THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. i C., FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 24, 1921. 14 TAFFETA, ORGANDY AND HORSEHAIR MAKE NEW SUMMER HATS The Kid MMiuiir'i i in in in iwiiifi-r fljiimnifimr nrni r i-rrtiinmiTHir am m mm mini n ,f- m "Anxious"t In case of your death your husband will inherit one-third of your estate and the children two ' thirds. Go to a lawyer . or a notary "public and have him help you make v a will so that your children will inherit everything. .The charge for making i the will will be small. Do not delay in this matter. , r Dear Mrs. Thompson: I am a girl , nineteen years of age. I am very un happy. I have been keeping company i'with a young man for the last eight 'months. I do not love him, but he floves me so much that I can't quit !him. My folks say if I quit him I will . have to leave home. i This young man is good-looking, dresses well, has a big car of his jown, but still I do not love him. He is good to me at all times. Do you think if I married him this fall that I could learn to love him in after years? I am not engaged, but he always speaks about getting me a ring. I am in love with one of my old schoolmates, whom my friend is jeal ous of. I have been going with my schoolmate now and then and he says if he sees me with him or if I go with him again he will whip him. I do not want him to hurt my sweet- : heart for the world. My little ' school- - mate seems to be in love with him. 1 How can I quit this young man without hurting his feelings? I tell , him I don't love him. ' I have been out west several times. Do you think it would be all right to ; go out there for awhile to get away '.from him? He has been working for father and also for a married - sister of mine. They think I have to-marry ihim just because he did so much for j them. - He is a good man but I don't tlike the rest of the family at all., I know if I marry him I will be miser able for life. - . HEART-BROKEN. Do not marry the man you do not love. Go west if you can, or anywhere else to get away, but do not consider a loveless marriage. Your family is entirely wrong in trying . to persuade you' in this matter. You will have to live with the man and therefore your happiness should be considered above everything else. The man will not whip your class mate nine chances out of ten. If he does, let your classmate fight his own battle. i It is ; very considerate of you not to want to hurt the man's feelings. I think, however, the kindest way will be for you to let him know definitely that you do not care for him and you never can. Do not marry, hoping that love will come after marriage; Dear. Mrs. Thompson: I am a girl of sixteen and am in love with a man of thirty -five. I go with him real often.'' The. other night he asked me to marry him. As I have no folks I would like to live in a real home instead of working out. Should I? HOMELESS. I am afraid there is too great -a dif ferenpe in your ages for you to. be happy together. I would suggest that you wait at least six months before you give your answer. At the end of that time you will know better wheth er or not you will be happy together. Lovers who are afraid to wait have reason to doubt the sincerity of their love. A deep, true love stands the test of time. I would not advise you to marry for two years or more but for the fact that you say you have no home life now. "E. D. E.": I have not the address you want. Besides, it is contrary to the policy of this column to exchange addresses. -. - lj ALABAMA-GEORGIA SYRUP CO. J " Open your mouth, And close your eyes ril give you something To make you wise,' SYRUP is a rich, delicious cane syrup, with jusl enough corn syrup added to give it consistensy. BURT'S SHOE& BURT'S SHOES I For io pecia orrow -Saturday Ladies Black 16 East Trade Street Famous For Its Values in Good Shoes Men who understand all of the tricks -and whims of magnetos are the kind of men who will be intrusted with this delicate kind of work in our shop. Avail yourself of their expert services at low cost. AT YOUR SERVICE. ' Queen City Storage Battery Company Storage Battery, Generator - and ; Starter Specialists. 21 VV. First St. Phone 3980 Variety In fabric and style mark the newest summer hats. Here are three which will please. At the left is an opal blue taffeta: with an opal blue taffeta with an abrupt off -the-f ace roll. A picot edged frill of the taffeta finishes the frill and s rosette of St adds a piquant trimminsr touch. The hat at the right is lavender organdy. It is the type of hat for the garden party, a large drooping brimmed sailor shape. It is ornamented by huge grape clusters of self fabric For late and leisurely summer dining there is a hat of black horsehair pictured in tie center. It is- trimmed with uncurled ostrich and may be worn with any color and any style gown. SEVEN DAYS REMAIN FOR PROPERTY LISTING Seven days remain in which prop erty owners of Charlotte and Meck lenburg county may make return of their property and list their poll for taxaton. A considerable per cent of those liajjje for both property returns and poll tax have not appeared at the court house et and made . their accounts with the list takers. Those who have not done so by July 1 will not only be liable for the tax that is to be collected on all property and polls, but also be liabe for a penaty for not meeting the require ments of the aw. May was set apart for the making of tax returns and Juno was added later in order that all those liable for tax could have ample time in which to make returns. County Auditor Floyd Gresham states that