THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JINE 18, 1921, FOR SALE FOR RENT L OST FOUNi WANTED Ptillin'esi "Want" Ad Page Published. 'Not a Boast a Fact. x Be Convinced, Try 'E m ONE?CENT?A - WORI) (The n 3 1 i j 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type. one cent per wora eacn cttt V "W SET THIS STYLE AND ?YPE?TWO CENTS PER WORD EACH INKKiiW' STYLE "C" Set this style and type, three cents per word each insertion. Any style plugged" either top or bot torn, or between lines, at double me .. , .. 8 PUVP Clarified advertising .is sold cash with butf or convemenc of Chwlone patrons, who are Vewspape? directory, or known in the news paper office, a memorandum charge will oe made with the expectation that the dui , naAMn1v . Regular nassWcation of ads cannot J guaranteed a'ter,P 10 ctrdav for Edition or after 10 p. m. fcaturaay iw Sunday aiuon. MTNTMITM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP ... . I T?pfprences KqA'. Mrs. w: H.' Be. jpm STENOGRAPHER for law office want ed at once. Must experienced, though not necessarily in law office. luuUa" : vofworpfl and 13U1 State age, expeu,...".- -salary expected. Address Box 1138 city. WOMAN wanted. An- 1J11 'J- 8-2t piy .iaiid?i NORTH CAROLINA Mibb starting additional machinery will need weav- houses' for families. Boarding places Sunt, care Cnar- lit-ar nun. uu't"J " ' 1t ,f i - .... - -v--o 18- l NTED Women suffering fro pri vate diseases, not able to employ a physician, will be given advice and treatment free at the city health de ..i vn 937 tm. Trvon St. every day except Sunday. Whits Brine this nurses ii inteA f? 13-tf-eod UUUVl i civiL SERVICE , examinations fcr clerks for postal mail service and government departments, en, over 17; $120 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars write Ravmond Terry (former civ: ,ra or.iminprt. 224 Ccntinenta T. Tt'ocViino-tnn T). C. 1-41 "WANTED Practical nurse for July i writo "Mrs. J. A. Tate. 810 Queens Koact. aiyers rarK. xi-n. XV NTED Men to use and sell Ford Starters, $30 installed, guaranteed. WANTED Brick loaders, piece work with good . pay ana sicauy uuie. ravnna shalp Rrick Co.. Norwood v" n 16-3t loam harher trade Good demand and wages. Busiest of Pntalner free. Molar Barber College," Atlanta, Ga. 31-30t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE wht!' THE CHILDREN are little is wnrth more to own your home than ten years in after life. Don't you agree with us.. Queen City T)ua tv CV 3-01. FOR SALE Seven-room bungalow, in- tprior well planned and splenmaiy lie-htpd. in Piedmont. Queen City TfMlrv Co. 18-nt a i if iT) HOME is the best thing in all the world. WThy do you pay rent when you can pay it to your- coif cjnpen uitv i-teaitv o. io-oi FOR SALE Modest and pleasing tvrif nr bunealow freauently seen that's what we claim on "Amherst Place" we are building. Queen City Tipaltv Co.. Inc. Phone 535. 18-5t tor SALE Small farm, well located, gocd horn and. all necessary outbuild ings. A very attractive proposition. McClune Realty Co. lJnone I2a4. . 18-5t FOR SALE Practically new bungalow in a beautiful grove ofr thirteen acres, less than three miles from the citv limits. SDeclal price until July 1. McClung Realty Co., .208 Piedmont Buildine. 18-ut SEVEN-ROOM RESIDENCE, Fourth ward, good condition, deep lot; ?oo00 F. S. Conrad.' Phone 3682. 18-lt LIST YOUR PROPERTY with us lor sale or renting. F. S. Conrad, Trust Bldg. Phone 3682. 17-lt SPECIAL FOR THE PURPOSE OF A DIVISION THE OWNERS OF 36 ACRES OJb LAND, IMPROVED FOR RESI DENTIAL - USE, LOCATED FROM ONE TO TWO BLOCKS OF THE CHARLOTTE COUNTFY CLUB, IN VITE OFFERS." GOOD TERMS TO KESFONNSIBLE PURCHASERS. INFORMATION FROM CHARLES E. BARKER, AGENT FOR OWN ERS. PHONE 509. 