v - I THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON, ANSWERED LETTERS. Burlap B A puffy condition under ,. eves usually comes from a dis llUarnv of some function, either of VOW. YOU Should fn,.. "doctor about it. .y. There is a mistake in your .prions, as una coma not be used Tcr i1; mc'i' for curling the hair. p. Bathe the armpits several c.-u-h day with cold water in uuips ui uenzoin are used to each-rtnt ... cause the w9fo; w which decide thl "J11 from wi. .".ucuiril tne odor skin V -7, ana harden tho Jou co0mpkirofPrOVe the conditin liquid. benzoin. mn;,v j. uciuw nor weight, for you . to he ii JUNE 21, 1921. to the cause. Your constipation can be helped by taking two yeast cakes each day, but you should certainly be under the caro of your doctor. - kJ!u F' BCTKeep tho child's hair bobbed or shingled and give it all the sun and air that you can. This, with lean scalp, is aU the treatment that will be needed. - Gabriella. The information was about bicarbonate of soda, or the ordi nary baking soda, to be used for keep ing the hair light. I : .. you-to be indifferent . jV"p ,llfJ 3. 1 T5 ' i Mra. S. Tho . uttio ..a,,,. v runs from the corners of the eye into. oc, ia proDaoiy innamed from so much crying. Use hot or very cold compresses over the eyes morning and evening, which will relieve it, pro vided you do not continue the habit. ' Anxious Marie. The electric' needle will destroy the hair follicle and no ether hair will grow at that place, but that does not signify that you will not grow hair from some other place. It you have the tendency you will grow hair again, but you can lessen it by keeping the pores free from any accu mulation of grime and oil secretion. Elsie. A chiropodist will explain to you about that condition. If you send an addressed -stamped envelope, I shall be pleased to send you a formula for a tonic good for hair that is turning grey prematurely. Mary Your choice not be improved. of colors could A sweet that's as good children as it "tastes to them. Order a can of ALAGA from your grocer and spread it on bread for the kiddies. A delicious, wholesome treat. Pecked by M ALABAMA-GEORGIA SYRUP CO. Montgomery, Ala. Jacksonville. F!a. J STir ' ' mi in i iTiimi2!m pi- i i M!l5w &vf It is the cost per MILE NOT the cost per TIRE that counts. Kelly Springfield Tires are the most economical tires you can 'buy. The price is NO UIGUR than that of ordinary tires. Stick to Kelly and "that air service," and you can't go wrong. Shaw Vulcanizing Co. 225 X. College St. VICTOR SHAW Phone 3593 In response to the inquiry pf many telephone subscribers: "What can I do to help my serv ice?" this advertisement is published. The Right Way To End a Call It is always good prac tice to close your tele phone talk by saying "goodbye." : R. F. S. To strengthen the muscles or a stomach that have grown flabby, Jie flat on the bak, arms extended by tne sides; bend the knees and slowly raise both legs as far as they will go v!SS the thigh firmly against th abdomen and hold the position for a few seconds; then 'extend and lower the legs to first position. Follow this bv standing erect, then lift your right knee and clasp it with your hands, oI Ull as hish as "ou can, against the abdomen. Hold for a few seconds and release it. Repeat the exercise, uskig the other leg. All Inquiries addressed to Miss Forbes m care of the ''P.Miit-ir rv.ac j i. ment will be answered in these column? ii n- Tms requires conside aoie time, however, owing to the jrre:if numoer received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamped and self-addressed envelope must be en closed with the question. The Editor. KICKS MADE ON CITY AUTO TAGS Dark Red Background -Causes Characters to be Dim, Critics Say. Complaint . has been made to Police Chief ,W. B. Orr and to the commis. sioners of the color-scheme on the new automobile license tags for th city. Owing to the use of dark red as a back ground, on which are printed letters m black, it is difficult to read the tags. Mayor Walker said that the scheme Of COlOrS is not the rmp- nrrlerorl tvw tho city, and the manufactnrprs mav ho called upon to replace the 3,500 which nave ueen received with tags carrying the snerifipfl pnlnrs TVi a ri. vii tags with a light red background and V. 1 . 