THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 27, 1921. 14 OFFICE CAT ffl rlysleH. B THE CHIEF FALLS ASLEEP. 'Well, well, well, if there Isn't the Chief of the Forest. He's just the same old slow-poke," said Hammer, the Flick er. "I didn't suppose you were any where about. How do you happen to be coming up here?" "I was going to find out for Jack the Rabbit what that sound was. You know Jack is a very curious fellow and he is never satisfied till he knows all that there is to be known, so! when he heard you, Hammer, he couldn't wait till he knew who it was." said the chief. Hammer was a handsome fellow. He had a black crescent across his breast, and was spotted underneath. His wings were bright yellow on the underside. The top of his head was gray, and just at the back there was a band of bright red. He was larger than Jerry, the Jay, and he didn't make such a fuss about things either. "How did you happen to be here?" asked Hammer of Jack, the Rabbit. "You don't often come over to visit Mr. Chuck, that's the reason I ask." "That's all very true," said Jack, "but there are times when I come to see him very quickly and I don't wait to knock at the door either. I just go right m pell-mell and trust to his good disposition to let me stay a while." Jack chuckled and shook his head. He took it all as a joke for it was never Handy Andy Dependability in tools and hardware is what real work men look for and appreciate. The carpenter depends upon his tools to help him do good work and save labor and time to make more nnoney. That is why he buys tools here. It's the same with builders they know that locks, latches, hinges' and other building hardware of dependable qual ity will give many more years of service and satisfaction than poor grades, and that it's well worth the little dif ference in price. Our goods are carefully selected that's why you can depend upon their quality. Charlotte ardware Company 30 East Trade St. Phones 1505-1506 -LOUISE AVEJiUE . , r-i , dependable HARDWARE Says Have a beautiful 6 rooms and basement Louise Ave. home 7 rooms -2 stories heating plant in the pines, Clement Ave '! t rooms. heating plant corner lot Sunnyside Avenue ...... . 5 rooms large lot Jackson Avenue.. S rooms 2 baths East Fifth St. heating plant "II" 7 rooms No. 408 West Ninth St. large lot ... " Havu.tn1 west bargain in Myers Park beautiful ' large", lot-owner" Charlotte says SELL IT P-D-Q" Prettiest - lot on Hermitage Court shady side" of" "street ". '. '. ". ". ". ". . '. '. Beautiful lots in the Pines East Seventh and East Sixth streets T . can .make eastiest kind of terms on these they are beauties. Lot on Beaumont avenue very wide a beauty -tpva r -1qnf' - "!e of husinss prnnprtv for sale" close" "in Phone 2772 JONES, THE REAL ESTATE MAN Office 200 Realty (Jno. T. .Smith, Salesman.) Fiddltn for business ain't sech a success if a feller ain't got the goods. And so it is with PRINTIN' We've got the goods. Neius Printing House Particular Printin for Particular Fellers Telephone 1530 Charlotte - - - - North Carolina Holcomb "How did you happen to be here?" asked Hammer of Jack, the Rabbit. his way to go about telling how ter- riblv hard the lire was ne naa 10 live, cn T narvta n SOO TVTTV C!hUClt tO I 1UU DCC X V-i'l v. " - - ! day because I was so far away from the Brier Patch when , tnat saucy Red Fox found me andI had to do something and do it soon." Hommor la'iie'hpd and nodded his head iiarl tn Via care- j ful when Red Fox was roaming about. ! "Well, I'm glad I can have my home in the tree where tnat ieuow uaumut get me." t "Oh yes." said Jack carelessly, but if it isn't Red Fox it's some other crea. niwavs havinar trouble ,T-iti- -Riiitr rvnw nr that, simnle sDarrow. ' So it is either one or the other." Jack knew what he was taiKing oHnut Mis nhilnsnrthv was correct, if it wasn't one creature it was another who was always disturbing their peace. So he had decided long ago just to thniis'h tm knew that Red Fox would have taken all of the hair from his back could he have caught him. After this little talk with Hammer, Jack looked up to find that Chief Porbv had fallen into a deep sleep. That was not unusual, for Porky couldn't stand very much talking with out falling off to sleep. "That's the greatest fellow," said Jack shaking his head. 