18-7t FOR SALE 27 acres, 7 miles out from Charlotte, good five-room bunglaow, good well, .barn, large orchard, 10 acres wood, balance cleared, two gold vainea on farm. Price $3000. Call Mr. Tuttle, Queen City Realty Co., Inc., 36 West Fifth, Phone 535. 17-3t FOR SALE Six-room bungalow, show er baths, two rooms hardwood, good deep lot. Price $5500, the easiest kind of terms. Call J. C. Harley. F. C Abbott & Co., for information. Phone 3022 3312-L3. 17- FOR SALE Four-room house North Caldwell St. Price $1350; $500 down, balance . & L. w. C. Harris & Co ' Phone 936 and 2443. 16-3t FOR SALE Brand new six-room bun ealow. hardwood break fust heat, on bitulithic street. w ri looking for man that has not got mucn money ana wants real home. ' Queen City Realty Co., 36 West , '"n. 16-5t ,FOR SALE Brand new seven-room ' bungalow, Piedmont, hardwood, heat. ! "Another home for man that got very iiiue casn. vjueen Jity Realty Co ao west inrtn. lfi-St .FOR SALE Brand new eeven-room bunsralow on rVilnnfat 9ium n bath, hardwood, heat, $8300. Queen -ny xteaity up,, pnone 535. 16-5t OR SALE One Hoffman steam i press. Price $150. Box 408, Belmont, V)' C 10-15t FOR RENT FOR RENT One large front room. newly papered, daily batns, piemy clean linen, ice water, telephone. Must be seen to be appreciated. 300 "West Fifth. 18-lt FOR RENT For three months five- room furnished apartment, nas sleep ing porch, to desirable couple with out children, close in. Phone 3314-.1. - 18-3t FOR RENT One large furnished housekeeping room connecting Dam. Jrt- V PnllpB-p. 1 $-tf FOR RENT Office building, 7 East Third St. Phone FOR RENT Small furnished apart ment. 11 East Seventn st. CHANGE your hot, stuffy room for a nice airy, cool room- Cool clean part of city, close . in. Phone 1724-W. 18-lt FOR RENT Nice front room, private home, five blocks irom square, rnone 2851. - 8-3t FOR RENT One room half block of square. Suitable for one or two e-pntlpmen. Phone 1345-W. 18-tf tr - FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, first floor, $20.00 per montn. rnone 2252-W. 18-2t FOR RENT Furnished light house keeping apartment, near boutnern station. Phone 1556-J. 18-2t TWO UNFURNISHED light house keeping rooms for rent. 22o west Trade St. 18-3t FOR RENT Furnished room, modern conveniences, close in, fine location. Phone 1451-J. 408 North Poplar. 18-2t FOR RENT Large front double bed room at 600 N. cnurcn st. is-ti WANTED A..-' gentleman to share room with young business man. Phone 749-J. WANTED Two or three boarders private family. 804 N. .Church St. Phone 749-J. 19-lt FOR RENT Seven-room house, Park avenue, Dilworth. Phone 936 and 2443. W. C. Harris & Co., Realty Bldg. 18-2t FOR RENT Fiveiroom apartment un furnished up town over store. Phone 293. 18-tf FOR RENT Furnished room and ga rare. 2947-W. 18-2t WILL RENT my five-room furnished apartment in Blandwood apartments for three months. Immediate posses sion given. No children. Pnone 1390 18-2t FOR RENT Office or store, whole or part, ground floor, well lighted, steam heat, 30 West Fifth. 30-tf-mon-thur-sat WANTED Boarders and roomers. 1609 S. Boulevard. Phone 4076. 17-2t FOR RENT Desirable furnished bed rooms and light housekeeping rooms at 301 N. Tryon. 17-3t f OR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 2357-J. 17-tf FOR RENT Delightful bed room, all conveniences, separate bath, in pri vate home, close" in. Phone 506-W. 17-2t FOR RENT Seven-room house, Park avenue, Dilworth; also five-room furnished apartment on N. Tryon St. W. C. Harris & Co., Realty Bldg. Phone 936 or 2443. 17-3t FOR RENT Moving picture building, North Charlotte, in trade center, well located for good profits. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Co. 17-tf FOR RENT Store and basement, 200 North College St. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Co. ; 17-tf FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms connecting bath, godo location, on block car line. Phone 1663-J. 17dt FOR RENT Two rooms and kitchen ette, unfurnished. No children Phone 25-W. 17-3t FOR RENT Four upstairs rooms fur nished or unfurnished. Adults only 202 East Boulevard.