J THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 25, 1921. 6 ; k i fj .V p, i I I 1.1 ; 1 - SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON REVIEW: THE SOCIAL, TASK Of THE CHURCH. Golden Text. He will dwell with them, and they shall be hia people. RIt will ' be exceedingly difficult to have a systematic, coherent and logical Review of the lessons of this quarter because they have very little connec tion with one another. It will be wise for many a teacher to hold no review at all but take up some passage of Scripture that the class may especially wish to study. A possible method of Review would be to go over the lessons of the quarter summarizing the Cen tral teachings of each lesson on the Christian's duty: 1. His duty toward God. II. His duty toward his fellow fan. I. Duties Toward God. Lesson I. "Present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable, to God." Lesson II. "Glorify God in your body." Lesson III. Imitate God. Lesson IV. Listen to God's Word. Lesson V. "Love Jeho vah thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul and with all thy might.' Lesson VI. Remember God's gracious dealings. Lesson VII. Perform your divilely allotted part in the Church the body of Christ, because it is His body. Lesson VIII. Study and obey and abide in God's Word. Lesson IX. Praise God. Lesson X. Make Jehovah thy God, Lesson XI. Know uoa. j son XII. Know God's Word. II Duties Toward His Fellow-man. Lesson I. Put the interests of other men before your own. Lesson 11. Preach the truth to others and live so as to exemplify the truth you preach. Lesson III. Make yourself an example unto others so that they may safely ilitate you. Lesson IV. As much as lieth in you, supply the needs of the poor. Lesson V. Teach everyone you mnnh nt nrvVa Word aa vou can. Lesson VI. Have a due regard for the rights of your employes to nave juc day's restMn seven. Lesson VII. Co operate with the other members of the body in their work and do not . try to do all the work yourself. Lesson VII. Thoroughly instruct your children in the Word Of God from the earliest child hood. Lesson IX. Make yourself a neighbor to everyone who needs your help. Lesson X. Be in glad subjection to the powers that be, remembering that they are ordained of God. Lesson XI. Help as many as you can to be radiant optimists by teaching them the glad truth oj the Lord's Return. Les son XT.I. When a fallow-believer is hungry feed him; thirsty, give him to drink; a stranger, take him in; naked, clothe him; sick, visit him. SOCIALISTS OUT WITH THE REDS Threaten to Expel All Com munists from the Party in America. "ENIGMA." Now, after getting down to fact. Each babe is boosted to the skies; With all pretentious use of tact They say withal their kid is wise. Setting aside all gossip trite As I search from ground to steeple, If every youngster is- so bright From whence come all the stupid people? Jesse Mittelman. . THE ADMIRAL.. According to advices from Washing ton, the admiral has been suffering from acute indiscretion. DEPENDABLE HARDWARE Handy Andy Says Dependability in tools and hardware is what real work men look for and appreciate. The carpenter depends upon his tools to help him do good work and save labor and time to make more money. That is why he buys tools here. It's the same with builders they know that locks, latches, hinges and other building hardware of dependable qual ity will give many more years of service and satisfaction than poor grades, and that it's well worth the, little dif ference in price. Our goods are carefully selected mat's why you can depend upon their quality. Charlotte Hardware Company 30 East Trade St. Phones 1505-1506 But, on the other hand, we suppose that those who have whiskers have a right to talk through them. And the language of the sea was never the language of diplomacy. If it were, our diplomats would be having fist fights every day. In other words, if the admiral said anything he is sorry for, he is glad of it. He is not hastening his depaature in response to the department's sum mons, but he is sailing on the next boat. We wonder why it is, soon as any man goes from America to England these days, he has to make a speech. By the way, who is going to be our ambassador to Yap? Ths "Rev Dr. Whitcom Broueher. pastor of a fashionable Los Angeles church, says: "There is not one woman ,in a million who , would consent to wear any grown designed by a bunch of ministers. Consequently it will be best , to allow the women to model their own ' shirtwaists and skirts." Which, taking it' altogether, is a policy which has been advocated by this column for several years. Girls of the University of Illinois announced that they would no longer associate with young men who smoked cigarettes, and the young men came right back with the fact that they would not associate with young ladies who used rouge, lipstick and eyebrow tweezers, which goes to prove onco again that a reform wave like any other wave his a comeback. If they keep giving them longer hours, the farmer boys will soon be putting in as much time as the movie actors. SHOCKING! I do not mind if my wife wears Her skirts up to her knees. And when she dons some freakish style I never try to tease. This morn, my patience quite upset, I said to her, "Why, dear! I'm shocked at your immodesty! Why do you-show your ear?" G. G. C. It is pleasant to know, of course, that Georges Carp has got into so ciety, but, in spite of that, there will be a prize fight on July 2 just as plan ned. A crease in a fat man's trousers is another thing you read about but sel dom see, says the