THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 27, 1921. 10 : i hi 'i LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ' in . , , .'n, COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF VALU ABLE CIT REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of a decree of th Superior court of Mecklenburg conntv, for the re-sale of the real es tate hereinafter described, made in that civil action entitled "Mamie AV . Goode. et als. vs. Agnes Goode Hearne, et als." the undersigned com missioners, wiil on Monday, the 4tn d.-iv ot July. 1321. being the first Mon day in said month, at 12 o clock M.. at ihe county court house door of Mecklenburg-, in Charlotte, Is. . of fer for sale the following described lot of land: m ... Situated in the city of Charlotte. Mecklenburg county, N. C more par ticularlv described as follows: In Ward No. 3 of Charlotte, beginning: at a stake or post on north side of West Fourth street, McKamey s south east corner formerly, now Wade s corner, and runs with the line of said McXamey's now Wades in rt northeasterly direction and parallel with Poplar street 110 feet to a stake, Messer's corner formerly; thence with the line of what was formerly the Messer lot, parallel with Fourth street across the alley and with the outer line of the shop wall 69 feet in an easterly direction to a stake or post, in what was formerly the Simm's lot; thence with what was formerly the Slmm's line, and parallel with Poplar street 110 feet in a southwesterly direction to Fourth street; thence with Fourth street 66 feet to the beginning; being the same lot of land conveyed to J. M. Goode by J. E. Falls and wife, by deed dated April 6, 1S96. and ouly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, in Book 110, page 343. The above lot Is subject to the right of George M. Messer, his heirs and assigns to use as an alleyway, a strip of the land above described 12 feet in width from the west side thereof, extending from Fourth street, and along the line of the McKamey lot to the line of the lot formerly owned by said George M. Messer. This is a re-sale of said lands, and the bidding for same will commence at $15,461.25. Terms of sale cash. This the 16th day of June, 1921. H. N. PHARR, ' E. R. PRESTON. 6-20-2t-mon Commissioners. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed of trust executed by Beulah Walker Grier and husband. William Grier, on August 21. 1920, and recorded in Book 433, page 26. of the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, to which reference is hereby made, and because of default in complying with the terms and performing the condi tions therein contained, and at the request of owner and holder of notes thereby secured, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of Mecklenburg county, in the city of Charlotte. North Carolina, on the 3rd Mondav in July, 1921, being July ,18. 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, the interest in the lands hereinafter described conveyed by said deed of trust, said lands being described as follows: Ih Ward No. 2, of the city of Char lotte, beginning at the southeast corner of Third and Mvers streets and runs with East Third street in an east erly direction one hundred and sixty five (165) feet; thence parallel with Mvers street in a southwest direction fifty-five (55) feet to the division fem-e: thence parallel with said Thirl street, one hundred and sixty-live (165) feet to Myers street; thence with Myers street fifty-five (55) feet to the beginning corner, and being part of Lot No- 1 (one) in the plat of the lands of Long Brothers, which is re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds for said county in Book 84, page 1; and being the same land conveyed by deed recorded in Book 116, page 291, said Register's office, to which reference is hereby made; and being the same property conveyed bv J. 11. Winchester and wife to F. M. Winchester, by deed dated July 8, 1909. and recorded in the Mecklenburg Registry in Book 242, page 560; and being the same property conveyed by F. M. Winchester and wife to J. H. Little, trufclee, by deed dated August 1, 1!)?.. and recorded in Book 319, page 350; and being the same prop erty conveyed by J. H. Little, trustee, to Mary W. Winchester, by deed dated May 21, 1918, and recorded in Eook 391. page 241. to which deeds leference is hereby made. This sale will be held open ten (10) days for increase bid as provided by law. This the 13th day of June. 1921. H. L TAYLOR. 6-20-4t-mon Trustee. TTETsIle-oIF'rEAL ESTATE. J Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed Trustee in that certain deed of trust executed by A. D. Vander burg and wife, dated the 30th day of April, 1921, and registered in Book 446, page 670 in the offlce of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured as therein provided, and the holder and owner of the note or bond thereby secured having demanded and required the undersigned trustee to advertise and sell the said property thereby conveyed, W. C. Davis, trustee, will expose to sale at public auction, io.: cash to the highest bidder at the county court house door of Mecklen burg county in the city of Charlotto. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M, on Monday, July 18, 1921, the same be ing the third Monday in July, all that certain lot or parcel of land, situated, lying and being in Charlotte township. Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: In the city of Charlotte, adjoining the lands now or formerly owned bv A. R. Surratt and others, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake on the north side of West Tenth street, A. R. Surratt's corner, now or fo.--merlv, and runs thi nee with his line, N. 35 E. 209 feet; thence N. 7 W. 45 feet; thence in a northerly direction 8.2 feet to an iron stake; thence S. 27 W. 198 feet to an iron stake on the north side of Tenth street; thence with Tenth street, S. 7H E. 45 feet to the beginning. Being the same lot of land conveved to the said A. D. Vanderburg by Otis Vanderburg and wife, by deed dated the 15th day of April, 1907, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenbi.rg county in Book 222, paife 1:39, to which deed reference is hereby n?de. ' The purchaser at the sale will as sume the pyament of the taxes, if any. This June 17, 1921, Wl C. DAVIS. 6-20-4t-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtus of the author ity granted to the undersigned trustee in a , certain deed of trust dated the 1st V day of July, 1916, from The Forest Hill Realty Company to F. R. McNinch, trustee, recorded :n the office of the Register of Deeds tor Mecklenburg county ln Book 36.. page 310, and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness there- securei. the undersigned trustee will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Mecklenbuxg county. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, July 18th, 1921, as provided oy law, tne ioiiowing de scribed real estate: Being known and designated as Lot No. 8, in Block No. 26, as shown on revised map of Chatham Park Land Company's Oakhurst lots, which said map is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Mecklenburg county, in Book 230, page 244, to which reference is hereby made; satd lot fronting on the Plaza, and run ning back in a westerly direction to a ten-toot alley in the rear thereof, and being a part of the land, conveyed to Forest - Hill Realty Company by the Chatham Park Land Company bv ueea rccortiea in saia register s onice in Book 358, page 223. this con veyance being made subject to all he reservations, conditions and restric tions set out in deed from George W. Moore to the Chatham Park Land Company by deed recorded in said Register's office in Bool316, page 270. The above property will be sold subject to taxes and street paving assessments. ' F. R. aicNINCH, CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina. Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Ray Printing Company, a corporation of this state, whose principal office is sit uated at No. 22 West Trade street, in the City of Charlotte, county of Mecklenburg, State of North Carolina (F. H. Washburn being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, en titled "Corporation," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solutions: Now. therefore. I. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the state of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 24th day of May, 1921, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stock holders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, J. have hereto set mv hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 24th day of May A. D. 1921. . J. BRYAN GRIMES, 6-6-4t-mon Secretary of State. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue or the power contained in two deeds of trust, executed to me, the undersigned trus tee, by George K. Hummel and wife, Beulah B. Hummel, one of which is dated the 27th day of September, 191y. and registered in the office of tie Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, in Book 344, page 590, and the other dated the 14th day of August, 1916, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg countv aforesaid, in Book 362, page 334. and because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured in said deeds of trust, and of the per formance of the agreements and stip ulations therein contained, l the undersigned trustee, will, on Monday, the 18th day of July. 1921, being the third Monday in said month, -t 12 o'clock M., at the county court house door of Mecklenburg county, in Char lotte, N. C, expose to sale, -to the highest bidder, for cash at public auc tion, all that certain lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the city of Charlotte, county of Mecklen burg, state of North Carolina, and mor particularly Dounaea ana ac- scm.ea as ronows: as shown and designated on J. 3. Spritfs map of Irwin property, known as Irwin's Park. May, 1905,. recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, in Book 195, page 663, to which reference is hereby made; said lot fronts 52 feet on Fifth street, and extends back with that width 150 feet to a 10-foot alley, all of which will appear by refer ence to said map; together with the right to use said alley in common with other owners of lots in said Irwin's Park. Being the same lot of land conveyed to said George K. Hummel and wife, beulah B. Hummel by Durham & Murphv Land Company, by deed regis tered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, in J"ok 2 59, page 124, to which deed reference is hereby mace. Being the same land conveyed in said deeds of trust. Terms of sale cash. This the 17th day of June, 192. E. J. CAFFREY. 6-20-4t-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed of trust executed by Florence C. Cameron and husband. H. F. Cameron, on Ihe 25th clay of March, 1919. which is duly re corded in Book 395. page 520, of Ihe office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, to which refer ence is hereby made, default, having teen made in complying with the terms and performing the conditions therein, I will sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, at the county court house door, in the city of Charlotte, Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday. July 18, 1921. being the third Monday in Juiy, 1921, all that certain .piece, parcel and tract of land lying In Mecklenburg countv, State of North Carolina, and bounded as fol lows, to-wit eeing lot no. n block No. 81, as the same appears on man recorded in for Mecklenburg eCounf yin wSoM? page oz, to which reference is hereby inaae. i ogetner - witn the right or easement to the use of the alleyways in said block, as shown on said map. Being the same lot conveved bv Charlotte Consolidated Construction Company to,L. C. Watkins. by deed dated October the first, 1917, and re corded in Book No. 383, page No. 201, of the Register's offlce. ' Being same lot conveyed by L. C. Watk'ns ard wife to R. E. L. Morefleld bv deed dated the 14th day of Mav. 1318, and duly recorded in the Registry for said Mecklenburg county in Book 392, page 83, reference beiner madf to si.-i Being the same lot of land conveyed to Florence C. Cameron bv R. E. L. Morefield and wife. Ada F. MoreuVld by deed dated March 24, 1919. and dulv nied for record in the Mecklenburg Registry. Beiner the sa-ma nimoi land described in the aforesaid deed ui irusi. The said sale will remain nnnn rot ten days for increase of bid as re quired by law. This the 17th day of Jim, 1921. -20-4t-mon Tn5t TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power nlained in a deed of trust executed ' T' JE.he undersigned trustee, by Bradshaw. under date of October 16. 1920, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklen- uurg county, in Book 434, pae. 186. and because of default in the payment nLthf indebtedness therein secured, m-T.2f"th5 Performance of the agree ments and stipulations therein con tained, I the undersigned trustee, will, being the third Monday in said month ,twel,ve oclck M., at the countv court house door of Mecklenburg county, in Charlotte, N. O, expose to sale, to the highest bidder or cash Pubjlc auction, all that certain lot pf land situated in the city of Char cu?.ty ,of Mecklenburg, Stat ?LP0?h Carolina, and more particu larly described as follows- I"11"1-" Beginning at a stone at the in tersection of North Caldwell street and East Eighteenth street formerly Josephine street, and runs tEi w"h East Eighteenth street In a southeasterly direction 198 feet to a stone; thence in a southwesterly di al0,W Md Nr"h Cafd- and with the line of O. L Dtmn 19S feet to a stone on North Caldwell Itrltf' 4ntLtVth Nrth Caldwel street, 4 feet to the beginning-- hid ing the same lot of land conveyed -o Mrs. Rhoda RrnrtahQ w., VrV ry? i0 S.d wife, by deed dated April r.to190' -and re:istered in the offlce ot the Register of Deeds for Mecklen burg county in Book 365 v&si Z h deed and thedeeds Pthf rein' re terred to. referno to v, de?delnof tfuesStame land convIyyedTnQsea,d terms ol sale cash This the 17th day of June. 191 ADMINISTRATOR'S IVOTICH Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Beulah Walker Grie deceased, late of Mecklenburg -countv North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them Davidson ndftrrl&tned at No' 308 South J afon street, on or before tb wm btypYeadne'- 192k2' r this notice coverv An led ln bar of their re estate" wm1 ersons indebted to said payment1" PleaSe make immediate i9This the 31st day of May, A. D. . aiKr.ler' Deceased. 