'nw TinVfr. Rob had been listening to all of this talk, and at this moment stepped out to speak to Jack. Next Hammer Calls Mrs. Hammer. INGROWN TOE NAIL TURNS OUT ITSELF A few dropr of "Outgo" upon the skin surrounding . the ingrowing nail reduces inflammation and pain and so toughens the tender, sensitive skin underneath the toe nail, that it can not penetrate the flesh, and the nail turns naturally outward almost over night. "Outgro" is 'a harmless, antiseptie manufactured for chiropodists. How ever, anyone can buy from the drug store a tiny bottle containing direc tions. Southern Railway System Passenger Train Schedules. Arrival and departure of Passenger trains. Charlotte. N. C. Lv. No. Between No. Ar. 3:45a 12:35a 7:25p 29Atlanta-B'gham . . , 30Wash.-New York. . , 32Wa8h-New York. . , 39Atlanta-Danville . 30 29 31 43 36 231 12:25a 3:35a 7:25a ll:20p 9:10a 7:30a 4:55p 27Columbla x2:00p 24Taylorsvill xS:00a 8:55d 138Washington-N. Y. 1137 9:20a 10-SOfl 9:45d 38Wash-N ew York, 1 2 IRichmond-Norf oik I 37 6:30p 11 10:50a :10D 35Bir'gh'm- N. Orl'ns ! 86 114 11:00a 113Colunuia-CliTston 26! Winston-Salem ., 45G'ville-Wminster 46G,boro-DanTille ., lAtlanta . . . . . . 1 IColumbiaAugusta 1 ITaylorsvillo ....... 12:35b 6 :20a 25 46 45 12 32 16 35 14 'I2:45p 4:30p 133op A hop 5:40p 720p 9:10p 9:00p 6:4r.a 3 :00p 7:35a 8:20a 10:15a 9:30a 10:40a 36N. Y.-Washington Atlanta . ... 137. Atlanta 138 8:45p 37 Atlanta-N. Orleans. 38 j 9.40p 4:25a 11 :30a 44 G boro-Danville . . , Salisbury, Winston Barber, Moores vllle 14 13 5:10p 10:50a Norfolk-Richmond 11 -1- x. Daily except Sunday. Through Pullman sleeping car service to Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Richmond, Norfolk, Atlanta, Birmingham, Mobile, Nw Orleans. Unexcelled service, convenient schedules and direct connections to all points. Schedules published as information and ere not guaranteed. CITY TICKET OFFICE 207 West Trade St. Phone 80. ' PASSENGER STATION West Trade Street. Phone 417. i' B. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent 4 Phone 3860. Branch 7. HOME $6400- .(6400 . 8600 . 7800 . 4760 . 8750 5500 left 2000 1650 and ... 1650 Building BY JUNIUS COVHIGHT 121, BY CPGAW ALLAN MOSS. TMAOC MAJX MEaiSTCWED U. S. AT. OFF. EXCLUSIVE OF THIS. Maude Muller on a hot summer day ' Walked the streets of . the great Broadway She smiled . to the right and she smiled to. the left, But down , the street she went hep, hep. hep. ' -When she passed those ginks on the street. They all cried in chorus: "don't sho look neat?" With her horny pink stockings and pretty - little feet, I'll tell the world she's some sweet. With the Black Cat's fur tucked under her chin. And her . sleeves cut off where they ought to begin. : Now boys I wonder don't you's? What's to become of the Charlotte News With the Black Cat gone the way of the great', What's to . become of the old Nortn State? With the . News out of luck without that cat, i She'll never know, who lost at the bat. Or when to hit the grand Highway, . With Elizabeth Ford for the great Dollar -day. NIX. WHATTA YU KNOW? I used to think I knew I knew, But now I must confess The more I know I know I know, I know I know the less. The man about town says - his wife just worships him, often going so far as to place burnt offerings before him. Caruso will return to America to sing next autumn headline. Home is where the money is. Just as we get to enjoying ousselves telling: someone else how bad we feel, the other fellow : begins to talk about his own symptoms. A REJ1BRANDT AMONG WORLD PAINTERS. Macon (Mo.) ChronScIe-Heralcl. As a flowery orator, Dan Hughes can stir the monkeys up. When he says "My friends and feller citizens," they just can't keep from cheering. With peanuts at . 10 . cents a t bag, it can hardly be advertised truthfully as an old-fashioned Fourth. AYE, THERE'S THE RUB. He slings his French in a fluent way, 'Tis but the truth we do not stretch it; The trouble' is, we're frank to Bay, There are but few "who seem to ketch it: . "Lynching must be stamped out in America," says a New York Daily. Really we v can't-think what our coun try is coming to. We'll be stopping baseball next. " - ' ' "How -long should Spaghetti be cook-' ed?" asked a correspondent in a wo man's journal.