'OUN FOR SAL The Pullin'est "Want" Ad Page Published. Not a Boast a Fact $e Convinced, Try 'Em -ONE" CENT- A-WORQ FOR RENT WANTED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES STYLE "A" Set this style and type one pAr word cach Insertion. STYLE B" SET THIS STYLE AN I; TYPE, TWO CENTS PER 0$Z EACH INSERTOJ. STYLE "C" Set this style ancj type, three cents per word each insertion. Any style "slugged" either top of bot tom, cr between lines, at Rouble tno pbove rates. Classified advertising is tVrhrintte onto butf or convenient of thr!otte Natrons, who are listed in the teleplwne frSorV. or known in he newspaper cfflre. a memorandum v" J made with the, expectation that the Dili be pain promptly Regular Classification of ads njJ; Rtiarantetd after 13 ovloctJaJ tor Edition or after 10 P- m. Saturday for ,Snnday Edition. MINIMUM CHARGE 25 CENTS WANTED HELP SALESMAN-High-class for a "good nronosition, local worn. Mecklenburg Hotel. 27-1 1 WANTED Second cook and lcne" man combined. Apply Country Club. WANTED-Reliable servant for small imiiv Rpfprences required. Apply 704 North Collie. ' 27-1 1 WANTED Men suffering from pnvaic joaa rnt able to employ a phy- .ui,n will be eiven adYice and -..tmnt free at the City Health nnartmt clinic, 237 N. Tryon Of ovprv afternoon except Sunday. Bring this notice. 12-tf-eod WANTED Colored chef. Apply Uneada Lunch. No. 9' East Fifth St. 28-2t WANTED Men to learn the automobile mechanics traae. We teach you by actual gar age work or real automobiles Positions secured. Free hook- lt. Write Automobile College nf Nashville. Tenn. 25-3t - 7 viaxteu To hear from every young man and every young woman who needs and deserves financial help securing an education. If you ca: meet our reasonable requirements we will lend you money with which to" pay your way through any school you may select, and you may repaj us when vour course has been com ple.ted, and you have earned money with which to pay. Don't be "un educated." Don't have petty debts and worry. Let us help you from one source. You rest easy aad study hard. Address P. O. Box 141'., Charlotte. N. C. 25-6 WANTED The name and address of every school teacher who would like to secure a better position for the ensuing year. Also, the names and address of every student and very teacher who would like to have pleasant and, profitable work during the summer. Address. LiOCK uox H'j Charlotte. N. C. 25-6t CLERKS, (men. women), pver 17; for postal mail service; $120 month. Ex perience unnecessary. For free par ticulars of examination, write . Terry, (former civil service examin er), 224 Continental Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. 24-4t FRUIT TREE SALESMEN. Good Dusdness for hustlers. Profitable pleasant. Write today. Concord Nur series, Dept. 145, Concord, Ga. 22-6t WATCHMAKER WANTED A reliable man with good business ability; one who also understands engravm and jewelry repairing. A steady posi tioh for the right man. State age business experience' and salary ex pected. Addfess P. O. Box o?0,' Win ston-Salem, ' N. C. 20-7t WANTED Men to use and ssell Ford Starters, $30 installed, guaranteed West End Garage. 15-tf WANTED Men to learn barber trade Good demand and wages. Busies.; season at hand.. Catalog free. Molar Barber College, Atlanta," Ga. Zl-ZOt MISCELLANEOUS KEW MATTRESSES made put of, ypur old iop.es'. Renovated. New ticks.. It pay3. It rids ' you of vermin. Call 1588-J for partciulars. Lawing'a Mattress Factory, 212 North "Long St. ' ' 27-n MATERNITY sanitarium, private, re fined, homelike. Homes provided for infants. Mrs. Mitchell, 32 Windsor, Atlanta. Ga. 5-30-26t-no-sun MOVING AND HAULING of all kinds, local and long distance. J. T. Thonip son. Phone 1565-J. 13-tf-no-sun J. LEE PHILLIPS. Auctioneer. Office with J. W. Cobb. Phone 3695. I 1 ' ' S-tf-ead D. O, MIMS Paper Hanger and Pecorator Phone 3634 or 195.7 ' ' 26-4t Local and Long Distance MOVING and HAULING .Bonded Warehouse, Storage Packing " " " Bradfield Moving Service Cor. 4th and Poplar Sts Phone 980 28-tf yy. M. BtiLL, Notary fubUc, iront pi" flc Charlotte News. ' Can be found most any hour to i p. m:' Mf kiaj xuNiJi i. f. tiallery, -.nth rarker-qardaer o. ' Phone 8-9 tf PIANO TUNING and reDairlna'. piano case reflhishing- Expert wbrlR 'done ai reasonable charges. Phone 193 Stleff Piano Co. v ' " 28-tf "WALL PAPER ihe Latest Designs A. J. DUNN CO. 10 East .Fourth St. Phone 2264. 