Gove "Republican." REFUNDING PROJECT SEVERELY ASSAILED Washington, June 25. Criticism of the administration bill for refunding the ten billion dollar allied debt was voiced Friday, in the senate. Senator Ashurst, Democrat Arizona, protested against giving the secretary of the treasury authority to extend pay ments of interest; Senator McKellar, Democrat, Tennessee, KssaUe-i provi sions which he said wou'.ct permit the secretary to "swap" America's good credits for "worthless German, Aus trian or Turkish reparation bends," and Senator Smoot, Republican, Utah, said "frankly," that the bill would con fer "too much power" on Secretary Mellon. The principal attack was made by Senator McKellar, who said the provi sion authorizing the acceotaiice from debtor nations of their bonds or those of any other nation, in tho refunding process, should be stricken from the bill. In reply Senator Smoot said that "no body but an insane man" would trade America's credit for reparation bonds of Germany and her allies. If such an attempt were made, he added, congress would stop it. The bill generally, l.e asserted, was necessary to give the ad ministration sufficient power "to clean up this situation." Introduction of the bill as drafted by the treasury does not mean that it will be reported unchanged to the sen ate. Senator Smoot, who is a member of the finance committee, continued. The committee, he added, will not report until after through inquiry. Detroit, Mich., June 25. "The social ist party is opposed to the formation of a soviet government in the Unitod States." Otto Branstetter, national secretary of the party, made this statement to day as the socialist national conven tion opened here. -. The socialists plan, said BransteWr to capture the government at the pol's after,, workers have been educated to the socialist point of view. "The soviet system is opposed to th experience, ideals and aspirations of the American workers and will not ne acceptable to them," he said.- "The so cialist party proposes a system of gov ernment, combining industrial and geo graphical representation, under, which all of the legislative officials and many of the higher administrative officiats shall be elected directly by the work ers." - , It is expected that a fight againr.t the Communist party of America will be waged on the floor of the conven tion. According to one resolution which will be introduced, members of the so cialist party who also belong to thq Communist party will be expelled un less the latter stops its campaign of inducing socialists to change colors and join them. Leaders in the convention frown upon the calling of frequent strikes. Po litical strikes, they said, called for trivial reasons, are foredoomed to fail ure and will result in discreditng the powerful weapon and in the weakening and possible destruction of the organ izations involved. This, according to Branstetter, is the way the socialist party hopes to gain control In America: "The socialist party declares its in tention to win a majority of the poi- ple to an acceptance of our program at least to the extent that they agree to our control and willingly submit to our leadership; that when we have and because we have such a majority, wo are justified in carrying out our pro gram, over the protest and against tho opposition of the minority." Resolutions calling for the release of Eugene V. Debs and other political prisoners will be passed, Brandstetter stated. Discussions as to the relationship that should exist between American so cialists and those of Europe will be held. ,..:: . Mi Fiddlin for business ain't sech a success if a feller ain't got the gopds. And so it is with PRINTIN' We've got the goods. Neius Printing House Particular Printin' for Particular Fellers Telephone 1530 Charlotte - - North Carolina FRENZIED GRAB FOR GOVERNMENT TRUCKS By L. C. MARTIN. United Press Staff Correspondent. Washington, June 25. When the war was wen, r-o many American cities and villages wanted captured German cannon and machine guns that it look ed as though Uncle Sam would have to order a lot of them from the Krupps to give away. It now de velops that this demand for souvenirs was papal! eled by a demand for more practical things, which has "bank rupted" the war department in one item, and has bitten deeply into its supplies in other ways. Motor vehicles, trucks mostly, lead the list. The free distribution of these to the states is a . "scandal," Senator Wadsworth, chairman of the senate military affairs committee, de clares. "I may be utterly alone in my opinion," Wadsworth said, "but this debauch of the free distribution of government property has-: gone, far enough. I can well understand the appetite that is aroused in a state highway commissioner when he under stands that the war department owns a lot of, trucks and that there is a law authorizing the secretary of War to turn tnose trucks over ta, the agri cultural . department, free of charge," to be given the states." REALTY TRANSFERS A. W. Brown to H. A. Haas, for 53,500, a lot on Parkwood avenue. W. E. Harban to O. F. Bailes, for $10 and other considerations, a tract of 202 acres in Steel Creek township. George W. Graham to W. C. Whit sett, for $364, a lot o'. one acre on North Paplar street extension. Seaboard Air Line Railway Pasgemser Train Schedules. Arrival and departure of passenger trains. Charlotte, N. C. L,v. No. Between No. Ar. 5:00a 9:06a 9:o5a 6:00p 3:45p 8:20p con- 14Charlotte-Wil. and Hamlet nections. 1 5fMonrOft-R.il th'tn-n 34 Ruther-ton - Wil-I mington and Ral- eiEn 20Charlotte-WIL . ana Hamlet con nections. 