THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 27, 1921. 6 SUMMER HATS FOR WEAR WITH SUITS AND FROCKS CHINCHILLA JOINS FURS FOR SUMMER i SOCIETY MISS ADELAIDE PEARSON CALDWELL, Social Eiltor. Phone 277 HEWS I J Y J Parties for Misses Carr and Doynton. Two of the most attractive visitors of the summer are Miss Margaret L,ouise Carr of Durham and Miss Mar lha Boynton of Atlanta, who are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Henry McAden. at their home in Myers Park. They ar rived in the city Wednesday. Thursday evening, they attended the Kappa Alpha German at the Country club. Friday morning they, were guests at Mrs. Lockwood Jones' party for Miss Rutledge'" Dudley. Friday, Mrs. Meden gave an elaborate luncheon in their honor at the Charlotte Country club. Saturday Mrs. Walter Lambeth gave them a swimming party at the club. Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wade are entertaining a picnic party to . the old Kirkpatrick farm in their honor. Tuesday morning. Mrs. Charles K. Lambeth will give them a swimming party at the Country club. They will spend Wednesday in Concord with Miss Carr's grandmother, Mrs. J. W. Cannon. Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lassiter are giving a dinner and swimming party compli menting them at the Country club, and a number of other parties are be ing planned for them. In Honcir'of Miss Boynton ami Miss Carr. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wade will be dinner hosts at the Kirkpatrick farm on the Pineville road Monday evening, complimenting Miss Martha Boynton of Atlanta and Miss Margaret Louise Carr of Durham, who are the charming house-guests of Mr .and Mrs. Henry McAden at their home in Myers Park. The guests will be Miss Carr and Clarke Smith; Miss Boynton and States Lee; Miss Martha Lee and Mor ris McDonald; Miss Lucy Holmes Car ron and Ralph Van Landingham; Miss Calvine Scott and Ralph Murrill; Miss Margaret Pou of Smithfield and Rhyne Cannon; Miss Deane Van Landingham and Walter Hook. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Aden, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Lee. In Honor of Miss Harrill. Mrs. J. Rush Shull entertained Saturday afternoon at her home on Poet Seventh street in honor )l Miss Elizabeth Harrill. whose marriago to Charles r . iJritt win oe an mieresuns social event. The guests were fjiven handsome napkins to hem an,l these were given to the bride-to-be. Prizes were given for the best hemming. Re- ij conuieiiio , . v . "v.. - . . of green and white was observed in the decorations. Personals Mr. and Mrs. William C. Petty an 1 ?ons, William and Britt, left Sunday f r a trip to Wrightsville Beach, where they will be guests at the Oceanic Hotel. Thomas A. Stokes has returned to the city after attending th0 finals at V. M. I. Mr. Stokes was formerly a student there. Enroute home, lie visit ed his mother in Durham. Misses Caroline Blanton " and Minnie Eddins Roberts, of Shelby, who are the attractive young house-guests of Miss Vera Webb Oates at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Oates in Myers Park, will return houae Wednesday, accompanied by Miss Oates. During their visit here, numerous par ties have been given in their honor. Miss Julia Manning of Raleigh and Miss Helen Dodson of Fayetteville, wh for the past few days h'ave been the charming house-guests of Miss Eliza beth Miller ' at her home on North Tryon street, returned to their respec tive homes Monday morning. Miss Manning: attended the Kappa Alpha dance Thursday night. Miss Dodson, who had intended coming for the dance, was delayed, and arrived in the city Friday. Miss Kitty Brack of San Francisco, who is the delightful house-guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bryant, will leave Saturday for Wrightsville Beach, where she will join Miss Carelyn Blount of Atlanta, for a week's stay. She will return to Charlotte from Wrightsville, for ,an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Bryant. & Miss Alice Battle Gibbon, youngest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gibbon, left last Thursday night, for Philadelphia, for a week's visit to Dr. and Mrs. John Gibbon, the former her uncle. , Mrs. Charles T. Brown and son, Charles, Jr., have returned to their home in the Blandwood apartments af t er spending several weeks visiting Mrs. Brown's parents in Durham. Miss Kittv Brack, Of San Francisco, arrived in the city Saturday to spend some time as the house-guest of Mr. and Mrs. C, B. Bryant at their home on