THE CHARLOTTE NEWS JUNE 23, 192, THURSDAY CITY NAMES NEGRO TO PROBATION WORK Complying with ' the request of a delegation of negro ministers and business men, the city commissioners have elected James E. Phifer negro probation officer at the salary of $75 a month. County Welfare' Superin tendent Lucius Ransom and Juvenile Court Judfcfa Wade H. Williams recom mended the employment of Phifer as probation officer. ' Phifer has ben engaged in work among negro youths for some month, working under the supervision of the county welfare superintendent. He was giving only part time to work and was receiving a small compen sation, made possible by private sub scriptions. His election by the com missioners places him on the regular staff of the welfare department and he will give his entire time to the work. ILL TREAT3IENT CHARGED. Washington, June 23 Furclic charge that former service men are improperly cared for and even ill-treated at gov ernment and contract hospitals were made today before the senate special committee which is conducting an in vestigation of government agencies hav ing the hospitalization program in charge. The committee withheld the name of the witness, a tubercular pa tient who developed the disease in the army after inf luenze. JACK D E M P S E Y AND GEORGES CARPENTIER IN "THE FIGHT OF THE AGES." MACK LINDER IN "SEVEN YEARS RAD LUCK." BROADWAY. Thursday Friday Saturday REV. GILBERT ROWE IS HIGHLY HONORED Salisbury, June 23. Salisbury is de lighted over the honor, that has come to a Rowan county boy, Dr. Gilbert T. Rowe, who was elected book editor of the Southern Methodist "church and editor of the Methodist Review. This is considered one of the biggest posi tions in the gift of the church. Dr. Rowe will succeed Rev, Dr. Frank Thomas, who died some months ago. The news of Dr. Rowe's se lection for one of the highest appoint ments in the Ronuthern Methodist church came in a telegram yesterday from J. A. Odell, of this city. The position to which Dr. Rowe has been elected is generally regarded in Metn odist circles as only a step to bishop, and the- friends of Dr. Rowe in Greens hnro and other sections of the state Lfeel that he is destined to fill the high est office in the cnurcn. Dr. Rowe has filled all -of the more important charges in the Western North Carolina conference. He is a son of the late Rev. J. C. Rowe and at the last session of the conference was elected editor of the Christian Ad vocate, a position which he lias filled wonderfully well. Dr. Rowe was, pas tor of Central Methodist church at Asheville, the Charlotte churchos, Wes ley Memorial at High Point, presiding elder of the Greensboro district and pastor of one of the leading churches in Winston-Salem. He is regarded as one of the brainiesf men in the church and one of the greatest pulpit orators in North Carolina. SOUTHERN REPAYING. Washington. June 23. The War Fi nance Corporation announces that the Southern Railway has repaid to the War Finance Corporation $5,000,000 of the advances of $7,400,000 made to the Southern Railway System in 1919. 4 5 14 if. 4 -"TIT" in TT T f 2VvV3 II Co-Operation is as vital in the success of an individual as it is in that of any business organization. It is therefore of the utmost importance that you select a bank which will render you more than perfunctory, routine service; a bank whose officers and employes will show their apprecia tion of your business by helpful, friendly inter est in it. It is on this basis that The Charlotte, National Bank invites your patronage. Small and large ac counts welcomed. CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK SOUTH TRYON AND FOURTH ST$. 4 on MEMBER 9 O Savings LEDERAL RESERV O Bfc. SYSTEM United States Depository Should you reach the end of your rope would you have to let go? Many men have reached the end of their rope, and, due to the lack of ability to save their money in prosper ous times, had to let go when the crisis came. Benefit by tHe experience of men of this type. . If you haven't a bank account al ready, start one., now. Be . prepared for the uncertain tomorrow. "Life is what you make it" make yours one of prosper ity and success. The first dollar saved is the cornerstone of future success. Lay your cornerstone today at America!! Trust Go. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Capital and Surplus and Profits, $1,800,000 W. II. WOOD, President. T. E. HEMBY. ViYo ProcMntit GEORGE STEPHENS, V. Pres. W. S. LEE, Vice President. JOHN G. NICHOLS,, vwe President 'J- E. Davis, Sec. & Treas. H. L. DAVENPORT. . Asst. Sec. & Treas. R D. HAWKINS, Asst. Sec. & Treas. VVALTFR f AfmrTi , iViVrV " AS- Arusjt Officer waauk LAMBETH & BRQ. Managers Insurance Dept. BROOKS HAMMERS AT SOUTHERN POWER Greensboro, June 23. A. L. Brooks, closing the argument for the North Carolina Public Service company in its now famous action in equity before Judge Jas. E. Boyd, in United States district court, against the -Southern Power company to . compel that cor poration to continue supplying the serv ice company with electric current, de clared that the big power company is a wholesale dealer in electric power and as such cannot and should not be permitted to discriminate in any way against the public service; more that the public service people have a right to expect the same treatment at the hands of the Southern Power as it accords the Southern Public Utlities company, (a Duke concern), and other similar service companies and munici palities in North Carolina. Mr. Brooks, who has been constant ly connected with the litigation since its beginning, fought desperately for his client, reviewing the case from its genesis. He commenced speaking at 3 o'clock and at 5:30 p. m., when court adjourned for the day declared that he would finish in about half an hour after court convenes this morning. "The Greensboro attorney, knowing the subject in all of its phases, ham mered with all his power against the defendant's line of denfense. The wa ter powers of North Carolina belong to the people of the state and that the defendant company has a profound obligation to perform, a greater obli gation than that of "the railroad and telrl-irm5 rnmnanics In tno staff. The moraine session of the sixth dav of the trial was taken up by W. S. K O. B. Robinson, for the defense, and R. R. King, for . the plaintiff. E. T. Cansler, for the power company, will follow Mr. Brooks this morning; it is expected that the case will be in Judge Boyd's hands by 1 o'clock- REPAINTED TAGS FOR AUTOS ARE ON SALE Reprinted automobile license tags for the city "have been placed on sale at the office of City Treasurer John M. Wilson. The sale of tags was held up for two days to njake a change in the color scheme. The black letters on a maroon background failed to give sufficient contrast and the commission ers ordered the colors changed. The repainted tags have white letters on a maroon background. Mr. WiJson reordered tags numbev from,l to 666 so that automobile own ers who have already buoght their tags may have them replaced. These tags will not be received for a week. Per sons who have not , bought their tags may obtain the repainted tags now. while those 'having tags with the black letters may exchange them from new ones as socn as the shipment arrives. y II I i M W I . I Tl III A Great Drama of Reborn Souls "LYING LIPS" BROADWAY Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs, DR. L. S. FOX DENTIST. IV& W. Trade St. Phone 3896 Over Yorke & Rogers Next to Woolworth'a Dr. H. O. Henderson. Dr. R. B. Gaddy HENDERSON & GADDY DENTISTS Office, Hunt Bid., Z02 l-Z N. Tryon II, Poena III Southern Railway System Passenger Train Schedules. tra1ns!VharniVXrc.r0 ' ' Passene' Lv. No. Between 3:45a 29U.tlanta-B'gham ... 12:35a 30Wash.-New York... 7:25p 32IWash-New York... 7:30a 39Atlanta-Danville ., X2:00pi 241Taylorsville 8:55d 9:45p 6:30p 9:10p 11:00a 6:20a 4:30p 3 :uop i 7:35a 8:20a 10:15a 4:B5p 9:30a 10:40a 4:25a ll:30a Washington-N. Y. Wash-N ew York Kicnmona-Norfolk No 30 29 SI 43 Ar. 12:25s 3:35a 7:25 ll:20n 3 6! 1-1A. 23Jx8:00a 138 38 12 1 1 Columbia-CliTston ojwinston-saiem .. 45G,Ville-Wminster 4 6 1 G'boro-Dan villa . . Atlanta 31ColumbiaAugusta lITavlorsv111 137 . Atlanta .. .11381 8:45n -i" w-". wiiccllia. 49f 3.4UU 14 Salisbury, Winston- isarDer, jvioores I villa iNorf oik-Richmond -113TI 9:20a ...I 37 10.'30a 11111ft .Eft- 13:35p 12:45p i:4&p 4:10p 5:60p 7:20n 9:10p 114 25 46 45 12 32 I 16 131 5:10p H10:50a Through Pullman sleeping car service to Washington, Philadelphia, Mew York. Richmond, Norfolk. Atlanta, Birmingham! Mobile, Nw Orleans. . . . Unexcelled service, convenient schedule! and direct connections to all points. Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. CITT TICKET OFFICE 207 West Trade St. . Phone 20. rASSENGER STATION p West Trade Street. Phone 417. B. H. OB All AM, - ' Division Passencer Acent " Phono 3860. .Branch 7. Realr promptly done. Ail wet trletly guaranteed. QUEEN CITV CYCLE QO. -THE RED FRONT. 42 H. Colleoe. ' Phone 117 (I Bank The Union National Charlotte, N. C. June 14, 1921. The Directors of this Bank have declared a semi-annual divi- ' dend of 6 per cent, payable, out of the profits of the past six months, on June 30, 1921. Checks will he mailed. D. P. TILLETT, Cashier. Fine Suburban Home Site Short distance outside City limits on State highway from Charlotte t. Concord. Ten or mteen- minuxes wais irom sireei-car line, w.ti and beautifully shaded. Dimensions 350x500. feet. For price, apPy office. v at SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE, LOAN & TRUST CO. CAPITAL, $75,WB , SCRPLtS, i South Tryon St. Phone 23 SELF MASTERS Security The only way to get along with yourself agreeably is to be the Master of Your-self . Self Masters are contented, hap py, forceful and independent. Those that are slaves to them selves are always miserable. Thrift is a habit of Self Masters, tt means mastering yourself a lit tle every day. ? Be a Self Master and take some portion of your earnings whenever they come to you and put them in