THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 25, 1921. - - 1 " " V "v ! SOCIETY NEWS MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL. Social Ettec, Poi JTJ Williamson Hartis. A marriage of interest to a wide cir cle of friends took place at the home or Mr and Mrs. S. O. Robinson. 400 East Ninth street, Thursday night when Miss Alice Hartis, niece of Mr. Robin son, became the bride of Robert Williamson, of. this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. IV R Shelton, pastor of Brevard Street' Methodist church, in the pres ence of a large company of f riends or the bride and groom. Immediately fol the ceremony a reception was - tenderer! in honor or the bride and Notice to All Parent-Teachers. Every member of the Charlotte Fed eration of Parent-Teachers Is requested by the president, Mrs. A. U. Justice, a meet Sunday afternoon at the office of Superintendent Hardin.? in the eity hall to attend In a body the funeral of Mrs. David S. Yates, whose death occurred Friday nisrht. Mrs. Yates was the founder and first president of the Charlotte fed eration of Parent-Teachers, an J always a devoted and energetic worker in the cause. At tne lime 01 ncr uram WIND AND HAIL HITS PROVIDENCE Crops Damaged and Horses and Cattle Are Made Frantic. of cer. groom and the wedding party. Artec i yag presi,lent of the high school asso ward Mr. and Mrs. Williamson left foi , ciatlon of Parent-Teachers, ana a statj Asheville. where tney win " ds.vs .before returning to Charlotte-. They will go to housekeeping soon after their return. Mrs. Williamson is a graduate nurse, having trained at the Charlotte Sana torium Training School for urses. She is a native of Union county, a daughter of Mr. Thomas Hartis, and 19 widely known and popular with a large circle of friends re and elsewhere Mr Williamson is a native of Matthews nut has been in Charlotte for a num ber of years and holds a responsible position with the Charlotte Water Works department. Miss King Entertains. Miss Clara King gave a charming luncheon at the Charlotte Country club Saturdav, in honor of Miss Augusta Cannon's five attractive house guests. Miss Eliza Voore.of Lancaster, S. C, Miss Lewis Murchison of Columbia, S "if:., Miss Margaret McDow of York, S. C. Miss Lusy Wooten of Coving ton, Ga., and Miss Margaret Ladd of Cheraw, S. C. Mis3 Nancy Stockton of Winston-Salem. Who was also a guest of Miss Canjon. was callei home Thursday evening by the illness of ber brother. Other guests besides Miss Cannon and the honorees were Miss Rebecca Snyder, Miss Faith Trice and guest. Miss Elizabeth Hendren of Winston Salem, Mrs. Charles E. King, Miss King's mother. mm oresi ( Finance ForWomenJj The Kid Rv MIS TCATTIKRTNE L: 15EHRY. Personals Mr. B. C. Moore and daughter, Miss Ruth Moore, have returned to their home in Winston-Salem after visiting Mrs. J. W. . Knauflf and Mrs. W. S. Hall, the latter a sister of Mrs. Moore's. William E. Parker has gone to Chi cago and Detroit on business. He will be gone about a wek. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Hutchison and daughters. Mrs. Charles F. DaltJn and Misa Susie Hutchison, who have been spending the past ten days or two weeks at the Battery Park hotel. Ashe ville, will return home Monday. Miss Margaret McGUHvrae left Fri day for Boston and Breokline, Mass In Brookline she will visit her aunt, Mrs Corey. Later she will go to "West New-field, Me., for a visit to other relatives. Mias Elizabeth Hendren returned to her home in Winston-Salem Saturday morning after spending several days with Miss Faith Price at her nome ;n Myers Park. Miss Hendren came to attend the Kappa Alpha dance Thurs day evening. Miss Calvine Scott and Miss Elsie Palmer returned home Thursday night from Lexington, Va., where they at tended the commencement dances at the Virginia Military Institute. A storm approaching tornado pro portions visited a secttion of lower Providence township Friday afternoon, with high wind and a heavy hail. (Jo in considerable damage to growing crops. Information to this effect was brought to the city Saturday by L. H. Robinson, and other citUens of lower Providence. The storm in its fiercest aspect be gan about the J. A. Blakeney planta tion and extended eastward across'the township, taking In the plantations of L. H. Robinson W. T. Robinson. U v. Kimball and others. The hail came down in heavy ..showers, it Is stated, and hands working about three mile, from the homestead on the Blakeney planta tion had quite an experience when they started to