- 17-2t FOR RENT Nine-room house, seven blocks from square, good condition, $95.00 per month. F. C. Abbott & Co. Phone 3022. l7-3t FOR RENT Durinsr summer months seven room house furnished. Close in. All conveniences. Phone 1384-J 17-2t FOR RENT Two rooms and bath Phone 195-L2. . 16-3t FOR RENT Blowing Rock cottage seven rooms, completely furnished located near Blowing Rock Hptel Colt property.) Price for season $450. Lee Kinney. Phone 3783. 16-3t FOR RENT Furnished rooms, good location, close in, board convenient business' couples or gentlemen pre ferred. Phone 4117. 15-tf OR RENT One furnished room. 305 S. Church St. Phone 2008-J. 15-tf TWO UNFURNISHED 5DMS for rent. 414 East Oak street. Phone 3364. is.ff FOR RENT To couple without cfcil aren, two rurnisned rooms for !ih housekeeping. Phone 2806-J. S14 W Trsfie St. utf i'Lu RiiiNX Desirable room close in to gentlemen or couple. References exchanged. Phone 1920-W. 14-tf FOR RENT One nicely furnished room, 404 East avenue. Phone 499-J. 13-tf FOR RENT Two rooms, newly fur nished. on car line, all mnrtpm mn veniences, near good board. Phone 3073-J. io-tf FOR RENT Two stor rnnmo Mno pi and 23 East Third street. Inquire eoutnern Manufacturing Co., 19 E, Tntra stret. 21-tf FOR RENT Store room, first block on South Church St. Apply Merton j. j-ropst, w. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT Office room, wftll inform Apply Merton C. Propst, 28 W. Fifth St. FOR RENT Offlcfi hnlldino. vn flw well located. J. H. McAden. Phone bu. FOR RENT Unfurnished, large front room with alcove, suitable for bed room and sitting room or two bed mums, Doara aiso. .fnone 4075. 15 w est seventh. 5-tf FOR RENT Furnished room to gen tieman. call 3285-W. 5-tf MISCELLANEOUS REASONABLE, reliable auto repairing, No. 4 N. Brevard street. Phono. a7?fi We wash, polish and grease automo- Diies, .aiso Dund racer bodies and do upholstering. Everything reasonable. .poras ror you to drive yourself. 17-7t MOVING 'AND HAULING of all kinds, iocai ana long distance, J. T. ThoniD son. Phone 1565-J. 18-tf-no-sun .xvxnxx sanitarium, private, re fined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. Mitchell, 22 Windsor Aiianta, a. 5-30-26t-no--nn PIANO TTiWTMfl t,a ,tt " piano case refinishing-. Expert work at reasonable charges. Phone done 19S MUCH J. )(1UV VVa 23-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, First ward, good location and house in gooa condition, on car line; $3750. F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. 18-lt SPLENDID five-room . bungalow, Eliz abeth, hardwood floors; can give early possession; $5250. F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. ' 18-lt SIX-ROOM HOUSE and store, and stock of goods; doing seven to eight hundred dollars per week business; all for $7250. F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. 18-lt NINE-ROOM RESIDENCE, Dilworth; renting for $65 per month; $5500. F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. 18-lt LOTS We have a large list xf the best bargains in lots located in all parts of the city. F. S."" Conrad. Phone 3682. 18-lt NEW six-room bungalow, Polk Ave. This is a well built house; $6500. Also two new six-room bungalows on Louise avenue. F. S. Conrad. Phone 3682. 