21-tf FOR SALE FDR SALE My. entire. s.to,ci tf caw, and second hand furniture will be clpse(T out' Juh"e"r7,2,'"29"-fegafdie9 or price. 1500 S. Boulevard, Char iwe, A. jl Packej. zi-it FOR RENT FOR RENT-CgoI, quiet ted room, aj conveniences. Phone ltfQa-J. -i FOR RENT Two furnished room? fev light housekeeping. Business coupK preferred. References exchanged Phone 2407-W. ' 27-2t FOR RENT Two furnlsnea nouse- keeping rooms, first floor. Lagntc and water furnished. Adults only. Phone 4584, 414 East Seventh. 27-3t FOR REN.T Furnished room to pna or two. business women. rnone 1290-W. 27-tl FOR RENT Private garage, al)9 iiortr. Rrevard. Phone 1290-W. 27-tf FOR RENT Two nicely furmsneet looms to gentlemen, hot and cold water, close in. Phone 2918. 27-U FOR RENT One room for light housekeeping, furnished or unfur nished. Phone 1684-J. 27-2t WANTED 1 have room for several more boarders with romos. First class table board. Phone 2298-W.' pall at No. 2 West Tenth. H. C. GfcihsQn. 27-7t TWO UNFJJRNISiiliilJ light house- keening rooms for rent. Phone 3260-.I. ' " 27-2t-eod TWO FURNISHED rooms for rent for light housekeeping. 403 h.ast Fifth. 27-tf FOR RE.NT Private home, comf-letely fuFr.isrea- four rcoms ana sleeping porch, for July and August. Phone 1873-W. 27-1 1 FOR RENT One furnished room, meals next door. Phone 2337-J. . 27-tf FOR RENT Furnished, bedroom. Phone 1757-J. 27-3t FOR " RENT Two furnished rooms with gas range for light housekeep ing in private home.fPhone 3836. 27-11 FOR RENT To couple or young men two nicely furnished rooms. Apply 600 South Tryon. 26-2t FOR RENT Room with board, 210 North Church. Apply Monday morn ing. . 26-31 FOR RENT-rThree unfurnished rooms and bath, water, lights and telephone, $20.00 per month. Phone 2932 or ap plv 1 West Boulevard. 26-3t FOR RENT Stores No. 29 and 31 W- Fourth. W. F. Dowd, Jr. 2-10c FOR RENT Office or store, whole or part, ground 'floor, well lighted, steam "heat, 30 West Fifth. " " 30-tf-mon-thur-sat FOR RENT Six-room house, 313 Kingston avenue. W. F. Dowd, Jr. Phone 323. 26-5t FOR RENT One furnished front room, 494 East avenue. Phone 499-J. 26-2t FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms and bath, first floor. Phone' 1663-j. 26- FOR RNT Furnished front room to gentlemen or couple, two meals ;f desired, all conveniences, als,o garage. Phone 2975. ' 27-3t uNB FURNISHED bed room, six blocks from square, modern conven iences. Cali at 316 N. Brevard. 26-2t FOR . RENT Two complete unfurnish ed rooms upstairs, modern conven ience. Phone 749-W. 26-3t FOR RENT jrp.dern unfurnished apartment, four Tm.s, first floor, steam heat, h.Qt and cold water, walking distance of square. Very reasonable' tp desirable parties. Tele phone 3833. 26-2t ?OR RENT Office or store, whoe pr part, Ground floor, well lighted, steam heat, 30 West Fifth: " 1-tf Wed, Fri an4 Mon. FOR RENT Large nicely furnished room ' $i " cpnveietices,' ' w.itW' ' '"fp'.tr blocks of square. Phone 1472-W. 25-tf IT PAYS TO RENT a Remington from us. We make and uar a'ntee tm- ' Your satisfaction' "is pur main pusinesa asset. " Terms $4 to $5 "month for self-starter "corve spohdence models. r Smith Premier aid ' Monarch correspondence model tnq, same. Prompt' deliveries. Rem ington "Typewriter.- Co. Telephone. 2553. , 2-10t FOR RE5T One; - furnished be.droora of' two, uxifuroished light hpuoe keepihg' rooms, near' Southern Sta tion, can Z323-W-. 2-st FOR RENTj-Two imfnrnistied tooti11! s I for Ii';ht hQusekeeping; " also ' one I furnished room'. West SiAcrtnd 'St' Phone 4227. . . 