THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 18, 1921. 10 at Deduction, sherlock holmes had nothing on jeff. AIRMEN IN FOR WARSHIP TEST WiUvTry to Blow Battleship Out of Water on June 28th. MUTT AND JEFF r T U? AO TM4T lW PtaljEr I ...... I rAUU1 GOT tCLiet; Me what HAPPevet. i" r, -rtir -A siDe or vr rL' rt A f JfP, WHAT Do YOU j . . . . ii - -KMOW .-ABOUT THe ' 1.1. ACC lXeNJV Tpy V I Vr r-ry7t' I V - I I p;ugv-r i i . voas toos-."5-: 1 Bv HAKRY Lu ROGERS, International News Staff Correspon dence. Vwhington, June 18.-4 June 21. the date set for the first of the army, and navy bombingr tests, . approaches, interest among r artisans in the air-, plane vs. battleship controversy, which has raged among: officers here for the past year, is growing more tense. While same army fliers express dissat isfaction with the conditions of the tests, a majority of them believe that, even with the latitude allowed, they will be able to demonstrate their abil ity "to blow a battleship out of the water" with aerial bombs. The first tests will be held against the former German submarine U-117, Greatest interest centers, however in the experiments to be conducted against the radio-controlled battleship Iowa on June 28. These tests are. ex pected more nearly all than any of the others to approximate actual battle con ditions. . . . With not even "a midshipmate aboard, this vessel will maneuver at practically full speed, while aviators attempt to drop bombs upon her. Her boilers, pumps, engines, steering gear every piece of machinery on the old warship will be controlled automatical ly by wireless impulses sent out from the "control ship" Ohio. CONTROL, SHIP WILL STEER The apparatus for controlling the wneists of a standard radio transmitter aboard the mother ship, a l on the Iowa, with spe- cial radio receivers, amplifiers and re lays for converting the radio signals in j. i- tvct tViv will oner ate LU DUU1 -twi i 11 ' " . other electrical devices communicating with the steering gear ana tnrotues oi the main engines. Tn fit th Towa for use as a moving target extensie changes in power plant in were necessary, as tne prupei , itv, o- mnhinprv ,must. be capable of 'running for a ctnsiclerable time with out attention. The boilers were chang ed to oil burners Instead or coai, ana antnmntic devices for feeding the fuel and supplying water to the boilers had to be provided. tvio nfflper in rharere of sendiner out the radio signals from the control ship has absolute control of the starting rt tvio Tmva sufl can steer her in any direction desired. When everything on board the Iowa is ready the main engines are started and left running slowly. The snio is tnen aDanaoneu and the officer aboard the control ship takes command. tvio first radin siernal sent oat is in tercepted by the aerial on the Iowa and passes into the radio receiver wen below deck. It is then amplified by moans nf snecial vacuum tube ampli fiers, so that it is of sufficient force to operate a very sensitive relay or switch, which in turn operates a larger reiay. . i i i This larger apparatus closes an eiecin mi oi roii it which operates an electri cally conl rolled pneumatic valve. When this valve opens it admits comprsssed air to tne tnrotue control oi me main engines, causing the throttle to open, thus bringing the ship up to full speed. MECHANICAL BRAIN The first relay also operates a de vice called a commutator, which is a special switch having control of the steering mechanism. The steering gear consists of a standard steam en-eine-driven rudder gear, the throttle valve of the engine being geared to a small electric motor. The commutator is connected to the control panel of this motor and is thus able to operate the Collar Attached iHIRTS For Hot Summer Days T White Oxfords to White Soisette Tan Soisette TF Colored Percals T Colored Madras Etc $2.00 Upwards The Men's Store 34 So. Tryon Tb XOO- GAMC- COCK. cue of ey Hoes HeA.Xi f ; f - " " C ri"" f ' IfiMT- i Hi . . " . ,. . , v- . , erjrr .-, S'MATTER pop? You IM iLifiilMlili BRING ON- THE HERO MEDAL. 