6-6-6t-mon TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the author ity granted to the undersigned trustee in a cereain deed of trust, dated the 2nd day of August. 1915, from J. J. Misenheimer and others to WrlUs Brown, trustee, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklen burg county in Book 353 at page loO, and because of default in the pay ment of the indebtedness therein se cured, the undersigned trustee will sell to the highest bidder for casn, at the courthouse door in Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, at 12 o clock noon on Monday, July 18th, 1921, as provided by law, the following describ ed real estate: . Being the same known and desig nated as a part of Lots Nos. 1 and 2, Block 20, as shown on the map of the Suburban Realty Company known as Piedmont Park, which said map is re corded in the Register of Deeds office for Mecklenburg county, N. C, in Book 202, page 485, to which reference is hereby made. Beginning at a stake on the north east side of Seventh street, 33 feet lrom the center of Sugar Creek on the west side of a 20-foot street running from Seventh to Eighth streets; thence running in a northerly direction 7o feet, m0re or less to an iron pin, cor ner of a lot of said Sadie L. Harnll; thence in a westerly direction 50 feet more or less to the center of Sugar Creek; thence with the center of the creek in a southerly direction 80 feet more or less to Seventh street; thence with Seventh street in aa easterly direction 33 feet to the be ginning. A condition of this deed . is that the property herein described and conveved is never to be occupied bv a person of the race. fin ner cent or amount, ui um nhnvi. nronertv will be required to he paid in cash at time of sale, other- tne same rgihts. conditions and re wise property will be immediately i strictinos as arc set forth in said de-d. rccill rl Above property sold svfject to all taxes due thereon. WILLIS BROWN, G-20-4t-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed of trust xecuted bv Minnie I. Williams (single) on JanuarV 6. 1920. and recorded in Book 416, page 370, of the office of the Resrister of Deeds for Mecklenbur county, to which reference is hereby made, and because of default in com plying with the terms and performing the conditions therein contained, and at the request of owner and holder of notes thereby secured, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door of Mecklenburg county, in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, on the 3rd Monday in July, 1921, being July 18, 1921, at 12 o'clock, noon, the interest in the lands hereinafter described conveyed by said deed of trust, said lands being described as follows: Situated in the town of Biddleville. near Charlotte, North Carolina, (now n the city of Charlotte); being Lots Nos. seven and eight (7 and 8), an the map of the property of Ljo Kinney made by J. B. Spratt, C. S., and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Mecklenburg coun ty in Book 332, page 156, said lots fronting 63 feet on Davidson street. Being a part of the property con veyed to Lee Kinney by Frank F. Jones and wife, Irma Hunt Jones, by deed dated October 25, 1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county in Book 412, page 241. Being the same lots of land conveyed to Minnie I. Williams by Lee Kinney and wifa, by deed dated December 22, 1919, anJ duly filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county. This sale will be held open for ten (10) days for increase bid as provided by law. This the 13th day of June, 1921. T. C. WILSON, 6-20-4t-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the power of sale and authority vested in the undersigned trustee by that certain deed of trust dated the 18th day of October, 1920, made by Union Laun dry, of Charlotte, Incorporated, and recorded In Book 433, at page 558, etc., In the offlce of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, to which reference is hereby made, default having . been made in complying with the terms and performing the conditions thereof, at the request of the owner and holder of the notes or bonds secured there by, I will sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the county court house door, in Charlotte, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock, noon cn Monday the 18th day of July, 1921, same being the third Monday in July. 1921, the land embraced in said deed of trust and particularly described and bounded as follows: Bing lots numbers five and six of map of the property of C. E. Mason recorded in Book 230, page 73, of the Registry of Mecklenburg coun ty, North Carolina, to which map reference is hereby made; together with the right to use for the purpose of egress and regress to andv from said lots all the alleyways and streets shown on. said map. The said lots are a Bart of the same land conveyed to C. E. Mason by A. M. McDonald and wife, fcy deed dated July 7th, 1910, and duly registered .in Register of Deeds office for Mecklenburg county, in Book. 263, page 423,. and subject to all restrictions and conditions set forth in the said deed from A. M. Mc Donald to C. E. Mason to which deed reference is hereby made; and being two of the same lots of land con veyed, to D. V. Mason by R. E. Neigh bor and wife, by deed dated October 28. 1318, and duly recorded in Book 408, page 266. The above - lot number five fronts 40 feet on West Palmer street and extends back with that width 120 feet. Lot number six fronts 40 feet on West Palmer street and extends back 120.3 on one side and 120 feet on tne other side, with a width of 48.8 feet in the rear and 40 feet in che front. These lots can never ho owned . or occupied by any persons of the col ored race. Being the same lots of land which were conveyed hv D. V. Mason whiph ried) to . John Alexander Armstrong oy ueea aatea iviav bth, 1920, and recorded in B0ok 426, at pago 135, in the aforesaid registry and the same lots in all respects conveyed to the said Union Laundry, of Charlotte, Inc., by deed of John Alexander Armstrong and his wife, Ferrie E. Armstrong, dated October 18. 