THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 25, 1921. 8 FOR SAL FOR The Pullin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact. Be Convin ced, Try 'E m ONE - CWT - 4 i WO mmmmMwm mm mm via m "'' WANTED r. i t t u t: i i s ft I i s z CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style ana type r, one cent per word each Insertion. STYLE "B" SET THIS STYLE AND TYPE, TWO CENTS PER WOR EACH INSEKTXUin m,t rt.i. 4l.t sttIoi OTlfl - TYL.Hi "O Oei, una Bt'V' type, three cents per word eacn insertion. . Any style "geXther top or bot. Any style '""ll double the torn, or between lines, at ooudi flhnr rates. . , - I . . . . . 1 11 - - a m' mitn I B " it order butf or convenir..vo '" directory, or koth V" " h De office, a memorandum charge win oe " made with the expectation m - he nald promptly. ... J! Regular Classiflcation of ads wrnig JjJ - Kdition or after 10 p. m. Saturday ir JSunoay riuuiu". MWIMITM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP on PARE NEWS. af MTp.n Mpti to learn the $ frtTnnVilp mechanics trade. t automobile mecndii We leacn vuu Mr"vTloa age worK on reai auwm.,-. Positions secured. Free book- ilp College 1SI. write nuwiuv..v 9Fi-St of Nashville, Tenn WANTED To hear from every young man and every young woman who needs and deserves financial help in securing an education. If you ea meet our reasonable requirements we will lend you money with which to nay your way through any school you mav select, and you may repay . us when your course has been com pleted, and you have earned monej .v, ,v,i,-i-. to nav. Don t be un- .j.otol " Don t Wll.ll " ..iw.. nave peii ucuw and -worry. Let us help you from I . er..' vnu rest easy and study th" Address P. O. Box 1419, Charlotte. N. C. """ VV4NTED The name and address of j every school teacher who would like to secure a better position ior me ensuing year. Also, the name ana address of every student and every nYr who would like to have pleasant and T1 the summer. Address Lock -ox .11 o.. - , . . Charlotte. N. C. 25-6t WANTED Men suffering from Private diseases, not able to employ a phj. effian. will Dc kivcii u ' "-- treatment free at the City Health Department clinic. 237 iM. xryon St.. every afternoon except ouuuay Bring this notice. r ladv WANTED High-grade solicitor, Jady or gentleman, accustomed to calling on business men to present a high r-iece of work. Commission only. Call I 219 Lata Arcaae, L;narigiie, im. . i Z4-ol I - r? ituvs impn women), over 17. for postal mail service; $120 month. : Ex-1 Zy.i-nn nnner.esaarv. For free par- i-Tra Avamination. write R. I Terry, (former civil service . examin-1 er), 224 Continental iJiag., wasn-i Ineton. D. C. 1 FRUIT iKtiti bALLs.ur-.v. ... husdness for Rustlers. Prontao e, P'.:1;" Zr.'ZZ" , series, uepi. no, wiiwiu, m ' . ....... I WATCHMAKER WANTijl A reuaoie i man with good business amiity; one who also understands engraving and jewelry repairing. A steady posi- tion for the right man. State ago, business experience and salary ex- pected. Address f. u. uox oeu, win- ston-Salem. N. C. 20-7t WANTED Men to use and sell ord Starters. $30 installed, . guaranteed. West End Garage. 15-tf WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Good demand and wages. .Busiest " season at hand. Catalog free. Molar Barber College. Atlanta. Ga. 31-30t MISCELLANEOUS HEMSTITCHING and picoting at tachment; .works . on any sewing machine, $2.50. Self-threading needles, 25c package. Mutual Sales Co., Box 334, Charlotte, N. C. 19-4t-eod J. LEE PHILLIPS, Auctioneer. Office r MA nr tn i w i nnn fnnna .na.i. i " " I J NOTICE t To our friends and general pub- Mn ' Wo. Viavn nnrfVaaorl anH after June 25th Will be Opejf- atinp: the Cafe on Fifth St., -i tt TkQf -ti. ,ni K I opposite Fire Dept. It Will be i-n v rvlooenra n oovtto xrmi of I " vw wv, jw lowest pneets. I AT.T.TTM RMTTTT I TITrPPTTPT QMTTXT . I 22-4t I MOVING AND HAULING of all kinds, local and long distance. J. T. Thorop- son. Phone 1565-J. - - la-tf-ne-sun Local and Long Distance MOVING and HAULING .Bonded Warehouse, Storage Packing Bradfield Moying Service Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts Phonfe 980 28-tf t MATERNITY sanitarium, nrivate. - re- b fined, homelike. Homes vraviA for infants. Mrs. Mitchell, 22 Windsor, Aiiania, ua. o-30-zt-no-sun W. M. BH.LL, Notary labile,-front ot ficA Charlotte News. Ct Ph.rlrttta -Mwa fart K. n.j most any hour te & p. m. Ml fiANO TUNER J. F. Gallery, vim Parker-Gardner Co. Phone 340. itt I flANO TLNING and repairing, piano case refinlshlng. Expert, work done at reasonable charges. Phone 19S Stieff Piano Co. .. f2 WALL PAPER The Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 10 East Fourth St. Phone 2264. 