24tf FOR RENT Gentlemen rpp.mers for comiortaDie upstairs room wuom half block two boarding house.' Phone 446. "' " 2$-3t DESIRABLE six-room furnished house for rent frpm July 15 to Septernber 1, close, in. Phone 1920-W mornings or 4007-J after 7:30 p: m. 24-tf FOR RENT Three light housekereping rooms in best location, lights, and water furnished. Phone 40.29.. 24-tf FOR RENT Nice room, close in, to gentlemen only. Phone 2386-W. ' ' 23-tf FOR RENT Garage, 12 Eas.t Seventh street. Hpme Keal Estate and Guar anty Co. 23-tf FOR RENT-rNiceiy furnishea roam to couple, close in. Phone 29.18. ' 20-7t WANTED A few boarders and room ers. 1603 S. Boulevard. Phonfe 4076. 7 22-6t. FOR RENT For July and August my lour room well furnished apartment Everything furnished. :' Cari be occu pied the first "of juiy. Adults only. 202 E- Boulevard. " '22-tf. WANTED A few boarders and room ers. 1607 S. Boulevard. P-hone. 4M6. " ' 2-t5t f ot JtiiSiJNT Furnished rooms tor light housekeeping. 505 South Tryon. Phone 3017-w: 20-tf FOR -RENT -Five-room apartment Tin furnished up, town over store.' Phone 201 "' 18.tf FOR RENTMaving picture' building, North Charlotte, in trade, center, Well located for good .profits. Home Ileal Estate and cjuarahty Co. 17-tf FOR' RENT--Storo; and"ba,Sement, 200 Nocth College St.' Home Real Estate ana tiuaranty Co. " 17-tf FOR RENT Furnished"" 'robins, good location,. cioa yj, board convenient, business ; couples'" or g'ehtlemen 'pre- Vt ttiuftW'Vfo store rooms,-Nos; 21 ana 23 East Third street. Inquire mwii juunuiaciurmg uo., 19 L inira stret. 21-tf FOR RENT Store ' room" first block . ?3 South phurch St APPly" Mef ton u. Jc-ropst. Z8 W. Fifth' 'St. ' 5-5-tf FOR RENT Office 'room.- -well- lonated PJPAy U. Propst. 28 w. Fifth t. " K.s.tc FOR-RENiOfflceb'Ofilins:r'2() office?, wen located. J. H. McAden. Phone FQR gALEREAL ESTATE OR SALE One mile of Great FalU'.j S. C, "three hundred acres land, u part of McCuUough place; two milei: of Great Falls, one hundred acres, Branrian place. Will sell as a whoic pr cut Into small tracts several residential pr business lots. C. L. Dunjap, 629 Charlotte Ave., Roelr Hill, S. C. . . 27-lt A STRIKING FEATURE of that Crescent avenue hunjalow is the designefi porch. It harmonizes with the main rpc above it. Queen City Roaltv Co.. Inc. 27-tt FOR SALE One good lot on Cecil Street, 50x165 feet. Price, $475, small cash payment, balanee easy -terms. Alfred W. Brown Co., C. M-. Mi'iier, salesman Phone 302 and 841o. " " 27-lt OUT ON AVONDALE. Seven-room Ivr.galow. Must' go: Hurry "and. lepk it over. Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phnne 535. 2.-5 FOR SALE Good lot, one block from Central avenue, Just outside city limits. Price 'fSOO, $75.09 cash, bal ance monthly.' Alfred W. Brown Co,. C. M. Miller, salesman. Phonep 209 anri 3415. 27-lt LVi-.RY ONE SPEAKS eomplimertary jf our bungalows. Queen City Realty . Cn . tn 36 West Fifth: 27-5t FPR SALE One of the best lots on Polk avenue, snaay siue or street, 50x210 feet. Price $750' fpr quick sal. Alfred W. Brown & Co., C. M. Mill er, salesman. Phone 302 and 3415. 27-lt OUT ON WORTHINGTPN, in the .-even hundred block, six-roqm bimgu low. It's' a beauty, Queen City Realty Co., Inc. Phone 535 27-5t FOR SALE We have two five-room houses on East 1 Charlotte avenue for $2150 each: alsp one sixrroqnj house, $2250. One third cash, bal ance building and loan. Alfred W Brown & Co., C. M .Miller, salesman. Phones 302 and 3415. 37-lt Oh, THAT BlINGALOW. Everybody falls in love with it. Come around to office; we will tell you all about it. Queen City Realty Co., Inc., 36 West Fifth. 27-5t FOR ' SALEooa' seven-room Kbus with slate roof on 21st street, one-hl block from car line. Price $3500. One-third cash, balance building autl loan. Alfred W. Br own & Ce., C. M. Miller,' salesman. Phone 302 and 34 (';. 