18-lt REAL ESTATE Six-room house, 2 28-100 acres of "Garden Spot," good barn, entire tract fenced in, good fences, nice orchard, house in good condition, located miles from city on Park Road, shady side. This is a real nice country home. Price $5250. Eight-room house on shady side of East Seventh stree.t splendid loca tion, near park and play grounds, hardwood floorsj heating plant, house practically new. Price $9500. Sixty-one-acre farm on Beatty's Ford road, twelve miles from Charlotte, has nine-room house, just remodeled, good barn and other out buildings, house sits on knoll surrounded by beautiful shade trees. This is one of the prettiest places in the county. If you want a nice country home, you' can find no better. Price $10,000. Five-room bungalow, just being com pleted, -in "Piedmont, has hardwood floors, nice electrical and bath fix tures, nicely finished throughout. Price $5000. Six-room house in "Villa Heights," convenient to school, house in good condition, nice shady front, good gar .den, good orchard and nice grape arbor, garage on lot. Price $2750. DeDANEY & SING Real Estate and Insurance Basement Courthouse. Phone 4254. 17-3t FOR QUICK SALE only, new six room bungalow, Polk avenue, Eliza- beth, being completed, ready July 1, $6500; terms. Phone 2346. 16-3t FOR SALE Two brand new bunga lows, Myers Park, big, handsome, solid comfort throughout. The man that makes couple hundred month can handle them. Come around we will show you how. Queen City Realty Co. 16-5t FOR SALE Vacant lot fronting 75 feet on shady side of the Plaza, with beautiful trees. If taken .at once bargain. W. L. Burroughs. Phone 1277. v. 16-3t FOR SALE Most any man that wants a home can; get it. Let us show you how. Come to office.- Queen City Realty Co., 36 West Fifth, Phone 535. i6-5t FOR SALE Three five-room houses. Lots 50x150 each. Will sell them for $4000. W. C. Harris & Co. Phones 936 and 2443. 16-3t FOR SALE Five-room house, Dvii worth. Large lot, good fruit, four fire places. W. C. Harris & Co. Phone 936 or 2443. 16-3t FOR QUICK SALE FROM OWNER. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW TM TYRT?S PARK, ONE BLOCK FROM CAR LINE. HIGH LOCATION, IN CITY 1M1TSK BUNGALOW IN SPLEN DID CONDITION. ALMOST1 TTO.W HAS GOOD HEATNG PLANT AND GOOD FIXTURES. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. ADDRESS MYERS PARK, CARE NEWS. 14-6t THE BUNGALOW we are building In eage myers .faric is compact ar rangement. Will eliminate manv ston for housewife. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. is-st THE INTERIOR of the biyalow we are building could not be better piannea. yueen City RealtyCo., Inc . ' 15-5t WE WILL HAVE in few riavs reariv to move in, seven-room bungalow and me price win meet your pocketbook jueen City Realty Co., Inc. 15-5t IT'S A GEM of a bungalow," is the way one of our friends tirnnniinoofl it. Want to look it over? Phone t6o. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 15-5t FOR SALE Well built home, Myers T" 1 1 "t -m " x-eirK, narawooa noors, heat, sleep-in- nnrnh fWn WO Ot 4- -V Anil S 1 Price $9250. Good terms. Queen City -i.ic.xi iy iu., inc. 15-5t BEAUTIFUL nine-room home, Eliza beth avenue, shadv sido stroef Viari. wood, large corner lot. Price at omce. vueen uity Realty Co., Inc. 15-5t FOR SALE Creseen t Si V AT1 1 1 A hliri low; just simply a beauty. Price f 7AAA S" . iuuu. vueen ty teaity Co., Inc. 15-5t MANY PEOPLE long for a home of wieir own. jook over our list. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 15-5t YOU WOULD be delighted with our wungaiows. ou De the judge. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. i5-5t WE HAVE BUNGALOW that is ideal arrangement for small family. Queen vity .n.eauy .p., inc. I5.5t FOR SALE Brand new seven-room bungalow, hot air heat, Piedmont. One best harmilno rn mnwi.. $1500 cash, balance easy. Queen City j-vr ,ijr r 155t FOR SALE-iBpant VL, K'l. IIK.L crescent avenue mri -p road, terms. Phone 3350-W. 14-tf IF YOU WANT a railroad site I have i-ne Dest m tne 'city for sale at very attractive price. This place not one of the best hut a a t a Is it, it is the best in town, so you .had better act quick as I expect to sell this soon. John M. Porter. Phone county 490Z. - ll-10t FOR SALE Awav below value ern house .on larera rlr in thitoii. perfect condition; 10 rooms, 2 bathsjJ terms n aesirea. John W. Post & Co 209 . W. Trade St. , 28-tt FOR SALE MoHfim fivc.rnnm Knn oro low, West Trade street, hardwood nuors, neaung piant, garage, large lot, fruit, etc. good neighborhood and close in, quick possession. Phone amitn 3289-w. 20-tr OK SALE 12 -acre farm inside of city limits, beautifully located, level laitf. raone 12 It AUTOMOBILES HONEST-TO-GOODNESS bargains Overland 90 roadster, brand new tires, new top, starter, lights and upholstering good, $169. - Scripps Booth . 