1920, to which deeds and all deeds therein referred to reference is hereby made. Said land will be offered fo sale subject to a deed of trust recorded in book 428, page 136, of the public registry of Mecklenburg county. N. C , and also subject to the- payment bv the purchaser of all taxes and assess ments levied against said land and un paid. June 18, 1921. LOUIS B. VREELAND. -20-4t-mon Trustee. deed recorded in Book 392, page 215. of the said Register's office, and one of the lots of land conveyed by Royal Land and Investment Company to B. R. Lee bv deed recorder! in nr,tr 391. page 457, of said Register's offlcj, and being part of the land conveyed by the Charlotte Consolidated Con struction Company to the Royal Land and Investment Company, by deed re corded in Book 325, page 108, of said Register's office, and reference is made to all of said deeds, the afore said lot being subject to the same rights, conditions and; restrictions as set forth therein. Being the same parcel of land described in the afore said deed of trust. The said sale will remain -open for ten days for increase of bid as re quired by law. . , This the 17th day of June, 1921. E. L. KEESLER, 6-20-4t-mon Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE TO V CERDITORS. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of G. L. Keller, deceased, late of Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate to present them to the undersigned, duly proven, on or before the 30th day of May. 1922. or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate pay- This the 30th day of Mav, 1921, H T! C TTTTT.T .TrT . TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested- in the under signed by that certain deed of trust; executed by R. n. Dobson on the 25th day of June, 1914, which is duly re recorded in Book 333, page 332, of the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, to which refer ence is hereby made, default having Deen maue in complying with the terms and performing the conditions therein, I will sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, at the county court house door, in the city of Charlotte, Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, July 18, 1921, being the third Monday in July, 1921, all that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lying in MecKienburg county, state of North Carolina and bounded as follows: - Being lot No. 4 in square No. 10, in the property of A. G. and Chase Brenizer, known as "East Dilworth" in ward No. 8 of the city of Charlotte, as will appear by reference to the map of said property recorded in Book 230, page 55, In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, to which reference is hereby made, being a: part of the property which was conveyed to said A. G. and Chase Brenizer by deed recorded in Book 266, page 64, of said Register's office, said lot fronting 50 feet on the street known as Kenilworth avenue and extending back with that width 177.5 feet to an alley in the rear of said lot and other lots in sad square, together with the right to use in common with the other lot owners m said square as an alleyway for the purposes of ingress, egress and re gress to and. from said lot a strip of iand extending across -the rear of said square, the said alley being shown upon the map hereinbefore mention ed, and with the right to use any other alleyway located in said block as shown by said map, and beins? the same right, conditions and re veyed by A. G. and Chase Brenizer to R. R. Dobson by deed dated June 25, 1914. and duly recorded in the Meck lenburg Registry, to which reference is hereby made, and being subject to Being the same parcel of land de scribed in the aforesaid deed of trust. This sale will remain open for ten days for increase of bid as required by law. This the 17th day of Jane, 1921. F. L. BLACK, 6-20-4t-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SAi.15. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed of trust executed by A. M. Herron on the 7ih day of May, 1910, which is dulv re corded in Book 266, page 146, of the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, to which refer ence is hereby made, default having been made in complying with tne terms and performing the conditions therein, I will sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, at the county court house door, in the city of Charlotte, Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, .at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, July 18, 1921; being the third Monday in July, 1921, all that certain piece, narcel and tract of land lying ;n Mecklenburg county, state of North Carolina, and bounded as follows: Known as lot No. 7 in block No. 1, in the property known as "East Dil worth," as will appear by reference to the map of said property, recorded in Book 230, page 55, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Meck lenburg county, being the property conveyed by A. G. Brenizer to D. M. Austin and wife by deed recorded in Book 226. page 64, of the said Meck lenburg Registry, the said lot fronting 50 feet on the street known as Ke i- ilworth avenue, in said "East Dil worth" and extending back with that width 172 feet to an alley extend ing in the rear of the said lot and other lots; together with the right t: use in common with other lot owners in said square as an alley-way for the purpose of ingress, egress and re gress to and from said lot and strip of land extending across the rear of said lot and other lets in said square, the said alleyway being shown upon the map hereinbefore mentioned and with the right to use any other alley way in said block shown upon said map, including a 16-root alleyway on the S. W. side of said lot and to gether also with the right to use the streets or avenues known as Kenil worth avenue, Buchanan street, and that part of the Boulevard owned by A. G. and Chase Brenizer, being in all respects the same lot with the same allevway rights and easements con veyed and described :n a deed from A. G. Brenizer and Chase Brenizer to A. M. Herron duly recorded, being subject to all the conditions and reservations contained and set forth in said deed to which reference Is hereby made. Being the same parcel of land described in the aforesaid deed of trust. This sale will remain open for ten days for increase of bid as required by law. This the 17th day of June, 1921. F. L. BLACK, 6-20-4t-mon Trustee. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. Lacey Crowell, Plaintiff, vs. W. J. Crowell, Defendant. In the Superior Court. The defendant above named will takg notice that an action entitled, as above has been commenced by the plaintiff in the Superior court of Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, for an absolute divorce from the defendant, and the said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear before the clerk of the Superior court of said county, on the 18th day of July, 1921, at his office in the court house of said county, in Charlotte, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff In this action or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 16th day of June. 1921. C. C. MOORE. Clerk Superior Court of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. Stewart & McRae, Attorneys for Plain tiff 6-20-4t-mon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. Mrs. Beulah E. Carter (Weaver), plain tiff, vs. H. D. Weaver, Defendant. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. a , The defendant above named, take notice, that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in Mecklenburg county, for an absolute divorce, upon the grounds laid down in the stat ute, and the said defendant will fur ther take notice, that he is required to appear before the clerk of the Superior Court of Mecklenburg County. July 15. 1921. in Charlotte. N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in the skid action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for relief demanded in the said complaint. This the 20th day of June, 1921. C. C. MOORE, Clerk of the Superior Court. Bridges & Orr, Attorneys. 6-22-4t-oaw TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the power vested in m in a certain deed of trust executed bv J. T. Sanders on the 1st day of August. 1916, and duly recorded in the register s omce in do ok 384. page 262, I will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in the city of Charlotte, at 12 o'clock M, on Monday, the 18th day of July, 1921, the. following described lot - of land on which is located Sanders Hotel. Fronting 100 feet on South Caldwell street at the corner of South Caldwell and East Third streets, and running back with that width 100 feet, on which lot or property is located the Sanders Hotel, and which property was conveyed to J. T. Sanders by J. Lubin, which conveyance has been duly recorded in the office of the reg ister of deeds for Mecklenburg County, in book , page , to which reference is hereby made. This the 6th day of June. 1921. J. D. M'CALL, , 6-6-4t-mon Trustee. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the Estate of Harriet N. Sanders, deceas ed, late of the County of Mecklenburg, State of North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to Miss Madeline Orr, agent of the undersigned executors, -at No. 18 North College street, Charlotte, N. C, on or before the 20th day of May, 1922, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. , H. H. ORR, HARRY SANDERS, MRS. BESSIE BROOKS, Executors of the Estate of Harriet N. Sanders. Deceased. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed f trust executed by Augustus Smith (widower) on the 15th day of July. 1920, which is duly recorded in Book 4 23, page 560, of the office of the Register ot Deeds for Mecklenburg county, to which reference is hereby made, de fault having been made in complying with the terms and performing the conditions therein, I will sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bid der, at the county court house door, in the city of Charlotte, Mecklenburg county. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, July 18th, 1921, being the third Monday in July, 1921, all that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lying in Mecklenburg county, state of North Carolina, and bounded as follows, to-wit: - . Being lot No. 4 as shown and designated on the map of the property of John A. Parker and B. Rush Lee made bv C. A. Spratt dated August Sth, 1913, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county. N. C, in Book 230, page 246, to which map refer once is hereby made, fronting 42J, feet on Solomon street and extenling back with that width 12o Jeet, Po:r.o- nf ti-ic intc pnTitrovAil tr TT. I Vaughn Hawkins by John A Parker and j wife by deed dated the 15th day or October, 1919, and recorded in Book 4UU, page 540. m the oi tne Register of Deeds- for Mecklenburg county, and being . the same lot of land conveyed to Augustus Smith by aid U. Vaughn Hawkins by deed datd November 26, 1919. and recorded in Book 408, page 522, of said Meck lenburg Registry. Being the same parcel of land described in the afore said deed of trust. The said sale will remain open for ten days for increase of bid as re quired bv law. This the 17th day of June, 1921. E. L. KEESLER. 6-20-4t-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE. Under and by yirtue of the power and authority vested in the under signed by that certain deed of trust executed by James Ross and his wife, Libby Ross, on the 8th day of March, 1919, which is duly recorded in Book 395, page 456. of the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, to which reference is hereby made, default having been made in Complying with the terms and per forming the conditions therein, I will sell at public auction for cash, to the highest bidder, at the county court house door, in the city of Char lotte, Mecklenburg county, North Car olina, at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, July 18, 1921, being the third Mon day in July, 1921, all that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lying in Mecklenburg county, state of Nortn Carolina, and bounded as follows, to wit: In , the city of Charlotte; North Carolina, and being shown and desig nated as lot No. 12, in square No. 3, on map of the property of the Royal Land and Investment Company, said map oemg recorded in. the omce or tne Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county in Book 332, page 2, to whicn reference is hereby made for more particular description of location and metes and bounds of said lot, said lot fronting 50 feet on the northeast side of East Hill street and extends back with that width 120 feet in a north easterly direction to the south line of a ten-foot .alleyway,, the use of which said alleyway (is) in common with others lawfully entitled thereto is included in this conveyance, being the same lot of land conveyed by B. R. Lee and wife to James Ross by . COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Ufider and by virtue of the authority In me vested by a decree of the Superior Court in that certain cause entitled "J. H. Emery, Administrator of Robert Grier, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Grier, widow, and others. Defend ants," being thereby licensed by sai i decree commissioner to sell lands, I will offer for sale at public auction at the court house door of Mecklen burg county, North Carolina, on Mon day, July 18th. 1921, at 12 o'clock noon to the highest bidder for cash all the following described tract or parcel of land, more particularly de scribed as follows: Lying and being in said state and county and adjoining the lands of R. M. Grimes, situated in Square 143 and part of Lot 1271 in the plan of the city cf Charlotte, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stone on Hill street in said city thirty-seven (37) feet from the center of the Air Line Railroad track, running northward parallel with said railroad track nint-ty-six and one-half (96 1) feet, thence east thirty-two feet to a. stake; thence ninety-six and one-half (96) feet to a stake on Hill street sixty-nine (69) feet from the center of the railroad track; thence with Hill street to the beginning at a point just thirty-seven (37) feet from the center of the said railroad track, same be ing the lot of land bought by R. J3. Pickenpack from R. M. Grimes, De cember 25th, 1880, nad registered in Book 25, page 141. in the Register'3 office of said county. This June 15th, A. D., 1921. FRANCIS O, CLARKSON, 6-20-4t-mon Commissioner. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Under and by virtue of the authority granted to the undersigned Trustee in a certain deed of trust, dated the 1st day of July, 1916. from The Forest Hill Realty Company to F. R. Mc Ninch. trustee, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ' for Mecklen burg county in Book 363. page 308. and because of default in the pay ment of the indebtedness therein se cured,, the undersigned trustee will sell to the highest bidder for. cash, at the court hoijise door in Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon on Monday, July 18th, 1921, aa provided by law, the following describ ed real estate: Being known and designate! as Lot No. 7, in Block No. 26, as shown on revised map of Chatham Park Land Company's Oakhurst lots, which said map is recorded in the office of the Register of -Deeds of Mecklenburg county, in Book 230, page 244, to which reference is hereby made; said lot fronting on the Plaza and running back in a westerly direction to a ten foot alley in the rear thereof, and being a part of the land conveyed to Forest Hill Realty Company by the Chatham Park- Land Company by deed recorded in said Register's office in Book 358. page 223, this ec-nvey-a.i ce being made subject to all the res ervations, conditions and restrictions set out in deed from George W. Moore to the Chatham Park Land Companv by deed recorded in said Register' office in Book 316, page 270. The above property will be sold sub ject to taxes and street paving assess ments. F. R. McNINCH, G-20-4t-mon Trustee. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administratrix, with the will annexed, of Mrs. Orlena Estelle Holland, -deceased, late of Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, all persons having claims against said deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit them to me, the undersigned Admin istratrix, on or before the first day of July. 1922, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said de ceased are notified to make immediate payment to nvj. This the 21st day of June, 1921. CMISS) ALICE E. HOLLAND, Administratrix, with the Will Annexed, of Mrs. Orlena Estelle Holland, De ceased, Charlotte. N. C. 6?27-6-tmon TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of tne power and authority vested in me by that certain deed of trust dated October 1, 19166 and recorded in book 369. page 348, in the office , of the Register, of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, the fault having been made in payment or note secured tnereDy, tne under signed trustee will sell for cash at the court house door in Mecklenburg county in the city of Charlotte at 12 o'clock noon on the first Monday ih July, the same being July 4th, one half interest In all that certain track of land described as follows: Lying and being in the city of Charlotte on the southwest corner at the intersection of North Alexanv der and East Twelfth streets in square No. 224, lot number 13, according to Butler's map of the city of Charlotte, fronting 49 feet on North-Alexander and extending back with that width with East Twelfth street 148 feet. Located on this property are seven two-room negTo tenant houses. Located on. this property are seven two-room negro tenant houses, - S. Lu .VAUGHN, 6-6-4t-mon Trustee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATES. Under and by virtue or the power and authority vested in the under signed trustee in that certain deed of trust executed by H. W. Downey, dated the 31st day of March. 1920, and registered in book 425. page. 94, in the office of the register of deeds for Mecklenburg county, North Carolina, default having been made in the pay ment of. the indebtedness thereby se cured, and the holder and owner of the notes or bonds thereby secure having demanded and required the undersign ed trustee to advertise and sell the said property thereby conveyed, John A. McRae, trustee, will expose to sale at public auction,, for cash to the hign est bidder at the county court house door of Mecklenburg county, in the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M on. Monday, July 4, 1921, the same being the first Monday in Julv, the following described lots or parcels of land, situate, lying and be ing in Charlotte township, Mecklen burg county, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: situated in that nortion of the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, known as "Chantilly," a map of which prop erty is recorded in Book 230, pages 24 and 249 in the office of the register of deeds of Mecklenburg county, i North Carolina. Th cafH lots are shown and deslg- nated on the aforesaid map as lots numbers One ana i wo, in diock. ium, each ironting ou ieci vn.wi. wealth avenue, and extending back for a distance of one hundred and fifty feet, to the line of an alley. This conveyance being subject to the same rights, conditions and re strictions as set out in deed from The Greater Charlotte Finance and Realty Company to the East End Realty Company. " Being in all respects the same property conveyed to H. W.. Downey by T T. Cole, by deed dated the 31st day of March. 1921. and duly recorded in the office of the register of deeds for Mecklenburg county. North Caro lina. " , ... The purchaser at the sale will as sume the pyament of any taxes against said property. This June 1, 1921. JOHN A. M'RAE, 6-6-4t-mon Trustee. DIVORCE NOTICE. North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. William Farrer, Plaintiff, vs. Clara Farrar, Defendant. In the Superior Court. . The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Mecklenburg county for an absolute divorce on the grounds of adultery; and the defendant will further take notice that she is requir ed to appear before the clerk of the superior court of said county on the 11th day of July, 1921, at the court house of said county, of North Caro lina, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said cmoplaint. This 2nd day of June, 1921. C. C. MOORE. Clerk of. the Superior Court, Meck lenburg County. N. C. Clarkson, Taliaferro & Clarkson, at torneys. 