the barn riding the mules they had been plowing as the hail beat down on them, the mules refused to go into tne snower and stopped turning round and trying to back away from the shower of pelt. ino- icicles. The plow nanas nao w dismount and hold the animals unoer the limbs of low trees nearby to some' what break the force of the hail and prevent the animals from becoming frantic. . The wind struck the rural store of V. S. Robinsoon and damaged it con siderable. It also struck the garage on the L. H. Robinson plantation and par tially wrecked it. For some minutes the wind blew a heavy gale. The hail did much damage to both rotton. according to Mr. Rob inson, nver a stretch of considerable territory. SIMS CENSORED (Continue From Pate tine.) Bv MISS KATHEKINE L. 15EKKY. The urgent necessity for caution when ta .hould ever be t tS - all -a' V- 1 remembered by women. The average woman with money to invest is too eas . Ilv larl intrt itnu-n'i'. KTSf-ftiiiatiOa much cidi . rAPE 1 more so than tht average man. This A light wrap of soS sort is an av has beep proved tir antf i;m solute necessity to wear with sheor. when various 'get - summer frocks, and one that wouM ! have come to their .ojica end Failure please any little girl takes the form of fake stoc propositions usually mens J ---i--.Tt.l. in tnrt-iv', that hundreds and in some casfs thout- sketch. It is the simplest thing to ands of women have lost their all make, and requires very little ju. Vwn with fun to Invest can Jd tprial ways be absolutely assured or com- terial The girls' cape is cut in sizes 2 to 14 years. Size 8 requires 2 3-8 yaids Since 1868 The Home of Good Shoes i i "I At Brown Kid What's smarter for a la dies' walking oxford? This one has a Cuban Heel, flexi ble welt sole. "in the renrimand above mentioned the duties and responsibilities of offi cers of the navy who speak in public were clearly and fully setforth Your remarks on the occasion now under dis cussion, therefore, constitute a flagrant and deliberate disregard of specific in structions, OFFENSE IS GRAVE. "The department is not unmindful : your record and achievements as an of ficer of the navy, but the conspicuous position you now hold, coupled wUn the fact that you have previously of fended in a similar manner, merely serves to add to the gravity of the pres ent offense. "The department deplores the fact that it is necessary, to rebuke a fia officer in public, but you have madv such action unavoidable. The department expresses its stroi-g- and unqualified disapproval of ypur con duct in havine again delivered a high ly improper speech in a foreign coun try and your are hereby publicly repri' manded. $7.50 Gilmer-Moore Co. Shoes Hosiery Luggage Lingerie PURCELIS Women's Garments of Quality PURCELIS Big Little Vacation Needs Specials for Saturday $1.00 Handkerchiefs, 75c Those regular $1.00 Japanese hand drawn Handkerchiefs will be on sale today at , , 75c Colored Linen Handkerchiefs, assort ed colors and embroidered designs 40-inch material. Price 15 cents. Every woman who wants to dress stylishly and economically should or der at once the summer issue of our Fashion Quarterly, which contains over 300 styles, dressmaking lessons, etc. Price 10 cents. Send 25 cents for a. pattern and Fashion Quar terly. Order patterns from The Pattern Pc nartment, The Charlotte News, Char lotte, N. C. nleift sr.fetv bv consulting with a vepit table investment house or Tt any Derson who is!a friend Of a friend of vours" want to "let you in on th floor." you can ordinarily expect to eventually "land in the basement," Get all the details of the "opportunity" and then seek advice from competent sour ces. You may rest assured that the advice vou receive from the banker or investment house will be for your nest welfare SEEK BANKER'S ADVICE All kinds of children's Shoes from the small "baby" to Misses $11 to $312 Our Children's Stock is full of the ones the "kiddies" want for these hot days. Bring 'em in get 'era shod. Thompson's Phone 23. Abnormal interest return is never 17ATT'Wn "RTfl CTTT T Keeping your principal intact Is far j greater satistaction man any reiurn If you are not a close student of n-ll)evond a reasonable amount you may nance and very few women are you j bft promjged for It. should follow the same course that you j gafeguarjing the funds of its clients would were you ill or in need of legally tne primary ani most important re advice. In those cases you would con- J sponsibiiity of the reputable investment suit a rloctor or a lawyer. Surely