THE CHARLOTTE NEWS, CHARLOTTE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 27, 1921. - - - - OfMrtmeat of Afrkiliar. Wither Rr T-rr e: c v ps f-r- v twi -t 3 . ODrrt!ons Ukea tt 9 . a,. 7&th nieri(JU-i Air pressure reduced to ;ea level. Isobars (continuous lines) diss thwurt Mint of .qatl Pressure. Iwtherw tt M Ps tfarouCb polat of e,u.l mpeture. Q Q "SSSSSnS ft ESE run; vg .nywmiatwmq. &naded ues show precipitation of O.<ncB e hi ore ta pi H h. Russia Looks To America For Aid When The Red Pall Lifts BY PRINCE G. LVOFF, Former Prime Minister of Russia. (Written Especially for International News Service) Paris, Jure tl- I believe that the situation in Russia is now rapidly clesr ins and that the time is not far dis tant when we Russians shall see our vast country again at work, helping in the reorganization of the world. Thousands of Russians everywhere, ex-1 i!es. as well as those at home, aw hfiuiinpr all their energies to a single end, without regard for political cro.l. We all realize, I think, that at a time as portentous as this, all haggling over differences of politics must oeaso if we do not wish to obscure our ai-ii. It is a time when the world needs Kufsia and when Russia needs the world. News which I received from the In terior of Russia is encouraging. Think ins men everywhere are doing their utmost. In many cases, no doubt, their zeal is a poor guide for thejr ef forts, hut there is encouragement in the fact that at least they all ar living for the achievement of the sime ends. The result will surely yi g'iod. My message to Americana at th present moment is to urge them to s-udy Russia, to jret better acquainted with its possibilities, to eherish the friendship which already exists be- Cash and Carry Specials THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR GRO fERIES IS AT THE CASH AND CARRY STORE. tween the two peoples, to continue the bonds of sympathy and faith and goo! will. The friendship and kindly inter est of America is in itself a great en couragement to us. May that friend ship continue and grow! Then, when the time comes as come it will ere long we shall count on America to help gloriously, as she has always helped those who struggle valiantly for the. right. The new Rus sia will need many things from Amer ica it will need great gifts of charity; it will need the utmost credits of American, banking groups; it will need American brains and energy and or ganizing ability. Meanwhile, if Americans will set their minds to an intensive study o? Russian problems and Russian psychol ogy, we shall be able in the future to avoid much waste motion, much loss of time and effort. Thu whole world is convalescing from a long Illness, and each national ity feels the weakness of the lonsj struggle. We must all put our shoul ders to the wheel if we. wish a speedy and thorough recovery. To move that wheel will require enormous effort, and the help that Russia can give is no small item. RUSSIANS HAVE VIRTUES. Study the Russian character, and you will learn to love the Russian. He has his faults, but he has great vir tues as well. And they are the faults and virtues of a virile race which seeks and is worthy of your friendship and help. We have been watching events in Petrograd and have been hoping thx.t some opportunity would come . that would enable us to help the thousands ft tit WEATH3R CONDITIONS. Charlotte, June 27, 1921. Pressure conditions continue rather Stagnant and gradients shallow, rela tively high pressure prevailing over the Gulf state? and the extreme north east, and relatively low in the north east, over