' - ' THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE;' N C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 24, 1921. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Weather Barea. CHARLES F. MARVIN. Daily weather E5CPL.ANATORY NOTES.' Olaemtlons takea at 8 a. m.. ntb aerldlaa tike. Kit pressure reduced to sea level. Isobars (continuous 11dm) mm tferowta noista of equal a.r pressure. Isotherms (dotted lines) pas. through points of e,ual temperature. Q lear; Q "arSy cldy; 0 f Jn run: VT' njiTumotwiia. s&aded areas show precipitation cfO.ollncn or more In past 24 hours. 1 Chief. II mi Oaily weather MA AIR MANEUVERS ARE NOT TO BE PUT OFF DEAD MAN CAN'T BE PLACED YET Many Call to View Body, and Some Say "I've Seen Him Somewhere." . " Mystery is beginning- to deepen con cerning the identity of the dead man n-ho lies in the undertaking establish nt vi Z. A. Hovis & Company cn North Try on street. The body is that "rf a white man found on the Southern Hailroad tracks about a half a mile be- -nid North Charlotte a week or so ago. Indications point to the fact that th r an was killed by a passing train. Ee rie him "ms found the dead body of a negro, killed in the samem anner, the ,tu."i eins" identified by papers on iv.s I' -cn as being from Spartanburg. S. ' Nothing- was discovered in his pocli ets. He was dressed in unkempt garments. His physique was splendid, being well jroportinned throughout. His hair w:is :i;ht auburn. He appeared to be about ;6 years old. His hands were stained with the juice of blackberries, indica :irg that he knew what it was to bi hungry. But one wound was evident cr his body, the top of his head beias: crushed in. It is believed that he and the negro fell asleep on the track.- while waiting fora chance to hobo and that a yHssir.g train struck them. "very day people walk into the Hov:s srdertaking establishment and ask te the body. "I ha-e sif t-t man somewhere." r.any exclaim. "I can almost place b,:: not quite." Every day it is ius.t th s-me. All ajree that the man has a familiar fa-e. ; feel 'hat thn- r-in almost. plae him "but not quite." Several days ago a man, who said that he was from Danville. Va., came ir. and expressed the belief that tht rr-zy might be that of a close relative, "ho had been missing for some tinvi. r.'t when shown the body, he saidr - "No. he is not my cousin. But I have ?n him somewhere before. I can a! rr.t place him but not quite." Henry Thomas .of the United States secret service department in Charlotte, t ck a lof'k at the body an ddeclared ;'nat he. too. had seen thejnan some vh"r before, bet could not place him. The mystery remains unsolped.- Mr. Knvis is determined to hold the body ffr some time yet in an effort to find out who the man is. 'Something will turn up," he said. "Either somebody will finally place bin. or some clue to his identity will te found." NICKY ARNSTEIN IS SENT UP FOR 2 YEARS "Washington, June . 24. Jules W. (Nicky) Arnstein and four others were sentenced today to two years in the .Federal penitentiary by Justice Sid dons, in the District of Columbia Su preme Court. They were convicted re cently ty a jury of a conspiracy to bring stolen securities into the District of Columbia from New York in Octo ber, 1919. Those sentenced with Arnstein wero Isadore (Nick) Cohn, of New York, and David W. Sullivan, Norman S. Bowls and "Wilen W. Easterday, brokers, of Washington. Arnstein and Cohn also were fined $10,000 each and Bowles was fined $500. REFINED SUGAR TOWER. New York. June 24. Refined susar today, broke into new low ground when several large rfcfiners cut refined gran ulated to 5.40 a pound. Newport . News, Va., June 24. Air maneuvers at Langley Field will not be abandoned or postponed longer as a result of the tragic death of Captain Douglas and Lieutenant Plumb, kill ed while