27-lt WAN,T TO GET IN TOUCH with party who wants to mPve from -ipartmoiit into a swell little bungalow. See Peters, Queen City Realty Co., Inc.t 36 West Fifth. 27-5t FCR SALE Nice seven-rppm bunga low, 31st street, hardwood floors, water, sewer, electric lights, lot llOx 200, $5800; $1600 cash, balance like rent. Will consider a good automo bile in trade. Alfred W. Brown & Co.,- C. M. Miller, salesman. Phones 30 and 3415. 27-U FOR SALE. " "'" " '" BUILDING LOTS in "Pines, Elizabeth section, on paved street, at S2Q0O. MYERS PARK LOT, one of the finest in that sectipn, over one acre. See us for price. MYERS PARK HOME, in very best locality. Really an up-to-date home $14,009. ' FINE LOT, on Providence road, oppo site Wer? Park, a.bo.Ut 14QX2QQ, at CRAIG-LITTLE REALTY AN.P IN SUAftt!B CO. Phone 1436. 37-2t WE HAVE a bungalow that is a de ngniiui nome tnai snouia appeal es pecially to those desiring a home for potnfort and economical expendi ture. We will explain! if you come to offlce. Queen. City Realty Cq., Inc., 36 West Fifth. 26-at r ytii. eix-room nouse nea? Southern passenger station, op paved Street. Pr49 $6000. W, C-'UirjrW'''' Co. Phone 936 or 2443. 26-3t FOR SALE Diiwp.rth, pottage, lare lot, good garden nq fruit trees Owner left towp. Price $4750. W-." C Harris & Co. Phone 936 or 2443. 26-3t SU BURBAN HOME "-valueT nine-room slate roof home, just beyond the Plaza, on macadam road. This a auu uuiiic anu in in si (;iisk conoi tion. laree barn and exr-pltpnt ;n 'chard of every kind of fruit, with more than one acre of land. A reai . Dargaun at $6a9.. Call Mr. Moretz 877. - 96.21- FO.R SALE Piedmont hrim-nf-Biin rooms and bath Hardwood flpora ip two rooms. ' Lot 50x?20, with good garden and fruit, riicelv faacrtrf X'ar - car line, churches and school. Can - v yu waj itiius it o,esireci. F, C. Abbott & Compapy. ''Phone 3022 and' ' 4046. 25-3t huk SALUt-m acre of larxd 4 miles frpfn square, rnone 24. Me Intosh. 25-3t FOR SALE Beautiful five-room hnn gtiiiivy; cipse 10, scoooi, car line, very ucrst M JBiizg.ofcis; K6S UUg tO RUJ' balance very ' easy. Price $5250. Queen City Realty Cp. : "25-5t FOR SALE-By - owner,v one new flye room bUncalow " and twn laro-fl int'i in Tborh.ashoro, N. ' C., on Oakland avenue.. Aoaresg u. A. JKato, R. F. D q. Box 9o, Charlotte, N- C 21-6t FOR; SALE Six-room house, near East lYioreneaa, real bargam for quick sale, $6800. ' Queen ' City' Realty Co' Inc. " 29.R FOB SALErom owner, beau tiful six-room bunoralow. Mv er " Park, n.ev?, ; 'gr4wM4 floors, heat, breakfast room. bitujithic street, just off wueens itoaa. jasy terms. ?7,000. Address "Queen," care News. v' 22-5t FOR SALE Two-story seven-room house, close in, on car line, real bargain at $6800. Queen City Realty o., inc. .fnone 535. . 22-5t FOR SALE Seven -room home, lare-p lot on Central avenue, three rooms up and four ' rpuis ' down; :'lot '19ft ieet aeep, on bitulithic street. Price boua and it will go at that price lQT SAI'E-Beautiful largS lot. cm Crescent avenue and Ei-ovido: nee roao, rms. F.hone aaaq-W. -Xt FOR SALE Away below ' value; mod ern house on larsre n!ot In Dilworth perfect condition; 10 rooms, 2 baths; terms it oestcea. J.oin W. ost & Co 209 W. Trade St. ?8-tt FOR SALE Modern five-rnnm !mm , low, West Trade street, hardwood noors. neating plant, garage, large lot, fruit, " etc, - good -neigliborhdbd and clbs in, quick: pessessio'n.' Phone Smith 3289-W. 20-tf city limits, beautifully located, leve: larid. Pgonf 9J2. 4.-tf FOR SA&E FOR S.ALE Oscillating 16-inch elec tric fan. Will trade for straight far same size. Smith Novotoy, 24 West Fifth. FOR SALE, New and second-hand hi cycies. $?me of tne usea oicyciei good as iew and going .at bargaiiis We also repair bieyeles. 27-2t 'OR ALEThreefburner' oil stove, economical to pperate, almost new. Price '$12.00. Phone 2145. 