5-passenger, late model, new cord tires, $371. Both cars in good condition. V. M. Stine, 29 South Tryon St. - 18-tf TPIE REAL USED CAR BARGAINS THAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR Buick Six, 5-passenger. Cadillac (cut down roadster.) Chandler, 1920, 7-passenger. Overland, model 90, 5-passenger. Ford, 5-passenger. Overland roadster. Overland Light Four, 5-passenger. 1-ton truck. All of these cars are in excellent con dition and the prices are way below the market. Can extend terms if de si i d DAIL-OVERLAND CO. 436 W. Trade St. " 17-ot JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN WAIT ING FOR; 1920 FORD SEDAN. EX CELLENT CONDITION. CORD TIRES, (NEARLY NEW), FIVE WIRE WHEELS, DECKER STEER ING WHEEL AND OTHER ACCES SORIES. A PICK UP FOR $750. CASH OR TERMS. PYRAMID MO TOR CO. 15 -4t FOR SALE 3--3-44011 Reo trucks. 1 3-4-ton International. 1 1-ton Maxwell - ll2-ton Vim 1 1-ton Ford on cord tires 1 490 Overland touring" car. These jobs in good running con dition and are offered at cheap prices to clean up before mov ing to our new building. Terms. J. M. CLARK, Inc. 12 East Seventh St. 16-7t FORD TON TRUCK USh:ivS- HERE'S "SOUR CHAN'CE. A FEW 32x4 1,4 NON SKID FIRESTONE, GOOD YEAR AND MILLER TIRES. THESE TIRES WERE REMOVED FROM NEW FORD TRUCKS AND REPLACED WITH CORD TIRES; $30.00 EACH. ONLY A FEW LEFT. PYRAMID MOTOR CO. 15-4t USED FORD CARS, with or without starters, 'for sale cheap. Offer chassis, speedster, and convertible coupe this week. Wrest End Garage, 1208 West Trade St. 16-4t SPECIAL ON USED FORD CARS LOOK 'EM OVER. WE NEED THE ROOM. TOURING 1920 SS 375.00 TOURING 1920 SS 335.00 SEDAN , 250.00 TOURING 200.00 RUNABOUT 1920 220.00 RUNABOUT 195.00 CHASSIS .... 200.00 CASH OR TERMS. PYRAMID MOTOR COMPANY. 15-4t RENT A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVE-UM CO., 309 NORTH TKYON. PHONE 1270. 15-tf WE HAVE SPECIAL PRICE ON A FEW 30x3 NON SKID FIRE STONE, UNITED STATES, GOOD YEAR AND MILLER TIRES. THESE TIRES WERE REMOVED FROM NEW FORD CARS AND ARE PERFECT IN EVERY RE SPECT; $13.00 EACH OR TWO FOR 25.00. WHERE' PYRAMID MOTOR CO., "OF COURSE." I5-4t FOR SALE OR TRADE One 1920 Cole 8 speed ster. One-ton Interna tional truck. Two-ton Indiana truck. Five-passenger Ford. One slight ly used Lexington Min ute Man Six. All cars and trucks in A-l con dition. ' - DOWLING MOTOR CO. Phone 1586 13-7t BARGAIN IN USED CARS. Buick touring $350 Briscoe touring $300 Maxwell touring $250 xwenty other makes from $200 up SEHORN & HIPP 211 N. College St. Phone 4050 12-7t SEE V. M. STINE. He will pay you casn ror your automobiles. 6-tf VTIt .r A TvTT'7T-vr-i j. j uojviiniaiiiu, repau uig auu retread ing. Tires, tubes and accessories. Morrison Vulcanizing Co., 317 E. Trade. Phone 671. 5-20-30t WANTED Your automobile to paint: tops to rebuild; work first class; prices right. Payne's Auto Works, 26 E. Sixth St. 6-3-tf WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 10 East Fourth St. Phone 2264. 