21-tf FOR RENT Three rooms, $3.50 per week,, lights ana water iurmsneu. Sloan Grocery Co., East Morehead. FOR RENT Large nicely furnished room, all conveniences, witnin ioui blocks of square. Phone 1472-W. . . 25-tf PQr RENT Nicely furnished room, CIOse in, 207 East seventh st. 25-2t FOR RENT One furnished rooni, meals next" door. Phone 2357-J. 25-2t FOR SALE Electric washing machine wlth wringer. Vacuum style. Utility aa i-ua oazq wr 9R.9i YTifl Ka .Jtz.ii.wir. i nunc v - -r PAYS TO RENT a wmmgion from us. We make and guar antee them. Your satisfaction , is our main business asset. Terms $4 to $5 a month for self-starter corre spondence models. Smith Premior and Monarch correspondence model. the same. Prompt deliveries. Rem- ineton Typewriter Co. Telephone 2563. 25-10t FOR RF. NT Large bed room, kitchen and private bath to business couple. Phnnp 25-2t FOR. RENT Desirable apartment kitchen, living-room, bed room and bath, private entrance, to adults. 55. 616 East Fourth St. Pbc-ne 3489-J. FOR .RENfT One furnished bedroom . or two . unfurnisnea ngnt noue keeoins rooms, near Southern Sta tion. Call 2326-W. 25-3!" WANTED Room mate for business .n Pnone 221.j, 25.2t FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for ight, housek furnished room. 7 Phone 4227. THREE unfurnished rooms for rent. szd.uu per raonin. vaii -vo r, im Eleventh St; 25-2t FOR RENT Office or store, whole or part, ground floor, well lighted, steam heat, : 30 est. Fifth. 30-tf-mon-thur-sat FOR RENT Five rooms, convenienc es, 410 South Cedar, $25.00. Five rooms, completely furnished, to Sep- tember X, $90.00. New store, 1501 South Tryon street, $30.00. Phone j - 349. FOR RET Nicely furnished rooms to gentlemen, hot and cold water, close in. Phone 2918. 24-3t FOR RENT One furnished room, mod- era conveniences. Phone 1684-J. 24-2t pOR RENT Furnished apartment July &M August Thies-Smith Realty C.. Pnone 4415 or 3278, 24-2t tl, 7TZ hi rL r. i ureiiLieiiitrii . i uuiuci a iui comfortable up-tirs room within haf Wock twQ boarding houses. Phone 446. 23-3t I Two NiCELY furnished downstairs clQse Jn equipped for light housekeeping, good neighborhood. Prefer business women or young couple. Telephone 3631. 24-2t t PPMi.n...:.Ki. nished light housekeeping room and bed rooms. 301 North Tryon. 24-2t DESIRABLE six-room furnished house icui. nwiu vuij x .w uiucmu i, ciose in. jrnone i3u-v mornings or 4007-J after 7f30 p. m. 24-tf FOR RENT Three light housekeeping rooms in best location, lights and water furnished. Phone 4029. 24-tf FOR RENT Nice room, close in, to gentlemen only. Phone 2386-W. 23-tr FOR RENT Nicely furnished room to gentleman. Phone 4071. 23-3t TTrT3 13PMT rioro rra 1 9 Pact 5iiii'i street. Home Real Estate and Guar- anty Co. ' 23tf FOR RENT Desirable front room to j,f v,, tdi,-, ciiuuiait ah i i v uuiu j. uuiic I 2531-W. v 23-3t I TrrsVf tjWVTT1- Ty.fnrm I . . A , Vr, -fx. "-.' Vi , , ?1TS- i-""e- ; ; zZl FOR RENT For the summer, to re- sponsible party without children, 5- room bungalow furnished, reasonable rent, Elizabeth section. Phone 2484-w 23-4t FOR RENT Nicely- furnishea room to couple, close in. Phone 2918. .7t I WANTED A few boarders and room- r., i cna c Bie.i,y.A rv.v.A acitc i , FOR RENT To gentlemen, nice pleas- am room iurnisnea, convenient to i bath, select, neighborhood, within I .walking distance 'of square. Phone s-J. 2a-3tl202 Trust Buildiner. azkv FOR RENT For July and August in? fn,,r vnrim . 'icVww artmon; iour room weu turnisnea apartment, i M'?': 'SJS 202 e. Boulevard. 