5 3 BY C. 1VL PAYNiJ Just a Z-ittlb mov.,-as neat? as i Cam MAife out ' r rr-. " ' VtJJJJZ-V v ji i -mr w ll. nuwN 1 1 i . ki w i . i 11 . i r iv . . s -v - x. "v . I ii n . i i , i . ii j . i i i rear's. i - j i 1 iv IL- I 1 , ; If -J?l II T X , I A 1 A&V.MfcST LS v Vff steam engine to drive the rudder either to starboard or port as desired. A novel feature of this installation is the automatic steering made possible by the use of a gyrocompass. The compass is electrically connected to the control panel of the electric motor on the steering- gear, so that the ship an be made to hold any course, the gyro-compass immediately correcting any variations. The control officer can steer the battleship either starboard or port, or he may put the gyro-compass in control and allow it automat ically to hold the ship on a steady course. CARRIES SAFETY CLOCK The commutator might be regarded as the mechanical brain of the Iowa. It receives the radio signals and inter prets them, pass'ng them directly to the electric motor controlling The steer ing engine if the order is either star board or port, or giving the gyro-compass control if that is the' order receiv ed. If the officer in control on the mother ship desires to stop the Iowa he sends a long signal of about ten seconds du ration. This operates a special relay which opens the circuit on an electrical ly controlled pheumattic valve, shut ting off the various fuel oil and feed water plumps, thus shutting down the power plant proper and stopping the ship. A special safety device is provided in the form of a time clock, which au tomatically, shuts everything down in ease the radio receiving apparatus should become inoperative, or in case no control signals are received during a certain period of time. RETAIL PRICES SHOWBECLINE Wholesale Quotations Fail to Drop as Much in May as Retail. FIRST TOAST DRUNK TO A NOTED BEAUTY New York, June 18. The origin of drinking toasts was defined by Stuy vesant Fish, banker, one of the eleveu survivors of the class of 1871 of Co lumbia University, as toastmaster at the annual alumni luncheon the other day. "What is a toast?" he asked, adding. One of the books published before W3 lost our liberty to restrain our own appetites says: " 'The toasted biscuit, though long since disused as an ingredient of punch, formed, from a very early pe riod, a favorite addition to many old English drinks. "Premising that in the reign of Charles II, it fc-as the fashion for ladies, attired in dresses made for the purpose, to bathe publicly in the Ciiy of Bath, the . origin of toasts is thus told. " 'It happened, on a public day, a celebrated beauty was in the Cross- Bath, and one of her admirers took a glass of the water in which she stood, and drank her health to the company. There was one in the place, a gay fellow, who offered to jump in and swore though he liked not the "liquor" he would have the "toast." He was op posed in his resolution; yet this whim gave foundation to the present honor which :s done to the lady we mention. in our liquor, who has ever since been, called a "toast.' " Washington, June 18. Retail food prices to the average family declined 4.8 per cent in May as compared with April, while wholeslae food prices drop ped 5 3-4 per cent in the same period, according to statistics made public Fri day by the department of labor- Gen eral wholesale prices, including farm products, food, building materials, house furnishings and miscellaneous commo dities declined approximately 2 per cent during the month. The decline from the peak prices of May, 1919, amounted to 33 per cent in retail food prices and 44 1-2 per cent in general wholesale prices. The drop in wholesale prices includes a 53 1-2 per cent decline in manufactured foods products and a 52 per cent reduction in the prices of farm - products, the statement said. From April 15 to May 15 the retail price of butter declined 24 per cent; cheese 14 per cent; sugar 13 per cent: lard 9 per cent; pork chops and oleo margarine 5 per cent. Smaller reduc-1 tions were noted for many other com modities. Retail prices of three articles which increased in price during the month were onions 44 per cent; cabbage 10 per cent, and oranges 5 per cent. Wholesale prices of farm products reacted from the low level reached in April, the statement said, with a gain of l 6-i per cent. With the exception of metails and metal products. prices of which have remain ed the same for two months there was a decline in all wholesale prices, food products leading. Wholesale prices of house furnishings dropped nearly 4 1-2 per" cent during the month; cloths and clothing 2 3-4 ner cent: fuel and lighting materials 2 1-2 per cent, ana chemicals ana 'drugs 1 1-4 per cent. Wholesale buildine: material prices declined about ona half of one per cent the month. Changes from wholesale neak tiriees of May, 1919, including declines in cloths and clothing amounting to 48 per cent; building materials 41 per cent; metais ana metal products 28 1-2 per cent; chemicals and drugs 22 3-4 per cent and house furnishings 22 1-4 per cent. Fuel and lighting materials drop ped 17 1-2 per cent during the year. xne average family expenditure for food decreased from April 15, 1921, to May 15, 1921, in all of the 51 cities from which monthly prices are secured," the report said. "The greatest decrease. 