1 .11 mi. . uiitK. leners. o.nis scneme would have maae the letters easily distinguishable, it was said. If the commissioners secure another oraer or tags, arrangements will likely be made whereby motorists who have already got their tags may replace tnem witn the new ones. It was ex plained that automobilists like local tag on wnicn tne name or tho city is prominently displayed so that the Vity Hum Huii.ii a. uiitumiit; came ce.n ue ais tinguished when it is in distant cities or towns. The arrangement of the present sup- the name "Charlotte" appearing ?.n bU leners. une aarKness or tne red oack ground makes it almost impossible to distineruish the words on. the t.3 at a distance, however. Since the city re ceived the supply, many tage have been distributed to automobile owners. , DISCUSSING WORLD WIRELESS SYSTEM Paris. June 21. (Bv the Associated Press.) Forty experts, representing te United States, Great Britain. France, Italy and Japan, met here Tuesdav for a nrolonsred pnnfpnnrs on the question of world wireless commu- nnion. xne purpose or tne conierenoe is to ha.rmnni:e the rarfir rulna rf tVio world and formulate nlans for hrine-irtsr wireiess into more, general use tnrougn the encouragement of private enter prise under government control. The American government has sent a delegation of ten of its best military and civil experts, headed by Major General George O. Squires, chief of the signal service of the United States army. THE A TERS Clean Hamor In "The Gu-I In the Taxi" Clean wholesome humor, situation which in the trend of unfolding causes rollicking mirth provoking, hilarious laughter, is in store for motion picture Tax featuring Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven at the Broadway Theatre to day and tomorrow. The picture is an adaptation of the musical comedy stage ui "-"o oaiue name by Stan islaus Strange, and directed by Llovd Ingraham. JU That scene where the policeman quite unexpectedly catches his wife mingling I2'wVgro"pHof,vw,ety seekers wa-s worth its weight in gold. To our mind no finer example of farce as it should be on the screen has ever come to the attention of the writer. The situations are immense The cast is excellent throughout. And the picturesque back ground with its lavish investiture is pleasing to the eye. The DeHavens, whose careers as far ceurs on both stage and screen has earned for them an enviable reputation are seen respectively in the roles of Bertie Stewart and Mignon Smith Ber tie, called a mollycoddle by his stern par ent, steals his father's clothes, pawns them, hides in a taxi, is whisked off with a charming young creature, mud dles a gay party and. aside from giving a. policeman the run of his life and per forming an unusual number of ludi crous antics all very natural and not too far-fetched-caps the climatic inci dent bv erivinsr his fatVio.o ,..!. i policeman in order to extricate said parent from an embarrassing situation. The production is released by Asso ciated First National Pictures Inc xvesuvo, j.n worm famous wizard of the accordeon, is back again at The isroadwav for a whole his brilliant playing will be one of the features of this theatre's entertainment programs. Restivo has won great popu arity in Charlotte by his previous vis its to this theatre, and his many admir ers will welcome another opportunity to hear him play. The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come at Academy. Perhaps no better play from a scenic, acting and realistic standpoint, could; be produced than "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come." John Fox, Jr., the author, had an uncanny knowledge of the lives and habits of the mountain people of Virginia and wrote a typical southern play depict ing the lives and characteristics of these famous people, the hardly and courageous stock which builded this na tion. There was nn fer. -i i hearts. " "1C" The play has to do with feudal days and civil war time. Tho niQ .o.. I Y5r ably acted last night by the Jack , at. mo Ataaeray ana take an interest in their parts. Miss Grandin was more than excel lent as Melissy, the mountain lass, and gave a portrayal of this character with a realness and earnestness hardly sur passed. Anthony Carroll was in the lead as Chad Buford and proved him self an able actor. Ramon Greenleaf, in the part