6-6-4t-mon TRUSTEES' SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power and authority in them xestea dv tne terms of that certain ded of trust, executed and delivered to tneni Charles M. Davidson and wife, dated March 27th. 1917. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county, N. C, in book 371, page 413, et seq., and because of default in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and failure and omission on the part of said Davidson and wife to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein contained; and Atlantic Life Insurance Company, the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by s,id deed of trust, having declared the whole of such indebtedness immediately due and payable, on account of the aforesaid; efaulta and as provided by the terms of the said deed of trust, and having demanded of the undersigned trustees that they sell the real estate, herein after described, according to the terms of said deed of trust; the undersigned Carol D. Taliaferro and E. Randolph Williams, trustees in said deed of trust above referred to, will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the county court house door, in the , city of Charlotte, N. C, at 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, the 4th day or July, 1921, all .those certain lots or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the county of Mecklenburg, state of North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: First Lot: In the city of Charlotte, in Ward No. 1. square No. 56, as shown on Beer's-map of the said city, and being parts of lots Nos. 388 and 389 in said square No. 56, according to said map, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at'a point on the south side of East Sev enth street sixty-one (61) feet distant in an easterly direction from the southeast corner formed by the inter section of said East Seventh street and "A" street, or Southern railroad, and runs thence in an easterly direc tion with Seventh street fifty-six (56) feet to a stae; thence in a southernly direction and parallel with "B" street one hundred ninety-one (191) feet more or less to the line of lot No. 387,' parallel with Seventh street fifty-six (56) feet; thence in a northernly di rection parallel . with "B" street one hundred ninety-one (191) feet more or less to the south side of said Sev enth street, the beginning corner. Being the same lot in all respects, which was conveyed to C. M. Davidson by E. M. Andrews and wife by deed duly recorded in book 112, page 76, in the offlce of the register of deeds for Mecklenburg -county, N. C, to which said deed and the deeds there in mentioned, reference is hereby made. Second lot: In the city of Charlotte, in Ward No. 1, square No. 56, as shown on Beer's map of said city, and being parts of lots Nos. 388 and 389 in said square No. 56, according to said map nad more particularly described as follows:- Beginning at the south east corner formed by the intersection of East Seventh stret and "A" street, or Southern railroad, in said city, and runs thence with the south side of said Seventh street in an easternly direction sixty-one (61) feet to a stake, the corner of the first lot above described; thence in a southernly direc tion and parallel with "B" street one hundred ninety-two (192) feet more Or less to "the line of lot No. 387 in said square No. 56; thence with the line of said lot No. 387 and parallel with Seventh stret, in a westernly di rection sixty-one (61) feet to the line of "A" street, or railroad; thence in a northernly direction parallel with "R" street and with "A" street, one hun dred ninety-two (192) feet more or less to Seventh street, the point of begin ning. Being in all respects the same lot conveyed to C. M. Davidson by J. D. Clark and others by deed duly recorded in book 218, page 669 in the fnce of the register of deedsf or Meck lenburg county, N. C, to which said deed and the deeds therein mentioned, reference is hereby made. "B" street referred to in the fore going descriptions is the same as what is also known as Brevard street. Being all of the real property de scribed, in and conveyed by said deed of trust referred to. This May 31st, 1921. CAROL D. TALIAFERRO, , E. RANDOLPH WILLIAMS, 66-6-4t-mon Trustees. CERTIFICATE OF FILING OF CON SENT BV STOCKHOLDERS TO DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina. Department of State. To All to Whom Trese Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof deposited in my offlce that the Club Acres Company, a cor poration of this State, whose principal offlce is situated in the City of Char lotte, County of Mecklenburg, State of North Carolina, (Charles E. Barker being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the re quirements of Chapter 22 of the Con solidated Statutes entitled "Corpora tions," and the amendments thereto, preliminary to the issuing of this cer tificate that such - consent has been filed: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 30th day of May, -1921,- file in my offlce a duly executed and attested consent in writing, to the dissolution of said certificate and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said offlce as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official Alarrai9naleish' this 30h day-of Ma e '.,J."'BRYAN GRIMES, 6-l4-4t-oaw Secretary of State. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTVrE Under the authority of that oPrta Deed of Trust made by Magnus r Edwards, (single), to the unrlev,j ' trustee, dated August 2ni 13:n 1 duly recorded in book 431 pas-e i-1'' in thf office of the Register of d'' of Rcklenburg County, North ra linn, and to which reference is hpy.P', and on account of default -the pyament of the indebtedness ln therein set forth, the owner and'hnij er of the note, thereby secured ha ing demanded of the trustee to' f, close said Deed of Trust, the uni signed will sell to the highest hHi county court nouse door of Meoklp burg county. North Carolina at o'clock M.. on the first Mon.iav i- sare neiriK ine nn aay or July, inV.' me loiiowiiiK 101 or tracr or is ing in Charlotte township. Jlfrp burg county, North Carolina, and' r;" particularly described as folios- ' e Beginning at a strne on the sn,1(i, side of 21st street. 195 feet f . 