it, Women particularly should is just as important tor women io xee avail themseives Cf the facilities for SKI TOURNAMENT IN MIDDLE OF SUMMER Seattle, June 25. Siing in the sum mer? It can't be done, says the sophis ticated Easterner and Southerner. But Pucific Northwesterners know better. They stage a ski tournament every Sum mer and have plenty of good white snow on which to pull off spectacular Blunts that make the crowds "O!" and 'Ah!" as the performers go sailing through the air eighty to niety-five feet. Ski lumpers throughout the North west, Canada and tven the Middle "West are preparing to enter the fifth annual midsummer tournament at Paradise Val ley, 5.557 feet above sealevel, in Rain ier National Park, on vhe slopes of Mount Rainier. The date cf the tourney tbis Summer is July 3. Men and women who took honors in meets held in previous seasons win advice from a banker or investment house when money is to be invested. The dealer in investments, whether a bank or the type or insiiiuiioii max specializes in securities of various kinds, spends all his time studying various forms of investments just as the doc tor studies the varied types of diseases. It is logical, therefore, to assume that he is an investment specialist and us ually is fully capable of giving you the, best advice to .suit your individual in vestment case. Advice from an invest ment banker of good standing and n is easy to find out whether it is good or bad will mean the complete safety of your invested funds. Jt is well for all investors, men or women, to bear in mind that were it nOt for the investment house there would seldom be an opportunity for the person with but a few hundred or thousand dol lars to invest with assured safety of princlpad, as compared with the oppor tunities presented to those of great wealth. SMALL INTEREST WORTHLESS The investment house functions for the small investor as well as the large. In fact it is the former class that re ceives the greatest benefit from these institutions. It is a well-known fact that thousands of people would be obliced to depend entirely upon sav ings banks for whatever return sav inss banks for whatever deturn they might expect from their money had not the investment banker made it possible, through real estate bonds and other similar forms of securities of small denominations, for them to in crease their income with complete safe ty. Don't risk the dollars of your prin cipal for a few extra cents interest safe and sound investment offered by organizations which in some cases have spent generations studying the neeas or both small and large investors. Always consult an investment banker before in vesting your funds. You will then be sure that your money is safe. RUNNING ON FARM Gastonia, June 25. A large hlorv ..ill onoxntCnf ..4- f,.ll ""-tU5 OLlil ujjgiauug ai. 4.UM HiafSl. Vgg coverea yesieraay morning Attached to the copy of the reprimand jnter tne coming tournament, and. m $3.00 Silk Hose, $2.25 Kayser's full fashioned regular $3.00 quality fine Silk Hose, blacks only; may be bought today at a saving of exactly 75c, since we are selling them at, pair $23 SunrRain Umbrellas A mighty necessary adjunct to the vacation. Fine Silk Umbrellas good alike for rain or shine. Stunning col ors and handles ; priced anywhere up from as made public was a copy of Secre tary Penby's prder to the aamirai, is sued Thursday, instructing nim te state in writing the specific instances in whieh he was misquoted in the press accounts of his speeeh and to give as accurate a text as possible of what h'3 said. There was also attached a copy of Admiral Sims reply. In his reply Admiral Sims set forth that his remarks were not prepared in advance and that he spoke extempor aneously. Before leaving London, how ever, his reply says, he prepared a copy of what he said with the assistance of the London newspapers and Com mander Land, assistant American naval attache in London. This is the text quoted in Secretary Denby's repri mand". NOT QUOTED RIGHT. "This copy of the speech will show in what respects I was incorrectly quoted in America." says the admiral's reply. "The essential incorrectness of the reports that were made on this sUe is contained in the following para graph from your letter (referring to Secretary Denby's latter quoting the accounts of the speech printed in American newspapers): "We have a class of people on th? other side who are technically Amre icans, some of them born there, some naturalized. They are at war against America today and