8 per cent. was shown in Milwaukee and St. Paul. In Jacksonville and Savannah the de crease was 5 per cent. In Atlanta, Charleston, S. C, it was 4 per cent and at Richmond 3 per cent. CLARK RE-ELECTED. Washington, June 18. The Interstate Commerce Commission announced to. day that Chairman E. E. Clark, had been unanimously reelected chairman of the commission for the year termi nating June 30, 1922. To Remove Dandruff and Stop Itching Scalp An itching scalp Is caused by dan Gruff, and dandruff comes from neglect of the head, which leads to dead. brittle, falling hair. Keep your scalp properly cleansed and you will not be bothered with dandruff or itching head and falling hair. The best way to rid your head of dandruff and itching, prevent your hair from falling out and make it retain its full beauty and splendor, is to fre quently give the head a thorough cleansing and brisk ruDbing with Am- proco Medicated Cocoanut Oil Sham. poo, a combination shampoo and hair tonic. Amproco thoroughly cleanses -the scalp, rids it of dandruff and brings renewea nie ana lustre to your hair. hse Amproco and you won't have to use a tonic afterwards, as Amproco has all the tonic qualities found In any gooa hair tome, Including airfn ine. As there are numerous cocoanut oil shampoos, be sure to get the genu ine meaicaiea snampoo and tonic com bined by specifying "Amproco" and accept no substitute. Amproco is euar- THE A TERS At The Strand. In ."Cheated Love," Carmel Myers highly dramatic Universal photoplay which is now "showing at the Strand theater, playgoers will use one of the most noted emotional stars of the Pa risian speaking stage as she appears in ' support of Miss Myers. She is Madame Rose Dione, who holds a place of affection in the hearts of Parisan playgoers second only to that held by Madame Sarah Bern hardt. Madame Dione was the featured star of the Comedie Francaise at the ou break of the war. In the tense hour when the German armies were batter ing at the gates of Paris, she appeared in a famous cafe, wrapped the tri-col-or around her statuesque form and sang La Marsellaise while thou sands of young men took the oath as soldiers of France. For the duration of the war she abandoned her theatri cal work and devoted her entire time to alleviating the suffering of the wounded and in entertaining the troops at the rest billets. By a spe cial dispensation from the French High Command she was allowed to ac company troops going up toward the front and , did heroic work in keepin up the morale in the early stages of the war when the natonal integrity of France was menaced by the Hun. Arriving in America shortly aftor the armistice was signed, Madame Dione entered the realm of the silent drama. She recently played an im portant role in "The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse." Here Comes the Bride," An Avalanche Of Fun. The most mixed up, complicated and amusing little . somedy ever put on n stage is "Here Comes the Bride." It is doubtful if an audience ever laughed more or longer than at this show. Any person who could sit through the per formance and not laugh would- be ready for the hereafter. The play is chuck full of action from start to finish and everybody in it is accused, of about ev- ry crime and misdemeanor in the cal- endar. One tries to get the other out of a 3crape and in doing so gets them selves m worse and it is one contin uous round of screams. Those who ftniss this wonderful little play will miss a great theatrical treat and if you enjoy a good laugh the Academy is the place to get it. All members of the company are good and no particular one has a chance to shine as they are all so mixed up in the scandal that every one is kept busy getting out or trouble. "Here Comes the Bride" will be repeated this evening. POLICEMEN FIGHT BACK AMBUSHERS Cork. Ireland. June IS T-nron tre. auxiliary policement beat off a force ui ouu aner a iierce right at Rathcoole last night, when four lorries were am bushed. Three road troyed, putting the lorries out of action, ana ine aitacKing party fired upon the lywicemen irom trencnes and. walls. They were forces to Ttir Vi losing one known killed and many wounaea. it is Deneved that three of tne attacking party, met death . during the fight. The crown, forces lost two killed and four Wounded. Reinforcements were rusnea to the scene and were search ing the countryside early today. THRESHING MACHINE OWNERS LICENSED i Owners of - threshing machines In Mecklenbure countv have a license provided by the legisla ture before they begin