21tf WANTEDPOSITION LADYi STENOGRAPHER wishes per manent position in city. Three years experience in stenographic and gen era! office work. Excellent references, 'Mrs. H.," care News. WANTED Work of any kind by boyj 15, strong and willing worker. Phone 1 7A.T 1 o 18-3t AN EXPERIENCED young lady ste nographer desires position; best of references. Phone 1081-W. 17-4t YOUNfl T.ATYV nrantc i-u-icHtlln o a a oU ier or clerical work, cashier pre ierrea. -none 3135-W. 17-3t WANTED Position by young lady any kind. Phone 3725-W. 16-3t CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC, married, nine years experience, driving pri vate and commercial cars in New xor . uity, now making nome in Belmont wishes position at anything. Milton Brandt, Box 372, Belmont. N. C. . l6-3t WAINIJJ Position as meat cutter nr city salesman. Have had five years experience. Know how to handle best xraae. Aadress A. B. C, care News. 15-tf WANTED Position as typist or book keeper by experienced man. Refer ences. Phone 3529-J. ; 15-5t SPECIAL NOTICES CHARLOTTE BUTTON SHOP Hem- stitcnmg, peooimg, uuuuu uvcmi, etc. Prompt service. 307 N. Col- locro 18-tf WANTEB--Customers to know that I do good work sharpening razors, ia zor blades, scissors and knives. Give me a trial order so I may prove it. Purdy, 12 South Church (old number) in star MarKRt. .. io-j.1. WAMTTT.n Tn spII vmir car. f A .A. . 1 i v ' . T . " J.1 J- J-T U;r.liiTrnir unng mem to uie,h . it i r ni Garage, near au arx. le-ot SPECIAL PRICES ON BEEF FOR TOMORROW, SATURDAY Stew Beef ........ t. loc Roast Beef 20c-25c Steaks 30-35c Meats strictly first class. Bet ter take advantage of these prices. STAR MEAT MARKET Phone 728. 16 S. Church 17-lt. PHONE 4038 , m FOR ICE CREAM IN ANY QUAN TITY. WE DELIVER. THE ICE CREAM CO. "Buy It By the Brick." lS-7t WANTED You to patronize the Dil worth Barber Shop. Our prices are as follows: Hair cut, 30c; shaves, 15c; children's hair cut, 25c; tonic, 20 and 25c. Open 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. Saturday 11 p. m. J. P. Holler. 14-7t FURNITURE REPAIRING, REFIN ISHING AND UPHOLSTERING SLIP COVERS. We specialize in doing over "old furni ture. NESMITH COMPANY, INC. 19 East Fifth St. 10-tf C. H BRA DSHAW Transfer and Moving Long1 Distance Hauling Phone 99-W Charlotte, N. C. Local and Long Distance MOVING and HAULING .Bonded Warehouse, Storage Packing , Bradfield Moving Service Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts Phone 980 28-tf Local and Long Distance Moving Packing and Storing Three Large Trucks WARREN TRANSFER CO. 1102 N, Caldwell St. Phone 1166 fAANO TUNER J. F. Gallery, vitb Parker-Gardner Co. Phone 3460. 8-9-tf LEVY'S EYEGLASSES ' fit all eyes, none better. 7 East Trade St., up stairs. 12-1-tf PIANO TUNING W. E. Senn. Cher lofce, N. C. Phone 2335-L-3. 10-12-tf W. M. BELL, Notary i'ublic, front ot flee Charlotte News. Can .be found most any hour to 8 p. m. -tik FOR SALE FOR SALE At less than half price, one "Whitney player piano, as good as new, with 60 rolls of music. Ap ply at house No. 21 Atherton Cotton Mill. Address H. W. Batton, Station No. 2. Charlotte. N. C. 18-4t FOR SALE One 5x7 R. B. Cycle Graphic Camera with Protar 7A Lens. No. 10 size 5x8 and Home Portrait Camera Stand. HARNETT PHOTOGRAPH COMPANY 417 E. Avenue. " Charlotte, N. C. 17-2t FOR SALE $70,00 ivory baby car riage. Used four months. Good con dition;. $30.00. Phone 1248-W. 18-2t FOR SALE Second hand gas stove cheap. Phone 673-J. 18-2t NEW FANS All -sizes. We also rent or exchange. Parts for all raakes of fans in stock. Auten Electric Co. Everything electrical, 22 West Fifth. St. Phone 4003. 18-2t FOR SALE One new four-burner oil stove, $25.00. Phone 3630-W. 17-tf FOR SALE A No. 1 block and tackle, good as new. Call and look it over. Dixie Spindle and Flyer Co. 17-3t JUST RECEIVED New shipment pup tents, . canteens with covers, haver sacks, over sea caps, wrap leggings, new and reclaimed breeches, army meats, eots, blankets, etc. Going fact. "First come, first served." "We sell all sizes of tents. The . Army Salvage Co., No. 2 N, Tryon St., Charlott, N. C. v 16-5t FOR . SALE Four-piece walnut bed room suite, eierht niece din in sr room suite. 