22-tf. j 1 ut -one rour-room apartment with private bath. 318 West Ninth I with private bath, 318 West Ninth street. One- three-room apartment with private bath, 1215 South Boule vard.. Apply R. N. Hunter, 908 Com mercial Bank. 22-4t FOR RENT One large, airy room nicely furnished, also one single room, ciose in; plenty or not water Rnd ice water. Call 1867-W. 22-4t - . . . duk iii.x Jjarge furnished room wnn &iicnenetie. o.i. rast isevenxni i 21tf FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for light housekepeing, modern con veniences. Phone J574-J. 21-tf WANTED A few boarders and room-1 ers. 1607. S. Boulevard. Phone 4076. , 2-6t DESIRABLE six -room house for rent from July 15 to September l, close in. Phone 1920-W mornings or 4007-J after 7:30 p. m. 21-tf FOR . RENT Furnished rooms . for light housekeeping. 505 South Tryon. Phone 3017-W. 20-tf FOR RENT Two nice unfurnishuJ rooms for light housekeeping, mod own pnnuonlnreifl cno r-o n era. ff. nished. 1 Watkins Court. 20-tf FOR RENT Five-room apartment un furnished up town over store. Phone 293. 18-tf FOR RENT Moving picture buildin North Charlotte,' in trade center, well located for good profits. Home Real Estate and Guaranty Co. ' lT-tf 1 FOR RENT Store and basement, 200 I North College St. Home Real .Estate and Guaranty Co 17-tf cad dipvt tn. i i ji , location, ; close in, board convenient. I business coyples or gentlemen pre- ferred. Phone 4117. 15-tf FOR RENT Two store rooms, Nos. Zl and 23 East Third street. Inaulre southern Manufacturing Co., 19 E. Thtra- stret. 21-tf I - i FOR . RENT Store room, first block on South Church St.' Apply Merton u. Propst, 28 W. Fifth St. 5-5-tf FOR RENT Office room, well located. Appiy Merton c. Propst, 28 W. Fifth - ' 5-5-tf FOR RENT Office building, 20 offices, weu . located, j. h. McAden. Phone 860. . . '. - 3-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE! FOR SALE Piedmont home of seven rooms and bath. Hardwood floors in two rooms. Lot 50x220, with good sarden and fruit, nicely fenced. Xear car line, churches and school. Can be had on easy terms it aesirea. F. C. Abbott & Company. Phone 2022 and 4046. 25-3t FOR SALE 312 acres of land AV2 miles from , -rl cA TUT SQUare. "llOne , MC- ' ' ' I 4 j r- 111 1 ZO-Ol 1 I FOR SALE At big sacrifice, best lot I ,tuc'Tra AH::; if ' desired; would Address "J," care News. 25-2t FOR SALE Handsome brick veneer I , sen-.i-bungalow, one-half block of My- ers Park car line. First floor has livmc mnm. dinine room, breakfast! - ' - ' 1 room, jaunary, kiluiicii, iwu uii- rooms .teipta-rS bath two FOR. SALE-Haywood-Wakefield rever- FOR SALE One 1917 Maxell . road- catcu "S-Sif frt con 3s.Sene P p0;tePochere Second - "ible baby carriage. Phone ..2500 AV. ster, $200; one 1918 Buick 7-passen- square Oll.gOOd Street. L,Ot Cpil -2hSt' i;; S 6 24.3t ger, model D-55, $450; one 1920 Max- arjDroxiraately tWO (2) floor has three large rooms, kitchen ette and bath. Steam heat, asbestos I roof, large lot. Price $11,000. Easy I terms. F- C. Abbott & Company. I Pbcne 3022. Robert B. Street, sales- man. 25-2t FOR SALE Five-room house in Dil- worth. Paved street, water, gas, etc. Price $6750. Cash $2500. See F. C. Abbott & Company, J. M. Boyce, salesman.. Phone. 3022. ... 2o-2t FOR SALE By owner, new six-room bungalow, Louise-avenue, shady side street, hardwood floors, tile f ront porch and bath,, sleeping porch and breakfast room, heating plant, large basement, good n attic. V.. 31.' Stine. Phone 1067. 25-2t FOR SALE New. seven-room hous, Elizabeth section, large lot; . posses- rouTT 23-st FOR SALE Beautiful five-room bun galow close to school, car line, very best of Elizabets; takes $2000 to buy, balance very easy. Price $5250. Queon City Realty Co. 25-5t FOR SALE By owner, one new five-1 room bungalow and two large loU: I avenue. Address 0. a. Kato, r. f. d. 5. Box 95, Charlotte, N. C. 21-6t A MORE SPACIOUS and comfortable living room in a Dungaiow can srarpplv hp imaeinpd out in Mvprs Park. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. " C . W I 4 FOR SALE .Myers Park homes EI12- mont homes. Come down to office and I let. us show you our list and prices. Oueen Citv Realtv Co.. Inc. 21-5t , ' AT . r TT : TTT FOR SALE An elegant home in My- "rLr"".; UllLr?Z,"lA "TRYT'R CH!" TTo; fV, J&,11 , 01x1 j ' ? . I ht "Vartv snirl haI I m.irk. On City Realty Co., Inc. - - - 1 91 r r i FOR SALE-Out in Piedmont, sweii new- seven-romo . bungalow, hardwood heat, good lot. To appreciate the value you would have to take look. x nunc ooo. yuwu ;vuf xvea-iLy vv., i Tni I1 C FOR SALE you never heard of bet-1 ter buy in six-room bungalow than we are offering in Elizabeth, but you must be quick. Queen city Realty Co., Inc. 21-5t FOR SALE Good six-room house, gar uen, vma xieigni renis au.uu i month; $3500. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. . . - 21-5t FOR SALE Five-room cottage, on North Bre vard street, for $ 2000 Five - rnnrr. rotue. in Piedmont. une Mock from Central avenue, two lots. A good buy at 3 ;5 Six - room hunsralnw on Svlvania . . o ' - avenue, on splendid terms and a L'rjaill at 4500 Ten rooms, two complete apart- m?nts on s5uth Cedar street, now renting for $50.00 per month. Price Seven - room twostory home, "close in, and on car line, well worth 6000 the price of 6700 Nice six-room bungalow, one-half block from Elizabeth avenue, Charlotte s best neighborhood ir rice 7000 7250 oi-wum -uuu8tiow, es- -"no Buicinwm uuiifniw, jiiworin, hot water heat Eight-room bungalow, Kingston avenue. A "cracker jack" C. B PORTER liooo Real -Estate and Insurance 24-3t FOR SALE Six-room house, hear East I JSTSft.. XeTS??. -S - pnT? sat f? wrv, u . u,iW, UCOu- tiful six-room hunff8. nw. Mv. ers KarK. " npw; harriwnnri floors, ripat.. ' brpnVfnssf mnm Z7. . bitulithic street, just off Queens Road. Easy terms. &S ' 99-Kf r qavh; xwo-story seven-room house, close in, on car line, real house, close in, on car line, real I hargain at $6800. Queen City Realty CO., Inc. Phone 535. 22-5 1 FOR SALE Seven-room home, laree lot on Central avenue, three rooms I up and four roms down:- lot 190 feet deep, on bitulithic - street. . Price ?b000 and it- will go at that nrlce. yueen uy Keaity Co., Inc.; 22-51 X . Mil . F9,R SAI;E-Beautlful large lot, oorntr Crescent avenue and Providenca road, terms. Phone 3350-W. 14-tf FOR SALE Away below value, mod- ern nouse on large plot m puwortn;l perfect condition; 10 rooms, 2 ; baths: terms If desired.; John W. Post & Co.. Vnu Wf . To C OO 4 c V--.oaern nve-room Dungaf iuw, weat imue sireei, narawooa floors, heating plant, garage, large Dl "ut, cm, kuuu neignoornooa Smith 3289-W. ' - 20-tf FOR SALE 12-acre farm inside of city limits, beautifully located, level land. Phone 953.' 12-t BUSINESS OPORTUNITY crio oiip c? ,i. : sisting of dry goods,, notions, shoes and furnishings, including store fix tures and lease for three years. Stock is clean and . in. gpod location, and will inventory around $18,0Q0. In ope of best towns in North Carolina.. Ad- dress 1 "Merchant," care News. 23-4t I L , V1("v, h048 tne to;iow- Jng items: Collection of. Accounts and Notes, Sale of Established Busi ness, . Ten-Day Special Sales, Nego tiating Loans, " assisting kStrucglinK business concerns and "helDlnc them over." If you are ; intereste4 address Southeastern Business-Adjusting Cor - poration, Lock Box 11 67, Chariot Sr- N. C.'. - - ;. 14-m FOR SALE IFOR SALE Small clean stock of ceries, in good' location. Phone 2438. 252t h-. -R SALE FURNITURE AND P IX-1 xri.x A w titr' "7? I ws J:J2 V GINNING MONDAY, JUNE 27, AT 11 A. M 25-2t fPrtT? AT.TT! 7S Art Va K17 r-ai-rinr. I !Sondid. COndition' 2500;. PS EXCELSIOR TWIN motorcycle, model 1919. has Vieen run' less than 4(IAn -. . - - miles. Is in -perfect condition. Will sell at "sL harcrain. William F. Pr:mtv. Chanel Hill. N. C. 26-3t I FOR SALE Round reed ivory baby rlltinn. PHca i?5 nil Phone. 34SR.W. I . - . 25-2t I Lm? s at.w Kah Whii wir-Wor n.wh a d ag n ch Phoife .. .... yiix-w n -1 1 1 FOR SALE Old ivory baby carriage .in use three months. Phone 773-J 24-tf WANTED To sell army officer s' uni forms and accessories, cheap. Phong 932. 24'2t I SALE OF UNCLAIMED express pack ages of the American Railway Ex press Company, 206 South Church street, Tuesday, June 28th, 1921, at 10 A. M. Don't forget the bargains. . 