there are still a considerable num ber of people who have not ' made their returns and that they are in a fair way to be taxed with the penalty for non-compliance with the law. Two men are on duty now at the court house to take the returns. A. D. Neal for the city arid J. C. Purcell for the county. For much of the time during May and June there were half a dozen men on duty. GERMANY TO RESTORE AMERICAN PROPERTY Berlin, June 24. In ' makiner formal announcement today that all American property nem by the German govern ment would be released immediately, the foreign office said much of such property already had been restored, but that certain credits and securities were still held. This was because G was unable to know whether the United States would adopt the same svsstpm nf accounting as that provided for in the Versailles treaty, the announcement declared. Consequently. It added. G p.rmanv in returning American property, was run ning the ris kof haviner tn mt rtm,hia payments, but nevertheless the govern ment naa aeciaea to turn over all Am erican property immediately to save the owners further trouble, facility tA n sumption of German-American trad and establish the inviolabilitv of nrivnto property. SETTLEMENT OF BIG (Continued Fj-om Page One.) 1 SHERIFF CALLS FOR COUNTY LICENSE FEE same is true of other sections of the country which depend for their exis tence on the sale annually of an export able surplus. :' To the dispassionate observer who has no particular relationship to the banker of either the east or the middle west it is apparent that the extreme posi tion adopted on the one hand by Mr. Reynolds, who leans more or less to ward the idea of forgetting about ex ports altogether, and the attitude of the eastern bankers who feel that Europe lies the cure to American business stagnation the president of the United States is steering a middle cburse. The contact which he had with the two theo ries necessarily makes him naturally conservative. The first conference with the eastern bankers disposed of the for eign trade problem by getting an agree ment with the bankers to consult with the government as to the purpose of all foreign loans before offering them to the public. That enables the government to prevent the kind of abuses which Mr. Reynolds talked about, namely de pleting American capital resources for the benefit of European development. The second conference with the bankers will result in steps - toward the adjust ment of war claims made by the rail roads and other interests who could use the money owed them to good ad vantage in helping the country back to an' economic normal. MILL WORKERS ARE STILL USING HOUSES The occupants of eieht property of the Mecklenburg Mill at North Charlotte who had agreed to vacate the houses by Thursday, June 23, at 10 o'clock thpriiv Viaitir.. v, suit of eiectment. hrnn - - "o11' , ihuu by the mill owners some days ago, had nut uarnea out tne bargain, it was learned Friday. By the terms of th suit was to stop and to be dropped if the tenants vacated the houses at . the time specified. Their failure to' get out by the specified date automatically put ro hououus ji ejectment in effect and "Jjfas said they would be executed. The SUitS Of ftiep.tment K,,xi by the mill company shortly afte the tenants walked out on strike a few weeks ago. There were several hearings on the matter before Magistrate W. S Huggins, Magistrate " George M. Phifer and Magistrate F. B. Alexander. HELD ON CHARGE OF SWINDLING WOUNDED Chicap-n. .Timo ... fa Vine anil .o oV, . . 6uenimem com pensation checks belonging to wound ed soldiers T TZ fr, nil . , . vaiuii, uraeny in a ""--". nere, . is neld to day . under two' $1,500 bonds following his arrest, vestoniaw i , . to have confessed tn a .. agent. wervice COAL MINERS PROTEST. v Tiiwm n A . ' . . . . , u untj irrOLesr.K wr d v T , i"- x euer4U oraer prohib S5S?SAevU? demonstrations and the flying of the Communist flag from pub lic buildings were voiced by a commit tee representing the coal miners of the Stae of Coahuila, which called upon Secretary tf the Interior Calles yester- BATTLESHIPS VISIT NORVVAY, Christiania. TXnrwn-o- Ti. American battleships Kansas, Michi- gan, Connecticut, south Carolina ad Minnesota arrived here today on a visit of two weeks. The coming the visiting squadron, empha- "cu "o sLrung nes oi inenaship and sympathy existine between andjthe United States. - , ' THAT AIR SERVICE 99 is not merely a slogan. Here is a part of what it means to you: . We clean, polish .: and paint yom rims, ' which :, prevents rust and saves . both the tire and rim. Tubes left ; with -us.'are - re-, paired ' by men -who know and are thoroughly tested ' be fore returning . to you. The - greatest - care is used ; in mounting rims.. We do not . beat them up. , Lugs are care fully tightened and worn or broken ones replaced. The proper amount of air is put ; in your tires no guess ing. -' Shaw's service is prompt, -' in telligent, courteous and effi- cient. . Let ; us tell you about our insurance plan on Kelly Springfleld tires, " ; Shaw Vulcanizing Company VICTOR SHAW 225 N. Colleger -Phone 3593 All license or privilege taxes due the county must be paid on or before July 1, according to Sheriff W. O. Cochran, or the person or firm that owes the tax will be liable to a penalty for non payment of the tax as well as for the tax itself. There are still quite a number of persons and firms of the count liable for privilege tax who have not paid up, Sheriff Cochran says, and only a few more days remain before the time limit is up. He has instructions from Ra leigh not to