1243 North Allen, block from Belmont Presbyterian church. 16-3t FOR SALE Flower baskets, 35c to 60c. Smith Novotoy, 24 "West Fifth. 15-3t FOR SALE Cheap, one fifteen foot oak wall case with lockers. Phone 1270. n-tf HOTELS AND RESORTS " BIDEAWEE COTTAGE Near Oceanic Hotel. Rooms-exclusively at reasonable rates; .cottage new throughout. Near hotel or restaurant, or if you prefer elec tric grill in your room for short I lunch. Large airy rooms and on highest and safest part of the beach. Sleep in safety. For rates address Mrs. , H. "W. Gargis, 21 Columbia Ave., "Wrightsville Beach, , .-, -. - i8:2t IT MATTERS NOT Where the prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Dollars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and others can if tKey will. Will you?, ' .' " . - - TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To borrow $1000 to $2000 on valuable Dilworth property. Phone 3340. 18'3t WANTED Range . in good condition. "Majestic" preferred. Phone 3547. 18-2t WANTED Second hand rock crusher, capacity 150 tons. Must be in good condition and bargain for cash. State price and where can be seen. Ad dress "Crusher," care News. 17-2t WANTED To borrow $1,000; first mortgage real estate. McL., care News. - ' 16-3t WANTED To buy second hand kiddie koop, large size on wheels. Phone 4189-J. f ' 15-5 1 WANTED ONE HUNDRED FEATH ER BEDS; SPOT CASH PAID. PHONE 1643 AND OUR BUYER WILL CALL. SOUTHERN FEATH ER CO. lo-at WANTED To do your carpenter and repair work. Phone Hodges, 1456-J. 15-6t WANTED Mattresses to renovate and make over. New ticks. Haley-Howard Co., 323 E. Trade St. Phone 3446. 12-tf WANTED Accounts to collect. Will be glad to make special arrange ments with professional men and all classes of business concerns. Month ly contract preferred. Standard com mission charged after collection. Sat isfactiyi before pay. Address South eastern Business-Adjusting Corpora tion, Lock Box 1167, Charlotte, N. C. 14-17t WANTED To find a buyer for that established business which you wish to sell or to find that established business which you wish to buy. Our field is wide, and we shall be glad to use our facilities for your benefit. Southeastern Business-Adjusting Cor poration, Lock Box 1167, Charlotte, N. C. 14-17t WANTED Your upholstering and fur niture repairing. First-class work, prices reasonable. General Repair Co., 315 N. Caldwell St. A. E. Cohen, Mr. Phone 1939. 26-tf WANTED More roofs and gutters to repair. Also Ice Boxes and " Refrigerators, STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 ' 5-tf WANTED To borrow $3000 and $4000 on gilt edge resl estate security for twelve months. Attractive interest. Phone 32. 27-tf WANTED To do your hemstitching and pecoting. Phone 2027-W, 307 N. Tryon. 5-1-tf WANTED--Used furniture. Phone 4438, 505 W. Eleventh St. 13-tf HOUSES WANTED ROOMS WANTED To rent four or five-room cottage in or near city, Address X. Y. Z., care News. 18-3t WANTED Two or three furnished romos or fiat July 1 by married man with three small children, preferable close to Sanitary Laundry; price must be reasonable. Address Down, Sanitary Laundry. 18-2t BY REFINED young couple, no chil dren, rnished apartment or bun galow in desirable neighborhood for occupancy August 1. Permanent lo cation desired but will consider summer lease.-References exchanged; Phone, 4558. 17-3t WANTED Until October 1, desirable . furnished . room, preferably with .sleeping porch and bath. S, -care News. - " 17-3t WANTED By business couple large cool furnished room. Address K, care News. 17-3t WANTED Furnished downstairs apartment . by mother and two grown daughters. Three or four, rooms with conveniences. Permanent. Address Miss A. L., care , News. ' 16-3t WANTED For summer months, a furnished bungalow in suburbs. Phone 3837. 