THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 23, 1921. r U. S. Departmtnt of AfrlcoUurc, Weather Buret CHARLES F. MARVIN Chief. OailV weather ma LOW ' ' ni Z3. 191 explanatory'notes;. OMemttona ukea at B a. a., istb tterldlaa tu.-e. Kir pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars (continuous Unas) pass'throogh oolnta cr equal air pressure. Isotherms (dotted lines) pass through points of equal temperature O clear; Q partly cloudy; cloudy; rain: (j) snow; (Sft report missing. Arrows fly ltniac wind. Shaded areas show preeipitation'of O.M inch or more in past 24 hours.' WEATHER CONDITIONS. 8 . - S The west Gulf disturbance has mov ed inland to northeastern Texas, at tended by general rains in .the eastern third of Texas and northern and west ern Louisiana, and mostly light to mod erate showers thence northward to northern portions of Kansas and Mis souri. Uales continued yesterday on the Texas coast. Corpus Christi re porting a maximum of 40 and Galveston one of 60 miles. Houston also reDo-ts maximum of 40 miles during the night. There have also been light to heavv showers in the middle and upper Ohio valley and the lower lake sections, and light to moderate scattered showers in western Mississippi, southern Alabama, northern and extreme southern Geor gia, and a few localities elsewhere. Temperatures have been near the seasonal average in central and east ern and below normal in the wester i portion of the cotton belt.. Partly cloudy weather Is- indicated for this vicinity tonight, followed ly unsettled on Friday with a possibility of local showers. There will be little change in temperature. R. M. KIDD Phone -SS3 and serve a country din- r.uarantccd Country Eggs, 3 doz. $1.00 Larsre frying size Chickens, lb 45c Xrv one pound our Table Butter 43c Every pound guaranteed to please. Fancy Country Peaches, basket 35c Country Tomatoes, lb 25c 3 peck? Irish Potatoes for ireen Apples, pock 5 ;h Snap Beans . . i lbs Sugar for . . ;.) lbs best Rice fori 0 WE DELIVR 40c . 25c 51.00 $1.00 NEW CLUB PLANS TO PERFECT ITS OUTLINE Organization details of the Young Men's Business club will be considered at a business meeting of the members at the Y. M. C. A. Friday night at 8 o'clock, acordiner to not whir-h hav I been sent out. AH members have been asked to be present. The club was formed about a month ago and held its initial luncheon last Friday. Plans for- continuing the the luncheons and making the organi zation an effective one are to be con sidered at the business meeting. R. M KIDD REALTY TRANSFERS MLWORTH CASH GROCERY l!2fl S. Boulevard. Phone 2883 A drama of Women of the World "LYING LIPS" rr rw ax- jion., Jues., wen., inurs. SEED IRISH POTATOES. Peach Blow, $2.25 per bu.; Lookout Mountain, $2.25 per bu.; Green .Moun tain, $2.25 per bu. Seed potatoes are scarce. Don't wait like they did last year, and not find them wh.;n ready to plant. The prict will advance ntar planting time. Full stock of Purina and Star Brand poultry, mule and dairy feed. Sudan and Cane Seed at the same old price. AMERICAN SEED CO. 811 Enst Trade St. Phone 3861. The Charlotte Consolidated Con struction Company to T. T. Allen, for $2,500, a lot on Magnolia avenue. The Charlotte Consolidated Construc tion Company to W. E. Parker, for $7.- 800, a lot on East Morehead avenue near Plymouth. The Continental Securities Companv to E. D. Watts, for $10 and other c?n sideratlons. a lot on Shenandoak av nue. Mrs. Francis Kuykendall to J. Yandle, for $100 and other consid?ra tions. a tract of 29 acres of land in Providence township. The Suburban Realty Company to C. Harley and others, for $100 an. other considerations, a lot on Wilmovc Drive. The Stephens Company to the Home Real Estate and Guaranty Company for $100 and other considerations, lot on Colonial avenue. I i I 1 SI JACK D E M P S E Y AND GEORGES CARPENT1ER IN "THE FIGHT OF THE AGES.'" MACK UNDER IN "SEVEN YEARS BAD LUCK." BROADWAY. Thursday Friday Saturday GROCERIES LISTEN! No use to worry this hot weather. Call 101. Ready mode fish cakes in cans entirely new Finnon Haddie in jars. Smoked herring in jars- Japanese crab meat. Lobster, shrimp, boneu chicken, all sizes, tongue in glass, creamed chicken, lobsters Newburg, spaghetti au gratin and dozens of other ready to serve also head lettuce. ce!i y home-raised tomatoes, okra, be'.l peppers, carrots, squash, etc. S. ft. LENTZ. 