at war against you. The simple truth is they have the blood of American and English buvs on their hands." , "In no part of my speech did I make any such statement as that just quoted above. My reference was to the Simi Fein faction of the Irish people who fought us during the war and to th Sinn Feiners in America who assistei to flsht us during the war. The above will show the essential differences be tween the two statements. "Referring to the enclosed copy of my speech. I quote as follows: "I have never hesitated to say that the Sinn Fs-ln sympathizers in Amrc ica, who helped the Sinn Feiners in Ireland to fight the Allies during the war, had the blood of English and American boys on their hands. "The above is the vital misquotation that was made on this side; and as far as I have been able to judge from the comments . in the press, it is the misquotation which has naturally caused so much discussion. FRIENDLY TO IRISH. "In essential connection with the above, 1 beg to invite attention to the fact that upon no occasion have I ever made any attack against the Irish pea pie in Ireland or the Irish in Ameriea, though it is constantly stated in th addition, Canadian ski experts have announced their intention of competing in these events. Others from Nxrway and Sweden also Are expected this Sum mer. Tne tournament is unoer tne di rection of the Northwest Ski Club. Last year hundreds of persons went, to ParadiFf Inn and from there viewed the ski jumping. Other crowds lined one side of the course, which was marked off ar-A'ta Vista Knoll, near the inn. The tourney this season will oe held over the ssm course. - I HAD DANDRUFF AND ECZEMA Head Itched and Burned Badly. Cutieura Healed. "I w8 troubled with dandruff and eczema for four year. My head itched and burned p badly that it was all eruptions where I scratched it, and I was unable to sleep at night. Mv hair started to fall out, and there was a bald spot on the right side of my head. "I red an advertisement for Guti- cura Soap and Ointment and sect for a free aarnple. bought more, and after I had used one calfe of Cutieura Soap and one box of Cutieura Oint ment I was completely healed in three weeks." (Signed) Fred Smith, 21 H MeHenry St., Baltimore, Ma. Make Cutictxra Soap, Ointment and Talcum your daily toilet preparations etfctorte. Sp. H. MJ4aa4S, Mm." Sold averr vhm. Soap SSe. Qmtot 26 m4 GOe. Tlum 28c. JgSSrXvtieur Soap bea without iw(. a . i 1 1 LEAGUE ADVOCATES STAGE CELEBRATION London, June 25. -Thousands of members of the League of Nations Union today marched to Hyde Park i where a. huge demor stration was held; to celebrate the second anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty and the formation of the League of Nations. Among the speakers were Lord Robert Cecil,, Archbishop of Canter bury, G. N. Barnes, M. P., J. R. Clynes. M. P. From a series of international platforms addresses were given in twelve different languages. The huge processions were accom panied by detachments from various organizations, and a touch or color was lent by decorated cars and groups of representatives of the forty-eight different nations in the League of Na tions in national dress. The object of the demonstration was to strengthen the membership of the League of Nations Union, which at present exceeds 100,000. It was also designed to educate public opinion on the objects of the union. Owing to the industrial crisis the original arrangements for a pilgrimage from all parts of the country were abandoned. lis- iv M.. . M. Whitesides and his son. while wav ing over his farm in the upper pan- t York county in Kings Mountain tow ship just, across the South Carolin," line. It was a copper still of 40. Jj Ions capacity and was well conceals in a thicket. The. still with a few i Ions of whiskey and from 50 to 75 t. Ions of beer was captured by officers from Clover but the operators escaped Air. Whitesides and his son had start efl to look over their farm and wood land in Kings Mountain township and were walking along a blind path near an old road when he happened to look to one side and saw the fire of he still which was operating in full blast not more than 15 or 20 feet from him He called his son who was a short dis tance away picking blackberries and the two walked up to examine the still While they were standing there look ing over the still a rock of about the size of a man's fist whizzed bv Mr Whitesides from the top of the hill nearly striking him. He rushed up to the top of the hill and fired the gun which he