bombing the old San Marcus. Announcement to ttiis effect was made toda from brigade headquarters. Brigadier General Mitchell, chief of the air service, will conduct a general inspection at the flying station tomor row and the airmen will resume prac tice flights and tests for the bombing experiments to be conducted early in July. Airmen today are tuning up their machines in order to make a good show ing tomorrow. GROCERIES LISTEN! No use to worry this hot weather. Call 101. Ready mode fish cakes - in cans entirely new Finnon Haddie in jars. Smoked herrings in jars- Japanese crab meat. Lobster, shrimp, boned chicken, all sizes, tongue in glass, creamed chicken, lobsters Newburg, spaghetti au gratln and doztens of other ready to serve also he&d lettuce. ce!tiy home-raised tomatoes, okra, bell peppers, carrots, squash, etc. 6. R. LENTZ. 215 N. Tryon St. Phone 101 A 103 W. M. Sigmon. Manager. ENGAGEMENT OF BOSTON GIRL TO DUKE ANNOUNCED 1r.Jm ;S WEATHER CONDITIONS. it '- C June 24, 1921. The Gulf disturbance is central this morning over northwestern Arkansas, attended by heavy rains of one to three inches in northwestern Arkan sas, eastern portions of Oklahoma and Kansas, and western Missouri. There have also been light to mod erate showers in northeastern Texas and th eremaining western half of the cotton belt, and scattered showers fn eastern districts of the belt, with 1.50 in. locally in western Georgia. Else where throughout the country little rain has fallen, except for light -showers in Montana and North Dakota and a few other places. Temperatures in the cotton belt h:iVe been somewhat aoove norma! in eastern districts and seasonably -lscwhert , ex cept for rather cool weather mi the northern districts temperatur ;s range generally from normal to 13 degrees above normal in the northeast, 3 to 12 above normal in the middlewest (except Kansas City where it is 6 below nor ma.'), and from 2 to 9 above nor mal in the northwest. Partly cloudy and somewhat unset tled weather will continue, in this vicin ity tonight and Saturday, with possi bly local thundershowers. There are indications of somewhat cooler weather on Saturday. THE WEATHER WeatKer liureau Office. Charlotte, June 24, 1921. Sunrise 5:10 Sunset '. . 7-41 Moonrise 10.22 p.m. Moonset 9-01 a.m. Moon Phase Last quarter on the 28th. "Keep Step" WHAT YOU GET OUT OF LIFE DE PENDS UPON. HOW YOU PLACE YOUR STEPS. EVERY REE MAKES THE SAME KIND OF HONEYCOMH HIS PARENTS MADE, BUT THERE ARE DIFFERENT BEES. 2016 PHONES 1768 Morning Glory hams satisfy. White House, Maxwell House, Caraja coffees. Melrose, Elizabeth and Sunflower seif- rising flour. The housekeeper's' favorites. Makes cooking easy. 5 and 10 lb. pails Kingan's pure lard 90c $1.75 4 and 8 lb. pails best compound lard 50c $1.00 100 tb. sack best chicken feed $2.83 Heavy syrup California peaches 2ac, 30c, 3ac, 40c Swans Down cake flour self-rising 35c Pillsbury pancake flour 22c Prepared delicious cod fish flakes 20c L,arge and small cans evaporated milk 6c 12c 3 rbs. best rice 23c Gem Nut butter, none betetr, lb. 30c 7 bars 5c laundry soap for 21c Fresh vegetables. Place your orders early. Prompt delivery. ECONOMIZE by using fresh home-grown vegetables. We get big varieties every morning and the prices are very reasonable, tender snap beans, country gentleman corn, luscious red tomatoes, white and yellow squash, parsley, rhubarb, Boston head lettuce, tender celery, white head cabbage, bell peppers, cu cumbers, egg plant, beets, carrots, pine apples, cantaloupes, Georgia Watermel ons, grapefruit, limes, oranges, apples, ttC" MILLER-VAN NESS CO. . Femdell Distributors for Charlotte. Look Look ROBERTSON'S CERTIFIED NATIVE MEATS AT REDUCED PRICES Round steak, lb. T-bone steak, lb. Sirloin ateak, tb. Chuck steak, !b. Roast, lb. ..... Stew, lb. . .,. . . . ; 2 lbs. fof Veal, lb Chop, lb Veal roast, lb. .. Veal stew, lb . . . 