315 N. Tryon St. Phones 101 & 102 W. M. Sigrmon. Manager. THE WEATHER Weather Bureau Office. Charlotte, June 23, 1921. Sunrise 5:10 Sunset 7:40 MOonrise 9:48 p. in. Boonset 8:08 a. m. Moon Phase Last quarter on the 28th. TEMPERATURE. Dry Bulb. 8 a. m i "7 10 a. m R3 Noon w . . . S9 Wet Bulb, 8 a. m "0 Noon "72 ECONOMIZE by using fresh home-grown vegetables We get big varieties every morning and the prices are very reasonable, tender snap beans, country gentleman corn, luscious red tomatoes, white and yellow squash, parsley, rhu'iarb, Boston head lettuce, tender celery, white head cabbage, bell peppers, cu cumbers, egg plant, beets, carrots, pine apples, cantaloupes, Georgia wa term el ons, grapefruit, lime3, oranges, apples, etc. MILLER-VAN NESS CO. Fcrndeil Distributors for Charlotte GROCERY. It will pay you to buy your gro ceries, fresh country vegetables, fruits, chickens, fresh country eggs, roe her ring and Norway mackerel 'here where you get lowest price and best service Try Mooresville creamery butter. BOYD-GARNER CO. 319 N. Tryon Phones 1158-1159 SUGAR Wholesale. Retail. A big reduction in Walter Baker's cocoa and chocolate -Ib. size cocoa 24c; lb. size 48c fe-lb. size chocolate 22c; lb. size.... 44c Large size Pet milk, can ........12c Dozen cans $1.40 Small size Pet milk, can 6c Dozen cans 0c Brown Kid Ladies' Fine Brown Kid Oxforda walking heel welt sole $6.85 This is a .specially priced shoe and one that will make your feet glad. Thompson's Phone 23. Special Summer Cut Rates On Scholarships Beginning with Monday, June 2Qth. following special rites on scholarships: we offer for a short time the $100.09 scholarships covering Combined Course SpencerUn snortnana. Touch Typewriting, Twentieth Century Bookkeeping. English and Penma i ship at $S0.00. $75.00 scholarships covering course in Spencerlan Shorthand, To"C Typewriting, English and Penmanship at $60.00. ' The lowest figures at which we hav ever offered, our scholarshipsan 1 only TWENTY will be sold at thse rates. When this number has been disposed of, our regular prices will do resumed. These special cut-rate scholarships jWllr be good for entry at any timf arid are UNLIMITED. If you contemplate taking a Business Course during the montis of August, September or at any later date it will be to your, interest to purchase your scholarship now. As we expect to dispose of this limited number in a very few days, would advise that if you wish to take advantage of these Special rates, yju writ, or call to see us at once. ; Endorsed by the leading business men of this section. Highest yesterday eS pest head rice, 3 lbs. for Lowest last night 71 Mean yesterday 78 Normal 77 Mean same date last year ih Excess for month 55 Excess for year 400 Highest of record for June, 102 in 1914 Lowest of record for June, 45 in 1889. PRECIPITATION. Total for 24 hours ending 8 a. m. 0 Total Tor month to 8 a.m 0.77 Normal for June 4.46 Deficiency for year 4.uS IIUMIDITr. S a. m 73 Noon 4S ...... tmvsKi Don't forget to call us when you want coffee, teas, rice, grits, etc. Prompt delivery. C. II. KENXf CO. Teas, Toffees, Sugars, Grits, Rice, Ete. S3 S. Tryon St. Phone 15511552 G. S. LINDGREN, Meteorologist, POLES ARE KILLED IN ANTI-GERMAN RIOT EMiai A Biter Bread miTh TkTir T FRESH AT YOUR GROCER TWICE DAILY Is all substance nothing puffed about it. It does not crumble, stays fresh and has that rich and tasty butter flavor that makes you want a second slice and still another. it i Carolina Baking C ompany Warsaw, June 22. Three Poles wore killed and 21 wounded during anti Ger man demonstrations at Brombuc;". a town northeast of Posen. yesterrt-ij. Seven policemen were injured during the disorder. The trouble arose out cf feeling on the part of the Poles that their coun trymen Who have remained at wor'.r in German factories were be-ng il' tieated by Germans. Mayor Maoias zek, who was accuseel of pro-Germanism, was dragged from his ofli-'e and roughly handled by Polish laborers OF LIFE IS TO BE IN TIME. THE WORLD IS INTERESTED IN WHAT U R. TRICKS IN QUOTATIONS ARE AS CHAFF. WE ARE BORN INTO PUBLIC OPINION BY SERVICES RENDERED. Today is yours. Take its pleasures and be glad. Take its pains and play th man. Remember, the one that planned this life of ours did well in giving it to us, one day at a time. Today is yours, use it. 016- -PHONES- -1768 NOW IN P ermanen t"Q uarters Oranges Okra Beets Coulbourn's Market Cars East SixthTSt., at Seaboard Tracks JUST ARRIVED A NEW CAR OF SELECTED Fresh From Georgia Also We Now Have on Sale Squash WA Cucumbers Tomatoes Beans Canteloupes Pepper 0nions Egg Plant Peaches Apples Blackberries WE KEEP A REGULAR SUPPLY NOW coulbourn's market cars All Vegetables Are Here to Stay. 