--."About 28 inches, we think, is the right length." We read ' of a Spanish ; chess player who made four moves in ; two ' hours. After a little more practice, he cer tainly ought-to make a fairly good American Brick Layer. OUR OWN HALL. OF FAME. In reporting that Will Stall is a resi dent of Indianapolis,' W. C. W. neglects to state whether or not' he is a plumber. Or, as Alf Tennyson might have ex pressed it; It was the time when kellies blow Along the , street whijle owners swear. THE SAD! MISHAP OF; MR. SHERRY. Richmond. (Ind.) Item. Connersville, Ind., March 24. As Ed Shery was driving to his home south east of the city, . Sunday, the extra tire and rim of his machine became un fastened and rolled over the edge of the fill between this city and East Conners ville, and down -the bank and into the pool which lies below. The ' water is about ten feet deep. Fishing for the tire failed to bring 'results and it is still there, a thing of some value which Will be much less valuable by the time it is recovered, if , it ever is. A modern versifier declares he writes his poems without thought of reward. If all of the. craft did-likewise, there would be fewer disappointed poets. A BOLD HUNTER. Lecturer (in loud voice): "I venture to assert there isn't a man in this audi ence who has; ever done anything to prevent the destruction of our vast for ests.' - . Man in audience (timidly) "I've shot woodpeckers." ,.'.... . Shadows are always behind thos who look toward the sun. A. Pickle of Toledo; isnt In the busi ness one might- eahily imagine. He runs a; bakery. ; . 4 ' . Mechanics Perpetual Building & Loan Association 207 North Tryon St. J ' A SAVINGS INSTITUTION OF AND FOR THE PEOPLE A series of shares carried through" this Association: will net you six and a quarter per cent. Our long period of successful service, thirty-eight years, and our low expense rate, merit your consideration. ? J. HI WE ARN, President &Y RJ4 V L L THE NEW HOME. "Our house is just the other. side Qf that hill," said Jane to . her new sister-in-law,, as the car sped along ' the road. "And although it's not the grand est place in the world, specially to any one who has been raised in the city, I'm sure you'll like it, Cherry." ' "I'm sure that I shall, Jane," Cherry answered cheerily,- "and I think -this country is awfully pretty. Mm! Neddy, look at that lovely apple orchard, do," pointing to an orchard,, riotous with pinky-whiteb lossoms, which scented the air for miles around. "And, oh. that cunning little cottage, right on the edge of it. What a perfect spot to live in." "Betty Hopkins and her husband live there," Jane explained. "They have been married about two months, now, . and are still honeymooning. Jerry couldn't take off to go on a truly honeymoon, you see, for the crops had to be tended to and all that, but I think they have been very happy right in their little cottage. And the orchard has been a constant bridal bouquet at their doorstep." "There's Betty now, over there, in a pink dress and sunbonnet," called Ned. "Oh, Betty bride," he shouted in greet ing to the slip of a girl, who was bend ing over . a rose bush solicitously. "Here we are; come and meet Cherry." The girl 1 straightened up, and wiping her hands on her. gingham apron,- she came running down the path to where the auto stood puffing and- panting. She gave Cherry a quick smile of welcome and squeezed her . two hands warmly, as she told her how glad, she was to have her come to live with them in Wellsburg. "I know that you'll love it here, with us all, and you won't need to wear those any more, either," she said laugh, ing and pointing to Cherry's gloves. "My, it seems ages since I had on a pair of them. Never could get : used to wearing gloves again, I'm sure. My hands are a sight, I know, spreading out two sun-kissed paws ruefully, then with a low laugh of happiness, she as sured them that she didn't care a little bit, even if the sun had up and changed her hands from w'-ite to brown. They felt better so, and Jerry kissed them every night, and told her they were the dearest hands in all the world. Wasn't that enough for any bride? Then with a last greeting to Cherrv, she ran back to her gardening and the car once more sped on towards tha Randell home. THIES-SMITH REALTY COMPANY REAL ESTATE RENTS INSURANCE Builders of Characteristic Homes Why about moving, packing, or storing of your furni ture? Let us do that. Long distance hauling. Men with fifteen years' experience and absolutely reli able. Bonded warehouse. Special attention to straw rides and picnics. Call and place your order now. The Carolina Company 328 S. Tryon St. NO PANIC PINCHES OUR PUPILS While millions of men and women are idle in this , country, our students are sought by profitable positions that offer promotion. - The field of business is boundless and no other profession affords the youth of our land so many avenues of success. Our graduates are going at salaries of $75 to $150 a month now and business will be. much better in the fall. . - Give tone to your training by attending " 4 "An - Accredited School" CHARLOTTE, N. C. J5 P M I LL I P The big, white house stood on the outskirts of the little town, a very big house, it seemed to Cherry, with bright green shutters, the kind she had al ways loved most, and a large garden, which at that moment was full of old fashioned flowers and flaming plants. The car drew up with a flourish; and a little lady in lavender arrived at the front gate, just as Edward swung his bride down to the ground, then with a tender look in his eyes, bent over and took his mother in his arms. Mrs. Randell reached up on tiptoes and kissed her tall boy many times, a tear, trembled in her eye as she turned and held out her arms to Cherry and bade her long life and happiness in ther midst. Such was the home-coming cf Edward and his bride. (To be continued) PRICES OF FARM CROPS UP. Washington, June 27. Prices of farm crops advanced during May from the general level of prices obtaining since June, 1920, according to a report issued Sunday by- the Department of Agriculture's bureau of crop estimates. Seaboard Air Line Railway Passenger Train Schedules. Arrival and departure of passenger trains. Charlotte, N. C. L,v. No. Between No. Ar. 6;00a 14Charlotte-Wil, tte-Wil 131 Samlet con-J J e-Ruth'ton . 151 13Jll:40p ana iiamie Jnections 1 KlMnnrnn. 9:06a 9:55a 9.06a 24IRiithr-ton - Wil-I J, Imington and eigh Charlotte-WiL and Hamlet Ral- 34 9.40a 5:00p ;3:45p 8:20p 19 12:25p con' Inections. . Wilmington - Ral eigh and Ruther f nrAtrtn 31 3:35p 8:12p HlMnnrnA - R.uthr- Ifordton, Monroe (connections ..... itnr Irrfllr "Rich 16' mond and points INortn 3 1 1 trains daily. Schedules published as information and are not guaranteed. B. W. LOHO, Division Pasaengrer AgtmU ihae 180. City Ticki Office Passenger Station 207 W. Trade St, N. Tryon Street. Phone 20. . Phone 1 A Home Of Refinement and good taste is that not the kind of home you prefer to live in? On our list of homes for sale you will find this very sort of a house, one that will be a pleasure to live, in. Or! we will build to your order, if you so desire. ; . . ... - -- ' Phones 609, 1430 and 439 S RALEIGH, N. C. E. J. CAFFREY, n Sec'y and Treas. W orry Hammer a Sheet cf Rubber" Aid What Happens? HOTUING jtur hammer dtei ntt harm tht rutbtr ktctusc rubbtr is tUttic. And that is th$ thartcttHstic that malts '.' '61" ' Tl-r Varnlih St urabW tlastiaty. Test It With a Hammer um&denttiewDodbutthe wrnish woritcradC Ezell-Pritchard Company RETAILERS AND DISTRIBUTORS 12 and 14 West Fifth Street. f Suburban Home? For Sale - i Just beyond the Plaza and on the Macadam Road, offer for imme diate sale, a - splendid Nine-room home, Slate Roof, Barn, Garage and out buildings. t Large orchard of very choice fruit, ' with more than one acre of highly improved land. This is a real home in very choice community, close to good school, and at a real bargain $6850. Terms if wanted. Phones 877 and 4208 E C Griffith Company McCoy . Moretz. HOMES- On Easy Payments 5-rooms and bath Bungalow, large lot, garage, fine shade, 1003 West Second , street, $350 cash, balance $50 per month $4,850 6 rooms and bath. New bungalow, -1106 West Second Street, big lot, large porch,, three -living rooms, a con venient house in good neighborhood, $500 cash, bal- ' ance $60, per month $6,000 8 rooms, two baths, 213 South Cedar street. A new big roomy house on paved street, $750 cash, balance $105 per month . . . . H . . : .V: . . . . . . . $10,750 4 rooms, 1501 Seigle avenue, in Villa Heights, modern conveniences, $50 cash, balance $30 per month $2,550 7 rooms and bath, 1007 West Second Street, large lot, nice " big rooms, $500 cash, balance $75 per month at $6,750 Phone me for an appointment. J, O L it 200 South Cedar St. ' 5UE mm . wrm ... ... . - A Clear ?Brain Perfectly Alert Intense heat . reduces vitality. The brain becomes fa tigued and less alert ; business! is neglected. In - these days business . should - not suffer because the weather is not, and - disagreeable. Westinghouse . Electric Fans will keep you cool and clear-headed. They drive away., the summer heat and make your office a -better place for bigger business. For the - private office, :Ll2-inch oscillating fans are Excellent. : Let us show you our : stock; Southern Public utilities iCkiipaBy "v '. PHONE 2700 : Hammer a Sheet of And What Happens? thousand fleets because it is brittle j , ' same thins in a lesser degree, is uhlt kJl 'his trdinarj varnishes. tc ,n CHARLOTTE, N. C. W. G. Conrad Phone 350 1 m . . W:.

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