of Major Buford, gave a wonderful imnersonati fashioned Kentucky major, brogue and all. Jack Doty assumed the role of Daws Dillon, a renegade guerilla and looked and acted the part: Mr. Buhsee another villain, in the part of Nathan Cherry, was extremely good. Mr. Gilday, as the old mountain squire who was always thinking of his 'likker, did one of his best pieces of work. Miss Walker as the die-nified aunt- and Miss Oliver as the dainty little southern; miss,1: who trifled with the hear , o many, lovers, were very real. Miss Louise Browning gave a very natural portrayal of an old south ern mammy. James Marsh, as Joel Turner, and Charles Gutheridge, as Richard Hunt, were up to the standard ul me company ana nmshed nut tho cast. -.. Tho play is beautiful to look at and a perfectly precious" ooIHp rioo- t,rh tZ - 77 .. "w xuuk. pan ime an oia timer and bowed nis neaa wnen tried for his life for sheep killing, made a wonderful pic ture. The Plav is eronrl tVirmierhr,,, and was highly appreciated by those present, which was a much larger first night audience. The .Ta Players will repeat it Tuesday and Wed nesuay. BOND DEALERS WILL SURRENDER Sheriff Advised That Per Idns and Westbrook Will Give Up Later. F. 2,1.- Perkins, president, and F. S. Westbrook, treasurer' and vice-president of the Southern Trading Com pany, for whom warrants were issued Saturday afternoon, following a grand jury presentment, charging them with embezzlement, will return to Charlotte as soon as they arrange for the $5,000 bond each which the solicitor fixed in the case. Announcement to this ef fect was received at the sheriff's office. The purpose of the-two men to return and face the- charges filed against them' here was announced to the sher iff by a friend of Perkins and West brook, it was said. The . Greensboro man is here endeavoring to raise bond for the two men. It was not stated just when the matter would be com pleted and the two men return. The Southern Trading Company al30 is the object of a civil action that is being brought by a number of persons who claim they, have lost money whien they subscribed for stock to the con cern. One of these is J. H. Dixon, who claims he is out $4,000, and an other is T. T. Griffith, a banker ot Gaffney, S. C, who claims he is out $7,000. It was intimated by Solicitor Wilson that the indictments for alleged embezzlement and violation- of the "blue" law of the state might include others than Perkins and Westbrook.' He did not give out the names of these. MISS ROBERTSON IN CHAIR FEW MINUTES Washington, June 21. For the first time in history, according to official records, a woman prosided over the house' of representatives, Miss Alice Robertson, a Republican member from Oklahoma, 'occupying the chair for about ten minutes Monday. She was greeted with applause and cneers when Representative Walsh, itepublcian, Massachusetts, who was presiding in the absence from Wash ington of Speaker Gillett, invited her io wieia tne. gavel. I he roll was. being called at the time on a resolution providing for creation of a commission to represent tne Lnitea states at the Peruvian centennial celebration. Somewhat em barrassed but in a clear voice Miss Robertson announced the vote was 200 for to 42 against ana relinquished tho cnair oerore any member had occasion to address her as "Miss Speaker." . The Coolest Place in Town LAST TIMES TODAY If you hang up the receiver without 'do ing so, the party to whom you aVe talking raay continue to talk or at least remain at the telephone, wasting his time and keeping the line from being used by somebody else. The "goodbye" at the end of a telephone 'felfc is an infallible signal to hang up the receiver without delay it terminates the telephone fallc graciously and effectively, and when both parties hang up simultane ously if helps the operator in her worlc. southern bell telephone AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY STRIKES AT RIGHTS OF SMOKING WOMEN Washington, June 21. A puff on a cigarette may cost Washington women $25, if a bill introduced by Represen tative Johnson, Democrat, Mississippi, becomes a law. The measure provides that women who smoke in "public places" shal lbe fined $25 for the first offense and $100 for . second infrac tion. , A similar schedule of fines is pro