the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and the southwest. In th cotton belt light to moderate showers were reported Sunday in the Atlantic coast states and locally in the Mississippi valley and Texas, with heavy rains of J. 50 to 3.00 in. locally in central Georgia. In the past 25 hours there have ' been scattered showers, mostly light, in the Atlantic coast state and the Mississippi valley, the Only heavy rains reported being 1-24 at Wil mington and 1.68 at New Orleans. , Elsewhere throughout the country there have been light to heavy showers in. the northwest and the lower Missouri vauey, ana ugni in xinnois, iewa ana Washington. Temperatures in the cotton belt dur ing the past two days have been above normal in eastern districts, with maxi ma of 100 locallv in South Carolina, but mostly seasonable west of the Mis sissippi river. Over the north portion of the country they range generally from 6 to 13 degrees above normal. Partly cloudy weather is indicated for this vicinity tonight and Tuesday, with probably local thundershowers Tuesday afternoon. There will be little change in temperature. the weather Weather Bureau Office. Sunrise ., . . .". .. ,. ., .. .. .. 8:11 Sunset 7:41 Moon rise 11:57 p.m. Meonset ..11:44 a.m. Moon Phase Last quarter on the 28th. GROCERIES LISTEN! No use to worry this hot weather. Call 101. Ready mode fish cakes in eans entirely new Finncn Haddte in jars. - Smoked herrins in jars- Japanese crab meat. Lobster, shrimp, boned chicken, all sises, tongue in glass, creamed chicken, lobsters Newburg, spaghetti au igratin, and dozens it other ready to serve also head lettuce. ce!iy home-raised tomatoes, okra, be J peppers, carrots, squash, etc. S. R. LENTZ. 816 N. Tryon St. Phones 101 & 10$ w. m. Sigmonr-Aianager. Look Look ROBERTSON'S CERTIFIED -NATIVE MEATS AT REDUCED PRICES 100 lbs. best grade granulated suear . . 1 lbs. best grade granulated sugar 5 lbs. extra good Rip coffee ,. '. S lbs. Swift's Jewel lard . . . . . 4 lbs. Swift Jewel lard, . . , 8 lbs. Snowdrift lard .... 4 lbs. Snowdrift lard 9i lb. sack Maple Leaf patent flour . . . . . . . . .... . . . 45 lb. sack Maple Leaf! patent flour . . . 24 lbs. sack Maple" Leaf patent four ..".. . . $6.50 12 00 $i.u $140 51.15 . 60c si.vs 33.10 $1.30 95 lb. saek self-rising fleur . . $4.50 43 lb. sack self-rising flour . . $2.45 Fresh country eggs, 3 dozen for $1.60 Fresh country butter, lb 40c WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. W. B. Estridge 38 N. College. DDODDPO Round T-bone Sirloin Chuck Roast, S.tew, steak, steak, steak, steak, lb. Ib. lb . , lb. tb. 23c: for 25c- 33c 35c 35c 25c 30c 15c 25c 35 c 80c 30c . 10c . . 65c . .50c . 30c ...30c . 30c . 25c . 30c . 25c 2. lbs. Veal, lb Chop. lb. Veal roast, lb. Veal 'stew, lb , Wilson's. Certified boiled ham Wilson's certified cured ham . Wilson's bologna, ham .. Swift's b&$ed bacon, -Ib. Swift's, minced ham Vienna sausage rlambur,ger steak .... .... . . Liver . , '. . GIVE ME AN ORDER AND BE CON VINCED ONE TIME THAT YOU SAVE MONEY. koyd E, Robertson Phone 2974. 801 N. Brevard St. Delivered. Anywhere in the City. that are suffering from hunger and disease and privation there. Our re sources are limited, but we are ready to go with help and counsel wherever we can do good and whenever the ne cessity arises. No one. can predict when that will be, but we are organ ized so that we can cjo emergency re lief instantly. We have been taking; care of refugees in Europe for so long a time that we can cope intelligently with any new problem. Most of the refugees wish to return to Russia. They . will do so with the first opportunity and with one