21-7t THOUSAND gallon gasoline under gground tank and five-gallon stroke Wayne Pump, practically new. -V T : .oo Mr... 91. tf AUTOMOBILES NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY A GOOD USED CAR AT A PRICE AND ON TERMS YOU CAN AFFORD TO PAY Why drag out your existence u 4-t 1,4- o,,,,-1 thrOUffh WlC liUb kOUllllilCi I --fv,- Txriftinnf onv of the pleasures and beneiits that the motor rar o-ivps? ? Take vour wifft and kids, o ji 1 1 j these hot evenmgS and yOU Will . m - . a 4 feel better and be worth more fn vmir fomilv nnrl vour ronn- try ana live longer. We live in a Teat COlintrV j i 1 a u j aau Iiave uieaaeu ueuim 1 measure. Foree the degression I 2F . - a. ui a j tut; . a. tj t-tj iiiuuci, o iai i- i M rwri 1 All iTn nr 1 Uvl 1 v rrA r ct-o.t- I 1 i. -1 3ii.I iAA I er, arsL cmss. conuiuon iuu BuiCk 45 Touring, Completely Overhauled, first Class COndl- tion ................ $750 . '"Z I U'knTTWA nf lO'lfl vnnrln rl l I viXCVAUCL J-vv iiiuuci xuuiing, i cood hnv $325 TJ,mTr.ftVlilp MoHpI TZ Tnnrino- WUPmpDlie JVlOaei .rv , louring, nrsi ciass conaiuon, Silver town COrd tires, seat. COVPrs. bumpers, etc. , . , , . . ., $700 - J . , Tj,,,kilA TrJl XT TrN,1.;. -tlUpmODlle MOQel JN. lOUnnp;, Dig VaiUe . . . . SbUU Hunmobile . Model R Tourint?. completely .. overna-uied, new paint job, gOOd tires, UpholS- terme;. srlass m rear curtain. An unusual bargain ... $750 TT Hfji t t'jj. xiupmuuiie avxuuci j,. xvuaus ter, completely overhauled, new paint job,r good tires, uphols tering, glass m rear curtain. An unusual bargain.. . . ; $850 Chandler 1920 model, 7-passen- ger touring. Bargain . . $1300 senger louring. Bargain at $1300 Overland 90 Touring, splendid 1 TT n A i . ,Je,.11 ,"",u Ford Light Delivery $250 v Ian, us at your nrsi oppor Tr.'.Ii. f t tunity, look over these cars, and if JJ. ji if you don t say they are the best values Offered, it's drinks On US.. - . We csn absolutely stand be- nma everv car ottered tor sa e ana we give vou a sauare deal. .. J-ror us Tf Ml j - m m wauc xui' kouu reai es- tate. Terms to responsible par- , . mi " ii !-iea: yPme, huick j iney are seii- 1UJ MOTOR CAR COMPANY . unurcn st. rnone 961 24-2t LOST OR FOUND LOST .FRATERNITY PIN, NAME C. W. GILCHRIST ON BACK, RE: WARD IF RETURNED. PHONE 1777-W. ' 25-lt LOST Cuff link between Belk Bros. and- Presbyterian hospital Friday, June 24th. Initialed W- J. S. Re turn to News for reward. 25-2t LOST Collie , dog, female, yellow arid ; wr.ite, well marked.. Last seen about June 16th. Finder notify T. M. Ah - bott. Phones 3022 and 4046. Suitable I -J .m- a , i iusi spotted fox terrier. - Answers to name Jack. Return to G. S. Monty, 1009 West Trade, and re i ceive . reward. 25-5h I LOST Fnday, ; bunch of keys and pad lock on . street .in First ward. Reward for return to News office.. ' ' - - - v 24-2t LOST Female poodle wearing collar. . Name Snowball. Reward. Return to - Ella Williams, 513 S. McDowelL 24-3t I T.OST (HumiBrt -nin atVoT nn Mni.fh Poplar or West .Trade. .'- Finder Please, return to News- for reward . - ' -. - - 24-3t FARM PRODUCTS I rrvr. a tv. nr ixm; V- lV'liU A.iXO J.UI DOUC, V. ; Sloan & Co. Phone 4441, 301 South College , St. 19-7t WANTEDREAL ESTATE I VVANTED- To buy home in Dilworth j or , Myers Park; $3000 cash, " balance I like . rent.' Address "Buyer," cars News.1 , ' ' .24-. AUTOMOBILES gro-IOR SALE New. Ford speedster, $275 P. O. Box 1368. 25-2t TrrT? , s5 a t ;T3vT"ftria rfl.ccr. toumine car rZZrY i-mit ; on , without trou- ble. Good tires. - aemountaoie nm, lights, apotlight, good horn. New motor and differential. : Converse,- Ot- toway Theatfe. TJT7IAT.' RAWnATTSIfl TNT TTSED "CARS t- ...-7- t , Ono ChalmeVs tourinV, rebuilt. two uaKiana, tourings. I one Oakland sedan demonstrator. . m.n.nkcnUf e.4iin '' WUC U. OCUIH One "Maxwell touring. two .oro ara all in first class enn- rfitirm and mr. he .oueht chean and I oneasy terms- .. ' " 25-St tthp s a t rino 1 qi WnrA . roadster. in sood condition, with srood tires and Hassler shock absorber. W. A. -m -ou oc t I n I V. jr nunc ouu-o. 1 well demonstrator, newly pamten, i and retired. $500. These cars all in well demonstrator, newly - painted, excellent mechanical condition. Terms Motor Co., 7 Park Ave., Phone 25-it I FOR SALF. A number of new . one and one-half ton truck bodies at greatly reduced prices. These bodies are adjustable to practically any standard chassis. B. & B. Motor Co. 7 ' Park Ave. Phone 3554. 25-2t FOR SALE Cheap, new truck bod ies. Size 5x9 and 6x12. Let us show you. J. M. : Clark, Inc., 12 East Seventh St. ... - 25-.'t REAL BARGAIN National 6,..7-pa8- senger. Brand new Kelly-Springfield cord tires. : Car loks . good as new, $620. V. M. Stine, 29 South Tryon. .25-tf HUDSON 6-40 for sale, four new tires, just .overhauled, will '. sacrifice for $350. 