'Tt Is Most Economical" No order too large or too small to receive our careful attention. Ileinz, Van Camp's pork and beans , ,. .... 5c, 9c, 18c Kingan's Reliable hams 38c 100 lb', sack best chicken feed (the best) $2.85 5 and 10 lb. pails Kingan's pure Jard 90c $1.75 Private Estate coffee (for particular folks) 43c Fresh stock Melrose, Elizabeth and Sunflower. Phone us your wants. We appreciate your patronage. Wc do not close on Thursdays. Get a Morning Glory ham (be satisfied.) Fresh vegetables. Place your orders early. Prompt delivery. John Allen Taylor GROCERY 2016 Phones 1768 Corner Church and Fourth Streets. Phone 4090 10 lbs. fine granulated sugar . . . . 75e Fancy new Irish potatoes, peck ....50c Our best chicken feed, peck 45c 100 lbs. our best chicken feed $2.65 Dozen 5c laundry soap S9c Dozen 10c Octagon soap 89c Dozen 10c Argo starch 89c Dozen 10c rolls tcilet paper ....B9c Pint Wesson oil 28c Quart Wesson oil 55c No. 5 Snowdrift lard 60c No. 10 Snowdrift lard $1.15 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour $1.30 24 fbs. self-rising flour . . ..... $1.35 Phone us for home grown vegetables. We Deliver. 12 Sitli Tryon St. Telephone fcSCG Corner Eleventh and Graham. Phono 4090. Save Your Money , . .S9c ..29c . . 250 $1.45 . 25c 50c peck of No. 2 potatoes 40c peck of No. 2 potatoes . . Tall cans milk, 2 for Dozen - ...... Small cans milk, 4 for Dozen "2c Kraft's pimento cheese 15c Dozen $1.65 2 lbs. best cream cheese 45c Sliced breakfast bacon 43e Strips 35c Kingan's,- Swift's and Armour's htus. 8 lb. pails lard $1.00 Snowdrift $1.05 45c cans Del Monte and Libby's best pineapple 30c Armour's very best syrup peaches, 45c large- can 30c Eecandled fresh eggs, dozen .... 33c Economy Grocery $2,610,127,000.00 Southern Farm Purchasing Power This two billion dollar p o c k e t-book described in this week's Printer's Ink SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSN. Chattanooga, Tenn. 37 W. 4th. Phone 4380 J, R, Faulkner Co. Specials in Cereals. 15c Post Toasties 10c 15c Kellogg corn flakes 10c 15c oat meal .... ....12c 50c White House coffee 38c 35c Caraja coffee ...25c A good Rio coffee, 6 lbs. $1.00 6 lbs. pearl grits 25c 3 lbs. head rice ...25c One coop nice friers, lb. 45c Nice fresh counrty eggs, dozen ..30c Red Front 45 N. College Phone 695 We De3iver.AH Over the City. ' 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar 75c. Monarch .brand cocoa, lb 35c Fresh ground coffee, lb. 20c, 25e, 35c Herring roe, can 20 35c Shrimp can . . . . 25c Lobster, can . . 35c Tuna fish, can 30c 40c Gorton's . ready-to-fry cod fish cakes 20c 1-lb. can red Alaska salmon . . . . 35c -lb. can red Alaska salmon . . . . 20c 24 lbs. Melrose flour . -. $1.50 24 lbs. Silver Leaf flour .. .. $1.30 4 lbs. head rice .. .. .. .. .. .. 2?c 5 lbs. fancy head rice 25c GULP BROS. SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE The best is always the cheapest at any price. We pride ourselves on handling the best quality of groceries, fruits and country produce, so buy the best always. Our stock is com plete and up-to-date in every respect. Phone us your orders. Watts Grocery Co. .813 East Seventh St. Phone 4431. Fite's pecials . .45c $1.00 ..38c . .38c ..36c . .35c . .45c i7y2c 12 Vic and Two coops spring chickens, lb Fresh country eggs, 3 dozen No. 1 Irish potatoes, peck Kingan's Reliable hams, lb Dold's hams, lb Breakfast bacon in strips, lb. .. Kingan's sliced bacon, lb Nice ribrneat, lb White boiling meat, lb We carry a full line of flour feed stuff. Craig Fite THE CUT PRICE CASH GROCER RED FRONT 39 SOUTH COLLEGE 1875 PHONES 1876 We Deliver All Over the City. This advertisement Is appearing simultaneously In the New York Times, Chicago Dailv News, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Detroit News and 164 Southern Newspapers, in an endeavor to Sell the South to the Nation, in order that the Nation miaht Sell to the South. . Topics Of The Day Our best Shirts at $3.95 each Three days only Thursday the first day. Former price: most of 'em, $5, $6, $7. A few of 'em, $10, $12, and $13. r None under $5. -a chance to buy your GOOD Shirts. H. C. Long Company 33 East Trade St. Phones 18061807. 225 Eat Trade. 1 CpA buys a brand I new Corooa -'portable type writer. Other makes at attractive 'prices. See us before you buy. PHONTr 4543 POUND & MOORE CO. 0 ceanic Motel " Wrightsviile Beach, N. C. . VINING & RUSSELL, Props. Music and dancing during the bathing hour will be a new feature at the OCEANIC. FRITZ HANSON life guard. Rates reduced. Write or wire for reservations.

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