Morehead avenue. Miss Brack is charmingly known here, having visited the Bryants upon several previous oe. casions. WOMEN! BUY NO DYE BUT "DIAMOND DYES" Miss Ella Crawford Heath returned to her home in Wlnnsboro, S. C, Satur dav afternoon, after spending several days here with Miss Caroline Brevard Moore at her homfe on Kingston ave nue. Dilworth. Miss Millicent Blanton of Shelby, who has also been visiting Miss Moore, returns home Monday af ternoon. Miss Heath and Miss Blanton came to attend the Kappa Alpha dance last Thursday night. Miss Josephine Rose, of Henderson, will arrive in the city Monday night to visit Miss Caroline Brevard Moore. She will be here a week or ten days. Miss Delight Thompson has returned from Bridgewater, where she attended a house-party. She will leave soon for visits to friends in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Knee, the former her un cle, leave shortly for Blowing Rock. Miss Thompson will make her home with them. Mrs. .Walter Watt has gone to her summer home at Silver, in the moun tains of western North Carolina. Mr. Watt is in the middle West, on business. Unless you ask for "Diamond Dyes" you may get poor dye that streaks, spots, fades and ruins your goods. Every package of Diamond Dyes con tains simple directions for home dye ing or tinting any new. rich, fadeless color into garments or draperies of any material. No mistakes! No failures! Vacation Accessories AUTOMOBLE BLUE BOOK . Indispensable to those who plan a motor trip.. Price $4.00. FOUNT AN PENS With which to tell the folks back home of the good times you are having. STATIONERY Upon which to write all the pleasant details. r BOOKS OF FICTION "Take along a book.' Make a selection from our catalogues which are free upon request. DIARIES In which to keep a permanent record. GAMES " ' ' ' ' ' 1 Including playing 'cards, etc. KODAK BOOKS Paper Napkins,' Plates, etc., Magazines. . , Mall Orders a Specialty A Book Store of Rare Excellence Office Suppliers and Furnishers. Miss Corinna Moore of Washington will arrive in the city the latter part of the week for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. .T. Robin Brem, the latter her sister, at their home on Kingston ave nue. Miss Marion Propst has returned from Blue Ridge, where she has been attending conferences. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tillett, gr. and daughter, Miss Laura, and Sir and Mrs. Charles W Tillett, Jr., re turned home Monday morning from New York, where they attended the marriage of Miss Hazel Martin and John Tillett, which took place Satur day at the Vanderbilt hotel. Mrs. S. B.- Alexander. Mrs. George Wadsworth and Mrs. Addison Brenizer have returned from Dinville. Miss Allie Neeo of Charlotte and Mrs. J. A. Anthony of Shelby will leave shortly for New York, whero thev will take coures at Columbia university during the summer- Mr. and" Mrs. Thomas S. McPheeters have returned home from a bridal trip to New York, Atlantic City and Natural Bridge, Va.. and are at the home of Mr. McPheeters' parents, Rev. Dr. and Mrs. V. M. McPheeters in Chatham Estates. They expect to build soon. Prior to her marriage on June 9th, Mrs. McPheeters was Miss Lois Anderson. Miss Mary Moore Salder of Atlanta, will arrive in the city Saturday to visit her aunt, Mrs. Lawrence Dodsworth on South Tryon street.. She will be ac companied by Mrs. Dodsworth's son, Gillespie, who has been visiting her in Atlanta. Miss Sadler's Mother, Mrs. Gillespie Sadler of Atlanta, will arrive in the city Monday, accompanied by her other daughter. Miss Ida Sadler, for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Dodsworth the latter her sister, at their home on South Tryon street. Airs. u. c Kennedy is vis friends in "Vrtv Ynrlr SVio Vina nlon visited Mr, and Mrs. F.ank. Augusbury at their home in Ogdensburg. N. Y. Mrs. 'Augusbury was formerly Miss Bessie Sterne of Charlotte. PROMINENT SHOE MAN ENDORSES IT l , , i j ucia.tcu vnKjei .iviuser on me wu- ! Mr. A. C. Glazncr, proprietor of the i n?ss .stand- "We literally had to haul Glazner Shoe Store ' one of tho' iog,i; f business firms of Henderson vaiio c says: "I feel 100 per cent 'better in ' every way since taking Garren' Tonic. "I was troubled a great : deal w'ich indigestion and heartburn.. Almost, ev- erytnmg i ate disagreed with me an c The light pelts used for sum mer are found really quite com fortable on many of the cool ave-. nings of the early season. The? are particularly good for wear over the low-cut gown when motoring to the evening