405 East Fourth. Phone 499-W. . 1 24-31 WE will sacrifice our second hand trucks and give good terms to .lean nil,- flnnr. hufmre mriirin v tn rmv new home July 1st. Come to see u. at once if you want a bargain in all ' size trucks. J. M. Clark, Inc. 12 East Seventh St. 24-4t iV'ANTED To buy for cash second hand touring car or roadster. .Stan - dard make and- must be bargain in every respect. Auto, care N?ws. 24-:;i Buick roadster" tor Saie. ' New pain, new top, new tires. First class mechanical condition. A real bargain at $700, cash and easy terms. Southern Oakland Co. 23-St ,0 ONE GRAY DORT at a bargain, seven months old, sells for $i4oo; can bo bought for $800; cash or terms. Southern Oakland Company. 23-3t BARGAINS IN USED CARS YOU n t wrvm i irrirtTtr. mi mti,t rv. .ivr r unu iu kj v lZdiijjL. fVitinHii. 101fl 7, An rrr- - ! Overland Six, 5-passenger. Overland roadster. Sfi!".11!:? ads.t?r)- Chevrolet, model K'R. 5.n9ani.r jti ord touring . 7 ' .-o-- l's-ton truck (cord tires) These cars are all in fine shape and are real bargains Terms if - desired. I DAIL OVERLAND CO." .436 West Trade St. 23-4t FJC: PL2, I " uck, one panel dc truck. See Felix Hay truck, one panel bodied Overland man, 35 North Tryon. 21-tf BARGAINS in used cars. Buick tour r;"tZnob Sehorn & Hipp, 211 N. . College St. .Phonejooo. i9-7t R?T TAv ford you , drive y -vj., ova .wrun I TRYON, PHONE' 1270.. . .. 15,tf see v. i- stine. , He wm pay you cash for your automobiles.- 6-tf U" ANTED Your automobile to paint: tops , to rebuild; work- first class; prices right. , Payne s Auto Works, 26 E. Sixth St. - s 6-3-tf arVvmpn MTon , aktVto WAJCTED Your shoe repairing. Soles 51.00 and $1.25. Heels 50c. Phone 4331, 311 Templeton Ave. We de- I , i- 1 i? I WANTED To sell you mullets when you go ., lismng., H. Market. Phone 3612." O.v Fowler's H wTJJ-Yoni' rt1 to Sunder I wura. guiufuiitjea. nice rea?onaoie. phone 3725.W.. MA.tA 6-24-tf WANTED To buy second hand hem- stitching machine. Phone 2476. 23-6t SSIS make over. New ticks.' " Haley-How ard Co., .323 E. Trade St.' Phope 344i. . !2-tf WANTED Accounts tp collect. Will , be glad to make special arrdrore- n.ents with professional men an all classes of business concerns. Month- . ly. contract preferred. . Standard com- miasinn r.hare-ed aftr rr11f.l inn Jfat. isf action before pay. Address uth- caster? Business-Adjustinff Corpora- tior). Tpk -Rn-r 11R7. Chrintf v r ' t- I4,i7t WANTED To find; a buyer for that estabUshed buness which, you wish to sell or. to. find that established business which you wish to buy. Our field is wide, and we shall be glad to use .iwauuE8..ivr, jwur qenouu Southeastern Business-Adlustlng Cor poration, Lock Box 1167. Charlotte, WANTED Your upholstering and f ur- niture . -repairing. FJrst-class, work, prices reasonable. General Repair Co., prices reaeunaD'B. veiiczn.i xvfpir v., 315 -N. Caldwell St. A. E. Cohn, Mgr. Phone 1989. - 26-tf j WANTED 1 ' ' UrT T-or,fs nd ittV . to miiaJr. Als I - - .- - 1 z " T- -.-. --T Ice Boxes and . Refrigerators. STRANGE & BRADY. Phone 3149 - . WANTED To do - your -hemstitching I and; pecoting. . Phone 2027-W, 307 N. Tryon. ' ' -5-1-tf I WANTED To borrow. S30QO and $4000 I - on gilt) edge . real estate - security, for I twelve months..- Attractive interest. I rnOne 64. 3ll YfWTVfiir. Ke 4438, is-tt SALESMAN WANTED WANTED Two A-l. salesmen to re.ore- sent the Levering Coffee Co.. BalU to run a car. Nothins but ood nt?n need apply. Call, at : 207 iWest Tenth avenue, Charlotte, between 9 a. , m and :J5 p. ,-,,:.m:" - July 1st and 2nd s: ... "iwi c iruoiie,in.j, , i.jiarmfi? IT MATTERS NOT Where the prices of shoes may go we are always on the: job prepared to save our customers from One to Five .Dollars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and others can if they will. Will' you?;: ' - TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Trade St. . Charlotte, N. C. SPECIAL NOTICES SPECIAL IP pal F.state WAREHOUSE SITE . - . f rnilroarl front- acres With 450 It. raiiroaa iroilL ap;e. Price $7,500. Hasy terms. T .1 dllo 1j. J., rr yiiuiiaiit, uo.""" Phone 3022. I WANTED Everybody to know " that I have opened one of the most com plete electric shoe shops in Char lotte at Ninth and. Caldwell streets. All - work . guaranteed to. give satis faction.