13-7t WANTED Room and board in private family. Couple with baby. Prefer suburbs. References furnished and required. Address J. C. H., care of The News. 12-tf. WANTED Apartment of three rooms and bath, furnished, partly furnish ed or' unfurnished. Man, wife and baby. Suburbs preferred. References. Address H. J, care of The News. '. 12-tf. LOST OR FOUND LOST One mattress on Concord road. Please phone Womack, 3362. 18-tf LOST In grandstand at- ball park Thursday, pocketbbok containing re ceipts 'and records but no money. Of no value, to any one except owner. Finder please return, to News office. , LOST Silver bar pin set with three stones, between Caldwell' and Bre vard St. on Trade St. Reward return to News. 17.-! LOST White tricolette waist, fringe uii sieeves. iiimoroiaered in blue on "Worthington or Lyndhurst ave- nue. Reward return -to 400 Kingston avenue, or phone 484-J. 17.51 LOST Setter dog. white and Waoir hair clipped, leather collar on neck copper plate "Phone 1939, A. E. Co hen," on plate. Call 1939. Reward . offered. 16-4t POULTRY AND EGGS EGGS FOR MATCHING Half-price, balance of season, $2.50 per 15. Bel mont Poultry Yards, 40$ W. Fifth St., Charlotte. Nt C. Phcne 25S5-J. 10-tf WANTED REAL ESTATE AM IN MARKET for home in Char lotte. What have you? Write sogers,, care News. . -17-3 '3H: NEW NAVAL AIDE 3 TO NAVY'S CHIEF Capt. David F. Sellars. Capt. David F. Sellars succeed. Commander P. W. Foote as naval aide to Secretary of the Navy Den by. Capt. Sellars is a native of Texas and graduated from the na yal academy in 1894. BUSINESS OPORTUNITY OUR SERVICE COVERS the follow ing items: Collection . of Accounts and Notes, Sale of Established Busi ness, TenDay Special Sales, Nego tiating: Loans, assisting struggling business concerns and "helping than over." If you are interested address Southeastern Business-Adjusting Cor poration, Lock Box 1167, Charlotte-, N. C. 14-17t FARM PRODUCTS POTATO PLANTS for sale. J. X. Sloan & Co., Phone 4441, 301 South College Street. 12-Tt FOR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Four fresh Jersey milch cows. M, L. Stallings, Matthews, N. C. lS-2t-eod DANCING MME. CATHREN HARTLEY, Wash ington and New York authority on modern ballroom dancing, announces the opening of her studio at 300 North Tryon St. Hall open 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. Prices reasonable. 9-tf 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar 7oc, Monarch brand cocoa, rb. . Fresh ground coffee, it. 20c, Herring roe, can .. .. m Shrimp can .. Lobster, can . .... .. . . .. 33c 25c, 35c 20 c 35c . .. 25c . ..fee 30c 10c cakes 20c .. .. 35c .. 20c S1.30 .. .. 2jc Tuna fish, can Gorton's ready-to-fry cod fish 1-rb. can red Alaska salmon -rb. can red Alaska salmon 24 rbs. Melrose flour .. . 24 rbs. Silver Leaf flour 4 rbs. head rice .. .. 3 lbs. fancy head rice .. .. GULP BROS. Phones 18061807. 225 East Trade. J. R. Faulkner Co, 14 rbs. sugar , ... ..... 01 0. 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour SJ! 48 lbs. Elizabeth flour S2,,J 98 lbs. Sunflower self-rising 48 lbs. Sunflower self -rising 98 lbs. Sunflower self-rising Cottonseed meal .. .. r... Cottonseed, hulls Eadan chicken feed .... .... & .... ?2-;3 Nice dry white corn, bushel .. r- . UI.-.L-nr.C giiC- rresn Duner, eggs, tun-ii bacon and hams. Every t.ns fresh : vegetables and fruits. Red Front. 45 N. CoUege Phone 695. We Deliver All Over the City. PICNIC TIME ; , We have the goods for it- Pimentoes, craft cheese. Pickj: olives, pimento heese, boiled nam. i ted ham, mayonnaise and salad a -Lngs of all kinds, relish. cakesFi-k-crackers a full assortment, Make-Pudding, Jello, all flavors, b Down cake flour, fresh cKL-a and all kinds of fruits, full line egetables, your chickens, eggs ana ter. Phone us . your order. Watts Grocery Co. 813 East Seventh St. Phone 4431, w

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