party. This wrap of chinchilla is very captivating in its expensive way. Misses' Margaret and jean Crater are visiting their gradnmother, Mrs. M. 13. Hall, at her home on East 7th street Mrs. Daisv Oates Veerans is spending the week with Dr. and Mrs. James L. Keerans at their home on East avenue. She is a sister of Mrs. Keerans. Mrs. Armand Myers accompanied by her brother, Roy Steele, arrived from New York Sunday morning. Mr. Steele recently landed from Europe. He lives in Macedonia. Mrs. Steele met him in New York, and they spent sev eral days there at the Vanderbilt hotel He will visit her here for some time. -O- Mr. and Mrs. James L. Staten and daughter. Miss Virginia, Staten, will leave Saturday for a trip to Lineville. PARKS TO HAVE BAND CONCERTS Shrine Organization Adopts v Suggestion of Mayor James 0. Walker. Weekly band concerts during the sum mer months'are assured for the city by the agreement of members of. the Shrine and Charlotte Concert bands to the sug gestion of Mayor J. O- Walker that these organizations join in concerts at Independence and Latta-Parks. The city will have a band stand built at Independence Park within the next few days and the first concert may be held there within the next week or two. A stand will not be erected at Latta Park for sometime yet. Mayor Walker suggested the proposal for weekly concerts to the two bands some days ago and the members accept ed the suggestion. The Shrine band last Monday inaugur ated a series of Monday night concerts from the balcony of the Red Fez club. It was not known if these cdncerts Will be suspended when the concerts at Independence Park begin. , The Charlotte Concert band, which Was recently organized, has not given any public concerts as yet, but its mem hers are all skilled musicians, several of them being . professionals. . The mayor's proposal is for the bands to play at one of the parks on alter nating weeks. Concerts by the combin ed band may also be given from time to time. Band members consider that the plan not only will furnish much entertainment for citizens but will give them the opportunity of public work and concert training. , s? "DRUNKEST NEGRO" IS FINED $5 AND COSTS Declared by Officer L. E. ' Moser to be the dunkest negro ever brought into the local police station, jJean" Connor, who hasn't realized yet. what it's, all about ,was f fried $5 and costs, for his sprree by Judge Jines- in the police court Monday morning. ' ' ' "I never saw anything like it be- iore, aeciarea umcer .Moser on the wit him in. He was lying on a front porch on Second street in Brooklyn When we discovered him. T tnnnheH him ;J with my finger, and he rolled: down the I ctonc onH infn iroMrl 1T . as limn as a dish raar. -Wenull him Tfcis way and that trying to get him in tie stretched like rubber band seemed to form .in hard lumps in my He wfis l)yt in-the back of the car stomach.' I was' bothered with short-! like a saclf of mea1' It took a big ness . of .breath and was constipated ! Part of the Police force r to haul him nearly all the time. I had severe nV 3au -e pains in mv back. "Since taking Garren's Tonic I hava a splendid appetite and can eat any thing I want" without any dlsagreeab e after effects. Garren's Tonic" has overcome every one of my troubles, it is the most wonderful medicine I have ever seen in mv mQ i T heartily recommend it to everv on. Garren's Tonic Is sold in Charlotte by Beatty'8 Drug Co., and in North Chtrlotte ty Hand's Pharmacy This hannpnod " Ratni-rloTr nitVi nor came to his senses Sunday af ternoon with the events of his spree a gap in his memory. When given an opportunity to ques tion Officer Moser on the witness stand Monday morning, he asked a score of questions as t6 his actions while he wr.s drunk. .When he had found out everything he exclaimed, "I'll be doggone." STIEFF PIANO For 'Three Quarters of a Century A LEADER I Call or phone for prices or fill out following blank and send us: Cha. M. Stieff. Inc., Charlotte. N. C. Please send catalogue and prices of pianos. .