830 S3c 33c . . . . 25c e 80c 13c 23c S5g 80c 25c 80c John Allen Taylor GROCERY 2016 Phones 1768 Comer Church and Fourth Streets. GROCERY. It will pay you to buy your gro ceries, fresh country vegetables, fruits, chickens, fresh country eggs roe her ring and Norway mackerel here where you get lowest price and best service. Try MoOreeville creamery butter. BOYD GARNER CO. 819 N. Trvnn Phv Wholesale. Retail. A big reduction in Walter Baker's cocoa and chocolate. -lb. size cocoa 24c; lb. size...... 48c -lb. size chocolate 22c; lb. size.... 44c Large size Pet milk, can 12c Dozen cans $1.40 Small size Pet milk, can 6c Dozen cans 70c Best head rice, 3 lbs. for 25c Don't forget to call us when you want coffee, teas, rice, grits, etc. Prompt delivery. C. D. KETXNf CO. Teas, Toffees, Sugars, Grits, Rice, Etc. S3 S. Tryon St. Phone 1551-1552 . 10c Wilson's Certified boiled ham ....65c Wilson's certified cured ham 50c- Wilson's-bologna ham ;. . . .. 30c Swift's boxed bacon, -Ib. 30c Swift's minced ham .... . . . . . . 30c Vienna sausage .... 25c Hamburger Steak .... .... ...... 30c Liver ' 25c GIVE ME AN ORDER AND BE CON VINCED ONE TIME THAT YOU SAVE MONEY. Loyd E. Robertson Phone 2974. 801 N. Brevard" St Delivered Anywhere in the City. 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar 75c. Monarchv brand cocoa, lb. ".. 33c Fresh ground coffee, lb. 20c, 25c, 35c Herring roe, can . . . . . . . 20c 35c Shrimp can ....... 25c Lobster, can .. .. .. .. Sac Tuna fish, can 30c 40c Gorton's ready-to-fry cod fish cakes 20e 1-lb. can red Alaska salmon .. 35c HTb. can red Alaska, salmon .. . . 20c 24 lbs. Melrose flour 31.50 24 lbs. Silver Leaf flour .. . . $1.30 4 lb 8. head rice .. ..... . . . . . 25c 3 lbs. fancy head rice . . . . .. .. 23c GULP BROS. Phones 18061807 223 East Trade. Special WRECK VICTIM DIES. Madrid. June 24. MrsV Hannah Kumenthal, of New York, whose hus !arl, Alfred Isaac Blumenthal, and n were killed in the wreck of the 'a'.rick express train near Villaverdw rn June 11. died at 3 o'clock this corning as a result of the injuries she "ceivecl in the wreck. WAS ENTIRELY SATISFACTORY. London. June 24. (By the Associate! rf)Thf. Riant British-built airship which has been bought by th Inited States and will be flown to America by an American crew, took th-; air for the first time last night and rca'le an entirely satisfactory flight, it "as announced by the air ministry to- ?:t:w::;.:.Ax;:.;.v U iii: ikfcM.v.viww Miss Gladys Deacon. Miss Gladys Deacon, noted Bcs- ton beauty, has been reported en gaged several times to British notables. All these rumors proved groundless. But now the London Times is authority for the state ment that Miss Deacon is really truly engaged to the Duke of Marl-borouph. TEMPERATURE. Dry Bulb. 8 a. m. 10a. m. Noon . . 8 a. m. Noon . Wet Bulb, 81 90 95 74 76 High yesterday Lowest last night Mean yesterday Normal Mean same date last year Excess for month Excess for year 93 73 82 77 71 40 405 Highest of record for June, 102 in 1914 Lowest of-record for June, 45 in 1889. PRECIPITATION. Total for 24 hours ending 8 a. m. . 0.04 Total for month to 8 a. m 0.81 Normal for June 4.46 Deficiency for year 5.10 HUMIDITY. 8 a. m. rlToon . 73 41 G. S. LINDGREN, Miteorologlsr, BAN CONSPICUOUS SUITS. Newport News, Va., June 24.De!e gates to the annual Virginia Baptist en campment to be held at Virginia Beacn in July have been asked not to wear conspicuous suits and must pledge themselves not to go bathing on Sun day. This is understood to be the first gun in a movement for more con servative bathing costumes on Vir ginia beaches. SATURDAY YOU WILL FIND US OFFERING THE BIGEST VALUES TO BE HAD IN THE CITY. 10 lbs. fine granulated sugar 69c 100 lbs. fine granulated sugar ....