the. bank. Savings Bank No. 4 South Tryon St. Service First You. are invited to become a customer. Walker's Drug Store Corner Seventh and Tryon Streets. . A AUTOMOBILE DELIVERY Norris Candy Parker Pens Agents for Klim xF PERFORMANCE The Nash Six delivers to its owners all that can be asked of a motor car. It is stylish, comfortable, powerful, econom ical, durable. CAROLINAS NASH MOTORS CO. Distributors CHARIX)TTE, N. C. 1 II 1 ' i'-iii t m n i .ii iiiiiiiT'iiiftrii i iimiii - "-ig "fSl 5 a Something to Fall Back On With money to fall back upon in an emergency you can prevent much needless worry and trouble. We know that a Savings Account is the best aid to systematic thrift. Money deposited in our Savings Department earns 4 per cent interest compounded quarterly.. NEW INTEREST PERIOD BEGINS JULY 1st. epencfience Member Federal Reserve System. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $1,600,000,00. CHARLOTTE, N. C OFFICERS- led Trust Company E. 0. Anderson, Vice President W. A.. Watson, Vice President VV. M. s Lonff, , Vice President 3 .Tl. Wearn, Chainnan of Board J H Little, President K. E. Jones, Cashier R. S. Smith, Asst. Cashier Thos. P. Moore, Asst. Cashier A. K. Surrati, Assistant Cashier FOR SALE Splendid six-room bungalow in Fourth Ward. Furnace heat, hardwood floors, house in practically new condition $6,750 Six room" house " 1000 West First Street, close In, good street and well located.' for . increase in vanie $3,850 Five-room-house-1415 East Fifth street, good neighborhood. Attractive terms can be "arranged on this place with about $500 cash $3,750 iFve-room-house West First street, splendid location for enhancement fronts on paved tsreet, $400 cash payment $3,000 Several four, and five room houses well located in different parts of the city,; from $1,850 up. , Can arrange gooO, terms with small cash payments from. $300 up. , ; Home Red Estate and Guaranty Company Cash Capital $70,000.00. A;? I:-HENDERSON, Manager Real Estate Department. 219 North Tryon St. 'Phone 589 I ; V V , l v A DRESSER WAS HE! ; His trousers. Were short that she might see his silken socks unpaid for. ; The shirt of silk -adorned his manly ; breast andhis three dollar tie pro . claimed his artistic-, taste and his " utter disregard of mere matters of money or credit. ' She' said:," just speak to Papa" and to papa he strode with those same socks of silk, that same shirt th at spurned the cotton field, and .with that rainbow tie. ' '. - AND PAPA SAID 'n"How many shares do you carry with Keesler and the Mutual?" None. I : don't like to 'bother, with little things like that. That's for working people. 'i. "Is your suit, paid, for,1 and what d id it cost." It cost $75.00 ; and I'm paying for it rhohthly," that is I'm going to start on it next month. "How about your socks and handsome tie and lovely shirt?" Oh, I ! have an account and" don't - have to pay cash. ,: "Do you belong , to the clubs? Oh, yes, I'm a member of all the best clubs and entertain in approved style. "How about the church, and do you help your parents in their strug gles?" I'm a -member, . but. don't go in for sissy stuff very' strong. Don't have the time .As. for -.the old . folks, they don't bother me, and I have my own affairs; to look" after. x - How m"uh have you -saved during the last 5 years?" Well, I haven't d anything yet, but I'm going to start when I'm married. YOUR BONUS The world pays you a "bonus' on your , health and youth, white you have the ability to earn more than you actually need to live happily. , - You owe it to yourself to save part - of this "bonus" ". for - the day when the world -pays it to others, more vigorous, who will take your place eventually. . What are you doing with your "bonus"? We sugest that you de posit part of it regularly very pay-day. on a Savings Account in this Bank. It is the wise way. , , , , The Merchants and Farmers National Bank 5 WEST TRADE STREET. 'CAPiajAL, -$2M,M0.00. SURPLUS AND -PROFITS $400,000.00 saved PAPA TOOK HIM SOFTLTl to the door, and; said, ilve worked .hard fori what i have, and I'm willin- to support Susannas' long as.she lives, but if she even wanted to marry a feller of your stxipeTTld be tempted to disown her. You're just a simple, ordinary fool, and hunting' for a support. Go Jearn something of real life and soma .day you may beable to marry self -respecting girl. That's what our mat-' runonial burea,u",did for. him. ' tt ' , Phone 344. , t E. ' L. KEESLiiiR," Secretary and Treasurer. JNO. R. PHARR President. 25 South Tryon St. THE RUDISILL MINE Located at the Foot of Mint Street FOR SALE We purchased , this property for the purpose of extending Mint street into the' heart of our yilmobre property. This, has now been done, and as we are riot in the minin? business We will resell this famous old mine with about three acres of land surrounding, the mine shaft, together with miner, rights under about' twenty acres of surrounding property, if , $5,000 CASH Suburban Realty Gomp any F. C. Abbott & Company, Agents Telephones 238-3022