- Name Address PERMITS FOR USE OF PARKS ARE REQUIRED Permits to use the baseball diamond at Independence Park must be obtain ed before teams may occupy it, Chair man E- L. Mason, of the Charlotte Park and Recreation commission, announced Monday. A mixup in schedules for games recently and the consequent cre ation of controversies between teams over the use of the diamond makes the permit plan necessary, Mr. Mason said. No charge will be made for permits, the purpose of which is merely to prohi bit conflicting engagements 'fnr tho grounds. (The commission will list nil permit so that when a team has ob tained one it will be assured of hav ing the use of the srrounds nn tvo a,, LAblES' WAIST. It is surprising what a youthful touch a small thing like a bow tie lends to milady's blouse of batiste. The collar, cuffs and tie are of colored dim ity. The shoulder edges of the back extend over the fronts in shallow yoke effect. The ladies' waist is cut in sizss 36 to 42 inches bust measure. Size 1C re quires 1 7-8 yard 36 inch material, with 5-8 yard 36 inch contrasting. Price 15 cents. Y ' ' 'c 1069 Every woman who wants to dress stylishly ind economically should or der at once the summer issue of our Fashion Quarterly, which contains over 300 styles, dressmaking lessons, etc. Price 10 cents. Postage prepaid ana safe delivery guaranteed. Send 25 cents for a pattern and Fashion Guar-teriy. Order patterns from The Pattern De nartmeht, The Charlotte News, Char lotte, N. C. SOAP ADS USEFL. Chicago, June 27. Here's the "low down" on bathing. Charles Henry Mackintosh, an ai vertising expert, blames it all :m soap advertising. Says Charles: "Only a short time ago we bathed once a week and generally on Satur day. We even skipped once in a while. Then came a flood of advertising by soap manufacturers until we wero persuaded we weren't Christians un less we took a daily bath. We werj advertised into it. Advertising ought to raise the standard of living." Beautify ine Complexion IN TEN DA YS Nadinola CREAM The Unzquled Beantifier Used and Endorsed By Thousands Guaranteed to remove tan, freckles, pimples, sallowness, etc. Ex treme cases. Rids pores and tissues of impurities Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy. At lead ing toilet counters. If they haven't it, by mail., two sizes, 60c. and $1.20. NATIONAL TOILET CO.. Pari?. Tmnn. SPECIALS These three numbers just arrived and we are offerings them at .prices which will assure quick sales. ONE STRAP PUMP of black kid, with Baby Louis leather heel, welt sole, a beautiful pump, at $7.50 BROWN KID PUMP one strap, turn sole, . Baby. Louis leather heel, finely made of choice materials, at $8.00 -- - SPORT OXFORD This brown saddle' strap spoit oxford lis -mighty eesirable. ' Has low rubber heel, welt oak sole. You'll gladly, buy 'em at -' $6.50 S6 East Trade St. "THE HOUSE OF SERVICE" Dcuble Guarantee. Free Tunin and Liberal Selling Plan. Write for Catalogue. Prjcea and Terms "The World's Best Piano" And Other Standard Makes, and . the Incomparable AMPICO. JOHN W. POST & CO. 209 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C Coral Baker Music Studios Here. The large hat is Raining in . pop ularity with every new sunny? day. There is nothing Jike a brijrht sun and a tendency to burn or freckle for causing a pretty girl to -adopt one of the fashionable large wide brimmed hats. Here is a group of three which are sjire to .attract favorable comment Nary blue taffeta and straw with some js'. e erined cherries for trimming make the hat at the left with the pretty rolling .brim. Pale blue clove: em broidered organdie is used in fash ioning the lovely summer hat in th center. A ,nrav of organdi flowen is the only trimming. Two cebbage roses and many leaves covering the crown of the hat forn tho trimming on the drcopin? brimmed sailor shape at the rih The hat is developed in futurist colorings and is very smart worn with white or black frock to set "CHARLOTTE'S SHOPPING CENTER" mm tth Cflttn flirt 4A BON MARCHE STORE" c June oic?fe of fresh Ifew Summer louses ' - .. . Jub louses of Fine French Voiles, Sheer Batiste or Crisp Organdies. Silk louses of Canton Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Georgette or Pongee. j$and Made glouses of Soft Voiles with hand drawn threads forming open work blocks or finishing a pleated frill; - Everhing that: you could think of is here in Blouses. BLOUSES FOR BLOUSES FOR . Specials in jiandrhiade Voiles . and. PpngeesSpecially pur- . .chased and specially r priced. ; ...... BLOUSES FOR FROM Wirthmor Waists, the stand ard of value -new modet semi-monthly. ' i BLOUSES FOR Tub Blouses of fine Voiles and Organdies tailored or trimmed. $4a t m of Georgette Crepe, Organdie, Crepe " de Chine and Hand Made , Voiles with exquisite lace and hand embroidery white and colors. BLOUSES FROM $7t0$12a ; Beautiful Crepe or French Voiles; with real filet or Irish lace exquisite work. It's a1 longtime since such qualities have come within the realm of this price. I I I h i w , vut,t; specified.