idea only to help build up their country in the best and most efficacious way which offers. Perhaps the greatest problem which the outside world must solve is the e;$ act method which shall be used in help ing Russia. The Russian psychology is perhaps a little intricate. ..nd only Russians can deal with it successfully and efficiently. A certain freedoi1 must be accorded to Russians to nd- minister the capital which will be In- vested in Russia by other nationalities Russia is normally the world's great est producer of foodstuffs and raw ma terials. She is also, the world's most im portant tconsumer of manufactured gnods and a potential market with un limited possibilities. The new Russia, which. I believe will coma into being very soon, ,will undertake a strong economic advance almost immediately. The new Russia will aim to develop its farming possi bilities at once, and for that it will need a whole new equipment of farm ing machinery. Much of this will bo manufactured in Russia, and. Russia will provide the engineers and work ers, asking only for advice and capi tal from abroad. The things which New Prussia will! need for her economic reconstruction will come mainly from America, vr from Germany. But all Russians would prefer American goods and American eo-operation. The American govern ment is the model for the governments of all the new republics of the world, and it hecomes thereby, whether . or not it wishes, a sort of godfather to these new republics. TEMPERATURE. ' Dry Bulb. 8 a. m ..... . 10 a. m 4 84 Noon .... , . . . . . . . . . , . . . 91 78 Wet Bulb, 8 a. m ..72 ..oon 73 Highest yesterday 92 Lowest last night 72 Mean yesterday-. .. .. .. .. .81 Normal 77 Mean same date last year 72 Excess for month .. .. 56 Excess for year 421 Highest of record for June, 102 in 1914 Lowest of record for June, 45 in 1889. PRECIPITATION. Total for 25 hours ending 8 a.m. Total for month to 8 a.m Normal for June . . . . . . Norman forDeficiency for year . 00 1.33 446 .5.09 JXREII DIEflflC FLOUR. has been boon to diabetic sufferers 1 for years and years. Can be used in the ordinary way of makine bread but the manufacturers have worked out a; special formula which accompanies J each package and will be found more (satisfactory than the usual way. MILIoEB-VAIV NESS CO. Ferndell Distributors for Charlotte. grocery: It will pay you to buy your gro ceries, fresh country vegetables, fruits, ehickens, fresh country eggs, roe her ring and Norway mackerel here where ydu get lowest price and best service. Try Mooresville creamerv butter. BOYD-GARNER CO. 319 N. Tryon Phones 11581159 The Kid All kinds of children's Shoes from the small "baby" to Misses - $m$m" Our Children's Stock is full of the ones the "kiddies" want for these hot days. Bring m in get 'em shod. Th SUGAR Wholesale. Retail. A big reduction in Walter Baker's cocoa and chocolate. -tb. size cocoa 24c; lb. size. .... .48c -rb. size chocolate 22c; lb. size 44c Large size Pet milk, can 12c Dozen cans 1.40 Small size -Pet milk, can 6c Dozen cans 0c Best head rice, 3 lbs. for 25c Don't forget to , call us when you want coffee, teas, rice, grits, etc. Prompt delivery. CD. KEXN'T Teas, Toffees, Sugars, Grits, Rice, Ete. 3 S. Tryon St. Phone T55U55? HUMIDITY. 8 a. m 85 Noon 43 O. S. LINDGREN, M&teorologlsT, FRESH SHIPMENT Melrose Flour 34 V. bag .... .... .... $1-50 48 lb. bag .... .... ; i $?.93 98 lb- ba, $5.85 Hlddenite waterground meal and Gra ham flour. -100. lb. $ ranuatad sugar . . .... $6.35 S lbs. cracked rice .... .... 3 lbs,, fancy head rice .... ... Large cans Wako brand." flsh roe, 3 for .... ..... .... 