- Our prices are : the lowest in the citv. Bring me "your work and be convinced. The first customer eaj!i ' morning for the next ten days will get- rubber heels free. B. J3. McMahan. Mgr. 23-4t CHARLOTTE BUTTON SHOP Hem stitching, pecoting, button covering, etc. Promnt service. '307 N. Col lege. 18-tf C. H BRA DSHAW Transfer and Moving Long Distance ' Hauling Phone 99-W Charlotte, N. C. 1 FURNITURE REPAIRING. REFIN ISHING AND UPHOLSTERING SLIP COVERS. w specialize in doing over old furni . , mi e. . NESMITH COMPANY, INC. 19 East Fif,th St. 10-tf Local and Long Distance Moving Packing and Storing Three Large Trucks WARREN TRANSFER CO. 1102 N. Caldwell St. Phone 1166 piano tuning-w. e. senn. ch- lotte, N. C. Phone 2335-1,-3. " 10-13-tf LEVY'S EYEGLASS ES fit all eyes, none tetter. 7 East Trade St., up stairs.. 12-1-tf WANTEDPOSmON WANTED Position by experienced electrician and auto mechanic. Best references furnished. Married man and settled. -Any Treasonable offer consicered. Address Al. H., care Nevi-s. - - 25-3 A POSITION WANTED as house keeper;.: a lady, a widow, age 30 desires a place as housekeeper;" weii recommended. Address S. F. C.,. car News:" ' . - 25-2t-eod WANTED An experienced . grocery man would like to :mvest a few hun dred dollars in . a well established grocery business. Can devote part of time with the business. Write me your proposition and I ; will cal Address ; Investment care News. EXPERIENCED mechanic de sires nosition Jnlv lat. Prinnp ZZZ r " .---... 9Q.ff STENOGRAPHER with rnlWp education, experienced m gen eral work, including - law of fice, wishes position immedi ately. Good reference. Phone 2485. . . '. 22-5t FOR SALE LIVE STOCK I -! . rfT VT?Z eight Jhtm if r- poses. Bargains if sold in -next --few days- L- H. Robinson, Matthews, R. P. D. 17, N. C. 25-3t FEMALE collie dog for . sale, . four? teen months old. Fhone 907-Ji . I ' : - . 24-tf I DOG . FOR SALE Female, fourteen montns old. Phone 907-J.- . ' 23-tf - 1 TPtT PITT rji n 1 ""VZZX -Ur, ule! icnauuauiB pfice.-, . Hi.; OUll, : KOUte 8, Box 30.. , I T?fT G A T TC T?t? i t PQir A arc I w oAiiHi KKAL. EbTATE FOR SALE In . Eliaiabeth, ' without aoupt toe nest Duy in town, if you phone us quick, ; and beauty about it, you can move In few days. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. 21-6t FOR SALE Eight-room home in Eliff- aoein, ouu. yueen . city Realty Co.; Inc. - - r - 2l-5t 1 1 THE LONG combination living room - vv. niui - uulil- in table seats and cupboard were designed , for comfort and conven ience,; -out edge . of Myers 1 Park! Queen City Realty " Co., Inc. 21-5t FARM PRODUCTS PEAgn -1 --supply only casU to accompany order . at $4.50 per bu lor good average miKed peas.-Velvet leans, $2.00. Wilson Distributing Co.. . Columbia, S. C: ; . 24-3t - 1 HflTTSTRS WAKTWnffftnMS WAiiTED-Unfurnlshed Room first 1 AW-xici--To rent six or eight room I house in nice neighborhood. Address I f O. Box 7T7.' - - : - -r . . 23-Ct I WANTED By - two business girls . smau : zurnMnea - apartment-close in PLANNING ABICT UUKTH OF JULY Chester Will Stage a R0US. nig veieoraiion on the National Holiday. Chester. S.'.C, June .; ti,- "rh '. , J.ulr lebration tee a.s completed arrangement T full day's program. Letters 1 Jj received from parties in Fairfield i"5 ion and Tork, as well as from ml parts , of Chester county. S about: the. events being arrant S ior ipe ceieoration. v" .,The excellent program is attran.;.- a great deal of interest. Con. man W. F. Stevenson is amiS:5; his visit here with a great deal of X? ure. " He will be the orator nr .lPIeiS and a large number of his friend, ini De out to near him. " The track meet itetween rh Rock Hill, beginning in the mornir 10 a. m will be a lively tilt for fJ1 ore.