will K9 your place eventually. What are , you doing with your "bonus"? We sugest that you de posit, part of it -regularly every cay-day on a Savings Account this Bank. It is the wise way. - The Merchants and Farmers National Bank ' 5 WEST TRADE STREET. CAPITAL $300,000.00. SURPLUS AND PROFITS $400,000.00 THE RUDISILL MINE v Located at the Foot of Mint Street FOR SALE We Durchased this rjrorjertv for th nurrjose of extena Mint street into the heart of our Wilmoore property. This has now 'been done, and as we are not in the injjjj! business we will resell this famous old mine with about acres 01 land surrounding; the mine shaft, together wu" "l $ rights under about twenty acres of surrounding prcpeny $5,000 CASH Suburban Realty Company , , F. C. Abbott & Company, Agents Telephones 238-3022 wv...-. - .. . ; . . - . . ... rrf. i jxo. r PHARR. President. 25 South Tryon St.