happened to have with him in the direction which the missile cnie but could see no one. Until this lncl dent. Mr. Whitesides had intended go ing about his business and reporting the still after finishing looking over his farm, but, aroused by the attempt at injury, they hastened to their cir which was about a mile away and drove to Bethany where they tele phoned to officers at Clover. jiCecpocSde Used at home, during sleep. Absolute proof is established that tuberculosis can be healed in all cli mates, by THE INHALANT METHOD. Partieular3 will be sent upon request. Results are nation-wide. Address THE INHALANT METHOD CO.. Suite 609 Union League Bldg., (Key 42) Los Angeles, Calif. SPECIALS These three numbers just arrived and we are offerings them at prices which will assure quick sales. ONE STRAP PUMP of black kid. with 'Baby Louis leather heel, welt sole, a beautiful pump, at $7.50 BROWN KID PUMP one strap, turn sole, Baby Louis leather heel, finely made of choice materials, at The UmbreUa. V nrosa that T Visivo rinna ark On t Vi o nnn trary, in everything that I have writ-1 ten on the subject, and in every phrss that I have said. I have taken partisu- j lar pains specifically to state my ad-1 miration f cr the Irish people and their i conduct towards my forces during the war. A reference to my bookI, 'Th j Vlntni-v At Ss will aVttvur th termt ' in which I referred to the kindly treatment we received from the Irian in Ireland. "In the hook above referred to, and as a matter of historical record. I stated the nature of the dangerous hostility of the Sinn Fein faction in Ireland anrl linuf twitc-H it rnc f tlA Allioa iv. ' military effort to counteract it. "It maybe worthy of note ,that ny action in thus reporting the-hostility of the Sinn Fein faction in Ireland was commended by the secretary of the navy, Mr. Josephus Daniels in a letter i which he wrote to a gentleman in Phil adelphia, who had protested against the attack made upon me by Sinn Fein sympathizers in America. Mr. Daniels sept we a copy of this letter, with a copy of the letter which called it forth. This is a matter of official rec ord in the hearings of the senate na val committee that investigated the criticisms I made of the navy depart- ment's action during the war." evelations Of a Wife A drama of Women of the Werld "LYING LIPS" . BROADWAY Moiu, Tues., Wed., Thurs. NOW READY IN BOOK FORM PRICE: $1.00 Hundreds of our customers have eagerly awaited the ar rival of this book which has been running serially in a lo cal newspaper. , Such a de- mana- maicates a dook oi ao sorbing interest with which the heat of summer may be easily forgotten. Mail orders handled imme diately. . i A Book Store of Rare Excellence Office Suppliers and Furnishers. $8.00 SPORT OXFORD This brown saddle straj sport oxford is mighty desirable. Has low rubber heel, welt oak sole. You'll gladly buy 'em at $6.50 SS East Trade St Listen MEN ! Our Three-Day Specials ARE GAINING FRIENDS FOR US . Twice each week we select some good number from our men's wear and offer it for three days at a price very close to cost. Summer Suits last week, Shoe3 and Shirts this week. And everybody who bought was sincerely pleased. Keep an eye. open for our Specials and learn how good they are. H. C. Long Company 33 East Trade St. "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Dcuble Guarantee. Free Tuning and Liberal Selling Plan. Write for Catalogue. ' Prices and Terms mm jr .a V'M"! STIEFF PIANO For Three Quarters of a Century A LEADER Call or phone for prices or fill following blank and send us: Chas- M- Stieff, Inc., Charlotte, N. C. . Please send catalogue and prices pianos. Name Address "The World's Best Piano" And Other Standard Makes, an4 . the Incomparable AMPICO. . JOHX XV.1 POST & CO. 209 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C Coral Baker Music Studios Here. A Chapter from the Book of Life "LYING LIPS" BROADWAY Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. Si! iiii I II Pi-! 1 51 We Work With The Depositor To work with our depositors toward it, cur a common goal is, as we see duty here we strive to fulfill the ob ligatiqn. We also strive to be more than merely a depository for funds, W handling the small depositor as pain takingly as the large one. We have only one standard of serv Ice and it governs all transactions to handle all business on a man-Oman basis and extend our facilities all alike. 4 Paid on Savings Accounts and Certificates of Deposits Commercial National Bank Corner Tryon and Fourth Streets