1 lb. can Red Alaska salmon . . 35c 3 for .... ........ .... .... $1.00 White comb honey, cartons 35c . .Sac 25c . .35c $1.00 GULP BROS Phones 1806-r-l$97. 225 East Trade. "Your Thoughts" WHEN YOU ARE IN FULL EVEN ING DRESS, SOME TIMES ARE NOT THE SAME AS THOSE YQU ENTER TAIN WHEN YOU ARE IN YOUR SHIRT SLEEVES. HOWEVER. EV ERY IDEA IS COVERED BY ITS ENVIRONMENT. Morning Glory Hams R Here. 2816 PHONES: 1768 Gem Nut butter (N'll want more) 30c 5 and 10 pails pure lard .. 85c $1.65 4 end S lb. pails compound ; lard .... .... 5Oc-$l.Q0 24 lbs. Virginia best patent flour i... .... .. $1.30 Vat Norway mackerel I'c California heavy syrup peaehes 25c, 30c S5c Libhy's Royal Anne white cherries 25c R'.ast beef and corn beef . . . . . , 25c Evaporated milk . . . . . . . . 6c-r-12c Kingan's Reliable hams .. .. . , 88c 7 bars 5s laundry soap .. 2ic 20-Mule Team Borax, lbj. . . . . . , 10c Fresh vegetables. Place your orders early. Prompt delivery. John Allen Taylor GROCERY 2016 Phoxtes-1768 Corner Church and Fo.urth. Streets. FOR INSTANCE: , TomataQ ' Wc Per Pound AND Bt rf fig ipeaiisf Be Per Pound As(k We Now Have on Sale Oranges Okra Beets H Head LeUuee Sqyash Beans pepper NOW IN Cucumbers Tomatoes CantelQupes Onions Egg Plant Peaches Appjes Blackberries Permanent Quarters Coulbourn's Market Cars East Sixth St, at Seaboard Tracks WE KEEP A REGULAR SUPPLY NOW coulbqurn's market cars All Vegetables Are Here to StW It Js Most EcQnoirueaP SANITARY QUALITY AND pjRVJCE The best is always, the cheapest at, any price. We. pride ourselves on handling the best quality of groceries., fcuits. and country produce, so buy the best always. Our stock is com plete, and up-to-date in every respect. Phone us your orders. Watts Grocery Co. 813 East Seventh St Phone 4431. Dilworth CashGrocery To the People in Dilworth: Did you know that we have an up-to-date sanitary groeery at 1420 South Boulevard? Visit our store and inspect your groceries before you place your next order. We carry everything in staple and fancy groceries and will take pleasure in saitsfying your gro eery wants. We make a specially of country produce and vegetables. R. M. KIDD DILWORTH CASH GROCERY -Phone 2883. x We Deliver. omtDson s Phone 2S. WAGE DRIVE AGAINST TURKISH BACHELORS London, June 27. .An anti-bachelor bill introduced into the Turkish na tionalist parliament at Angora, seeks to make marriage compulsory for men over twenty-five. Defaulters will be fined a quarter of their earnings, which will be deposited in agricultural banks to help peasants to marry. No adult in the civil ser vice will be allowed to be & bachelor. Gifts of land, loans and state educa tion for children are held out as re wards for marriage with a penaly of hard labor for a confirmed bachelor. For re-population purposes well-to-do Turks under fifty are encouraged to keep two wives, contrary to the modern practice, due to the cost of living, of having several wives in succession. VERY ERUPTIVE. Redding, Calif., June 27. Dassen ideate America s onlv "iiv" volpano has been in eruution 600 times in the last seven years, according to reports made by three local volunteer observ-1 ers to J-ror. j. s. Diller, of the United States Geological Survey, here to spend several months stuctying the causes for the volcano's activity. ANTtlCEBERG DEVICE. Paris, June 27.