$6.50 3 coops fat friers 45c 3 dozr fresh country eggs ....1.00 Fresh creamery butter .... 45c New Irisdi potatoes, peck 35c Our best chicken feed, peck ....45c 100 lb. bags our best chicken feed $2.75 Laying mash, peck 45c 7 rolls 10c toilet paper 50c 7 bars 10c Octagon soap or powders 50c 7 packages 10c Argo starch 50c 2 lbs. full cream cheese 5')c 2 cans 25c pimento peppers ;0c 2 lbs. Caraja coffee 50c Pint Wesson oil 28c Quart Wesson Oil 55c No. 5 Snowdrift lard . . 60c No. 10 Snowdrift lard .... .... $1.13 S cans Libby's sliced pineapple ..$1.00 4 cans 40c syrup peaches $1.00 8 large cans Carnation milk ....$1.00 24 lbs. Elizabeth flour--.... $1.30 48 lbs. Elizabeth flour $2.55 24 lbs. fmnflower self-rising .... $1.35 48 lbs. Sunflower self-rising .... $2.65 1-lb. Rumford baking powder .... 28c 25 Davis baking powder 20c Home grown tomatoes, string beans, cucumbers, squash, bets, corn, can taloupes, cooking apples and peaches. Many other good things to eat for less than you are paying. We deliver anywhere in the City. Why pay more? Specials For Saturday 14 lbs. sugar .... $1.00 15 lbs. best rice 11.00 100 lbs Elizabeth flour $5.00 24 lbs. Melrose flour $1.55 10 Jbs. Snowdrift lard ..... $L15 5 lbs. Snowdrift lard" 60c 10 cans Campbell's pork and beans SI, 00 10 cans salmons $1.00 12 boxes macaroni JM)e 3 dozen country eg-s $1.00 Spring chickens, lb 45c We carry a complete line of country vegetables and fruit. Phone us for your Sunday dinner. O EH O O G! Cash and Carry Specials THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR GRO CERIES IS AT THE CASH AND CARRY STORE. 100 lbs. best grade granulated sugar . . - $7.20 25 lbs. best grade granulated sugar $2.00 5 lbs. extra good Rio coffee .. .. $1.0w S lbs. Swift's Jewel lard .. .. .. $1.10 4 lbs. Swift Jewel lard ,. .. 60c 5 lbs. Snowdrift lard $1.15 4 lbs. Snowdrift lard .. 60c 98 lb. sack Maple Leaf patent flour $1.75 48 lb. sack Maple Leaf patent flour . . .... $2.40 24 , lbs. sack Maple. Leaf patent flour ..v $1.30 98 lb. sack self -rising flour . . $4.90 48 rb- sack self-rising flour . $2.45 Fresh country eggs, 3 dozen for $1.00 Fresh country butter,( lb 40c WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY; R. KIDD DILWORTH CASH GROCERY 1420 S. Boulevard. Phone 2883 SEED IRISH POTATOES. Peach Blow, $2.25 per bu.; Lookout Mountain, $2.25 per bu.; Green Moun tain, $2.25 per bu. Seed potatoes are scarce. Don't wait like they did last year, and not find them whon ready . to plant. The pricts will advance ntar planting time. Full stock of Purina and Star Brand poultry, mule and dairy- feed. Sudan and Cane Seed at the7same old price. AMERICAN SEED CO Rll East Trade "t. Phone 3061. Sale Comino Syrups . Satur day by Factory Repre- , sentative. 10 lbs. very best Sugar 69c 100 lbs... .. .... ..$6.50 Tall cans Evaporated Milk 4 for . . . . .50c " lbs. real fresh Wilmington Grits.. .. ..25c 3 1-2 lbs. Head Rice.. ..25c Delmonte and Libbies 45c Pineapple. . .... . .30c 45c Desert Peaches 30c can dozen.. $3.25 Special prices on Flours and Lards. Kingan's 55c fresh Bacon.' Big shipment sweet Cante loupes. Remember We Sell for Less and Deliver. Let Us Save You Money on Your Groceries. Sliced ...43c B. Estridge 38 N. College. Q EZ3 cael um L-,)fM iml yi I. J ill u ,IIJ, I ii 1 jlt"Ujy '" -j.ini mi iim iin- T- -m - f-rr"' "i FOR INSTANCE: Tomat AND Strang iSc Per Pound e&ns, i?c Pep Also We Now Have on Sale oun Oranges Okra Beets Head Lettuce Squash Beans' Pepper Cucumbers Tomatoes Canteloupes Onions Egg Plant Peaches Apples Blackberries NOW IN Permanent Quarters Coulbotirn's Market Cars East Sixth St., at Seaboard Tracks WE KEEP A REGULAR SUPPLY NOW coulbourn's market cars All Vegetables Are Here to Stay. it Is Most Economical" Corner Eleventh and Graham Streets. Phono 4090. J, R. Faulkner Co. 15 Pounds Sugar ...