operations this year. ine same law was in effect last year. The acense may be obtain ed at the office ; of Register of Deeds W. M. Moore. The act vas tiassed bv th lfc-?ia. ture. it is said, as a measure that mnM likely stimulate the. growing of wheat mnonn uroiina, tne theory being that keeping" records of production would tend to stimulate production. The threshing season is now ready to besrin and Mr. Moore has revived li cense blanks which ' he will issue to SCHOOL PROPERTY IS VALUED AT $695,850 The total value of Charlotte school property is $695,850, acording to a val uation placed on the property in the annual report of Supt. H. P. Harding. The 10 white school buildings have a total of 175 rooms and the four negro schools 49. Building and lands of white schools are worth $633,450, negro schools, $62,400. The Alexander Gra ham .high school leads in value Mr. Harding's estimate on this building be ing placed at $150.-000. The grounds on which this building and the South School are located are worth $37,700. Spo&ng -Expert starter and generator re pairs at The K. T. M. Storage Bat tery Co. Best equipped shop in town. Atwater-Kent parts. 18-2t WEEKLY REVIEW OF IRISH CASUALTIES Dublin, June 18. The weekly review of the situation in Ireland, issued at Dublin Castle, says that during the week five policemen were killed and 34 wounded, and that two soldiers were killed and one soldier wounded. The -review declares that bombing outrages in crowded streets continue a regular feature of the 'rebel" opera tions, resulting in casualties to inno cent civilians in greater number than to the police or the military. Continuing, the review asserts that there were 70 raids on the mails tnd 60 arrests for "outrages and political of fenses." Of 49 trials of civilians by court mar tial, 44 resulted in convictions and five in acquittals. Sentences to fif teen years penal servitude were impos ed three times on persons charged with the possession of arms and ammuni tion. The total number of persons in terned is given in the review as 3,186. JUDGEFEIDELSON . TO ' SPEAK SUNDAY NIGHT Judge Charles N. Feidelson, of Sa vannah, Ga., well-known as a publish er and lecturer, will deliver an address here Sunday night at 8 -o'clock at the Hebrew Temple on West Seventh street under the auspices of the Charlotte lodge of the B'Nai B'Rith. The address of Judge Feidelson will mark the opening",session of a conven tion of the B'Nai B'Rith fraternity in Charlotte. CHICHESTER SPILLS GRAVER'S ROADWAX Last Time Today Miss Zena Keefe In a play of real drama telling a wonderful . story - of "home falks." "Red Foam 99 By William H. Hamby BMGTI0M On same Program A Larry Semon Comedy "THE. HICK" THE BROADWAY A Charlotte Institution. Now Needed 'by Nearly Every One to Purify the Blood and Build Up Strength. Few come to these trying spring Bays without weariness, debility, that "tired feeling." caused in large part by impure, de-vitahzed Wood. "Changed season often takes all the strength out of me, as Xn?aPtSS Sand blood purifier needed is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It 9 quickly dispels that exhausted feeling, enncnes tne Diooa ana Den- eftts the mental, muscular ana ner vous systems. In a word, says & druggist, "Hood's Sarsaparilla Is our most depenaame restorative. Only the best tonic ana punry ing ' ingredients used, roots, herbs, barks and berries, such as physi cians of ten- prescribe. A record of 46 years successful use. It will do you good. Try it this spring. A mild laxative, Hood's Pills, irljood s Sarsaparilla IS THE. IDEAL. SPRING MEDICINE. Academy Theatre Present the Big "Lafif" Producer "Here Comes the Bride" MONDAY WEDNESDAY Nothing But "LaftV TUESDAY That Great Masterpiece THE LITTLE SHEPHERD OF KINGDOM COME ' BY JOHN FOX, JR. Nights 8:30 P. M. Matinees 3 P. M. Sharp BOX OFFICE OPENS, 1 P. M. All Furniture used on stage furnished by the Banner Furniture Co "Out of the High Kent District." Clothes d the Best Quality TTTT '1 TT TTYfl o t Ultimate lost ,owes AND THEIR PRICE IS IN PROPORTION TO THEIR SKILL, TIME AND EXPENSE ATTENDING THEIR MANUFACTURE. THE SUPE RIOR QUALITY OE TATE-BROWN CLOTHES HAS WA7ER BEEN QUESTIONED. OUR FABRICS HAVE NO TRACE OF COTTON; TAIL ORED BY; SKILLED LABOR; ONLY SILK THREAD USED IN SEW ING. - ;V..- ' NEW SUITS FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN ARE DAILY COMING TO US BY EXPRESS. H , s -AT t Ak w DrwmUi for- rMHrt. AskfcrCld-HZ:S.TESa DIAMO.M It KAN'S PILLS, for X yer known as test. Safest. Always Relitbla $3S.G0l The - TROPICALS, 16.50 TO $32.50 ate -Bfowh Company. mM DRUGGISTS EVjTOHEEE MP' at- pestottat, cpupiggiu euuaa tQ hoia them. : , 9