posed for proprietors of public places, which the bill enumerates as dining rooms, cafes, theaters, elevators, street cars and railway stations, who per mit women to smoke on their premises. WARNS PEOPLE WHO WANT FREE LUMBER Washington. June 20. T tjve Young. North Dakota. Rpniihii.Jn memoer ways and means committo declared in a statement Mondav nirht that neonle who wanted froo 1iitv,v.o-. - - . - . - wui oe sadly aisaoDointed if fVi -tariff bill, soon to be reported, is enacted in us present . rorm " In demanding that lumM- ho r tained on the free list, Mr. Young said: .those Of US Who. think that tariff laws - should be written along cautious lines believe that all industries suffer ing from ' foreign competition should be protected, but the . claims for .pro tection of i those which have done a tremendous business during recent years, such as the lumber, industry which are quiet now simply on account of the general slump in domestic business,' and not on , account ' of - for eign competition may well be scruti nized. We ought to be making a protective law for a ten-year period rather than to meet the expectations of those suffering temporarily from-a buyer's strjke." . WANT FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Havana, June 21. Upon motion of Drestos Ferrara, the house of repre sentatives Mnndav 4 vnfwl n -,r?j - v iiL President Zayas in a Tjody and demand a statement of the of the nation. ' Dr. Ferrara in Tirpsont. ing his motion,' declared he understood from reliable authorities that h administration - of General Mario O Menocal had left the bad financial' condition. " i Br 1 Too Wise Wives' Cc Cparamoanl Qidure :' A tale of two wives who thought they knew things that they didn't A tale of two husbands who didn't know things that they should. ipisWeJberl PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTED By FAMOUS PLASTERS-1 ASKST CORE V ui imumm- miw.zr-rr wm.nllW T03IORROW AND THURSDAY DOUGLAS MACLEAN "One a Minute" t .- j- -T 'ifir'iitii'i'Vn-- -"tIiih . j-i 1 , ROADWAY Today and Tomorrow BRING YOUR SHOCK ABSORB ERS.. You'll you see this ride with need them, when mile-a-minute joy The spotless, ' snowy-white seamless interior of a! BELDING-HALL REFRIGERATOR . is, something for any - housekeeper to be proud of and offers a most invit ing retreat within which to store the dainty tid-bits, destined to grace your table. No enamel .to chip off no s quare " corners to harbor dirt. ;; Built to last a lifetime. " ' J. N. McGausland & Go, i Mr. and Mrs. Carter deHaven In "IN THE BUSINESS 37 YEARS" 321 South Tryon St. Phone 314 1 the comedy drama de luxe Added Attractions: v "THE SIMP" Sunshine Comedy MUTT & JEFF Cartoon Comedy All. This Week RESTIVO -World Famous Wizard of the Accordion, in Brilliant Music Program. THE BROADWAY A Charlotte Institution I. RBBi Is your generator developing sufficient power to - drive your cylinders smoothly and flexibly under all conditions. If not there is a flaw in the generator. Drive down and let us test it out to day. A test may save you many dollars in repairs. AT YOUR SERVICE." Queen City Storage Battery Company Storage Battery, Generator and si w f.arers; Socialists. 21 W. First St. Phone 3980 Complete July List of Columbia ecoras Now on sale here, All 10-inch Double-Disc song and dance hits 85c The sensation in music instrument values, $85.00. The most popular machine on the market at the most popular price. Terms $7.50 cash and $2.00 per week. We still have a few discontinued numbers in Columbia Records at 59c - . : ... v Call 2586 and hear any record you like over the phone. - , W. T. McCoy & Co. Exclusive Columbia Dealers. TODAY AND TOMORROW Academy Theatre mm wuOO W .i 1 111 mill -mAmJ 1, JUJ J Present "The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come" THURSDAY - By John Fox, Jr. Mathiees Wednesday and Saturday FRIDAY' . An Avalanche of Fun -SATURDAY ii MARY'S ANKLE" Featuring a live Parrot Nights, 8:30 P. M. Matinee, 3 P. M. Sharp BOX OFFICE OPEN 1 P. M. ' All Furniture Used on the Stage Furnished by the Banner Furniture Company. "Out of the High Rent District." k yW roving. Moving, Packing and Our service ; is ; unsurpassed. TRUCKS FOR PICNICS OR STRAWRIDES New pneumatic tired trucks.- care ful drivers. Phone us for estimates. C0CHRAN&R0SSC0. PHONE - 53