27-3f FOR SAt'E-Bargai in uged piano.. .periejsi conamon, asy ierm? ii necessary. Address P. O. Box 1144 27-2J OIL fiC-QK ST-OVES. three and fgui prnexs. uet yours, to sivmd geod eenditien. Guaranteed. Lawing's, 810 North Long St. 27-lt MOTOR' BIKE "FOR SALE cheap (Johnson). See it and make me an offer: you may get it. Lowing's, 210 North Long St. 27-7t TRUNKS AND "SUIT CASES.' Just a few left at half price to close out: Quitting retail business, Lawing's, 210 North Long St. 27-lt CHAIRS AND ROCKERS A few TIT at half price, to close out. Lawing's. 210 Nprth Long St. 27-lt FQR SAL&-LQW PRICES, GAS I. Ml... , I . , . RANGE, ALSO Y'INDOW SHADKf PHONE 2965-J. 27tf OR SALE, Fly sereens. Flie.i spread disease. Our screens keep them out. Call us for estimate. Telephone 4310. Carolina Fly Screen Co. 2;-10t FOR SALE CAE OF PINK MEAT CANTELOUPES CHEAP COME TO P. & N. TRACKS MINT STREET 27-10t FOR SALE Baseball suits, mitts. masks, gloves. Smith Novotoy, 24 West Fifth. 26-3t FOR SALE My" entire stoek of new and second hand furniture wijl be closed out June 27, 28. 29 regardless of price- 15 S. Boulevard, Charlotte A. TL Parker. "' 26-2t FOH SAIjE Player piano,' mahqgany case, almost new, at q. bargain. Would sell on credits to reliable party. Address P. O. 'Box 1366. 26-8t TENOR-SAXOPHONE for sale. Almos-t orana new, lias been used slightly in the shrine band. A bargain to some one with cash. Make me an offer. J, M. Stewart, 201 North Tryon St.. Charlotte. N. C. 26-2t EXCELSIOR TWIN motorcycle,' model 1919, has been run less than 4000 miles. Is in perfect condition. Will sell at a bargain. William F. Pr uty, Chapel Hill, N. C. 25-3t FOR SALE Qld ivory baby carriage an use three months. Phone 773-J. 24-tf SALE QF UNCLAIMED express pack ages of the American Railway Ex press Company, 206 South Church street, Tuesday, June 28th, 1921, at 10 A. Dont forget the bargains 21-7t THOUSAND gallon ' gasoline : Under gground tank and five-gallon stroke Wayne Pump, practically new X. Z., care News. ' 21-tf wanted miscellaneous WANTED To buy small stock of gro ceries- with nice fixtures from some body that wants to sell. Don't an swer unless you mean business. Box 86. Richburs. S- C - 27-2t WANTEL To buV larse second hand f grocery refrigerator In good shape and cheap. Don't Want apy jpnk Box 86, Richbure. S. C. 27-2t WANTED To, seH yu. tennis gooas. na restring your r.cKets. expert and guaranteed work. Carolina Sporting Goods Co., 5 West Fourth St. 27-2t WANTED To keep flies. ontJ of yor house. Telephone. 4310." Carolina Fly Screen Co. ' ' " 27-10t WAKTEI) To buy fifty" loads of dirt. Phone 855-J. 27-2t WANTEP--TO borrow 3,QQ tqr 12 months. WiU give first mortgage on 7,00.0 residence and pay 10 per cent interest Aaqress muick L.o.an, care News. ' " 26 2t WANTED--Your shoe repairing. Soles 4331, 311 Templeton "Ave. We" de- yer. 25-lS!t WANTDf-Your- eurtam3 to - laupder Work guaranteed. Price reasonable Phone 3725-W. 6-24-tf WANTE,D-tTq buy second hand hen stltchijtg machine. Phone 2476. ' 23-6t WANTEDr Mattregsea to. re.np.vate ana make ' over. New ticks. Haley-Howard Co., 323 E. Trada St. ' Phone 446. . . 1M yv ANTELV Accounts, to collect: - Will M s$.a to make special arratfje-n-ents with professional men 'and all classes of business " concerns. Month ly contract nre'ferred: Sta nd:lro roir' piission charged after collection'. Sat isfaction before nav.' Address ei tiii'A v. JJuaiuess-AUJusnu vol pot tio.n, Lock Box 1167; Charlotte. N. 14-17t WAlfT-EB; To, find a buyer for that established ' business w;hich you wish to sell or to find that established business which -you wish to buy. Our field is wide, and we shall be slad to use our facilities for your benefit Southeastern Busmess-Adjuajmg Cor poratiop., Lock feox U6T, 'Charlotte N. C. ' " 14-17t WANTED Your upholstering and fur nituxe repairing First-class work. prices reasonable. General Repair Co 315 'N. Caldwell St. "A.' E. "Cohen Mgr. Phone 1919. " " 2S-tf WANTED Mpre roofs and gutters o repair. Also. 49 i$fj! ano; Ketrigertqrs. STRANGE & BRADY Phone 3149 5-tf WANTED To do your hemstitching and pecoting. Phone 2027-W. 307 N. Tryon. 