-4. device t guard ships against approaching or distint Icebergs is claimed to have Wen found by M. Larigaldie, of the Fenoh So ciety of Electricians, Ever since the Titanic di sister, in 1912,. this inventor has been working on a scheme whereby Icebergs will be visible at many miles distance. The apparatus M. Larigaldie employ ed on his trials consisted ot a 'gilded parabolical mirror, which ea'i freely oscillate around Its horizontal dlsnvtur. A heavy lead weight reduces its netted of oscillation so as to render Jt insen sible to the rolling of the sh'p 7h axle of the apparatus directed towjrd the bow of the ship directly cuts the horizon. In the centre of the mifrcr a special thermo-electrical courllnfc JS placed, which, carefully oalorltlod. is protected by sylvine, a hlghl traps parent substance. F! A Great Drama of Reborn Souls "LYING LIPS" BROADWAY Men., Tues., Wed., Thura. Z3E J. R. Faulkner Co. Red Front. 45 North College Phone 605. 15 lbs. sugar $1.00 Fresh shipment of Melrose flour. 24 lbs $1.50 48 lbs $2.95 98 lbs. , 5.85 45 Ib. can lard $1.90 8 lbs. Snowdrift , $1.15 4 Tbs. Snowdrift t0c Kingan's sliced bacon, lb 15c Jfresh country eggs, dozen 30c Everything in feed stuff. ' Fresh vegetables every morning. We Deliver AH Over the Here's A Bread You'll Enjoy r ite s Specials NEW PACK. FINE SIFTED PEAS 3 CANS 50c. Libby's and Del Monte'a best pine apple, lr'ge cans .... .... ... 30c Doien . -. $3.25 Armour's, very best syrup peaches, larg-a caps , 30c Dozen . .... $..25 Oorton'a fih roe and ready to fry ' at reduced prices.' Kra'ft pimento, chetsa. .... .... 15c Dozen , $l.ft.l eggs, dozen 33c Sliced bacon, lb. 4 Jc Fresh grits, 6 tbs. 25c Fancy lemons, dozen ... , 4Qc Fresh tomatoes. Fine lot potatoes, peck 33c We Deliver and Sell For Less. Received fresh sJLyprnent of MeIrose Flour 24 lb. bg $1.50 48 tb. bg $2.93 9$ t. bag $5.85 Barrel lots .... $11.65 24 lbs., self-rising flour. .... ... . $1.3J 48 lbs. self-rising flour .... . $2.65 98 self-rising flour $5.25 Fresh corji 'tnV lb . 3c Ship feed, bag .... $1.65 15 lbs. sugar . $1.C0 vralg Fite THE CUT PRICE CASH GROCER RED FRONT 39 SOUTH COLLEGE 1875-r-PHONES 1876 We Deliver AH Over the City. Phone 4090 and save the difference. Dozen Star laundry soap 39c 4' package's 10.c Argo starch .... 30c. 4 bars tQc Octagon soap 30c 4 rolls 10c toilet paper 3ftc 14 lbs. fine granulated sugar . . $1-00 ! 3 dozen tresh country eggs $1.00 ! 1-ib. Rurnford baking powder .... 28c 25c Jpavis oaKing PO.wtie.r v.c fPint Wesson on ic Quart Wesson oil 55c No. 5 Snowdrift lard 6Qc No. 10 Snowdrift lard $1.15 24 rts, EUaabcth flour .... $1.30 24 lvs. stlf -rising flour $1.35 Econ Grocery 37 W. 4th. Phone 4a80 ! T ISU1 TT1 TT -NUT READ A BETTER BREAD Do you eat Brad just because it happens to be on the table because it's a habit to have a slice or two? Butter-Nut Bread is a bread youll eat because you like it FRESH AT YOUR GROCER TWICE DAILY ' V. Carolina Baking Company M.I J.'""1."-1 K elvinator $efriger$te$ VSfthay Ice. See it in Operation at 301 North Tryon St. EL GUGGENHEIM, Distributer Ehone us your vegetable, wants. - We driver. Peacb, Blow, $.25 per bu.; Lookout Mountain, &?.3.3 per bu.; Green Moun- Seed potatoes art scarce. Don't wait Uk4 they did last y far, and not find them wfaon ready to, plant. TP P4c; k'ili' advance, ntar planting time. Full stock of Purina and Star rand poultry, mule and dairy feed. Sudan and Cane Seed at te same old price. AMERICAN SEED CQ, sii But Trad f9P - im.mi' hi "ii ii tmt riTi tf 8 to i nil i mm - Corner ETeTenth and' Graham Streets.. . .... i'-liasa luiro. f buys a Brond VVrporUblttytJe vritqr. ' Other rrjakes st attraetive prfcta, Sobefotyou buy. PHONirV 454 J Oceanic Hotel Wright svilJe Bea, N. C, YINIISfG & RUSSELL, Props. Musie and dancing during the batypg hour will fee a new feature at the OCEANIC. FRITZ HANSON life guard Rates reduced, Write or wire for reservations. ! POUND MOORE CO. t - I