$1.00 Pound Breakfast Cocoa 35c 6 Pounds nice Coffee $1.00 2 coops nice Spring Chickens 45c lb. Fresh Country Eggs, Sliced Bacon and Hams. 1 Nice rib mea.t lb. VlMc White Boiling Meat 12 l-2c Pound 8 pounds Compound Lard $1.00 4 pounds Compound Lard 50c Everything in staple and heavy Gro ceries at close prices, also free de livery. The Broom Money will buy Billy BBurk at $1.23 Red Front 45 N. College Phone 695 We Deliver All Oxer the City. K H. O. Fowler SPECLVL PRICES FOR CASH. Choice veal chops, lb 20c i reshveal stew, lb . . . . . 10c Choice veal roast, off toh leg, lb. 25c Best cuts of lound steak, lb . . : . 30c Choice tenderloin and -sirloin steak. Hi ; 35c 3 lbs. for $1.00 Fancy rib rump or, round roast, lb. 25c Choice pot roast, lb 20c Best cuts of stew meat, lb 15c Small lean pork chops, lb. .. 30c Pork roast, lb 28c Pork rib, lb. 25c Pure pork sausage, lb 30c Choice cuts Kingan hams, lb 45c Boiled ham sliced, v-lb. . 60c Kingan's sliced ifreakfast bacon, lb. 50c Just received two barrels of iish goin? at lb. 15c We deuVer any part of city. Every thing guaranteed at H. O. Fowler's SANITARY QUALITY AND SERVICE The best is always the cheapest at any price. We pride ourselves on handling the best quality of groceries, fruits and country produce, so buy the best always. Our stock is com plete and up-to-date in every respect. Phone us your orders. r . Watts Grocery Co. 813 East Seventh St. Phone 4431. i ite s pecials 15 pounds sugar .... fl'0 25 pounds pearl grits 'aS 15 Pounds Head Rice $1.00 ( Pounds 20c Coffee :'?n 5 pounds 25c coffee "$1.00 4 Pounds SOc Coffee $1.00 3 1-2 Pounds 35c Coffee $1-00 3 Pounds 40c Coffee $1.00 1 pound breakfast cocoa .... .... 35c 3 Pounds Fresh Country Eggs ........ 35c do 3 Dozen lots $1-00 Kingan's sliced bacon ....45c Pound In Strips 35c Pound Kingham's Reliable Hams 36c Pound Nice Rib Meat 17c Pound Nice White Boiling Meat 12 l-2cPound 8 pounds compard lard. $1.00 4 pounds compound lard ....50c 2 Coops nice spring Chickens 45c Pound No 1 Irish Potatoes 40c Peck 1 Pound tall Pink Salmons 13 l-2c Pound Delmonte Syrup Peaches .... zoc Dozen lots $2.65 We expect to have a fresh ship ment of Melrose Flour Saturday. 24 poynds selfrising flour $1.35 48 Pounds Selfrising Flour ....$2.65 98 Pounds Selfrising Flour $5.25 The best Hog Feed $1.65 We carry a full line of groceries at close cash prices. . Craig Fite THE CUT PRICE CASH GROCER RED FRONT 39 SOUTH COLLEGE 1875 PHONES 1876 We Deliver All Over the City. Kingan SlicI Boiled Ham, lb. . . Swans Down Instant Cake Flour Swans .Down Plain Cake Flour ..... Pillsbury Pancake Flour . . Pillsbury Health Bran Ivory Soap ......... Tomatoes, No. 2 can .... f- South Tryon 54c 30c v . 38c ..lie . 8c. ..9c Gorton (Ready to Fry) Cod fish .... .... 17c Kingan's Sliced Bacon, lb. .. 39c Wesson oil, pints .26c Wesson oil, quarts .49c Dim' Erand milk 14c Red Lable' Karo No. 1 14c Blue Label Karo No. l..13c Blue Label Karo Nc. 5 .39c All Regular Prices. 309 East Trade Street. 630 S. Mint St. Phone 3612 A.v.". !.-)K.-."aUb:i( I ni'li. A drama of Women of the World "LYING LIPS?' BROADWAY Mon., Tues., -Wed., Thurs. S?E? A buys a brand I new Corona v portable type writer. Other make at attractive prices. Sea ub before you buy. PHONSr 4342 POUND & MOORE CO. See The Specials For Saturday At The Stonewall Meat Market 8-lb. Buckets Lard. , 4-lb. Buckets Lard. . 2-lb. Buckets Lard.. 1 lb. Breakfast Bacon. . .. . .$1.00 .......54c ...... .29c ......45c Creamery Butter. . ... . v ... . .... ... .40c Veal Chops.: ., ......25c, 2 lbs. for 45c Sirloin Steak.. .... .... ....... ;.35f Nice. fresh cleaned Trout. We have a complete stock of fresh meats of : highest quality from which to choose' for your Sun day dinner. - '. - : We D eliver 519 W. Trade St. Phone 3540 Economy Grocery 37 W. 4th. Phone 4380

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