5-1-tf WANTEDf -Tq Uorrpw- 3ft6Q and $4006 oh gilt' edge real estate security for: twelve months. Attractive interest. Phone, jl-xj. WANTED- Used furniture. Phone 4438 - 505. W, Eleventh St. ' 13-tf AUTOMOBILES H -TON TRUCK. USED LESS THAN YEAR, COMPLETELY OVERHAUL ED AND IN FIRST CLASS CONDI TION THROUGHOUT. STANDARD FEDERAL LONG FRAME MODEL. SPECIALLY SUITED FOR HAUL ING LUMBER. WE ARE OFFER ING THIS AT AN ATTRACTIVE PRICE. A GOOD INVESTMENT LET US SHOW YOU. CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR CO., 209 S. CHURCH ST. PHONE 961. 27-5t-eod WILL SACRIFICE for immedi ate sale one Ford Coupe and one Brisepe Touring. Address Box 1335, City. 27at ?OR SALE Ford roadster cheap. 604 South Tryon street. 27-2t WE WILL" "SACRIFICE our second hand trucks and give SQ.Qd terms to clean our floor before moving to our new hom July 1st. Come to ses us at onee if you want a bargain in all size trucks, J. M. Clark, Inc., 12 East Seventh St. 24-4 1 FOR SALE Cheap, panel bodied Vim truck, one panel bodied Overland truck. See Felix Hayman, 35 North Tryon. 21-tf WANTED Your 'automobile to paint; tops to rebuild; work first class; prices right. Payne's Auto Works. 26 E: Sixth St. 6-3-tf FOR SALE. fReo speedwagon in good condition. State Committee l. M. c A.. Charlotte. . 26-3t STOP! LOOK! THEY ARE SELLING We are now in Dosition- to" of fer some of the best opportu nities for p-ood buvs in used cars that we have had in months. Several sales last week, but we still have a few srood buvs. . (-. , . r-irr - . - Additional cars have been list ed with us: we now have the following on the floor ready for demonstration. We can show yon the car if you like it and our terms, it is ready to drive away. Jrlere they are. Why wait long er, they won't be with us long: Chandler Club roadster. Good paint, brand new top, spot uo;ht, bumpers, 2 spare tires, good upholstery ..." $575 Ford touring, 1920 model, start er, hrst jclass condition S400 TT 1. M -mr- j-i ti i riupmuDiie jvioaei n touring used less than suj months Snubbers. snotliarht. sDare tire bumper, absolutely A-l shape at S1250 Studebaker 1920 model, 7 pas senger touring, good paint good upholstery, first class condition, barsrain SI 300 Ford Touring, bargain at $3150 Chandler 7-passenger touring, 2 spare tires, good upholstery, good top, specially priced at S675 Hupp Model N Touring, big value $600 Chandler 1920 model 7 pasgen- ger touring, nrst class condi tion throughout, must be seen to be appreciated .... $1300 Chevrolet 1920 model touring, good value at $325 Overland 90 touring, a real bar gam at - $250 Ford Light Pelivery, good con- uiuuii anu priced at. . . . 5zoU Be sure and see us at first op portunity, always glad to dem onstrate and no obligation to buy unless completely satisfied. Will consider real estate. Par tial payment plan optional. CHARLOTTE MOTOR CAR COMPANY m S. hurch St. Phone 901 27-6t REAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS One Buick' roadster. ' . - Onj Chalmers touring, rebuilt. Twq Oakland tourings. One Oakland sedan demonstrator. One C'nef,olet sedan. One Maxwell touring. Thes.e cars are all in first class con dition and can lie ' bought cheap and on easy terms SOUTHERN OAKLAND COMPANY. 25-3t FOR SALE Cheap, new" truplf' "boJ ies,. Size 5x9 and 6x12. Let us show you. J. m. Clark.' inc. 12 Eat Seventh St. 25.5 REAL BARGAIN National a 7.r-c sangfr. Brapd new Kelly-Springfield cord tireq. Car loks good as new, 1 620. V. M, Stine, 29 South Tryoh. '""- 25-tf RENT, A NEW FORD. YOU DRIVE IT. U-DRIVF-UM CO., 3Qa NORTH TRYQN1 PHONE 1270. 15-tf SEE V. M. STINE- He vsrii! pay you 5h for ypur iutpmbbiles. -tf FQR SALE LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow; eight fine buck lambs fpr. breeding pur poses.' Bargains if sold, in next few days. L. H.' Robinson,' Matthews, R. F. D. 17, N. C. 25-3t FEMALE collie dog for sale, four teen months . old. Phone 9Q7-J. 24-tf DOG FOR SALE Female, fourteen months. Old- Phone 907-J. . 