collect any tax after July 1 without also collecting the penalty. Some of those liable for privilege or license to the ' county are owners of automobiles, merry-go-rounds, wheels of fortune and other such devices of amusement, those who hold concessions for selling tobaccos, operating refresh ment 'booths and the owners or lessors of hotels.. YALE FRESHMEN WIN BY FIVE LENGTHS Regatta Course, New London, Cann., June 24. The Harvard and Yale fresh man eight oared race resulted in a vic tory for Tale by five - lengths. IRISH ATTACK LORRY Dublin, June 24. A. military lorry attacked this afternoon at the junction of North Frederick and Dorset streets, bombs being thrown at ' the lorry, two of which landed .in it. v The casualties to the military have not been reported, but five civilians were wounded in heavy rifle firing which followed the attack. U-BOAT FAMILY REACHES C. Z. Christobal, C. Z., June 24. The ten der Beaver and six United States sub marines arrived .here from United States ports yesterday. . HARDING SEES BANKERS Washington, June 24. The attitude of Middlewestern bankers and financiers toward the present business situation was detailed to President Harding Thurs day at the second of his conferences of "best : financial mind". Ali kinds of children's Shoes from the small "baby" to Misses Our Children's Stock is full of the ones the : "kiddies" want for these hot days. Bring 'em in r get ''em shod. son s Phone 23. ihomp MENU HINT. Breakfast. Oatmeal. Top Milk. Coffee. Bacon. Steamed Eggs. Halved Oranges. Dinner. Rump Roast of Beef with Vegetables. Pineapple Salad with "Wafers. Bread. Butter. Supper. Baked Beans. Tomatoes with Bread Croutons.' Celery. Strawberries. Little Cakes. CANDY RECIPES. Nut Balls One cup raisins, one cup dates, one cup pecans. Run ihrough fine meat-chopper, moisten with orange juice until it will roll in balls; dip in powdered sugar and serve as a confection. Lemon Gum Drops Three and one half tablespoons gelatin, three-quarters 1 cup cold water, one-quarter cup granulated sugar, two teaspoons hot water, four tablespoons corn syrup, two tablespoons lemon juice or less. Soak the gelatin in the cold water until water is absorbed. Mix ' sugar, hot water and corn syrup in a: sauce pan and boil gently without stirring to the soft-ball stage. Remove . from fire and add- the gelatin. Return to the fire arid stir . a minute over the fii-3. Add lemon juice (strained) and put in a cool place for five or six minutes. Pour into cornstarch molds made by the impression of a rounded knife han dle or a thimble. When firm, put into sieve and shake off cornstarch. Use a brush if necessary.. Hold sieve over steam for a second to crystallize the drops and then roll in granulated sugar. SUGGESTIONS. Guest Book If everv vouir h wife will provide herself with" a la book for her desk and ask visitors n i truest their names down in her to writ. it will make very interesting rearli: in the years to come. n Bad Odors-By placing a piece of charcoal on a plate inside w on the bottom of the refrigerator will remove all bad odors which n--t remain, no matter how careful or tv'J' ticular one may be about cleanin- n? the refrigerator. The charcoal irTsiZ a sweet and fresh smelling interim Bed Comforters An easy way -make bed comforters is to pin all fn corners of the lining to the cam Then lay on the batting and streto, the top on. Baste or pin all round t keep in place. Begin tacking and roll ing as you tack, and you will have t done before you can place it in thV frame. Or lay the material on the "m and tack about half the batting at a time. GENERAL MENDEZ CAPTURED. Mexico City, June 24. General Si dronio Mendez, who for some time h been reported to be in revolt again the present Mexican government, was captured yesterday at La Palma, sta 9 of San Luis Potosi, says a statemi" issued '.today. It is probable he will be executed. Shave With Cuiicura Soap The New; Way Without' Mug' ' An attractive booklet, "The House Across the Way," illustrates the valueof paint harmony in the home. Ask us for free copy and color charts. DISTINCTIVE INTERIORS are easily attained through the artistic effect of the painted wall. . CH FLAT WALL PAINTS produce a velvet-like finish which gives a room an atmosphere of quiet refinement. CODiEOGE V lOTitAM Paints tndXJ Varnishes There's a CH PAINT AND VARNISH for ', every purpose. Ask for it by name. See your local dealer or write F. J. COOLEDGE SC SONS East Eighth Street and Railroad ATLANTA CHARLOTTE "SAVANNAH Oldest manufacturers of pure paints, PJione 3721. stains and varnishes in the South. '' -..est dealers in plate, window .4 building glass in the South. Easy la Take-Qafek la ReBcrt CATARRH ? of the: BLADDER Safc Sacomhl ' EachCaosule Mind bears narae aX""! Beware ofewmterfitits . . . ; .fflnaffla Adding House A Room To The :With Furniture Building costs are high-Rents are high. Larger; quarters are not available. No place f or visiting friends or relatives to sleep, no place for the youngster who has outgrown his crib. ....... A difficult situation? Not at all. sun parlor16 a place in a da5r with a Kroehler Bed : Davenport in living room or SfKP of.,roomUn the saving of rent; in the .saving of fuel a davenport or -JS l!eautiful-and stylish. From a wt toa chlId ca? ?hange them to a comfortable bed in the twinkling of an eye. ...We have a complete assortment in a wide range of prices TERMS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE The Banner 305 EAST TRADE. Furniture Gbmpany OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. a

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