31 Wilmington - Ral eigh and Ruther f ordton .... "... 16Monroe - Ruther lfordton, Monroe connections Ifor Norfolk. Rich mond and points ixsorcn. I 151 13ill:40p 9.06a 34 9.40a 19 ! 311 I 16 12:25p 3:35p 8:12p All trains dailv. Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. B. W. LONG, Division Pnaaeng-er Agent. ihone 180. SJ-JiclSJ omQ Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St. N. Tryon Street. Phone 20. Phone 1 are How Many Figures there in your bank account? The answer will4 tell you whether: -you are at the mercy of the landlord your dependents would suffer if your income stopped ' , you are READY for a solid opportunity to make money you are headed for success or failure. Our SAVINGS, DEPARTMENT will help you in crease your account at compound interest. CHARJJOnTTE NATIONAL BANK SOUTH TRYON AND FOURJH STS. 4 on Savings FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 3 United States Depository 1 3 3 r 123222 Let Us Solve The ' ' QUESTION of Take advantage of our experi ence and let us assist you in se lecting the right kind of paint for tho wnrk vnn VinvA in mind. wv . - " j w . . ' ' 1 11 oM NJW 1A) i Come in and discuss the question with us. We will be glad to give or send color cards on request. EZ ELL-PRITCH ARD CO. RETAII.ERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 12 and 14 West Fifth Street. . CHARLOTTE, X. c. -LOUISE AVKNUE HOME $6400- 8500 V8oo 4750 875fi ooOO Have a beautiful 6 rooms and basement Louise Ave. home 7 rooms 2 stories heating plant in the pinesrClement Ave 7 rooms heating plant corner lot Sunnyside Avenue 5 rooms larg- lot Jackson - Avenue. . . ; . . 8 rooms 2 baths rEast Fifth St. heating plant 7 T-nnmaKn (1S Wmt Ninth St. larsre lot Have the best bargain in Myers Park beautiful large lot owner left Charlotte says &ji.1jJ-i ll r-v-ii .. .. ; jflo.v Prettiest lot on Hermitage Court shady side of street ; Beautiful lots in the Pines East Seventh and East Sixth streets and can make eastiest kind of terms on these they are beauties. Lot on Beaumont avenue very wide a beauty . . . igrr.' Have a dandv piece of business propertv for sale close in. Phone 2772 JONES, THE REAL, ESTATE MAN Office 200 Realty Buildine (Jno. T. Smith, Salesman.) Close In Home Value We have for immediate sale, a nice Slx-Raom House on North Mc Dowell street in the Two Hundred block. The lot is 30x about 200, plenty of shade, this is worth conservatively $8,500.00, but it must be sold and we are ready to make the sacrifice. We want $6,750, but we want to sell, a reasonable offer will take it. , Phones 877 and 4208 E C. Griffith Company A Home Of Refinement and good taste is that not the kind of home you prefer to live in? On our list of homes for sale you will ' find this very sort of a house, one that will be a pleasure to live in. Or we will build to your - order, if you so desire. - THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTSINSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes McCoy Moreta W. G. Conrad orry about moving, packing, or storing of your furni ture? Let us do that.. Long distance hauling. Men with fifteen years' experience and absolutely reli able. Bonded warehouse. Special attention to straw rides and picnics. Call and place your order now. The Carolina Company 328 S. Tryon St. Phones 609, 1430 and 4396 NO PANIC PINCHES OUR PUPILS While millions of men and women are idle in this country, our students are sought by profitable positions that offer promotion. The field of business is boundless and no other profession affords the youth of our land so many avenues of success. Our , graduates are going at salaries of $75 to $150 a mith now and business will be much better in the fall. Give tone to your training by attending S On Easy Payments 5-rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot garage, fine shade, 1003 West Second street, $350 cash, balance $50 per month ............... $4,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, 1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch, three living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal ance $60 per month . . v. . . . . $6,000 8 roomstwo baths,' 213 South, Cedar street., A new big roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance $105 per month . . . $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,550 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice big rooms, $500 cash, balance $75 per month at ...... $6,750 Phone me for an appointment. J, H 11 uo 200 South Cedar St. " r McAd en Phone 350 3JI For OFFICE cmd HOME A Clear Brain CHARLOTTE, N. C. "An Accredited School? RALEIGH, N. C. Mechanics Perpetual uilding & Loan Association 207 North Tryon St. v . ' A SAVINGS INSTITUTION OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE A series of shares carried through this Association will net you - six and a quarter per cent, h Our long period of successful service, thirty-eight years, and our low expense rate, merit your consideration. J. H. WEARN, President E. J. CAFFREY, Sec'y and Treas, Perfectly Alert Intense heat reduces vitality. The brain becomes fa tigued and less alert ; business is neglected. In these days business should not suffer because the weather is not; and disagreeable. V Westinghouse Electric ; Fans will keep you cool and clear-headed. They drive away the summer heat and make your office a better place" for bigger business. For the private office, 12-inch oscillating fans are axcellent. ; . : ; : Let us show you our stock. Sout outnern Public utilities Company E II PHONE 2700

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