23-tf FOR SALE Good 7-year-old mule. work anywhere. Will sell at a reasonable price. F E. Stitt. Route 8, Box 30. 19-tf HOUSESrWANTEB-ROOMS WATEXX TcTrgnt 6; , 10 or 12-room house, near square; must be modern with conveniences "Address Pernio -nent, care News. ' ' ' " 26-3t WANTED-TrTo rejnt ix p.r eigh rap.m house in nice neighborhood.' Address P. O. px ?77. 23-5t WANTED REAL" ESTATE WANTED Tp trade a.' good, automo bile for real estate- Sy. C. Harris, & Cor Phone "935 or 2443. - "" '26-at WANTED Several more homes to sell at once. W. C. Harris & Co Phone 936 or 2443. ' '- 2S-3 WANTED To buy home m Diiwon i' oi-Myers FarH. $SWft cash, balaau like rent. Address "Buyer," ca-' News. 24-r. ' " ' ' -'" ' ' - ' IT NOT Whera the prices of shoes may go we are always on the job prepared to save our customers from One to Five Pollars a pair. Those who have tried us know, and others gan if they will. Will you? TRUE SAMPLE SHOE STORE 32 E. Ti ade St, SPECIAL NOTICES K. G. LEE & BOiN, paper-nnHsmg Fhone 3634. L1- NOTICE A moL clean place to eaL. best food, best service. uneeca Lunch, 9 East Fifth St. 26-7t COAL! We speejalize in BLUE GEM and PQCAHONTAS. INDEPENDENCE COAL CO. 1121', N. Church St. Phone 4461 10-tf-fri-sun-mon-wea CHARLOTTE BUTTON SHOP Hem stitching, pecoting, button covering, etc. Prompt service. 307 N. Col-lea-e. 18-tf C. H BRA DSHAW Transfer and Moving Long Distance Hauling . Phone 99-W . Charlotte, N. C. . FURNITURE REPAIRING, REFIN- ISHINQ AND UPHOLSTERING SLIP COVERS. We specialize in doing over old furni ture, NESMITH COMPANY. INC. 19 East Fifth St. 10-tf Local and Long Distance Moving Packing and Storing Three Large Trucks WARREN TRANSFER CO. 1102 N. Caldwell St. Phone 1166 PIANO TUNING W; B. Senn, CMtr lone. N. C. Phone 2335-L-8. 18-I8 t' LEVY'3 EYEGLASSES fit all eyes nnno hotter. 1 Ra?t Trjide St.. US stairs. 11--ti WANTED POSITION WANTED Job by experienced cylin der pressman. Phone lo02. 27-3t WANTED Position by young married man, Must have work and wiilnig to work. Address Worker, care News. 27rlt A PASlTfftM WANTED as house keeper? a lady, a widow, age 81), desires a place as housekeeper; weu recommended. Address S. F. C, ca;-- News. ' 25-2teod young aTAN wants"" wdr.''' I? no'. afraid of any kind of honorable work Phone 3188-J. 26-tf WANTED Position by experienced electrician and auto mechanic. Eesv references furnished. Married ma and settled. Any reasonable offuy considered. Address M. l., cart News. ' 25-3: EXPERIENCED mechapie de sires position July 1st. Phone 2485. ' 22-5t 3TENOORAP1IER wfth college education, experienced in gen eral work, including law of fice:', wishes position immedi ately. Good reference. Phone 2485. 225t LOST OR FOUND LOST Gold bar nin June 22nd. En grayed "Helefn." ' Reward if 'returned to ' News.- ' 27-lt FOUND -Best place to get your ten nis racket restrung arid buy ' your tennis gods. Carolina Sporting: Good a Co..' $ West Fourth St'. 27-2t FOUND That screens are a peces sity; not a luxury. Let us install them for you. Telephone 4310. Caro lina Fly Screen Co. 27-I0t LOST Pair of spectacles at ball park Saturday afternoon. Reward for re turn. Phpne 267. 26-2t LOSTrAt""" baseball grounds or on street in Charlotte a fountain pen. Initials N. E. B. on band. Phone 3324-W. "" 26-3t LOST Bunch of keys "between Cen tra avenue and Noft'h Tryon streets, via Sevepth street. Reward if re turned to. News. ' ? gist SALESMAN WANTED WANTED Two A-l salesmen to roore sent the Levering Cqffee Co., Balti more. Territopy Central and Western North and South Carolina. Old es tablished firm and trade. Salary, bonus and expenses. Must know how to run a cr, Nfttttfns' b.ut zmi aen need apply. Call at 207 West Tenth avenue Cha.rlo.tte, between 9 a. m and 5 p. m., July 1st and 2nd. 11. W. Moore. Phone 1635; Charlotte. 