1 southern intersection street and 21st street. in an eastern direction with spM ii street forty-five (45) feet to a Vin at tne corner oi tne propertv r-, by Mrs. M. P. Quinn thence iB 8 southern direction with the pne 3f said Quinn and others, one li u n"r -I" i and forty-eight and one-half nisir! feet to a stone at the corner 0f? lot owned bv-G. M. Phifer; thpnop , a western direction wi.i the pronprl!1. owned by W. W. Phifer and rj with said 21st street fortv-two fif, to a stone at the corner of the K formerly owned by Nicholson and "5lv, maker; thence with the lines of 'a Nicholson and Shumaker and others and parallel with said Caldwell stTPr one hundred and forty-eilit ?nd half (148) feet to the beginning 21st street. 3 1 Said lot or parcel of land he'f known as lot No. 7 and five (5 off the north end of lot No S at, eight (8) feet off of the south in of lot No. 8 so as to make lots v -and No. 8 of the same or equal Vie' in block or square No. 11 0f J ' p Spratt's map of Phifer's pr0pertv map being recorded in thn nffuV $ the Register of Deeds for Mecklpn burg county. North Carolina, honb 209, page 458, to which refereme i? hereby made for a more particular description of said lots No. 7 and n 8 as aforesaid; it being the intpntin'r,' of this deed to convey all of ,-.ts n 7 and enough of No. 8 to make thV two lots of equal size. (Further reference is ma dp tn . record for former conveyance and tn driveway or alley privileges ) This the 31st dav of Mav ,i H. G. LINkjr, 6-6-4t-mon Trustee TRUSTEED SALE. Under and by virtue of ths power and authority vested in the underlet, ed by that certain deed of trust ex'p cued by E. M. Hendricks and wif? Drusilla Hendricks on the 5th dav o' January, 1920, which is dulv recorded in Book414, page 312, of "the office of the. Register of Deeds for Meek lenburg county, to which reference k hereby made, default having been made in complying with the tern and performing the conditions therein I will sell at public auction for ca' to " the highest bidder, at the rouiuv court house door, in the citv of Char lotte. Mecklenburg countv, Xorn Carolina, at 12 o'clock noon, on lW day, July 18, 1921, being the tlvr'i Monday in July, 1921. all that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lvin in Mecklenburg county, state of Xoii"! Carolina, and bounded as follows to wit: Adjoining the lands of A. A. Van derburg and others being in that suburb of Charlotte known as 'Thoni asboro," beginning at an iron stake Vanderburg's northeast corner, ani runs thence with his line N. S5-3T' W. 68-6 feet to a stake on Hoskins street, the southwest corner of lot No 43; thence N. 5-32' W. 124-6 feet to a stake at the intersection of H0skms and Adams streets; thence with Adams street N. 74-1 E. 447 feet to stake; thence S. 42-49' E. 392 fe-t to the beginning, containing 2-73 acres together with the right to use said Hoskins and Adams streets in common with other adlacent land owners; being all of Lots Nos. 40, 4i, 42 and 43 and parts of Lots 37, 38. 39 and 44, in block No. 3 as shown cn J. E. Thomas' map No. 1 of Thomasboro, said map being record! m .book idj, page lb, in the Kegisters office for Mecklenburg county. Being the same lot of land convey?! to E. M. Hendricks by Miss MagR!5 E. McCorkle by deed dated June 4th, 1919, and recorded in Book 398, page 554, of the office of the Register of Deeds for Mecklenburg county. Beinc Ahe same parcel of land described in ihe aforesaid deed of trust. The ' said sale will remain open for ten days for increase of bid as re quired by law. This the 17th day of June. 1 921. E. L. KEESLER. 6-20-4t-mcn Trustee. ADMINISTRATRIX'S SOTICE. Notice is hereby given to the public that the undersigned es duly qualiiiel as administratrix of the estate of T M. Turbeville, deceased, and all per sons holdings claims against said es tate are hereby notified to file their claims with me at North Charlotte. N. C, postoffice box No. 45, on or before the first day of June, 1922, oj this notice will be pleaded in bar or their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please pay promptly. This 27th day of May, 1321. INA M. TURBEVILLE, Administratrix. F. M. Redd, Attorney for Administra trix. 5-30-4t-mon NOTICE OF SUMMOSS AM) WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County. x , . Mrs. S. C. Brumley, Administratrix e A. M. Brumlev, deceased, PlaintUi. vs. C. E. Bost. Defendant. In tne Superior Court. C. E. Bost, the defendant above r.a.n ed, will take notice that a summon? in the above entitled action was issue, to said defendant on the. 24th dav June. 1921, by the Clerk of the bupt rior Court of Mecklenburg Couno. North Carolina, which said summo-? is returnable before tne Clerk or Superior Court of Mecklenbur? Couno at the Court House in Chariot.--; North Carolina on the 27th daj July. 1921; and defendant will turtn take notice that he is required w appear before the Clerk of the sup' rior Court of Mecklenburg Count -i said time and place and answer or mur to the complaint therein men Said defendant will further take no" that, if he Tail to answer said corn ulaint by the time allowed by the said ment accor for costs currea. mis aciiorr j x -ith the recovery of the sum or -01 interest thereon, due upon a cer l promissory note for said sum and delivered by defendant under ad . of May 20th, 1920 to A. M. Brumiw. plaintiff's intestate. .-i? Said defendant will further , notice that a warrant of attaenj.-e-was issued by the Superior -Ld,1' Mecklenburg County on 'the of June, -1921. against the PVc of said . defendant, which vf;J-,l6,;. returnable before the Clerk of te -perior Court of Mecklenburg L at the time and place above r;h;3 for the return of the summno?. and where the defendant is re- to appear as aforesaid. This 24th day of June, 192!. Assistant Slerk of' the Superior Co- of Mecklenbury County. 6-27-4t-mon - ADMINISTRATOR'S r'cb,t--S Having qualified as admini--- . of the estate of A. M. Brunil ceased. all persons having- J-'i against said estate are hereo r, . "s by me to present their saia . or to me on or before July 1st- hVr "f this notice will be pleaded in jn. any recovery by them. All Pfuest debted to this said estate are rev ed to make prompt settlement the undersigned. t-itvT MRS. S. C. BRLMLV'T),. Administratrix of A. M. Brumi; ti ceased, R. F. D. No. xu. ' N. C. 6-27-6t-mon ADMINISTRATRIX'S T-at' Having qualified as AdniiurruSl of the cstatA of Charles r:,,nt. deceased, late of Mecklenbur? " ,:i North Carolina, this is to n;' t:ie persons having claims again -hit,.: estate of said deceased t ? jr them to the undersigned at J- 0'$ 121 Law building. Charlotte. f( Carolina, on or before the w eaa- June, 1922, ot this notice m -- ea in bar of their recoveu. said All persons indebted to t will please make immediate P , plaintiff win aemniiu j--. ding to the compiau and charges in tne sun - in please mane imm This the 3t0h day of This th 2t0h dav or iua.. -,-Ar Adm,xistrator of the Estate of G. I. 'C. H. Administrator of th Estate oi Keller, Deceased. . 5-30-6t-mon 6-23-6t-mno This the 20th. day of May, 1921.,

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