- The best athletes from both towns will participate. This " i 01 to all of Chester and York m A n limber of highly interesting and Luiiuiiig luii tests win oe staged Medals will be awarded as prizes. A fun ,' gram of this feature will be announVri within the next few days congressman Stevenson will delivr his address at 11 a. m. in front of th? grand stand. This will be follows Z a concert by the Springstein Coneerf, uxuu. hub naiiu mrnisnes excellent music and will be on the fairground ail day. The two features that are natural attracting the most interest are horse- racing ana Daseoau. i here will be a large number of entries in the two hir races: 2:20 pace and free-for-all Thl purse offered by the committee is $200. a nuniDer oi letters have been received from interested race-horse owners, who are making arrangements to be here mat aay. i ne . tact that the Chester track is on . the circuit of the Union Trotting Asociation is a big boost for this fetaure. As evidenced from the large number who attended the races during the an nual Chester County Fair, the usua! interest will be manifested. The baseball . game at 4 o'clock be tween ( Chester and Rock Hill, is also expected to be a. big drawing card. The best players from the Sunday school leagues of the two towns will com pose tha teams. This is expected to be the - fastest and be6t played game of the season. The prospects are, good at this time to secure an airplane from the- government as one of the moving attractions. - Passengercarrying wiil be arranged for as an added attraction. Luncheon will be sold on the ground, and tables will be arranged for picjiic lunch. A rest room will be fitted up at the fair grounds for ladies and child ren. : HARDING CONFERS WITH FINANCIERS . . Washington, June 25. The railroad problem, particularly in reference to co-operation of financiers in putting the roads on a - sound financial ba?K again 'occupied a prominent place Fri day in the councils of the administra tion. The question is understood to have beep discussed at the cabinet meeting, President Harding laying be fore the secretaries the assurances ' co-operation given him by the of western bankers who conferred with him on general financial condition!. After the cabinet meeting Secretaries Mellon and Hoover, Chairman Clark d the Interstate Commerce Commissi and Director Gener?l Davis of the rai road administration, talked with tin President on the same subject. Administration officials said no defi nite developments l ad come out c the series of conferences but indicate that some progress might be expect" son . toward a solution of the probeai - As' one result of a new. policy consultation adopted hre, heads of w various federal reserve banks are ' pected to keep in closer touch wiu the federal reserve board and the w ministration. . President Hardisf' consultations with private bankers sr understood to have fostered a bejc; Lthat much good might b acvomplisa'- lf the reserve bank governors t called ipto frequent consultation herfc to report on the exact conditions their Respective district?. CARRIERS CALL (Continued From Pagre One.) the legislature during the sum- , months until the cities put the VflU" matter squarely up to him. SHOULD AVOID IT. , .r The Governor held the floor tV-a the greater part of the time -e - -j, cil was in' session. He went o great detail the tale the city n" had told him. He erave his ideas - the' matter both for and s sn.nii . . u .lions other members of the council i - ed if there was any possth'.e do so; -But at-the present time not know of any way, unless be shown that the cities could 0 money. The attorney Sener,aL sitt ing into this general phase of tne uon, out so rar aoes nut .i Is on,, lonrnrt,; u-ill STlVe Ul0 under the recent ruling of the (OJirt tVia r(rht tn nlpdffe the faith than ter- me cities, or to raise mv per cent more money that tne-verRcr in 1919. And - the cities, u - tic -r. told the council, were ei Kl b9 iff- - - .mnndw their statements that it itv possible for them to exist on revenues. . ;- . the eome -or the. meniDers v o: of ,: state, who have no legisiau seE. gram ; which they fear the spe Mi3f 5icm mights tear up, object to called because of the cost to w o They do not believe a sessltav thrfi legislature -could come here, -njCip days ' or a; week. x the o jij finance act and leave at the e tw time.' Getting rid of a legislatur Officials say, before tne y,r :h usunl me Umit. is a ail"0" . tf m, Th.v hollM-A ! it WOUld P". ,-utlH -- j.- j tnaL "r n tVti-Ba -nrolr eosRinn. ana - . iV.ddres3 G. & J.. care News. 23-3t cpsf $40,000. -