25-3t FOR RENT FDR RtfNTThree ""unfurnished or pa-rtly furphed light housftkeeRing rooms to couple without children. Phone 3196-J. BIDS INVITED. Sealed- bids will be received by the Board of Commissioners of the citv of Charlotte, N. C,, up to 11 o'clock a. m., July 5, on one two-ton truck chassis only, also on one three and half ton. truck, complete with three yard powsr dump body. Make bid cn so.lid tires and also on pneumatic tires. i."ne c'ty -oniy wants one truck.) Rights reserved to reject any or a' 'liUS. JOHN M. WILSON, ... - . Clerk. :7-it C3iarJottef N. C. FOR SALEREALjjrlfi: ty Co., Inc., ' 36 West Fifth. Ph ' VID O T n.;. . , -I -st m- U(.iu 101, Forest mce ?100; toO cash, balance ptr month. Alfred y. Brrnvn S . C. M. Miller, Salesman, rhnno, and 3415. os J- 5jg" TEN-ROOii HOME. ir 7T-' risht at Southern depot. F( l- jrv ; ment, can't be beat. Como to .'.mt Queen City Realty Co.. Ino Sfi v- ; Fifth. V' FOR SALE Corner lot. .-.nT" from Iiaza, ?600. Phone 3083-W 7-S; fOK bALt. Four-room hou.wT: painted. Price $1350; $500 cash u ance in building and loan. AV c Harris & Co. Phone 93fi or "44s ' iXOK, I have nice lot and some c? want lean of fiftten hundred to coir.! plete six-room bungalow; will ojv! first mortgage and pay attra.th interest. Want loan for three yean "payable every month. Address tiw.i Investment, care News. h-.i' ijiiupu.u i-ii.k3iu iiimiul" anct ou; nas attr-ictea people trom ev..Ty of life. Queen City Realtv Co!, inc" 36 West Fifth. .6 OUT IN MYERS PARK, plenty cl winaows ana conpeqiu-ntly plenty c; light and air and cheerful sunshine Queen City Realty Co., Inc., 36 W Fifth St. r HE.HE IT IS, out in edge Myers ll beautiful bungalow, level lot, wi bituiithic street, simply a beauty. Phone us early or come to offii'i Queen City Realty Co., Inc. riion- 535. 2H.it VE HAVE a delightful home thai should appeal to every one. We wi be glad to explain if you are inter ested enousrh to come to i,mF. - Queen City Realty Co., Inc., 36 TT. i'HE BUNGALOW we have in Myv Park wjll be delightful to furnisii because of its cozy well arrang J rooms. Ypu will agree with us if you care to look it over. Queen Cr, Realty Co., Inc., 35 West Fifth. WE HAVE very handsome and dis tinctive type of bungalow out it Myers Park. Ajueen City Realty 0 Inc:, 36 "West Fifth. 28-i: WHAT' IS A HOiiE without a hm, fast room? .Modern convenience h ; made this little nook almost a n cessity. Queen City Realty Co., Inr Phone 53a. :-3t OH, THAT PORCH on tnat l.unitf. It's roomy, restful and cool. Lt a tell you about it. Come arouri Queen City Realty Co., Inc., 36 Wu-; Fifth. 2fi: UCRrrS WHAT THEY SAY: "I u pleased with my home that your com pany sold me." Queen City Em::? Co., 3G West Fifth 2S;t R0SINESS OPORTUN1TY OUR SERVICE COVERS the flow ing items: Collection of Accuunts and Notes, Sale of Established Bn ness, Ten-Day Special Sales, Ner tiating' Lpans, assisting KtruggiU business concerns and "helping tntui over-" If yeu are interested adJK8 Southeastern Business-Adjusting Car poration, Lock Box 1167, Chai.o N.C. ' AaaiiMSTBATon s xotice io - CtlBDITORS. . , 4 ,. Having qualified as AdministritJ. of Uhe estate of Annis Ritch decearf. Me of Mecklenburg county. Qarolina, this is to notify, all pern" haying telaims ' against the estate i' pres'eht them to my attorney, f 2 Redd, Law' Building, Charlotte. V i; for pyarpent on or before the n of June. 1922, or this notice "u w pleaded in bar of their recover). All persons indebted to the are requested to make immeilia.e p. This th 6th day JnecH. Administrator of Estate of AnjJ Norfolk, Va. ' 6-6" WANTS THIRTEEN MONTHS IN YEAR m Ftp. Drane of ffTlorida r.aa Mnted' a bill in the house propjh , the additwa 01 anow "'; Ceo- on Friday iEST BARGAIN "in thecltvta -com bungalow, just six hi.-,-. ,i sguare, on car line, shadv vai street. Price 55800. Qnn n-..'. a ! me caienuar, iu w . . jjn ter. . It would fall fcetwew j - , Jply. It would amstica.i5f4ji tt?e thirteentb of each moutfl w , VERY POOR PPIMT

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